Error code 2002 2634

Hi all, okay here's the situation, I decided I would like to make an EmuNand and set my system nand up for online play. I have a backup that I made the first day I hacked my system. I restore this backup. I have four burnt fuses with sets me at 3.0.1 but the backup was only at 3.0. I thought...
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  • Aug 13, 2019

  • #1

Hi all, okay here’s the situation, I decided I would like to make an EmuNand and set my system nand up for online play. I have a backup that I made the first day I hacked my system. I restore this backup. I have four burnt fuses with sets me at 3.0.1 but the backup was only at 3.0. I thought this was no big deal as I still have my Super Mario Odyssey cartridge. I get error 2002 — 2634 each time I insert the cartridge. I assume I burnt my cartridge slot fuse?

How can I install 3.0.1 and hopefully keep my system nand clean enough to go online? Ideas?



  • Aug 15, 2019

  • #3

Sorry to bump this but I still don’t have a solution. Anybody know how to fix this error? Does it mean I burnt my cartridge slot fuse? How do I fix this?

  • Aug 15, 2019

  • #4

You can’t downgrade your gamecard reader firmware yet.


  • Sep 1, 2019

  • #5

You can’t downgrade your gamecard reader firmware yet.

Is that what that error means? What’s the best way to proceed? My 3.0 backup is my clean back up. I had planned on up updating with SMO to get back to 3.0 .1 which is where my fuses need to be to start with the official bootloader. Then I was going to update to the newest firmware using.ninty servers.. how can I get to 3.0 .1 or higher without the cartridge slot? And still remain clean? I have SX OS as well as Atmosphere running.. does the Nintendo servers collect information on the status of the cartridge slot fuse? Thank you for your help and advance!


  • Sep 1, 2019

  • #7

Can you not use choi to update to 3?

I thought that would leave something on the SysNAND rendering it dirty. Am i mistaken?

  • Sep 1, 2019

  • #8

You forgot to set the NOGC flag in Hekate or Atmosphere. When you started your Switch with a Firmware past 4.1.0 your Card Slot got Updated. So it’s only usable past 4.1.0. What you can do is Update your Sysnand to 4.1.0 (without Preserving Fuses, since Caffeine works upto 4.1.0 you can still use the Warmboot Exploit) and then create an Emunand and update it to 8.1.0. Or stay on 3.0.1 (without working Card Slot) and create an Emunand and update it to 8.1.0(-> working Card Slot).
Last edited by crazy_p,
Sep 1, 2019


  • Sep 1, 2019

  • #9

2002-2634 is the GCSlot fuse for sure? What else would i lose updating to 4.1.0? I have an EmuNAND on 8.x and i want to go online with the SysNAND.

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What’s the issue you encountered?

I had EMUMMC setup for CFW (8.1.0) and Sysnand (9.0.0) as a clean untouched OFW.
I updated AMS from 0.9.3 to 0.9.4 by grabbing the files from the github release page. I ran ChoidujourNX in EMUMMC to update my EMUMMC from Horizon 8.1.0 to 9.0.0. Update was successful and worked (for the EMUMMC, didn’t test Sysnand post upgrade). Was experiencing some gamecart issues in CFW EMUMMC (gamecart error kept popping up) so I just decided to downgrade my EMUMMC back to horizon 8.1.0. I re-ran ChoidujourNX and downgraded to 8.1.0.

Sysnand which was 9.0.0 (It may have actually been 8.1.0, the reason I believe that it was 9.0.0 is because it’s always online and was used to play fortnite recently, either way it is now corrupted by actions performed in EMUMMC) is now reporting it’s 8.1.0 (from the error message below) and is now failing to boot with official Nintendo error message:

Error Code: 2002-2634

An error has occurred.

Please press the POWER Button and restart the console. If you are unable to restart the console, hold the POWER button for 12 seconds to turn the console off.

If the problem persists, refer to the Nintendo support website.

(X)1 (XAW4xxxxxxxxxx)
(X2) 8.1.0

CFW EMUMMC is also reporting 8.1.0. Booting into CFW EMUMMC also encounters an AMS crash with the same error code. I tried downgrading to AMS 0.9.3 but still the same errors.

[ Did you make any changes related to Atmosphère itself? ]


How can the issue be reproduced?

See above

Crash Report

System Firmware Version



  • What bootloader (fusèe, hekate, etc) was Atmosphère launched by: fusèe primary via hekate 5.0.2
  • Official release or unofficial build: Official AMS 0.9.4 directly from github release page
  • Do you have additional kips or sysmodules you’re loading: N/A
  • Homebrew software installed: N/A

  • #1

hola a tod@s
soy nueva por aqui… necesito algo de ayuda porque me estoy volviendo loca…
tengo el firmware 8.0.1 y al lanzar atmosphere me sale en la pantalla un error y un monton de numeraciones… he intentando con un monton de cws pero no soy capaz de iniciar el programa, nose si tiene solucion o no porque encima el backup que hice de la consola no esta bien y no puedo ni restaurarla …
gracias de antemano

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  • #2

hola a tod@s
soy nueva por aqui… necesito algo de ayuda porque me estoy volviendo loca…
tengo el firmware 8.0.1 y al lanzar atmosphere me sale en la pantalla un error y un monton de numeraciones… he intentando con un monton de cws pero no soy capaz de iniciar el programa, nose si tiene solucion o no porque encima el backup que hice de la consola no esta bien y no puedo ni restaurarla …
gracias de antemano

Hola. Ese error es por la protección de los efuses.
¿Tienes algún cartucho insertado?

  • #3

Me sale el error 2002 2634 en la sysnand cdo tengo el cartucho insertado, al sacarlo se soluciona, es decir, no puedo jugar ningun juego físico… tengo la emunand en 11 con sxos en 3.1 y la sysnand con 10.2

  • #4

ami tbn me da ese error al insertar un cartucho, no me deja jugar ningun fisico
ya desactive el nogc y nada

  • #5

a mi también me da el error del cartucho, no me importa porque a esa switch no juego con cartuchos pero es curisoso que no esté solucionado

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    Dec 9, 2018

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  • #1

hello all,

so while trying out different things on my jailbroken 6.2 switch Im ran into a bit of a runt…. I «downgraded» from 6.2 to 3.0.1 using ChoiduJourNX and im now getting this error when i try to boot from hekate into CFW.

error code:2002-2634 (0x149402)
firmware: 3.0.1 (Atmosphère 0.8.1-master-ed84e7d)

Im thinking the console is trying to boot into 3.0.1 but clashes with the fuse count….. this is confusing to me though as I thought fuse counts were ignored in CFW… whats worse is that I DO have a full 6.2 back up (BOOT 0/1 and NAND) but only the NAND part of the 3.0.1 firmware I was rocking before….

when i try to use hekate to «restore» my nand i get «error(4)» despite my files being in backup/restore (iv tried with both capital B and R in case it was case sensitive) iv been down several rabbit holes by now trying to get my switch to boot into something usable…. am I boned?….. I mean i can still boot into RCM and inject payloads…..if it was «bricked» id be unable to do so right?

one thing I have yet to try is to load up an SD card with older versions of ATM, though I doubt id get better results…..

  • #2

No need to downgrade, now you can try Atmosphere, ReiNX 2.0 and upcoming SX OS 3.0 soon for hacking the Switch 6.2 firmware.

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На чтение 1 мин Просмотров 286 Опубликовано 5 мая, 2022

Ознакомьтесь с этим руководством, чтобы исправить код ошибки 2002 года в Nintendo Switch!

Nintendo Switch — это игровая консоль, на которой установлено множество различных игр. Онлайн-платформа, которая позволяет вам подключаться к Интернету и играть вместе с друзьями или другими игроками. Большую часть времени эта консоль будет получать обновления, и иногда обновление может привести к ошибке.

Это руководство покажет вам, как исправить код ошибки 2002 в Nintendo Switch.


  1. Nintendo Switch: Error Code 2002 Fix
  2. Обновить до последней версии
  3. Переключение карт Micro-SD

Nintendo Switch: Error Code 2002 Fix

Обновить до последней версии

Перейдите в настройки и попробуйте обновить программное обеспечение до последней версии и убедитесь, что все драйверы настроены правильно для устройства.

После обновления попробуйте перезапустить консоль и посмотреть, решит ли это проблему.

Переключение карт Micro-SD

Проверьте свой Micro -Слот для SD-карты и попробуйте удалить его и добавить снова, что приведет к сбросу системы хранения устройства.

Если возможно, попробуйте заменить старую карту Micro-SD на новую, чтобы проверить, это устраняет проблему, старая карта Micro-SD может быть повреждена.

Después de los comentarios de los compañeros del grupo que me apuntaron a los efuses y de un comentario en un video de youtube que indicaba que este error le aparecía cuando tenía un cartucho insertado, he procedido a quitar el cartucho y entonces me arrancaba correctamente, pero tanto con stock como con CFW, al insertar un cartucho, me volvía a aparecer el error. He deducido que era por la protección de los efuses, por lo que he decidido, una vez estaba en stock, actualizar de nuevo a la 9.0.0 para, como mínimo, poder jugar con los diversos cartuchos que tengo..
[Mensaje original]
Buenos dias,

Hice el pardillo, como algunos otros compañeros del foro. Le di al FIFA19 y me apareció una actualización. No me di cuenta que era a la versión 9.0 y la realicé. Una vez hecha, no podía jugar a ninguno de los juegos que había cargado con atmosphere que había inyectado con hekate-ctcaer (5.0.1).

Al haber realizado el backup de la nand (estaba en 8.1.0) antes de proceso de cargar el CFW, pensé que podría «volver atrás en el tiempo» sin problemas… Inyecté el hekate-ctcaer, copié el backup (los 3 ficheros rawnand.bin, BOOT0 y BOOT1). Las 2 primeras veces restauré primero los ficheros BOOT y luego el rawnand, pero al reiniciar la consola, se me quedaba en negro con el mensaje de error (no puedo confirmar si es el mismo que me aparece ahora…). Googlee un poco y vi que el restore lo hacían primero de la nand y luego de los boot ( … ndrestore/

). Haciéndolo este orden ahora, tanto si inicio Atmosphere como el stock, me aparece el mensaje:

Error Code: 2002-2634
An error has occurred.
(X1) XAJ70022XXX
(X2) 8.1.0

¿Alguna idea de como salir de aquí? ….

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