Error code 2002 4373

My Switch has been working fine up until I booted up Smash an hour ago, then it crashed and now everytime I try to boot into my emunand, I can make it to the homescreen but the Switch will then crash by itself about 5 seconds in. How do I fix this? Error Code: 2002-4737 (0x222x02) Program...
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  • #1

My Switch has been working fine up until I booted up Smash an hour ago, then it crashed and now everytime I try to boot into my emunand, I can make it to the homescreen but the Switch will then crash by itself about 5 seconds in. How do I fix this? Error Code: 2002-4737 (0x222x02) Program: 010000000000000C. I’ll attach the crash report log that Atmosphere generated


  • 01647748623_010000000000000c.txt

Jan 27, 2022




  • #2

Exfat formatted sdcard?
I experienced too many random file corruption using exfat, maybe it might be that in your case.

Jan 27, 2022




  • #4

Hmm my SD Card is Fat32 Formatted

  • #5

And Switchroot Android still works fine on the same SD Card too, which I find odd

  • #6

And Switchroot Android still works fine on the same SD Card too, which I find odd

Absolutely no other changes? No accidental updates or anything?

Try booting to Hekate and run Fix Archive bit. Long shot but it might fix.

next step would be to rename /atmosphere/contents to /atmosphere/contents.bak and reboot. Easy to put back if it doesn’t fix.

do yiu have another sd card we can test with? Would love to take this down to just stock atmosphere and Hekate on a different sd card.

  • #7

Just tried both of those, and I still get the same error and crash :c. I do have two other SD Cards that I use and they’re all Samsung Evo brand (a 64GB one for my phone and 256GB for my stock Switch, the one I use for this homebrewed Switch is 512GB)

  • #8

Just tried both of those, and I still get the same error and crash :c. I do have two other SD Cards that I use and they’re all Samsung Evo brand (a 64GB one for my phone and 256GB for my stock Switch, the one I use for this homebrewed Switch is 512GB)

We just need a little one to test and then we can give it right back. Is there a ton of stuff on the 64G phone one?

What version of switch are you on?
RCM or Chipped?
Firmware version?
Version of Hekate/Atmosphere?

We can get this set up on the 64G sd card pretty easy just doing a default Deploy:

  • #9

Ah, sorry for the late reply. My 64GB SD Card is half full so I should be able to use it. My homebrewed Switch uses RCM and is on FW 13.2.1 with Atmosphere 1.2.6

  • #10

Ah, sorry for the late reply. My 64GB SD Card is half full so I should be able to use it. My homebrewed Switch uses RCM and is on FW 13.2.1 with Atmosphere 1.2.6

You’ll have to back it up some where unless you have an idea for getting an emunand onto the card without formatting…

Here’s a decent guid on the topic to get yiu the basics:

  • #11

Thanks! My files are backing up rn so I can format my phone’s SD Card as Fat32. How will I be using this second emunand?

  • #12

Thanks! My files are backing up rn so I can format my phone’s SD Card as Fat32. How will I be using this second emunand?

Emunand is for arrrr-ware. If you follow the guide it will blank out your prodinfo with 0000s (similar to Incognito_RCM but without changing your data on disk and risking losing it) and poison your local dns to prevent contact with Ninty (similar to 90DNS but without the external dependency.)

Sysnand should be completely clean at all times.

This prevents briics and reduces the likelihood of bans.

  • #13

Is my 64GB SD Card replacing the 512GB one?
Also, I just found something out, while I waiting for the phone files to transfer I was curious and decided to see if I could peak at my emunand with nxnandmanager and I found out that its partition is formated as exfat, even though the rest of my SD Card was formatted as Fat32, even though I recall having created that emunand from Hekate itself haha

  • #14

Is my 64GB SD Card replacing the 512GB one?
Also, I just found something out, while I waiting for the phone files to transfer I was curious and decided to see if I could peak at my emunand with nxnandmanager and I found out that its partition is formated as exfat, even though the rest of my SD Card was formatted as Fat32, even though I recall having created that emunand from Hekate itself haha

Just temporarily. Want to see if it’s the main card + want to start from scratch on atmosphere + Hekate…everything default. Super simple, super clean…divide and conquer the problem so we can isolate it.

Emunand is exfat?!?! That’s kinda sketchy if true…could be our issue all along. We will come to know shortly…

  • #15

Okay, I have the new emunand and it’s working! (The Atmosphere CFW option is emunand right? I followed a different guide when I first did this XD) I don’t have any extra homebrew stuff or files on it but what the guide said on it except for the tegraexplorer payload (so I could format it to fat32 before creating the emunand)

  • #16

Okay, I have the new emunand and it’s working! (The Atmosphere CFW option is emunand right? I followed a different guide when I first did this XD) I don’t have any extra homebrew stuff or files on it but what the guide said on it except for the tegraexplorer payload (so I could format it to fat32 before creating the emunand)

Correct. Atmosphere CFW is emunand.

So everything is working? 100%?

If so,
How much stuff so you have on the larger card?
Is it easily rebuildable from various sources around the web such that we can simply delete and rebuild or is it more like a highly unique set of games and configs that will make us want to preserve it?

  • #17

My 512GB is a few GB shy of being completely filled up, if it’s possible to preserve all the content I have on it I hope there’s a way to

Hmmm…nxnandmanager says the emunand partition here is also exfat, while the rest of the sd card is Fat32 just like the original one. Is it supposed to be like that?

  • #19

Correct. Atmosphere CFW is emunand.

So everything is working? 100%?

If so,
How much stuff so you have on the larger card?
Is it easily rebuildable from various sources around the web such that we can simply delete and rebuild or is it more like a highly unique set of games and configs that will make us want to preserve it?

After looking into it some more I think I found the main culprit. When going over that fatal report, the process that was involved in this error was «bcat» which I recall seeing in the past in JKSV, and this leads me to believe something got corrupted with the save files, which could be plausible seeing how this crash only began when booting up a game, particularly Smash, and nothing else. How that happened is still something I don’t understand, since I’ve boot into Smash once on it before (but maybe it had something to do with save injection, which I did a few days ago so I could unlock all the characters to start modding the game and it did work at the time, the latter of which I never gone around to doing, but why it would work then and suddenly not now makes me question if that is the true cause, and I have another reason which I’ll bring up later that that might not be the case). I’ve backed up this emunand (and saves) to my computer so I could start messing around with the files inside of its partition and so I mounted «User» from the «internal storage» of the emunand, and I’ve stumbled across this folder called «saveMeta,» where there happens to be a stray file (000000001.meta) among all the folders and when I try to copy it to a separate folder on my computer, says that «This is no located in I:/saveMeta. Verify the item’s location and try again.» Unfourtently, because it was not found in its own folder I can not detect which game it could have belonged to, but I know this couldn’t have been the Smash data because it was last modified on 3/16/22 at 2:38 PM, which is not when I did that save injection. Would you happen to know what «saveMeta» really is and would you know if this is supposed to be how the file structure works? Interestingly I can’t delete it either, so I’m led to believe this is the particular file that was corrupted, but why that would crash the whole system rather than affect just a particular game is beyond me for now, and am curious to know if I can use a different program than Windows File Manager to do something about that one file. (Oh! Before I forget, I found out that my emunand is already Fat32, I was just looking somewhere that wasn’t intended to indicate what format it was supposed to be. Selecting each partition of emunand manually in nxnandmanager shows they are Fat32)


  • Screenshot (26).png

  • #20

My 512GB is a few GB shy of being completely filled up, if it’s possible to preserve all the content I have on it I hope there’s a way to

Thats a ton of data…you might have to try to piece it back together in place.

After looking into it some more I think I found the main culprit. When going over that fatal report, the process that was involved in this error was «bcat» which I recall seeing in the past in JKSV, and this leads me to believe something got corrupted with the save files, which could be plausible seeing how this crash only began when booting up a game, particularly Smash, and nothing else. How that happened is still something I don’t understand, since I’ve boot into Smash once on it before (but maybe it had something to do with save injection, which I did a few days ago so I could unlock all the characters to start modding the game and it did work at the time, the latter of which I never gone around to doing, but why it would work then and suddenly not now makes me question if that is the true cause, and I have another reason which I’ll bring up later that that might not be the case).

this feels right though…fantastic sleuth work.

I’ve backed up this emunand (and saves) to my computer so I could start messing around with the files inside of its partition and so I mounted «User» from the «internal storage» of the emunand, and I’ve stumbled across this folder called «saveMeta,» where there happens to be a stray file (000000001.meta) among all the folders and when I try to copy it to a separate folder on my computer, says that «This is no located in I:/saveMeta. Verify the item’s location and try again.» Unfourtently, because it was not found in its own folder I can not detect which game it could have belonged to, but I know this couldn’t have been the Smash data because it was last modified on 3/16/22 at 2:38 PM, which is not when I did that save injection. Would you happen to know what «saveMeta» really is and would you know if this is supposed to be how the file structure works?

I’m just as curious as you are on this. i’ve not messed with the save files at this level so I don’t know what should/should not be there.

Interestingly I can’t delete it either, so I’m led to believe this is the particular file that was corrupted, but why that would crash the whole system rather than affect just a particular game is beyond me for now, and am curious to know if I can use a different program than Windows File Manager to do something about that one file.

Possible, but have backups before yiu tear things up…this could be protected because it‘s important.

(Oh! Before I forget, I found out that my emunand is already Fat32, I was just looking somewhere that wasn’t intended to indicate what format it was supposed to be. Selecting each partition of emunand manually in nxnandmanager shows they are Fat32)

Whew! That would have been really wild if it was exfat.

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Hacking Homebrew Error Code 2002-4373 (0x222a02) Switch crashing on startup



I might have to redownload all of it. my computer’s storage only has 200GB, in total XD and I don’t have any harddrive to use. But honestly though, I would rather learn more about this then reset and use the emunand again so in case it happens again I would know what to do, and it sounds like it would be fun actually to research and hear what anyone else has to say about it XD

I wonder if I can test this theory by starting some legit games I own on sysnand of this hacked Switch and then view what the that «saveMeta» folder looks like, and if there isn’t a stray file then that would confirm that something is wrong with its placement and the file itself


Garfield’s Fitness Coach

I might have to redownload all of it. my computer’s storage only has 200GB, in total XD and I don’t have any harddrive to use. But honestly though, I would rather learn more about this then reset and use the emunand again so in case it happens again I would know what to do, and it sounds like it would be fun actually to research and hear what anyone else has to say about it XD

I wonder if I can test this theory by starting some legit games I own on sysnand of this hacked Switch and then view what the that «saveMeta» folder looks like, and if there isn’t a stray file then that would confirm that something is wrong with its placement and the file itself

Yeahhh i should have haha



Hmm odd, I booted back with the same error out of curiosity and when I mount it back, that single file is now gone; however it seems it didn’t fix things. I found this neat resource that documents the file system and error codes. Unfourtently though, it seems like the error code value (0x222a02) isn’t documented on it: however has info on»bcat» and points me to what files they are according to the SaveID under SYSTEM in the emunand mount! I’ll back up these files and see what happens when I delete one by one and all at once-though tbh I’m not sure I’ll see much success since it looks like they batch different pieces of telemetry rather than individual game save data, but it’s worth a try since what I do know for sure is that something got screwed with some sort of bcat process

I might look into one of those Portable HDDs, they seem to offer several TBs of data at a much cheaper price than Micro SD Cards. May be overkill but I wouldn’t have to worry about not having enough storage in order to back up and store these games and content


Well-Known Member

Hmm odd, I booted back with the same error out of curiosity and when I mount it back, that single file is now gone; however it seems it didn’t fix things. I found this neat resource that documents the file system and error codes. Unfourtently though, it seems like the error code value (0x222a02) isn’t documented on it: however has info on»bcat» and points me to what files they are according to the SaveID under SYSTEM in the emunand mount! I’ll back up these files and see what happens when I delete one by one and all at once-though tbh I’m not sure I’ll see much success since it looks like they batch different pieces of telemetry rather than individual game save data, but it’s worth a try since what I do know for sure is that something got screwed with some sort of bcat process

I might look into one of those Portable HDDs, they seem to offer several TBs of data at a much cheaper price than Micro SD Cards. May be overkill but I wouldn’t have to worry about not having enough storage in order to back up and store these games and content


Error code 2002-4373 only for smash ultimate

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Hacking SX-OS emuNAND got corrupted. Error: 2002-4373


Well-Known Member


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I fight for my friends.


Well-Known Member

Use HacDiskMount to open the first file of emunand in [sd:]sxosemunand if it can read. Then restore partitions from your previous backup (except USER because of splitted emunand, you can use copy /b cmd line to merge them in, give it a try then). exFAT won’t easily corrupt just because of restart the system. Are you using trusted brand?

Always backup a copy of emunand ([sd:]sxosemunand) just in case.


Well-Known Member

Forgetting about the whole FAT32 vs exFAT thing, you should format your sd card and (while it’s empty) run a full Write/Verify test with H2testw. If the scan finds bad sectors then your card is corrupting random data.

I had this happen. Took a couple times rebuilding my emuNAND before I finally narrowed down the culprit.


Well-Known Member

Forgetting about the whole FAT32 vs exFAT thing, you should format your sd card and (while it’s empty) run a full Write/Verify test with H2testw. If the scan finds bad sectors then your card is corrupting random data.

I had this happen. Took a couple times rebuilding my emuNAND before I finally narrowed down the culprit.


Well-Known Member

Use HacDiskMount to open the first file of emunand in [sd:]sxosemunand if it can read. Then restore partitions from your previous backup (except USER because of splitted emunand, you can use copy /b cmd line to merge them in, give it a try then). exFAT won’t easily corrupt just because of restart the system. Are you using trusted brand?

Always backup a copy of emunand ([sd:]sxosemunand) just in case.

I’ll try this, thank you. Btw i am using FAT32, original Samsung SD bought from Amazon.

IT WORKED! Restoring files from a previous 6.1 NAND backup fixed my emuNAND.
Any way to restore my USER partition on FAT32? Nothing really important, just wondering.
Found the issue, sleep mode doesn’t work on emuNAND, doesn’t matter if AutoRCM is on or off. Just don’t go in sleep mode.


Well-Known Member

I’ll try this, thank you. Btw i am using FAT32, original Samsung SD bought from Amazon.

IT WORKED! Restoring files from a previous 6.1 NAND backup fixed my emuNAND.
Any way to restore my USER partition on FAT32? Nothing really important, just wondering.
Found the issue, sleep mode doesn’t work on emuNAND, doesn’t matter if AutoRCM is on or off. Just don’t go in sleep mode.

Yes I’m resurrecting an old thread, but I want to say googling this answer solved the same problem I had.
Twice I had my emunand put out an error 2002-4373. After the first time, I reformatted my card to fat32 instead thinking maybe exFAT corruption was the cause. Nope, the same thing happened a few days later.
I’m using a Samsung 256gb select EVO, I’m pretty sure it’s official.

Each time this happens was when I powered on my switch from sleep mode. So you may be right that sleep mode is the culprit. But I don’t know how to disable sleep mode nor do I want my switch to always be on if I do disable it.

Hopefully, this will help someone else that may experience this error in the future.


New Member

I already had the «on files SD» emunand corrupted 4 times (2 in exFat and 2 in FAT32). The biggest concern, by far, is the saves, as the rest is easily reinstalled. I followed tutorial «Retrieving game saves from SX OS EmuNAND files after accidental 6.2.0 update using Wi-Fi OTA» from here, gbatemp , Which takes a lot of work, but it is possible to restore the emunand saves.

However, this last time, when the system even starts up, but it presents an SX OS error screen a few seconds later, it is not even possible to open Checkpoint to copy the saves, I found a way to fix the corrupted emunand, with all saves intact, since that you have some prior backup (or not*) .

— You will need to have Bis Key on your console (biskeydump);
— HacDiskMount;
— Corrupt file «full.00.bin» and previous backup «full.00.bin» (or doing another *).

1- In HacDiskMount, open the corrupted full.00.bin file, directly from your SD, then double-click on SYSTEM and mount the partition with the respective BIS KEYS (Drive letter: Y);
2- Do the same with the file full.00.bin from your previous backup (Drive letter: Z);
3- Now you will have two virtual drives (Y and Z), as if they were HDs. Just delete all files from drive Y and copy everything from drive Z to Y. It takes about 5 minutes;
4- Unmount both virtual drives and try to use the SD on the switch normally.

* If you have not backed up the emunand in the firmware that was installed, just take any backup of the previous emunand, or make a totally new one, and update to exactly the same version, then use the full.00.bin of this «healthy» emunand .



I already had the «on files SD» emunand corrupted 4 times (2 in exFat and 2 in FAT32). The biggest concern, by far, is the saves, as the rest is easily reinstalled. I followed tutorial «Retrieving game saves from SX OS EmuNAND files after accidental 6.2.0 update using Wi-Fi OTA» from here, gbatemp , Which takes a lot of work, but it is possible to restore the emunand saves.

However, this last time, when the system even starts up, but it presents an SX OS error screen a few seconds later, it is not even possible to open Checkpoint to copy the saves, I found a way to fix the corrupted emunand, with all saves intact, since that you have some prior backup (or not*) .

— You will need to have Bis Key on your console (biskeydump);
— HacDiskMount;
— Corrupt file «full.00.bin» and previous backup «full.00.bin» (or doing another *).

1- In HacDiskMount, open the corrupted full.00.bin file, directly from your SD, then double-click on SYSTEM and mount the partition with the respective BIS KEYS (Drive letter: Y);
2- Do the same with the file full.00.bin from your previous backup (Drive letter: Z);
3- Now you will have two virtual drives (Y and Z), as if they were HDs. Just delete all files from drive Y and copy everything from drive Z to Y. It takes about 5 minutes;
4- Unmount both virtual drives and try to use the SD on the switch normally.

* If you have not backed up the emunand in the firmware that was installed, just take any backup of the previous emunand, or make a totally new one, and update to exactly the same version, then use the full.00.bin of this «healthy» emunand .


For the last couple months smash ultimate has crashed, typically during startup, and given the error code: 2002-4373. It continues with a check for corrupted data, finds none, and then lets me relaunch the game. For awhile it worked after one error message and corruption check, and I would go a day or two just for it to happen again. However, as of last week, every single time I try launching the game I am given this error.

What I have tried:

— Reinstalling game on the micro sd card

— Reformatting micro sd card then reinstalling onto it

— Installing the game onto the switch itself

— Installing onto a different micro sd card

— Entering maintenance mode and restoring factory defaults while keeping save data

None of these fixed my issue…

Only one thing has allowed for my game to launch. I borrowed a friend’s Switch to see if it would work on his. Sure enough, installing onto the same micro sd card I originally had worked on his Switch, and the game launched with no issues. I was also logged into my Nintendo account on his Switch if that makes a difference. Also to note, my other games work fine on my Switch, it is only Smash Ultimate. I just launched Breath of the Wild with no issues.

As a college student, I cannot afford to spend the outrageous price of $100 + tax and shipping for Nintendo’s repairs. Is there anything I can do?

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На чтение 1 мин Просмотров 288 Опубликовано 5 мая, 2022

Ознакомьтесь с этим руководством, чтобы исправить код ошибки 2002 года в Nintendo Switch!

Nintendo Switch — это игровая консоль, на которой установлено множество различных игр. Онлайн-платформа, которая позволяет вам подключаться к Интернету и играть вместе с друзьями или другими игроками. Большую часть времени эта консоль будет получать обновления, и иногда обновление может привести к ошибке.

Это руководство покажет вам, как исправить код ошибки 2002 в Nintendo Switch.


  1. Nintendo Switch: Error Code 2002 Fix
  2. Обновить до последней версии
  3. Переключение карт Micro-SD

Nintendo Switch: Error Code 2002 Fix

Обновить до последней версии

Перейдите в настройки и попробуйте обновить программное обеспечение до последней версии и убедитесь, что все драйверы настроены правильно для устройства.

После обновления попробуйте перезапустить консоль и посмотреть, решит ли это проблему.

Переключение карт Micro-SD

Проверьте свой Micro -Слот для SD-карты и попробуйте удалить его и добавить снова, что приведет к сбросу системы хранения устройства.

Если возможно, попробуйте заменить старую карту Micro-SD на новую, чтобы проверить, это устраняет проблему, старая карта Micro-SD может быть повреждена.

Игровая консоль Nintendo Switch в продаже уже больше 5 лет (с 2017-го) и, очевидно, пользуется стабильной популярностью.

Девайс как минимум очень удобный — играть на Switch-е можно и дома (на большом экране), и в мобильном режиме вообще где угодно.

Но всякие сбои, баги, ошибки и прочие неприятности у Switch-а, как известно, тоже случаются. О чем мы повествуем регулярно и, есть такое подозрение, повествовать будем еще не раз.

И в продолжение темы — вот наш большой справочник по кодам ошибок Nintendo Switch, в котором мы постарались собрать все самые распространенные из них. С кратким описанием по каждой из проблем и, разумеется, с предложениями относительно того, что и как в каждом отдельном случае надо делать.

Пост этот мы наверняка будем дополнять (по мере сил и возможностей), но пока получается примерно следующее. Итак, по порядку:

#1 — Проблемы с аппаратной частью консоли

Код Описание проблемы Что делать
2153-0321 Сбой системы воспроизведения аудио • пробуем просто включить/выключить опцию «Отключать звук при отсоединенных наушниках«;
• если это не помогает, то везем Switch в сервис-центр (СЦ).
2168-0002 Повреждение консоли или пиратский контент • проверяем и удаляем любой нелегальный контент, и перезагружаем Switch;
• проверяем и устанавливаем последнюю версию прошивки;
• если ничего не помогает, везем Switch в СЦ.
2115-0096 Switch не принимает фигурку Amiibo • проверяем и устанавливаем последнюю версию прошивки;
• проверяем правый джойкон;
• выполняем сброс данных Amiibo — [ИНСТРУКЦИЯ]
2153-1540 Switch не работает • перезагружаем Switch;
• проверяем и устанавливаем последнюю версию прошивки; • если ничего не помогает, везем Switch в СЦ.
2139-0006 Switch сбоит или не работает Звоним в СЦ.

Не пропустите: ОШИБКА 2002-3537 У SWITCH: ЧТО НАДО СДЕЛАТЬ

#2 — Общие проблемы Switch

Код Описание проблемы Что делать
2162-0002 Switch вылетает • перезагружаем Switch;
• заряжаем джойконы;
• проверяем и устанавливаем последнюю версию прошивки;
• если ничего не помогает, везем Switch в СЦ.
2813-6838 / 2813-6561 Код карты eShop не срабатывает • проверяем и вводим код еще раз (код также должен соответствовать региону);
• пишем запрос в службу поддержки.
2801-7199 Не получается выгрузить контент в Facebook • проверяем подключение консоли и перезаходим в аккаунт Facebook;
• проверяем разрешения на загрузку файлов в настройках аккаунта Facebook;
• пробуем выложить контент через некоторое время.
2124-4009 Не получается зайти на сайт (проблема с подключением к сервису) • перезагружаем Switch;
• проверяем подключение консоли и статус серверов сервиса;
• пробуем зайти на сайт через некоторое время.
2124-4517 /2181-4017 Не получается зайти на сайт (проблема с подключением к сервису) Пробуем зайти на сайт через некоторое время.
2124-3080 Не получается зайти в сетевую игру (не работает мультиплеер) • вероятнее всего сетевая версия игры не доступна в вашем регионе.
2124-4007 Доступ к онлайн-сервисам заблокирован Nintendo (БАН!) • пишем запрос в службу поддержки Nintendo [ПОДРОБНЕЕ]
2813-0055 Switch не принимаем код, поскольку ПО еще не вышло официально Ждем релиз
2813-1470 Кредитная карта отклонена Удаляем карты и затем регистрируем её в eShop заново
2813-0040 Этот код уже погашен (был введен ранее) Проверяем код
2005-0005 / 2005-0004 Проблема сервиса Nintendo • выключаем Switch полностью (ничего удалять пока не нужно);
• включаем Switch, проверяем и обновляем прошивку (если доступна свежая версия);
• удаляем любые свежеустановленные дополнения и весь пиратский контент;
• пробуем другую (новую) карту MicroSD или форматируем имеющуюся.
2124-0291 Не получается перенести учетную запись на другой Switch • проверяем, чтобы учетная запись не была привязана к другой (еще одной консоли);
• отвязываем учетку и выполняем перенос еще раз.


#3 — Проблемы с ПО Switch

Код Описание проблемы Что делать
2164-0020 / 2122-0082 Игра не запускается или вылетает • меню HOME > выбираем проблемную игру > открываем настройки игры (кнопкой +/-) > Управление данными > Удалить программу;
• перезагружаем Switch;
• устанавливаем игру заново.
2162-0101 Игра не запускается Проверяем версию и обновляем игру
2306-0819 Онлайн-игры не запускаются  • перезагружаем Switch;• проверяем подключение;
• проверяем и обновляем прошивку консоли.
2021-0003 / 2000-0000 / 2101-0002 /2107-0427 Устаревшее ПО Проверяем и обновляем
2124-3000 / 2137-1508 Switch не подключается к онлайн-сервисам из-за устаревшей версии прошивки Обновляем прошивку консоли
2813-0071 Switch не подключается к eShop. Проверяем подключение, перезагружаем консоль и подключаемся по-новой.
2142-1099 / 2155-0400 Приложение «Родительский контроль» не может подключиться к Интернету Обновляем прошивку консоли


#4 — Проблемы с подключением Switch

Код Описание проблемы Что делать
2110-1100 Switch не определяет сеть Wi-Fi • проверяем подключение, перезагружаем консоль и маршрутизатор;
• проверяем корректность пароля;
• переносим Switch в другое место (где нет помех для подключения и/или поближе к роутеру) и подключаем к Wi-Fi заново;
• звоним в СЦ.
2811-7001 Ошибка онлайн-сервиса (eShop) • проверяем подключение, перезагружаем консоль и маршрутизатор;
• проверяем статус серверов Nintendo.
2110-2004 Switch не определяет сеть Wi-Fi • проверяем подключение, перезагружаем консоль и маршрутизатор;
• проверяем корректность пароля;
• переносим Switch в другое место (где нет помех для подключения и/или поближе к роутеру) и подключаем к Wi-Fi заново;
• проверяем и обновляем прошивку маршрутизатора;
• звоним в СЦ.
2110-2091 Сетевой адаптер обнаружен, но Switch не подключается к роутеру • проверяем качество подключения кабеля Ethernet;
• перезагружаем маршрутизатор;
• подключаем кабель к другому порту маршрутизатора;
• пробуем другой кабель.
2110-2201 / 2110-2214 Неправильный пароль • проверяем корректность пароля;
• проверяем подключение, перезагружаем консоль и маршрутизатор.
2110-1100 Switch не видит сеть Wi-Fi (или не настроен USB LAN) • проверяем подключение, перезагружаем консоль и маршрутизатор;
• настраиваем новое беспроводное подключение — [ИНСТРУКЦИЯ];
• переносим Switch в другое место (где нет помех для подключения и/или поближе к роутеру) и подключаем к Wi-Fi заново;
2110-2091 Switch не подключается к Сети через кабель • проверяем связь (подключение к Интернету);
• перезагружаем маршрутизатор;
• проверяем настройки DNS.
2110-2003 Switch не видит сетевой адаптер • проверяем связь (подключение к Интернету);
• проверяем качество подключения кабеля Ethernet;
• перезагружаем маршрутизатор;
• подключаем кабель к другому порту маршрутизатора;
• пробуем другой кабель.
2110-2004 / 2110-2220 / 2110-2201 / 2110-2214 Не получается подключиться к определенной сети Wi-Fi • проверяем подключение, перезагружаем консоль и маршрутизатор;
• проверяем корректность пароля;
• переносим Switch в другое место (где нет помех для подключения и/или поближе к роутеру) и подключаем к Wi-Fi заново;
• проверяем настройки сети.
 2110-3127 Не получается подключиться к определенной сети (Wi-Fi или проводной) Проверяем настройки DNS
2110-3400 Не получается подключиться к определенной сети (Wi-Fi или проводной) Требуется проверка подлинности через браузер (например, согласие с условиями обслуживания или ввод имени пользователя и пароля)
2122-2403 / 2211-0524 Switch не подключается к интернету • проверяем подключение, перезагружаем консоль и маршрутизатор;
• обновляем прошивку консоли;
• перезагружаем Switch.
2811-1006 Switch не подключается к учетной записи Nintendo • проверяем подключение, перезагружаем консоль и маршрутизатор;
• проверяем корректность пароля;
• переносим Switch в другое место (где нет помех для подключения и/или поближе к роутеру) и подключаем к Wi-Fi заново.
2811-5001 / 2811-1028 Switch не подключается к  eShop или другим сервисам см. выше
2155-8006 Switch не подключается к учетной записи Nintendo (из-за некорректных настроек DNS) см. выше
2618-0513 Сбой подбора игроков в игре • пробуем еще раз;
• проверяем связь;
• перезагружаем консоль и маршрутизатор;
• проверяем статус серверов игры и Nintendo;
• пишем запрос в службу поддержки.
2160-0103 / 2306-0520 / 2618-0006 / 2618-0201 / 2618-0516 Сбой подключения в игре • проверяем связь;
• перезагружаем консоль и маршрутизатор;
• проверяем статус серверов игры и Nintendo;
• проверяем настройки DNS;
• перезаходим в игру через некоторое время.
2160-0202 Сбой подключения • проверяем подключение, перезагружаем консоль и маршрутизатор;
• проверяем корректность пароля;
• переносим Switch в другое место (где нет помех для подключения и/или поближе к роутеру) и подключаем к Wi-Fi заново;
• подключаемся к другой сети Wi-Fi
2155-8006 Switch не подключается к учетной записи Nintendo (из-за некорректных настроек DNS) см. выше
2124-8006 / 2137-8006 Не удается завершить загрузку см. выше
2810-1224 Не получается залогиниться см. выше
2137-0240 Не удается завершить загрузку см. выше
2124-8028 Не получается залогиниться см. выше
2124-8006-2124-8007 Сбой подключения см. выше
2160-8006-2160-8007 Не удается завершить тес сети см. выше
2618-0203 Switch не подключается к учетной записи Nintendo см. выше
2142-0507 Приложение «Родительский контроль» не может подключиться к Интернету см. выше


#5 — Проблемы на стороне сервера

Код Описание Что делать
2813-0002 Не получается зайти в eShop — сбой сервиса Заходим через время
2618-0542 Не получается зайти в сетевую игру — слишком много игроков Заходим через время
2613-1400 Оплата картой не проходит — сбой сервиса Ждем и потом пробуем еще раз
2306-0811 Switch не подключается к онлайн-сервису — сбой на стороне сервера Заходим через время
2801-7002 Не получается загрузить контент в Twitter — сбой на стороне сервера Заходим через время
2124-5119 / 2124-5249 Сбой на стороне серверов Nintendo Заходим через время
902-5998 Сервер Nintendo eShop остановлен на ТО Заходим через время
2810-1500 Не получается зайти в Facebook • перезагружаем консоль
• перезаходим позже
2124-5002 / 2124-5200 Не получается зайти в учетную запись Nintendo Заходим позже
2813-0009 / 2813-1400 / 2813-6835 / 2813-9804 /2813-9712 Сбой на стороне сервера Nintendo eShop перезагружаем магазин и/или  заходим позже
2811-7503, 2811-7504 Сбой на стороне сервера Nintendo eShop Заходим позже
2816-0700 / 2817-0700 Сбой на стороне сервера Заходим позже


#6 — Проблемы с картой памяти MicroSD

Код Описание Что делать
2002-2049-2002-2064 2002-4690 / 2002-6201 / 2016-0247 / 2016-0602 / 2016-0641 Ошибка карты памяти на этапе загрузки или обновления игры • вынимаем карту из слота и затем вставляем снова ставим её на место;
• перезагружаем Switch, проверяем версию прошивки и обновляем (если доступна свежая);
• выполняем проверку файлов игры — [ИНСТРУКЦИЯ]
• форматируем карту (НО учитываем, что при этом все данные с карты будут стёрты без возможности восстановления!);
• берем другую/новую MicroSD или ставим игру в память Switch.
2002-2001 /2016-0390 / 2205-0123 Нет доступа к карте памяти microSD см. выше
2002-4517 / 2002-4641-2002-4660 /2002-4741-2002-4760 / 2002-0007-2002-0008 /2002-4683 Не получается скачать игру или прогу из eShop — сбой карты памяти см. выше
2002-4301-2002-4463 / 2002-3005 /2002-3500-2002-3999 / 2002-0001 /2016-0601 / 2101-0001 / 2107-0445 Ошибка карты памяти в игре и/или после включения Switch см. выше
2002-1002 / 2002-2629-2002-2669 Игра не загружается или не запускается — сбой карты памяти см. выше
2002-2085 Switch не распознает карту памяти microSD см. выше
2005-0003 Игра не загружается или не запускается — сбой карты памяти см. выше


#7 — Проблемы Switch в некоторых играх

Код Описание Что делать
2306-0820 Не запускается Splatoon 2 Global Testfire Эта «демка» уже недоступна
Не работает YouTube ПОДРОБНЕЕ >>>
2-AABQA-1021 Не получается зайти в сетевую игру в Arms Проверяем подключение, перезагружаем Switch и перезаходим в игру
2-BABBE-1000 Не получается зайти в сетевую игру в Ultra Street Fighter 2 Обновляем игру, проверяем подключение, перезагружаем Switch и перезаходим в игру
2306-0112 Сбой подключения к серверу в Pokemon Sword and Shield ПОДРОБНЕЕ >>>
Консоль не отвечает в Animal Crossing: New Horizons ПОДРОБНЕЕ >>>

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