- LiquidIce’s Nintendo Wii Hacks
- Wii Hacks
- Wednesday, November 22, 2006
- Fix for Wii error codes: 51330, 52030, 32002
- Рекомендации по исправлению ошибки Wii 52221
- Рекомендуется
- Что делать
- Ситуация разрешена
- Error code 32002 wii
LiquidIce’s Nintendo Wii Hacks
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Wii Hacks
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Fix for Wii error codes: 51330, 52030, 32002
To fix these error messages there are a few things you can try:
Set your router to Mixed Mode.
If it is set to G-Only it will not work.
Set the channel on your router to either 1 or 11
Both of these settings can be found in the wireless tab on a standard linksys router.
Posted by LiquidIce at 1:21 AM Labels: wii error code || Del.icio.us | Digg It! ||
I found that the error 52030 was invalid WEP key (i typed one the right length but not the valid one)
I tried all that stuff and it still doesn’t work even though I can see my router in the list, it fails every time with 51330 — I even updated firmware etc
my computer shows a WPA authentication, but my wii just connected when i used the same key under WEP authentication..
maybe that can help solving some issues out there. weird..
I changed my internet channel to 11 and I’m still getting the 51330 code. Does anyone know how to fix it?
i can confirm that changing the router to mixed mode works. I had mine set to G only, I switched it to mixed and bamm. I also shortened my wpa key, it was way to long and I kept messing it up.
1:42 PM Anthony said. This comment has been removed by the author. 3:23 PM Anthony said.
if you have an error code, enter it at
it will give you information about the code
We tried all of the stuff mentioned here, but what fixed the problem for us was removing the old Game Cube memory cards from the back of the console. Once we pulled them out, it worked fine. Hope that helps someone!
As Jeremy said, I removed the gamecube memory cards and the internet connected fine
I had the same error code despite entering the correct key for my router.
I realised that I needed to tell my router that a new device was attaching. You can add it manually but most routers will find the device and you can just put it on the allow list.
I got cennection but it was so bad that updates progress bar didn’t even move. My Wii is like 2 m that’s like 2 yards from my AP. Then one of my Wii crazy friends suggested laying it flat as a CD drive as that had helped him. and I did work as a charm 😉
so lay your Wii flat on the table 😀
don’t use the stand
i found that the mac address was blocked, you need to go into the router and allow it. And i couldn’t change that b/c my dad is a control freak.
i was having the 51330 problem so i had to manually put my ip and dns settings and it fixed it. in order to find your dns settings you will need to go to your computer find command prompt and type in
the dns settings will be below. all you have to do is put them in and give your wii an ip address and it will work.
I had the error code 51330. Jeremy was right for me as well once I removed my GC memory cards it worked
ive tried all that, but i still get 32002? any ideas?
disable MAC filtering or add your wii mac address to the whitelist on your router
If you are manually putting in your IP address, don’t forget the DNS settings which are in a separate window. that d’oh gave me 51330
same weird thing worked for me. i updated my wii from the super smash bros. brawl disc, and since then the internet hadn’t worked, i tried everything, but what fixed it was removing the gamecube memory card. screwed up, makes no sense, but it worked for me. thanks for the tip!
Wow, I can’t believe it, but removing the GC memory card fixed the problem. Thanks guys!
For me setting the wireless security mode of my router (Linksys WAG200G) from WPA2-PSK to mixed (i.e. both AES and TKIP) worked. The Wii found the network as always but instead of trying the AES mode it now tried the TKIP mode and it worked like a charm.
I want to thank you for your comment on the error 51330. Thansk to you I got to fix the internet on my boyfriend Wii. He was unable to fix it for over 9 months now. My brother in law spend his evening here thrying to fix it but fail. Thanks to you I was able to show them that i am not a complete idiot. Thank you. For everybody with a belkin router. Clicl on Chanel and SSID and change to first number in 11. With my wii it worked.
I had to change TKIP + AES
to only AES.
Well there you go — my problem was the Game Cube Memory Card in the top of the Wii.
Pulled it out and restarted — voila
how stupid is that?!
I changed my NAT setting to open, and that seemed to work. no more 51330. coincidence? maybe. BUT maybe not.
read all the articles, had tried most of them but put the wii on the flat and voila! it connected
I fixed this by changing the encryption type to WPA2. The Wii didnt detect the correct type so i had to change it manually. So if your having this problem check your encrytion type on your router.
but will changing the router as you said, take away the internet on a compter?
Ok, seeing this thread comes fairly high in the google search rank I’ll tell you what fixed it for me.
What fixed the 51330 error for me was setting the data encryption properly. I had my router set on WPA2 TKIP, but Wii is only compatible to WPA2 AES, so make sure you check that to.
Anyway, after I fixed that I had another error code coming my way — 52030, or something like that. Apparently DHCP didn’t work properly on the Wii, so I had to do a manual setup, which really isn’t all that hard. There’s plenty of guides on how to do that.
Note that I don’t have a Came Cube memory card and that my Wii was laying flat on the table from head-start, so I have no idea what whether that could influence the connection.
Oh, another thing: the router is up on the top floor, but the wii is downstairs (two floors difference), but the Wii can still cover the distance.
Anyway, hope that helped.
im stuck on error 51330 please help how do you change your wii chanel that might help cheers
Linksys 54G errorcode 51330.
After searching all the adjustments and trying endlessly to connect, I found out that my router settings were incorrect. My Linksys WRT54G default settings had to be changed in: WIRELESS->advanced settings->basic rate from default to ALL.
Grtz. Bill.
51330 fixed by cap sensitive
I just cleared all the internet settings on the wii and reconnected to the wireless connection. Error 51330 vanished.
Got passed the Error 52030 with D-Link DIR 615 router. It was stupid on my part but what happened was I disabled my security previously for a short while, but when I enabled it, my WEP key was randomly created. Since DIR 615 doesn’t let you view what the WEP Key currently is, I just re-entered my previous WEP Key (had it saved to a text file) and BIG BAM SURPRISE! it worked. good luck!
I changed my wpa to accept tkip+aes. that did the trick.
I had to enter the wireless configuration manually into the Wii as the Wii detected WPA when in fact my router was set to WPA2.
Works perfectly now
You can fix all wii error’s with a great home repair guide Just have a look at this website
My Wii worked fine with internet for 3 years. And now suddenly I get the 51330 error :s Tried all the solutions above, nothing works. 🙁
Tried everything mentioned here.
— changed the channel from 11 to 1 and back again > nothing
— Changed to WEP, WPA and even no encryption > nothing
— No MAC filtering enabled on my router so that shouldn’t be the problem
— my router was set to B/G/N. Tried setting to B/G > nothing
— manualy set all the internet setting in the Wii > nothing.
What finaly did the trick for me was updating the router to the latest firmware version. Encryption back to WPA2(EAS) and using channel 11
Рекомендации по исправлению ошибки Wii 52221
Table of Contents
Если вы получили код ошибки Wii 52221, это руководство поможет вам.
Код ошибки Wii: 32002
Краткое описание: Плохое соединение с каналом маршрутизатора WiFi или сервером Nintendo.
Код ошибки Wii: 32003
Краткое описание: Недостаточно места в центральном магазине. Сотрите часть памяти или используйте оперативную карту памяти.
Код ошибки Wii: 32004 – Краткое описание: Соединение не удалось из-за высокого трафика или несовместимого соединения.
Группа кодов ошибок Wii: 50420, 50421, 50422
Обзор: Wii Ваш сетевой адаптер не сразу установился правильно.
Группа кодов ошибок Wii: 51020, 51021, 51022
Резюме: Требуется специальное устранение неполадок.
Код ошибки Wii: 51030
Описание: Единственная системная беспроводная сеть в пределах выбора Wii Ваша игровая система не настроена или больше не совместима с, я бы сказал, Wii.
Группа кодов ошибок Wii: 51031, 51032
Краткое описание: Единственная беспроводная сеть в пределах диапазона ваших игровых консолей Wii не настроена или не полностью совместима с Wii.
Группа ошибок кода Wii: 51040, 51041, 51042
Краткое описание. Устранение неполадок необходимо для USB-порта Nintendo Wi-Fi.
Код ошибки Wii: 51130
Краткое изложение вышеизложенного Решение: проверьте настройки и выполните широковещательную рассылку на некоторых маршрутизаторах, предполагая, что они настроены на «G», «B» или «Смешанный». Смешанный режим обычно работает лучше, но попробуйте использовать большинство из трех и посмотрите, улучшит ли он соединение Wii между Meet и вашей консолью Wii. Точка.
Группа кодов ошибок Wii: 51340, 51341, 51342
Обзор: Консоль Wii не может помочь кому-либо подключиться к USB-порту Nintendo Wi-Fi.
Код ошибки Wii 51420, группа: 51421, 51422 Описание. Консоль Wii не предназначена для подключения к проводному маршрутизатору Wi-Fi или модему.
Группа кодов ошибок Wii: 52020, 52022
Обзор: 52021, у вас могут возникнуть проблемы с подключением к собственному маршрутизатору или модему.
Коды ошибок Wii: 52030, 52031, 52032
Краткое описание: Можно использовать неправильный канал маршрутизатора с помощью ключа WEP. Может быть полезно просто свернуть, а затем включить роутер.
Группа кодов ошибок Wii: 52040, 52042
Резюме: 52041, Консоль Wii не очень хорошо подключается к USB-порту Nintendo Wi-Fi. Группа кодов ошибок Wii: 52120, 52121, 52122
Описание: Выключите и снова включите маршрутизатор / модем.
Коды ошибок Wii Группа: 52130, 52131, 52132
Резюме: Похоже, что при использовании межсетевого экрана беспроводного маршрутизатора возникла неисправность.
Группа кодов ошибок Wii: 52140, 52141, 52142
Обзор: Консоль Wii не может подключиться к USB-порту Nintendo Wi-Fi.
Группа кодов ошибок Wii: 52220, 52221, 52222
Описание: Похоже, ваша проблема связана с брандмауэром маршрутизатора.
Код ошибки Wii 52230, Группа: 52231, 52232
Описание: Ваш брандмауэр мешает работе Wii.
Код ошибки Wii 52240, Группа: 52241, 52242
Обзор. Этот код ошибки обычно означает, что d Консоль Wii Precise смогла выбрать USB-разъем Nintendo Wi-Fi, но не может подключиться ко всем соответствующим службам. Группа кодов ошибок Wii: 52420, 52422, 52421, 52430, 52431, 52432, 52440, 52441, 52442 Резюме. Консоль Wii в настоящее время не может подключиться к своему прокси-серверу.
Группа кодов ошибок Wii: 52521, 52520, 52522, 52530, 52531, 52532
Резюме: Консоль Wii не может подключиться к вашему прокси-серверу просто из-за неправильной температуры учетной записи (например, имени пользователя и пароля) …
Группа кодов ошибок Wii: 52540, 52541, 52542
Резюме: Консоль Wii не может подключиться к прокси-серверу, потому что ключевые настройки учетной записи (например, по сравнению с именем пользователя и паролем) неверны.
- Гостевые или общедоступные сети, которые требуют от вас соблюдения или согласия с Условиями предоставления услуг, несовместимы с Wii.
- Если вы используете сетевое подключение к Интернету в хорошем общежитии, отеле или одновременном заведении, попросите своего сетевого администратора помочь подключить ваш собственный Wii к Интернету.
- Эта ошибка кода купона указывает на то, что консоль Wii была размещена для подключения к сети, но не может подключиться к серверам Nintendo.
- Это указывает на то, что при подключении к сети, подключенной к Интернету, может возникнуть какая-либо проблема или что время ожидания соединения истекло.
Что делать
- Прежде чем продолжить, убедитесь, что ваше сетевое соединение работает и другие устройства могут подключаться к Интернету в любое время.
- Выключите, а затем включите корпоративный модем и модем, затем быстро проверьте подключение к Интернету, как показано на консоли Wii.
- Создайте молодую информацию о подключении к Интернету, чтобы убедиться, что консоль Wii пытается нормально подключиться к беспроводной сети Treats и действительно принимает сильный сигнал мобильного телефона.
- Если вы еще не сделали этого, также проверьте пароль Wi-Fi отдельного маршрутизатора, чтобы убедиться, что вы вводите правильный пароль в настройках Интернета консоли Wii.
- Если вы обнаружите, что на самом деле вы подключаетесь к «гостевой сети» в своем концентраторе, это будет распознано (обычно с «-guest» в конце имени сети мобильного телефона или, возможно, псевдонимом для вашего интернет-провайдера [например, “xfinitywifi”]) вместо этого попробуйте подключиться к каждой незваной версии в сети. Например, на случай, если вы видите и Марио, и Гость Марио каждый раз, когда Wii ищет статус беспроводной сети, попробуйте установить связь с Марио.
- Если проблема не исчезнет, введите другой DNS-сервер, указанный в настройках Интернета на консоли Wii, и воспользуйтесь им снова.
- Проверьте наличие радиопомех, которые могут вызвать слабый аудиосигнал между конкретной консолью Wii и маршрутизатором Wi-Fi, что препятствует подключению всего контроллера или консоли Wii.
Ситуация разрешена
Если проблема не исчезнет, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам за помощью.
Error code 32002 wii
When your Wii console has a problem, it shows specific Wii error codes to tell you what the problem is. These codes can be in the form of 5 or 6 digit reference numbers (which aren’t very helpful to say the least) or error messages that are only slightly more helpful.
You can find the error code you’re getting from the list of Wii error codes below.
Please note that the tips for each error code have been put together by consulting the official Nintendo website and other technical websites around the internet.
The tips provided for fixing Wii problems on this site do not constitute professional advice and should always be followed together with the official instruction booklets that came with your console.
If you’re not sure how to fix your specific problem, please call Nintendo’s Customer Service Helpline in the US on 1-800 255-3700 or in the UK on 0870 6060 247. An official Nintendo agent will talk you through the steps you need to solve you problem.
To find your error code easily on this page, use either of these simple ways to find your code…
- Press Ctrl+F on your keyboard and type your code into your web browser’s Find box. If it’s here, your web browser will take you straight the code.
- Click on one of the error categories below to find the code you’re getting on your screen
The Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection servers are down for maintenance. You’ll need to try your connection again later.
If you’ve tried again after several hours but still get this error code, then call the Nintendo Customer Service helpline in the US on 1-800 255-3700 or in the UK on 0870 6060 247 for help.
The Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection servers could be experiencing a high amount of traffic, try your connecting again later.
If you’ve tried again after several hours but still can’t connect, there might be a problem with your connection. Have a look at the following tips to try to solve the problem:
1. You can try to connect by adjusting the «Channel» your wireless router broadcasts on. Nintendo recommends setting your wireless router to either channel 1 or 11. This can potentially increase the download speed and makes connecting your Wii console to the internet and Wii Shop easier. The Nintendo website has a guide that shows you how to change the channel on your wireless router.
2. Make sure you’ve put in the correct DNS information into the Wii console’s connection settings. It’s a bit «techy» but you can check this by going onto your computer and doing the following:i. Turn on your computer and your Wii consoleii. Click the «Start» button in the lower left-hand corner of your computer.iii. Click «Run.»iv. Type «cmd» into the box that pops up and press «Enter».v. Type «IPCONFIG/ALL» and press Enter (do not type the quotation marks).vi. The Primary DNS and Secondary DNS information are two of the items that come up on your computer screen. Make sure that the DNS information you have entered into the Wii console’s Manual Settings are exactly the same as those displayed on your computer screen.
If you’ve confirmed that your DNS setting are correct and you’re still receiving this error code, then call the Nintendo Customer Service helpline in the US on 1-800 255-3700 or in the UK on 0870 6060 247 for help.
If you’re using the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector to connect to the internet, then head over to Nintendo’s Troubleshooting site for the Wi-Fi USB Connector for more detailed help.
If you’re using the Wii LAN Adaptor to connect to the internet, then head over to Nintendo’s Troubleshooting site for the Wii LAN Adaptor for more detailed help.
If you’ve tried the steps above but still can’t connect, Nintendo’s servers may be down. Try connecting to the internet again later.
Your Wii console memory is full and there isn’t enough room to save the item you’re trying to download. You’ll need to free up some space on your console to save this update.
You can free up memory space by moving things like photos, videos, music, game saves or other downloaded items onto an SD memory card. You can also increase space on your console by deleting these items outright.
The Nintendo website has step-by-step instructions for copying data onto your SD memory card.
Your internet connection may not work with the Wii console. Satellite and dial-up internet services don’t work properly with the Wii console and may cause this error code.
The Wii console can generally only connect to the internet using cable or DSL (broadband) internet services. If your internet service is provided by your cable TV company or by your telephone company, then you should have the correct internet service.
If you’re using the USB Wi-Fi connector to run your Wii internet connection through your computer, and your computer has security software running (like a firewall, anti-virus or spyware program), you may need to add your Wii console to the security software’s «safe list» in order to connect via your computer (read through your security software’s instruction manual to learn how to do this).
This error may also happen when a lot of people are trying to use Nintendo’s online service at the same time. If Nintendo has released a new update for the Wii, or another very popular download has been released, then this is probably why this error is happening. Wait a few hours for the rush of people to slow down and try connecting again.
The following Wii error codes 50420, 50421, 50422
You have not installed your Wii LAN Adapter properly (this is the cable that you’re using to connect your Wii to your internet router).
1. Only the official Wii LAN Adaptor will work with the Wii console, so check that you’re using the official internet cable made by Nintendo (click here to see the picture and connection steps on the Nintendo website).
2. Ensure that the Wii LAN Adapter setup is correct, and that the Wii LAN Adapter was connected with the console turned off. Click here to see Nintendo’s step by step connection instructions.
The following Wii error codes all have the same possible solutions, which you can read below this list of codes…
This is a General Troubleshooting error code and does not have any one specific cause. You’ll need to try the following steps to try to solve the problem.
1. Your wireless router sends out an internet signal using a specific «channel» (much like a radio broadcasts over the airwaves). You can change the «channel» that your wireless router uses to broadcast the internet signal manually. Nintendo suggests setting your wireless router to either channel 1 or 11, as these are supposed to be the fastest channels for download speed.
2. In addition to the broadcasting channel, there is also a broadcast setting. This can be set to either «G», «B», or «Mixed.» Nintendo suggests that the «Mixed» setting gives the best network connection, but you might need to try all three settings to get the best network connection.
3. Home appliances and other devices that are near to your console, like microwaves and cordless phones, might cause interference with your wireless network connection, so try turning these off. Other wireless devices like keyboards and computer mice can also interfere with your network connection.
This error code pops up because of a problem with your wireless internet security. This gets pretty technical, so I’ll send you straight over to Nintendo’s specific troubleshooting page to help you try and correct this.
There appears to be an issue with your wireless router’s firewall, again this can get fairly technical, so pop over to the Nintendo website to get step-by-step instructions to solve this.
This Error Code usually indicates that the console timed out when trying to connect you to Nintendo’s servers. Read the steps below depending on how you’re connecting to the internet…
If you’re connecting your console using a wireless router:
1. Make sure you are using a «broadband» internet connection. The Wii console can generally only connect to the internet using cable or DSL (broadband) internet services. If your internet service is provided by your cable TV company or by your telephone company, then you should have the correct internet service.
2. You can also try to connect by adjusting the «Channel» your wireless router broadcasts on. Nintendo recommends setting your wireless router to either channel 1 or 11. This can potentially increase the download speed and makes connecting your Wii console to the internet easier. The Nintendo website has a guide that shows you how to change the channel on your wireless router.
3. Home appliances and other devices near to your console, like microwaves and cordless phones, may be interfering with your wireless network connection, so try turning these off. Other wireless devices like keyboards and computer mice can also interfere with your network connection.
4. If you get this error often, the firewall settings on your wireless router might be causing this problem. You might need to switch off your wireless security on your router. To do this, pop over to the Nintendo website to get step-by-step instructions.
5. Make sure you’ve put in the correct DNS information into the Wii console’s connection settings. It’s a bit «techy» but you can check this by going onto your computer and doing the following:i. Turn on your computer and your Wii consoleii. Click the «Start» button in the lower left-hand corner of your computer.iii. Click «Run.»iv. Type «cmd» into the box that pops up and press «Enter».v. Type «IPCONFIG/ALL» and press Enter (don’t type the quotation marks).vi. The Primary DNS and Secondary DNS information are two of the items that come up on your computer screen. Make sure that the DNS information you have entered into the Wii console’s Manual Settings are exactly the same as those displayed on your computer screen.
6. Unplug both your router and modem from the wall. Wait a few minutes, and plug the modem back in. Wait a few minutes and then turn on the router. Try to connect your console to the internet and see if it connects.
If you’re connecting your console using a Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector
1. Make sure you’re using a «broadband» internet connection. The Wii console can generally only connect to the internet using cable or DSL (broadband) internet services. If your internet service is provided by your cable TV company or by your telephone company, then you should have the correct internet service.
2. If your PC has any security programs (firewall, anti-virus, spyware, etc.), you might need to add the Wi-Fi USB Connector to the list of safe programs in your security software (read the instruction manual that came with your security software to find out how to do this).
3. If you’re using a router, turning off the router’s firewall will allow the Wii console to connect online and receive a system update. Once the update is received, you can turn the firewall back on. For information on locating and disabling your router’s firewall, please read the instruction manual that came with your router or contact the manufacturer.
Wired Connection (Wii LAN Adapter)
1. Make sure you’ve put in the correct DNS information into the Wii console’s connection settings. It’s a bit «techy» but you can check this by going onto your computer and doing the following:i. Turn on your computer and your Wii consoleii. Click the «Start» button in the lower left-hand corner of your computer.iii. Click «Run.»iv. Type «cmd» into the box that pops up and press «Enter».v. Type «IPCONFIG/ALL» and press Enter (do not type the quotation marks).vi. The Primary DNS and Secondary DNS information are two of the items that come up on your computer screen. Make sure that the DNS information you have entered into the Wii console’s Manual Settings are exactly the same as those displayed on your computer screen.
2. Unplug both your router and modem from the wall. Wait a few minutes, and plug the modem back in. Wait a few minutes and then turn on the router. Try to connect the Wii console to the internet and see if it connects.
There appears to be an issue with the DNS server your Wii is receiving.
1. Make sure you’ve put in the correct DNS information into the Wii console’s connection settings. It’s a bit «techy» but you can check this by going onto your computer and doing the following:i. Turn on your computer and your Wii consoleii. Click the «Start» button in the lower left-hand corner of your computer.iii. Click «Run.»iv. Type «cmd» into the box that pops ups and press «Enter».v. Type «IPCONFIG/ALL» and press Enter (do not type the quotation marks).vi. The Primary DNS and Secondary DNS information are two of the items that come up on your computer screen. Make sure that the DNS information you have entered into the Wii console’s Manual Settings are exactly the same as those displayed on your computer screen.
If this doesn’t solve the problem, use the DNS number called «Default Gateway» after you type in IPCONFIG/ALL. Try to connect to the internet again.
2. Read Nintendo’s Firewall/Antivirus/Antispyware/Adware compatibility information by clicking here. This page should help you to resolve this issue if it’s a software related problem.
If you’re still having trouble getting your Wii console online, it’s worth checking out Nintendo’s online help section which has detailed, step-by-step instructions for resolving complicated problems.
Your Wii console couldn’t be connected to the WiiConnect24 service. Try these solutions…
1. If you’re using a few different routers or modems to connect to the internet, try connecting with only one router and/or one modem. You can also try to connect from a friend’s house or by using a different internet connection.
2. If you can’t test your console’s connection from a different location call the Nintendo Customer Service helpline in the US on 1-800 255-3700 or in the UK on 0870 6060 247 for help.
3. If you’ve been using only one modem or router, then something on your network or from your Internet Service Provider is causing a problem with your connection. Contact your internet service provider for help on solving this problem.
The WiiConnect24 service is being blocked by the Parental Controls that you’ve set up on your console.
Change the Parental Settings on your console through the Wii menu.
You haven’t turned on the WiiConnect24 service.
To use the feature you’re trying to use, you need to turn on WiiConnect24 in Standy Connection mode. Click here for Nintendo’s step-by-step instructions for setting up your WiiConnect 24 service.
The following Wii error codes all have the same possible solutions, which you can read below this list of codes…
If you get an error message that says…
«There is a problem with the Wii Connect 24 service. Please try again later»
you’ll need to call the Nintendo Customer Service helpline in the US on 1-800 255-3700 or in the UK on 0870 6060 247 for help.
If you’re still having trouble getting you Wii console online, it’s worth checking out Nintendo’s online help section which has detailed, step-by-step instructions for solving complicated problems.
The credit card you’re using has expired. Please contact your credit card company for help with this issue or to get a new card.
The following Wii error codes all have the same possible solutions, which you can read below this list of codes…
The credit card number you have entered is invalid.
Please check the number you have entered and re-enter the card number correctly. If you have entered the correct number and you keep getting this error code, contact your credit card company for help.
The credit card you are using has been declined by your credit card company.
Contact your credit card company for more information.
If you keep getting error code «205642» when trying to buy items on the Wii Shop Channel, try using another credit card, or contact your credit card company for more information.
If you keep getting this error code, you can call the Nintendo Customer Service helpline in the US on 1-800 255-3700 or in the UK on 0870 6060 247.
This error code happens when you’re trying to buy items in the Wii shop using your credit card. This error is caused by temporary server issues on Nintendo’s side, which are stopping your credit card from being validated.
It’s frustrating but you’ll need to wait a few hours for Nintendo to resolve the issues with their servers and try again.
The following Wii error codes all have the same possible solutions, which you can read below this list of codes…
There’s a temporary problem with the Wii Shop Channel. You’ll need to wait a few hours and try to connect to the Shop again. Nintendo might be doing scheduled maintenance or there are just too many people trying to use it.
You can also try to connect by adjusting the «Channel» your wireless router broadcasts on. Nintendo recommends setting your wireless router to either channel 1 or 11. This can potentially increase the download speed and makes connecting your Wii console to the internet and Wii Shop easier. The Nintendo website has a guide that shows you how to change the channel on your wireless router.
If your Wii console is far from your wireless router, try to move the router closer to the Wii console and try the connecting again. Because the router is sending the internet signal across the airwaves, the closer your router is to the Wii console, the stronger the connection.
If you’ve tried again after a few hours but keep getting this error code, then call the Nintendo Customer Service helpline in the US on 1-800 255-3700 or in the UK on 0870 6060 247 for help.
This error code happens because of an issue with the Wii Shop Channel, and is similar to the set of codes above. This error code might be caused by…
1. Wireless interference. Nintendo has a detailed troubleshooting guide for improving «Slow Download Times or Errors Received While Connecting».
2. Nintendo’s servers have a temporary network issue. Wait a few hours and try to connect to the Internet Channel again.
If you don’t have any luck and these tips don’t fix the problem, then call the Nintendo Customer Service helpline in the US on 1-800 255-3700 or in the UK on 0870 6060 247 for help.
There’s an issue with your connection to the Wii Shop Channel. Nintendo suggests trying these steps to solve the problem:
1. Go into the Wii Menu on the main menu screen.
2. Select «Wii Settings,» then «Internet,» and «Connection Settings.»
3. Delete your existing Internet Connection Settings and enter your internet connection setting again.
4. After you’ve entered your connection details again, test your internet connection to see if it works. If the test connection works, try to connect to the Wii Shop again.
If your Wii internet connection is working, and you still get this error, then there might be a temporary issue with the Wii Shop Channel. It’s frustrating but wait a few hours and try connecting to the Shop again.
If you’ve tried all the above troubleshooting and you still get this error code, call the Nintendo Customer Service helpline in the US on 1-800 255-3700 or in the UK on 0870 6060 247 for help.
If you’re trying to buy something from the Wii Shop, it seems that you’ve already bought this item before. If you can’t find this item in your Wii Menu, you can download it again from the Wii Shop Channel (choose «Download» from the title’s page in the Wii Shop Channel).
If you still get this error, call the Nintendo Customer Service helpline in the US on 1-800 255-3700 or in the UK on 0870 6060 247 for help.
There’s a problem with your Wii Shop account. You’ll need to call the Nintendo Customer Service helpline in the US on 1-800 255-3700 or in the UK on 0870 6060 247 for help.
Your «My Nintendo» username or password is incorrect or invalid. Try the following to fix the problem.
1. Check that you’re entering your My Nintendo username and password correctly.
2. If this is the first time you’re using the Wii Shop Channel, make sure that you’re not pressing «Link» while the fields are blank. If you don’t have a My Nintendo membership, you need to select «Do not link».
If you’ve worked through these tips and you’re still getting this error code, then you’ll need to call the Nintendo Customer Service helpline in the US on 1-800 255-3700 or in the UK on 0870 6060 247 for help.
- 205617
The numbers you’re entering from a Wii Points Card are incorrect.
1. Make sure you have uncovered all 12 digits of the Wii Points Card numbers by scratching off the silver area on the back of the card.
2. Carefully re-enter the numbers off of the Wii Points Card.
If you’ve entered the numbers correctly, but still get this error code, call the Nintendo Customer Service helpline in the US on 1-800 255-3700 or in the UK on 0870 6060 247 for help.
The following Wii error codes all have the same possible solutions, which you can read below this list of codes…
- 205926
- 205927
- 205928
If you get an error message that says…
«An error has occurred that cannot be resolved at this time. Please try again later.»
you’ll need to call the Nintendo Customer Service helpline in the US on 1-800 255-3700 or in the UK on 0870 6060 247 for help.
Error Code 32002. It appears that your Wii console’s Internet connection may be affected by wireless interference. Try the following: Change your wireless router’s channel to 1 or 11
Error Code: 32001-32002
- Check our network status information. …
- Make sure your home network meets the requirements to connect online. …
- Power cycle your router and modem. …
- Check for wireless interference. …
- Enter alternate DNS settings into the Wii.
Why can’t i update my Wii?
The Wii console was unable to receive an update from Nintendo, due to a technical issue with our servers. Please try again later. If you are still receiving error codes, please contact us.
How to turn off online updates on Wii?
For that: Launch the console and navigate to the main screen. Press and hold the “ Reset ” button for Wii. Scroll down and select the “ System Menu Hacks ” option. Scroll down and disable the “ Block Online Updates ” option. Highlight the “ Save Settings ” option and press the “ select ” button. Power off the Wii and turn it back on.
What do I do if I am still receiving error codes?
If you are still receiving error codes, please contact us. Click here for contact details.
See more
What is error code 32002 for the Wii?
Changing the wireless channel on your router may help. Most wireless routers have a channel range of 1 through 11. The best channels to try are usually 1 and 11, as they do not overlap with other channels.
1:102:092022 Nintendo Wii — Error Code: 51330 Fix! — YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd let’s go ahead and perform a test as expected the error code appears. So now let’s go to theMoreAnd let’s go ahead and perform a test as expected the error code appears. So now let’s go to the router and enable the legacy 80211b. Once i have that enabled i’ll go ahead and save.
How do I fix my wifi on my Wii?
What to doChange the security type in the Wii System Settings to WPA2 — PSK (AES) and test your Internet connection again. … Check your network’s settings to ensure you’re using the correct wireless password. … Update the Security Settings within the Wii Internet Settings.More items…
How do I fix error code 52131 on my Wii?
Error Code 52130, 52131, 52132Change your wireless router’s channel to 1 or 11. Changing the wireless channel on your router may help. … Where is your wireless router located? Move your router away from walls and off the floor and try to place it in a central location in your home. … Look for other devices.
Can Wii still connect to Internet 2021?
Yes. Wii is Wi-Fi-enabled, meaning it can connect to a wireless access point (such as a wireless router) to connect to the Internet.
What is the latest Wii firmware?
Wii Menu version 4.3 is now available for your Wii console. To update your Wii Menu to the latest version, please select the Update button at the bottom of the screen or select the System Update option in Wii System Settings.
How do I connect my Wii 2020 to Wi-Fi?
Connecting your Nintendo Wii™ to the InternetSelect Wii Settings.Select the right arrow, then the Internet button.Select Connection Settings.Select any of the empty connections.Select your wireless network name (SSID) from the list.
What is SSID number for Wii?
You can typically find the SSID by selecting the Basic settings option, and then selecting Wireless Settings. The SSID may be labeled as Wireless Network Name. The option to enable SSID Broadcast is often located by selecting Wireless Settings under the Advanced settings.
How do I change my router to 802.11 g?
How to Change Your Router’s Wireless ModeLog in to your router’s settings.Search through your router for phrases such as «mode,» «wireless mode,» or «802.11 mode.» … After locating the wireless mode, most routers provide a drop-down menu with different wireless mode options.
What does error code 52230 on the Wii mean?
This error code indicates the Wii console was able to connect to the network, but it was unable to connect to Nintendo’s servers. This may indicate an issue with the network and Internet connection used, or the connection timing out.
What does error code 51331 mean on the Wii?
The most common cause of Wii Error Code 51330, 51331, and 51332 is going to be an incorrect Wi-Fi password. The easiest fix here is to simply enter your network info again and try to connect. If this doesn’t work, you’ll need to dive a bit deeper.
What is error code 52231 on the Wii?
Changing the wireless channel on your router may help. Most wireless routers have a channel range of 1 through 11. The best channels to try are usually 1 and 11, as they do not overlap with other channels.
What does error code 51331 mean on the Wii?
The most common cause of Wii Error Code 51330, 51331, and 51332 is going to be an incorrect Wi-Fi password. The easiest fix here is to simply enter your network info again and try to connect. If this doesn’t work, you’ll need to dive a bit deeper.
What is error code 51420 on Wii?
Applies to: Wii. The information in this article can help you when you’re unable to detect a Wii LAN Adapter. Note: This error code is often the result of incorrectly installing the Wii LAN Adapter.
How do I fix error code 160 0103 on Wii U?
a) Go to System Settings on the Wii U Menu, then scroll to the right and tap on Data Management. b) Select Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory. Select the game/application you wish to delete the update of, and then tap the update you desire to delete.
How do I fix error code 32007 on Wii?
Possible solutionsReview our Network Status page for any noted outages. … Set up a new connection. … Power cycle your router and modem. … Enter alternate DNS settings into the Wii. … Try an alternate MTU value. … Check for wireless interference.
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Why are Wii updates disabled?
Updates Disabled: If you have a Soft Modded Wii, it is possible that the Software updates might be blocked due to the modding on the console. Often, updates are blocked by mods/hacks to prevent being patched but in this case, even if you update the mod will not be patched.
How to reset Wii console?
Launch the console and navigate to the main screen. Press and hold the “ Reset ” button for Wii. Scroll down and select the “ System Menu Hacks ” option. Scroll down and disable the “ Block Online Updates ” option. Highlight the “ Save Settings ” option and press the “ select ” button.
What is the Wii?
Wii is a home gaming console created and distributed by Nintendo. It sold 101 million units worldwide and went on to break many sales records. The device is loved and cherished by gamers for its simplicity and portability. However, quite recently, a lot of users have been complaining of the “ Error Code 32007 ” Error while trying …
How to change Wii settings?
Select it and click on “ Wii Settings “. Use the arrow button to swipe to the next page and select “ Internet “. Scrolling to the right and selecting the “Internet” Option. Select the “ Connection Settings” option and select the connection which you want to edit. Clicking on the “Connection Settings” option.
How to get Wii settings on Wii?
For that: Launch Wii and press the “ A ” button on the Wii remote to navigate to the Main menu. Use the remote and select the “Wii” button. Select the “ Wii Settings ” option . Use the “ Right Arrow ” to navigate to the second screen and select “ Internet ” from the options.
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If the Network configurations for your device haven’t been set properly, it can prevent the connection from being established. Therefore, in this step, we will be settings up a new connection in order to reinitialize the configurations. For that:
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Error 32002
Thread starterericlewis91
Start dateDec 16, 2006
I got
Microsoft Wireless Base Station MN-500 802.11b?
Webstar Cable Modem?
How do i fix it?
Try changing your channel on the router to 11 or 1. For Linksys WRT54G routers enter the ip address of the router (default is enter password and user name (default is admin/admin) then click wireless tab, now select a different wireless channel from the drop down box. Fix is not guaranteed to work for all consoles.
I was having a big problem with those two errors, when I realized that the WEP encryption has to be set on Key 1 in order for the Wii to recognize it. It’s the same with the DS. (via email, thanks Joseph)
I found a solution to this. I was able to pass the connection test, but I would fail during update with code 32002. The solution turned out to be to enter manually the ip address of DNS that my wireless router used. (via email, thanks jamh)
I would like to add to the information you have posted that on top of what you have posted, I had to change the MTU value from 0 (Default) to 1500 witch it was in the router for the Wii to finally connect and download the updates. (via email, thanks Jose
Any thoughts?
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. Please help me! If I can’t update it, I won’t be able to download VC games, neither new channels. I’m desperate!
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- Wii Error code 32002 while updating
Wii Error code 32002 while updating
I recently purchased a Wii but I am unable to update it. I get Wii Error code 32002 while updating and the details about the error message: «unable to perform wii system update b/c of an internet error. please try again later.» I have tried the website but i cannot seem to find a solution. Does anybody know how to fix this?
Re: Wii Error code 32002 while updating
Try adjusting the «Channel» your wireless router broadcasts on. I highly recommend setting your wireless router to either channel 1 or 11. This can potentially increase the download speed. For information on accessing your router’s settings, click here to select the brand name and model number of your router (if available)
Re: Wii Error code 32002 while updating
Make sure you have entered the correct DNS into the Wii console manual configuration (link). You can verify this, follow these steps:
1. Click the «Start» button
2. Click «Run».
3. Type «cmd» into the box and press Enter.
4. Type «IPCONFIG / ALL» and press Enter.
5. The subnet mask, default gateway, primary DNS (first on the list), and secondary DNS (second on the list) will display the information. Make sure the information you have entered into the Wii console manual settings appear exactly as shown.
6. If you have more than one DNS server in the list, try changing the first and second on the Wii primary and secondary DNS server slots.
Re: Wii Error code 32002 while updating
I had a similar problem (Error Code 32002) for Wii, the problem was Wii, that was not being able to communicate with the router, it turned out I was using a «common» channel for your wireless network. IIRC, then changed the channel (for your wireless router or connection). And its working fine now.
Re: Wii Error code 32002 while updating
I found a solution to this. I was able to pass the connection test, but I getting error code 32002 during upgrade. The solution proved to manually enter the IP address of the DNS that my wireless router used. For Linksys routers, enter the IP address of the router by default ( enter the password and user name (default is admin wireless card / admin) then click, now select a different wireless channel of Table down. Fix not guaranteed to work for all consoles.
Re: Wii Error code 32002 while updating
If you make changes to your wireless router and have a computer that uses the router, you will also need to upgrade your computer to match the new configuration on the router. Also note that, if your router is using WEP (encryption), make sure your Wii is set to the same encryption. Make sure the MTU in the router match those entered on your Wii.
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I found that the error 52030 was invalid WEP key (i typed one the right length but not the valid one)
1:25 PM
I tried all that stuff and it still doesn’t work even though I can see my router in the list, it fails every time with 51330 — I even updated firmware etc
8:26 PM
my computer shows a WPA authentication, but my wii just connected when i used the same key under WEP authentication..
maybe that can help solving some issues out there. weird..
9:21 AM
I changed my internet channel to 11 and I’m still getting the 51330 code. Does anyone know how to fix it?
2:15 PM
i can confirm that changing the router to mixed mode works. I had mine set to G only, I switched it to mixed and bamm. I also shortened my wpa key, it was way to long and I kept messing it up.
1:42 PM
3:23 PM
3:24 PM
J. D. Harper
We tried all of the stuff mentioned here, but what fixed the problem for us was removing the old Game Cube memory cards from the back of the console. Once we pulled them out, it worked fine. Hope that helps someone!
9:36 AM
As Jeremy said, I removed the gamecube memory cards and the internet connected fine
1:10 AM
I had the same error code despite entering the correct key for my router.
I realised that I needed to tell my router that a new device was attaching. You can add it manually but most routers will find the device and you can just put it on the allow list.
3:10 PM
I got cennection but it was so bad that updates progress bar didn’t even move. My Wii is like 2 m that’s like 2 yards from my AP. Then one of my Wii crazy friends suggested laying it flat as a CD drive as that had helped him… and I did work as a charm
so lay your Wii flat on the table
don’t use the stand
1:15 AM
for 51330
i found that the mac address was blocked, you need to go into the router and allow it. And i couldn’t change that b/c my dad is a control freak!!!
7:42 PM
i was having the 51330 problem so i had to manually put my ip and dns settings and it fixed it. in order to find your dns settings you will need to go to your computer find command prompt and type in
the dns settings will be below. all you have to do is put them in and give your wii an ip address and it will work.
7:01 PM
I had the error code 51330. Jeremy was right for me as well once I removed my GC memory cards it worked
10:08 PM
ive tried all that, but i still get 32002? any ideas?
5:46 PM
disable MAC filtering or add your wii mac address to the whitelist on your router
9:24 AM
If you are manually putting in your IP address, don’t forget the DNS settings which are in a separate window… that d’oh gave me 51330
3:59 AM
same weird thing worked for me. i updated my wii from the super smash bros. brawl disc, and since then the internet hadn’t worked, i tried everything, but what fixed it was removing the gamecube memory card. screwed up, makes no sense, but it worked for me. thanks for the tip!
10:35 PM
Wow, I can’t believe it, but removing the GC memory card fixed the problem. Thanks guys!
8:25 PM
Roland van Exel
For me setting the wireless security mode of my router (Linksys WAG200G) from WPA2-PSK to mixed (i.e. both AES and TKIP) worked. The Wii found the network as always but instead of trying the AES mode it now tried the TKIP mode and it worked like a charm.
12:51 PM
I want to thank you for your comment on the error 51330. Thansk to you I got to fix the internet on my boyfriend Wii. He was unable to fix it for over 9 months now. My brother in law spend his evening here thrying to fix it but fail. Thanks to you I was able to show them that i am not a complete idiot. Thank you. For everybody with a belkin router. Clicl on Chanel and SSID and change to first number in 11. With my wii it worked.
1:48 PM
I had to change TKIP + AES
to only AES.
8:08 PM
Marky Roden
Well there you go — my problem was the Game Cube Memory Card in the top of the Wii.
Pulled it out and restarted — voila
how stupid is that?!
7:31 PM
I changed my NAT setting to open, and that seemed to work. no more 51330. coincidence? maybe. BUT maybe not.
11:48 AM
read all the articles, had tried most of them but put the wii on the flat and voila! it connected
2:04 PM
I fixed this by changing the encryption type to WPA2. The Wii didnt detect the correct type so i had to change it manually. So if your having this problem check your encrytion type on your router.
5:43 AM
but will changing the router as you said, take away the internet on a compter?
6:47 AM
Ok, seeing this thread comes fairly high in the google search rank I’ll tell you what fixed it for me.
What fixed the 51330 error for me was setting the data encryption properly. I had my router set on WPA2 TKIP, but Wii is only compatible to WPA2 AES, so make sure you check that to.
Anyway, after I fixed that I had another error code coming my way — 52030, or something like that. Apparently DHCP didn’t work properly on the Wii, so I had to do a manual setup, which really isn’t all that hard. There’s plenty of guides on how to do that.
Note that I don’t have a Came Cube memory card and that my Wii was laying flat on the table from head-start, so I have no idea what whether that could influence the connection.
Oh, another thing: the router is up on the top floor, but the wii is downstairs (two floors difference), but the Wii can still cover the distance.
Anyway, hope that helped.
11:14 AM
im stuck on error 51330 please help how do you change your wii chanel that might help cheers
11:30 AM
Bill Nuy
Linksys 54G errorcode 51330.
After searching all the adjustments and trying endlessly to connect, I found out that my router settings were incorrect. My Linksys WRT54G default settings had to be changed in: WIRELESS->advanced settings->basic rate from default to ALL.
Grtz. Bill.
10:01 AM
Justin Stone
51330 fixed by cap sensitive
9:10 PM
I just cleared all the internet settings on the wii and reconnected to the wireless connection. Error 51330 vanished.
7:32 AM
Got passed the Error 52030 with D-Link DIR 615 router. It was stupid on my part but what happened was I disabled my security previously for a short while, but when I enabled it, my WEP key was randomly created. Since DIR 615 doesn’t let you view what the WEP Key currently is, I just re-entered my previous WEP Key (had it saved to a text file) and BIG BAM SURPRISE! it worked. good luck!
9:24 PM
I changed my wpa to accept tkip+aes. that did the trick.
9:36 AM
Jimmi Vedsegaard Pedersen
I had to enter the wireless configuration manually into the Wii as the Wii detected WPA when in fact my router was set to WPA2.
Works perfectly now
4:48 AM
Pete harrison
Hi All
You can fix all wii error’s with a great home repair guide Just have a look at this website
4:23 AM
My Wii worked fine with internet for 3 years. And now suddenly I get the 51330 error :s Tried all the solutions above, nothing works.
9:18 AM
Tried everything mentioned here.
— changed the channel from 11 to 1 and back again > nothing
— Changed to WEP, WPA and even no encryption > nothing
— No MAC filtering enabled on my router so that shouldn’t be the problem
— my router was set to B/G/N. Tried setting to B/G > nothing
— manualy set all the internet setting in the Wii > nothing.
What finaly did the trick for me was updating the router to the latest firmware version. Encryption back to WPA2(EAS) and using channel 11
7:35 AM
Troubleshooting Nintendo Wii error code 32002 or 52030
11:12 pm on November 5, 2009 |
Answers: 1
Tags: code (20), error (65), error codes (2), nintendo wii (3), problem (15), router (12), troubleshooting (30), wii (14), wireless router (3)
Troubleshooting Nintendo Wii error code 32002 or 52030
There is a problem with your Wii communicating with your wireless router If you encounter error code 32002 or 52030. Here are some tips help you fixing this problem.
11:12 pm on November 5, 2009
- Switch your wireless channel to something different and update your Wii setting accordingly.
- Make sure your Wii is set to the same encryption as your router. (If you are using WEP)
- Make sure your Wii MTU values matches the one on your router.
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