- func IsDuplicateKeyError(err error) (string, bool)
- func IsPreparedError(v interface{}) bool
- func IsRecordNotFoundError(err error) bool
- func NewPreparedError() *preparedError
- type ErrorCode
- type UndefinedError
- func NewError(msg string) *UndefinedError
- func (uf *UndefinedError) Error() string
- type ValidationError
- func (ve ValidationError) Add(key, value string)
- func (ve *ValidationError) Error() string
This section is empty.
This section is empty.
func IsPreparedError(v interface{}) bool
func NewPreparedError() *preparedError
const ( UnableToParseBody ErrorCode = "400001" InvalidMultiPartBody ErrorCode = "400002" BearerTokenNotFound ErrorCode = "400003" InvalidRequest ErrorCode = "400005" CartMustHaveAllDigitalOrAllNonDigitalProducts ErrorCode = "400006" AllProductsMustBeFromSameStore ErrorCode = "400007" InvalidCoupon ErrorCode = "400008" OrderNotPaidYet ErrorCode = "400009" OrderPaymentAlreadyReverted ErrorCode = "400010" OrderAlreadyCancelled ErrorCode = "400011" ExceedMaxProductQuantity ErrorCode = "400012" PaymentMethodMustBeOnlineForDigitalProducts ErrorCode = "400013" PayoutAmountInvalid ErrorCode = "400014" StoreCreationDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422001" UserLoginDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422002" UserSignUpDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422003" UserUpdateDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422004" CategoryCreationDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422005" CollectionCreationDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422006" ShippingMethodCreationDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422007" PaymentMethodCreationDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422008" ProductCreationDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422009" ProductAttributeCreationDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422010" AddCollectionDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422011" AdditionalChargeDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422012" OrderDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422013" OrderPaymentDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422014" AddStoreStaffDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422015" ResetPasswordDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422016" ReviewDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422017" OrderPaymentRevertDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422018" SettingsUpdateDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422019" BusinessAccountTypeDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422020" PayoutMethodDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422021" PayoutSettingsDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422022" PayoutEntryDataInvalid ErrorCode = "422023" StoreCreationQueryFailed ErrorCode = "500001" DatabaseQueryFailed ErrorCode = "500002" PasswordEncryptionFailed ErrorCode = "500003" UserSignUpFailed ErrorCode = "500004" UserUpdateFailed ErrorCode = "500005" UnableToReadMultiPartData ErrorCode = "500006" MinioServiceFailed ErrorCode = "500007" UserLoginFailed ErrorCode = "500008" PaymentGatewayFailed ErrorCode = "500009" PaymentProcessingFailed ErrorCode = "500009" FailedToEnqueueTask ErrorCode = "500010" StoreAlreadyExists ErrorCode = "409001" StoreMemberAlreadyExists ErrorCode = "409002" CategoryAlreadyExists ErrorCode = "409003" CollectionAlreadyExists ErrorCode = "409004" ShippingMethodAlreadyExists ErrorCode = "409005" PaymentMethodAlreadyExists ErrorCode = "409006" ProductVariantAlreadyExists ErrorCode = "409007" UserAlreadyExists ErrorCode = "409008" ProductAlreadyExists ErrorCode = "409009" AdditionalChargeAlreadyExists ErrorCode = "409010" PaymentAlreadyProcessed ErrorCode = "409011" ProductAttributeAlreadyExists ErrorCode = "409012" CouponAlreadyExists ErrorCode = "409013" ReviewAlreadyExists ErrorCode = "409014" UserAlreadyStaff ErrorCode = "409015" BusinessAccountTypeAlreadyExists ErrorCode = "409016" PayoutMethodAlreadyExists ErrorCode = "409017" UserHasAStore ErrorCode = "403001" UserSignUpDisabled ErrorCode = "403002" StoreCreationDisabled ErrorCode = "403003" AppIsNotActivated ErrorCode = "403004" AuthorizationTokenInvalid ErrorCode = "403006" AuthorizationTokenExpired ErrorCode = "403007" UserScopeUnauthorized ErrorCode = "403008" RestrictedBucket ErrorCode = "403009" CouponNotApplicable ErrorCode = "403010" StoreNotActive ErrorCode = "403012" UserNotActive ErrorCode = "403013" UnauthorizedStoreAccess ErrorCode = "403014" StoreNotFound ErrorCode = "404001" SettingsNotFound ErrorCode = "404002" UserNotFound ErrorCode = "404003" UserGroupNotFound ErrorCode = "404004" CategoryNotFound ErrorCode = "404005" CollectionNotFound ErrorCode = "404006" ProductNotFound ErrorCode = "404007" ShippingMethodNotFound ErrorCode = "404008" PaymentMethodNotFound ErrorCode = "404009" ProductVariantNotFound ErrorCode = "404010" AddressNotFound ErrorCode = "404011" AdditionalChargeNotFound ErrorCode = "404012" ProductUnavailable ErrorCode = "404013" OrderNotFound ErrorCode = "404014" CouponNotFound ErrorCode = "404015" StaffDoesNotExists ErrorCode = "404016" AttributeNotFound ErrorCode = "404017" LocationNotFound ErrorCode = "404018" BusinessAccountTypeNotFound ErrorCode = "404019" PayoutMethodNotFound ErrorCode = "404020" PayoutSettingsNotFound ErrorCode = "404021" PayoutEntryNotFound ErrorCode = "404022" LoginCredentialsInvalid ErrorCode = "401001" VerificationTokenIsInvalid ErrorCode = "401002" UnauthorizedRequest ErrorCode = "401004" InvalidAuthorizationToken ErrorCode = "401005" )
type UndefinedError struct {
Err string `json:"message"`
- 05.03.2020
Рассмотрим в связи с чем у Вас могла выйти данная ошибка 30182-39 (2). Она может возникать как при простой установке Microsoft Office 365, 2016 или 2019. Либо при установке приложений Visio или Project, в том случае, если у Вас уже установлен Microsoft Office 365, 2016 или 2019.
Как решить проблему?
Самым быстрым вариантом и зачастую самым действующим, является переустановка приложения, если у Вас выходит ошибка просто при установке Microsoft Office. Либо, если же Вы устанавливаете Visio, или Project к Вашему основному пакету Microsoft Office, то Вам нужно сначала удалить Microsoft Office, после установить Visio или Project, и только после установки Visio/Project заново установить Microsoft Office.
Удалять какие-либо приложения Microsoft Office, а так же Visio и Project рекомендуем с помощью официальной утилиты от Microsoft для удаления остатков Office — Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant.
Скачать и ознакомиться с инструкцией по использованию можете на следующей странице.
А так же, мы рекомендуем использовать только оригинальные дистрибутивы Microsoft Office и приложений Visio / Project. Скачать их можете в нашем каталоге.
- Error description
- Short error description in the response
- Example of an error message
If an error occurs, the request processing stops, and the server returns an HTTP response code that identifies the error. In addition to the code, the response contains a short error description.
The error message is returned in the format specified in the request URL after the method name or in the Accept HTTP header.
The error description is passed in the error parameter. This parameter contains the error code (the code parameter) and a short error description (the message parameter).
Code |
Name |
Explanation |
200 |
OK |
The request is successfully completed. |
206 |
Partial Content |
The request is partially completed. |
400 |
Bad Request |
The request is invalid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
The request doesn’t include authorization data. |
403 |
Forbidden |
Incorrect authorization data is specified in the request, or access to the requested resource is denied. |
404 |
Not Found |
The requested resource isn’t found. |
405 |
Method Not Allowed |
The requested method isn’t supported for the specified resource. |
415 |
Unsupported Media Type |
The requested content type isn’t supported by the method. |
420 |
Enhance Your Calm |
The resource access restriction is exceeded. |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Internal server error. Try calling the method after a while. If the error persists, contact the Yandex.Market support service. |
503 |
Service Unavailable |
The server is temporarily unavailable due to high load. Try calling the method after a while. |
For the
400 Bad Request
Possible solution
Collection of field must not be empty
The parameter must not be empty.
Specify at least one element for the parameter.
Invalid status: 'status'
Invalid status is specified.
Check if the sent status is correct for order filtering by status.
JSON: {message}
The JSON data format contains an error.
Check if the data passed in the request body has the correct JSON format.
Missing field
The required parameter isn’t specified.
Specify a value for the required parameter.
The request is too big
The HTTP request size limit is exceeded.
Cut the request size by reducing the amount of the sent data.
Too long time period. Maximum is 'maxPeriod' days
The specified date range is too large. Maximum range — maxPeriod.
Reduce the date range to filter orders by date.
Unexpected character 'character': expected a valid value 'values'
Invalid character.
Check the request body encoding. The required encoding is UTF-8.
Unexpected end of content
The request body ends unexpectedly.
Check if the data passed in the request body has the correct format.
Value / length of field (value) must be between min and max [exclusively]
The parameter value (length) must be between the min and max values and not equal to them.
Check if the parameter value is correct.
Value / length of field (value) must be greater / less than [or equal to] limit
The parameter value (length) must be equal to or greater than (less than) the specified limit value.
Check if the parameter value is correct.
Value of field has too high scale: 'price'
The accuracy of the parameter is set too high.
Set the parameter values with less precision.
Value of field must match the pattern: 'regExp'
The parameter value must match the regular expression.
Check if the parameter value is correct.
XML: {message}
The XML data format contains an error.
Check if the data passed in the request body has the correct XML format.
Other short descriptions that can be found in messages about this error are provided in the descriptions of the corresponding resources.
For the
401 Unauthorized
Possible solution
Unsupported authorization type specified in Authorization header
Authorization type passed in the Authorization HTTP header isn’t supported.
Check if the authorization data is correct.
Authorization header has invalid syntax
The Authorization HTTP header format is incorrect.
Check if the authorization data is correct.
OAuth credentials are not specified
The request doesn’t include authorization data.
Check that the authorization data is correct.
OAuth token is not specified
The request doesn’t include the authorization token (the oauth_token parameter).
Check if the authorization data is correct.
OAuth client id is not specified
The request doesn’t include the application ID (the oauth_client_id parameter).
Check if the authorization data is correct.
For the
403 Forbidden
Possible solution
Access denied
Access to the specified resource is prohibited.
Check if the resource is specified correctly, and if the authorized user login has access to it.
Access to API denied for the client / campaign
The client or store isn’t allowed to access the Yandex.Market Partner API.
Agency clients should contact their agency about getting access to the Yandex.Market Partner API.
Client id is invalid
The specified application ID (the oauth_client_id parameter) is invalid.
Check if the authorization data is correct. If they are correct, get a new app ID, repeat the request with the new authorization data.
Scope is invalid
The specified authorization token (the oauth_token parameter) doesn’t have the necessary set of rights.
Get a new authorization token, mention the right to use the Yandex.Market Partner API when you receive it, and repeat the request with the new authorization data.
Token is invalid
The specified authorization token (parameter oauth_token) is invalid.
Check if the authorization data is correct. If they are correct, get a new authorization token, repeat the request with the new authorization data.
User account is disabled
The user account for which the specified authorization token was issued is blocked.
Contact the Yandex.Market support service.
For the
404 Not Found
Possible solution
Feed not found: 'feedId'
The price list specified in the request isn’t found.
Check if the sent price list ID is correct.
Login not found: 'login'
The username specified in the request isn’t found.
Check if the sent username is correct.
Model not found: 'modelId'
The model specified in the request isn’t found.
Check if the model ID you are passing is correct.
For the
405 Method Not Allowed
Possible solution
Request method 'method' not supported
The requested HTTP method isn’t supported.
Check the methods supported by the resource. You can find the list of methods in the Requests reference section.
For the
415 Unsupported Media Type
Possible solution
Content type 'content-type' not supported
The requested content type isn’t supported.
Pass one of the supported content types.
Missing Content-Type
The content type isn’t specified.
Pass the content type.
Unknown content-type: 'content-type'
The requested content type is unknown.
Pass one of the supported content types.
For the
420 Enhance Your Calm
Possible solution
Hit rate limit of 'N' parallel requests
Exceeded the global limit on the number of simultaneous requests to the Yandex.Market Partner API.
Reduce the number of concurrent requests to the partner API within a single store or partner to N requests.
Hit rate limit of 'N' requests per 'period' for resource 'R'
The resource restriction for the N number of requests to the R resource over the period for the same store or partner is exceeded.
The time until which the limit applies is specified in the X-RateLimit-Resource-Until header. You can use of the resource after the specified time.
For the
503 Service Unavailable
Possible solution
Service temporarily unavailable. Please, try again later
The server is temporarily unavailable due to high load.
Try repeating the request after a while.
Request example:
GET /v2/campaigns.xml HTTP/1.1
Host: api.partner.market.yandex.ru
Accept: */*
Authorization: OAuth oauth_token=,oauth_client_id=b12320932d4e401ab6e1ba43d553d433
Response example:
<error code="UNAUTHORIZED" message="OAuth token is not specified"/>
<error code="401">
<message>OAuth token is not specified</message>
Request example:
GET /v2/campaigns.json HTTP/1.1
Host: api.partner.market.yandex.ru
Accept: */*
Authorization: OAuth oauth_token=,oauth_client_id=b12320932d4e401ab6e1ba43d553d433
Response example:
"message": "OAuth token is not specified"
"code": 401,
"message": "OAuth token is not specified"