I am trying to query a database table in postgresql, but every time I run the below query it gives me the INSUFFICIENT PRIVILEGE error. What possibly could be the reason for such permission denied error. Also, I am using pgadmin tool in windows to connect the database which is in Linux environment. Below is the query I am running
> > SELECT appid,hash
> FROM app
> WHERE appid=1;
While running the same query I am getting the below Error
ERROR: permission denied for relation app
********** Error **********
ERROR: permission denied for relation app
SQL state: 42501
asked Aug 12, 2013 at 17:53
18.6k66 gold badges177 silver badges287 bronze badges
The user running the query will need permissions to that table. You can grant them to that user with the GRANT statement. The below is an example that grants to PUBLIC
Also I have seen SELinux cause isses and places such as here mention it. I am not exactly sure of the command to turn SELinux off but you can see if it is running by using
selinuxenabled && echo enabled || echo disabled
answered Aug 12, 2013 at 17:58
5,3385 gold badges38 silver badges70 bronze badges
It simply means that you have no permission to access app table. Request your root or database administrator to grant you the permission to access app table. if your are the root or have granting privilege you can use grant command to grant your self permission to use all sql statements on table or database
For Example:
grant all privileges on database money to cashier;
before that you have to login as root or user that have granting privileges
for more details on this command refer to
answered Aug 12, 2013 at 18:12
If it’s DB2 then go to command console of DB2, select your respective Database and select Authorities option by right click on the Database then add your respective DB2 user and grant required access.
answered Aug 1, 2016 at 12:20
You need to make sure that the user with which you are connecting with also has the «USAGE» access on the schema you are trying to access with the user. I have recently faced an error where I got the dump restored into a database and then had some users to whom I was only supposed to provide the read-only access. I have followed the following steps —
CREATE ROLE myapp_readonly;
GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE {database} TO myapp_readonly;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA {schema} TO myapp_readonly;
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE {schema}.{table_name} TO myapp_readonly;
GRANT myapp_readonly TO {usre};
After performing these steps when I tried to access the table, had received the following error —
SQL Error [42501]: ERROR: permission denied for schema {schema}
In my case, my users were available already and the schemas and the database were restored recently. After I have provided the «USAGE» access to the schema to the user the error was resolved.
answered Jul 7, 2020 at 23:38
A last-minute website error is always frustrating.
PostgreSQL database queries often end up in errors with code 42501.
This PostgreSQL error 42501 usually occurs when an underprivileged user queries a database. This can be tricky to troubleshoot.
That’s why we often get requests to fix PostgreSQL errors as a part of our Server Management Services.
Today, let’s have a look into the error 42501 and see how our Support Engineers fix it for our customers.
When does PostgreSQL error 42501 occur?
Before moving on to the error 42501, let’s first see more about PostgreSQL.
PostgreSQL is one of the versatile database management systems. It comes handy for developers to build applications, server administrators to protect data and so on. In other words, PostgreSQL is a highly extensible database system.
The error code 42501 denotes insufficient privilege for the database user. But, there can be many reasons that lead to this error.
1. Insufficient privilege for the user
Usually, the 42501 error occurs when a PostgreSQL user with insufficient privileges makes a query on a database.
This indicates that the database user executed an operation, for which the user has no rights.
For database management, the user needs enough rights over the database.
When one of our customers was trying to query a database table in a PostgreSQL tool like pgAdmin, it ended up in error 42501.
The error message was
By default, in the PostgreSQL database, the user restoring the database will have the database ownership. For instance, when restoring a database as the root user, all objects will be under root ownership. And if another user is running any query on this database, it shows the 42501 error.
2. SELinux setting
Sometimes, the SELinux setting in the server can also cause an insufficient privilege error.
SELinux is a security architecture that is a part of Linux kernel. In SELinux, access and transition rights of a user, application, process, and file are all defined. Thus, if SELinux is enabled it affects the user privileges then the database query can end up in a 42501 error.
Fix for 42501 permission denied error
When our customers approach us with this error, our Support Team first checks the reasons that cause this error. The major reasons are insufficient user privilege and SELinux settings.
Now, let’s see how our Support Team fixes this error.
1.Granting Privilege to a user
First and foremost, when a customer approaches us with a 42501 error, we check the database user privileges already given.
If the user lacks enough permission, then we change it accordingly.
Mostly, the user does not have privileges over the requested tables.
In this case, we give privileges to the user over the requested tables using the command.
This command gives all privileges over the table to the public, hence anyone can use it.
But, some customers prefer giving privileges only to a few users.
In this case, to give table access only to certain users, we use the command.
GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO user_name;
After giving privileges to the user, our Support Team executes the query once again. This ensures that the error is fixed.
Similarly, if the root user restored the dump file, this can cause insufficient privilege for the database user.
That is, if the root user restores the database using pg_dump --no-owner
then the root user who restored the database will have all privileges.
So, we always restore the database using the login of the desired user. Then, this user will have all privileges over the database.
2. Disabling SELinux
In some cases, the user has enough privilege over the database and still the database query show 42501 error. Here, the SELinux can be the reason causing the error.
After considering other security settings, our Support Team disables this feature using the command.
selinuxenabled && echo enabled || echo disabled
[Still having trouble in fixing PostgreSQL errors? – We will fix it for you.]
In short, the PostgreSQL error 42501 occurs mainly due to insufficient privileges for database user for running query. We saw how our Support Engineers fixed this error for our customers.
Never again lose customers to poor server speed! Let us help you.
Our server experts will monitor & maintain your server 24/7 so that it remains lightning fast and secure.
var google_conversion_label = «owonCMyG5nEQ0aD71QM»;
- Quick fix for PostgreSQL error 42501
- When does PostgreSQL error 42501 occur?
- 1. Insufficient privilege for the user
- 2. SELinux setting
- Fix for 42501 permission denied error
- 1.Granting Privilege to a user
- 2. Disabling SELinux
- Conclusion
- Postgresql copy error 42501
- Submit correction
Quick fix for PostgreSQL error 42501
by Sijin George | Sep 9, 2019
A last-minute website error is always frustrating.
PostgreSQL database queries often end up in errors with code 42501.
This PostgreSQL error 42501 usually occurs when an underprivileged user queries a database. This can be tricky to troubleshoot.
That’s why we often get requests to fix PostgreSQL errors as a part of our Server Management Services.
Today, let’s have a look into the error 42501 and see how our Support Engineers fix it for our customers.
When does PostgreSQL error 42501 occur?
Before moving on to the error 42501, let’s first see more about PostgreSQL.
PostgreSQL is one of the versatile database management systems. It comes handy for developers to build applications, server administrators to protect data and so on. In other words, PostgreSQL is a highly extensible database system.
The error code 42501 denotes insufficient privilege for the database user. But, there can be many reasons that lead to this error.
1. Insufficient privilege for the user
Usually, the 42501 error occurs when a PostgreSQL user with insufficient privileges makes a query on a database.
This indicates that the database user executed an operation, for which the user has no rights.
For database management, the user needs enough rights over the database.
When one of our customers was trying to query a database table in a PostgreSQL tool like pgAdmin, it ended up in error 42501.
The error message was
By default, in the PostgreSQL database, the user restoring the database will have the database ownership. For instance, when restoring a database as the root user, all objects will be under root ownership. And if another user is running any query on this database, it shows the 42501 error.
2. SELinux setting
Sometimes, the SELinux setting in the server can also cause an insufficient privilege error.
SELinux is a security architecture that is a part of Linux kernel. In SELinux, access and transition rights of a user, application, process, and file are all defined. Thus, if SELinux is enabled it affects the user privileges then the database query can end up in a 42501 error.
Fix for 42501 permission denied error
When our customers approach us with this error, our Support Team first checks the reasons that cause this error. The major reasons are insufficient user privilege and SELinux settings.
Now, let’s see how our Support Team fixes this error.
1.Granting Privilege to a user
First and foremost, when a customer approaches us with a 42501 error, we check the database user privileges already given.
If the user lacks enough permission, then we change it accordingly.
Mostly, the user does not have privileges over the requested tables.
In this case, we give privileges to the user over the requested tables using the command.
This command gives all privileges over the table to the public, hence anyone can use it.
But, some customers prefer giving privileges only to a few users.
In this case, to give table access only to certain users, we use the command.
After giving privileges to the user, our Support Team executes the query once again. This ensures that the error is fixed.
Similarly, if the root user restored the dump file, this can cause insufficient privilege for the database user.
That is, if the root user restores the database using pg_dump —no-owner then the root user who restored the database will have all privileges.
So, we always restore the database using the login of the desired user. Then, this user will have all privileges over the database.
2. Disabling SELinux
In some cases, the user has enough privilege over the database and still the database query show 42501 error. Here, the SELinux can be the reason causing the error.
After considering other security settings, our Support Team disables this feature using the command.
[Still having trouble in fixing PostgreSQL errors? – We will fix it for you.]
In short, the PostgreSQL error 42501 occurs mainly due to insufficient privileges for database user for running query. We saw how our Support Engineers fixed this error for our customers.
Never again lose customers to poor server speed! Let us help you.
Our server experts will monitor & maintain your server 24/7 so that it remains lightning fast and secure.
Postgresql copy error 42501
All messages emitted by the PostgreSQL server are assigned five-character error codes that follow the SQL standard’s conventions for “ SQLSTATE ” codes. Applications that need to know which error condition has occurred should usually test the error code, rather than looking at the textual error message. The error codes are less likely to change across PostgreSQL releases, and also are not subject to change due to localization of error messages. Note that some, but not all, of the error codes produced by PostgreSQL are defined by the SQL standard; some additional error codes for conditions not defined by the standard have been invented or borrowed from other databases.
According to the standard, the first two characters of an error code denote a class of errors, while the last three characters indicate a specific condition within that class. Thus, an application that does not recognize the specific error code might still be able to infer what to do from the error class.
Table A.1 lists all the error codes defined in PostgreSQL 15.1. (Some are not actually used at present, but are defined by the SQL standard.) The error classes are also shown. For each error class there is a “ standard ” error code having the last three characters 000 . This code is used only for error conditions that fall within the class but do not have any more-specific code assigned.
The symbol shown in the column “ Condition Name ” is the condition name to use in PL/pgSQL . Condition names can be written in either upper or lower case. (Note that PL/pgSQL does not recognize warning, as opposed to error, condition names; those are classes 00, 01, and 02.)
For some types of errors, the server reports the name of a database object (a table, table column, data type, or constraint) associated with the error; for example, the name of the unique constraint that caused a unique_violation error. Such names are supplied in separate fields of the error report message so that applications need not try to extract them from the possibly-localized human-readable text of the message. As of PostgreSQL 9.3, complete coverage for this feature exists only for errors in SQLSTATE class 23 (integrity constraint violation), but this is likely to be expanded in future.
Table A.1. PostgreSQL Error Codes
Error Code | Condition Name |
Class 00 — Successful Completion | |
00000 | successful_completion |
Class 01 — Warning | |
01000 | warning |
0100C | dynamic_result_sets_returned |
01008 | implicit_zero_bit_padding |
01003 | null_value_eliminated_in_set_function |
01007 | privilege_not_granted |
01006 | privilege_not_revoked |
01004 | string_data_right_truncation |
01P01 | deprecated_feature |
Class 02 — No Data (this is also a warning class per the SQL standard) | |
02000 | no_data |
02001 | no_additional_dynamic_result_sets_returned |
Class 03 — SQL Statement Not Yet Complete | |
03000 | sql_statement_not_yet_complete |
Class 08 — Connection Exception | |
08000 | connection_exception |
08003 | connection_does_not_exist |
08006 | connection_failure |
08001 | sqlclient_unable_to_establish_sqlconnection |
08004 | sqlserver_rejected_establishment_of_sqlconnection |
08007 | transaction_resolution_unknown |
08P01 | protocol_violation |
Class 09 — Triggered Action Exception | |
09000 | triggered_action_exception |
Class 0A — Feature Not Supported | |
0A000 | feature_not_supported |
Class 0B — Invalid Transaction Initiation | |
0B000 | invalid_transaction_initiation |
Class 0F — Locator Exception | |
0F000 | locator_exception |
0F001 | invalid_locator_specification |
Class 0L — Invalid Grantor | |
0L000 | invalid_grantor |
0LP01 | invalid_grant_operation |
Class 0P — Invalid Role Specification | |
0P000 | invalid_role_specification |
Class 0Z — Diagnostics Exception | |
0Z000 | diagnostics_exception |
0Z002 | stacked_diagnostics_accessed_without_active_handler |
Class 20 — Case Not Found | |
20000 | case_not_found |
Class 21 — Cardinality Violation | |
21000 | cardinality_violation |
Class 22 — Data Exception | |
22000 | data_exception |
2202E | array_subscript_error |
22021 | character_not_in_repertoire |
22008 | datetime_field_overflow |
22012 | division_by_zero |
22005 | error_in_assignment |
2200B | escape_character_conflict |
22022 | indicator_overflow |
22015 | interval_field_overflow |
2201E | invalid_argument_for_logarithm |
22014 | invalid_argument_for_ntile_function |
22016 | invalid_argument_for_nth_value_function |
2201F | invalid_argument_for_power_function |
2201G | invalid_argument_for_width_bucket_function |
22018 | invalid_character_value_for_cast |
22007 | invalid_datetime_format |
22019 | invalid_escape_character |
2200D | invalid_escape_octet |
22025 | invalid_escape_sequence |
22P06 | nonstandard_use_of_escape_character |
22010 | invalid_indicator_parameter_value |
22023 | invalid_parameter_value |
22013 | invalid_preceding_or_following_size |
2201B | invalid_regular_expression |
2201W | invalid_row_count_in_limit_clause |
2201X | invalid_row_count_in_result_offset_clause |
2202H | invalid_tablesample_argument |
2202G | invalid_tablesample_repeat |
22009 | invalid_time_zone_displacement_value |
2200C | invalid_use_of_escape_character |
2200G | most_specific_type_mismatch |
22004 | null_value_not_allowed |
22002 | null_value_no_indicator_parameter |
22003 | numeric_value_out_of_range |
2200H | sequence_generator_limit_exceeded |
22026 | string_data_length_mismatch |
22001 | string_data_right_truncation |
22011 | substring_error |
22027 | trim_error |
22024 | unterminated_c_string |
2200F | zero_length_character_string |
22P01 | floating_point_exception |
22P02 | invalid_text_representation |
22P03 | invalid_binary_representation |
22P04 | bad_copy_file_format |
22P05 | untranslatable_character |
2200L | not_an_xml_document |
2200M | invalid_xml_document |
2200N | invalid_xml_content |
2200S | invalid_xml_comment |
2200T | invalid_xml_processing_instruction |
22030 | duplicate_json_object_key_value |
22031 | invalid_argument_for_sql_json_datetime_function |
22032 | invalid_json_text |
22033 | invalid_sql_json_subscript |
22034 | more_than_one_sql_json_item |
22035 | no_sql_json_item |
22036 | non_numeric_sql_json_item |
22037 | non_unique_keys_in_a_json_object |
22038 | singleton_sql_json_item_required |
22039 | sql_json_array_not_found |
2203A | sql_json_member_not_found |
2203B | sql_json_number_not_found |
2203C | sql_json_object_not_found |
2203D | too_many_json_array_elements |
2203E | too_many_json_object_members |
2203F | sql_json_scalar_required |
2203G | sql_json_item_cannot_be_cast_to_target_type |
Class 23 — Integrity Constraint Violation | |
23000 | integrity_constraint_violation |
23001 | restrict_violation |
23502 | not_null_violation |
23503 | foreign_key_violation |
23505 | unique_violation |
23514 | check_violation |
23P01 | exclusion_violation |
Class 24 — Invalid Cursor State | |
24000 | invalid_cursor_state |
Class 25 — Invalid Transaction State | |
25000 | invalid_transaction_state |
25001 | active_sql_transaction |
25002 | branch_transaction_already_active |
25008 | held_cursor_requires_same_isolation_level |
25003 | inappropriate_access_mode_for_branch_transaction |
25004 | inappropriate_isolation_level_for_branch_transaction |
25005 | no_active_sql_transaction_for_branch_transaction |
25006 | read_only_sql_transaction |
25007 | schema_and_data_statement_mixing_not_supported |
25P01 | no_active_sql_transaction |
25P02 | in_failed_sql_transaction |
25P03 | idle_in_transaction_session_timeout |
Class 26 — Invalid SQL Statement Name | |
26000 | invalid_sql_statement_name |
Class 27 — Triggered Data Change Violation | |
27000 | triggered_data_change_violation |
Class 28 — Invalid Authorization Specification | |
28000 | invalid_authorization_specification |
28P01 | invalid_password |
Class 2B — Dependent Privilege Descriptors Still Exist | |
2B000 | dependent_privilege_descriptors_still_exist |
2BP01 | dependent_objects_still_exist |
Class 2D — Invalid Transaction Termination | |
2D000 | invalid_transaction_termination |
Class 2F — SQL Routine Exception | |
2F000 | sql_routine_exception |
2F005 | function_executed_no_return_statement |
2F002 | modifying_sql_data_not_permitted |
2F003 | prohibited_sql_statement_attempted |
2F004 | reading_sql_data_not_permitted |
Class 34 — Invalid Cursor Name | |
34000 | invalid_cursor_name |
Class 38 — External Routine Exception | |
38000 | external_routine_exception |
38001 | containing_sql_not_permitted |
38002 | modifying_sql_data_not_permitted |
38003 | prohibited_sql_statement_attempted |
38004 | reading_sql_data_not_permitted |
Class 39 — External Routine Invocation Exception | |
39000 | external_routine_invocation_exception |
39001 | invalid_sqlstate_returned |
39004 | null_value_not_allowed |
39P01 | trigger_protocol_violated |
39P02 | srf_protocol_violated |
39P03 | event_trigger_protocol_violated |
Class 3B — Savepoint Exception | |
3B000 | savepoint_exception |
3B001 | invalid_savepoint_specification |
Class 3D — Invalid Catalog Name | |
3D000 | invalid_catalog_name |
Class 3F — Invalid Schema Name | |
3F000 | invalid_schema_name |
Class 40 — Transaction Rollback | |
40000 | transaction_rollback |
40002 | transaction_integrity_constraint_violation |
40001 | serialization_failure |
40003 | statement_completion_unknown |
40P01 | deadlock_detected |
Class 42 — Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation | |
42000 | syntax_error_or_access_rule_violation |
42601 | syntax_error |
42501 | insufficient_privilege |
42846 | cannot_coerce |
42803 | grouping_error |
42P20 | windowing_error |
42P19 | invalid_recursion |
42830 | invalid_foreign_key |
42602 | invalid_name |
42622 | name_too_long |
42939 | reserved_name |
42804 | datatype_mismatch |
42P18 | indeterminate_datatype |
42P21 | collation_mismatch |
42P22 | indeterminate_collation |
42809 | wrong_object_type |
428C9 | generated_always |
42703 | undefined_column |
42883 | undefined_function |
42P01 | undefined_table |
42P02 | undefined_parameter |
42704 | undefined_object |
42701 | duplicate_column |
42P03 | duplicate_cursor |
42P04 | duplicate_database |
42723 | duplicate_function |
42P05 | duplicate_prepared_statement |
42P06 | duplicate_schema |
42P07 | duplicate_table |
42712 | duplicate_alias |
42710 | duplicate_object |
42702 | ambiguous_column |
42725 | ambiguous_function |
42P08 | ambiguous_parameter |
42P09 | ambiguous_alias |
42P10 | invalid_column_reference |
42611 | invalid_column_definition |
42P11 | invalid_cursor_definition |
42P12 | invalid_database_definition |
42P13 | invalid_function_definition |
42P14 | invalid_prepared_statement_definition |
42P15 | invalid_schema_definition |
42P16 | invalid_table_definition |
42P17 | invalid_object_definition |
Class 44 — WITH CHECK OPTION Violation | |
44000 | with_check_option_violation |
Class 53 — Insufficient Resources | |
53000 | insufficient_resources |
53100 | disk_full |
53200 | out_of_memory |
53300 | too_many_connections |
53400 | configuration_limit_exceeded |
Class 54 — Program Limit Exceeded | |
54000 | program_limit_exceeded |
54001 | statement_too_complex |
54011 | too_many_columns |
54023 | too_many_arguments |
Class 55 — Object Not In Prerequisite State | |
55000 | object_not_in_prerequisite_state |
55006 | object_in_use |
55P02 | cant_change_runtime_param |
55P03 | lock_not_available |
55P04 | unsafe_new_enum_value_usage |
Class 57 — Operator Intervention | |
57000 | operator_intervention |
57014 | query_canceled |
57P01 | admin_shutdown |
57P02 | crash_shutdown |
57P03 | cannot_connect_now |
57P04 | database_dropped |
57P05 | idle_session_timeout |
Class 58 — System Error (errors external to PostgreSQL itself) | |
58000 | system_error |
58030 | io_error |
58P01 | undefined_file |
58P02 | duplicate_file |
Class 72 — Snapshot Failure | |
72000 | snapshot_too_old |
Class F0 — Configuration File Error | |
F0000 | config_file_error |
F0001 | lock_file_exists |
Class HV — Foreign Data Wrapper Error (SQL/MED) | |
HV000 | fdw_error |
HV005 | fdw_column_name_not_found |
HV002 | fdw_dynamic_parameter_value_needed |
HV010 | fdw_function_sequence_error |
HV021 | fdw_inconsistent_descriptor_information |
HV024 | fdw_invalid_attribute_value |
HV007 | fdw_invalid_column_name |
HV008 | fdw_invalid_column_number |
HV004 | fdw_invalid_data_type |
HV006 | fdw_invalid_data_type_descriptors |
HV091 | fdw_invalid_descriptor_field_identifier |
HV00B | fdw_invalid_handle |
HV00C | fdw_invalid_option_index |
HV00D | fdw_invalid_option_name |
HV090 | fdw_invalid_string_length_or_buffer_length |
HV00A | fdw_invalid_string_format |
HV009 | fdw_invalid_use_of_null_pointer |
HV014 | fdw_too_many_handles |
HV001 | fdw_out_of_memory |
HV00P | fdw_no_schemas |
HV00J | fdw_option_name_not_found |
HV00K | fdw_reply_handle |
HV00Q | fdw_schema_not_found |
HV00R | fdw_table_not_found |
HV00L | fdw_unable_to_create_execution |
HV00M | fdw_unable_to_create_reply |
HV00N | fdw_unable_to_establish_connection |
Class P0 — PL/pgSQL Error | |
P0000 | plpgsql_error |
P0001 | raise_exception |
P0002 | no_data_found |
P0003 | too_many_rows |
P0004 | assert_failure |
Class XX — Internal Error | |
XX000 | internal_error |
XX001 | data_corrupted |
XX002 | index_corrupted |
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Part VIII. Appendixes | Home | Appendix B. Date/Time Support |
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I am very new to postgres so please my apologies in advance if I sound naive. I am still trying to learn. I am trying to create a readonly role and then create a role and assign readonly role to the user. I logged in as postgres user
CREATE ROLE readonly;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO readonly;
CREATE USER readonlyuser WITH PASSWORD 'read123';
grant readonly to readonlyuser;
Now I can login as user readonlyuser but I can’t read data from any tables. I get error SQL Error [42501]: ERROR: permission denied for table.
Any help would be appreciated.
asked Jan 14, 2021 at 6:39
statement you ran will only affect tables created by postgres
. If a different user creator
creates the tables, you need
answered Jan 14, 2021 at 7:37
Laurenz AlbeLaurenz Albe
38.8k4 gold badges34 silver badges58 bronze badges
Login : sudo -u postgres psql
Select db : c yourDbName
View all table dt;
grant youUserName to postgres;
(permission related error then use this command)
answered Jul 6, 2022 at 12:37
For me, the problem was that I was using the free tier of ElephantSql.com
(a great website BTW), and I used (way) more than the allocated 20 MB free quota.
I was able to make a select query, but an insert one failed with the error permission denied for table
answered Jan 25 at 1:13
Я пытаюсь запросить таблицу базы данных в postgresql, но каждый раз, когда я запускаю следующий запрос, он выдает ошибку INSUFFICIENT PRIVILEGE. Что могло быть причиной такой ошибки отказа в разрешении. Кроме того, я использую инструмент pgadmin в Windows для подключения к базе данных, которая находится в среде Linux. Ниже приведен запрос, который я выполняю
> > SELECT appid,hash
> FROM app
> WHERE appid=1;
При выполнении того же запроса я получаю следующую ошибку:
ERROR: permission denied for relation app
********** Error **********
ERROR: permission denied for relation app
SQL state: 42501
4 ответа
Лучший ответ
Если это DB2, перейдите в командную консоль DB2, выберите соответствующую базу данных и выберите опцию Authorities, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши базу данных, затем добавьте своего соответствующего пользователя DB2 и предоставьте требуемый доступ.
1 Авг 2016 в 15:20
Вам необходимо убедиться, что пользователь, с которым вы подключаетесь, также имеет доступ «USAGE» к схеме, к которой вы пытаетесь получить доступ с пользователем. Недавно я столкнулся с ошибкой, когда я восстановил дамп в базе данных, а затем у меня было несколько пользователей, которым я должен был предоставить доступ только для чтения. Я выполнил следующие шаги —
CREATE ROLE myapp_readonly;
GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE {database} TO myapp_readonly;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA {schema} TO myapp_readonly;
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE {schema}.{table_name} TO myapp_readonly;
GRANT myapp_readonly TO {usre};
После выполнения этих шагов, когда я попытался получить доступ к таблице, получил следующую ошибку:
SQL Error [42501]: ERROR: permission denied for schema {schema}
В моем случае мои пользователи уже были доступны, а схемы и база данных были недавно восстановлены. После того как я предоставил пользователю доступ к схеме «ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ», ошибка была устранена.
Shaounak Nasikkar
8 Июл 2020 в 02:38
There are a lot of PostgreSQL errors out there.
Way too much, right?
You as a sysadmin know that for sure – Syntax Errors, Relation Errors, Server Connection Errors, and other Error Codes.
Here you’ll find a list of the most common PostgreSQL errors and proven quick fix solutions:
- PostgreSQL error “Syntax error at or near ‘grant’”
- PostgreSQL error code “42501” or “Permission denied”
- PostgreSQL error code “1053” or “The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion”
- PostgreSQL error “Role does not exist”
- PostgreSQL error “Relation does not exist”
- PostgreSQL error ”Could not connect to server: no such file or directory” or “Could not connect to server: connection refused”
- PostgreSQL error “Invalid input syntax”
- PostgreSQL error “Permission denied for database”
- PostgreSQL error Code “42703” or “Column does not exist”
- PostgreSQL error “Could not extend file” or “No space left on device”
And you’ll find the solution to get rid of ALL PostgreSQL errors – forever: Test PRTG as your new monitoring tool and get started within minutes!
1. PostgreSQL error
“Error: syntax error at or near ‘grant’”
Quick fix
The error message “syntax error at or near ‘grant’” is one of the most common PostgreSQL database errors. However, it can easily be identified and resolved.
To understand this issue, you need to know that SQL distinguishes between reserved and non-reserved key word tokens. Reserved key words, such as “grant”, are never allowed as identifiers. Most reserved tokens are not allowed as column or table names, but may be allowed as an “AS” column label name.
If you come across this error message, check your code and make sure that the reserved keyword, for example “grant”, is quoted. Without using quotes, the error message will pop up in the PostgreSQL database.
Best Solution: https://severalnines.com/blog/decoding-postgresql-error-logs
2. PostgreSQL error
“Error 42501” or “Permission Denied”
Quick fix
PostgreSQL error 42501 is a common error that sometimes occurs in response to a PostgreSQL database query. In most cases, error code 42501 implies that the user has insufficient privilege for the database. As soon as a user with insufficient privileges make a query, PostgreSQL responds with the error message.
To fix the problem, check the database user privileges. If the user who attempted the query lacks permission, simply change the privileges accordingly. You can give privileges for a table either to the public using “GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO PUBLIC;” or to only a few users using the command “GRANT SELECT ON table_name to user_name;”.
Best Solution: https://bobcares.com/blog/postgresql-error-42501/364570
3. PostgreSQL error
“Error 1053” or “The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion”
Quick fix
Are you facing error code 1053 while working with the PostgreSQL database? Then you have come across a common PostgreSQL error. The error code is usually accompanied by the message “the service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion”.
There are several possible causes for error 1053, such as low timeout values, firewall restrictions, corrupted files and permission of files. The solution for PostgreSQL error 1052 depends on the individual cause:
- If caused by a low timeout value, get rid of error code 1053 by setting a ServicesPipeTimeout DWORD value in the registry editor to override the default timeout time of your database.
- If your firewall prevents your PostgreSQL database from working correctly, disable your firewall or change the settings to allow all database requests to run smoothly.
- If corrupted files or permission of files are the cause of this error to occur, use the file checking tools to check the system file structure and replace corrupted files to eliminate of error 1053.
Best Solution: https://bobcares.com/blog/postgresql-error-1053/
4. PostgreSQL error
“Role does not exist”
Quick fix
PostgreSQL error message “role does not exist” occurs when connecting to PostgreSQL using a user name that does not exist. The full error message usually states something similar to “FATAL: role “username” does not exist”.
For easy troubleshooting, make sure you have logged in to the correct user. If the user does not exist yet, create the user account on the PostgreSQL database. You should now be able to connect to PostgreSQL.
Best Solution: https://knowledgebase.progress.com/articles/Article/postgresql-error-role-does-not-exist
5. PostgreSQL error
“Relation does not exist”
Quick fix
Are you looking for a solution to PostgreSQL error message “relation does not exist”? As there are several possible causes for this common error, it is often necessary to do some digging in order to find out what causes the PostgreSQL database to respond with the error message.
One of many possible causes is that your postgres user is configured not to use a password, while your connection string includes “password=”. This configuration can result in the error “relation does not exist” to occur. To solve the problem, remove “password=” from the connection string. It should now look like this:
“host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres dbname=t11 sslmode=disable”
Another workaround is to alter the postgres user to require a password, then change the connecting string accordingly.
Best Solution: https://medium.com/@raajyaverdhanmishra/when-you-get-relation-does-not-exist-in-postgres-7ffb0c3c674b
6. PostgreSQL error
”Could not connect to server: no such file or directory” or “Could not connect to server: connection refused”
7. PostgreSQL error
“Invalid input syntax”
Quick fix
If you have encountered the error message “invalid input syntax” while working with the PostgreSQL database, you are dealing with a common error. The full error message usually looks like this, or similar:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: «b» at character 26
The error occurs when the user attempts to insert a value that does not match the column type. If the problem is not caused by an attempt to enter a faulty, it may be an application side error that needs to be solved by the developer.
Best Solution: https://severalnines.com/blog/decoding-postgresql-error-logs
8. PostgreSQL error
«Permission denied for database»
Quick fix
“Permission denied for database” is a group of PostgreSQL errors that is in most cases caused by a lack of user privileges. Depending on the reason for the error to occur, common error messages include “Permission denied for relation”, “Permission denied for sequence”, or “Permission denied for schema”. All of these PostgreSQL errors are related privilege issues.
To solve the problem, there are several possible troubleshooting methods:
- Make sure that the user is granted the Connect privilege. To grant the privilege, use the command “GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE userdb TO user ;”.
- To read data from the table, users require the privilege Connect, Create, Temporary and Select. Whenever you are granting access to a new user, make sure that all necessary privilege is granted.
- The permission denied error can also be caused by a missing user. If this is the case, update all PostgreSQL users with the proper password and sync it with the Plesk panel.
Best Solution: https://bobcares.com/blog/permission-denied-for-database-postgres/
9. PostgreSQL error
“42703” or “Column does not exist”
Quick fix
Another common error code with PostgreSQL database is 42703 as well as the error message “column does not exist”. This error indicates either that the requested column does not it exist, or that the query is not correct.
There are many possible reasons for this issue. To get started, check your query for any mistakes. Often, the error is caused by a lack of quotes. If this is the case, add double quotes to the column name, then try again.
Best Solution: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52007364/postgresql-column-doesnt-exist
10. PostgreSQL error
“Could not extend file” or “No space left on device”
Quick fix
Lack of disk space is a common problem that can easily be prevented. If you are facing the error message “no space left on device”, there is not enough space on your disk to run the database.
To solve the problem, free some space on the disk and make sure to avoid running out of disk space in the future.
Best Solution: https://www.percona.com/blog/2020/06/05/10-common-postgresql-errors/
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