Error code 5014

Ошибка 5014 может привести к сбоям в работе и зависанию компьютера, а также к потенциальному заражению вирусом. Узнайте, как быстро и легко исправить эти ошибки во время выполнения Microsoft Silverlight!
Icon Ex Номер ошибки: Ошибка 5014
Название ошибки: Error Code 5014 Silverlight
Описание ошибки: Ошибка 5014: Возникла ошибка в приложении Microsoft Silverlight. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства.
Разработчик: Microsoft Corporation
Программное обеспечение: Microsoft Silverlight
Относится к: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Проверка «Error Code 5014 Silverlight»

Как правило, специалисты по ПК называют «Error Code 5014 Silverlight» как тип «ошибки времени выполнения». Разработчики тратят много времени и усилий на написание кода, чтобы убедиться, что Microsoft Silverlight стабилен до продажи продукта. Ошибки, такие как ошибка 5014, иногда удаляются из отчетов, оставляя проблему остается нерешенной в программном обеспечении.

Ошибка 5014 также отображается как «Error Code 5014 Silverlight». Это распространенная ошибка, которая может возникнуть после установки программного обеспечения. Когда появится ошибка, пользователи компьютеров смогут уведомить разработчика о наличии ошибки 5014 через отчеты об ошибках. Затем они исправляют дефектные области кода и сделают обновление доступным для загрузки. Если есть уведомление об обновлении Microsoft Silverlight, это может быть решением для устранения таких проблем, как ошибка 5014 и обнаруженные дополнительные проблемы.

В чем причина ошибки 5014?

В большинстве случаев вы увидите «Error Code 5014 Silverlight» во время загрузки Microsoft Silverlight. Вот три наиболее распространенные причины, по которым происходят ошибки во время выполнения ошибки 5014:

Ошибка 5014 Crash — Ошибка 5014 остановит компьютер от выполнения обычной программной операции. Если данный ввод недействителен или не соответствует ожидаемому формату, Microsoft Silverlight (или OS) завершается неудачей.

Утечка памяти «Error Code 5014 Silverlight» — последствия утечки памяти Microsoft Silverlight связаны с неисправной операционной системой. Возможные причины включают сбой Microsoft Corporation для девыделения памяти в программе или когда плохой код выполняет «бесконечный цикл».

Ошибка 5014 Logic Error — Вы можете столкнуться с логической ошибкой, когда программа дает неправильные результаты, даже если пользователь указывает правильное значение. Это может произойти, когда исходный код Microsoft Corporation имеет уязвимость в отношении передачи данных.

Основные причины Microsoft Corporation ошибок, связанных с файлом Error Code 5014 Silverlight, включают отсутствие или повреждение файла, или, в некоторых случаях, заражение связанного Microsoft Silverlight вредоносным ПО в прошлом или настоящем. Обычно, установка новой версии файла Microsoft Corporation позволяет устранить проблему, из-за которой возникает ошибка. В качестве дополнительного шага по устранению неполадок мы настоятельно рекомендуем очистить все пути к неверным файлам и ссылки на расширения файлов Microsoft Corporation, которые могут способствовать возникновению такого рода ошибок, связанных с Error Code 5014 Silverlight.

Типичные ошибки Error Code 5014 Silverlight

Эти проблемы Microsoft Silverlight, связанные с Error Code 5014 Silverlight, включают в себя:

  • «Ошибка Error Code 5014 Silverlight. «
  • «Недопустимая программа Win32: Error Code 5014 Silverlight»
  • «Извините, Error Code 5014 Silverlight столкнулся с проблемой. «
  • «К сожалению, мы не можем найти Error Code 5014 Silverlight. «
  • «Error Code 5014 Silverlight не может быть найден. «
  • «Ошибка запуска программы: Error Code 5014 Silverlight.»
  • «Error Code 5014 Silverlight не работает. «
  • «Отказ Error Code 5014 Silverlight.»
  • «Неверный путь к приложению: Error Code 5014 Silverlight.»

Проблемы Error Code 5014 Silverlight с участием Microsoft Silverlights возникают во время установки, при запуске или завершении работы программного обеспечения, связанного с Error Code 5014 Silverlight, или во время процесса установки Windows. При появлении ошибки Error Code 5014 Silverlight запишите вхождения для устранения неполадок Microsoft Silverlight и чтобы HelpMicrosoft Corporation найти причину.

Корень проблем Error Code 5014 Silverlight

Эти проблемы Error Code 5014 Silverlight создаются отсутствующими или поврежденными файлами Error Code 5014 Silverlight, недопустимыми записями реестра Microsoft Silverlight или вредоносным программным обеспечением.

В частности, проблемы Error Code 5014 Silverlight возникают через:

  • Поврежденная или недопустимая запись реестра Error Code 5014 Silverlight.
  • Вредоносные программы заразили Error Code 5014 Silverlight, создавая повреждение.
  • Вредоносное удаление (или ошибка) Error Code 5014 Silverlight другим приложением (не Microsoft Silverlight).
  • Другая программа, конфликтующая с Error Code 5014 Silverlight или другой общей ссылкой Microsoft Silverlight.
  • Microsoft Silverlight/Error Code 5014 Silverlight поврежден от неполной загрузки или установки.

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This article features error number Code 5014, commonly known as Error Code 5014 Silverlight described as Error 5014: Microsoft Silverlight has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

About Runtime Code 5014

Runtime Code 5014 happens when Microsoft Silverlight fails or crashes whilst it’s running, hence its name. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the code was corrupt in some way, but just that it did not work during its run-time. This kind of error will appear as an annoying notification on your screen unless handled and corrected. Here are symptoms, causes and ways to troubleshoot the problem.

Definitions (Beta)

Here we list some definitions for the words contained in your error, in an attempt to help you understand your problem. This is a work in progress, so sometimes we might define the word incorrectly, so feel free to skip this section!

  • Error code — An error code is a value returned to provide context on why an error occurred
  • Silverlight — Silverlight is Microsoft’s cross-browser, cross platform plug-in for media experiences and rich interactive applications.

Symptoms of Code 5014 — Error Code 5014 Silverlight

Runtime errors happen without warning. The error message can come up the screen anytime Microsoft Silverlight is run. In fact, the error message or some other dialogue box can come up again and again if not addressed early on.

There may be instances of files deletion or new files appearing. Though this symptom is largely due to virus infection, it can be attributed as a symptom for runtime error, as virus infection is one of the causes for runtime error. User may also experience a sudden drop in internet connection speed, yet again, this is not always the case.

Fix Error Code 5014 Silverlight (Error Code 5014)
(For illustrative purposes only)

Causes of Error Code 5014 Silverlight — Code 5014

During software design, programmers code anticipating the occurrence of errors. However, there are no perfect designs, as errors can be expected even with the best program design. Glitches can happen during runtime if a certain error is not experienced and addressed during design and testing.

Runtime errors are generally caused by incompatible programs running at the same time. It may also occur because of memory problem, a bad graphics driver or virus infection. Whatever the case may be, the problem must be resolved immediately to avoid further problems. Here are ways to remedy the error.

Repair Methods

Runtime errors may be annoying and persistent, but it is not totally hopeless, repairs are available. Here are ways to do it.

If a repair method works for you, please click the upvote button to the left of the answer, this will let other users know which repair method is currently working the best.

Please note: Neither nor it’s writers claim responsibility for the results of the actions taken from employing any of the repair methods listed on this page — you complete these steps at your own risk.

Method 1 — Close Conflicting Programs

When you get a runtime error, keep in mind that it is happening due to programs that are conflicting with each other. The first thing you can do to resolve the problem is to stop these conflicting programs.

  • Open Task Manager by clicking Ctrl-Alt-Del at the same time. This will let you see the list of programs currently running.
  • Go to the Processes tab and stop the programs one by one by highlighting each program and clicking the End Process buttom.
  • You will need to observe if the error message will reoccur each time you stop a process.
  • Once you get to identify which program is causing the error, you may go ahead with the next troubleshooting step, reinstalling the application.

Method 2 — Update / Reinstall Conflicting Programs

Using Control Panel

  • For Windows 7, click the Start Button, then click Control panel, then Uninstall a program
  • For Windows 8, click the Start Button, then scroll down and click More Settings, then click Control panel > Uninstall a program.
  • For Windows 10, just type Control Panel on the search box and click the result, then click Uninstall a program
  • Once inside Programs and Features, click the problem program and click Update or Uninstall.
  • If you chose to update, then you will just need to follow the prompt to complete the process, however if you chose to Uninstall, you will follow the prompt to uninstall and then re-download or use the application’s installation disk to reinstall the program.

Using Other Methods

  • For Windows 7, you may find the list of all installed programs when you click Start and scroll your mouse over the list that appear on the tab. You may see on that list utility for uninstalling the program. You may go ahead and uninstall using utilities available in this tab.
  • For Windows 10, you may click Start, then Settings, then choose Apps.
  • Scroll down to see the list of Apps and features installed in your computer.
  • Click the Program which is causing the runtime error, then you may choose to uninstall or click Advanced options to reset the application.

Method 3 — Update your Virus protection program or download and install the latest Windows Update

Virus infection causing runtime error on your computer must immediately be prevented, quarantined or deleted. Make sure you update your virus program and run a thorough scan of the computer or, run Windows update so you can get the latest virus definition and fix.

Method 4 — Re-install Runtime Libraries

You might be getting the error because of an update, like the MS Visual C++ package which might not be installed properly or completely. What you can do then is to uninstall the current package and install a fresh copy.

  • Uninstall the package by going to Programs and Features, find and highlight the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package.
  • Click Uninstall on top of the list, and when it is done, reboot your computer.
  • Download the latest redistributable package from Microsoft then install it.

Method 5 — Run Disk Cleanup

You might also be experiencing runtime error because of a very low free space on your computer.

  • You should consider backing up your files and freeing up space on your hard drive
  • You can also clear your cache and reboot your computer
  • You can also run Disk Cleanup, open your explorer window and right click your main directory (this is usually C: )
  • Click Properties and then click Disk Cleanup

Method 6 — Reinstall Your Graphics Driver

If the error is related to a bad graphics driver, then you may do the following:

  • Open your Device Manager, locate the graphics driver
  • Right click the video card driver then click uninstall, then restart your computer

Method 7 — IE related Runtime Error

If the error you are getting is related to the Internet Explorer, you may do the following:

  1. Reset your browser.
    • For Windows 7, you may click Start, go to Control Panel, then click Internet Options on the left side. Then you can click Advanced tab then click the Reset button.
    • For Windows 8 and 10, you may click search and type Internet Options, then go to Advanced tab and click Reset.
  2. Disable script debugging and error notifications.
    • On the same Internet Options window, you may go to Advanced tab and look for Disable script debugging
    • Put a check mark on the radio button
    • At the same time, uncheck the «Display a Notification about every Script Error» item and then click Apply and OK, then reboot your computer.

If these quick fixes do not work, you can always backup files and run repair reinstall on your computer. However, you can do that later when the solutions listed here did not do the job.

Other languages:

Wie beheben Fehler 5014 (Fehlercode 5014 Silverlight) — Fehler 5014: Microsoft Silverlight hat ein Problem festgestellt und muss geschlossen werden. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten.
Come fissare Errore 5014 (Codice errore 5014 Silverlight) — Errore 5014: Microsoft Silverlight ha riscontrato un problema e deve essere chiuso. Ci scusiamo per l’inconveniente.
Hoe maak je Fout 5014 (Foutcode 5014 Silverlight) — Fout 5014: Microsoft Silverlight heeft een probleem ondervonden en moet worden afgesloten. Excuses voor het ongemak.
Comment réparer Erreur 5014 (Code d’erreur 5014 Silverlight) — Erreur 5014 : Microsoft Silverlight a rencontré un problème et doit fermer. Nous sommes désolés du dérangement.
어떻게 고치는 지 오류 5014 (오류 코드 5014 Silverlight) — 오류 5014: Microsoft Silverlight에 문제가 발생해 닫아야 합니다. 불편을 드려 죄송합니다.
Como corrigir o Erro 5014 (Código de erro 5014 Silverlight) — Erro 5014: O Microsoft Silverlight encontrou um problema e precisa fechar. Lamentamos o inconveniente.
Hur man åtgärdar Fel 5014 (Felkod 5014 Silverlight) — Fel 5014: Microsoft Silverlight har stött på ett problem och måste avslutas. Vi är ledsna för besväret.
Как исправить Ошибка 5014 (Код ошибки 5014 Silverlight) — Ошибка 5014: Возникла ошибка в приложении Microsoft Silverlight. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим свои извинения за неудобства.
Jak naprawić Błąd 5014 (Kod błędu 5014 Silverlight) — Błąd 5014: Microsoft Silverlight napotkał problem i musi zostać zamknięty. Przepraszamy za niedogodności.
Cómo arreglar Error 5014 (Código de error 5014 Silverlight) — Error 5014: Microsoft Silverlight ha detectado un problema y debe cerrarse. Lamentamos las molestias.

The Author About The Author: Phil Hart has been a Microsoft Community Contributor since 2010. With a current point score over 100,000, they’ve contributed more than 3000 answers in the Microsoft Support forums and have created almost 200 new help articles in the Technet Wiki.

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Recommended Repair Tool:

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Speed Up Tip #3

Clean Up Temporary Files:

Temporary files, recycle bin files and hibernation files take up a large amount of disk space in your computer. You can boost your computers speed and reclaim valuable space by cleaning up your hard drive. You can use tools like TreeSize to identify which files are taking up the free space in your hard drive.

Click Here for another way to speed up your Windows PC

I’m replicating between two servers in two sites (Server A — Server 2012 R2 STD, Server B — Server 2008 R2) over a VPN (Sonicwall Firewall).  Though the initial replication seems to be
happening it is very slow (the folder in question is less than 3GB).  I’m seeing these in the event viewer every few minutes:

The DFS Replication service is stopping communication with partner PPIFTC for replication group FTC due to an error. The service will retry the connection periodically.

Additional Information:

Error: 1726 (The remote procedure call failed.)

and then….

The DFS Replication service successfully established an inbound connection with partner PPIFTC for replication group FTC.


Here are all my troubleshooting steps (keep in mind that our VPN is going through a SonicWall <—I increased the TCP timeout to 24 hours):

-Increased TCP Timeout to 24 hours 

-Added the following values on both sending and receiving members and rebooted server


Value =DisableTaskOffload

Type = DWORD

Data = 1

Value =EnableTCPChimney

Type = DWORD

Data = 0

Value =EnableTCPA

Type = DWORD

Data = 0

Value =EnableRSS

Type = DWORD

Data = 0

———————————more troubleshooting—————————

-Disabled AntiVirus on both members

-Made sure DFSR TCP ports 135 & 5722 are open

-Installed all hotfixes for 2008 R2 ( and rebooted

-Ran NETSTAT –ANOBP TCP and the DFS executable results are listed below:

Sending Member:


  TCP    10.x.x.x:53               
LISTENING       1692


  TCP    10.x.x.x:54669        
10.x.x.x:5722          TIME_WAIT       0

  TCP    10.x.x.x:54673        
10.x.x.x:5722          ESTABLISHED     1656


  TCP    10.x.x.x:64773        
10.x.x.x:389           ESTABLISHED     1692


  TCP    10.x.x.x:64787        
10.x.x.x:389           ESTABLISHED     1656


  TCP    10.x.x.x:64795        
10.x.x.x:389           ESTABLISHED     2104

Receiving Member:


  TCP    10.x.x.x:56683        
10.x.x.x:389           ESTABLISHED     7472


  TCP    10.x.x.x:57625        
10.x.x.x:54886         ESTABLISHED     2808


  TCP    10.x.x.x:61759        
10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0

  TCP    10.x.x.x:61760        
10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0

  TCP    10.x.x.x:61763        
10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0

  TCP    10.x.x.x:61764        
10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0

  TCP    10.x.x.x:61770        
10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0

  TCP    10.x.x.x:61771        
10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0

  TCP    10.x.x.x:61774        
10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0

  TCP    10.x.x.x:61775        
10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0

  TCP    10.x.x.x:61776        
10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0

  TCP    10.x.x.x:61777        
10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0

  TCP    10.x.x.x:61778        
10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0

  TCP    10.x.x.x:61779        
10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0

  TCP    10.x.x.x:61784        
10.x.x.x:52757         ESTABLISHED     7472


  TCP    10.x.x.x:63661        
10.x.x.x:63781         ESTABLISHED     4880

——————————more troubleshooting—————————

-Increased Staging to 32GB

-Opened the ADSIedit.msc console to verify the «Authenticated Users» is set with the default READ permission on the following object:

a. The computer object of the DFS server

b. The DFSR-LocalSettings object under the DFS server computer object

ping <var>10.x.x.x</var> -f -l 1472 and got replies back from both servers

-AD replication is successful on all partners

-Nslookup is working so DNS is working

-Updated NIC drivers on both servers

— I ran the following to set the Primary Member:

dfsradmin Membership Set /RGName:<replication group name> /RFName:<replicated folder name> /MemName:<primary member> /IsPrimary:True

Then Dfsrdiag Pollad /Member:<member name>

I’m seeing these errors in the dfsr logs:

20141014 19:28:17.746 9116 SRTR   957 [WARN] SERVER_EstablishSession Failed to establish a replicated folder session. connId:{45C8C309-4EDD-459A-A0BB-4C5FACD97D44} csId:{7AC7917F-F96F-411B-A4D8-6BB303B3C813}
+ [Error:9051(0x235b) UpstreamTransport::EstablishSession upstreamtransport.cpp:808 9116 C The content set is not ready]
+ [Error:9051(0x235b) OutConnection::EstablishSession outconnection.cpp:532 9116 C The content set is not ready]
+ [Error:9051(0x235b) OutConnection::EstablishSession outconnection.cpp:471 9116 C The content set is not ready]

—————————————more troubleshooting——————————

I’ve done a lot of research on the Internet and most of it is pointing to the same stuff I’ve tried.  Does anyone have any other suggestions?  Maybe I need to look somewhere
else on the server side or firewall side? 

I tried replicating from a 2012 R2 server to another 2012 server and am getting the same events in the event log so maybe it’s not a server issue. 

Some other things I’m wondering:

-Could it be the speed of the NICs?  Server A is a 2012 Server that has Hyper-V installed.  NIC teaming was initially setup and since Hyper-V is installed the NIC is a «vEthernet
(Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver Virtual Switch) running at a speed of 10.0Gbps whereas Server B is running a single NIC at 1.0Gbps

-Could occasional ping timeout’s cause the issue?  From time to time I get a timeout but it’s not as often as the events I’m seeing.  I’m getting 53ms pings.  The folder
is only 3 GB so it shouldn’t take that long to replicate but it’s been days.  The schedule I have set for replication is mostly all day except for our backup times which start at 11pm-5am.  Throughout the rest of the time I have it set anywhere from
4Mbps to 64 Kbps.  Server A is on a 5mb circuit and Server B is on a 10mb circuit. 

0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему.

Хотел создать CD раздел на флешке Kingston DataTravel 16GB G3 для загрузочника, несколько раз пытался прошивать, попытки были неудачными, после последней при попытке октыть флэшку просит вставить диск, форматнуть тоже не получается.

Прошивал через: Phison_MPALL_v3.20.00

На сайте в базе и по GetInfo разнятся данные о контроллере данной флэшки.
С базы: Kingston   Data Traveler G3   16 Gb   0951   1643   PS2251-50/30   –   Phison MPALL v3.20.00 (PS2251)
Скрин GetInfo приведен ниже.

Помогите вернуть флешку в обычное ее состояние.

« Последнее редактирование: 05 Июля 2011, 19:38:39 от jonhy »


На скриншоте вроде всё на месте, кроме LUN. Можно ли создать раздел в «управлении дисками»?
даже серийник похоже оригинальный.


К сожаленью дома стоит 7 х64, и неполучается поставить Hitachy Microdrive и потестить, завтра на работе попробую.


Hitachy Microdrive не нужен.
Попробовал сейчас затереть МБР на флэшке с PHISON. Симптомы похожи (см скрины).
Хм. «Управление дисками» в Win7 x64 её не видит даже с адм. правами  :o
Зато видит и форматирует HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool. Флэшка снова в норме.

« Последнее редактирование: 05 Июля 2011, 23:23:26 от novo »


В «Управлении дисками» ее не видит, после утановки Hitachy Microdrive она перестала определяться(видна только в диспетчере устройств), Partition magic с воткнутой флешкой отказывается работать.

У меня не совсем такая проблема как представленная вами на скринах.
При попытке открыть выводится сообщение «Вставьте диск в дисковод» (как на скрине).
Из под винды мою флешку вообще нельзя форматнуть(окно форматирования не выводится а выскакивает ошибка как на скрине).

HP_USB_Disk_Storage_FormatTool_2.2.3 тоже выдает ошибку(как на скрине).

« Последнее редактирование: 06 Июля 2011, 08:28:44 от jonhy »


Ну, тогда можно форматтерами сперва попробовать. Какой-нибудь да сработает поди. У tagaraz в подписи ссылка на его сайт где их много.
ЗЫ. Hitachy Microdrive всё равно не нужен (хотя и помешать не должен)
а может и помешает

« Последнее редактирование: 06 Июля 2011, 08:36:53 от novo »


Перепробовал все утилиты из предложенных: либо не подходит, либо не видит.



Все манипуляции производились через передний USB, винда стоит XP.
Попрою все теже манипуляции через задний USB.


Результат тотже.

Утилиты UP_19_CTool не определяют флешку.

Через Phison MPALL v3.29.0B определяет, запускал со следующими параметрами:

IC Type=PS2251-60
[Parameter Mark]
Parameter Type=F1_MP_21
[Customize Info]
USB VID=0x0951
USB PID=0x1643
String Product Name=DataTraveler G3
String Manufacturer Name=Kingston
Inquiry Version=PMAP
Reset Serial Number=0
Preformat Target Capacity=15700
Do Preformat Test=1

выдает ошибку(как на скрине).


Target Capacity не надо ничего писать, пусть сама определяет.


Теперь другую ошибку выдает(скрин).

IC Type=PS2251-60
[Parameter Mark]
Parameter Type=F1_MP_21
[Customize Info]
USB VID=0x0951
USB PID=0x1643
String Product Name=DataTraveler G3
String Manufacturer Name=Kingston
Inquiry Version=PMAP
Reset Serial Number=0


А так вообще преформата нет, сразу в ФС пытается.
Если так?

IC Type=PS2251-60
[Parameter Mark]
Parameter Type=F1_MP_21
[Customize Info]
USB VID=0x0951
USB PID=0x1643
String Product Name=DataTraveler G3
String Manufacturer Name=Kingston
Inquiry Version=PMAP
End Serial Number=0xFFFF
Reset Serial Number=0
Close Turbo Size=0
Do Preformat Test=1
Volume Label=USB DISK


ну, то есть гланое секцию

Do Preformat Test=1
добавить в последний опробованный конфиг
фиксированный размер не надо, а преформата птицу надо.


Собственно, с такой конфигурацией выдает ошибку как на первом скрине с ошибкой
«Preformat status error 0x5014»

IC Type=PS2251-60
[Parameter Mark]
Parameter Type=F1_MP_21
[Customize Info]
USB VID=0x0951
USB PID=0x1643
String Product Name=DataTraveler G3
String Manufacturer Name=Kingston
Inquiry Version=PMAP
Reset Serial Number=0
Do Preformat Test=1

С предложенной вами конфигурацией таже самая ошибка.


Как я понял если данными утилитами вопрос не решается то флэшке Капец.
Имеет ли смысл в сервисный центр нести или по гарантии поменять пытаться?


По гарантии поменять пытаться —  это самое первое дело.
А утилитами скорее всего решается. Только помучаться  приходится. Возможно поможет Erase all, заливка  burner и firmware. Хотя может и убьёт окончательно.


Поменял по гарантии…
Тема закрыта.



Good Morning Windows Gurus,

I am running into a challenge with our DFS Replication where I am daily getting multiple alerts about the service stopping communication with the partner controller because the replication is being Paused for backup or restore.  We are running Server 2012 R2 in a vmware vsphere installation. Messages below.


The DFS Replication service is stopping communication with partner BV-DC1 for replication group Domain System Volume due to an error. The service will retry the connection periodically. 
Additional Information: 
Error: 9036 (Paused for backup or restore) 
Connection ID: E14D9BA1-6EBD-43BF-95B4-591C1773EA6D 
Replication Group ID: 7C857D6F-15C8-4C74-BDC6-1A49065B34B0


The DFS Replication service encountered an error communicating with partner BV-DC1 for replication group Domain System Volume. 
Partner DNS address: BV-DC1.busd.loc 
Optional data if available: 
Partner WINS Address: BV-DC1 
Partner IP Address: 
The service will retry the connection periodically. 
Additional Information: 
Error: 9036 (Paused for backup or restore) 
Connection ID: E14D9BA1-6EBD-43BF-95B4-591C1773EA6D 
Replication Group ID: 7C857D6F-15C8-4C74-BDC6-1A49065B34B0

I have temporarily paused Veeam backups of the FSMO server to rule out the service causing the interruption. I have also ran the AD Replication Status tool and everything comes back clean. AD is replicating. Do I need to stress over these errors? They seem pretty numerous given my past experience with Windows Server.

Thank you very much for your time. Happy Wednesday.

Современные копировальные аппараты Xerox отличаются качество, надежностью и «быстрым» стартом. Также у них существует множество особенностей, которые отличают их от принтеров других производителей. Например, используется тефлоновый вал, а не термопленка.

Однако избегать различных поломок и ошибок пока не удается ни одному устройству. К самым частым неисправностям у принтеров Xerox относятся: залипание или повреждение датчика бумаги, повреждение роликов подачи, часто требуется перепрошивка программного обеспечения.

Если у вас возникнут вопросы насчет того, как исправить код ошибки копировального аппарата Xerox, то вы можете обратиться к специалистам нашего сервисного центра.

Основные коды ошибок копировальных аппаратов Xerox и способы их устранения:

  • Коды ошибок Xerox 1012, 1012(RE)
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 1020
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 1025
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 1035
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 1038
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 2830
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5011, 5012, 5014
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5016, 5017, 5316, 5317
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5018, 5028
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5312, 5313, 5314
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5318, 5320, 5322
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5328
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5330
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5340, 5343
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5345
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5350, 5352
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5355
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5622
  • Коды ошибок Xerox XC520, 540, 560, 580

Xerox 1012, 1012(RE)

Код ошибки Описание
E1 Jam between paper feed and fuser
E3 Jam in fuser
E5 Clam shell open
E6 Paper feed section cover is open
J1 Toner cartridge near empty
J3 Drum cartridge not seated properly
J7 Waste toner full (replace drum cartridge)
L6 Key counter out
L8 Exposure area overheat
U1 No clock pulse (drive problem)
U2 Scan problem
U3 Lens/mirror problem (RE model only)
U4 Heat problem
U8 Exposure lamp control circuit problem
E1 Jam between paper feed and fuser
E3 Jam in fuser
E5 Clam shell open
E6 Paper feed section cover is open
J1 Toner cartridge near empty
J3 Drum cartridge not seated properly
J7 Waste toner full (replace drum cartridge)
L6 Key counter out
L8 Exposure area overheat
U1 No clock pulse (drive problem)
U2 Scan problem
U3 Lens/mirror problem (RE model only)
U4 Heat problem
U8 Exposure lamp control circuit problem

Xerox 1020

Код ошибки Описание
LL Probable bad heater lamp

Xerox 1025

Код ошибки Описание
A1 DF jam
C1 PF jam cass. 1
C2 PF jam cass. 2
C3 PF jam cass. 3
C9 Bypass jam
E1-1 Paper jam before exit switch
E1-2 Paper jam
E1-5 Paper jam
E1-6 Paper jam
E3-3 Paper jam at exit switch
E3-4 Paper jam at exit switch
E5 Front door open
F1 Collator jam
F5 Collator interlock
F8 No power to collator
F9 Collator bin home switch
J7 250 copies since toner waste was full
L5 Original cass. not present after clearing interrupt
L6 Key counter
L8 Platen glass too hot
U1 Main motor clock pulse
U2 Scan problem
U3-1 Lens problem
U4-1 Open thermistor
U4-2 Low temperature
U4-4 Temperature
U4-5 Main PWB
U6-1 Main PWB
U6-2 Main PWB
U6-3 Main board battery
U6-4 Initialization
U8 Exposure lamp

Xerox 1035

Код ошибки Описание
A9 Scanner location
C1 Paper feed — upper cassette
C2 Paper feed — lower cassette
C9 Bypass jam
E5 Clam shell is open
L6 Key counter
U1 Off/On
U2 Optics
U4 Low fuser temperature

Xerox 1038

Код ошибки Описание
A1 DF jam
C1 PF jam cass. 1
C2 PF jam cass. 2
C3 PF jam cass. 3
C9 Bypass jam
E1-1 Paper jam before exit switch
E1-2 Paper jam
E1-5 Paper jam
E1-6 Paper jam
E3-3 Paper jam at exit switch
E3-4 Paper jam at exit switch
E5 Front door open
F1 Collator jam
F5 Collator interlock
F8 No power to collator
F9 Collator bin home switch
J7 250 copies since toner waste was full
L5 Original cass. not present after clearing interrupt
L6 Key counter
L8 Platen glass too hot
U1 Main motor clock pulse
U2 Scan problem
U3-1 Lens problem
U4-1 Open thermistor
U4-2 Low temperature
U4-4 Temperature
U4-5 Main PWB
U6-1 Main PWB
U6-2 Main PWB
U6-3 Main board battery
U6-4 Initialization
U8 Exposure lamp

Xerox 2830

Код ошибки Описание
A9 Scanner location
C1 Paper feed — upper cassette
C2 Paper feed — lower cassette
C9 Bypass jam
E5 Clam shell is open
E5 Clam shell open
L6 Key counter
U1 Off/On
U2 Optics
U4 Low fuser temperature

Xerox 5011, 5012, 5014

Код ошибки Описание
C8 Bypass jam/no paper
C9 Bypass jam
E1 Jam
E3 Fuser jam
E5 Clamshell open
E6 PF section cover open
J1 Toner cartridge amost empty
J3 Copy cart (drum unit) missing/not seated right
J7 Copy cartridge has run 18,000 copies
J8 Copy cartridge. Improperly seated or possible only one of two fuses in the cartridge blew
L6 Key counter
L8 Exposure glass too hot
U1 Drive problem
U2 Scan problem
U3 Lens or mirror drive problem
U4 Fuser problem. Heat lamp, thermoswitch, SSR, thermistor
U6 Battery on main board
U8 Exposure lamp or exposure lamp circuit

Xerox 5016, 5017, 5316, 5317

Code Description
A1-1 Document feeder feed jam
A1-2 Document feeder belt jam
A2-1 Document feeder exit jam
A2-2 Duplex jam
A3 DAD interlock
A5 Duplex and DAD right side interlock
A6 Copier jams after
A9 Document feed belt drive motor
C1-3 Top cassette misfeed
C2-3 Middle cassette misfeed
C3-3 Bottom cassette misfeed
C9-3 Bypass misfeed
E1-11 to E1-14 Paper jam in machine. Did not reach exit switch soon enough
E1-6 Paper path jam
E3-31 to E3-34 Exit switch jam
E3-6 Fuser jam
E5 Front door interlock
E6 Right side interlock or TTM interlock
F1 Sorter jam
F5 Sorter interlock
F8 Sorter board to copier main board communication problem
F9 Sorter bins

Xerox 5018, 5028

Code Description
A1 Document is ADF
A1-8 Main board received reset signal
A2 ADF jams
A6, A7 ADF jams
A9 ADF jams
C1 — C4 Feed jam
C5-1 to C5-4 Jams in various areas
C5-2 Jams in various areas
C5-3 Jams in various areas
C5-4 Duplex jam
E0 Machine has reset
E1 Jam
E1-E0 Registration jam
E1-E5 Clamshell interlock
E1-E6 Right side interlock
E1-E7 Two tray interlock
E1-E8 Sorter interlock
E1-E9 Copy cartridge interlock
E2 Reset signal happened
E3 Jam
E4 Exit jam
E4-10 Exit jam
E4-5 Clamshell interlock
E4-6 Right side interlock
E4-7 Two tray interlock. Duplex interlock
E4-8 Sorter interlock
E4-9 Copy cartridge interlock
E5 Clamshell interlock
E6 Right side interlock
E7 Duplex interlock
E9 Copy cartridge interlock
F3-1 Sorter bin home switch
F3-2 Sorter cam switch
F3-3 Sorter cam switch
J1-1 Add toner
J1-2 Temporary low toner signal
J2-0 Replace copy cartridge
L2 2000 copies left on copy cartridge
L3 ADF to machine communication problem
L4 (flashing) 1000 copies left on fuser web
rr Bad EPROM on main board
U0 Main board
U2 Scan problem
U2-1 Scan home
U3-00 Cam drive problem
U3-01 Cam movement slow
U3-04 Main board to duplex communication
U3-09 Cam problem
U3-12 Jogger problem
U3-19 Cam problem
U3-21 Cam problem
U3-23 Cam problem
U3-29 Cam problem
U3-32 Cam problem
U3-34 Cam problem
U3-39 Cam problem
U3-43 Cam problem
U3-45 Cam problem
U3-49 Cam problem
U3-54 Cam problem
U3-56 Cam problem
U3-59 Cam problem
U4-1 Fuser problem. Long warm up
U4-2 Low fuser temperature after warm up
U4-3 High fuser temperature
U4-4 Open fuser thermistor
U4-6 Replace fuser web
U4-7 Thermistor signal problem
U7-1 Copy cartridge belt drive problem
U9-3 Exposure lamp problem
U9-4 Toner motor
U9-5 Problem in warm up

Xerox 5312, 5313, 5314

Код ошибки Описание
C1 Upper paper feed problem. Did not reach feed sensor
C2 Lower paper feed problem. Did not reach feed sensor
E1 Exit jam. Paper did not reach exit sensor
E3 Exit jam. Paper still on exit sensor
J1 Add toner
J3 Copy cartridge (drum unit) not installed
J7 Copy cartridge (drum unit) must be replaced
J8 Copy cartridge (drum unit) problem
L6 Problem with an accessory. Installed but not initialized
U1 Drive problem. Main motor, gear etc.
U2 Scan problem
U3 Main board dip switches wrong. Lens drive problem
U4 Fuser problem. Heat lamp, thermal switch, overheat, thermistor.
U6 EPROM error
U8 Auto exposure sensor. No exposure lamp or weak lamp

Xerox 5318, 5320, 5322

Code Description
A1-11 Original ready switch
A1-12 Feed sensor
A1-1 to A1-32 All indicate a paper path problem, etc. in the ADF
A1-21 Original ready switch and document registration sensor or both the document feed sensor and document registration sensor
A1-22 ADF registration sensor
A1-23 Original did not reach ADF registration sensor quickly enough
A1-24 ADF sensor stuck down too long
A1-25 ADF sensor actuated at the wrong time during single sheet feed
A1-26 ADF sensor not actuated quickly enough in sheet feed mode
A1-31 In reverse, ADF sensor is not actuated soon enough
A1-32 In reverse, ADF sensor is actuated too long
A2 ADF exit problems
A2-1 Original ready sensor and ADF exit switch are actuated or ADF feed in sensor and ADF exit switch are both actuated
A2-2 ADF exit switch
A2-3 ADF exit switch is not actuated on time
A3 Irregular size documents
A3-1 Wrong size original sensed in 1:1 mode
A3-2 Wrong size original sensed in the 2:1 mode
A5 ADF interlock
A5 ADF interlock
A6 ADF single sheet document reset.
A6-1 Reset original
A6-2 Reset sheet feeder
A7 Document cover interlock
A8 ADF exit interlock
C1 Tray 1 jam
C1-2 Paper feed problem in tray 1
C1-3 Paper does not reach registration
C2 Tray 2 jam
C3 Tray 3 jam
C3-1 Paper feed problem from tray 3
C3-2 Paper feed problem from tray 3
C3-3 Paper feed problem from tray 1
C6-1 Duplex paper feed problem
C6-2 Duplex and/or tray 1 paper feed problem
C6-3 Paper feed problem from tray 1
C7-1 Paper feed problem from HCF
C7-2 Paper feed problem from HCF on tray 1
C7-3 Paper feed problem from tray 1
C8 Paper stays in tray or duplex or HCF
C8-1 Paper on tray 1 feed sensor
C8-2 Paper on tray 2 feed sensor
C8-3 Paper on tray 3 feed sensor
C8-4 Paper on HCF feed sensor
C8-5 Paper in duplex section
C9 Bypass feed problem
C9-3 Paper from bypass did not reach registration sensor quickly enough
E1-10 to E1-25 Internal jam
E1-6 Paper on registration sensor
E2 Reset signal happened. Might read E-2 something else.
E3-30 to E4-14 Exit jam
E3-30 to E3-35 Exit switch actuated too long
E3-6 Exit jam
E3-6 Paper on exit switch
E4-10 to E4-14 Inverter sensor not actuated.
E4-10 to E4-45 Paper did not reach inverter switch soon enough
E4-15 Inverter sensor
E4-40 to E4-45 Duplex entry sensor
E4-6 Paper on inverter switch
E4-6 Inverter sensor
E5 Front door interlock
E6-1 Tray 1 interlock
E6-2 2 tray or duplex interlock
E6-3 HCF interlock
E7-2 Duplex inverter interlock
E7-3 Duplex interlock
E8-10 to E8-15 Paper on duplex feed sensor is not actuated soon enough
E8-6 Paper in duplex
E8-6 to E8-15 Duplex entry sensor
F1-1 Paper did not reach sorter
F1-2 Paper stayed on sorter feed sensor
F1-6 Sorter exit sensor
F3 Paper size not available for sort/stack
F5 Sorter interlock
H2-1 Communication problem between main board and duplex board
H2-2 Side guard sensor problem
H3-1 Communication problem between main board and HCF
H3-2 Upper limit sensor problem on HCF
H6-1 ADF size sensor
H6-2 ADF nudgeer sensor
H6-3 Belt drive motor does not have 24 volts. Black toner is empty, but 100 copies have been run without changing toner
J1 Black toner is empty, but 100 copies have been run without changing toner
J3 Replace copy cartridge
J3 No copy cartridge (drum unit)
J7 Copy cartrige must be replaced
J8-1 Wrong copy cartridge installed
J8-2 Copy cartridge EEPROM must be changed
L6 Auditron or other counter problem
L6 Key counter not installed
L8 Platen glass temperature is too high
L9 Communication problem between interimage erase/edge lamps and main board
U1-1 Main motor drive problem
U2-1 Scan home problem
U2-1 to U2-4 Scan home sensor
U2-2 Scan home problem or optics problem
U2-3, U2-4 Scan home problem
U3-1 Lens sensor problem
U4-1 Fuser thermistor open
U4-2 Fuser did not warm up properly
U4-3 Fuser temperature too high
U4-4 Fuser problem. Staying on too long
U4-6 High fuser temperature
U5-1 Sorter bin home switch not activated
U5-2 Sorter bin home switch stayed actuated
U5-3 Sorter bin home switch
U5-4 Sorter bin home switch
U6-1 ROM problem
U6-2 RAM problem
U6-3 Low battery
U6-4 Incorrect value in NVM. Reinitialize main board with code 20-96
U8-1 Exposure lamp problem
U8-2 Communication problem main board and exposure board
U8-3 Exposure lamp or exposure lamp board problem
U8-4 to U8-6 Problem with exposure lamp, lamp sensor, lamp board

Xerox 5328

Code Description
A1 Document in ADF
A1-8 Main board received reset signal
A2 ADF jams
A6 ADF registration jam
A7 ADF interlock
A9 Tray 1 jam
C1 Tray 2 jam
C2 Tray 3 jam
C3 Bypass feed jams
C4 Machine has reset
E1 Jam
E1-5 Clamshell interlock
E1-6 Right side interlock
E1-7 Two tray interlock, or duplex interlock
E1-8 Sorter interlock
E1-9 Copy cartridge interlock
E1 or E1-0 Registration jam
E2 Reset signal happened
E3 Jam in transfer area
E4 Exit jam
E4-0 Exit jam
E4-5 Clamshell interlock
E4-6 Right side interlock
E4-7 Two tray interlock
E4-8 Sorter interlock
E4-9 Copy cartridge interlock
E5 Clamshell interlock
E6 Right side interlock
E9 Copy cartridge interlock
F3-1 Sorter bin home switch
F3-2 Sorter cam switch
F3-3 Sorter cam switch
F5 Sorter interlock
J1-1 Add toner
J1-2 Temporary low toner signal
J2-1, J2-2 Replace copy cartridge
J5, J6 ADF to machine communications problem
L2 2000 copies left on cartridge
L3 ADF to machine communications problem
L4 (flashing) 1000 copier left on fuser web
L6 Auditron or other counter problem
LL Main board. Try simulation 1.1 to initialize
rc Wrong operation panel installed
rr Bad EPROM on main board. Try 1.1
U0 Main board
U2 Scan problem
U2-1 Scan home
U2-2 Scan home or scan encoder
U2-4 Scan home or scan dual page sensor
U2-7 Scan home
U4-1 Fuser problem. Long warm up
U4-2 Low fuser temperature after warm up
U4-3 High fuser temperature
U4-4 Open fuser thermistor
U4-6 Replace fuser web.
U4-7 Thermistor signal problem
U7-1 Copy cartridge belt drive problem
U9-3 Exposure lamp problem
U9-4 Toner motor
U9-5 Problem in warm-up

Xerox 5330

Code Description
A1-1 to A1-32 All indicate a paper path problem, etc. in the ADF.
A2 ADF exit problems
A3 Irregular size documents
A5 ADF interlock
A6 ADF single sheet document reset.
A7 Platen interlock
A8 ADF exit interlock
C1 Tray 1 jam
C2 Tray 2 jam
C3 Tray 3 jam
C6-1, C6-2 Jams related to duplex
C6-3 Registration sensor, re tray 1
C7-1, C7-2 HCF feed problems
C7-3 Tray 1 feed problem
C8 Paper stays in tray or duplex or HCF
C9 Bypass feed problem
E1-10 to E1-25 Internal jam
E1-6 Paper on registration sensor
E2 Reset signal happened. Might read E-2 something else.
E3-30 to E4-14 Exit jam
E3-6 Exit jam
E4-10 to E4-14 Inverter sensor not actuated.
E4-15 Inverter sensor
E4-40 to E4-45 Duplex entry sensor
E4-6 Inverter sensor
E5 Front door interlock
E6-1 Tray 1 interlock
E6-2 2 tray or duplex interlock
E6-3 HCF interlock
E7-2, E7-3 Duplex interlock
E8-6 to E8-15 Duplex entry sensor
F1-1 Sorter entry sensor
F1-6 Sorter exit sensor
F3 Paper size not available for sort/stack
F5 Sorter interlock
J1 Add toner
J3 Replace copy cartridge
J7 Replace copy cartridge
J8-1 Wrong copy cartridge installed
J8-2 Copy cartridge EEPROM
L6 Auditron or other counter problem
L8 Platen glass temperature is too high
L9 Communication problem between interimage erase/edge lamps and main board
U1-1 Main motor drive problem
U2-1 to U2-4 Scan home sensor
U3-1 Lens sensor
U4-1 Open fuser thermistor
U4-2 Fuser did not warm up properly
U4-3 Fuser temperature too high
U4-4 Fuser problem. Staying on too long
U4-6 High fuser temperature
U5-1 Sorter bin home switch not activated
U5-2 Sorter bin home switch stayed actuated
U5-3 Sorter bin home switch
U5-4 Sorter bin home switch
U6-1 ROM problem
U6-2 RAM problem
U6-3 Low battery
U6-4 Incorrect value in NVM. Reinitialize main board with code 20-96
U8-1 to U8-6 Problem with exposure lamp, lamp sensor, lamp board

Xerox 5340, 5343

Code Description
00-009; 030 to 033 A door was opened while paper was being fed
00-047 Paper in duplex
00-1 Auditron
00-2 Diagnostic error
00-3 Faults error
00-4 Ric error
00-5 Job manager system error
00-6 LLM interface
00-7 Standby error
00-8 Communications error
00-9 Xerographic error
01-300 Front interlock
01-310 Right upper interlock
01-315 Left upper interlock
01-320 Left lower interlock
01-325 Fuser interlock
02-910 Key counter missing
02-920 Wrong combination of accessories
03-321, 322, 326, 327 LLM to ISIL communications problems
03-328 IOT communications problem with duplex or tray 4
03-330 IOT communications problems with HCF
03-335, 03-336 LLM communications problems with edit
03-340 NVM memory
03-341, 03-347 Communications problems between IOT and sorter
03-350, 03-354 Communications problem with LLM and user interface
03-363, 03-364 Communications problem between LLM & optics
03-370, 03-373 Communications problem between LLM & DADF
03-380, 384  
03-416, 03-422 RAM memory problem
03-424, 426 NVM memory problem
03-430, 432 Billing problem
03-439 GRAIB communications problem
03-440 RIC communications problem
03-441 RIC NVM problem
03-442 Modem
03-443, 03-458 RIC problems
03-460 Serial communications processor problem
04-300 Main motor or drive problem
05-100, 05-108 DADF registration sensor
05-110 DADF exit sensor
05-115, 120 DADF jams
05-305 DADF document drive
05-310, 312 DADF document sensor
05-316 DADF registration sensor jam
05-325 DADF exit sensor
05-335, 341, 345 DADF interlock switches
06-300, 06-310 Scan problems
06-315 Scan drive
06-320A, 320B, 320C, 325 Scan problem
06-330 Lens drive
06-340 Exposure control problem
06-342 LLM CPU problem
06-344, 06-350 Exposure cvontrol problem
06-352 IOT CPU problem
07-300, 315, 330, 345 Tray faults
07-360, 07-370 HCF problems
07-375, 380A, 380B Duplex problems
08-100, 08-110 Feed problems. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to feed sensor of tray 1
08-115, 08-162 Feed problem. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to registration sensor
08-165 Paper jam at registration sensor
08-310, 08-370 Paper at a sensor when power is turned on
08-330 DADF nudger sensor
08-380 Registration side to side problem with home position
08-390 Nip
09-300 Copy cartridge finished (drum unit)
09-310 Add black toner Add color toner
09-320 Add color toner
09-330 Wrong copy cartridge (wrong drum unit)
09-340 Drum cartridge not installed properly
09-350 Waste toner full
100 A fault has occurred
10-100 Exit jam
10-105 Exit jam
10-110 Vertical sensor jam
10-120, 122, 125 Duplex jam
10-150, 155 Too much or not enough paper in duplex tray
10-300 Fuser thermistor
10-302 Low fuser temperature
10-304 Bad fuser temp
10-308 High fuser temperature or open thermistor
10-310 High fuser temperature
10-312 Fuser not up to temperature after energy save
10-314 Fuser problem
10-320 Fuser web finished
10-330, 335, 340 Exit switch, vertical sensor switch actuated when power is turned on
11-100, 11-116 Sorter jam
11-150, 11-176 Sorter auto stapler jam
11-310, 314, 316 Sorter interlock
11-325A, B, C, D, E, F, G Sorter index
11-352, 354, 356 Sorter auto stapler interlocks
11-365A, B, C, D, E Sorter auto stapler bin
11-370, 371, 372A, 373A, 373B, 374 Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem
11-385A, 385B, 390A,B,C,D,E, 396A Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem
301 Fuser web must be replaced
302 Copy cartridge (drum unit) must be replaced
501 Tray 1 must be rebuilt
502 Tray 2 must be rebuilt
503 Tray 3 must be rebuilt
504 Tray 4 must be rebuilt
505 HCF must be rebuilt
506 Bypass must be rebuilt
507 Duplex unit must be rebuilt
508 Replace black developer
509 Replace red developer
510 Replace green developer
512 Replace brown developer
513 Copy cartridge (drum unit) will need replacing soon
514 Fuser web will need replacing soon
515 DADF belt should be replaced
516 DADF feed rollers should be replaced
517 Replace exposure lamp
518 Replace suction filter
519 Replace ozone filter
520 Replace optics filter
521 Replace particle filter
522 Replace upper fuser roller
523 Replace fuser pawls
524 Replace pressure roller
525 Replace pressure roller pawls
900-905 Key operator calls

Xerox 5345

Код ошибки Описание
01-01 Frequency monitoring and zero cross problem
01-02 Interlock
01-03 AC power problem
01-04 Finisher interlock
01-05 24v problem
03-01 Optics to main board communication problem
03-02 Software reset problem
03-03 Could be punched holes in the lead edge of the original
03-04 Software problem
03-06 Low battery
03-07 NVM not initialized or is missing or defective
03-17 Communication problem between main board and finisher board
03-18 Initializes one NVM counter to agree to others
03-19 All three NVM counter to agree with others
03-20 Main board/interface board problems
03-21 Problem with RIC NVM
03-22 RIC modem problem
03-23 RIC real time clock failure.
03-25 RIC NVM problem or not initialized
03-27 NVM problem
03-28 Watchdog software problem
03-29 Microprocessor crystal not at correct frequency
03-30 No software response from finisher after 20 seconds have elapsed
06-01 Lens did not reach 1.1 position
06-02 1/2 rate scanner problem
06-03 Scan home problem
06-04 Scan home problem
06-05 Scan home problem
06-06 Scan encoder
06-07 Scan encoder
06-08 Scan drive boost
06-09 Scan encoder
06-11 Scan encoder pulse phases
06-12 Insufficient scan damping
07-01 Duplex tray not home during duplexing
07-02 Tray 2 not home when selected
07-13 Tray 2 height sensor problem
07-15 Tray 2 empty
07-16 Tray 1 door open
07-18 Tray 1 stack sensor
07-22 Tray 1 empty
07-26 Tray 1 bypass switch actuated too long
07-27 Tray 1 bypass switch deactuated too early
07-30 Paper in duplex
07-31 Paper in duplex
07-32 Duplex tray empty, when paper should be there
08-10 Paper did not reach tray 2 input tray sensor
08-11 Paper did not reach duplex input sensor
08-12 Paper did not reach tray 1
08-14 Paper did not leave tray 2 input sensor quickly enough
08-18 Trail edge did not reach tray 2 input sensor quickly enough
08-19 Trail edge did not reach tray 1 input sensor quickly enough
08-20 Paper in duplex
08-21 Paper in tray 2 input
08-22 Paper in tray 2 or duplex at wrong time
08-23 Paper at tray 1 input at wrong time
08-24 Paper in tray 1 at wrong time
08-28 Upper and lower nips problem
09-08 Low toner condition
09-12 Drum signals are out of range
09-13 Unstable drum patch readings
09-15 Patch is too dark
09-16 Patch is too light
09-17 Open toner container access cover
09-18 Low toner level
09-21 Low toner sensor disconnected
09-22 Low toner condition, even after machine has been theoretically, adding toner
10-02 Low fuser temperature
10-03 High fuser temperature
10-06 Paper did not reach out put switch
10-07 Paper stayed on output switch
10-10 Paper did not reach decurler sensor
10-11 Paper did not reach decurler sensor
10-12 Paper on decurler sensor
10-13 Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time
10-14 Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time
10-15 Paper on entry sensor at wrong time
10-17 Fuser temperature is too high and fuser relay has deactuated
12-01 Paper at finisher input sensor
12-02 Paper did not reach finisher
12-03 Paper reached finisher too soon
12-05 Paper at stapler
12-06 Paper at stapler
12-07 Paper did not reach stapler
12-08 Paper did not reach stapler
12-10 Complied motor not working properly
12-15 Eject motor problem and/or eject encoder
12-20 Stacker motor problem
12-21 Stacker interlock
12-22 Stacker bottom sensor
12-23 Stacker bottom sensor
12-24 Stacker bottom sensor senses full
12-25 Stack height sensor
12-26 Stack height sensor
12-27 Stack height sensor
12-30 Offset home sensor
12-31 Offset home sensor
12-32 OCT switch
12-35 Eject nip carriage
12-36 Eject cam interlock
12-37 Eject nip carriage open timing
12-38 Eject cam interlock
12-40 Tamper motor
12-41 Tamper home problem
12-42 Tamper home sensor
12-43 Staple load sensor
12-44 Tamper home sensor
12-45 Tamper home sensor
12-50 Low on staples
12-51 Stapler home sensor
12-52 Stapler home sensor
12-53 Eject cam interlock
33-37 Too few documents
55-01 RDH interlock switch open during use
55-04 Paper on bypass sensor
55-05 Paper at vacuum timing sensor
55-06 Paper on output sensor
55-10 No paper reached S31
55-20 Paper did not leave S31 at correct time
55-24 Set counter arm problem
55-25 Documents in input tray not detected
55-27 Lead edge did not reach S35 at correct time
55-2955-30 Trail edge did not reach S35 at correct time
55-31 S32, ADF registration sensor did not see paper at correct time
55-32 S32 did not see trail edge at correct time
55-33 S36 One too many documents
55-36 One too many documents
55-39 Hole count problem on document feeder belt
55-40 Document belt travel problem
55-41 Document belt mistracking or skewing
55-45 Paper at inverter sensor
55-47 Inverter sensor did not see paper lead edge at correct time
55-49 More than 50 sheets in input tray
55-50 Right side interlock
55-51 Left side interlock
55-55 Document on glass
93-93 NVM has to be initialized after new software installed

Xerox 5350, 5352

Code Description
00-009, 030, 031, 032, 033 A door was opened while paper was being fed
00-047 Paper in duplex
00-1 Auditron
00-2 Diagnostic error
00-3 Faults error
00-4 Ric error
00-5 Job manager system error
00-6 LLM interface
00-7 Standby error
00-8 Communications error
00-9 Xerographic error
01-300 Front interlock
01-310 Right upper interlock
01-315 Left upper interlock
01-320 Left lower interlock
01-325 Fuser interlock
02-910 Key counter missing
02-920 Wrong combination of accessories
03-321, 322, 326, 327 LLM to ISIL communications problems
03-328 IOT communications problem with duplex or tray 4
03-330 IOT communications problems with HCF
03-335, 336 LLM communications problems with edit
03-340 NVM memory
03-341-347 Communications problems between IOT and sorter
03-350-354 Communications problem with LLM and user interface
03-363, 364 Communications problem between LLM & optics
03-370-03-373 Communications problem between LLM & DADF
03-380, 384  
03-416-422 RAM memory problem
03-424, 426 NVM memory problem
03-430, 432 Billing problem
03-439 GRAIB communications problem
03-440 RIC communications problem
03-441 RIC NVM problem
03-442 Modem
03-443-458 RIC problems
03-460 Serial communications processor problem
04-300 Main motor or drive problem
05-100-108 DADF registration sensor
05-110 DADF exit sensor
05-115, 120 DADF jams
05-305 DADF document drive
05-310, 312 DADF document sensor
05-316 DADF registration sensor jam
05-325 DADF exit sensor
05-335, 341, 345 DADF interlock switches
06-300-310 Scan problems
06-315 Scan drive
06-320A, 320B, 320C, 325 Scan problem
06-330 Lens drive
06-340 Exposure control problem
06-342 LLM CPU problem
06-344-350 Exposure cvontrol problem
06-352 IOT CPU problem
07-300, 315, 330, 345 Tray faults
07-360-370 HCF problems
07-375, 380A, 380B Duplex problems
08-100-110 Feed problems. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to feed sensor of tray 1
08-115-162 Feed problem. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to registration sensor
08-165 Paper jam at registration sensor
08-310-370 Paper at a sensor when power is turned on
08-330 DADF nudger sensor
08-380 Registration side to side problem with home position
08-390 Nip
09-300 Copy cartridge finished (drum unit)
09-310 Add black toner Add color toner
09-320 Add color toner
09-330 Wrong copy cartridge (wrong drum unit)
09-340 Drum cartridge not installed properly
09-350 Waste toner full
100 A fault has occurred
10-100 Exit jam
10-105 Exit jam
10-110 Vertical sensor jam
10-120, 122, 125 Duplex jam
10-150, 155 Too much or not enough paper in duplex tray
10-300 Fuser thermistor
10-302 Low fuser temperature
10-304 Bad fuser temp
10-308 High fuser temperature or open thermistor
10-310 High fuser temperature
10-312 Fuser not up to temperature after energy save
10-314 Fuser problem
10-320 Fuser web finished
10-330, 335, 340 Exit switch, vertical sensor switch actuated when power is turned on
11-100-116 Sorter jam
11-150-176 Sorter auto stapler jam
11-310, 314, 316 Sorter interlock
11-325A,B,C,D,E,F,G Sorter index
11-352, 354, 356 Sorter auto stapler interlocks
11-365A,B,C,D,E Sorter auto stapler bin
11-370,371,372A,373A,373B,374 Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem
11-385A,385B,390A,B,C,D,E,396A Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem
301 Fuser web must be replaced
302 Copy cartridge (drum unit) must be replaced
501 Tray 1 must be rebuilt
502 Tray 2 must be rebuilt
503 Tray 3 must be rebuilt
504 Tray 4 must be rebuilt
505 HCF must be rebuilt
506 Bypass must be rebuilt
507 Duplex unit must be rebuilt
508 Replace black developer
509 Replace red developer
510 Replace green developer
512 Replace brown developer
513 Copy cartridge (drum unit) will need replacing soon
514 Fuser web will need replacing soon
515 DADF belt should be replaced
516 DADF feed rollers should be replaced
517 Replace exposure lamp
518 Replace suction filter
519 Replace ozone filter
520 Replace optics filter
521 Replace particle filter
522 Replace upper fuser roller
523 Replace fuser pawls
524 Replace pressure roller
525 Replace pressure roller pawls
900-905 Key operator calls

Xerox 5355

Код ошибки Описание
01-01 Frequency monitoring and zero cross problem
01-02 Interlock
01-03 AC power problem
01-04 Finisher interlock
01-05 24v problem
03-01 Optics to main board communication problem
03-02 Software reset problem
03-03 Could be punched holes in the lead edge of the original
03-04 Software problem
03-06 Low battery
03-07 NVM not initialized or is missing or defective
03-17 Communication problem between main board and finisher board
03-18 Initializes one NVM counter to agree to others
03-19 All three NVM counter to agree with others
03-20 Main board/interface board problems
03-21 Problem with RIC NVM
03-22 RIC modem problem
03-23 RIC real time clock failure.
03-25 RIC NVM problem or not initialized
03-27 NVM problem
03-28 Watchdog software problem
03-29 Microprocessor crystal not at correct frequency
03-30 No software response from finisher after 20 seconds have elapsed
06-01 Lens did not reach 1.1 position
06-02 1/2 rate scanner problem
06-03 Scan home problem
06-04 Scan home problem
06-05 Scan home problem
06-06 Scan encoder
06-07 Scan encoder
06-08 Scan drive boost
06-09 Scan encoder
06-11 Scan encoder pulse phases
06-12 Insufficient scan damping
07-01 Duplex tray not home during duplexing
07-02 Tray 2 not home when selected
07-13 Tray 2 height sensor problem
07-15 Tray 2 empty
07-16 Tray 1 door open
07-18 Tray 1 stack sensor
07-22 Tray 1 empty
07-26 Tray 1 bypass switch actuated too long
07-27 Tray 1 bypass switch deactuated too early
07-30 Paper in duplex
07-31 Paper in duplex
07-32 Duplex tray empty, when paper should be there
08-10 Paper did not reach tray 2 input tray sensor
08-11 Paper did not reach duplex input sensor
08-12 Paper did not reach tray 1
08-14 Paper did not leave tray 2 input sensor quickly enough
08-18 Trail edge did not reach tray 2 input sensor quickly enough
08-19 Trail edge did not reach tray 1 input sensor quickly enough
08-20 Paper in duplex
08-21 Paper in tray 2 input
08-22 Paper in tray 2 or duplex at wrong time
08-23 Paper at tray 1 input at wrong time
08-24 Paper in tray 1 at wrong time
08-28 Upper and lower nips problem
09-08 Low toner condition
09-12 Drum signals are out of range
09-13 Unstable drum patch readings
09-15 Patch is too dark
09-16 Patch is too light
09-17 Open toner container access cover
09-18 Low toner level
09-21 Low toner sensor disconnected
09-22 Low toner condition, even after machine has been theoretically, adding toner
10-02 Low fuser temperature
10-03 High fuser temperature
10-06 Paper did not reach out put switch
10-07 Paper stayed on output switch
10-10 Paper did not reach decurler sensor
10-11 Paper did not reach decurler sensor
10-12 Paper on decurler sensor
10-13 Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time
10-14 Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time
10-15 Paper on entry sensor at wrong time
10-17 Fuser temperature is too high and fuser relay has deactuated
12-01 Paper at finisher input sensor
12-02 Paper did not reach finisher
12-03 Paper reached finisher too soon
12-05 Paper at stapler
12-06 Paper at stapler
12-07 Paper did not reach stapler
12-08 Paper did not reach stapler
12-10 Complied motor not working properly
12-15 Eject motor problem and/or eject encoder
12-20 Stacker motor problem
12-21 Stacker interlock
12-22 Stacker bottom sensor
12-23 Stacker bottom sensor
12-24 Stacker bottom sensor senses full
12-25 Stack height sensor
12-26 Stack height sensor
12-27 Stack height sensor
12-30 Offset home sensor
12-31 Offset home sensor
12-32 OCT switch
12-35 Eject nip carriage
12-36 Eject cam interlock
12-37 Eject nip carriage open timing
12-38 Eject cam interlock
12-40 Tamper motor
12-41 Tamper home problem
12-42 Tamper home sensor
12-43 Staple load sensor
12-44 Tamper home sensor
12-45 Tamper home sensor
12-50 Low on staples
12-51 Stapler home sensor
12-52 Stapler home sensor
12-53 Eject cam interlock
33-37 Too few documents
55-01 rdh interlock switch open during use
55-04 Paper on bypass sensor
55-05 Paper at vacuum timing sensor
55-06 Paper on output sensor
55-10 No paper reached S31
55-20 Paper did not leave S31 at correct time
55-24 Set counter arm problem
55-25 Documents in input tray not detected
55-27 Lead edge did not reach S35 at correct time
55-2955-30 Trail edge did not reach S35 at correct time
55-31 S32, ADF registration sensor did not see paper at correct time
55-32 S32 did not see trail edge at correct time
55-33 S36 One too many documents
55-36 One too many documents
55-39 Hole count problem on document feeder belt
55-40 Document belt travel problem
55-41 Document belt mistracking or skewing
55-45 Paper at inverter sensor
55-47 Inverter sensor did not see paper lead edge at correct time
55-49 More than 50 sheets in input tray
55-50 Right side interlock
55-51 Left side interlock
55-55 Document on glass
93-93 NVM has to be initialized after new software installed

Xerox XC520, 540, 560, 580

Код ошибки Описание
H2 Fuser thermistor
H3 Fuser temperature too high. Must be reset in diagnostics
H4 Fuser temperature too low. Must be reset in diagnostics
L3 Scan problem
L4 Min motor drive problem
L8 Exposure lamp not lightning or not enough light reaching auto exposure sensor
P Paper did not feed

Xerox 5622

Code Description
A1-1 to A1-32 All indicate a paper path problem, etc. in the ADF
A2 ADF exit problems
A3 Irregular size documents
A5 ADF interlock
A6 ADF single sheet document reset
A7 Platen interlock
A8 ADF exit interlock
C1 Tray 1 jam
C2 Tray 2 jam
C3 Tray 3 jam
C6-1, C6-2 Jams related to duplex
C6-3 Registration sensor, re tray 1
C7-1, C7-2 HCF feed problems
C7-3 Tray 1 feed problem
C8 Paper stays in tray or duplex or HCF
C9 Bypass feed problem
E1-10 to E1-25 Internal jam
E1-6 Paper on registration sensor
E2 Reset signal happened. Might read E-2 something else
E3-30 to E4-14 Exit jam
E3-6 Exit jam
E4-10 to E4-14 Inverter sensor not actuated
E4-15 Inverter sensor
E4-40 to E4-45 Duplex entry sensor
E4-6 Inverter sensor
E5 Front door interlock
E6-1 Tray 1 interlock
E6-2 2 tray or duplex interlock
E6-3 HCF interlock
E7-2, E7-3 Duplex interlock
E8-6 to E8-15 Duplex entry sensor
F1-1 Sorter entry sensor
F1-6 Sorter exit sensor
F3 Paper size not available for sort/stack
F5 Sorter interlock
J1 Add toner
J3 Replace copy cartridge
J7 Replace copy cartridge
J8-1 Wrong copy cartridge installed
J8-2 Copy cartridge EEPROM
L6 Auditron or other counter problem
L8 Platen glass temperature is too high
L9 Communication problem between interimage erase/edge lamps and main board
U1-1 Main motor drive problem
U2-1 to U2-4 Scan home sensor
U3-1 Lens sensor
U4-1 Open fuser thermistor
U4-2 Fuser did not warm up properly
U4-3 Fuser temperature too high
U4-4 Fuser problem. Staying on too long
U4-6 High fuser temperature
U5-1 Sorter bin home switch not activated
U5-2 Sorter bin home switch stayed actuated
U5-3, U5-4 Sorter bin home switch
U6-1 ROM problem
U6-2 RAM problem
U6-3 Low battery
U6-4 Incorrect value in NVM. Reinitialize main board with code 20-96
U8-1 to U8-6 Problem with exposure lamp, lamp sensor, lamp board

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  • Error code 50126
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  • Error code 50058 outlook