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Hi all,
We getting the below error when using dtutil to deploy SSIS packages to integration services on another server.
dtutil.exe /FILE «PackageXYZ.dtsx» /DestServer ABC /COPY SQL;»FolderXPackageXYZ» /Q »
exited with code -532459699.what does this error code mean?
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Friday, July 27, 2012 1:45 PM -
Proposed as answer by
Eileen Zhao
Monday, July 30, 2012 8:15 AM -
Marked as answer by
Monday, July 30, 2012 9:48 PM
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Can anybody help???
really up sh*ts creek without a paddle.
We can’t use visual studio as part of CI environment, where we are deploying SSIS packages from msbuild.
thanks for replying though.
Any ideas Microsoft?
Hi Jaq1t..
Use this Code for creating bat file..
SET ServerName=%1
SET SourcePath=%2
SET MSDBFolder=%3@Echo Off
Echo Deployment Server: %1
Echo ——————————————————
Echo —This will delete any %3 data mart files
Echo —on the server, and reinstall from the local machine
Echo ——————————————————
REM Goto OutREM Remove Existing files and directory on Server
for %%f in (%SourcePath%*.dtsx) do (
Echo Now Removing: %%~nfdtutil /Q /SourceS %1 /SQL «%3%%~nf» /Del
dtutil /Q /SourceS %1 /FDe «SQL;;%3»
Echo Preparing to create folder
pauseREM Create the Directory
dtutil /Q /SourceS %1 /FC «SQL;;%3»
if errorlevel 1 goto End
Echo Preparing to Copy Files to Server
REM copy the SSIS Packages to the server
for %%f in (%SourcePath%*.dtsx) do (
Echo Now Copying: %%~nf
dtutil /Q /DestS %1 /File «%%f» /Copy SQL;»%3%%~nf»
)Goto End
Edited by
Friday, July 27, 2012 1:45 PM -
Proposed as answer by
Eileen Zhao
Monday, July 30, 2012 8:15 AM -
Marked as answer by
Monday, July 30, 2012 9:48 PM
Edited by
a remote push installation of a remote windows agent fails with this error:
% install failed with error code -532459699 (a deinstallation of a previos raws faileds — registry cleaned manually and backup exec folders deleted) no be services are running) — a manual installation on the windows server brings shows error: another be agent is already installed — but thats not true
Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent (TM) 13 Installation Log
10-07-2013,14:48:39 : EnumProcesses Counts: 102
10-07-2013,14:48:39 : Windows Operating System Version: 5.2
10-07-2013,14:48:39 : Checking for .Net Framework 2.0 SP 2.
10-07-2013,14:48:39 : Executing managed _Setup:
10-07-2013,14:48:39 : C:BEW-7c969dabe5484b5f9fc61413aa504454VxPushRARAWSX64install_Setup.exe
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : Loading XML from:
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : C:BEW-7c969dabe5484b5f9fc61413aa504454VxPushRARAWSX64installIFProducts.xml
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : ArgsDataParser::InitDictionary
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : AgentSeqDlgs::RawsDlgSequence
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : Set RAWS Media path: C:BEW-7c969dabe5484b5f9fc61413aa504454VxPushRARAWSX64installmedia
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : RawsDlgSequence::CheckInstMode
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : BEOperations::BE_GetInstalledProdCodeVersion()
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : Found Current RAWS AMD64 Product.
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : Equal PIDs.
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : Error version: or 13.0.5204
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : RawsDlgSequence::ValidateCmdLine.
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : BEOperations::BE_GetInstalledProdCodeVersion()
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : Found Current RAWS AMD64 Product.
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : Die Installation ist aufgrund eines unerwarteten Fehlers fehlgeschlagen:Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display a notification from a service application.
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : at System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.ShowCore(IWin32Window owner, String text, String caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultButton, MessageBoxOptions options, Boolean showHelp) at System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(String text, String caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon) at Symantec.BackupExec.AgentSeqDlgs.RawsDlgSequence.InitSharedData(SharedData pSharedData) at Symantec.IFrameSDK._Setup.ProductSequence.InitSharedData(SharedData data) at a.a(String[] A_0)
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : If this install is being run from a network share, copying the media locally and retrying the install may resolve this issue.
10-07-2013,14:48:40 : ERROR: Installation failed with error -532459699. GetLastError = :0
Ниже приводится копия файла журнала.
Creating directory "objRelease".
cwd is 'C:Builds2boxITBinaries'
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'C:Builds2boxITBinariesSharedJavascriptModelCModel_uncompressed.js'.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)
at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize)
at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append)
at System.IO.File.CreateText(String path)
at JsMin.Program.Main(String[] args) in Z:downloadsJsMinTestJsMinTestJsMinConsoleProgram.cs:line 52
C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319Microsoft.Common.targets(902,9): error MSB3073: The command "C:Builds2boxITSourcesITjsminjsmin.exe" exited with code -532459699. [C:Builds2boxITSourcesITIT.vbproj]
Done Building Project "C:Builds2boxITSourcesITIT.vbproj" (default targets) -- FAILED.
Я проверил путь jsmin.exe на пути. но TFS не создает общего каталога, как указано в следующей ссылке
Пожалуйста, расскажите, что мне не хватает.
Originally posted by Froyok
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Sorry for this idiot question :
before compiling light, have you compil the brush mapping ?
if its included in build all function, than yes, i did it, otherwise no
btw. i just added other kind of light- spotLightMovable and it worked, build without lightmass works fine, with lightmass still getting error.
i will check all kind of lights, and report here which are working and which not
just tested all light from actors classes, here are the results:
build without lightmass (still not working)
directional light toggleable working dominant directional light working dominant point light working point light movable working point light toggleable working, black weapon sky light toggleable working dominant spot light working spot light movable working spot light toggleable working, black weapon utarmor pickup light lights up weapons only, not working, build crashes udk uthealth pickup light lights up weapons only, not working, build crashes udk utweapon locker pickup light lights up weapons only, not working, build crashes udk utweapon pickup light lights up weapons only, not working, build crashes udk
now is the fun part, what kind of light do i place on map by left-click -> Add Actor -> Add Light (Point) — this light is not working, but i can build lighting with all point lights from actors classes,
I write my first tip blog post to talk about the following error I got stuck one hour (far too long…) without any search results on Google:
error MSB6006: «ResGen.exe» exited with code -532459699
I got this error when compiling a project targeting 3.5 framework with VS2010, which includes some resource file with CustomAction set to generate associated code.
In fact, I was doing some change to my configuration. Long time ago, I had set up the use of DEVPATH (configure it in the machine.config on dev machine). Due to a problem explained next, I have removed the DEVPATH environement variable, but keeping machine.config as is (to avoid full reconfiguration in case I would need temporarily the DEVPATH…ok I am really lazy :)).
Then, I discover that ResGen.exe fails, I find it when I launched compilation from command line with MSBuild and it was clear in exception trace details…really bad! (note that it works when you do not have RESX files…)
By the way, you should avoid using DEVPATH. It tries to replace GAC, but in fact it fails since it does not take care of DLL versions. But do not through it away to quickly, it could be useful to debug tier DLL for example without modifying all your references…
I found it when I have to install EntLib 5.0 side to side with EntLib 4.1…then only DLL found in first path referenced in DEVPATH was taken in account.
So 2 solutions: you are not lazy and you remove configuration in machine.config OR you are lazy and you set DEVPATH environment variable to something else than empty one (for example «D:»).
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System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path ‘C:Usersuser5AppDataLocalTempextractxlstyles.xml
Posted 20-Jul-12 0:11am
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[no name]
20-Jul-12 7:29am
2 solutions
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Solution 1
So, did you open Windows explorer, navigate along that path until you found that file? Does it exist? If so, can it be read by the user also under whose account the web server is running?
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Posted 20-Jul-12 2:00am
Bernhard Hiller
20-Jul-12 7:28am
navigate to that path when i run my application after tempextractxlstyles.xml create dynamically & through the error
20-Jul-12 7:35am
I found that file C:Usersuser5AppDataLocalTempextractstyles.xml but when run application path appeared as :C:Usersuser5AppDataLocalTempextractxlstyles.xml
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Solution 2
This path is not valid and either of the folders before the file is missing.
Like: extract or xl in C:Usersuser5AppDataLocalTempextractxl
Make sure it exists.
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Posted 20-Jul-12 2:39am
Sandeep Mewara
20-Jul-12 7:48am
yes sandeep path valid upto C:Usersuser5AppDataLocalTempextract but not found xl in that path. style.xml found at C:Usersuser5AppDataLocalTempextractstyle.xml
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