Коды ошибок БМВ по стандарту SAE состоят из пяти символов:
Первый знак – буква, определяющая тип дефектной системы:
Четвертый и пятый знаки ошибки – число, которое соответствует порядковому номеру неисправности.
Расшифровка ошибок на немецком и английском языке
Расшифровка предупреждений на английском языке
Описание ошибки
Проблема проявляется при таких ошибках:
- неполадка в работе турбины или нагнетательного устройства;
- пониженное давление моторной жидкости в двигателе;
- сбои в работе системы EGR;
- появление лишнего воздуха во впускном коллекторном устройстве либо подача воздушного потока затруднена в результате засорения фильтра;
- выход из строя контроллера давления наддува.
Неисправности распредвала
Причины, которые могли привести к появлению этой проблемы:
- пониженный уровень моторной жидкости либо смазка критически грязная, надо менять расходный материал;
- сбои в работе или неисправность механизма изменения фаз газораспределения;
- сбои в функционировании клапана управления моторной жидкостью;
- обрыв линии или замыкание электроцепи VVT;
- неисправность проводки, питающей клапан управления смазкой, возможно короткое замыкание;
- неполадки, связанные с функционированием управляющего модуля ЕСМ.
Неисправности в работе топливной системы
Симптомы ошибки:
- Двигатель автомобиля не запускается. Возможно такое, что мотор стартует, но глохнет через несколько секунд.
- Увеличение расхода потребляемого горючего.
- Транспортное средство слишком медленно набирает скорость. Данная проблема проявляется до определенного момента, который зависит от степени загрязнения или повреждения агрегата. К примеру, при движении ни пониженных передачах скорость набирается быстро, а при переходе на более высокие – медленно.
- На приборной панели загорается значок неисправности двигателя Чек.
Ошибки двигателя
- Повреждение проводки или некачественный сигнал, поступающий с устройства на блок управления. Надо проверить целостность электролинии и убедиться в качественном контакте.
- Использование низкокачественной жидкости. В результате того, что отработанный расходный материал не может выполнять свои функции по охлаждению силового агрегата, микропроцессорный модуль расценивает это как неисправность термостата.
- Засорение каналов охладительной системы продуктами износа и отложениями антифриза. Чтобы устранить проблему, придется демонтировать все патрубки и выполнять их очистку. Критически засоренные магистрали подлежат замене.
- Неисправность датчика температуры охлаждающей жидкости. Проблема может появиться в результате программного сбоя.
- Механическое повреждение одного из патрубков либо расширительного бачка, которое привело к утечке хладагента из системы.
Чтобы устранить проблему, пользователю необходимо:
- произвести очистку клапана Ванос либо его замену;
- выполнить адаптацию системы;
- проверить корпус масляного фильтра, возможно, отломался его «носик»;
- произвести диагностику исполнительного узла на предмет заклинивания и заедания;
- проверить винты, фиксирующие исполнительный механизм на предмет ослабления;
- выполнить диагностику управляющего модуля на предмет программных неисправностей.
- Активация изменения длины впускного коллектора. Если ошибка нерегулярная, то неисправность может заклакючаться в сервоприводе. Поломка сопровождается снижением тяги.
- Короткое замыкание в работе исполнительного узла DISA. Требуется проверить клапаны устройства.
- неисправность датчика потенциометра;
- короткое замыкание внутри обмотки электродвигателя заслонки дроссельного механизма;
- отсутствие подключения или некачественный контакт дроссельной заслонки с проводкой;
- износ изоляционного слоя кабеля, что привело к изменению величины сопротивления на линии.
Элементы, которые подлежат диагностике:
- датчик массового расхода воздуха;
- вакуумная магистраль на предмет подсоса воздуха;
- клапанная крышка на возможные повреждения;
- клапан ЕГР;
- интеркулер;
- впускной коллекторный узел;
- магистрали, подключенные к интеркулеру;
- выпускную систему вместе с турбиной;
- вихревые заслонки;
- воздушный фильтр.
- Неисправность термостата. Пользователю надо проверить работу устройства и убедиться в том, что оно не заклинивает. Проблема может сопровождаться сбоями в работе охладительной системы и перегревом силового агрегата. Неисправность термостата может быть связана с засорением магистралей охладительной системы осадком от антифриза.
- Ошибка датчика окиси азота. Надо проверить качество подключения устройства, а также отсутствие загрязнений на разъеме.
- регулярное использование низкокачественного горючего;
- естественный износ узла;
- засорение сотового фильтра.
Силовой агрегат при такой проблеме начинает работать нестабильно, возможно снижение мощности и отсутствие реакции на нажатие педали газа. На приборной панели появляется индикатор Check Engine, а также увеличивается расход потребляемого топлива.
Для проверки катализатора на предмет засорения можно прибегнуть к одному из следующих способов:
- Посветить на устройство с помощью фонарика. Лучше всего загнать автомобиль на яму и демонтировать узел.
- Попробовать определить засорение на нюх. Если катализаторное устройство забито, из выхлопной трубы будет выходить газ с едким запахом.
- Подставить к глушителю руку. Если узел работает нормально, пользователь почувствует серьезное противодействие. В случае, если катализатор забит, серьезного сопротивления не будет.
- критическое загрязнение сажевого фильтра;
- давление отработавших газов неприемлемо – рабочий параметр вышел за пределы верхнего либо нижнего диапазона.
Возможные причины проблемы:
- Неисправность модуля CAS или DME. Надо проверять оба устройства и тестировать их качество подключения. Проблема может заключаться в нарушении связи в результате износа проводов.
- Программная неисправность блока управления. Надо тестировать сам модуль и его прошивку.
- Неисправность стартерного механизма. Возможно, заедает один из конструктивных элементов устройства.
- Неисправность форсунок либо их неправильная работа. Один из элементов может быть засорен, поэтому потребуется их очистка. Для диагностики форсунок понадобится специальный стенд.
- Несвоевременная замена фильтров. В результате в двигатель могут проникать посторонние частицы.
- Засорение или выход из строя датчика массового расхода воздуха. Чтобы устранить проблему, надо выполнить очистку устройства с применением специального средства либо поменять его.
- Неисправность или неправильная работа клапана EGR, предназначенного для возврата в цилиндр двигателя определенного объема отработавшего газа. Возможно, устройство засорено.
- Сбои в работе впускной системы или неисправность контроллера положения дроссельной заслонки. Если последняя засорена, выполняется ее очистка. Положение заслонки должно отвечать температуре силового агрегата или педали газа. Если двигатель прогрет, устройство должно быть открыто, если нет – оно должно находиться под определенным углом.
- Неисправность контроллера абсолютного давления, установленного во впускном коллекторе.
- Датчик холостых оборотов неисправен или засорен. Возможно, проблема состоит в плохой герметичности соединения.
- Проблемы в работе газораспределительного механизма. Надо проверить, как выставлены метки и в каком состоянии находятся ролики. Если последние изношены, они подлежат замене.
- Неисправность кислородного контроллера.
- Выход из строя или засорение топливного насоса.
Если ошибка не случайная, она будет сопровождаться следующими признаками:
- пропуски зажигания в одном или нескольких цилиндрах двигателя;
- задержка реагирования силового агрегата на нажатие газа;
- троение мотора;
- произвольная остановка двигателя при работе на холостом ходу;
- резкие рывки мотора;
- появление новых шумов и звуков при работе двигателя;
- нестабильная работа агрегата в целом.
Причины, которые могли привести к появлению этой проблемы:
- Отсутствие искры на свече зажигания. Такая проблема может проявиться в результате износа устройства, загрязнении электрода либо его неисправности. Также отсутствие искры появляется при выходе из строя распределительного устройства или повреждения бронепровода, подключенного к свече. На трамблере могла треснуть крышка, что привело к попаданию влаги внутрь.
- Недостаток топлива в горючей смеси. Такая проблема проявляется в результате засорения или выхода из строя форсунки. Причина может заключаться в недостаточном давлении горючего, которое связано с засорением фильтра либо выходом из строя датчика давления. Последний мог износиться и протекать.
- Проблема может заключаться в поломке выпускного клапана или повреждении прокладки, расположенной в головке блока цилиндров. Это приводит к снижению уровня компрессии в результате вытекания горючего либо его не сгорания.
Причины, которые могли привести к появлению этой неисправности:
- повреждение либо обрыв проводки;
- пониженный уровень горючего в баке;
- неисправность в работе топливной системы;
- неполадки зажигания – свечей, высоковольтных проводов, коммутатора, катушек;
- отсутствие герметичности в работе впускной системы;
- механические неполадки в работе двигателя.
Неисправности датчиков
Неисправности электрики
- Нужно проверить визуально корпус батареи. На нем не должно быть следов повреждений или дефектов, которые могли бы привести к утечке электролита.
- Выполнить диагностику заряда батареи. Если напряжение аккумулятора критически низкое, его надо восполнить методом подзарядки. Проблема разряда может быть обусловлена разрушением пластин, расположенных внутри устройства. Устранить такую неисправность не получится.
- Произвести очистку клеммных зажимов. Часто ошибка питания связана с окислением выходов аккумулятора.
- Выполнить проверку уровня электролита в банках батареи. Если рабочей жидкости недостаточно, ее объем нужно восполнить добавлением дистиллированной воды. Но сделать это нужно до подзарядки батареи зарядным устройством.
- Также следует произвести диагностику генераторной установки. Проблема может заключаться в износе конструктивных компонентов агрегата или приводного ремешка.
Возможные причины проблемы:
- неисправность электродвигателя самого устройства, которая привела к поломке вентилятора;
- короткое замыкание во внутренней обмотке;
- повреждение или засорение контактов на разъеме подключения устройства;
- замыкание проводов, питающих вентилятор;
- износ изоляции на кабеле управления, который привел к изменению сопротивления на линии.
Неисправности иммобилайзера
Необходимо проверить следующие элементы системы блокировки силового агрегата:
- транспондерный ключ – в устройстве должна использоваться работоспособная батарейка;
- блок управления иммобилайзером на предмет программных неисправностей или отсоединения контактов;
- антенный модуль системы блокировки двигателя на предмет отсутствия повреждений и качества проводки;
- наличие посторонних электронных предметов рядом с иммоиблайзером, поскольку они могут вызвать появление помех, которые блокируют сигнал.
Неисправности электронных модулей и систем связи
Возможные причины проблемы:
- Выход из строя одного из предохранительных устройств либо реле. Пользователю надо тестировать все элементы, расположенные в монтажном модуле под капотом или в салоне авто.
- Плохой контакт с датчиком, установленным на педали тормоза. Надо проверить устройство и качество его подключения. Причина проблемы часто заключается в засорении контактов на переключателе.
- Повреждение провода, подключенного к задней оптике. Надо тестировать кабель, выполнять его прозвонку мультиметром.
- Выход из строя источника освещения, установленного в оптическом устройстве.
Также к появлению данной ошибки могли привести следующие проблемы:
- повреждение проводки, подключенной к датчикам;
- неисправность преднатяжительных элементов или их электролиний;
- повреждение контактов на разъеме питания блока управления пассивной безопасности;
- неисправность пиропатронов.
Ошибки трансмиссии
- блок управления коробкой на предмет дефектов и программных неполадок;
- проводка модуля и его контакты;
- гидротрансформатор трансмиссионного агрегата и его лепестки;
- смазка в устройстве на предмет отсутствия отложений.
Возможные причины проблемы:
- Сбой в работе блока управления коробкой, включая программные неполадки. Надо тестировать устройство и удостовериться, что неполадка не связана с воздействием влаги на блок. Если это так, то «девайс» подлежит замене или просушке платы.
- Неисправность электрической составляющей автомобиля. Надо проверить качество подключения модуля и убедиться в его хорошем контакте с сетью.
- Сбои в работе аккумуляторной батареи или генератора. Оба устройства подлежат диагностике. Проблема может заключаться в скачках напряжения.
Кроме самого клапана, проблемы могут быть следующими:
- Неисправность соленоидов, которая привела к пониженному давлению в гидротрансформаторе.
- Сбои в работе блока управления коробкой.
- Использование низкокачественного масла или смазка потеряла свои рабочие свойства. Возможно, проблема связана с утечкой жидкости, которая обусловлена повреждением агрегата.
- Неисправность одного из датчиков.
Ошибки самодиагностики антиблокировочной системы
Описание ошибок Bosch Motronic 1-1, 1-3
Возможные причины проблемы:
- Неисправная аккумуляторная батарея. Пользователю надо проверить устройство на предмет отсутствия повреждений, которые могли бы привести к утечке электролита. Возможно, аккумулятор разрядился в результате разрушения пластин, расположенных внутри.
- Выход из строя генераторной установки или плохой контакт устройства с сетью. Надо проверить все компоненты агрегата, включая реле регулятор напряжения и роторный механизм. Возможно, от устройства просто отсоединился контакт.
- Повреждение или износ приводного ремешка. Надо проверять целостность изделия, а также шкивов и натяжных роликов.
- Использование электрооборудования, технические параметры которого не соответствуют характеристикам электросети.
- Уровень масла и его объем в двигателе. Если смазки недостаточно, выполняется ее добавление. В случае, если в расходном материале имеются следы отложений, осадка или продуктов износа, требуется замена жидкости с полным сливом.
- Блок управления мотором и его подключение. Если проводка целая, то причина проблемы может заключаться в программной неисправности микропроцессора. Устранить такую проблему самостоятельно на Е38, Е46, Х6 и других версиях вряд ли получится, поскольку потребуется перепроишвка модуля.
- Работу коллекторных устройств и датчиков, в том числе кислорода, массового расхода воздуха и давления смазки.
- Совмещение меток на распредвалах. Причина проблемы может заключаться в износе шкивов и повреждении одного из зубчиков устройства.
- Целостность ремня газораспределительного механизма. Возможно, изделие изнашивается и необходима его замена.
Описание “мигающих” кодов Bosch Motronic 1-2, 1-3, и 1-1
Описание ошибок Bosch Motronic 1-7 и 3-1
Кроме свечей, причины, которые могли привести к появлению этой проблемы, следующие:
- Отсутствие искры на свече зажигания. Проблема может проявиться в результате износа устройства или поломки распределительного механизма. Также возможно повреждение высоковольтного кабеля, подключенного к свече. Если на трамблере треснула крышка, это приведет к попаданию влаги внутрь.
- Поломка выпускного клапана либо износ прокладки, расположенной в головке блока цилиндров. Это приводит к снижению уровня компрессии в результате вытекания горючего либо его не сгорания.
- Недостаток горючего в топливовоздушной смеси. Данная проблема проявляется в результате засорения или поломки форсунки. Причина может состоять в недостаточном давлении горючего, которое связано с засорением фильтра либо выходом из строя датчиком давления. Последний мог износиться и протекать.
- разряд батарейки в пульте или ключе дистанционного управления сигнализацией;
- плохой контакт одного из компонентов противоугонного комплекса с электросетью автомобиля;
- конфликт в работе штатного блокиратора двигателя и иммобилайзера автосигнализации, установленной дополнительно;
- неисправность блока управления или замыкание в монтажном модуле с предохранителями.
Описание ошибок блока управления MS40
Ошибки блока MS41
Наиболее точные варианты проверки автомобиля BMW – с использованием компьютера либо диагностического сканера. Но для реализации этого способа пользователю надо заранее подготовить специальное оборудование для тестирования либо ноутбук с установленным на него программным обеспечением.
Канал «BimmerDoc» в своем видео подробно показал процесс настройки адаптера для тестирования и показал процедуру проведения диагностики с дальнейшей расшифровкой кодов ошибок.
Один из простейших вариантов стереть ошибку, не используя сторонние устройства для этого:
Лучше всего удалить ошибку из памяти блока управления через сканер или компьютер с соответствующим программным обеспечением. В программе и диагностическом приборе есть специальная функция, позволяющая сделать это.
Примерные цены на проведение диагностики на станциях техобслуживания Москвы и Санкт-Петербурга:
Канал «Simple Life» в своем видеоролике подробно показал, как устранить проблему, связанную с функционированием системы рулевого управления и удалить код ошибки о ней из памяти блока.
128i, 328i, 328xi, 525i, 528i, 528xi, 530i, 530xi, X3, X5, Z4
DTC P0010 ‘A’ Camshaft Position Actuator Circuit/Open (Bank 1) (SIG)
DTC P0012 ‘A’ Camshaft Position Timing OverRetarded (Bank 1) (PLAUS)
DTC P0013 ‘B’ Camshaft Position Actuator Circuit/Open (Bank 1) (SIG)
DTC P0015 ‘B’ Camshaft Position Timing OverRetarded (Bank 1) (PLAUS)
DTC P0016 Crankshaft Position Camshaft Position Correlation (Bank 1 Sensor A) (MAX)
DTC P0017 Crankshaft Position Camshaft Position Correlation (Bank 1 Sensor B) (MAX)
DTC P0030 HO2S Heater Control Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (SIG)
DTC P0031 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Low (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (MIN)
DTC P0032 HO2S Heater Control Circuit High (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P0036 HO2S Heater Control Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (SIG)
DTC P0037 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Low (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (MIN)
DTC P0038 HO2S Heater Control Circuit High (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (MAX)
DTC P0040 O2 Sensor Signals Swapped Bank 1 Sensor 1/Bank 2 Sensor 1 (PLAUS)
DTC P0041 O2 Sensor Signals Swapped Bank 1 Sensor 2 / Bank 2 Sensor 2 (PLAUS)
DTC P0050 HO2S Heater Control Circuit (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (SIG)
DTC P0051 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Low (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (MIN)
DTC P0052 HO2S Heater Control Circuit High (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P0056 HO2S Heater Control Circuit (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (SIG)
DTC P0057 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Low (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (MIN)
DTC P0058 HO2S Heater Control Circuit High (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (MAX)
DTC P0070 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Circuit (SIG)
DTC P0071 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Range/Performance (PLAUS)
DTC P0072 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0073 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P00B2 Radiator Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance (PLAUS)
DTC P00B3 Radiator Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P00B4 Radiator Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0100 Mass or Volume Air Flow ‘A’ Circuit (MAX)
DTC P0111 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit Range/Performance (Bank 1) (PLAUS)
DTC P0112 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit Low (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P0113 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit High (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P0117 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0118 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0121 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch ‘A’ Circuit Range/Performance (PLAUS)
DTC P0122 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch ‘A’ Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0123 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch ‘A’ Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0128 Coolant Thermostat (Coolant Temperature Below Thermostat Regulating
Temperature) (PLAUS)
DTC P0131 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (MIN)
DTC P0132 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P0133 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P0135 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P0135 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (MIN)
DTC P0137 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (MIN)
DTC P0138 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (MAX)
DTC P0139 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (PLAUS)
DTC P0140 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (SIG)
DTC P0141 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (MAX)
DTC P0151 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (MIN)
DTC P0152 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P0153 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P0155 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P0155 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (MIN)
DTC P0157 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (MIN)
DTC P0158 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (MAX)
DTC P0159 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (PLAUS)
DTC P0160 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (SIG)
DTC P0161 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (MAX)
DTC P0171 System Too Lean (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P0172 System Too Rich (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P0174 System Too Lean (Bank 2) (MAX)
DTC P0175 System Too Rich (Bank 2) (MIN)
DTC P0201 Injector Circuit/Open Cylinder 1 (SIG)
DTC P0202 Injector Circuit/Open Cylinder 2 (SIG)
DTC P0203 Injector Circuit/Open Cylinder 3 (SIG)
DTC P0204 Injector Circuit/Open Cylinder 4 (SIG)
DTC P0205 Injector Circuit/Open Cylinder 5 (SIG)
DTC P0206 Injector Circuit/Open Cylinder 6 (SIG)
DTC P0221 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch ‘B’ Circuit Range/Performance (PLAUS)
DTC P0222 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch ‘B’ Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0223 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch ‘B’ Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0261 Cylinder 1 Injector Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0262 Cylinder 1 Injector Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0264 Cylinder 2 Injector Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0265 Cylinder 2 Injector Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0267 Cylinder 3 Injector Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0268 Cylinder 3 Injector Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0270 Cylinder 4 Injector Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0271 Cylinder 4 Injector Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0273 Cylinder 5 Injector Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0274 Cylinder 5 Injector Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0276 Cylinder 6 Injector Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0277 Cylinder 6 Injector Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0300 Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected (MAX)
DTC P0300 Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected (MIN)
DTC P0300 Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected (PLAUS)
DTC P0300 Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected (SIG)
DTC P0301 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected (MAX)
DTC P0301 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected (MIN)
DTC P0301 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected (SIG)
DTC P0302 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected (MAX)
DTC P0302 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected (MIN)
DTC P0302 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected (SIG)
DTC P0303 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected (MAX)
DTC P0303 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected (MIN)
DTC P0303 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected (SIG)
DTC P0304 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected (MAX)
DTC P0304 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected (MIN)
DTC P0304 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected (SIG)
DTC P0305 Cylinder 5 Misfire Detected (MAX)
DTC P0305 Cylinder 5 Misfire Detected (MIN)
DTC P0305 Cylinder 5 Misfire Detected (SIG)
DTC P0306 Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected (MAX)
DTC P0306 Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected (MIN)
DTC P0306 Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected (SIG)
DTC P0313 Misfire Detected With Low Fuel (MIN)
DTC P0326 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Range/Performance (Bank 1 or Single Sensor) (PLAUS)
DTC P0327 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Low (Bank 1 or Single Sensor) (MIN)
DTC P0328 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit High (Bank 1 or Single Sensor) (MAX)
DTC P0335 Crankshaft Position Sensor ‘A’ Circuit (MAX)
DTC P0335 Crankshaft Position Sensor ‘A’ Circuit (MIN)
DTC P0340 Camshaft Position Sensor ‘A’ Circuit (Bank 1 or Single Sensor) (MAX)
DTC P0341 Camshaft Position Sensor ‘A’ Circuit Range/Performance (Bank 1 or Single
Sensor) (MAX)
DTC P0344 Camshaft Position Sensor ‘A’ Circuit Intermittent (Bank 1 or Single Sensor)
DTC P0351 Ignition Coil ‘A’ Primary/Secondary Circuit (MAX)
DTC P0352 Ignition Coil ‘B’ Primary/Secondary Circuit (MAX)
DTC P0353 Ignition Coil ‘C’ Primary/Secondary Circuit (MAX)
DTC P0354 Ignition Coil ‘D’ Primary/Secondary Circuit (MAX)
DTC P0355 Ignition Coil ‘E’ Primary/Secondary Circuit (MAX)
DTC P0356 Ignition Coil ‘F’ Primary/Secondary Circuit (MAX)
DTC P0365 Camshaft Position Sensor ‘B’ Circuit (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P0366 Camshaft Position Sensor ‘B’ Circuit Range/Performance (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P0369 Camshaft Position Sensor ‘B’ Circuit Intermittent (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P0370 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal ‘A’ (MAX)
DTC P0370 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal ‘A’ (MAX)
DTC P0370 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal ‘A’ (MIN)
DTC P0373 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal ‘A’ Intermittent/Erratic Pulses (MAX)
DTC P0420 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P0420 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P0430 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2) (MAX)
DTC P0430 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2) (MIN)
DTC P0440 Evaporative Emission System (PLAUS)
DTC P0441 Evaporative Emission System Incorrect Purge Flow (SIG)
DTC P0442 Evaporative Emission System Leak Detected (Small Leak) (MAX)
DTC P0444 Evaporative Emission System Purge Control Valve Circuit Open (SIG)
DTC P0456 Evaporative Emission System Leak Detected (Very Small Leak) (MIN)
DTC P0458 Evaporative Emission System Purge Control Valve Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0459 Evaporative Emission System Purge Control Valve Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0461 Fuel Level Sensor ‘A’ Circuit Range/Performance (PLAUS)
DTC P0462 Fuel Level Sensor ‘A’ Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0463 Fuel Level Sensor ‘A’ Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0475 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve (SIG)
DTC P0477 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Low (MIN)
DTC P0478 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve High (MAX)
DTC P0480 Fan 1 Control Circuit (SIG)
DTC P0491 Secondary Air Injection System Insufficient Flow (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P0492 Secondary Air Injection System Insufficient Flow (Bank 2) (MIN)
DTC P0500 Vehicle Speed Sensor ‘A’ (SIG)
DTC P0503 Vehicle Speed Sensor ‘A’ Intermittent/Erratic/High (PLAUS)
DTC P0506 Idle Air Control System RPM Lower Than Expected (MIN)
DTC P0507 Idle Air Control System RPM Higher Than Expected (MAX)
DTC P0512 Starter Request Circuit (MAX)
DTC P0512 Starter Request Circuit (MIN)
DTC P0512 Starter Request Circuit (SIG)
DTC P0520 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit (SIG)
DTC P0521 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Range/ Performance (PLAUS)
DTC P0522 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Low (MIN)
DTC P0523 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch High (MAX)
DTC P0524 Engine Oil Pressure Too Low (MIN)
DTC P0571 Brake Switch ‘A’ Circuit (PLAUS)
DTC P0597 Thermostat Heater Control Circuit/Open (SIG)
DTC P0598 Thermostat Heater Control Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0599 Thermostat Heater Control Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0604 Internal Control Module Random Access Memory (RAM) Error (MAX)
DTC P0604 Internal Control Module Random Access Memory (RAM) Error (MIN)
DTC P0604 Internal Control Module Random Access Memory (RAM) Error (MIN)
DTC P0605 Internal Control Module Read Only Memory (ROM) Error (MAX)
DTC P0606 ECM/PCM Processor (SIG)
DTC P060C Internal Control Module Main Processor Performance (PLAUS)
DTC P0620 Generator Control Circuit (MAX)
DTC P0620 Generator Control Circuit (SIG)
DTC P062F Internal Control Module EEPROM Error (PLAUS)
DTC P062F Internal Control Module EEPROM Error (SIG)
DTC P062F Internal Control Module EEPROM Error (SIG)
DTC P0645 A/C Clutch Relay Control Circuit (SIG)
DTC P0646 A/C Clutch Relay Control Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0647 A/C Clutch Relay Control Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0668 PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0669 PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0686 ECM/PCM Power Relay Control Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0687 ECM/PCM Power Relay Control Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0691 Fan 1 Control Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0692 Fan 1 Control Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0703 Brake Switch ‘B’ Circuit (PLAUS)
DTC P0831 Clutch Pedal Switch ‘A’ Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0832 Clutch Pedal Switch ‘A’ Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0A14 Engine Mount ‘A’ Control Circuit/Open (MAX)
DTC P0A14 Engine Mount ‘A’ Control Circuit/Open (MIN)
DTC P0A14 Engine Mount ‘A’ Control Circuit/Open (SIG)
DTC P0A14 Engine Mount ‘A’ Control Circuit/Open (SIG)
DTC P0A15 Engine Mount ‘A’ Control Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P0A16 Engine Mount ‘A’ Control Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P0A3B Generator Over Temperature (MAX)
DTC P0A3B Generator Over Temperature (MAX)
DTC P1004 VVTGuiding Sensor Solenoid Loss (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1006 VVTGuiding Sensor Parity Error (Bank 1) (SIG)
DTC P1012 VVTReference Sensor Solenoid Loss (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1014 VVTReference Sensor Parity Error (Bank 1) (SIG)
DTC P1017 VVTSensors Plausibility (Bank 1) (PLAUS)
DTC P1017 VVTSensors Plausibility (Bank 1) (PLAUS)
DTC P1019 VVTSupply Voltage Sensors High Input (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P101A VVTSelfLearning Function, Stops Not Learned (MAX)
DTC P101A VVTSelfLearning Function, Stops Not Learned (MIN)
DTC P101A VVTSelfLearning Function, Stops Not Learned (SIG)
DTC P1020 VVTSupply Voltage Sensors Low Input (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P1023 VVTSelfLearning Function Faulty Adjustment Range (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1024 VVTSelfLearning Function Faulty Lower Learning Range (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P102B VVTGuiding Sensor Diagnostic Error (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P102C VVTReference Sensor Diagnostic Error (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P1030 VVTActuator Monitoring Position Control, Control Deviation (Bank 1)
DTC P1030 VVTActuator Monitoring Position Control, Control Deviation (Bank 1) (SIG)
DTC P103A VVTSystem Current Too High (MAX)
DTC P1041 Internal VVTControl Module EEPROM Error (Bank 1) (PLAUS)
DTC P1047 VVTControl Circuit High Input (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1048 VVTControl Circuit Low Input (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P1049 VVTControl Circuit Engine Cables Short Circuit (Bank 1) (SIG)
DTC P1055 VVTSupply Voltage Control Motor High Input (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1056 VVTSupply Voltage Control Motor Low Input (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P1057 VVTSupply Voltage Control Motor Electrical (Bank 1) (PLAUS)
DTC P105A Internal Control Module VVT Error, Current Too High (MAX)
DTC P105B Internal Control Module VVT Error, VoltageToo Low (MIN)
DTC P1062 VVTLimp Home Request Full Stroke Position Not Reached (Bank 1) (SIG)
DTC P1064 VVTValue Comparison Starting Position/Parking Position Plausibility (Bank 1)
DTC P1075 VVTOverload Protection (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1076 VVTOverload Protection ECUTemperature High Input (Bank 1) (SIG)
DTC P1078 VVTOverload Protection Control Motor Current High Input (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P107A VVTOverload Protection Control Motor Current Too High (MAX)
DTC P107B VVTOverload Protection Control Motor Temperature Too High (MIN)
DTC P107C VVTOverload Protection Temperature Too High (MIN)
DTC P107C VVTOverload Protection Temperature Too High (SIG)
DTC P1104 Differential Pressure Sensor Intake Manifold Pressure Too Low (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P1105 Differential Pressure Sensor Intake Manifold Pressure Too High (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P110D Throttle Position Sensor A and B Range/Performance (PLAUS)
DTC P111E Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Maximum Temperature Implausible (Bank 1)
DTC P111F Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Minimum Temperature Implausible (Bank 1)
DTC P1124 Differential Pressure Sensor Intake Manifold Offset (Bank 1) (PLAUS)
DTC P112C O2 Sensor Negative Current or Positive Current Control Circuit/Open (Bank 1
Sensor 1) (MIN)
DTC P112C O2 Sensor Negative Current or Positive Current Control Circuit/Open (Bank 1
Sensor 1) (SIG)
DTC P112D O2 Sensor Negative Current or Positive Current Control Circuit/Open (Bank 2
Sensor 1) (MIN)
DTC P112D O2 Sensor Negative Current or Positive Current Control Circuit/Open (Bank 2
Sensor 1) (SIG)
DTC P1130 O2 Sensor Circuit Dynamic Test (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (PLAUS)
DTC P1131 O2 Sensor Circuit Dynamic Test (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (PLAUS)
DTC P114A Post Catalyst Fuel Trim Via Oxygen Sensor System Too Rich (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P114B Post Catalyst Fuel Trim Via Oxygen Sensor System Too Lean (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P114C Post Catalyst Fuel Trim Via Oxygen Sensor System Too Rich (Bank 2) (MAX)
DTC P114D Post Catalyst Fuel Trim Via Oxygen Sensor System Too Lean (Bank 2) (MIN)
DTC P114F Air Mass Flow Sensor Defective (MIN)
DTC P115A Mass or Volume Air Flow ‘A’ Maximum Exceeded (MAX)
DTC P116C Air Mass Flow Sensor Signal Range (MAX)
DTC P116D Air Mass Flow Sensor Signal Gradient Error (MIN)
DTC P116E Air Mass Flow Sensor Signal Electrical (SIG)
DTC P1197 Differential Pressure Sensor Intake Manifold High Input (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1198 Differential Pressure Sensor Intake Manifold Low Input (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P1214 Fuel Pump Speed Too High (MAX)
DTC P1215 Fuel Pump Speed Too Low (MIN)
DTC P1216 Fuel Pump Emergency Operation (SIG)
DTC P1217 Fuel Pump Overtemperature Condition (PLAUS)
DTC P1230 Fuel Pump Relay Primary Circuit (SIG)
DTC P1234 Fuel Pump Relay Primary Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P1236 Fuel Pump Relay Primary Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P1244 Fuel Pump Emergency CutOff (SIG)
DTC P1300 Camshaft Position Sensor ‘A’ Segment Timing Error (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1301 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder 1 Spark Duration Too Short (MIN)
DTC P1302 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder 2 Spark Duration Too Short (MIN)
DTC P1303 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder 3 Spark Duration Too Short (MIN)
DTC P1304 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder 4 Spark Duration Too Short (MIN)
DTC P1305 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder 5 Spark Duration Too Short (MIN)
DTC P1306 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder 6 Spark Duration Too Short (MIN)
DTC P130A Camshaft Position Sensor ‘B’ Segment Timing Error (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1327 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit Low Input (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P1328 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit High Input (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P135B Knock Sensor 2 Circuit Range/Performance (Bank 1) (PLAUS)
DTC P1383 Ignition Monitoring Malfunction (SIG)
DTC P1396 Crankshaft Position Sensor Segment Timing Plausibility (MIN)
DTC P1407 Fuel Level Signal 1 (PLAUS)
DTC P1408 Fuel Level Signal 2 (PLAUS)
DTC P140A Secondary Air Injection System Insufficient Total Flow (Bank 1 and Bank 2)
DTC P140E Cylinder Injection CutOff, Fuel Level Too Low (PLAUS)
DTC P1413 Secondary Air Injection Pump Relay Control Sircuit Signal Low (MIN)
DTC P1414 Secondary Air Injection Pump Relay Control Circuit Signal High (MAX)
DTC P1415 Mass or Volume Air Flow Too Low (MIN)
DTC P1417 Throttle Control Incorrect Air Supply (SIG)
DTC P1424 Mass or Volume Air Flow Too High (MAX)
DTC P1434 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DMTL) (SIG)
DTC P143B Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Temperature Sensor Wrong Code (PLAUS)
DTC P143C Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Temperature/Radiator Coolant Temperature
Correlation (SIG)
DTC P143E Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Temperature Sensor Gradient Too Low
DTC P1447 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DMTL) Pump Current Too High during
Switching Solenoid Test (PLAUS)
DTC P1448 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DMTL) Pump Current Too Low (MIN)
DTC P1449 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DMTL) Pump Current Too High (MAX)
DTC P1453 Secondary Air Injection Pump Relay Control Circuit Electrical (SIG)
DTC P14C0 Fan Mechanical or Hardware Defect (PLAUS)
DTC P14C1 Radiator Shutter Mechanical or Hardware Defect (PLAUS)
DTC P14C2 DISA (Differentiated Intake Manifold) Actuator 1 Mechanical or Hardware
Defect (PLAUS)
DTC P14C3 DISA (Differentiated Intake Manifold) Actuator 2 Mechanical or Hardware
Defect (PLAUS)
DTC P14C4 Radiator Shutter (Upper) Mechanical (MIN)
DTC P14C5 Radiator Shutter (Upper) Hardware Defect (MAX)
DTC P14C6 Radiator Shutter (Lower) Electrical (MAX)
DTC P150A Battery Sensor BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) Extended Communication Circuit
DTC P150B Battery Sensor BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) Communication Circuit (SIG)
DTC P150B Battery Sensor BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) Communication Circuit (SIG)
DTC P150C Battery Sensor Firmware Implausible (PLAUS)
DTC P150D Battery Sensor Temperature Error (MAX)
DTC P150E Battery Sensor Voltage Error (SIG)
DTC P150F Battery Sensor Current Error (PLAUS)
DTC P1511 DISA (Differentiated Intake Manifold) Control Circuit Electrical (MAX)
DTC P1511 DISA (Differentiated Intake Manifold) Control Circuit Electrical (MIN)
DTC P1511 DISA (Differentiated Intake Manifold) Control Circuit Electrical (SIG)
DTC P1511 DISA (Differentiated Intake Manifold) Control Circuit Electrical (SIG)
DTC P1512 DISA (Differentiated Intake Manifold) Control Circuit Signal Low (MIN)
DTC P1512 DISA (Differentiated Intake Manifold) Control Circuit Signal Low (MIN)
DTC P1513 DISA (Differentiated Intake Manifold) Control Circuit Signal High (MAX)
DTC P1513 DISA (Differentiated Intake Manifold) Control Circuit Signal High (MAX)
DTC P1515 Engine Off Timer Plausibility (PLAUS)
DTC P151A Battery Sensor Terminal 15/30 Wakeup Circuit (MAX)
DTC P151B Battery Sensor Wakeup Circuit (PLAUS)
DTC P151C Battery Sensor System Error (SIG)
DTC P1521 Engine Oil Quality Sensor Communication Error (SIG)
DTC P1540 Driving Dynamics Control Switch High Input (MAX)
DTC P1541 Driving Dynamics Control Switch Low Input (MIN)
DTC P1551 Engine Off Timer Timeout (SIG)
DTC P1553 Engine Position System ‘B’ Performance (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1554 Engine Position System ‘A’ Performance (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P155A Multifunction Steering Wheel (MFL) Interface, ToggleBit Fault (MAX)
DTC P155A Multifunction Steering Wheel (MFL) Interface, ToggleBit Fault (MIN)
DTC P155A Multifunction Steering Wheel (MFL) Interface, ToggleBit Fault (PLAUS)
DTC P1561 Cold Start Idle Air Control System RPM Lower Than Expected (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P1562 Cold Start Idle Air Control System RPM Higher Than Expected (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1563 Multifunction Steering Wheel (MFL) Rocker Switch Defective (PLAUS)
DTC P1576 Multifunction Steering Wheel (MFL) Interface, Bit Error (PLAUS)
DTC P1582 Oil Pump Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P1583 Oil Pump Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P1584 Oil Pump Circuit Open (SIG)
DTC P1586 Engine Oil Quality Sensor Temperature Measurement (MAX)
DTC P1587 Engine Oil Quality Sensor Level Measurement (MIN)
DTC P1588 Engine Oil Quality Sensor Permeability Measurement (PLAUS)
DTC P15A1 Engine Oil Pressure Control, Mechanical, Solenoid Valve Sticking In Fully
Energized Position (Minimum Oil Pressure) (MAX)
DTC P15A2 Engine Oil Pressure Control, Mechanical, Solenoid Valve Sticking In DeEnergized Position (Maximum Oil Pressure) (MIN)
DTC P15A3 Engine Oil Pressure Too High (MAX)
DTC P15A6 Engine Oil Pressure Too High Before Start (MAX)
DTC P15A7 Engine Oil Pressure Too Low Before Start (MIN)
DTC P15B0 Terminal 15 Sense Circuit Input High (MAX)
DTC P15B1 Terminal 15 Sense Circuit Input Low (MIN)
DTC P15B2 Terminal 15 Sense Circuit CAS Error (SIG)
DTC P15B3 Terminal 15 Sense Circuit Range/Performance (PLAUS)
DTC P160A Powermanagement Exhaustive Discharge (MIN)
DTC P160B Powermanagement Defective (PLAUS)
DTC P160C Powermanagement Overvoltage (MAX)
DTC P160D Powermanagement Undervoltage (MIN)
DTC P160E Powermanagement Operation Without Battery (SIG)
DTC P160F Powermanagement NoLoad Current Error (PLAUS)
DTC P1618 Control Module SelfTest, ADConverter Monitoring (PLAUS)
DTC P1625 Pedal Position Sensor Potentiometer Supply Channel 2 Electrical (PLAUS)
DTC P1632 Throttle Valve Adaptation Conditions Not Met (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1633 Throttle Valve Adaptation LimpHome Position Unknown (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P1634 Throttle Valve Adaptation Spring Test Failed (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1635 Throttle Valve Adaptation Lower Mechanical Stop Not Adapted (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1636 Throttle Valve Control Circuit (Bank 1) (SIG)
DTC P1637 Throttle Valve Position Control, Control Deviation (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1638 Throttle Valve Position Control Throttle Stuck Temporarily (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1639 Throttle Valve Position Control Throttle Stuck Permanently (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P1644 Throttle Valve Adaptation Stop Relearning Lower Mechanical Stop (Bank 1)
DTC P164C Pedal Position Sensor Potentiometer Supply Channel 1 Electrical (PLAUS)
DTC P165A EWS (Electronic Immobilizer) Interface to ECM, Hardware Error (MAX)
DTC P165B EWS (Electronic Immobilizer) Interface to ECM, Checksum Error (PLAUS)
DTC P165C EWS (Electronic Immobilizer) Data, No Available Storage Possibility (MAX)
DTC P165D EWS (Electronic Immobilizer) Data, Faulty Release Code Storage (MIN)
DTC P165E EWS (Electronic Immobilizer) Data, Checksum Error (PLAUS)
DTC P165F Internal Control Module Measurement Error Oxygen Sensor Heating (Bank 1,Sensor 1) (SIG)
DTC P1660 EWS (Electronic Immobilizer) Telegram Error (MIN)
DTC P1661 Timeout EWS (Electronic Immobilizer) Telegram (SIG)
DTC P1667 EWS (Electronic Immobilizer) Start Value Not Yet Programmed (MIN)
DTC P1667 EWS (Electronic Immobilizer) Start Value Not Yet Programmed (PLAUS)
DTC P1668 EWS (Electronic Immobilizer) Start Value Destroyed (SIG)
DTC P166A Control Module SelfTest, LDM (Longitudinal Dynamics Management)
Monitoring (SIG)
DTC P166B LDM (Longitudinal Dynamics Management) Torque Request inspite of Brake
Signal (MAX)
DTC P166C LDM (Longitudinal Dynamics Management) Torque Request Implausible
DTC P166F Internal Control Module Measurement Error Oxygen Sensor Heating (Bank 2,
Sensor 1) (SIG)
DTC P1675 Throttle Valve Actuator Start Test ReAdaptation Required (MAX)
DTC P1694 Throttle Valve Actuator Start Test Spring Test and LimpHome Position Failed
DTC P169A Throttle Valve Actuator Start Test LimpHome Position Failed (MIN)
DTC P16A0 Internal Control Module Memory Check Sum Error in Boot Software (MAX)
DTC P16A1 Internal Control Module Memory Check Sum Error in Application Software
DTC P16A2 Internal Control Module Memory Check Sum Error in Data (SIG)
DTC P16A3 Internal Control Module NonVolatile Memory (NVMY) Error (MAX)
DTC P16A4 Timeout Control Module Knock Sensor SPIBus (SIG)
DTC P16A5 Timeout Control Module Multiple Output Stage SPIBus (SIG)
DTC P16A6 Control Module SelfTest, Cruise Control Monitoring (MAX)
DTC P16A7 Control Module SelfTest, Hot Film Air Mass Meter Monitoring (MAX)
DTC P16A8 Control Module SelfTest, Throttle Position Monitoring (MIN)
DTC P16A9 Control Module SelfTest, Speed Monitoring Reset (PLAUS)
DTC P16B0 Control Module SelfTest, Pedal Position Sensor Monitoring (PLAUS)
DTC P16B1 Control Module SelfTest, Idle Air Control System Integrated Component
Plausibility (MAX)
DTC P16B2 Control Module SelfTest, Idle Air Control System PDComponent Plausibility
DTC P16B3 Control Module SelfTest, MSR (EngineDragTorque Control) Monitoring
DTC P16B4 Control Module SelfTest, DCC (Dynamic Cruise Control) Monitoring (MIN)
DTC P16B5 Control Module SelfTest, AMT (Automatic Manual Transmission) Monitoring
DTC P16B6 Control Module SelfTest, ETC Monitoring (PLAUS)
DTC P16B7 Control Module SelfTest, Clutch Torque Monitoring Maximum Value
Plausibility (MAX)
DTC P16B8 Control Module SelfTest, Clutch Torque Monitoring Minimum Value Plausibility
DTC P16B9 Control Module SelfTest, Torque Loss Monitoring (SIG)
DTC P16C0 Control Module SelfTest, Driving Dynamics Control Switch Monitoring
DTC P16C1 Control Module SelfTest, Torque Monitoring Current Indicated Value Plausibility
DTC P16C1 Control Module SelfTest, Torque Monitoring Current Indicated Value Plausibility
DTC P16C2 Control Module SelfTest, Speed Limitation Monitoring (PLAUS)
DTC P16C5 Main Relay Switching Delay (MIN)
DTC P16C6 CAN Timeout BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) (MAX)
DTC P16C6 CAN Timeout BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) (MAX)
DTC P16C6 CAN Timeout BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) (MAX)
DTC P16C6 CAN Timeout BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) (MIN)
DTC P16C6 CAN Timeout BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) (MIN)
DTC P16C6 CAN Timeout BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) (PLAUS)
DTC P16C6 CAN Timeout BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) (PLAUS)
DTC P16C6 CAN Timeout BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) (SIG)
DTC P16C6 CAN Timeout BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) (SIG)
DTC P16C6 CAN Timeout BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) (SIG)
DTC P16C6 CAN Timeout BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) (SIG)
DTC P16C8 Serial Communication Link EKP (Electrical Fuel Pump) (SIG)
DTC P2067 Fuel Level Sensor ‘B’ Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P2068 Fuel Level Sensor ‘B’ Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P2088 ‘A’ Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit Low (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P2089 ‘A’ Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit High (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P2090 ‘B’ Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit Low (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P2091 ‘B’ Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit High (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P2096 Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System Too Lean (Bank 1) (MIN)
DTC P2097 Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System Too Rich (Bank 1) (MAX)
DTC P2098 Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System Too Lean (Bank 2) (MIN)
DTC P2099 Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System Too Rich (Bank 2) (MAX)
DTC P2120 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch ‘D’ Circuit (PLAUS)
DTC P2122 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch ‘D’ Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P2123 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch ‘D’ Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P2127 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch ‘E’ Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P2128 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch ‘E’ Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P2138 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch ‘D’/’E’ Voltage Correlation (PLAUS)
DTC P213F Fuel Pump System Fault Forced Engine Shutdown (SIG)
DTC P2183 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit Range/Performance (PLAUS)
DTC P2184 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P2185 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P2195 O2 Sensor Signal Biased/Stuck Lean (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P2196 O2 Sensor Signal Biased/Stuck Rich (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P2197 O2 Sensor Signal Biased/Stuck Lean (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P2198 O2 Sensor Signal Biased/Stuck Rich (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P2228 Barometric Pressure Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P2229 Barometric Pressure Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P2243 O2 Sensor Reference Voltage Circuit/Open (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P2247 O2 Sensor Reference Voltage Circuit/Open (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P2270 O2 Sensor Signal Biased/Stuck Lean (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (MIN)
DTC P2271 O2 Sensor Signal Biased/Stuck Rich (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (MAX)
DTC P2272 O2 Sensor Signal Biased/Stuck Lean (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (MIN)
DTC P2273 O2 Sensor Signal Biased/Stuck Rich (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (MAX)
DTC P2297 O2 Sensor Out of Range During Deceleration (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P2298 O2 Sensor Out of Range During Deceleration (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P2299 Brake Pedal Position/Accelerator Pedal Position Incompatible (PLAUS)
DTC P2400 Evaporative Emission System Leak Detection Pump Control Circuit/Open (SIG)
DTC P2401 Evaporative Emission System Leak Detection Pump Control Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P2402 Evaporative Emission System Leak Detection Pump Control Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P240A Evaporative Emission System Leak Detection Pump Heater Control Circuit/Open
DTC P240B Evaporative Emission System Leak Detection Pump Heater Control Circuit Low
DTC P240C Evaporative Emission System Leak Detection Pump Heater Control Circuit High
DTC P2414 O2 Sensor Exhaust Sample Error (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P2415 O2 Sensor Exhaust Sample Error (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P2418 Evaporative Emission System Switching Valve Control Circuit/Open (SIG)
DTC P2419 Evaporative Emission System Switching Valve Control Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P2420 Evaporative Emission System Switching Valve Control Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P250A Engine Oil Level Sensor Circuit (SIG)
DTC P250B Engine Oil Level Sensor Circuit Range/Performance (PLAUS)
DTC P250F Engine Oil Level Too Low (MIN)
DTC P252A Engine Oil Quality Sensor Circuit (MIN)
DTC P252A Engine Oil Quality Sensor Circuit (PLAUS)
DTC P252A Engine Oil Quality Sensor Circuit (SIG)
DTC P252A Engine Oil Quality Sensor Circuit (SIG)
DTC P2568 Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
DTC P2569 Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P2570 Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P2626 O2 Sensor Pumping Current Trim Circuit/Open (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (PLAUS)
DTC P2629 O2 Sensor Pumping Current Trim Circuit/Open (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (PLAUS)
DTC P300A Controlled Air Guiding Circuit High (MAX)
DTC P300B Controlled Air Guiding Circuit Low (MIN)
DTC P300C Controlled Air Guiding Circuit (SIG)
DTC P3022 O2 Sensor Disturbed SPI Communication To WRAFIC (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (MIN)
DTC P3023 O2 Sensor Disturbed SPI Communication to WRAFIC (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (MIN)
DTC P3024 O2 Sensor Initialization Error WRAFIC (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P3025 O2 Sensor Initialization Error WRAFIC (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (MAX)
DTC P316A Engine Coolant Temperature Signal Stuck High (PLAUS)
DTC P3196 Cold Start Radiator Coolant Temperature Sensor Signal High (MAX)
DTC P3197 Radiator Coolant Temperature Gradient Too High (PLAUS)
DTC P3198 Engine Coolant Temperature 1 Gradient Too High (PLAUS)
DTC P3199 Engine Coolant Temperature Signal Stuck (PLAUS)
DTC P3202 Powertrain CAN, CAN Chip CutOff (SIG)
DTC P3205 Local CAN, CAN Chip CutOff (SIG)
DTC P321E Ambient Pressure Sensor Maximum Pressure Implausible (MAX)
DTC P321F Ambient Pressure Sensor Minimum Pressure Implausible (MIN)
DTC P3223 Generator Mechanical (PLAUS)
DTC P3226 EBox Control Circuit Fan High Input (MAX)
DTC P3227 EBox Control Circuit Fan Low Input (MIN)
DTC P3228 EBox Control Circuit Fan Open Circuit (SIG)
DTC P3235 Control Module Monitoring Version Coding Plausibility (PLAUS)
DTC P324A Generator Type Implausible (MAX)
DTC P324A Generator Type Implausible (MIN)
DTC P324C Generator Over Temperature Calculated (MAX)
DTC P324C Generator Over Temperature Calculated (MAX)
DTC P324E Generator Regulator Type Implausible (MAX)
DTC P3255 Generator Voltage in Starting Phase above Threshold (MAX)
DTC P325A Generator Electrical Error Calculated (MAX)
DTC U0101 Lost Communication With TCM (SIG)
DTC U0126 Lost Communication With Steering Angle Sensor Module (SIG)
DTC U0137 Lost Communication With Trailer Brake Control Module (SIG)
DTC U0155 Lost Communication With Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC) Control Module (SIG)
DTC U0167 Lost Communication With Vehicle Immobilizer Control Module (SIG)
DTC U1100 Lost Communication With ASC/DSC (SIG)
DTC U1100 Lost Communication With ASC/DSC (SIG)
DTC U1100 Lost Communication With ASC/DSC (SIG)
DTC U1101 Lost Communication With Ambient Temperatur/Relative Time (SIG)
DTC U1102 Message Monitoring Actuation Cruise Control/ACC Alive Check (MIN)
DTC U1103 Lost Communication With Actuation Cruise Control/ACC (SIG)
DTC U1104 Message Monitoring Actuation Cruise Control/ACC Check Sum Error (PLAUS)
DTC U1105 Message Monitoring Torque Request ACC Alive Check (MIN)
DTC U1106 Lost Communication With Torque Request ACC (SIG)
DTC U1107 Message Monitoring Torque Request ACC Check Sum Error (PLAUS)
DTC U1108 Message Monitoring Torque Request Steering Alive Check (MIN)
DTC U1108 Message Monitoring Torque Request Steering Alive Check (MIN)
DTC U1109 Lost Communication With Torque Request Steering (SIG)
DTC U1109 Lost Communication With Torque Request Steering (SIG)
DTC U110A Message Monitoring Torque Request Steering Check Sum Error (PLAUS)
DTC U110A Message Monitoring Torque Request Steering Check Sum Error (PLAUS)
DTC U110B Message Monitoring Torque Request DSC Alive Check (MIN)
DTC U110C Lost Communication With Torque Request DSC (SIG)
DTC U110D Message Monitoring Torque Request DSC Check Sum Error (PLAUS)
DTC U110E Message Monitoring Torque Request ETC Alive Check (MIN)
DTC U110E Message Monitoring Torque Request ETC Alive Check (MIN)
DTC U110F Lost Communication With Torque Request ETC (SIG)
DTC U110F Lost Communication With Torque Request ETC (SIG)
DTC U1110 Message Monitoring Torque Request ETC Check Sum Error (MIN)
DTC U1110 Message Monitoring Torque Request ETC Check Sum Error (MIN)
DTC U1110 Message Monitoring Torque Request ETC Check Sum Error (PLAUS)
DTC U1110 Message Monitoring Torque Request ETC Check Sum Error (PLAUS)
DTC U1110 Message Monitoring Torque Request ETC Check Sum Error (PLAUS)
DTC U1110 Message Monitoring Torque Request ETC Check Sum Error (PLAUS)
DTC U1110 Message Monitoring Torque Request ETC Check Sum Error (SIG)
DTC U1110 Message Monitoring Torque Request ETC Check Sum Error (SIG)
DTC U1110 Message Monitoring Torque Request ETC Check Sum Error (SIG)
DTC U1114 Message Monitoring Vehicle Mode Status Alive Check (MIN)
DTC U1115 Lost Communication With Vehicle Mode Status (SIG)
DTC U1116 Message Monitoring Vehicle Mode Status Check Sum Error (PLAUS)
DTC U1118 Lost Communication With Speed (SIG)
DTC U111A Lost Communication With Transmission Data (SIG)
DTC U111B Lost Communication With Transmission Data2 (SIG)
DTC U111C Lost Communication With Mileage/Range (SIG)
DTC U111D Message Monitoring Terminal Status Alive Check (MIN)
DTC U111E Lost Communication With Terminal Status (SIG)
DTC U111F Message Monitoring Terminal Status Check Sum Error (PLAUS)
DTC U1120 Lost Communication With Steering Wheel Angle (SIG)
DTC U1121 Lost Communication With Power Management Battery Voltage (SIG)
DTC U1122 Lost Communication With Power Management Charge Voltage (SIG)
DTC U1123 Message Monitoring ARSModule Status Alive Check (MIN)
DTC U1124 Lost Communication With ARSModule Status (SIG)
DTC U1126 Lost Communication With DSC Status (SIG)
DTC U1128 Lost Communication With EKP (Electrical Fuel Pump) Status (SIG)
DTC U1129 Lost Communication With Reverse Status (SIG)
DTC U112A Message Monitoring Instrument Pack Status Alive Check (MIN)
DTC U112B Lost Communication With Instrument Pack Status (SIG)
DTC U112B Lost Communication With Instrument Pack Status (SIG)
DTC U112B Lost Communication With Instrument Pack Status (SIG)
DTC U112C Lost Communication With Heat Flow/Load Moment A/C (SIG)
DTC U112D Lost Communication With Control Crash CutOff EKP (Electrical Fuel Pump)
DTC U1130 Lost Communication With Radiator Shutter (Upper) (PLAUS)
DTC U1132 Lost Communication With Generator via BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) (MAX)
DTC U1132 Lost Communication With Generator via BSD (Bit Serial Data Interface) (SIG)
DTC U1134 Lost Communication With Lamp Status (SIG)
DTC U1135 Lost Communication With Status Water Valve (SIG)
DTC U113A Lost Communication With Central Locking System Status (SIG)
DTC U113C Lost Communication With Time/Date (SIG)
DTC U113D Lost Communication With Wheel Torque Management Request/Driveline (SIG)
DTC U113E Lost Communication With Display Transmission Data (SIG)
DTC U1154 Lost Communication With Message 2 TCM (SIG)
DTC U1155 Message Monitoring 2 TCM Check Sum Error (PLAUS)
DTC U1156 Message Monitoring 2 TCM Alive Check (MIN)
DTC U1160 Lost Communication With Message 2 TCM (SIG)
DTC U1161 Message Monitoring 3 TCM Alive Check (MIN)
DTC U1162 Message Monitoring 3 TCM Check Sum Error (PLAUS)
DTC U1166 Message Monitoring EWS (Electronic Immobilizer) Frame Error (MIN)
DTC U1167 Message Monitoring Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Temperature Sensor Frame
Error (SIG)
DTC U1168 Message Monitoring Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Temperature Sensor Check
P0300, P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304 MISFIRE DETECTION
P1449, P1448; P1447, P1434, P0442,
P2251, P2243, P2297, P2237, P3018,
P0132, P0131, P3022, P3024, P3014,
P050B, P13EA, P1562, P1561, P0507,
P0506, P15D, P15DF
P1634, P1631, P16BC, P1628, P1629,
P1644, P1632, P16E6, P1633
P2103, P061F, P2100, P1639, P1638,
P2118; P11AA
P0118, P0117, P3198, P112B, P0116,
P10D5, P10D4
P0113, P0112, P0111, P0127, P11C9,
P10C9, P105D
P007D, P007C, P007B, P10D2, P10B8,
P10D0, P10D1, P10B4
P0237, P0238, P12A0, P12A1, P12DA,
P12B8, P12B9, P0299, P0234, P1255,
P0503, P152B, P152A, P0501, P15DA,
P15DB, P15DC, P15DD
P15FA, P15FB, P15FC, P15FD, P15E8,
P15E9, P15FE, P15FA, P15FB, P15FC,
P15FD, P15E8, P15E9
P0342, P0367, P0343, P0368, P0341,
P13AE, P13BE, P13AF, P13BF, P13B8,
P13C7, P13B9, P13C8
P0327, P1327, P0328, P1328 KNOCK SENSOR DIAGNOSTIC
P3148, P3149, P3150, P3151, P3152,
P3153, P3154, P3155, P3156, P3157,
P3158, P3159, P3160, P3161, P3162,
P3163, P3164, P3165, P3148, P3149,
P3150, P3151, P3152, P3153, P3154,
P3155, P3156, P3157, P3158, P3159,
P3160, P3161, P3162, P3163, P3164,
P3165, P3100, P3101, P3102, P3103,
P3104, P3105, P3106, P3107, P3108,
P3109, P3110, P3111, P3112, P3113,
P3114, P3115, P3116, P3117, P3118,
P3119, P3120, P3121, P3122, P3123,
P0193, P0192, P10CE, P10CF, P0087,
P0088, P10D9
P1047, P1048, P10F4, P10F5, P10F6,
P10E5, P10DF, P1030, P10E0
U119B, U1101, U1118, U116D, U0123,
U1117, U1195, U11C6, U1119, U1196,
U11C7, U1185, P10DC, P3202, U119E,
P10DD, U1190
P0444, P0458, P0459, P2418, P2419,
P2420, P149A, P149B, P149C, P2400,
P2401, P2402, P240A, P240B, P240C,
P0030, P0031, P0032, P0036, P0037,
P0038, P0597, P0598, P0599, P0010,
P2088, P2089, P0013, P2090, P2091,
P0001, P0003, P0004, P10D6, P10D7,
BMW 1982 16
NOTE: To determine the appropriate reset procedure, refer to BRAKE PAD
REPLACEMENT REMINDER RESET INDEX. Only vehicles listed in this index
have a specific brake pad warning light reset procedure. For other vehicles,
perform PROCEDURE 1 first. If light does not reset, perform PROCEDURE 2. If
the above procedures are not successful, connect vehicle to DIS tester, access
Instrument Cluster/IKE, then «clear fault memory».
NOTE: Brake pad warning light should go out after replacement of brake pad thickness
sensor. If warning light does not go out, turn ignition on, engine off, for 3045
seconds. Warning light should go out. If the above procedure is not successful,
connect vehicle to DIS tester, access Instrument Cluster/IKE, then «clear fault
NOTE: The base instrument cluster OIL SERVICE INSPECTION display is located on
the bottom of the cluster, to the right of center. The base cluster is also
equipped with a graphic display of the car that shows if a door or the trunk lid
is open. The high instrument cluster OIL SERVICE INSPECTION display is
located on the bottom of the cluster, to the left of center.
Model & Year Reset Procedure
(w/High Inst.Cluster)
Brake Pad Replacement Reminder Reset Procedure 1
(w/Base Inst.Cluster)
Brake Pad Replacement Reminder Reset Procedure 2
199700 Brake Pad Replacement Reminder Reset Procedure 1
To reset light after replacing brake pads, turn ignition on with engine off. Wait 30 seconds. Brake pad warning
indicator light will switch off.
Start engine. Brake pad warning indicator will switch off.
NOTE: To determine the appropriate reset procedure, refer to EMISSIONS
MAINTENANCE REMINDER RESET INDEX. Only vehicles listed in this index
have an Oxygen Sensor Warning Light.
Model & Year Reset Procedure
All Models
1983 & Earlier Emissions Maintenance Reminder Reset Procedure 1
1984 & Later Emissions Maintenance Reminder Reset Procedure 2
NOTE: Most vehicles are equipped with a Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) or check
engine light. If light comes on and remains on while driving, the vehicle
requires some type of repair. See appropriate service and repair information.
After repairing fault(s) and clearing fault code(s), the Malfunction Indicator
Light (MIL) or check engine light should go out. Some models may use a dualfunction indicator light, which is also used to indicate emission component
service is due. After performing required service, reset indicator light.
1. Every 30,000 miles (25,000 miles on 528i) the Oxygen Sensor Warning light in dash will come on as a
reminder to replace the oxygen sensor.
NOTE: On 528e models, pull the protective metal plate off before removing
oxygen sensor.
2. On 528e models, no interval reset switch is provided. After replacing sensor, remove instrument panel.
Remove and discard bulb for OXYGEN sensor light.
3. On all other models, trace speedometer cable to interval switch (inline with cable, mounted on frame rail
left of transmission). Press White reset button. See Fig. 1. Ensure warning light is out.
Fig. 1: Locating Oxygen Sensor Warning Light Reset Switch (All BMW Models Before 1983)
NOTE: Some late production (February 1985 and later) BMW models have a reset
button on rear of the light control assembly located near pedal assembly. Press
button to reset light after servicing oxygen sensor.
No reset switch is provided. When oxygen sensor light comes on, service oxygen sensor. Remove and discard
bulb from indicator.
NOTE: This is sometimes referred to as the «Oil Change Light» or «Oil Service Light».
NOTE: The service indicator can only be reset using the reset mode in the instrument
cluster or by using BMW hardware. This procedure applies to 3Series from
production date 9/99, and 5Series and 7Series from production date 9/00
(except 200205 7Series and 200405 5Series) without an engine compartment
diagnostic connector.
On models that still use the round diagnostic connector in engine
compartment, use SIA reset tool to reset service lights. See
On models without the round diagnostic connector in the engine
compartment, the use of the SIA reset tool is not possible. See
For 2002up models with condition based service (CBS) interval system
NOTE: Starting in 1983 and ending on some models in 1999, service indicator on
instrument panel consists of 5 Green, 3 Red and one Yellow Light Emitting
Diodes (LED) and the inscriptions OIL SERVICE and INSPECTION. When
ignition is on, as many as 5 Green LEDs will light up. The Green LEDs go out
when the engine is started. If the Yellow LED glows and one of the inscriptions
comes on and remains on when the engine is started, maintenance service is
due immediately. When maintenance interval has been exceeded (after
approximately 1000 miles) the Red LED’s will come on in addition to the Yellow
LED as a reminder for servicing.
Beginning on some models in 1999, a new method for displaying the service
interval is used. Colored LEDs are no longer used to display the amount of time
until the next service or inspection is due. The actual mileage remaining until
the next service will be displayed for five seconds when the ignition is first
switched on. The text OIL SERVICE or INSPECTION will also illuminate to show
which service is due. A minus symbol () before the mileage display indicates
that a service is past due.
The 200212 models with condition based service (CBS) interval system uses
an entirely different service interval system. See MAINTENANCE SERVICE
NOTE: To determine the appropriate reset procedure, refer to MAINTENANCE SERVICE
REMINDER RESET INDEX. Only vehicles listed in this index have a service
interval reminder.
Model &Year
Reset Procedure
Models With Engine Compartment Diagnostic Connector
198305 Maintenance Service Reminder Reset Procedure 1
Models Without Engine Compartment Diagnostic Connector
200105 Maintenance Service Reminder Reset Procedure 2
Models Without Condition Based Service (CBS) Interval System
200405 Maintenance Service Reminder Reset Procedure 3
Models With Condition Based Service (CBS) Interval System
200206 Maintenance Service Reminder Reset Procedure 4
or Maintenance Service Reminder Reset Procedure 6
200716 Maintenance Service Reminder Reset Procedure 5
or Maintenance Service Reminder Reset Procedure 6
1. To reset instrument cluster SIA OIL SERVICE indicator, turn ignition switch to ON position. Connect
Service Indicator Resetter (62 1 110) to diagnosis connector in engine compartment. See Fig. 2.
2. Press Yellow OIL SERVICE button. Green LED will illuminate. Wait until Yellow LED illuminates and
then goes out again. Ensure that OIL SERVICE indicator has been reset.
3. To reset SERVICE INTERVAL indicator, press Red INSPECTION service button for inspection. Green
LED illuminates. Wait until Red LED illuminates and then goes out again. Turn ignition switch to OFF
position, wait 20 seconds and repeat procedure in order to adapt interval of annual inspection to
inspection. Ensure that SERVICE INTERVAL indicator has been reset.
Fig. 2: Identifying BMW Service Interval Reset Tool
Reset service light by performing the following:
1. Ignition key must be in OFF position.
2. Press and hold trip odometer reset button in the instrument cluster (left button), and turn ignition key to
first position.
3. Keep the button pressed for approximately 5 seconds until one of the following words appear in the
display: «OIL SERVICE», or «INSPECTION», with «RESET».
4. Release reset button and press it again until «RESET» begins to flash in the display. See Fig. 3 and Fig. 4
5. Service due is shown with «RESET» if coded minimum consumption limit has been reached and resetting
is possible. If «RESET» is not shown, minimum limit has not been reached and resetting is not possible.
6. While «RESET» is flashing, press left button briefly to reset service interval. After display has shown
new interval, following will appear: «END SIA».
7. System can only be reset again after 2.5 gallons of fuel have been consumed.
Fig. 3: Resetting Service Interval Light (E46)
Fig. 4: Resetting Service Interval Light (E39)
The BMW maintenance system SIA IV (service interval indicator) is used on X3 models (E83). The service
interval indicator is a system subject to constant development which in its development stages has been
integrated in various model series such as E85 (Z4) and E46 (3 and M3Series).
The service indicator appears in the LC display in the instrument cluster’s speedometer. The indicator is shown
for 5 seconds in the LC display after terminal R is «ON». See Fig. 5.
Fig. 5: Identifying Service Interval Indicator
Resetting Service Interval Indicator
Resetting the service interval indicator for the oil service and inspection procedures can only be done by
pressing the left button (1) in the instrument cluster. See Fig. 6.
Fig. 6: Identifying Service Interval Indicator Reset Button
NOTE: On some models an appropriate scan tool may be used to reset CBS service
schedules. By using suitable diagnostic equipment connected to the vehicle
diagnostic connector it is possible to reset CBS service schedules at any time.
By selecting the `CBS’ option, the diagnostic equipment will gather information
regarding the current state of CBS items from their relevant modules on the
NOTE: Use this procedure on vehicles with an instrument panel like the ones shown in
Fig. 7, Fig. 8, or Fig. 9. If vehicle has an instrument panel like the one shown in
Models using a Condition Based Service (CBS) service interval system, which displays a Service Need Display
(SND). When ignition is on, Service Need Display appears under the speedometer in the instrument cluster for
10 seconds in the place where the fuel tank level is normally displayed. The first line corresponds to the
mileage dependent service items. It specifies the mileage when the next service is due.
If the mileage is exceeded (service overdue), it appears with a minus sign. The second line corresponds to the
time dependent service items and is displayed by a clock symbol. It specifies the weeks/months/years when the
next service is due. If the service is overdue, it appears with a minus sign. The actual service item (with
additional information) can be viewed in the control display.
Service reset is accomplished using instrument cluster:
1. Insert key into ignition.
2. Press ignition start/stop button without depressing the clutch or brake, and wait for the service reminder
to dissapear.
3. Immediately after the service reminder indicator goes out, press and hold the odometer reset button or
stalk. After 3 secs a warning triangle will appear, keep the odometer button pressed and after another 23
secs an oil can will appear.
NOTE: If the odometer button is pressed too long (10 secs in total), German
writing will appear (giving the software level/ can bus etc. of the vehicle).
This indicates that you’ve overshot the reset procedure and you need to
restart from the beginning.
4. The service menu should now be displayed. Use the button (twist if the switch is a stalk or if a button,
tap repeatedly) to scroll up/down through the various service items.
NOTE: On newer models, it may be the rocker/toggle switch on the turn indicator
lever that is used to scroll up/down through the various service items. See
Fig. 9.
5. When the item to be reset is showing, press the BC button on end of turn indicator lever. «Reset» should
now appear in the display. Press in and hold the BC button for 23 secs and a whirling clock icon will be
displayed. The reset procedure for the selected service item is done.
6. Scroll up/down to select another item (as in step 4), or press the ignition start/stop button to exit.
NOTE: Residual wear or remaining time are specified (possibly with a minus sign). The
«1» symbol means that you can reset service operation (early production
vehicles may show an «F»), while a «0» indicates it is not resettable (the first 20
percent of the service interval is also protected against accidental reset). For
additional information about Condition Based Service (CBS), see RESETTING
Fig. 7: Identifying Condition Based Service (CBS) Instrument Panel Controls (Typical)
Fig. 8: Identifying Condition Based Service (CBS) Instrument Panel Controls (Typical)
Fig. 9: Identifying Condition Based Service (CBS) Instrument Panel Controls (Typical)
NOTE: On some models an appropriate scan tool may be used to reset CBS service
schedules. By using suitable diagnostic equipment connected to the vehicle
diagnostic connector it is possible to reset CBS service schedules at any time.
By selecting the `CBS’ option, the diagnostic equipment will gather information
regarding the current state of CBS items from their relevant modules on the
NOTE: Use this procedure on vehicles with an instrument panel like the one shown in
Fig. 10. If vehicle has an instrument panel like the ones shown in Fig. 7, Fig. 8,
Onthevehicle service operations can be reset at the instrument panel.
NOTE: A reset is only possible in the car if:
There is no Check Control message
Availability of the service job is under 90%
Onboard date must be correctly set
NOTE: Resetting of a service job must always be carried out after a maintenance
measure has been completed.
IMPORTANT: If engine oil and vehicle check are reset at the same time, always reset engine oil first.
1. Switch the ignition on.
2. Press the odometer reset button (1) until the 1st service job appears in the display (2) 6 to 10 seconds.
See Fig. 10.
3. Bring up the next item by briefly pressing the button again.
4. Select the desired service job.
5. If a reset is possible, this is displayed in the instrument panel as «Reset executable». See Fig. 11.
6. Start the reset by pressing the button for 3 seconds.
7. Confirm text message «Execute reset?» by pressing the button for 3 seconds again. See Fig. 12.
8. The status of the reset is indicated in the display by a progress bar and in text as «Reset running». See
Fig. 13.
9. The reset is confirmed after completion as «Reset successful». See Fig. 14.
Fig. 10: Identifying Condition Based Service (CBS) Instrument Panel Controls & Display (1 of 5)
Fig. 11: Identifying Condition Based Service (CBS) Instrument Panel Controls & Display (2 of 5)
Fig. 12: Identifying Condition Based Service (CBS) Instrument Panel Controls & Display (3 of 5)
Fig. 13: Identifying Condition Based Service (CBS) Instrument Panel Controls & Display (4 of 5)
Fig. 14: Identifying Condition Based Service (CBS) Instrument Panel Controls & Display (5 of 5)
CBS Reset Using BMW Diagnosis System
Although the CBS maintenance jobs can be reset using incar controls, it is recommended that
the reset procedure be done via the diagnosis system. It is only possible to code the statutory
intervals specific to individual countries with the diagnosis system.
To be able to check and/or correct the car’s onboard date properly, the diagnosis system
requires the correctly set tester system date.
IMPORTANT: The jobs may only be reset after the service measure has been completed.
The brake pads can only be reset with a new brake pad wear sensor.
The CBS jobs can be reset via the diagnosis system on the following path:
Start diagnosis
Carry out vehicle identification
Function Selection
Service Functions
CBS Reset
NOTE: If a tire pressure has been adjusted, or a wheel or tire has been changed or
replaced, or repairs have been made to air spring suspension, the TPM system
must be reinitialized. System must be reinitialized both before and after pulling
a trailer.
CAUTION: When driving with snow chains or a spacesaver spare tire, DO NOT initialize
the system.
NOTE: To determine the appropriate reset procedure, refer to TIRE PRESSURE
MONITOR SYSTEM REMINDER INDEX. Only vehicles listed in this index have a
TPMS reset.
Model & Year Reset Procedure
1Series (128i & 135i)
2008 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 6
200913 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
201416 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
200108 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 1
200916 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
200103 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 1
200409 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 6
201016 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
200409 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 6
201010 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
201216 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
200205 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 2
200616 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
ActiveHybrid Series
201216 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
200708 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 4
201116 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
201416 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
201416 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
200106 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 1
2008 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 6
200916 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
2016 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
200203 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 3
200608 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 6
200916 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
200607 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 6
200810 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
201216 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
MCoupe & MRoadster
200608 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 5
201316 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
200410 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 5
201116 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
201516 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
X5 & X5 M
200105 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 1
2006 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 5
200716 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
X6 & X6 M
200816 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
200102 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 1
200306 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 1
200708 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 5
200916 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 7
200103 TPMS Reminder Reset Procedure 1
1. Set the tire pressure on all wheels to specification.
2. Turn ignition switch to ON position, with engine off.
3. Press reset button (for no longer than 10 seconds) until tire pressure warning light illuminates Yellow for
a few seconds. See Fig. 15, Fig. 16, Fig. 17, or Fig. 21 .
NOTE: On some X5 models, the reset button is marked «RDC».
4. Drive vehicle. Initialization is automatically completed during the drive, without any feedback issued.
Fig. 15: Locating TPM System Reset Button (5Series)
Fig. 16: Locating TPM System Reset Button (3Series & X5 Typical)
Fig. 17: Locating TPM System Reset Button (Z28)
NOTE: The initialization finishes during driving, which can be interrupted at any time.
When driving resumes, the initialization is continued automatically.
1. Set the tire pressure of all wheels to specification.
2. Start engine, but do not start driving.
3. On Control Center, select «RPA» from the «SETTINGS» menu and confirm selection. The initialization
menu will appear. See Fig. 18.
4. Select «SET» and confirm selection.
5. Drive vehicle. The message «FTM IS BEING INITIALIZED» will be displayed. See Fig. 19.
NOTE: It takes at least 10 minutes before the TPM system can detect and report a
flat tire.
6. Select counterclockwise left arrow button and confirm to exit from menu.
Fig. 18: Identifying TPM System Reinitialization Messages (1 Of 2)
Fig. 19: Identifying TPM System Reinitialization Messages (2 Of 2)
NOTE: The initialization finishes during driving, which can be interrupted at any time.
When driving resumes, the initialization is continued automatically.
1. Set the tire pressure of all wheels to specification.
2. Start the engine.
3. Press iDrive knob down once to enter Vehicle Info.
4. Select Settings.
5. Select Vehicle Tires.
6. Select TPM.
7. Select Reset.
8. Scroll to Yes.
9. Select «YES» and press the controller.
10. After selecting Yes, drive vehicle until tires on iDrive screen turn green.
NOTE: The initialization finishes during driving, which can be interrupted at any time.
When driving resumes, the initialization is continued automatically.
1. Set the tire pressure of all wheels to specification.
2. Press «MENU» button to open start menu.
3. Open the imenu of the Control Center.
4. Select «SETTINGS» and press the controller.
5. Select «VEHICLE» and press the controller. See Fig. 20.
6. Select «TIRES: TPM» and press controller.
7. Start engine, but do not start driving.
8. Select «RESET» and press the controller.
9. Select «YES» and press the controller.
10. Drive vehicle. The message «RESETTING TPM….» will be displayed. Initialization is automatically
completed during the drive. When initialization is complete, «STATUS: TPM ACTIVE» message will be
Fig. 20: Identifying TPM System Reinitialization Messages
CAUTION: When driving with snow chains or a spacesaver spare tire, DO NOT initialize
the system.
1. Set the tire pressure of all wheels to specification.
2. Start engine, but do not start driving.
3. Press reset button (for no longer than 10 seconds) until tire pressure warning light illuminates Yellow for
a few seconds. See Fig. 21, Fig. 22 or Fig. 23 .
4. Drive vehicle. Initialization is automatically completed during the drive, without any feedback issued.
Fig. 21: Locating TPM System Reset Button (Z4, MCoupe & Roadster)
Fig. 22: Locating TPM System Reset Button (X3)
Resetting TPM With iDrive
1. Set the tire pressure of all wheels to specification.
2. Turn ignition switch ON.
3. Press controller to call up I menu. See Fig. 24.
4. Select SETTINGS and press controller.
5. Select CAR/TIRES and press controller.
6. If necessary, switch to top field and select TIRES/RDC and press controller.
7. Start engine.
8. Select CONFIRM TIRE PRESSURE and press controller.
9. Drive vehicle. Initialization is automatically completed during the drive, without any feedback issued.
Fig. 24: Locating TPM System Reset Button (With iDrive)
Resetting TPM Without iDrive
1. Set the tire pressure of all wheels to specification.
2. Start engine.
3. Move turn signal lever up or down until TPM warning symbol and RESET appears. See Fig. 25.
4. Press BC button on end of turn signal lever to confirm selection.
5. Press and hold BC button for approximately 5 seconds until a CHECK/TICK appears after RESET.
6. Drive vehicle. Initialization is automatically completed during the drive, without any feedback issued.
Fig. 25: Locating TPM System Reset Button (Without iDrive)
With iDrive
Indirect System (Flat Tire Monitor)
CAUTION: Do not initialize the system while snow chains are attached.
NOTE: Each time a tire inflation pressure has been corrected or a wheel or tire has
been changed, reset the system.
1. Using the iDrive MENU button, choose:
2. «Vehicle Info»
3. «Vehicle status»
4. «Reset»
5. Start the engine.
6. Start the initialization using «Reset». See Fig. 26.
7. Start to drive.
The initialization is completed during driving, which can be interrupted at any time. When driving resumes, the
initialization is continued automatically.
Fig. 26: iDrive Showing «Reset» Display
Checking FTM Status:
1. Using the iDrive MENU button, choose:
2. «Vehicle Info»
3. «Vehicle status»
4. «Flat Tire Monitor»
5. The status will be diplayed. See Fig. 27.
Fig. 27: iDrive Showing Tire Monitor Status
Direct System (Tire Pressure Monitor)
NOTE: Each time a tire inflation pressure has been corrected or a wheel or tire has
been changed, reset the system.
TPMS Status indicator on the Control Display:
The color of the tires represents the status of the tires and the system. TPM takes into account that tire pressures
change while the vehicle is being driven. The tire pressures do not need to be corrected unless the TPM
instructs you to do so by means of color indicators.
Green: The tire inflation pressure corresponds to the established target value. «TPM active» appears on
the Control Display.
One Wheel Yellow: There is a flat tire or substantial loss of tire pressure in the indicated tire. A message
appears on the Control Display.
All Wheels Yellow: There is a flat tire or substantial loss of tire pressure in several tires. A message
appears on the Control Display.
Gray: The system cannot detect a puncture. Possible reasons for this:
TPM is being reset.
Temporary malfunction caused by systems or devices using the same radio frequency.
Reset Procedure:
1. Using the iDrive MENU button, choose:
2. «Vehicle Info»
3. «Vehicle status»
4. «Perform Reset»
5. Start the engine (or switch to Drive Readiness position). Do not begin driving.
6. Start the reset using «Perform Reset». See Fig. 26.
7. Start to drive.
8. The tires are shown in gray and «Resetting TPM…» is displayed.
After driving a few minutes, the set inflation pressures in the tires are accepted as the target values to be
monitored. The system reset is completed during your drive, and can be interrupted at any time. When driving
resumes, the reset is continued automatically. On the Control Display, the tires are shown in green and «TPM
active» is displayed again.
IMPORTANT: If a flat tire is detected while the system is resetting and determining the inflation pressures, all
tires on the Control Display are displayed in yellow. The message «Low tire!» is shown.
System Reset Failure:
Message For Unsuccessful System Reset: The warning lamp lights up yellow. A message will appear
on the Control Display. Check the tire inflation pressure and reset the system.
Malfunction: The small warning lamp flashes in yellow and then lights up continuously; the larger
warning lamp comes on in yellow. On the Control Display, the tires are shown in gray and a message
appears. No punctures can be detected. This type of message is shown in the following situations:
If there is a malfunction. Have the system checked.
If a wheel without TPM electronics has been mounted.
If TPM is temporarily malfunctioning due to other systems or devices using the same radio
Without iDrive
Indirect System (Flat Tire Monitor)
CAUTION: Do not initialize the system while snow chains are attached.
NOTE: Each time a tire inflation pressure has been corrected or a wheel or tire has
been changed, reset the system.
1. Start the engine.
2. Lightly push button 1 on the turn indicator. See Fig. 28.
3. Lever the turn indicator up or down repeatedly until the tire monitor symbol appears in the display,
accompanied by the word «RESET». See Fig. 28.
4. Press button 2 to confirm your choice of the Flat Tire Monitor.
5. Press button 2 for approx. 5 seconds until the a check mark is shown next to the «RESET» display.
6. Drive the vehicle.
The initialization is completed during driving, which can be interrupted at any time. When driving resumes, the
initialization is continued automatically.
Fig. 28: Flat Tire Monitor Status Display
Direct System (Tire Pressure Monitor)
CAUTION: Do not initialize the system while snow chains are attached.
NOTE: Each time a tire inflation pressure has been corrected or a wheel or tire has
been changed, reset the system.
The system does not work correctly if it has not been reset; for example, a flat tire may be
indicated even though the tire inflation pressures are correct. The system is inactive and cannot
indicate a flat tire if a wheel without TPM electronics, such as a compact spare wheel, has been
mounted, or if TPM is temporarily malfunctioning due to other systems or devices using the
same radio frequency.
1. Start the engine.
2. Lightly push button 1 on the turn indicator. See Fig. 29.
3. Lever the turn indicator up or down repeatedly until the tire monitor symbol appears in the display,
accompanied by the word «RESET». See Fig. 29.
4. Press button 2 to confirm your choice of the Tire Pressure Monitor. In the display, «ACTIVE» will appear
above «RESET». See Fig. 29.
5. Press button 2 for approx. 5 seconds. In the display, «RESETTING» will now appear above «RESET».
See Fig. 29.
6. Drive the vehicle.
After driving a few minutes, the set inflation pressures in the tires are accepted as the target values to be
monitored. The system reset is completed during your drive, and can be interrupted at any time. When driving
resumes, the reset is continued automatically. The indicator lamp goes out after the system reset is completed.
Fig. 29: Tire Pressure Monitor Status Display
System Reset Failure:
Message For Unsuccessful System Reset: The warning lamp lights up yellow. The system was not
reset. Check the tire inflation pressure and reset the system.
Malfunction: The small warning lamp flashes in yellow and then lights up continuously; the larger
warning lamp comes on in yellow. On the Control Display, the tires are shown in gray and a message
appears. No punctures can be detected. This type of message is shown in the following situations:
If there is a malfunction. Have the system checked.
If a wheel without TPM electronics has been mounted.
If TPM is temporarily malfunctioning due to other systems or devices using the same radio
Ниже будут приведены коды ошибок для BMW(x5, e60, e39, e90, e46, e34, e38, e46, e32 и других моделей), но так как производители постоянно меняют, добавляют, убирают некоторые ошибки – список будет не полный.
Протокол OBD-II является системой которая считывает все показатели датчиков, основанная на экологических началах.
Также перевод любой из ошибок, которые находять чуть ниже, вы сможете легко получить на любом сайте с онлайн переводчиком, к примеру: translate.google.com/
Пятизначный код ошибки
Первая позиция:
P – is for powertrain codes
B – is for body codes
C – is for chassis codes
Вторая позиция:
0 – общий для OBD-II код
1 – код производителя
Третья позиция – тип неисправности:
1 – топливная система или воздухоподача
2 – топливная система или воздухоподача
3 – система зажигания
4 – вспомогательный контроль
5 – холостой ход
6 – ECU или его цепи
7 – трансмиссия
8 – трансмиссия
Четвертая и пятая позиции – Порядковый номер ошибки
КОД Описание ошибки
P0100 Неисправность цепи датчика расхода воздуха
P0101 Выход сигнала датчика расхода воздуха из допустимого диапазона
P0102 Низкий уровень выходного сигнала датчика расхода воздуха
P0103 Высокий уровень выходного сигнала датчика расхода воздуха
P0105 Неисправность датчика давления воздуха
P0106 Выход сигнала датчика давления воздуха из допустимого диапазона
P0107 Низкий уровень выходного сигнала датчика давления воздуха
P0108 Высокий уровень выходного сигнала датчика давления воздуха
P0110 Неисправность датчика температуры всасываемого воздуха
P0111 Выход сигнала датчика температуры всасываемого воздуха из допустимого диапазона
P0112 Низкий уровень датчика температуры всасываемого воздуха
P0113 Высокий уровень датчика температуры всасываемого воздуха
P0115 Неисправность датчика температуры охлаждающей жидкости
P0116 Выходсигнала датчика температуры охлаждающей жидкости из допустимого диапазона
P0117 Низкий уровень датчика температуры охлаждающей жидкости
P0118 Высокий уровень датчика температуры охлаждающей жидкости
P0120 Неисправность датчика положения дроссельной заслонки “A”
P0121 Выход сигнала датчика положения дроссельной заслонки “A” из допустимого диапазона
P0122 Низкий уровень выходного сигнала датчика положения дроссельной заслонки “A”
P0123 Высокий уровень выходного сигнала датчика положения дроссельной заслонки “A”
P0125 Низкая температура охлаждающей жидкости для управления по замкнутому контуру
P0130 Датчик кислорода 1 (банк 1) неисправен
P0131 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика кислорода 1 (банк 1)
P0132 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика кислорода 1 (банк 1)
P0133 Медленный отклик датчика кислорода 1 (банк 1) на обогащение/обеднение
P0134 Нет активности выходного сигнала датчика кислорода 1 (банк 1)
P0135 Нагреватель датчика кислорода 1 (банк 1) неисправен
P0136 Датчик кислорода 2 (банк 1) неисправен
P0137 Низкий уровень выходного сигнала датчика кислорода 2 (банк 1)
P0138 Высокий уровень выходного сигнала датчика кислорода 2 (банк 1)
P0139 Медленный отклик датчика кислорода 2 (банк 1) на обогащение/обеднение
P0140 Нет активности выходного сигнала датчика кислорода 2 (банк 1)
P0141 Нагреватель датчика кислорода 2 (банк 1) неисправен
P0142 Датчик кислорода 3 (банк 1) неисправен
P0143 Низкий уровень выходного сигнала датчика кислорода 3 (банк 1)
P0144 Высокий уровень выходного сигнала датчика кислорода 3 (банк 1)
P0145 Медленный отклик датчика кислорода 3 (банк 1) на обогащение/обеднение
P0146 Нет активности выходного сигнала датчика кислорода 3 (банк 1)
P0147 Нагреватель датчика кислорода 3 (банк 1) неисправен
P0150 Датчик кислорода 1 (банк 2) неисправен
P0151 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика кислорода 1 (банк 2)
P0152 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика кислорода 1 (банк 2)
P0153 Медленный отклик датчика кислорода 1 (банк 2) на обогащение/обеднение
P0154 Нет активности выходного сигнала датчика кислорода 1 (банк 2)
P0155 Нагреватель датчика кислорода 1 (банк 2) неисправен
P0156 Датчик кислорода 2 (банк 2) неисправен
P0157 Низкий уровень выходного сигнала датчика кислорода 2 (банк 2)
P0158 Высокий уровень выходного сигнала датчика кислорода 2 (банк 2)
P0159 Медленный отклик датчика кислорода 2 (банк 2) на обогащение/обеднение
P0160 Нет активности выходного сигнала датчика кислорода 2 (банк 2)
P0161 Нагреватель датчика кислорода 2 (банк 2) неисправен
P0162 Датчик кислорода 3 (банк 2) неисправен
P0163 Низкий уровень выходного сигнала датчика кислорода 3 (банк 2)
P0164 Высокий уровень выходного сигнала датчика кислорода 3 (банк 2)
P0165 Медленный отклик датчика кислорода 3 (банк 2) на обогащение/обеднение
P0166 Нет активности выходного сигнала датчика кислорода 3 (банк 2)
P0167 Нагреватель датчика кислорода 3 (банк 2) неисправен
P0171 Слишком бедная смесь (возможен подсос воздуха)
P0172 Слишком богатая смесь
P0173 Утечка топлива из топливной системы блока цилиндров №2
P0174 Смесь блока цилиндров №2 слишком бедная
P0175 Смесь блока цилиндров №2 слишком богатая
P0176 Датчик выброса СНх (Fuel Composition) неисправен
P0177 Сигнал датчика СНх (Fuel Composition) вне допустимого диапазона
P0178 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика СНх (Fuel Composition)
P0179 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика СНх (Fuel Composition)
P0180 Неисправность цепи датчика температуры топлива “А”
P0181 Сигнал датчика температуры топлива “А” вне допустимого диапазона
P0182 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика температуры топлива “А”
P0183 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика температуры топлива “А”
P0185 Неисправность цепи датчика температуры топлива “В”
P0186 Сигнал датчика температуры топлива “В” вне допустимого диапазона
P0187 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика температуры топлива “В”
P0188 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика температуры топлива “В”
P0190 Неисправность цепи датчика давления топлива в топливной рампе
P0191 Сигнал датчика давления в топливной рампе вне допустимого диапазона
P0192 Низкий сигнал датчика давления топлива в топливной рампе
P0193 Высокий сигнал датчика давления топлива в топливной рампе
P0194 Перемежающийся сигнал датчика давления топлива в топливной рампе
P0195 Неисправность цепи датчика температуры масла в двигателе
P0196 Сигнал датчика температуры масла в двигателе вне допустимого диапазона
P0197 Низкий сигнал датчика температуры масла в двигателе
P0198 Высокий сигнал датчика температуры масла в двигателе
P0199 Перемежающийся сигнал датчика температуры масла в двигателе
P0200 Неисправность цепи управления форсунками
P0201 Неисправность цепи управления форсункой №1
P0202 Неисправность цепи управления форсункой №2
P0203 Неисправность цепи управления форсункой №3
P0204 Неисправность цепи управления форсункой №4
P0205 Неисправность цепи управления форсункой №5
P0206 Неисправность цепи управления форсункой №6
P0207 Неисправность цепи управления форсункой №7
P0208 Неисправность цепи управления форсункой №8
P0209 Неисправность цепи управления форсункой №9
P0210 Неисправность цепи управления форсункой №10
P0211 Неисправность цепи управления форсункой №11
P0212 Неисправность цепи управления форсункой №12
P0213 Неисправность цепи управления форсункой холодного старта №1
P0214 Неисправность цепи управления форсункой холодного старта №2
P0215 Неисправность соленоида выключения двигателя
P0216 Неисправность цепи контроля времени впрыска
P0217 Перегрев двигателя
P0218 Перегрев трансмиссии
P0219 Двигатель “перекручен” (Engine Overspeed Condition)
P0220 Неисправность датчика положения дроссельной заслонки “B”
P0221 Сигнал датчика положения дроссельной заслонки “B” вне допустимого диапазона
P0222 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика положения дроссельной заслонки “B”
P0223 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика положения дроссельной заслонки “B”
P0224 Перемежающийся уровень сигнала датчика положения дроссельной заслонки “B”
P0225 Неисправность датчика положения дроссельной заслонки “C”
P0226 Сигнал датчика положения дроссельной заслонки вне допустимого диапазона “C”
P0227 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика положения дроссельной заслонки “C”
P0228 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика положения дроссельной заслонки “C”
P0229 Перемежающийся уровень сигнала датчика положения дроссельной заслонки “C”
P0230 Неисправность первичной цепи управления бензонасосом (упр. реле бензонасоса)
P0231 Постоянный низкий уровень вторичной цепи бензонасоса
P0232 Постоянный высокий уровень вторичной цепи бензонасоса
P0233 Перемежающийся уровень вторичной цепи бензонасоса
P0235 Неисправность цепи датчика давления турбонаддува “A”
P0236 Сигнал с датчика турбины “A” вне допустимого диапазона
P0237 Низкий уровень сигнала с датчика турбины “A”
P0238 Высокий уровень сигнала с датчика турбины “A”
P0239 Неисправность цепи датчика давления турбонаддува “B”
P0240 Сигнал с датчика турбины “B” вне допустимого диапазона
P0241 Низкий уровень сигнала с датчика турбины “B”
P0242 Высокий уровень сигнала с датчика турбины “B”
P0243 Неисправность соленоида затвора выхлопных газов турбины “A”
P0244 Сигнал соленоида затвора выхлопных газов турбины “A” вне доп. диапазона
P0245 Соленоид затвора выхлопных газов турбины “A” всегда открыт
P0246 Соленоид затвора выхлопных газов турбины “A” всегда закрыт
P0247 Неисправность соленоида затвора выхлопных газов турбины “B”
P0248 Сигнал соленоида затвора выхлопных газов турбины “B” вне доп. диапазона
P0249 Соленоид затвора выхлопных газов турбины “B” всегда открыт
P0250 Соленоид затвора выхлопных газов турбины “B” всегда закрыт
P0251 Неисправность насоса впрыска турбины”A”
P0252 Сигнал насоса впрыска турбины “A” не допустимого диапазона
P0253 Низкий уровень сигнала насоса впрыска турбины “A”
P0254 Высокий уровень сигнала насоса впрыска турбины “A”
P0255 Перемежающийся уровень сигнала насоса впрыска турбины “A”
P0256 Неисправность насоса впрыска турбины “B”
P0257 Сигнал насоса впрыска турбины “B” вне допустимого диапазона
P0258 Низкий уровень сигнала насоса впрыска турбины “B”
P0259 Высокий уровень сигнала насоса впрыска турбины “B”
P0260 Перемежающийся уровень сигнала насоса впрыска турбины “B”
P0261 Форсунка цилиндра №1 – замыкание на землю
P0262 Форсунка цилиндра №1 – обрыв или замыкание на +12V
P0263 Форсунка цилиндра №1 – неисправность драйвера форсунки
P0264 Форсунка цилиндра №2 – замыкание на землю
P0265 Форсунка цилиндра №2 – обрыв или замыкание на +12V
P0266 Форсунка цилиндра №2 – неисправность драйвера форсунки
P0267 Форсунка цилиндра №3 – замыкание на землю
P0268 Форсунка цилиндра №3 – обрыв или замыкание на +12V
P0269 Форсунка цилиндра №3 – неисправность драйвера форсунки
P0270 Форсунка цилиндра №4 – замыкание на землю
P0271 Форсунка цилиндра №4 – обрыв или замыкание на +12V
P0272 Форсунка цилиндра №4 – неисправность драйвера форсунки
P0273 Форсунка цилиндра №5 – замыкание на землю
P0274 Форсунка цилиндра №5 – обрыв или замыкание на +12V
P0275 Форсунка цилиндра №5 – неисправность драйвера форсунки
P0276 Форсунка цилиндра №6 – замыкание на землю
P0277 Форсунка цилиндра №6 – обрыв или замыкание на +12V
P0278 Форсунка цилиндра №6 – неисправность драйвера форсунки
P0279 Форсунка цилиндра №7 – замыкание на землю
P0280 Форсунка цилиндра №7 – обрыв или замыкание на +12V
P0281 Форсунка цилиндра №7 – неисправность драйвера форсунки
P0282 Форсунка цилиндра №8 – замыкание на землю
P0283 Форсунка цилиндра №8 – обрыв или замыкание на +12V
P0284 Форсунка цилиндра №8 – неисправность драйвера форсунки
P0285 Форсунка цилиндра №9 – замыкание на землю
P0286 Форсунка цилиндра №9 – обрыв или замыкание на +12V
P0287 Форсунка цилиндра №9 – неисправность драйвера форсунки
P0288 Форсунка цилиндра №10 – замыкание на землю
P0289 Форсунка цилиндра №10 – обрыв или замыкание на +12V
P0290 Форсунка цилиндра №10 – неисправность драйвера форсунки
P0291 Форсунка цилиндра №11 – замыкание на землю
P0292 Форсунка цилиндра №11 – обрыв или замыкание на +12
P0293 Форсунка цилиндра №11 – неисправность драйвера форсунки
P0294 Форсунка цилиндра №12 – замыкание на землю
P0295 Форсунка цилиндра №12 – обрыв или замыкание на +12V
P0296 Форсунка цилиндра №12 – неисправность драйвера форсунки
P0300 Обнаружены случайные/множественные пропуски зажигания
P0301 Обнаружены пропуски зажигания в цилиндре №1
P0302 Обнаружены пропуски зажигания в цилиндре №2
P0303 Обнаружены пропуски зажигания в цилиндре №3
P0304 Обнаружены пропуски зажигания в цилиндре №4
P0305 Обнаружены пропуски зажигания в цилиндре №5
P0306 Обнаружены пропуски зажигания в цилиндре №6
P0307 Обнаружены пропуски зажигания в цилиндре №7
P0308 Обнаружены пропуски зажигания в цилиндре №8
P0309 Обнаружены пропуски зажигания в цилиндре №9
P0310 Обнаружены пропуски зажигания в цилиндре №10
P0311 Обнаружены пропуски зажигания в цилиндре №11
P0312 Обнаружены пропуски зажигания в цилиндре №12
P0320 Неисправноcть цепи распределителя зажигания
P0321 Сигнал распределителя зажигания вне допустимого диапазона
P0322 Сигнал распределителя зажигания отсутствует
P0323 Сигнал распределителя зажигания перемежающийся
P0325 Неисправность цепи датчика детонации №1
P0326 Сигнал датчика детонации №1 вне допустимого диапазона
P0327 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика детонации №1
P0328 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика детонации №1
P0329 Перемежающийся уровень сигнала датчика детонации №1
P0330 Неисправность цепи датчика детонации №2
P0331 Сигнал датчика детонации №2 вне допустимого диапазона
P0332 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика детонации №2
P0333 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика детонации №2
P0334 Перемежающийся уровень сигнала датчика детонации №2
P0335 Ошибка датчика положения коленвала”A”
P0336 Ошибка ДПКВ “A” (пропуск одного зуба)
P0337 Низкий уровень или замыкание на массу ДПКВ “A”
P0338 Высокий уровень или замыкание на +12V ДПКВ “A”
P0339 Перемежающийся сигнал ДПКВ “A”
P0340 Неисправность датчика распределительного вала
P0341 Сигнал датчика распределительного вала вне допустимого диапазона
P0342 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика распределительного вала
P0343 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика распределительного вала
P0344 Перемежающийся уровень сигнала датчика распределительного вала
P0350 Неисправность первичной / вторичной цепи катушки зажигания
P0351 Неисправность первичной / вторичной цепи катушки зажигания “A”
P0352 Неисправность первичной / вторичной цепи катушки зажигания “B”
P0353 Неисправность первичной / вторичной цепи катушки зажигания “C”
P0354 Неисправность первичной / вторичной цепи катушки зажигания “D”
P0355 Неисправность первичной / вторичной цепи катушки зажигания “E”
P0356 Неисправность первичной / вторичной цепи катушки зажигания” F”
P0357 Неисправность первичной / вторичной цепи катушки зажигания “G”
P0358 Неисправность первичной / вторичной цепи катушки зажигания “H”
P0359 Неисправность первичной / вторичной цепи катушки зажигания “I”
P0360 Неисправность первичной / вторичной цепи катушки зажигания “J”
P0361 Неисправность первичной / вторичной цепи катушки зажигания “K”
P0362 Неисправность первичной / вторичной цепи катушки зажигания “L”
P0380 Неисправность свечи накаливания или цепи нагрева
P0381 Неисправность свечи накаливания или индикатора нагрева
P0385 Неисправность цепи датчика положения коленвала “B”
P0386 Сигнал датчика положения коленвала “B” вне допустимого диапазона
P0387 Низкий уровень или замыкание на массу ДПКВ “В”
P0388 Высокий уровень или замыкаение на +12V ДПКВ “В”
P0389 Перемежающийся сигнал датчика положения коленвала “B”
P0400 Неисправность системы рециркуляции отработанных газов
P0401 Неэффективность системы рециркуляции отработанных газов
P0402 Избыточность системы рециркуляции отработанных газов (ОГ)
P0403 Неисправность цепи датчика системы рециркуляции отработанных газов
P0404 Сигнал датчика системы рециркуляции ОГ вне допустимого диапазона
P0405 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика “A” системы рециркуляции ОГ
P0406 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика “A” системы рециркуляции ОГ
P0407 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика “В” системы рециркуляции ОГ
P0408 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика “В” системы рециркуляции ОГ
P0410 Неисправность системы вторичной подачи воздуха
P0411 Некорректный поток через систему вторичной подачи воздуха
P0412 Неисправность клапана системы вторичной подачи воздуха”A”
P0413 Клапан системы вторичной подачи воздуха “A” всегда открыт
P0414 Клапан системы вторичной подачи воздуха “A” всегда закрыт
P0415 Неисправность клапана системы вторичной подачи воздуха “В”
P0416 Клапан системы вторичной подачи воздуха “В” всегда открыт
P0417 Клапан системы вторичной подачи воздуха “В” всегда закрыт
P0420 Эффективность системы катализаторов В1 ниже допустимого порога
P0421 Эффективность прогрева катализаторов В1 ниже допустимого порога
P0422 Эффективность главного катализатора В1 ниже допустимого порога
P0423 Эффективность нагревателя катализатора В1 ниже допустимого порога
P0424 Температура нагревателя катализатора В1 ниже допустимого порога
P0430 Эффективность системы катализаторов В2 ниже допустимого порога
P0431 Эффективность прогрева катализаторов В3 ниже допустимого порога
P0432 Эффективность главного катализатора В2 ниже допустимого порога
P0433 Эффективность нагревателя катализатора В2 ниже допустимого порога
P0434 Температура нагревателя катализатора В2 ниже допустимого порога
P0440 Неисправность контроля системы улавливания паров бензина
P0441 Плохая продувка системы улавливания паров бензина
P0442 Небольшая утечка в системе улавливания паров бензина
P0443 Неисправность цепи клапана продувки системы улавливания паров бензина
P0444 Клапан продувки системы улавливания паров бензина всегда открыт
P0445 Клапан продувки системы улавливания паров бензина всегда закрыт
P0446 Неисправность упр. воздушным клапаном системы улавливания паров
P0447 Воздушный клапан системы улавливания паров всегда открыт
P0448 Воздушный клапан системы улавливания паров всегда закрыт
P0450 Неисправность датчика давления паров бензина
P0451 Сигнал датчика давления паров бензина вне допустимого диапазона
P0452 Низкий уровень сигнал датчика давления паров бензина
P0453 Высокий уровень сигнал датчика давления паров бензина
P0454 Перемежающийся уровень сигнал датчика давления паров бензина
P0455 Большая утечка в системе улавливания паров бензина
P0460 Неисправность цепи датчика уровня топлива
P0461 Сигнал датчика уровня топлива вне допустимого диапазона
P0462 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика уровня топлива
P0463 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика уровня топлива
P0464 Перемежающийся уровень сигнала датчика уровня топлива
P0465 Неисправность цепи датчика потока воздуха продувки
P0466 Сигнал датчика потока воздуха продувки вне допустимого диапазона
P0467 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика потока воздуха продувки
P0468 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика потока воздуха продувки
P0469 Перемежающийся уровень сигнала датчика потока воздуха продувки
P0470 Неисправность датчика давления выхлопных газов
P0471 Сигнал датчика давления выхлопных газов вне допустимого диапазона
P0472 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика давления выхлопных газов
P0473 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика давления выхлопных газов
P0474 Перемежающийся уровень сигнала датчика давления выхлопных газов
P0475 Неисправность клапана датчика давления выхлопных газов
P0476 Сигнал клапана датчика давления выхлопных газов вне допустимого диапазона
P0477 Низкий уровень сигнала клапана датчика давления выхлопных газов
P0478 Высокий уровень сигнала клапана датчика давления выхлопных газов
P0479 Перемежающийся уровень сигнала клапана датчика давления выхлопных газов
P0480 Неисправность цепи управления реле вентилятора
P0500 Нет сигнала датчика скорости автомобиля
P0501 Сигнал датчика скорости автомобиля вне допустимого диапазона
P0502 Низкий уровень сигнала датчика скорости автомобиля
P0503 Высокий уровень сигнала датчика скорости автомобиля
P0505 Неисправность регулятора холостого хода
P0506 Неисправность регулятора холостого хода – низкие обороты
P0507 Неисправность регулятора холостого хода – высокие обороты
P0510 Closed Throttle Position Switch Malfunction
P0520 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit Malfunction
P0521 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit Range/Performance
P0522 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit Low Voltage
P0523 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit High Voltage
P0530 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P0531 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
P0532 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
P0533 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
P0534 Air Conditioner Refrigerant Charge Loss
P0550 Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P0551 Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
P0552 Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
P0553 Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
P0554 Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Intermittent
P0560 Напряжение питания системы ниже порога работоспособности
P0561 Напряжение питания системы нестабильное
P0562 Низкое напряжение питания системы
P0563 Высокое напряжение питания системы
P0565 Неисправность сигнала включения круиз-контроля
P0566 Неисправность сигнала выключения круиз-контроля
P0567 Cruise Control Resume Signal Malfunction
P0568 Cruise Control Set Signal Malfunction
P0569 Cruise Control Coast Signal Malfunction
P0570 Cruise Control Accel Signal Malfunction
P0571 Cruise Control/Brake Switch A Circuit Malfunction
P0572 Cruise Control/Brake Switch A Circuit Low
P0573 Cruise Control/Brake Switch A Circuit High
P0574 Cruise Control Related Malfunction
P0575 Cruise Control Related Malfunction
P0576 Cruise Control Related Malfunction
P0577 Cruise Control Related Malfunction
P0578 Cruise Control Related Malfunction
P0579 Cruise Control Related Malfunction
P0580 Cruise Control Related Malfunction
P0600 Serial Communication Link Malfunction
P0601 Ошибка контрольной суммы ПЗУ
P0602 Control Module Programming Error
P0603 Ошибка внешнего ОЗУ
P0604 Ошибка внутреннего ОЗУ
P0605 Internal Control Module Read Only Memory (ROM) Error
P0606 PCM Processor Fault
P0607 Неисправность канала детонации
P0608 Control Module VSS Output “A” Malfunction
P0609 Control Module VSS Output “B” Malfunction
P0620 Generator Control Circuit Malfunction
P0621 Generator Lamp “L” Control Circuit Malfunction
P0622 Generator Field “F” Control Circuit Malfunction
P0650 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Control Circuit Malfunction
P0654 Engine RPM Output Circuit Malfunction
P0655 Engine Hot Lamp Output Control Circuit Malfucntion
P0656 Fuel Level Output Circuit Malfunction
P0700 Неисправность системы контроля трансмиссии
P0701 Система контроля трансмиссии вне допустимого диапазона
P0702 Transmission Control System Electrical
P0703 Torque Converter/Brake Switch B Circuit Malfunction
P0704 Clutch Switch Input Circuit Malfunction
P0705 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit malfunction (PRNDL Input)
P0706 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
P0707 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Low Input
P0708 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit High Input
P0709 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Intermittent
P0710 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P0711 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
P0712 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Input
P0713 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit High Input
P0714 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent
P0715 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P0716 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
P0717 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal
P0718 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Intermittent
P0719 Torque Converter/Brake Switch B Circuit Low
P0720 Output Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P0721 Output Speed Sensor Range/Performance
P0722 Output Speed Sensor No Signal
P0723 Output Speed Sensor Intermittent
P0724 Torque Converter/Brake Switch B Circuit High
P0725 Engine Speed input Circuit Malfunction
P0726 Engine Speed Input Circuit Range/Performance
P0727 Engine Speed Input Circuit No Signal
P0728 Engine Speed Input Circuit Intermittent
P0730 Incorrect Gear Ratio
P0731 Gear 1 Incorrect ratio
P0732 Gear 2 Incorrect ratio
P0733 Gear 3 Incorrect ratio
P0734 Gear 4 Incorrect ratio
P0735 Gear 5 Incorrect ratio
P0736 Reverse incorrect gear ratio
P0740 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Malfuction
P0741 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Performance or Stuck Off
P0742 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Stuck On
P0743 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Electrical
P0744 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Intermittent
P0745 Pressure Control Solenoid Malfunction
P0746 Pressure Control Solenoid Performance or Stuck Off
P0747 Pressure Control Solenoid Stuck On
P0748 Pressure Control Solenoid Electrical
P0749 Pressure Control Solenoid Intermittent
P0750 Shift Solenoid A MalfunctionP
P0751 Shift Solenoid A PerformanceP or Stuck Off
P0752 Shift Solenoid A Stuck On
P0753 Shift Solenoid A ElectricaPl
P0754 Shift Solenoid A IntermittPent
P0755 Shift Solenoid B Malfunction
Все ошибки BMW 1, 2, 2 Active Tourer, 2 Cabrio, 2 Gran Coupe, 3, 4, 4 Convertible, 5, 5 Gran Turismo, 6, 6 Convertible, 6 Gran Coupe, 6 Gran Turismo, 7, 8, 8 Gran Coupe, i3, i8, iX3, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, Z3, Z4, Z8
Ошибки BMW по протоколу OBDI. Самодиагностика.
1989 – 1990 г. в. (серии: 3, 5, 7)
Code 1 – Датчик массового расхода воздуха
Code 2 – Датчик кислорода
Code 3 – Датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости
Code 4 – Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки
После 1990 г. в. (серии: 3, 5, 7)
1000 – Диагностика завершена
1211 – Электронный блок управления (ЭБУ)
1215 – Датчик массового расхода воздуха
1221 – Датчик кислорода
1222 – Датчик кислорода – регулировка
1223 – Датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости
1224 – Датчик температуры воздуха
1231 – Напряжение аккумуляторной батареи вне рабочего диапазона
1232 – Переключатель холостого хода
1251 – Топливные форсунки (final stage 1)
1252 – Топливные форсунки (final stage 2)
1261 – Реле топливного насоса
1262 – Регулятор холостого хода
1263 – Вентиляционное отверстие бака
1264 – Реле подогревателя датчика кислорода
1444 – Ошибки в памяти отсутствуют
Ошибки BMW по протоколу OBDII
Топливная система и воздухоподача
P0000-P0099, P0100-P0199, P0200-P0299
Система зажигания
Контроль выбросов
Контроль скорости и холостого хода
Электронный блок управления (ЭБУ) и его подсистемы
P0700-P0799, P0800-P0899, P0900-P0999
Не нашли нужную ошибку? Воспользуйтесь нашим поиском!
The BMW error list has been reviewed for the following models:
- E39;
- E46;
- E60;
- E65;
- E70;
- E83;
- E90;
- F10;
- F20;
- X3 E34;
- X5 E53;
- X6.
BMW E60/E61 2004-10 – OBD On-Board Diagnostics Download
The first character is the letter defining the type of defective system:
P — malfunctions of the power unit or transmission (automatic transmission).
B — malfunctions in the operation of body systems — airbags, power windows, central locking, etc .;
C — malfunctions in the chassis of the vehicle;
U — errors associated with the interaction of electronic modules.
The second sign is a number that determines the specificity of the malfunction:
0 — a common character for OBD pads;
1 and 2 — personal codes of the automaker;
3 — reserved information.
The third sign determines the type of breakdown:
1 and 2 — air or fuel supply;
3 — ignition unit, system for fixing the misfiring ignition of the air-fuel mixture;
4 — an additional emission control mechanism;
5 — control of vehicle speed and idle;
6 — electronic control modules, as well as their wiring;
7, 8 — errors in the operation of the gearbox;
9, 0 — reserve.
The fourth and fifth signs of the error are the numbers that correspond to the serial number of the fault.
Einspritzanlagen |
A message indicating a malfunction in the engine management |
Motor not programm ( EngineFailsafeProg ) |
The powertrain control system went into emergency operation mode. The problem may be accompanied by speed limits . |
Kuhlwassertemperatur ( CoolantTemperature ) |
Overheating of the power unit. It is necessary to check the quality and level of the coolant and add consumables if necessary. |
Kuhlwasserst . prufen ( CheckCoolantLevel ) |
Reduced refrigerant level in the cooling |
Stop! Oldruck Motor (Stop! EngineOilpress ) |
Reduced engine fluid pressure in the |
Olstand Motor prufen ( CheckEngineOilLev ) |
Reduced engine fluid |
Bremsflussigk prufen ( CheckBrakeFluid ) |
Reduced brake fluid level in the brake |
Bremsbelag prufen ( CheckBrakeLinings ) |
Wear and brake pad replacement |
Getriebenotprpgramm (Transmission fault) |
Gearbox malfunction, transmission unit went into emergency operation |
Bremslicht prufen ( CheckBrakeLights ) |
Problems in the operation of the car stop |
Abblendlicht prufen ( CheckLowbeamLights ) |
Malfunction in the low beam system. If the light sources are intact, then the user needs to check the operation of safety devices and relays. Also , the problem may be in the wiring . |
Rucklicht prufen |
Failures in the overall lighting system. The steps to find the cause are similar — you need to check the bulbs, wiring and fuses. |
Standlicht prufen ( CheckHighbeamLights ) |
Driving Light Problems |
Nebellicht hinten prufen |
Malfunctioning rear fog optics |
Nebellicht vorn prufen ( CheckFrontFoglamps ) |
Malfunctions in the front fog optics |
Kennzeichenlicht prufen ( CheckNumplateLight ) |
Inoperability of a system of illumination of a back license plate of a car |
Fernlicht prufen |
The high beam of the car does not work or malfunctions |
Ruckfahricht prufen ( CheckReverseLights ) |
Lights Rear turn inefficient |
Limit ( Speedlimit ) |
Exceeding the speed |
Niveaurregel , inaktiv ( SelflevelSusp . Inact ) |
Malfunctions associated with the functioning of the clearance adjustment system — ground clearance |
Parkbremse losen |
Handbrake malfunction. A message may also appear on a car with the engine running if the “handbrake” is raised. |
Kofferraum offen ( BootlidOpen , TrunklidOpen ) |
Opened luggage compartment of the vehicle |
Tur offen ( DoorOpen ) |
Nezapert one or several doors |
Gurt angelen (Fasten Seat Belts) |
Starting movement with unfastened safety straps |
Funkschlussel -Batt |
The need to replace the batteries in the key or remote control with a central lock or immobilizer |
Vorgluhen (Pre-Heating) |
Warming up glow plugs. This message is relevant only for diesel power units. |
Waschwasser fulen ( WasherFluidLow ) |
Reduced washer fluid level in the expansion tank under the hood |
Feststellbremse lösen ( ReleaseParkingbrake ) |
Parking brake must be lowered. |
Bremslichtelektrik |
Brake light switch malfunction |
Niveauregelung |
Reduced rear brake pressure |
Getriebe |
Damage to the electrical component in the operation of an automatic transmission |
Olstand fetribe |
Reduced transmission fluid in the box. The user needs to open the filler plug and check the lubrication level in the unit. The leak may be |
Activation of the motion stabilization controller |
Trans failsafe prog |
On cars with N 52 engines and other versions, this code indicates a gearbox malfunction. The problem may be a software error in the control unit or a breakdown in one of the structural components. If visual inspection does not help identify the cause (oil leak, use are examined low-quality lubricant, |
Kein bremslicht |
There is no connection with stop signals |
Betriebsanleitung (Owner’s Handbook) |
Read the |
Driving stability |
General message indicating a malfunction in the |
Can moment reduction |
Malfunction of the digital CAN interface |
Checkparklights |
A message about the need to check the parking |
CheckTrailer Lights |
Trailer headlights do not work or function incorrectly, diagnostics of bulbs and wiring are required |
CheckTyrePressure |
Need to check tire pressure |
DSC / 4 × 4 Inactive |
No stabilizing effect of DSC or xDrive systems |
FuelInject . System |
The appearance of failures in the operation of the injection system of the power unit |
Lights on |
External optics activated |
Tempe Outside rature — 5.0 ° C |
Ambient air temperature is -5 degrees |
SetTyrePressure |
The ride height control system is inactive; you must not exceed a |
Trailermode |
Changing the ride height from optimal to moving under load. Warning lights on the instrument panel for 3 seconds . |
Trans FailsafeProg |
Activation of emergency operation of the |
Transmissin overheat |
Overheating box transmission car |
TyreControlInactive |
RDC module malfunctioning |
Tuge Defect |
Damage to one of the tires |
Incorrect trouble code reading format. The user needs to use other equipment or software for diagnostics. |
120208 |
Excessive pressure turbocharging |
120308, 30FF |
Insufficient boost pressure The problem manifests itself with the following errors:
120408 |
Inadequate boost pressure. There may be problems with the drive. |
244c00 |
Critically low discharge air pressure. With such a problem, the engine can accelerate poorly, and the box often does not go into manual or sport mode (for automatic |
4200a3 |
A false code that does not indicate a malfunction in the |
3100 |
Malfunctions of the boost pressure control |
4166 |
Malfunctions of the soot particle filter system |
4501, 4530 |
Malfunction of the exhaust gas recirculation control |
285E |
Error EML (EML) — a malfunction in the valve control system. There may |
29F2 |
Low pressure in the low pressure fuel system |
2C58 |
Malfunctions of the boost pressure control |
2E81 |
The speed of the water pump does not match the set |
452A |
Particulate filter system malfunctions |
481A |
Large particle filter malfunction |
5F12 |
Depreciation or failure of the brake pads. Perhaps the problem is the operation of the sensor itself, mounted on the pads. |
5F13 |
Worn brake pads in the car. The problem is the rear axle, so you need to test the pads located on the rear wheels. |
9C64 |
Malfunction of the automatic air recirculation control |
30FE |
Critically high boost pressure in a turbocharger |
377A |
Water pump or pump malfunction — device is |
93C1 |
The malfunction code in the passive safety system may indicate a |
93D7 |
A common mistake in the operation of airbags. The user needs to check the operation of all passive safety elements, starting from sensors and ending with the control unit, as well as the Airbag squibs . |
9C76 |
Malfunction of an additional water pump |
A106 |
If the on-board computer (BC) M51 or another version showed this code, |
D368 |
Malfunction of the active steering system. The user needs to check all the sensors and the wiring of the steering column, and also make sure that the devices are in good contact with the |
P0401 |
Malfunction associated with the operation of the exhaust gas recirculation system. The |
P0411 |
On BMW E3 and other versions, this code indicates problems associated |
P0491 |
Failures in the operation of the exhaust air supply system, the problem is in the first engine bank |
002AAC |
Malfunctions of the intake system with a variable intake path |
130104 |
General malfunction code in the operation of the variable valve timing |
130108 |
The problem of the Vanos system — valve timing |
130308 |
Failures in the operation of the variable valve timing |
2731 |
Malfunction of the intake camshaft control system. The problem should be sought in the first and second rows of cylinders . |
27BC |
Failures in the control function of the camshaft of the exhaust system in the second row. It is |
2A6F |
Valvetronic valve timing system |
2A9A |
Camshaft differences — sensor readings are out of range |
2A99 |
Malfunction of the exhaust camshaft correlation |
P13C0 |
The variable valve timing system is faulty. The reason must be sought in the valves, the shafts themselves or the sensors. |
P0011 |
Incorrect camshaft position, the problem is in the first engine |
P0012 (0012) |
Late position A of the camshaft in the first Reasons that could lead to this problem:
P0014 |
Failures in the drive mechanism for changing the valve timing. It reported on too early corner opening valves . |
P0015 |
Malfunctions in the operation of the drive device of the variable |
P0022 |
Wrong position of camshafts. The problem is the valve opening angle is too late. The cause of the malfunction may consist in |
P0024 |
Incorrect engine camshaft position. The problem should be sought in the second bank of the power unit. The reason consists in too early angle opening . |
P1017 |
Malfunctions in the system of changing the valve timing, the problem |
P1030 |
Faults associated with the operation of the variable valve timing |
P1553 |
Incorrect reference value in the position of the crankshaft and camshafts of the intake valves. The |
P2870 (2870) |
Stop adaptation of the Vanos system associated with a change in the valve timing |
11A002 |
Incorrect fuel pressure in the line recorded by the control unit |
1260 |
Malfunction of the fuel supply pump control |
4570 |
Inadequate fuel rail pressure. The user must test the integrity of all pipes and lines for wear. |
09F6 |
Problems in the operation of the pressure control system in the ramp when starting the power unit (relevant for BMW X1 E84) |
29E0 |
Error in the formation of the air-fuel |
2E82 |
Pump malfunction, mechanism shuts down |
30BE |
Malfunctions in the operation of the high-pressure fuel pump or |
2A19 |
Malfunction of the fuel evaporation valve |
2D60 |
Malfunctions of the fuel quantity control system, it is necessary to check the pumping device |
4521 |
Failures in the boost control system |
4620 |
Incorrect fuel line pressure. The problem is accompanied by a decrease in the power of the power unit and may be associated with a malfunction of the pumping device and |
4B1C |
Malfunctions associated with the functioning of the heating mechanism |
W3bsit3-dns.com |
Failures in the fuel pressure control system. The operating pressure level is critically low; the control unit also reports a positive adjustment deviation. Check all sensors and trunk integrity. |
A6D1 |
A malfunction of the make-up pump of the heating or heating |
P114B |
Malfunctions of the fuel balance formation |
P114D |
Violation of the fuel balance formation |
P0170 |
Malfunctions in the fuel balance system. The problem P0170 must be sought in the first bank of the power unit. A malfunction is usually |
P0173 |
Malfunctions in the fuel balance maintenance |
P0420 |
Malfunction of the catalytic converter. The problem is the first engine bank and indicates no reduced efficiency in the operation of the unit. Symptoms of error:
P2096 |
Incorrect formation of the air-fuel mixture and a malfunction in the |
car brand | Error code | Error value |
BMW | P113F | Coolant temperature sensor 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1173 | Barometric Pressure Sensor — Adaptive Learning |
BMW | P1381 | ECM Self Test — Bank 1 Knock Control Fault |
BMW | P1412 | Pump / exhaust air solenoid valve — mechanical failure |
BMW | P1702 | Electronic gearbox control unit — emergency mode activated (limp home) |
BMW | P172D | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P159A | Idle speed control system drive, bank 2 — emergency operation |
BMW | P3002 | Fuel Manifold Pressure, Fuel Management — Pressure Too Low |
BMW | P3100 | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 1 — open circuit |
BMW | U1021 | SCP indicating the lack of Air Condition (A/C) clutch status response |
BMW | U1153 | Throttle Actuator Bank 2 — Request Control, Internal Memory Error |
BMW | F33 | Injector Valve — Cylinder 4 |
BMW | P0602 | Control Module Programming Error |
BMW | P0302 | Misfire detected in cylinder # 2 |
BMW | P1092 | Fuel balance before catalytic converter, bank 1 — incorrect value |
BMW | P111E | Intake air temperature sensor 1, bank 1 — incorrect maximum temperature |
BMW | P130A | Camshaft position sensor B, bank 1 — timing error |
BMW | P1355 | Misfire with Fuel Cut — Cylinder 7 |
BMW | P1639 | Throttle Control — Constant Sticking Throttle Bank 1 |
BMW | P1696 | Engine control relay, control circuit — input low |
BMW | P1537 | Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) malfunction (Bank # 1 stuck open) |
BMW | P156E | Throttle valve bank 1 — data line high input |
BMW | P1803 | Shift solenoid valve C — low input |
BMW | P1865 | Gear selection, 6-5 — malfunction |
BMW | P3231 | Control unit monitoring — reliability of error response |
BMW | U1113 | Transmission Control Module SMT — Request Control, Torque Reduction Signal — Checksum Error |
BMW | P0412 | Malfunction of the valve of the secondary air supply system «A» |
BMW | P0471 | Exhaust gas pressure sensor signal out of range |
BMW | P0267 | Cylinder 3 injector — short to ground |
BMW | P103E | Camshaft timing system actuator, release, bank 1 — overheating condition |
BMW | F78 | Coolant Temperature Sensor |
BMW | P1229 | Throttle motor position sensor — adaptation error |
BMW | P1255 | Intake manifold air pressure too low |
BMW | P1319 | Camshaft position sensor B, bank 1 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P0163 | Low level of the output signal of the oxygen sensor 3 (Bank 2) |
BMW | P1509 | Idle speed control drive — malfunction |
BMW | P1543 | Throttle position sensor 1 — low input |
BMW | P1796 | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P1818 | Gear / Selector Lever 0 — Low Input |
BMW | P3156 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 3 — High Input |
BMW | P3189 | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 2 — CAN data bus signal not received on time |
BMW | P0359 | Malfunction of a primary / secondary circuit of the ignition coil «I» |
BMW | F2 | Idle Actuator – Closing Winding |
BMW | P0753 | Shift Solenoid A ElectricaPl |
BMW | P100A | Fuel Pressure — Too Low Bank 2 |
BMW | P1049 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) System Control Circuit Bank 1 — Circuit Short |
BMW | P11A3 | Throttle position sensor, bank 2 — high input |
BMW | P0120 | Malfunction of the throttle position sensor «A» |
BMW | P1606 | Electronic engine control unit, memory error — internal malfunction |
BMW | P1441 | Fuel tank leak diagnostic unit — open circuit |
BMW | P1462 | Heated Catalytic Converter Heater ECM — EEPROM Error |
BMW | P1750 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve 2 — range / performance |
BMW | P0190 | Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P3120 | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 6 — open circuit |
BMW | P3136 | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 10 — open circuit |
BMW | P0321 | Distributor signal out of range |
BMW | U115F | Electronic engine control unit — request monitoring, checksum error |
BMW | P0717 | Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal |
BMW | P0763 | Shift Solenoid C Electrical |
BMW | P1017 | Variable Valve Timing System, Bank 1 — Signal Impossible |
BMW | P1056 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Motor, Bank 1 — Supply Voltage Low |
BMW | P1209 | Brake Booster Vacuum Pump Impossible Signal |
BMW | P0136 | Oxygen sensor 2 (bank 1) defective |
BMW | P1615 | ECM, processor malfunction — SPI bus defect |
BMW | P0150 | Oxygen sensor 1 (bank 2) defective |
BMW | P1473 | Fuel Tank Leak Diagnostic Unit — Signal Impossible |
BMW | P175C | Gear selection, 2-4 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P0201 | Malfunction of a control circuit of an injector No. 1 |
BMW | P0213 | Malfunction of a control circuit of a cold start injector No. 1 |
BMW | P3141 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 11 — low input |
BMW | P0333 | High signal level of the knock sensor No. 2 |
BMW | U1174 | Variable valve timing control unit — request monitoring, self-test / checksum error |
BMW | P0728 | Engine Speed Input Circuit Intermittent |
BMW | P0774 | Shift Solenoid E Intermittent |
BMW | P114D | Fuel balance after catalytic converter, bank 2 — incorrect value |
BMW | P1185 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 No Response |
BMW | P138C | Ignition coil 8 — ionization current error |
BMW | P1423 | Exhaust Air System, Bank 1 — Insufficient Flow |
BMW | P170D | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve D — malfunction |
BMW | P1738 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve C — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P3013 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 2 — adaptation value too high |
BMW | P310B | High pressure direct injection cylinder 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P0236 | The signal from the turbine sensor «A» is out of range |
BMW | F54 | Control Unit Supply Voltage from Main Relay |
BMW | P0650 | Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Control Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P10A8 | Injectors, bank 2 — initialization error |
BMW | P1129 | Engine oil level sensor — low oil level |
BMW | P1362 | Misfire during start-up — cylinder 11 |
BMW | P1399 | Misfire Detection Unit (Ionization Effect) Bank 2 — Internal Malfunction |
BMW | P164B | Engine control relay — voltage too high |
BMW | P16A6 | ECU self-test — cruise control monitoring |
BMW | P157D | Throttle valve bank 2 — data line input low |
BMW | P1876 | Gear / Selector Lever 3 — High Input |
BMW | P3023 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 2 — communication failure |
BMW | P323D | Control unit monitoring — air flow plausibility |
BMW | U1137 | Idle Speed Control Drive, Bank 1 — Request Control, Self Test |
BMW | P0430 | The efficiency of the catalyst system B2 is below the permissible threshold |
BMW | P0501 | Vehicle speed sensor signal out of range |
BMW | P0278 | Cylinder 6 injector — injector driver malfunction |
BMW | P0106 | Air pressure sensor signal output out of permissible range |
BMW | P1107 | Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor — low signal at idle |
BMW | P1284 | Switching Solenoid for Air Assisted Injection Valves Bank 1 Control Circuit Signal Low |
BMW | P1334 | Knock sensor 5 — low input |
BMW | P0177 | Sensor signal CHx (Fuel Composition) out of range |
BMW | P1675 | Throttle Actuator Initial Check — Adaptation Required |
BMW | P151F | CAN data bus, vehicle speed sensor — response timed out |
BMW | P1550 | Idle speed control drive — malfunction |
BMW | P17E9 | Gear selection, 4-5 — gear ratio control |
BMW | P1835 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve E — high signal level |
BMW | P3161 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 5 — low input |
BMW | P3202 | Electronic gearbox control unit, CAN data bus — internal fault |
BMW | P0445 | The purge valve of the gasoline vapor recovery system is always closed |
BMW | F3 | Injector Valve(s) |
BMW | P0289 | Cylinder nozzle 10 — open circuit or short circuit to + 12V |
BMW | P107C | Variable valve timing system — overload protection — overheating condition |
BMW | P1114 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 — Slow Switch |
BMW | P1300 | Camshaft position sensor A, bank 1 — timing error |
BMW | P1345 | Misfire with Fuel Cut — Cylinder 2 |
BMW | P162D | Throttle Control — Constant Sticking Throttle Bank 2 |
BMW | P1687 | Electronic Throttle Control System Monitoring Level 2/3 — Throttle Motor Position Sensor Diagnostic Error |
BMW | P152B | Vehicle speed sensor — Vehicle speed too low compared to reference |
BMW | P1560 | Variable valve timing system actuator B, bank 1 — open circuit |
BMW | P17F4 | Torque Converter Clutch B / E — Gear Ratio Control |
BMW | P1852 | Shift Lever Position Sensor — Impossible Signal |
BMW | P316C | Coolant Temperature Sensor, Radiator Out — Signal Impossible |
BMW | P321E | Atmospheric pressure sensor — incorrect value of maximum pressure |
BMW | P0401 | Inefficiency of the exhaust gas recirculation system |
BMW | P0461 | Fuel level sensor signal out of range |
BMW | P0257 | Turbine injection pump signal «B» out of range |
BMW | P102C | Variable valve timing system, bank 1 — diagnostic error |
BMW | P1063 | Variable valve timing (VVT) system, bank 1 — emergency mode (limp-home) — incorrect signal from the air flow sensor |
BMW | P121C | NOx sensor, bank 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1239 | Intake manifold absolute pressure sensor 2 — signal too low when the engine is not running |
BMW | P1620 | Cooling System Thermostat Control Circuit — Signal High |
BMW | P0161 | Oxygen sensor heater 2 (bank 2) defective |
BMW | P1497 | Leakage of the intake system |
BMW | P1767 | CAN data bus, wheel speed sensor, rear axle — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1785 | CVT, gear change drive motor — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P0224 | Intermittent signal level of the throttle position sensor «B» |
BMW | P314C | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 9 — open circuit |
BMW | P3179 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 11 — low input |
BMW | P0344 | Intermittent signal level of the camshaft sensor |
BMW | P0743 | Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Electrical |
BMW | P0790 | Normal/Performance Switch Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P115A | Air flow sensor A (MAF) / (VAF) — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1197 | Manifold Differential Pressure Sensor, Bank 1 — High Input |
BMW | P1434 | Fuel tank leak diagnostic unit |
BMW | P1451 | Diagnostic unit for leaks in the fuel tank — low level of the e / m valve control signal |
BMW | P1718 | Automatic transmission fluid temperature sensor A — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1746 | Electronic gearbox control unit — output circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1773 | CAN data bus — ABS electronic control unit — incorrect signal |
BMW | P3116 | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 5 — open circuit |
BMW | P312C | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 5 — open circuit |
BMW | P0247 | Malfunction of the turbine exhaust gas shutter solenoid «B» |
BMW | P0562 | Low system voltage |
BMW | P0707 | Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Low Input |
BMW | P1134 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 1 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1168 | Fuel balance after catalytic converter, bank 1 — incorrect value |
BMW | P1370 | Ionization Signal Bank 1 — Control Circuit — Input Low |
BMW | P1407 | Fuel level — incorrect signal |
BMW | P16B7 | ECM Self Test — Torque Converter Lockup Clutch Monitoring |
BMW | P1722 | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P158E | Idle Air Control System, Bank 2 — RPM Too Low After Cold Start |
BMW | P1891 | System voltage (on-board network) — high |
BMW | P3034 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 1 — signal too low |
BMW | P3254 | Э / м fuel vapor accumulator valve, bank 2 — low input signal |
BMW | U1149 | Multifunctional control unit — request control, self-test |
BMW | P0530 | A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P0573 | Cruise Control/Brake Switch A Circuit High |
BMW | P0718 | Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Intermittent |
BMW | P0764 | Shift Solenoid C Intermittent |
BMW | P1140 | Air Mass Sensor / Throttle Position Sensor Communication — Plausibility |
BMW | P1174 | Fuel Balance Bank 1 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1382 | ECM Self Test — Bank 1 Knock Control Fault |
BMW | P1413 | Exhaust Air Pump Relay — Low |
BMW | P1703 | Brake On/Off (BOO) switch out of Self – Test range |
BMW | P172E | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P159B | Idle speed control system actuator, bank 2 — diagnostic error |
BMW | P3003 | Fuel Manifold Pressure, Fuel Management — Pressure Too High |
BMW | P3101 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 1 — low input |
BMW | U1039 | SCP indicating the vehicle speed signal missing or incorrect |
BMW | U1154 | Electronic gearbox control unit — no communication |
BMW | F36 | Fuel Evaporation Control Valve (EVAP) |
BMW | P0603 | External RAM error |
BMW | P0303 | Misfire detected in cylinder # 3 |
BMW | P1093 | Fuel balance before catalytic converter, bank 2 — incorrect value |
BMW | P111F | Intake air temperature sensor 1, bank 1 — incorrect minimum temperature |
BMW | P1310 | Cylinder 10 — misfire (ignition) |
BMW | P1356 | Misfire during start-up — cylinder 8 |
BMW | P163A | Too low internal temperature of the electronic engine control unit |
BMW | P1697 | Engine control relay, control circuit — input high |
BMW | P156F | Throttle, bank 1 — open circuit |
BMW | P1806 | Shift Solenoid A or B — Stick Open |
BMW | P1866 | Gear / Selector Lever 2 — High Input |
BMW | P3232 | Control unit monitoring — reliability of the ignition timing |
BMW | U1121 | Power Management Mode — Battery Voltage, No Communication |
BMW | P0413 | Secondary air valve «A» is always open |
BMW | P0472 | Low level of a signal of the sensor of pressure of exhaust gases |
BMW | P0268 | Cylinder nozzle 3 — open circuit or short circuit to + 12V |
BMW | P103F | Camshaft timing system actuator, release, bank 2 — overheating condition |
BMW | F8 | Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) – USA Models Only |
BMW | P125B | NOx sensor bank 1 — heater output low |
BMW | P1320 | Adaptation of the flywheel speed misfire detection system — range |
BMW | P0164 | High level of the output signal of the oxygen sensor 3 (Bank 2) |
BMW | P1510 | Idle Speed Control Drive — Drive Stuck |
BMW | P1544 | Throttle position sensor 1 — high input |
BMW | P1797 | Electronic gearbox control unit — RAM error |
BMW | P1819 | Gear / Selector Lever 0 — Impossible Signal |
BMW | P3157 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 4 — short circuit |
BMW | P3190 | Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor, bank 2 — range / performance |
BMW | P0360 | Malfunction of a primary / secondary circuit of the ignition coil «J» |
BMW | F200 | DME Control Unit |
BMW | P100B | Fuel Pressure — Too High Bank 2 |
BMW | P104A | Variable Valve Timing Actuator — Low Input Signal |
BMW | P11A4 | Throttle position (TP) sensor, bank 2 — low input |
BMW | P0121 | Throttle position sensor signal output «A» out of range |
BMW | P1607 | CAN data bus — version |
BMW | P1442 | Fuel tank leak diagnostic unit — low pump control signal |
BMW | P1463 | Heated catalytic converter battery temperature sensor 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1751 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve 2 — open circuit |
BMW | P0191 | Fuel rail pressure sensor signal out of range |
BMW | P3121 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 6 — low input |
BMW | P3137 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 10 — low input |
BMW | P0322 | No ignition distributor signal |
BMW | U1163 | Electronic engine control unit — request control, self-test |
BMW | F31 | Injector Valve — Cylinder 5 |
BMW | P1019 | Camshaft Valve Variation (VVT) Sensor Circuit Bank 1 — High |
BMW | P1057 | Variable valve timing (VVT) motor, bank 1 — supply voltage circuit malfunction |
BMW | P120A | Crankcase ventilation valve — high input |
BMW | P0137 | Low level of the output signal of the oxygen sensor 2 (Bank 1) |
BMW | P1616 | ECM, coding memory — checksum error |
BMW | P0151 | Low signal of the oxygen sensor 1 (Bank 2) |
BMW | P1474 | Low Fan Control primary circuit malfunction |
BMW | P175D | Select gear, 2-4 — high input level |
BMW | P0202 | Malfunction of a control circuit of an injector No. 2 |
BMW | P0214 | Malfunction of a control circuit of a cold start injector No. 2 |
BMW | P3142 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 11 — High Input |
BMW | P0334 | Intermittent signal level of the knock sensor No. 2 |
BMW | U1176 | — |
BMW | P0730 | Incorrect Gear Ratio |
BMW | P0780 | Shift Malfunction |
BMW | P1150 | Heated oxygen sensor 2, bank 2 — signal too low |
BMW | P1186 | Heated oxygen sensor 2, bank 1 — heater circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1390 | Ionisation signal — low voltage |
BMW | P1424 | Mass Air Flow (MAF) / (VAF) Sensor — High Air Consumption |
BMW | P170E | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve E — malfunction |
BMW | P1739 | TCC Lockup Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid — No Communication |
BMW | P3014 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 — Voltage Incorrect |
BMW | P310C | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 1 — open circuit |
BMW | P0237 | Low signal level from the turbine sensor «A» |
BMW | F55 | Ignition Output Stage |
BMW | P0654 | Engine RPM Output Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P10A9 | Injectors, bank 2 — open circuit |
BMW | P112A | Coolant temperature sensor 1 — incorrect maximum temperature |
BMW | P1363 | Misfire during start-up — cylinder 11 |
BMW | P139C | Crankshaft position sensor — incorrect signal |
BMW | P164C | Accelerator pedal position sensor 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P16A7 | ECU self-test — air flow sensor monitoring |
BMW | P157E | Throttle valve bank 2 — data line high input |
BMW | P1881 | Select gear, 1-2 — high input level |
BMW | P3024 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 1 — initialization error |
BMW | P323F | Control unit monitoring — air flow / lambda value, signal correlation |
BMW | U1138 | Idle Speed Control Drive, Bank 1 — Request Monitoring, Internal Memory Error |
BMW | P0431 | The efficiency of heating catalysts B3 is below the permissible threshold |
BMW | P0502 | Low signal level of the vehicle speed sensor |
BMW | P0279 | Cylinder 7 injector — short to ground |
BMW | P0107 | Low level of an output signal of the sensor of pressure of air |
BMW | P1108 | Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor — signal too low at low rpm at full load |
BMW | P1285 | Cylinder Head over temperature sensed |
BMW | P1335 | Knock Sensor 5 — High Input |
BMW | P0178 | Low signal level of the CHx sensor (Fuel Composition) |
BMW | P1679 | Electronic Throttle Control System Control Level 2/3 — Low Engine Torque Detected |
BMW | P1520 | Exhaust Camshaft Position Control System, End Position — Plausibility |
BMW | P1551 | Electronic engine control unit — internal fault, waiting time |
BMW | P17EA | Gear selection, 5-6 — gear ratio control |
BMW | P1836 | Torque Converter Clutch — Signal High |
BMW | P3162 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 5 — High Input |
BMW | P3203 | CAN data bus — malfunction |
BMW | P0446 | Malfunction of control. vapor recovery air valve |
BMW | P0531 | A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance |
BMW | P0574 | Cruise Control Related Malfunction |
BMW | P0290 | Cylinder 10 injector — injector driver malfunction |
BMW | P1083 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1115 | Ambient air temperature sensor — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1301 | Cylinder 1 — misfire (ignition) |
BMW | P1346 | Misfire during start-up — cylinder 3 |
BMW | P1630 | Throttle control circuit, bank 2 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1688 | Checking the traction control system — calculating the air flow |
BMW | P152C | Idle speed control system drive, bank 1 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1561 | Idle Air Control System, Bank 1 — RPM Too Low After Cold Start |
BMW | P17F5 | Torque Converter Clutch C / E — Gear Ratio Control |
BMW | P1856 | Automatic transmission fluid pressure sensor — high signal level |
BMW | P3170 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 8 — low input |
BMW | P321F | Atmospheric pressure sensor — incorrect value of the minimum pressure |
BMW | P0402 | Exhaust gas recirculation (exhaust gas) redundancy |
BMW | P0462 | Low signal level of the fuel level sensor |
BMW | P0258 | Low signal of the injection pump turbine «B» |
BMW | P102D | Variable valve timing system actuator — mechanical failure |
BMW | P1064 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) — Home / End Position Comparison |
BMW | P1220 | Throttle position sensor, bank 2 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1240 | Intake manifold absolute pressure sensor 2 — low signal at idle |
BMW | P1621 | RAM error |
BMW | P1444 | Fuel tank leak diagnostic unit — open circuit |
BMW | P1500 | Idle speed control system actuator — actuator stuck open |
BMW | P1538 | Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) malfunction (Bank # 2 stuck open) |
BMW | P1768 | CAN data bus, accelerator pedal position sensor — timeout error |
BMW | P1786 | CVT, Transmission Ratio Change Drive Motor — Range / Performance |
BMW | P314D | High pressure direct injection cylinder 10 — short circuit / high input |
BMW | P3180 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 11 — High Input |
BMW | P0350 | Malfunction of a primary / secondary circuit of the ignition coil |
BMW | P0744 | Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Intermittent |
BMW | P0801 | Reverse Inhibit Control Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P115B | Air flow sensor A (MAF) / (VAF) — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1198 | Differential pressure sensor in the intake manifold, bank 1 — low input |
BMW | P122E | NOx sensor, bank 1 — open circuit |
BMW | P1436 | Fuel leakage control pump motor — open circuit |
BMW | P1452 | Diagnostic unit for leaks in the fuel tank — high level of the e / m valve control signal |
BMW | P1747 | CAN data bus monitoring — no communication |
BMW | P1774 | CAN data bus, left rear wheel speed sensor — no signal |
BMW | P3117 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 5 — low input |
BMW | P312D | High pressure direct injection cylinder 6 — short circuit / high input |
BMW | U1156 | Electronic gearbox control unit — request control 2, self-test |
BMW | P0563 | System supply high voltage |
BMW | P0708 | Transmission Range Sensor Circuit High Input |
BMW | P0754 | Shift Solenoid A IntermittPent |
BMW | P1135 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 — Voltage Low |
BMW | P1169 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 2 — signal too high |
BMW | P1371 | Ionization Signal Bank 1 — Control Circuit — Input High |
BMW | P1408 | Fuel level — incorrect signal |
BMW | P16B8 | ECM Self Test — Torque Converter Lockup Clutch Monitoring |
BMW | P1723 | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P158F | Idle Air Control System, Bank 2 — RPM Too High After Cold Start |
BMW | P1892 | System voltage (on-board network) — low |
BMW | P3035 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 2 — signal too low |
BMW | P3258 | Electronic engine control unit — internal error |
BMW | U114A | Torque Management 1 — Demand Control, Self Test |
BMW | U1164 | Electronic engine control unit — request monitoring, checksum error |
BMW | P0719 | Torque Converter/Brake Switch B Circuit Low |
BMW | P0765 | Shift Solenoid D Malfunction |
BMW | P1141 | Throttle position sensor 2 / Mass air flow (MAF) sensor — Plausibility |
BMW | P1175 | Fuel Balance Bank 2 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1383 | Ignition system circuit — malfunction |
BMW | P1414 | Exhaust Air Pump Relay — High Signal |
BMW | P1704 | Automatic transmission fluid temperature sensor A — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P172F | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P159C | Idle speed control system drive, bank 2 — adaptation error |
BMW | P3004 | Fuel manifold pressure, fuel consumption control — maximum pressure exceeded |
BMW | P3102 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 1 — High Input |
BMW | U1051 | SCP indicating the brake switch signal missing or incorrect |
BMW | U1155 | Electronic gearbox control unit — request control 2, checksum error |
BMW | F37 | Oxygen Sensor Heater |
BMW | P0604 | Internal RAM error |
BMW | P0304 | Misfire detected in cylinder # 4 |
BMW | P1094 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1, Bank 2 — Rich, Slow Acting |
BMW | P1120 | Accelerator pedal position sensor — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1311 | Cylinder 11 — misfire (ignition) |
BMW | P1357 | Misfire with Fuel Cut — Cylinder 8 |
BMW | P163B | Throttle valve adaptation — adaptation error |
BMW | P1698 | Electronic gearbox control unit — control error |
BMW | P1570 | Electronic engine control unit, sensor supply circuit A — low output signal |
BMW | P1810 | Gearbox input speed sensor — high signal |
BMW | P1867 | Gear / Selector Lever 2 — High Input |
BMW | P3233 | Control unit monitoring — charging system health |
BMW | U1125 | ESP (Vehicle Stability Assist) control unit — request control, self-test |
BMW | P0414 | Secondary air valve «A» is always closed |
BMW | P0473 | High level of a signal of the sensor of pressure of exhaust gases |
BMW | P0269 | Cylinder 3 injector — injector driver malfunction |
BMW | P1041 | Variable valve timing (VVT) control unit, bank 1 — EEPROM error |
BMW | F81 | Anti-Theft System Signal (DWA) |
BMW | P125C | NOx sensor, bank 1 — heater supply voltage |
BMW | P1321 | Flywheel Speed Vibration Misfire Detection System Adaptation — Operation |
BMW | P0165 | Slow response of oxygen sensor 3 (bank 2) for enrichment / depletion |
BMW | P1511 | Э / м valve of the system of changing the geometry of the intake manifold — electrical circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1545 | Throttle Position Sensor 1 — Impossible Signal |
BMW | P1798 | Electronic gearbox control unit — EEPROM error |
BMW | P1820 | Gear / Selector Lever 1 — High Input |
BMW | P3158 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 4 — low input |
BMW | P3191 | Throttle actuator bank 2 — open circuit |
BMW | P0361 | Malfunction of a primary / secondary circuit of the ignition coil «K» |
BMW | F201 | Emission (Lambda) Control |
BMW | P100C | Variable valve timing (VVT) system, bank 2 — emergency mode (limp-home) — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P104B | Variable Valve Timing Actuator — High Input |
BMW | P11A5 | Throttle position sensor — high input |
BMW | P0122 | Low output signal of the throttle position sensor «A» |
BMW | P1608 | ECM — communication error |
BMW | P1443 | Fuel tank leak diagnostic unit — high pump control signal |
BMW | P1464 | Heated catalytic converter battery temperature sensor 2 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1752 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve 2 — short circuit |
BMW | P0192 | Low signal of the fuel pressure sensor in the fuel rail |
BMW | P3122 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 6 — High Input |
BMW | P3138 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 10 — High Input |
BMW | P0323 | Distributor signal intermittent |
BMW | P0447 | The vapor recovery air valve is always open |
BMW | P0248 | Turbine exhaust gas shutter solenoid signal «B» out of add. range |
BMW | P101A | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Bank 1 — Adaptive Learning — Positions Not Stored |
BMW | P1058 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Motor, Bank 2 — Supply Voltage High |
BMW | P120B | Crankcase ventilation valve — low input |
BMW | P0138 | High level of the output signal of the oxygen sensor 2 (Bank 1) |
BMW | P1617 | Electronic engine control unit, controller — malfunction |
BMW | P0152 | High signal of the oxygen sensor 1 (Bank 2) |
BMW | P1475 | Evaporative emission system — malfunction |
BMW | P175E | Gear selection, 2-4 — low input signal |
BMW | P0203 | Malfunction of a control circuit of an injector No. 3 |
BMW | P0215 | Engine shutdown solenoid malfunction |
BMW | P3143 | Direct injection of high pressure, cylinder 11 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P0335 | Crankshaft position sensor error «A» |
BMW | U1200 | Electronic gearbox control unit — request control, checksum error |
BMW | P0731 | Gear 1 Incorrect ratio |
BMW | P0781 | 1-2 Shift Malfunction |
BMW | P1151 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 2 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1187 | Heated oxygen sensor 2, bank 2 — heater circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1391 | Ionisation signal — high voltage |
BMW | P1425 | Canister purge valve power stage (low) |
BMW | P170F | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve F — malfunction |
BMW | P173B | Coolant temperature sensor — CAN data bus malfunction |
BMW | P3015 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 — Voltage Incorrect |
BMW | P310D | High pressure direct injection cylinder 2 — short circuit / high input |
BMW | P0225 | Malfunction of the throttle position sensor «C» |
BMW | P0238 | High signal level from the turbine sensor «A» |
BMW | F6 | Injector Valve – Output Stage |
BMW | P0655 | Engine Hot Lamp Output Control Circuit Malfucntion |
BMW | P10aa | Injectors Bank 2 — Discharge Error |
BMW | P112B | Coolant temperature sensor 1 — incorrect minimum temperature |
BMW | P1364 | Misfire during start-up — cylinder 12 |
BMW | P139D | Phase lock reference point, high resolution signal A — chaotic / missing pulses |
BMW | P1650 | Power Steering Pressure (PSP) switch out of Self – Test range |
BMW | P16A8 | ECM Self Test — Throttle Position Monitoring |
BMW | P1719 | CAN data bus — plausibility of coding version |
BMW | P157F | Throttle, bank 2 — open circuit |
BMW | P1882 | Select gear, 2-3 — high input level |
BMW | P3025 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 2 — initialization error |
BMW | P3240 | Cooling system thermostat control circuit — open circuit |
BMW | U1139 | Idle speed control actuator / SMT transmission control unit — communication failure |
BMW | P0432 | The efficiency of the main catalyst B2 is below the acceptable threshold |
BMW | P0503 | High signal level of the vehicle speed sensor |
BMW | P0280 | Cylinder nozzle 7 — open circuit or short circuit to + 12V |
BMW | P0108 | High level of the output signal of the air pressure sensor |
BMW | P1109 | Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor — signal too high during deceleration |
BMW | P1287 | Air Control Valve (Air Injector) Bank 2 — Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P1336 | Knock sensor 6 — low input |
BMW | P0179 | High signal level of the CHx sensor (Fuel Composition) |
BMW | P167E | ECM — internal error, reference voltage too high |
BMW | P1522 | Intake Camshaft Position Control System Bank 2 — Plausibility |
BMW | P1552 | Camshaft timing system actuator A, bank 1 — open circuit |
BMW | P17EB | Gear selection, 6-5 — gear ratio control |
BMW | P1841 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve A — low signal level |
BMW | P3163 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 6 — short circuit |
BMW | P3204 | CAN data bus — malfunction |
BMW | P3259 | Control unit monitoring — fuel quantity / air flow / lambda value, signal correlation |
BMW | U114B | Torque control 1 — no communication |
BMW | P0532 | A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input |
BMW | P0575 | Cruise Control Related Malfunction |
BMW | P0291 | Cylinder 11 injector — short to ground |
BMW | P1084 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1116 | О2 Sensor heater Circuit (Open) |
BMW | P1302 | Cylinder 2 — misfire (ignition) |
BMW | P1347 | Misfire with Fuel Cut — Cylinder 3 |
BMW | P1631 | Throttle Actuator Bank 1 — Spring Return Check Error |
BMW | P1689 | Electronic Throttle Control System Control Level 2/3 — Incorrect Engine Torque |
BMW | P152D | Idle speed control system drive, bank 1 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1562 | Idle Air Control System, Bank 1 — RPM Too High After Cold Start |
BMW | P17F6 | Torque Converter Clutch B / D — Gear Ratio Control |
BMW | P1857 | Automatic transmission fluid pressure sensor — low signal level |
BMW | P3171 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 8 — High Input |
BMW | P3229 | Load Sensor Monitoring — Plausibility of VVT Valve Position |
BMW | P0403 | Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P0463 | High signal level of the fuel level sensor |
BMW | P0259 | High signal of the injection pump turbine «B» |
BMW | P102E | Manifold Pressure / High Pressure Control System, Bank 1 — Fuel Pressure Spread |
BMW | P1065 | Variable valve timing (VVT) system — waiting time, no signal — CAN data bus malfunction |
BMW | P1221 | Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 2 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1241 | Intake manifold absolute pressure sensor 2 — signal level too low at low speed at full load |
BMW | P1622 | Coolant temperature sensor, ECM controlled cooling system — ECM output stage |
BMW | P1445 | Fuel tank leak diagnostic unit — low pump control signal |
BMW | P1501 | Idle speed control system actuator — actuator stuck in closed position |
BMW | P1539 | Power to Air condition (A / C) clutch circuit overcurrent |
BMW | P176B | Traction Control Control — Supply Voltage Low |
BMW | P1787 | CVT, electric motor of the drive for changing the gear ratio of the gearbox — open circuit |
BMW | P314E | High pressure direct injection cylinder 10 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P3181 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 12 — short circuit |
BMW | P0351 | Malfunction of a primary / secondary circuit of the ignition coil «A» |
BMW | P0745 | Pressure Control Solenoid Malfunction |
BMW | P0803 | 1-4 Upshift (Skip Shift) Solenoid Control Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P115C | Air flow sensor A (MAF) / (VAF) — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1199 | Manifold Differential Pressure Sensor Bank 1 — Signal Impossible |
BMW | P122F | NOx sensor, bank 1 — short circuit |
BMW | P1437 | Fuel Leakage Pump Motor — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1453 | Exhaust air system, bank 1 — electrical fault |
BMW | P1748 | Electronic gearbox control unit — self-test error |
BMW | P1775 | CAN data bus, right rear wheel speed sensor — no signal |
BMW | P3118 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 5 — High Input |
BMW | P312E | High pressure direct injection cylinder 6 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | U1157 | Torque Management 1 — Query Monitoring, Plausibility |
BMW | P0565 | Malfunction of the cruise control enable signal |
BMW | P0709 | Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Intermittent |
BMW | P0755 | Shift Solenoid B Malfunction |
BMW | P1136 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 — High Voltage |
BMW | P116A | Air flow sensor B (MAF) / (VAF) — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1372 | Ionization signal, bank 1 — control circuit — open circuit |
BMW | P1409 | Fuel level 1 — CAN data bus malfunction |
BMW | P16B9 | ECM Self Test — Torque Loss Monitoring |
BMW | P1724 | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P1590 | Throttle position sensor 2 — low input |
BMW | P1893 | Э / м pressure control valve — high supply voltage |
BMW | P3036 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 Lean / Rich |
BMW | P0325 | Malfunction of the knock sensor circuit No. 1 |
BMW | U1167 | Ozone catalytic converter (temperature sensor) — request control |
BMW | P0720 | Output Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P0766 | Shift Solenoid D Performance or Stuck Off |
BMW | P1142 | Throttle position sensor 1 / Mass air flow (MAF) sensor — Plausibility |
BMW | P1176 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1, Bank 1 — Slow Response |
BMW | P1384 | Knock sensor 3 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1415 | Mass Air Flow (MAF) / (VAF) Sensor — Low Air Consumption |
BMW | P1705 | Electronic gearbox control unit — open circuit |
BMW | P1730 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve — activation error |
BMW | P159D | Idle speed control system actuator, bank 2 — control element position error |
BMW | P3005 | Fuel Rail Pressure, Pressure Control — Pressure Too Low |
BMW | P3103 | Direct injection of high pressure, cylinder 1 — incorrect signal |
BMW | U1073 | SCP indicating the lack of engine coolant fan status response |
BMW | P0227 | Low signal level sensor throttle position «C» |
BMW | F4 | Injector Valve — Cylinder 3 |
BMW | P0605 | Internal Control Module Read Only Memory (ROM) Error |
BMW | P0305 | Misfire detected in cylinder # 5 |
BMW | P1095 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 — Slow Switch |
BMW | P1121 | Accelerator pedal position sensor 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1312 | Cylinder 12 — misfire (ignition) |
BMW | P1358 | Misfire during start-up — cylinder 9 |
BMW | P163C | ECM — Voltage Too High |
BMW | P1699 | Electronic gearbox control unit — checksum error |
BMW | P1571 | Electronic engine control unit, sensor supply circuit A — high output signal |
BMW | P1811 | Gearbox input speed sensor — low signal |
BMW | P1868 | Gear / Selector Lever 2 — High Input |
BMW | P3234 | Control Unit Monitoring — Throttle Limiter Check Plausibility |
BMW | U1126 | ESP control unit (vehicle stability control) — no communication |
BMW | P0415 | Malfunction of the valve of the secondary air supply system «B» |
BMW | P0474 | Intermittent signal level of the exhaust pressure sensor |
BMW | P0270 | Cylinder 4 injector — short to ground |
BMW | P1042 | Variable valve timing (VVT) control unit, bank 1 — RAM error |
BMW | F82 | Engine Drag Torque Control (MSR) |
BMW | P1260 | THEFT detected – engine disabled |
BMW | P1326 | Camshaft Position Sensor A, Bank 1 — Phase Synchronization Reference Point Out of Range |
BMW | P0166 | No activity of the output signal of the oxygen sensor 3 (Bank 2) |
BMW | P1512 | Intake Manifold Geometry Change System — Low Signal |
BMW | P1546 | ECM, bank 1 — internal malfunction, checksum error |
BMW | P17E1 | Torque Converter Clutch A — Gear Ratio Control |
BMW | P1821 | Gear / Selector Lever 1 — Low Input |
BMW | P3159 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 4 — High Input |
BMW | P3192 | Throttle Actuator Bank 2 — Low Input |
BMW | P0362 | Malfunction of a primary / secondary circuit of the ignition coil «L» |
BMW | F202 | Control unit Fault Memory |
BMW | P100D | Variable valve timing (VVT), bank 2 — emergency mode (limp-home) — extreme positions are not reached |
BMW | P104C | Camshaft timing system drive — open circuit |
BMW | P11A6 | Throttle position sensor — low input |
BMW | P0123 | High output signal of the throttle position sensor «A» |
BMW | P1609 | Voltage regulation — communication error |
BMW | P0140 | No activity of the output signal of the oxygen sensor 2 (Bank 1) |
BMW | P1465 | Heated Catalytic Converter Battery Temperature 1/2 Sensor — Signal Impossible |
BMW | P1753 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid D valve — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P0193 | High signal of the fuel pressure sensor in the fuel rail |
BMW | P3123 | Direct injection of high pressure, cylinder 6 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P3139 | Direct injection of high pressure, cylinder 10 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P3164 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 6 — low input |
BMW | P3205 | CAN data bus — malfunction |
BMW | P0380 | Malfunctioning glow plug or heating circuit |
BMW | P0448 | The vapor recovery air valve is always closed |
BMW | P0249 | Turbine exhaust gas valve solenoid «B» is always open |
BMW | P101B | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Bank 1 — Adaptive Learning |
BMW | P1059 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Motor, Bank 2 — Supply Voltage Low |
BMW | P120C | Crankcase ventilation valve — open circuit |
BMW | P0139 | Slow response of oxygen sensor 2 (bank 1) for enrichment / depletion |
BMW | P1618 | ECU self-test — ADC monitoring |
BMW | P0153 | Slow response of oxygen sensor 1 (bank 2) for enrichment / depletion |
BMW | P1476 | Evaporative emission system — malfunction |
BMW | P175F | Gear selection, 2-4 — impossible signal |
BMW | P0204 | Malfunction of a control circuit of an injector No. 4 |
BMW | P0216 | Malfunction of a chain of control of time of injection |
BMW | P3144 | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 12 — open circuit |
BMW | P0336 | Error DPKV «A» (missing one tooth) |
BMW | U1256 | SCP indicating a communications error |
BMW | P0732 | Gear 2 Incorrect ratio |
BMW | P0782 | 2-3 Shift Malfunction |
BMW | P1152 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 — Voltage Low |
BMW | P1188 | Ratio Sensor 1 Bank 1 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1392 | Ionisation signal — open circuit |
BMW | P1426 | Adsorber purge valve control circuit, open |
BMW | P1710 | Electronic gearbox control unit, internal temperature sensor — signal too high |
BMW | P173C | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve G — malfunction |
BMW | P3016 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 1 — calibration error |
BMW | P310E | High pressure direct injection cylinder 2 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P0226 | Throttle position sensor signal out of range «C» |
BMW | P0239 | Malfunction of a chain of the sensor of pressure of turbocharging «B» |
BMW | F62 | Signal – Electronic Throttle Control (EML) |
BMW | P0656 | Fuel Level Output Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P1100 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 — Slow Response After Fuel Cut |
BMW | P112C | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1365 | Misfire during start-up — cylinder 12 |
BMW | P139E | Phase Synchronization Reference Point High Resolution Signal A — Failure |
BMW | P1651 | Power Steering Pressure (PSP) switch input malfunction |
BMW | P16A9 | ECU Self-Test — Vehicle Speed Signal |
BMW | P171A | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P1580 | Throttle actuator — mechanical failure |
BMW | P1883 | Select gear, 3-4 — high input level |
BMW | P3026 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1, Bank 1 — Incorrect Operating Temperature |
BMW | P3241 | Cooling system thermostat control circuit — signal low |
BMW | U1140 | Throttle valve — communication failure |
BMW | P0433 | The efficiency of the catalyst heater B2 is below the acceptable threshold |
BMW | P0505 | Idle speed regulator malfunction |
BMW | P0281 | Cylinder 7 injector — injector driver malfunction |
BMW | P0110 | Intake air temperature sensor malfunction |
BMW | P110A | Differential pressure sensor in the intake manifold, bank 2 — low signal |
BMW | P1288 | Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) sensor out of Self – Test range |
BMW | P1337 | Knock Sensor 6 — High Input |
BMW | P0180 | Malfunction of the fuel temperature sensor circuit «A» |
BMW | P167F | Electronic engine control unit — internal error, reference voltage too low |
BMW | P1523 | Exhaust Camshaft Position Control System, Shaft Position — Plausibility |
BMW | P1553 | Phase Synchronization System B, Bank 1 |
BMW | P17EC | Gear selection, 5-4 — gear ratio control |
BMW | P1842 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve B — low signal |
BMW | P3269 | Mass air flow (MAF) sensor — high input |
BMW | U114C | Torque Control 1 — Request Supervision, Checksum Error |
BMW | P0533 | A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input |
BMW | P0576 | Cruise Control Related Malfunction |
BMW | P0292 | Cylinder nozzle 11 — open circuit or short circuit to +12 |
BMW | P1085 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1117 | Mass air flow (MAF) / (VAF) sensor, bank 2 — low signal |
BMW | P1303 | Cylinder 3 — misfire (ignition) |
BMW | P1348 | Misfire during start-up — cylinder 4 |
BMW | P1632 | Throttle valve bank 1 — adaptation error |
BMW | P168D | Throttle actuator, bank 1 — incorrect setting of emergency mode (limp-home) |
BMW | P152E | Idle Speed Control Actuator, Bank 1 — Signal Correlation |
BMW | P1564 | ECM — programming error |
BMW | P17F7 | Gear selection, 6-4 — gear ratio control |
BMW | P1858 | Automatic transmission fluid pressure sensor — impossible signal |
BMW | P3172 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 9 — short circuit |
BMW | P322A | Barometric pressure sensor — open circuit |
BMW | P0404 | Exhaust gas recirculation sensor signal out of range |
BMW | P0464 | Intermittent fuel level sensor signal |
BMW | P0260 | Intermittent signal level of the turbine injection pump «B» |
BMW | P102F | Manifold Pressure / High Pressure Control System, Bank 2 — Fuel Pressure Spread |
BMW | P1066 | Variable valve timing (VVT) system — message handling — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1222 | Accelerator pedal position sensor track 2 — low input |
BMW | P1242 | Intake manifold absolute pressure sensor 2 — pressure too high during deceleration |
BMW | P1623 | Accelerator pedal position sensor — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1502 | Idling speed control actuator, closing winding — high signal level |
BMW | P153C | Idle speed control system drive, bank 2 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P176C | Gear selection, 6-7 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1788 | CVT, gearbox ratio change drive motor — short circuit |
BMW | P314F | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 10 — open circuit |
BMW | P3182 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 12 — low input |
BMW | P0352 | Malfunction of a primary / secondary circuit of the ignition coil «B» |
BMW | F0 | Undefined System Defect |
BMW | P0746 | Pressure Control Solenoid Performance or Stuck Off |
BMW | P0804 | 1-4 Upshift (Skip Shift) Lamp Control Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P119A | Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor, bank 1 — high input |
BMW | P1230 | Power Supply Relay Secondary Circuit Voltage Low |
BMW | P1438 | Э / м fuel vapor accumulator valve — open circuit |
BMW | P1454 | Exhaust air system — electrical fault |
BMW | P1749 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve 2 — communication failure |
BMW | P1776 | CAN data bus, left front wheel speed sensor — no signal |
BMW | P3119 | Direct injection of high pressure, cylinder 5 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P312F | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 6 — open circuit |
BMW | U1158 | Torque Management 2 — Query Monitoring, Plausibility |
BMW | P0710 | Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P0756 | Shift Solenoid B Performance or Stuck Off |
BMW | P1137 | Heated oxygen sensor 2, bank 1 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P116B | Air flow sensor B (MAF) / (VAF) — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1373 | Ionization Signal Bank 2 — Control Circuit — Input Low |
BMW | P140A | Exhaust Air System Bank 1 & 2 — Insufficient Flow Detected |
BMW | P16C0 | Self-test of the electronic engine control unit — monitoring of the stability control system |
BMW | P1725 | Electronic gearbox control unit — RAM error |
BMW | P1591 | Throttle position sensor 2 — high input |
BMW | P1894 | Э / м pressure control valve — low supply voltage |
BMW | P3037 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 Lean / Rich |
BMW | P3124 | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 7 — open circuit |
BMW | P313A | High pressure direct injection cylinder 7 — short circuit / high input |
BMW | P0326 | Knock sensor signal # 1 out of range |
BMW | U1168 | Ozone catalytic converter (temperature sensor) — request monitoring, checksum error |
BMW | P0721 | Output Speed Sensor Range/Performance |
BMW | P0767 | Shift Solenoid D Stuck On |
BMW | P1143 | Heated oxygen sensor 2, bank 1 — signal too high |
BMW | P1177 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1, Bank 2 — Slow Response |
BMW | P1385 | Knock sensor 4 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1416 | Э / м valve for supplying air to the outlet — functioning or sticking of the valve in the closed state |
BMW | P1706 | Electronic gearbox control unit — short circuit |
BMW | P1731 | 1st gear — incorrect gear ratio |
BMW | P15B0 | ECM, powered by ignition switch — supply high voltage |
BMW | P3006 | Fuel Rail Pressure, Pressure Control — Pressure Too High |
BMW | P3104 | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 2 — open circuit |
BMW | U1101 | Ambient air temperature sensor — communication error |
BMW | P0228 | High signal of the throttle position sensor «C» |
BMW | F41 | Air Mass Meter (HLM) |
BMW | P0606 | PCM Processor Fault |
BMW | P0306 | Misfire detected in cylinder # 6 |
BMW | P1096 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 — Slow Switch |
BMW | P1122 | Accelerator pedal position sensor 1 — low input |
BMW | P1313 | Variable Valve Timing Actuator — Impossible Signal |
BMW | P1359 | Misfire with Fuel Cut — Cylinder 9 |
BMW | P163D | Electronic engine control unit — voltage cut-off detected |
BMW | P169A | Throttle actuator, bank 1 — incorrect setting of emergency mode (limp-home) |
BMW | P1572 | Electronic engine control unit, sensor supply circuit A — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1812 | Gearbox output speed sensor — high signal |
BMW | P1869 | Gear / Selector Lever 3 — High Input |
BMW | P3235 | Control unit monitoring — plausibility of the coding version |
BMW | U1127 | ESP control unit (vehicle stability control) — request control, checksum error |
BMW | P0416 | The valve of the secondary air supply system «B» is always open |
BMW | P0475 | Exhaust gas pressure sensor valve malfunction |
BMW | P0271 | Cylinder nozzle 4 — open circuit or short circuit to + 12V |
BMW | P1043 | Variable valve timing (VVT) control unit, bank 1 — ROM error |
BMW | F83 | Automatic Stability Control (ASC) Intervention |
BMW | P126E | NOx sensor, bank 1 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1327 | Knock Sensor 2, Bank 1 — Low Input |
BMW | P0167 | Oxygen sensor heater 3 (bank 2) defective |
BMW | P1513 | Intake Manifold Change System — High Signal |
BMW | P1547 | ECM, bank 1 — internal malfunction, CAN data bus signal not received on time |
BMW | P17E2 | Torque Converter Clutch B — Gear Ratio Control |
BMW | P1822 | Gear / Selector Lever 1 — Impossible Signal |
BMW | P315A | High pressure direct injection cylinder 11 — short circuit / high input |
BMW | P3193 | Throttle Actuator Bank 2 — High Input |
BMW | F203 | Ignition Circuit Monitoring |
BMW | P100E | Variable valve timing (VVT) system, bank 2 — emergency mode (limp-home) — incorrect signal from the air flow sensor |
BMW | P104D | Camshaft timing system actuator — overheating condition |
BMW | P1200 | Fuel Balance Out of Adaptation Range Bank 1 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P0125 | Low coolant temperature for closed loop control |
BMW | P160C | Voltage regulation — high system voltage (vehicle electrical system) |
BMW | P0141 | Oxygen sensor heater 2 (bank 1) defective |
BMW | P1466 | Heated Catalytic Converter Battery Temperature Sensor — Signal Voltage Incorrect |
BMW | P1754 | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P0194 | Intermittent signal from the fuel pressure sensor in the fuel rail |
BMW | P3165 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 6 — High Input |
BMW | P320D | CAN data bus monitoring — traction control response timeout |
BMW | P0381 | Malfunctioning glow plug or heating indicator |
BMW | P0450 | Gasoline vapor pressure sensor malfunction |
BMW | P0250 | Turbine exhaust gas shutter solenoid «B» is always closed |
BMW | P101F | Ambient air temperature sensor, intake air temperature sensor — ratio |
BMW | P105A | Variable valve timing control unit — internal malfunction |
BMW | P120D | Crankcase ventilation valve, bank 1 — malfunction |
BMW | P1232 | Low speed Fuel Pump primary circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1619 | Cooling system thermostat control circuit — signal low |
BMW | P0154 | No activity of the output signal of the oxygen sensor 1 (Bank 2) |
BMW | P1477 | Evaporative emission system — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1760 | Torque Control Request — Signal Impossible |
BMW | P0205 | Malfunction of a control circuit of an injector No. 5 |
BMW | P0217 | Engine overheating |
BMW | P3145 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 12 — low input |
BMW | P0337 | Low level or short to ground DPKV «A» |
BMW | P0733 | Gear 3 Incorrect ratio |
BMW | P0783 | 3-4 Shift Malfunction |
BMW | P1153 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 — High Voltage |
BMW | P1189 | Ratio Sensor 1 Bank 2 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1393 | Ionisation signal — low voltage |
BMW | P1429 | Fuel Tank Leak Diagnostic Unit — Heater |
BMW | P1446 | Fuel tank leak diagnostic unit — high pump control signal |
BMW | P1711 | Electronic gearbox control unit, internal temperature sensor — signal level too low |
BMW | P173D | CAN data bus monitoring — incorrect signal |
BMW | P310F | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 2 — open circuit |
BMW | P3125 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 7 — low input |
BMW | P0240 | The signal from the turbine sensor «B» is out of range |
BMW | F63 | Torque Converter Lockup Clutch |
BMW | P0700 | Transmission control system malfunction |
BMW | P1101 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 — Slow Response After Fuel Cut |
BMW | P112D | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 2 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P115D | Air flow sensor A (MAF) / (VAF) — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1366 | Ignition coil A, primary / secondary winding — low signal level |
BMW | P1400 | Differential Pressure Feedback EGR (DPFE) sensor circuit low voltage detected |
BMW | P16B0 | ECU Self-Test — Pedal Position Monitoring |
BMW | P171B | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P1581 | Camshaft timing system drive B, bank 2 — open circuit |
BMW | P1884 | Select gear, 4-5 — high input level |
BMW | P3027 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1, Bank 2 — Incorrect Operating Temperature |
BMW | P3242 | Cooling System Thermostat Control Circuit — Signal High |
BMW | U1141 | Throttle Actuator Bank 1 — No Communication |
BMW | P0434 | The temperature of the catalyst heater B2 is below the permissible threshold |
BMW | P0506 | Idle speed control malfunction — low rpm |
BMW | P0566 | Cruise control off signal malfunction |
BMW | P0282 | Cylinder 8 injector — short to ground |
BMW | P0111 | Intake air temperature sensor signal output out of permissible range |
BMW | P110B | Differential pressure sensor in the intake manifold, bank 2 — low signal |
BMW | P1289 | Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) sensor circuit low input |
BMW | P1338 | Camshaft position sensor A, bank 1 — incorrect phase setting |
BMW | P0181 | Fuel temperature sensor signal «A» out of range |
BMW | P1680 | Traction Control Check — Processor Failure |
BMW | P1524 | Camshaft Timing System Actuator A, Bank 1 — High Signal |
BMW | P1554 | Phase Synchronization System A, Bank 1 |
BMW | P17ED | Gear selection, 4-3 — gear ratio control |
BMW | P1843 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve C — low signal |
BMW | P1895 | Э / м pressure control valve — no signal |
BMW | P3038 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 Lean / Rich |
BMW | P3270 | Mass air flow (MAF) sensor — low input |
BMW | U114D | Torque Management 2 — Demand Control, Self Test |
BMW | P0534 | Air Conditioner Refrigerant Charge Loss |
BMW | P0577 | Cruise Control Related Malfunction |
BMW | P0293 | Cylinder 11 injector — injector driver malfunction |
BMW | P1086 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1118 | Mass air flow (MAF) / (VAF) sensor, bank 2 — high signal level |
BMW | P1304 | Cylinder 4 — misfire (ignition) |
BMW | P1349 | Misfire with Fuel Cut — Cylinder 4 |
BMW | P1633 | Throttle adaptation, bank 1 — incorrect setting of emergency mode (limp-home) |
BMW | P168E | Throttle actuator, bank 2 — incorrect setting of emergency mode (limp-home) |
BMW | P152F | Idle Speed Control Actuator, Bank 1 — Reset Error |
BMW | P1565 | Multifunction steering wheel control — communication error |
BMW | P17F8 | Gear selection, 5-3 — gear ratio control |
BMW | P1859 | Clutch RPM Sensor Impossible Signal |
BMW | P3173 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 9 — low input |
BMW | P322B | Atmospheric pressure sensor — incorrect signal |
BMW | P0405 | Low signal level of the sensor «A» of the exhaust gas recirculation system |
BMW | P0465 | Purge Air Flow Sensor Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P0261 | Cylinder 1 injector — short to ground |
BMW | P1030 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Control Circuit Bank 1 — Control Deviation |
BMW | P1071 | Variable valve timing (VVT) control unit, bank 1 — internal malfunction |
BMW | P1223 | Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Track 2 — High Input |
BMW | P1243 | Throttle position sensor, bank 2 — high input |
BMW | P1624 | Accelerator pedal position sensor 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1503 | Idling speed control system actuator, winding closing — low signal level |
BMW | P153D | Idle speed control system drive, bank 2 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P176D | Select gear, 6-7 — high input level |
BMW | P1789 | CVT, electric motor of the drive for changing the gear ratio of the gearbox — communication error |
BMW | P3150 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 1 — High Input |
BMW | P3183 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 12 — High Input |
BMW | P0353 | Malfunction of a primary / secondary circuit of the ignition coil «C» |
BMW | F1 | Fuel Pump Relay (EKP) / TR Signal |
BMW | P0747 | Pressure Control Solenoid Stuck On |
BMW | P1000 | OBD II Monitor Testing not complete |
BMW | P119B | Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor, bank 1 — low input |
BMW | P1231 | Fuel pump relay circuit low with high speed pump on |
BMW | P1439 | Purge Control Valve Control Circuit Signal Low |
BMW | P1455 | Evaporative emission control system control leak detected (gross leak) |
BMW | P174A | Shift solenoid C / E / F — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1777 | CAN data bus, right front wheel speed sensor — no signal |
BMW | P311A | High pressure direct injection cylinder 3 — short circuit / high input |
BMW | P3130 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 8 — High Input |
BMW | U1159 | Torque Management 3 — Query Monitoring, Plausibility |
BMW | P0711 | Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance |
BMW | P0757 | Shift Solenoid B Stuck On |
BMW | P1138 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 2 Bank 1 — Voltage Low |
BMW | P116C | Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1374 | Ionization Signal Bank 2 — Control Circuit — Input High |
BMW | P140B | Exhaust Air System Bank 1 & 2 — Insufficient Flow Detected |
BMW | P16C1 | ECU Self Test — Torque Monitoring |
BMW | P1727 | CAN data bus, crankshaft speed — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1592 | Throttle Position Sensor 2 — Impossible Signal |
BMW | P0207 | Malfunction of a control circuit of an injector No. 7 |
BMW | P313B | High pressure direct injection cylinder 7 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P0327 | Low signal level of the knock sensor No. 1 |
BMW | U116A | Electronic control unit for cruise control (cruise control) — request control, self-test |
BMW | P0722 | Output Speed Sensor No Signal |
BMW | P0768 | Shift Solenoid D Electrical |
BMW | P1144 | Heated oxygen sensor 2, bank 1 — signal too low |
BMW | P1178 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 — Slow Switch |
BMW | P1386 | Knock sensor (s), bank 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1417 | Throttle control system |
BMW | P1707 | Traction control system control — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1732 | 4th gear, transmission control — emergency mode activated (limp-home) |
BMW | P15B1 | ECM, powered by ignition switch — supply voltage low |
BMW | P3007 | Fuel rail pressure, pressure control — maximum pressure exceeded |
BMW | P3105 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 2 — low input |
BMW | U110E | Electronic control unit for traction control — demand monitoring, torque reduction signal — self-test |
BMW | P0229 | Intermittent signal level of the throttle position sensor «C» |
BMW | U1451 | Lack of response from Passive Anti-Theft system (PATS) module – engine disabled |
BMW | F46 | Output Stage |
BMW | P0607 | Malfunction of the detonation channel |
BMW | P0307 | Misfire detected in cylinder # 7 |
BMW | P1097 | Heated oxygen sensor 2, bank 1 — mixture monitoring, slow response |
BMW | P1123 | Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 1 — High Input |
BMW | P1314 | Fuel Balance (Mixture) — Low Fuel Level Deviations |
BMW | P135B | Knock Sensor 2 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P163E | ECM — communication fault |
BMW | P16A0 | Electronic engine control unit — internal malfunction, checksum error |
BMW | P1573 | Electronic engine control unit, sensor supply circuit B — low output signal |
BMW | P1813 | Gearbox output speed sensor — low signal |
BMW | P1870 | Gear / Selector Lever 3 — High Input |
BMW | P3017 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 2 — calibration error |
BMW | P3236 | Control unit monitoring — reliability of injection duration / fuel cycle |
BMW | U112A | Instrument Cluster Control Unit — Request Control, Self Test |
BMW | P0417 | The valve of the secondary air supply system «B» is always closed |
BMW | P0476 | Exhaust gas pressure sensor valve signal out of range |
BMW | P0272 | Cylinder 4 injector — injector driver malfunction |
BMW | P1044 | Variable valve timing (VVT) control unit, bank 2 — EEPROM error |
BMW | F85 | Air-Conditioner Compressor Relay |
BMW | P1270 | Torque difference between banks 1 and 2 — malfunction |
BMW | P1328 | Knock Sensor 2 Bank 1 — High Input |
BMW | P0171 | Too lean mixture (possible air leaks) |
BMW | P1653 | Torque at the checkpoint — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1514 | Idling regulator control circuit — open |
BMW | P1548 | Idle Speed Control, Bank 2 — RPM Too Low |
BMW | P17E3 | Torque Converter Clutch C — Gear Ratio Control |
BMW | P1823 | Gear / Selector Lever — Signal Impossible |
BMW | P315B | High pressure direct injection cylinder 11 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P3196 | Coolant temperature sensor, radiator output — high input |
BMW | F204 | Stall Protection (Idle Speed Increase) |
BMW | P100F | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) System Bank 1 — Overload Protection — Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P1050 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Control Circuit Bank 1 — Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P1201 | Fuel Balance Out of Adaptation Range Bank 1 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P0130 | Oxygen sensor 1 (bank 1) defective |
BMW | P160D | Voltage regulation — system voltage low (vehicle electrical system) |
BMW | P0142 | Oxygen sensor 3 (bank 1) defective |
BMW | P1467 | Heated Catalytic Converter Battery Temperature Sensor — Voltage Incorrect |
BMW | P1755 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve D — malfunction |
BMW | P0195 | Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P17EE | Gear selection, 3-2 — gear ratio control |
BMW | P1844 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve D — low signal level |
BMW | P3166 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 7 — short circuit |
BMW | P3213 | CAN data bus monitoring — traction control self-test error |
BMW | P0385 | Malfunction of a chain of the sensor of position of a crankshaft «B» |
BMW | P0451 | Gasoline vapor pressure sensor signal out of range |
BMW | P0251 | Malfunction of the turbine injection pump «A» |
BMW | P1020 | Variable valve timing (VVT) sensor circuit, bank 1 — low signal |
BMW | P105B | Variable valve timing control unit — internal malfunction |
BMW | P120E | Brake booster vacuum pump — high signal level |
BMW | P1233 | Fuel Pump Driver Module disabled or offline |
BMW | P161A | Fuel tank vent valve — high input |
BMW | P0155 | Oxygen sensor heater 1 (bank 2) defective |
BMW | P1478 | Evaporative emission system — malfunction |
BMW | P1761 | Shift lock solenoid valve — malfunction |
BMW | P0206 | Malfunction of a control circuit of an injector No. 6 |
BMW | P0218 | Overheating of the transmission |
BMW | P3146 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 12 — High Input |
BMW | P0338 | High level or short circuit to + 12V DPKV «A» |
BMW | P0734 | Gear 4 Incorrect ratio |
BMW | P0784 | 4-5 Shift Malfunction |
BMW | P1154 | Manifold Differential Pressure Sensor, Bank 2 — High Input |
BMW | P1190 | Fuel balance before catalytic converter, bank 1 — incorrect value |
BMW | P1394 | Ionisation signal — high voltage |
BMW | P142E | Fuel cut-off — fuel pressure too low in the high pressure circuit |
BMW | P1447 | Fuel tank leakage diagnostic unit — pump current too high when checking |
BMW | P1712 | Electronic gearbox control unit — control unit monitoring |
BMW | P1740 | E / m torque converter lock-up clutch pressure control valve — range / performance |
BMW | P3110 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 3 — High Input |
BMW | P3126 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 7 — High Input |
BMW | P0241 | Low signal level from the turbine sensor «B» |
BMW | F64 | Ignition Timing Intervention |
BMW | P0701 | Transmission control system out of range |
BMW | P1102 | Idle speed control drive — low signal |
BMW | P112E | Intake Manifold Pressure / Throttle Angle — Signal Correlation Low |
BMW | P115E | Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 — Impossible Signal Bank 1 |
BMW | P1367 | Ignition coil B, primary / secondary winding — low signal level |
BMW | P1401 | Differential Pressure Feedback EGR (DPFE) sensor circuit high voltage detected |
BMW | P16B1 | ECM Self Test — Idle Air Control System — Malfunction |
BMW | P171C | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P1585 | Accidental / multiple misfires (ignitions) |
BMW | P1885 | Select gear, 5-6 — high input level |
BMW | P3028 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1, Bank 1 — Not Activated |
BMW | P3248 | Torque Control Request — Signal Too High |
BMW | U1142 | Throttle Actuator Bank 1 — Request Control, Self Test |
BMW | P0440 | Malfunction of the control of the gasoline vapor recovery system |
BMW | P0507 | Idle Air Control Malfunction — High RPM |
BMW | P0567 | Cruise Control Resume Signal Malfunction |
BMW | P0283 | Cylinder nozzle 8 — open circuit or short circuit to + 12V |
BMW | P0112 | Low intake air temperature sensor |
BMW | P110D | Throttle Position A / V Sensor — Range / Performance Bank 1 |
BMW | P128E | NOx sensor, bank 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1339 | Camshaft position sensor B, bank 1 — incorrect phase setting |
BMW | P0182 | Low signal level of the fuel temperature sensor «A» |
BMW | P1681 | Checking the traction control system — an error in the calculation of the speed |
BMW | P1525 | Intake Camshaft Position Control System, Bank 1 — ECM Output Stage |
BMW | P1556 | Air conditioning compressor — low signal level |
BMW | P1593 | Э / м valve of the system of changing the geometry of the intake manifold — the output stage of the electronic engine control unit |
BMW | P1896 | Э / м pressure control valve — supply voltage circuit malfunction |
BMW | P3039 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 Lean / Rich |
BMW | P3271 | Mass air flow (MAF) sensor, bank 2 — high input |
BMW | U114E | Torque control 2 — no communication |
BMW | P0550 | Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P0578 | Cruise Control Related Malfunction |
BMW | P0294 | Cylinder 12 injector — short to ground |
BMW | P1087 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 — Lean — Slow Acting |
BMW | P1119 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 — Slow Switch |
BMW | P1305 | Cylinder 5 — misfire (ignition) |
BMW | P1350 | Misfire during start-up — cylinder 5 |
BMW | P1634 | Throttle Adaptation Bank 1 — Failed Spring Return Test |
BMW | P1690 | Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1530 | Variable Valve Timing Actuator B, Bank 1 — High Signal |
BMW | P1569 | Camshaft timing system drive A, bank 2 — open circuit |
BMW | P17F9 | Gear selection, 4-2 — gear ratio control |
BMW | P1860 | Shift lever position sensor — incorrect signal |
BMW | P3174 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 9 — High Input |
BMW | P322C | Barometric Pressure Sensor Bank 2 — High Input |
BMW | P0406 | High signal level of the sensor «A» of the exhaust gas recirculation system |
BMW | P0466 | Purge air flow sensor signal out of range |
BMW | P0262 | Cylinder nozzle 1 — open circuit or short circuit to + 12V |
BMW | P1031 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Control Circuit Bank 1 — Wrong Direction of Rotation |
BMW | P1072 | Variable valve timing (VVT) control unit, bank 2 — internal malfunction |
BMW | P1224 | Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1247 | Atmospheric pressure — invalid signal |
BMW | P1625 | Accelerator pedal position sensor 2 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1504 | Idle speed control system actuator, closing winding — open circuit |
BMW | P153E | Idle Speed Control Actuator, Bank 2 — Signal Correlation |
BMW | P176E | Gear selection, 6-7 — low input signal |
BMW | P1790 | Electronic gearbox control unit — EPROM error |
BMW | P3151 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 2 — short circuit |
BMW | P3184 | High pressure direct injection control unit, bank 1 — communication error |
BMW | P0354 | Malfunction of a primary / secondary circuit of the ignition coil «D» |
BMW | F100 | Output Amplifier Stage |
BMW | P0748 | Pressure Control Solenoid Electrical |
BMW | P1001 | Key On Engine Running (KOER) Self-Test not able to complete. KOER aborted |
BMW | P119D | Fuel balance, bank 1 — adaptation value too high |
BMW | P0113 | High level of the intake air temperature sensor |
BMW | P143A | Ozone catalytic converter (temperature sensor) — malfunction |
BMW | P1456 | Heated Catalytic Converter Heater Bank 1 — Power Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P174B | Shift solenoid A / B — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P177A | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P311B | High pressure direct injection cylinder 3 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P3131 | Direct injection of high pressure, cylinder 8 — incorrect signal |
BMW | U115A | Torque Management 3 — Demand Control, Self Test |
BMW | P0712 | Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Input |
BMW | P0758 | Shift Solenoid B Electrical |
BMW | P1139 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 2 Bank 1 — High Voltage |
BMW | P116D | Air flow sensor (MAF) — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1375 | Ionization signal, bank 2 — control circuit — open circuit |
BMW | P140C | Exhaust Air System Bank 1 & 2 — Insufficient Flow Detected |
BMW | P16C2 | ECM Self Test — Engine Speed Limit Monitoring |
BMW | P1728 | Exceeding the permissible crankshaft speed — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1756 | Shift Lever X Position — Gear Selection Error |
BMW | P0196 | Engine oil temperature sensor signal out of range |
BMW | P0208 | Malfunction of a control circuit of an injector No. 8 |
BMW | P313C | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 7 — open circuit |
BMW | P0328 | High signal level of the knock sensor No. 1 |
BMW | U116B | Electronic control unit for the cruise control system — no connection |
BMW | P0723 | Output Speed Sensor Intermittent |
BMW | P0769 | Shift Solenoid D Intermittent |
BMW | P1145 | Solenoid Valve Running Losses Control Circuit Electrical |
BMW | P1179 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 — Slow Switch |
BMW | P1387 | Ionization Signal Bank 1 — Low Input |
BMW | P1418 | Э / м valve of the air supply system to the outlet — malfunction |
BMW | P1708 | Traction control system control — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1733 | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P1600 | ECM — RAM memory error |
BMW | P3008 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 — Low Input After Cold Start |
BMW | P3106 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 2 — High Input |
BMW | U110F | Electronic control unit for traction control — no communication, torque reduction signal |
BMW | P0230 | Malfunction of the primary fuel pump control circuit (fuel pump relay control) |
BMW | F48 | Air-Conditioner Compressor Cut-Out Relay |
BMW | P0608 | Control Module VSS Output “A” Malfunction |
BMW | P0308 | Misfire detected in cylinder # 8 |
BMW | P1098 | Heated oxygen sensor 2, bank 2 — mixture monitoring, slow response |
BMW | P1124 | Intake manifold differential pressure sensor, bank 1 — control circuit |
BMW | P1315 | Camshaft position sensor A, bank 1 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P135C | Knock sensor 2, bank 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P163F | ECM — ADC Monitoring — Impossible Signal |
BMW | P16A1 | Electronic engine control unit — internal malfunction, checksum error |
BMW | P1574 | Electronic engine control unit, sensor supply circuit B — high output signal |
BMW | P1814 | Transmission output speed sensor — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1871 | Select gear, 2-1 — high input level |
BMW | P3018 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 — Ratio Control System Malfunction |
BMW | P3237 | Control Unit Monitoring — Fuel Balance Error (FT) |
BMW | U112B | Instrument Cluster Control Unit — No Communication |
BMW | P0420 | The efficiency of the catalyst system B1 is below the permissible threshold |
BMW | P0477 | Low signal level of the valve of the sensor of pressure of exhaust gases |
BMW | P0273 | Cylinder 5 injector — short to ground |
BMW | P1045 | Variable valve timing (VVT) control unit, bank 2 — RAM error |
BMW | P0100 | Air flow sensor circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1271 | Ambient Air Pressure Sensor Electrical |
BMW | P1329 | Knock sensor 3 — low input |
BMW | P0172 | Too rich mixture |
BMW | P1654 | CAN data bus signal — latency |
BMW | P1515 | Built-in engine shutdown timer |
BMW | P1549 | Idle Speed Control, Bank 2 — RPM Too High |
BMW | P17E4 | Torque Converter Clutch D — Gear Ratio Control |
BMW | P1830 | Э / м pressure control valve of the working fluid of the check point — malfunction |
BMW | P315C | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 11 — open circuit |
BMW | P3197 | Coolant temperature sensor, radiator outlet — malfunction |
BMW | F23 | Ignition Fault – Cylinder 2 |
BMW | P1012 | Variable valve timing system, bank 1 — support circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1051 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Control Circuit Bank 2 — High |
BMW | P1202 | Fuel Balance Out of Adaptation Range Bank 2 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P0131 | Low signal of the oxygen sensor 1 (Bank 1) |
BMW | P160E | Voltage regulation — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P0143 | Low level of the output signal of the oxygen sensor 3 (Bank 1) |
BMW | P1468 | Heated Catalyst Battery Disconnecting Switch Plausibility |
BMW | P1526 | Intake Camshaft Position Control System, Bank 2 — ECM Output Stage |
BMW | P1558 | Throttle actuator — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P17EF | Gear selection, 2-1 — gear ratio control |
BMW | P1845 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve E — low signal level |
BMW | P3167 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 7 — low input |
BMW | P3214 | CAN data bus monitoring — traction control self-test error |
BMW | P0386 | Crankshaft position sensor signal «B» out of range |
BMW | P0452 | Low level signal of the gasoline vapor pressure sensor |
BMW | P0252 | Signal injection pump turbine «A» out of range |
BMW | P1023 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Bank 1 — Adaptive Learning |
BMW | P105C | Variable valve timing (VVT) motor — mechanical failure |
BMW | P120F | Brake booster vacuum pump — low signal |
BMW | P1234 | Fuel pump relay, primary circuit — signal low |
BMW | P161B | Fuel tank vent valve — low input |
BMW | P0156 | Oxygen sensor 2 (bank 2) defective |
BMW | P1479 | High Fan Control primary circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1762 | Shift Interlock Solenoid Valve — High Input |
BMW | P177C | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P0219 | Engine Overspeed Condition |
BMW | P3147 | Direct injection of high pressure, cylinder 12 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P0339 | Intermittent signal DPKV «A» |
BMW | P0735 | Gear 5 Incorrect ratio |
BMW | P0785 | Shift/Timing Solenoid Malfunction |
BMW | P1155 | Heated oxygen sensor 2, bank 2 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1191 | Fuel balance before catalytic converter, bank 2 — incorrect value |
BMW | P142F | Fuel cut-off — fuel pressure too low in the low pressure circuit |
BMW | P1448 | Fuel tank leak diagnostic unit — pump amperage too low |
BMW | P1713 | Electronic gearbox control unit — control unit monitoring |
BMW | P1741 | Э / м pressure control valve of the torque converter lock-up clutch — open circuit |
BMW | P3111 | Direct injection of high pressure, cylinder 3 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P3127 | Direct injection of high pressure, cylinder 7 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P0242 | High signal level from the turbine sensor «B» |
BMW | F67 | Crankshaft Pulse Generator |
BMW | P0702 | Transmission Control System Electrical |
BMW | P112F | Intake Manifold Pressure / Throttle Angle — Signal Correlation High |
BMW | P115F | Throttle Position A / B Sensor, Bank 1 — Correlation |
BMW | P1368 | Ionization Signal Bank 2 — Low Input |
BMW | P1402 | Heated Catalyst Power Switch Overtemperature Condition (Bank 1) |
BMW | P16B2 | ECM Self Test — Idle Air Control System — Malfunction |
BMW | P171D | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P1589 | Knock sensor (s), bank 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1886 | Gear selection, 5-6 — malfunction |
BMW | P3029 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 No Response |
BMW | P3249 | Fuel rail pressure sensor, bank 2 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | U1143 | Throttle Actuator Bank 1 — Request Control, Internal Memory Error |
BMW | P0510 | Closed Throttle Position Switch Malfunction |
BMW | P0568 | Cruise Control Set Signal Malfunction |
BMW | P0284 | Cylinder 8 injector — injector driver malfunction |
BMW | P1076 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Bank 1 — Overload Protection — Overheat Condition |
BMW | P110F | Ambient air temperature sensor — CAN data bus malfunction |
BMW | P1290 | Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) sensor circuit high input |
BMW | P1340 | Multiple misfiring at start-up |
BMW | P0183 | High signal level of the fuel temperature sensor «A» |
BMW | P1682 | Electronic Throttle Control System Control Level 2/3 — Incorrect Idle Speed |
BMW | P16C3 | Self-test of the electronic engine control unit — reset the crankshaft speed limit |
BMW | P1729 | 4?4 Low switch error |
BMW | P1594 | Camshaft timing system drive B, bank 2 — open circuit |
BMW | P1897 | Sensor Reference Voltage — High |
BMW | P3040 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 2 Bank 1 Lean / Rich |
BMW | P3272 | Mass air flow (MAF) sensor, bank 2 — low input |
BMW | U114F | Torque Control 2 — Request Supervision, Checksum Error |
BMW | P0551 | Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance |
BMW | P0579 | Cruise Control Related Malfunction |
BMW | P0295 | Cylinder nozzle 12 — open circuit or short circuit to + 12V |
BMW | P1088 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1, Bank 1 — Rich, Slow Acting |
BMW | P111A | Mass Air Flow (MAF) / (VAF) Sensor Bank 1 — Heated Oxygen Sensor Correlation |
BMW | P1306 | Cylinder 6 — misfire (ignition) |
BMW | P1351 | Misfire with Fuel Cut — Cylinder 5 |
BMW | P1635 | Throttle adaptation — mechanical stop not adjusted |
BMW | P1691 | Electronic Throttle Control System Control Level 2/3 — Throttle Motor Control Malfunction |
BMW | P1531 | Variable valve timing system actuator B, bank 1 — open circuit |
BMW | P156A | Throttle valve adaptation, bank 1 — signal monitoring system malfunction |
BMW | P17FA | Gear selection, 3-1 — gear ratio control |
BMW | P1861 | Gear selection, 2-1 — malfunction |
BMW | P3175 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 10 — short circuit |
BMW | P322D | Barometric Pressure Sensor Bank 2 — Low Input |
BMW | P0407 | Low signal level of the sensor «B» of the exhaust gas recirculation system |
BMW | P0467 | Low signal level of the sensor of a flow of air of a purge |
BMW | P0263 | Cylinder 1 injector — injector driver malfunction |
BMW | P1032 | Fuel control valve — malfunction, bank 2 |
BMW | P1075 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) System Bank 1 — Overload Protection — Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P1225 | Throttle position sensor, bank 2 — high input |
BMW | P1249 | Э / м fuel pressure regulator valve, bank 1 — open circuit |
BMW | P1626 | B(+) supply to Variable Load Control Module (VCLM) Air Condition (A / C) circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1505 | Idle Air Control (IAC) system at adaptive clip |
BMW | P153F | Idle Speed Control Actuator, Bank 2 — Reset Error |
BMW | P176F | Gear selection, 6-7 — impossible signal |
BMW | P1791 | Electronic gearbox control unit — EEPROM error |
BMW | P3152 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 2 — low input |
BMW | P3185 | High pressure direct injection control unit, bank 2 — communication error |
BMW | P0355 | Malfunction of a primary / secondary circuit of the ignition coil «E» |
BMW | F12 | Throttle Potentiometer |
BMW | P0749 | Pressure Control Solenoid Intermittent |
BMW | P1004 | Variable valve timing system, bank 1 — sensor circuit malfunction |
BMW | P119E | Fuel balance, bank 2 — adaptation value too low |
BMW | P0115 | Coolant temperature sensor malfunction |
BMW | P143B | Ozone catalytic converter (temperature sensor) — malfunction |
BMW | P1457 | Heated catalytic converter heater temperature sensor, bank 1 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P174C | Gear selection, 5-3 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P177B | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P311C | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 3 — open circuit |
BMW | P3132 | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 9 — open circuit |
BMW | U115B | Torque control 3 — no communication |
BMW | P0713 | Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit High Input |
BMW | P0759 | Shift Solenoid B Intermittent |
BMW | P113A | Air flow sensor (MAF) / (VAF) 1 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P116E | Air flow sensor (MAF) — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1376 | Ignition coil 4 — ionization current error |
BMW | P140D | Э / м valve for supplying air to the outlet — electrical circuit malfunction |
BMW | P0144 | High level of the output signal of the oxygen sensor 3 (Bank 1) |
BMW | P1469 | Low air conditioning cycling period |
BMW | P1757 | Gear shift actuator — malfunction |
BMW | P0197 | Low signal of the sensor of temperature of oil in the engine |
BMW | P0209 | Malfunction of a control circuit of an injector No. 9 |
BMW | P313D | High pressure direct injection cylinder 8 — short circuit / high input |
BMW | P0329 | Intermittent signal level of the knock sensor No. 1 |
BMW | U116C | Electronic control unit for cruise control — request control, checksum error |
BMW | P0724 | Torque Converter/Brake Switch B Circuit High |
BMW | P0770 | Shift Solenoid E Malfunction |
BMW | P1149 | Heated oxygen sensor 2, bank 2 — signal too high |
BMW | P117E | Throttle Position A / B Sensor, Bank 2 — Correlation |
BMW | P1388 | Ionization signal, bank 2 — no signal |
BMW | P1419 | Mass air flow (MAF) sensor 2 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1709 | Traction control system control — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1734 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid B — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1601 | ECM Box Temperature High |
BMW | P3009 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 — Low Input After Cold Start |
BMW | P3107 | Direct injection of high pressure, cylinder 2 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P0231 | Permanent low level of the secondary circuit of the fuel pump |
BMW | F5 | Injector Valve — Cylinder 2 |
BMW | P0609 | Control Module VSS Output “B” Malfunction |
BMW | P0309 | Misfire detected in cylinder # 9 |
BMW | P1099 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) System — Home / End Position Comparison — Circuit Malfunction Bank 2 |
BMW | P1125 | Throttle Position A / B Sensor — Range / Performance, Slight Deviation |
BMW | P1316 | Camshaft position sensor A, bank 1 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P135D | Knock sensor 5 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1395 | Ionisation signal — open circuit |
BMW | P1640 | Electronic engine control unit — RAM / ROM malfunction |
BMW | P16A2 | Electronic engine control unit — internal malfunction, checksum error |
BMW | P1575 | Electronic engine control unit, sensor supply circuit B — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1872 | Select gear, 3-2 — high input level |
BMW | P3019 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 — Ratio Control System Malfunction |
BMW | P3238 | ECU self-test — clock generator malfunction |
BMW | U112E | Accelerator pedal position sensor — no communication |
BMW | P0421 | The efficiency of heating catalysts B1 is below the permissible threshold |
BMW | P0478 | High level of signal of the valve of the sensor of pressure of exhaust gases |
BMW | P0274 | Cylinder nozzle 5 — open circuit or short circuit to + 12V |
BMW | P1046 | Variable valve timing (VVT) control unit, bank 2 — ROM error |
BMW | P0101 | Signal output of the air flow sensor from the permissible range |
BMW | P1103 | Idle Speed Control Actuator — High Signal |
BMW | P1280 | Auxiliary Air Injector System — Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P1330 | Knock Sensor 3 — High Input |
BMW | P0173 | Leakage of fuel from the fuel system of the block of cylinders No. 2 |
BMW | P165F | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 1 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1516 | Heater Control Thermostat Circuit — Range / Performance |
BMW | P154C | Throttle Actuator, Bank 1 — Signal Incorrect |
BMW | P17E5 | Torque Converter Clutch E — Gear Ratio Control |
BMW | P1831 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve A — high signal level |
BMW | P315D | High pressure direct injection cylinder 12 — short circuit / high input |
BMW | P3198 | Coolant temperature sensor — malfunction |
BMW | P0441 | Poor purging of the gasoline vapor recovery system |
BMW | F24 | Ignition Fault – Cylinder 3 |
BMW | P1013 | Variable Valve Timing System, Bank 1 — Reference Circuit Restart Error |
BMW | P1052 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Control Circuit Bank 2 — Low Input |
BMW | P1203 | Fuel Balance Out of Adaptation Range Bank 2 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P0132 | High signal of the oxygen sensor 1 (Bank 1) |
BMW | P1610 | Heated catalytic converter heater ECM — communication failure |
BMW | P0185 | Malfunction of the fuel temperature sensor circuit «B» |
BMW | P1683 | Electronic Throttle Control System Control Level 2/3 — Incorrect Idle Speed |
BMW | P1527 | Camshaft Timing System Actuator A, Bank 2 — Low Signal |
BMW | P155C | Throttle Actuator, Bank 2 — Signal Incorrect |
BMW | P17F0 | Torque Converter A / D Clutch — Gear Ratio Control |
BMW | P1846 | Torque Converter Clutch — Signal Low |
BMW | P3168 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 7 — High Input |
BMW | P3216 | CAN data bus, malfunction — CAN data bus signal not received in time |
BMW | P0387 | Low level or short to ground DPKV «V» |
BMW | P0453 | High level signal of the gasoline vapor pressure sensor |
BMW | P0253 | Low signal of the injection pump turbine «A» |
BMW | P1024 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Bank 1 — Adaptive Learning |
BMW | P105D | Intake air temperature sensor — voltage too low |
BMW | P1216 | Fuel pump — in emergency mode |
BMW | P1235 | Fuel Pump control out of Self – Test range |
BMW | P161C | Fuel tank vent valve — open circuit |
BMW | P0157 | Low level of the output signal of the oxygen sensor 2 (Bank 2) |
BMW | P1480 | Fan secondary low with low fan on |
BMW | P1763 | Shift Interlock Solenoid Valve — Low Input |
BMW | P1780 | CAN data bus, torque reduction — malfunction |
BMW | P0220 | Malfunction of the throttle position sensor «B» |
BMW | P3148 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P0340 | Camshaft sensor malfunction |
BMW | P0736 | Reverse incorrect gear ratio |
BMW | P0786 | Shift/Timing Solenoid Range/Performance |
BMW | P1156 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 2 Bank 2 — Voltage Low |
BMW | P1192 | Fuel balance before catalytic converter, bank 1 — incorrect value |
BMW | P1430 | Fuel Tank Leak Diagnostic Unit — Low Heater Output Signal |
BMW | P1449 | Fuel Tank Leak Diagnostic Unit — Pump Amperage Too High |
BMW | P1714 | Electronic gearbox control unit — control unit monitoring |
BMW | P1742 | Torque converter lockup clutch pressure control solenoid valve — short circuit |
BMW | P3112 | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 4 — open circuit |
BMW | P3128 | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 8 — open circuit |
BMW | P0243 | Malfunction of the solenoid valve of the exhaust gas turbine «A» |
BMW | F70 | Oxygen Sensor (Lambda Probe) |
BMW | P0703 | Torque Converter/Brake Switch B Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P1130 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 2, Bank 1 — Dynamic Test Abnormal |
BMW | P1160 | Fuel Balance Bank 2 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1369 | Ionization signal, bank 2 — no signal |
BMW | P1403 | E / m fuel vapor accumulator valve, bank 2 — electrical circuit malfunction |
BMW | P16B3 | ECU Self Test — Torque Monitoring |
BMW | P171E | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P158A | Idle speed control system drive, bank 1 — emergency operation |
BMW | P1887 | Transmission hydraulic pressure pump — malfunction |
BMW | P3030 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 1 — adaptation value too high |
BMW | P3250 | Fuel rail pressure sensor, bank 2 — low input |
BMW | U1144 | NOx sensor, bank 1 — no communication |
BMW | P0520 | Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P0569 | Cruise Control Coast Signal Malfunction |
BMW | P0285 | Cylinder 9 injector — short to ground |
BMW | P1077 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Motor, Bank 1 — Overload Protection — Overheat Condition |
BMW | P1110 | Switch over valve solenoid |
BMW | P1299 | Engine over temperature condition |
BMW | P1341 | Multiple misfires during fuel cutoff |
BMW | P1378 | ECM Self Test — Bank 2 Knock Control Fault |
BMW | P140E | Fuel cutoff — fuel level too low |
BMW | P16C5 | Engine control relay — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P172A | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P1595 | ECM, bank 2 — internal malfunction, checksum error |
BMW | P1898 | Sensor Reference Voltage — Low |
BMW | P3041 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 2 Bank 2 Lean / Rich |
BMW | P3283 | Fuel manifold pressure sensor, bank 1 — fuel consumption signal out of range |
BMW | U1150 | Multifunctional control unit — request control, checksum error |
BMW | P0552 | Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input |
BMW | P0580 | Cruise Control Related Malfunction |
BMW | P0296 | Cylinder 12 injector — injector driver malfunction |
BMW | P1089 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1, Bank 2 — Lean, Slow Acting |
BMW | P111B | Mass Air Flow (MAF) / (VAF) Sensor Bank 1 — Heated Oxygen Sensor Correlation |
BMW | P1307 | Cylinder 7 — misfire (ignition) |
BMW | P1352 | Misfire during start-up — cylinder 6 |
BMW | P1636 | Throttle control circuit, bank 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1692 | Electronic Throttle Control System Control Level 2/3 — Throttle Motor / Fuel Cutoff Control |
BMW | P1532 | Camshaft timing system drive B, bank 2 — open circuit |
BMW | P156B | Throttle adaptation, bank 1 — adaptation error |
BMW | P1800 | Input speed / gear selection — signal correlation |
BMW | P1862 | Gear selection, 3-2 — malfunction |
BMW | P3176 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 10 — low input |
BMW | P322E | Atmospheric pressure sensor, bank 2 — incorrect value of the maximum pressure |
BMW | U1110 | Electronic control unit for traction control — request monitoring, torque reduction signal — checksum error |
BMW | P0408 | High signal level of the sensor «B» of the exhaust gas recirculation system |
BMW | P0468 | High signal level of the purge air flow sensor |
BMW | P0264 | Cylinder 2 injector — short to ground |
BMW | P103A | Variable valve timing system, bank 1 — signal too high |
BMW | F73 | Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) |
BMW | P1226 | Electronic Throttle Control (ETS) System — Malfunction |
BMW | P124C | NOx sensor, bank 1 — no signal to turn on |
BMW | P1628 | Throttle Actuator — Spring Return Test Failed, Bank 1 |
BMW | P1506 | Idle speed control system actuator, opening winding — high signal level |
BMW | P1540 | Pedal Position Sensor |
BMW | P1770 | CAN data bus — torque transmission control circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1792 | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P1815 | Steering wheel select switch — low signal |
BMW | P3153 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 2 — High Input |
BMW | P3186 | Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor, bank 2 — low input |
BMW | P0356 | Malfunction of the primary / secondary circuit of the ignition coil «F» |
BMW | F16 | Ignition Reference Pulse Generator |
BMW | P0750 | Shift Solenoid A MalfunctionP |
BMW | P1005 | Variable valve timing system, bank 1 — sensor circuit reset error |
BMW | P11A0 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 — Slow Response After Fuel Cut |
BMW | P0116 | Signal output of the coolant temperature sensor from the permissible range |
BMW | P1603 | ECU Self Test — Torque Monitoring |
BMW | P143C | Ozone catalytic converter temperature sensor / coolant temperature sensor, radiator outlet — correlation |
BMW | P1459 | Heated Catalytic Converter Heater Bank 2 — Power Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P174D | Select gear, 5-3 — high input level |
BMW | P0186 | Fuel temperature sensor signal «B» out of range |
BMW | P311D | High pressure direct injection cylinder 4 — short circuit / high input |
BMW | P3133 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 9 — low input |
BMW | U115C | Torque Control 3 — Request Supervision, Checksum Error |
BMW | P0714 | Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent |
BMW | P0760 | Shift Solenoid C Malfunction |
BMW | P113B | Air flow sensor (MAF) / (VAF) 1 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1170 | Fuel balance after catalytic converter, bank 2 — incorrect value |
BMW | P1611 | Electronic gearbox control unit — communication fault |
BMW | P0145 | Slow response of oxygen sensor 3 (bank 1) for enrichment / depletion |
BMW | P1470 | Э / м fuel vapor accumulator valve — output stage of the electronic engine control unit |
BMW | P1758 | Shift Lever Y Position — Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P0198 | High signal of the sensor of temperature of oil in the engine |
BMW | P0210 | Malfunction of a control circuit of an injector No. 10 |
BMW | P313E | High pressure direct injection cylinder 8 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P0330 | Malfunction of the knock sensor circuit No. 2 |
BMW | U116D | Wheel speed sensor — no signal |
BMW | P0725 | Engine Speed input Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P0771 | Shift Solenoid E Performance or Stuck Off |
BMW | P114A | Fuel balance after catalytic converter, bank 1 — incorrect value |
BMW | P1180 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 2, Bank 1 — Slow Response |
BMW | P1389 | Ignition coil 5 — ionization current error |
BMW | P1420 | Э / м valve for supplying air to the outlet — electrical circuit malfunction |
BMW | P170A | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve A — malfunction |
BMW | P1735 | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P1602 | Self-test of the electronic engine control unit — malfunction |
BMW | P3010 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 2 Bank 1 — Low Input After Cold Start |
BMW | P3108 | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 3 — open circuit |
BMW | P0232 | Constant high level of the secondary circuit of the fuel pump |
BMW | F50 | Ignition Fault – Cylinder 4 |
BMW | P0620 | Generator Control Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P0310 | Misfire detected in cylinder # 10 |
BMW | P10A5 | Injectors, bank 1 — initialization error |
BMW | P1126 | Throttle Position A / B Sensor — Range / Performance Large Deviation |
BMW | P1317 | Actuator B Camshaft Position Changes — Range / Performance |
BMW | P135E | Knock sensor 6 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1396 | Crankshaft position sensor / crankshaft speed sensor 1/2 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1643 | Throttle Actuator — Signal Impossible |
BMW | P16A3 | Electronic engine control unit — internal malfunction, memory error |
BMW | P157A | Throttle valve adaptation, bank 2 — signal monitoring system malfunction |
BMW | P1873 | Select gear, 4-3 — high input level |
BMW | P3020 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 — Signal Voltage Incorrect |
BMW | P323A | Barometric pressure sensor, bank 2 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | U1131 | Multifunctional control unit — no communication |
BMW | P0422 | The efficiency of the main catalyst B1 is below the acceptable threshold |
BMW | P0479 | Intermittent signal level of the exhaust pressure sensor valve |
BMW | P0275 | Cylinder 5 injector — injector driver malfunction |
BMW | P1047 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Control Circuit Bank 1 — High |
BMW | P0102 | Low output signal of the air flow sensor |
BMW | P1104 | Differential pressure sensor in the intake manifold, bank 1 — low signal |
BMW | P1281 | Э / м fuel pressure regulator valve, bank 2 — low level of an input signal |
BMW | P1331 | Camshaft Position Sensor B, Bank 1 — Phase Synchronization Reference Point Out of Range |
BMW | P0174 | # 2 Cylinder Block Too Lean |
BMW | P1663 | Electronic immobilizer control unit — incorrect coding |
BMW | P1517 | Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) input error (Bank # 2) |
BMW | P154D | Throttle Actuator, Bank 1 — Signal Incorrect |
BMW | P17E6 | Gear selection, 1-2 — gear ratio control |
BMW | P1832 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve B — high signal level |
BMW | P315E | High pressure direct injection cylinder 12 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P3199 | Coolant temperature — constant signal |
BMW | P0442 | Small leak in the gasoline vapor recovery system |
BMW | F25 | Ignition Fault – Cylinder 1 |
BMW | P1014 | Camshaft timing system, bank 1 — reference circuit parity error |
BMW | P1053 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) System Control Circuit Bank 2 — Circuit Short |
BMW | P1204 | Heated oxygen sensor 2, bank 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P0133 | Slow response of oxygen sensor 1 (bank 1) for enrichment / depletion |
BMW | P129B | Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor, Bank 1 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1342 | Misfire during start-up — cylinder 1 |
BMW | P162A | Throttle Actuator — Spring Return Check Error, Bank 2 |
BMW | P1684 | Electronic throttle control system, control level 2/3 — malfunction |
BMW | P1528 | Camshaft Timing System Actuator A, Bank 2 — High Signal |
BMW | P155D | Throttle Actuator, Bank 2 — Signal Incorrect |
BMW | P17F1 | Torque Converter A / C Clutch — Gear Ratio Control |
BMW | P1848 | Automatic transmission selector position sensor — incorrect signal |
BMW | P3169 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 8 — short circuit |
BMW | P3217 | CAN Data Bus Monitor — Impossible Signal |
BMW | P0388 | High level or short circuit to + 12V DPKV «V» |
BMW | P0454 | Intermittent level signal of the gasoline vapor pressure sensor |
BMW | P0254 | High signal of the injection pump turbine «A» |
BMW | P1025 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Bank 1 — Adaptive Learning — Positions Not Stored |
BMW | P1060 | Variable valve timing (VVT) motor, bank 2 — supply voltage circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1218 | Throttle position sensor, bank 2 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1236 | Fuel pump relay, primary circuit — high |
BMW | P161D | Throttle Adaptation Bank 2 — Failed Spring Return Test |
BMW | P0158 | High level of the output signal of the oxygen sensor 2 (Bank 2) |
BMW | P1481 | Fan secondary low with high fan on |
BMW | P1764 | Shift lock solenoid valve — open circuit |
BMW | P1781 | 4?4 Low switch out of Self – Test range |
BMW | P0221 | Throttle position sensor signal «B» out of range |
BMW | P3149 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 1 — low input |
BMW | P0341 | Camshaft sensor signal out of range |
BMW | P0740 | Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Malfuction |
BMW | P0787 | Shift/Timing Solenoid Low |
BMW | P1157 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 2 Bank 2 — High Voltage |
BMW | P1193 | Fuel balance before catalytic converter, bank 2 — incorrect value |
BMW | P1431 | Fuel Tank Leak Diagnostic Unit — Heater High Output Signal |
BMW | P144A | Fuel level / fuel tank capacity — ratio |
BMW | P1715 | Gearbox — hydraulic pressure control |
BMW | P1743 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve E — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P3113 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 4 — low input |
BMW | P3129 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 8 — low input |
BMW | P0244 | Turbine exhaust gas shutter solenoid signal «A» out of add. range |
BMW | P0554 | Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Intermittent |
BMW | P0704 | Clutch Switch Input Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P1131 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 2, Bank 2 — Dynamic Test Abnormal |
BMW | P1161 | Fuel Balance Bank 2 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P136D | Ignition coil 1 — ionization current error |
BMW | P1404 | Heated Catalyst Current too High during Heating (Bank 2) |
BMW | P16B4 | ECU self-test — cruise control distance monitoring |
BMW | P171F | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P158B | Idle speed control system actuator, bank 1 — diagnostic error |
BMW | P1888 | CAN data bus signal not received on time, instrument cluster — abnormal deactivation of the selector lock |
BMW | P3031 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 2 — adaptation value too high |
BMW | P3251 | Fuel rail pressure sensor, bank 2 — high input |
BMW | U1146 | Idle speed control system drive, bank 2 — no communication |
BMW | P0521 | Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit Range/Performance |
BMW | P0570 | Cruise Control Accel Signal Malfunction |
BMW | P0286 | Cylinder nozzle 9 — open circuit or short circuit to + 12V |
BMW | P1078 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Motor, Bank 1 — Overload Protection — Input High |
BMW | P1111 | Coolant temperature sensor, radiator outlet — malfunction |
BMW | P1379 | ECM Self Test — Bank 2 Knock Control Fault |
BMW | P1410 | Fuel level — impossible signal |
BMW | P1700 | Input / Output Shaft Speed Ratio Error — Incorrect Signal |
BMW | P172B | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P1596 | ECM, bank 2 — internal malfunction, CAN data bus signal not received on time |
BMW | P3000 | Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor — Signal Higher Than Expected |
BMW | P3090 | Pressure in the fuel manifold, fuel consumption control — incorrect value of the minimum pressure |
BMW | P3284 | Fuel Manifold Pressure Sensor, Bank 1 — Signal Impossible |
BMW | U1151 | Throttle Actuator Bank 2 — No Communication |
BMW | P0553 | Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input |
BMW | P0600 | Serial Communication Link Malfunction |
BMW | P0300 | Random / Multiple Misfire Detected |
BMW | P1090 | Fuel balance before catalytic converter, bank 1 — incorrect value |
BMW | P111C | Mass Air Flow (MAF) / (VAF) Sensor Bank 2 — Heated Oxygen Sensor Correlation |
BMW | P1308 | Cylinder 8 — misfire (ignition) |
BMW | P1353 | Misfire with Fuel Cut — Cylinder 6 |
BMW | P1637 | Throttle Control — Control Deviation, Bank 1 |
BMW | P1693 | Electronic Throttle Control System Control Level 2/3 — Throttle Motor / Fuel Cutoff Control |
BMW | P1533 | Variable Valve Timing Actuator B, Bank 2 — Low Input |
BMW | P156C | Throttle Adaptation Bank 1 — Control Deviation |
BMW | P1801 | Shift Solenoid A — Low Input |
BMW | P1863 | Gear selection, 4-3 — malfunction |
BMW | P3177 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 10 — High Input |
BMW | P322F | Atmospheric pressure sensor, bank 2 — incorrect value of the minimum pressure |
BMW | U1111 | Transmission Control Unit SMT — Demand Control, Torque Reduction Signal — Self Test |
BMW | P0410 | Malfunction of the secondary air supply system |
BMW | P0469 | Intermittent signal level of the purge air flow sensor |
BMW | P0265 | Cylinder nozzle 2 — open circuit or short circuit to + 12V |
BMW | P103C | Variable Valve Timing Actuator, Intake, Bank 1 — Overheat Condition |
BMW | F76 | Idle CO Potentiometer |
BMW | P1227 | Throttle position sensor, bank 2 — range / performance |
BMW | P124D | NOx sensor, bank 1 — no signal |
BMW | P1629 | Throttle Actuator — Spring Return Test Failed, Bank 1 |
BMW | P1507 | Idle speed control system actuator, opening winding — low signal level |
BMW | P1541 | Fuel pump relay control circuit, open |
BMW | P1771 | CAN data bus, torque transmission control circuit malfunction — signal impossible |
BMW | P1793 | Traction control control — overheating condition |
BMW | P1816 | Steering wheel select switch — low signal |
BMW | P3154 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 3 — short circuit |
BMW | P3187 | Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor, bank 2 — high input |
BMW | P0357 | Malfunction of a primary / secondary circuit of the ignition coil «G» |
BMW | F18 | Output Stage |
BMW | P0751 | Shift Solenoid A PerformanceP or Stuck Off |
BMW | P1006 | Variable valve timing system, bank 1 — sensor circuit parity error |
BMW | P11A1 | Throttle position sensor, bank 1 — high input |
BMW | P0117 | Low coolant temperature sensor |
BMW | P1604 | ECU self-test — engine speed monitoring |
BMW | P143E | Ozone catalytic converter temperature sensor — malfunction |
BMW | P1460 | Heated catalytic converter heater temperature sensor, bank 1 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P174E | Gear selection, 5-3 — low input signal |
BMW | P0187 | Low signal level of the fuel temperature sensor «B» |
BMW | P311E | High pressure direct injection cylinder 4 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P3134 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 9 — High Input |
BMW | U115D | Electronic engine control unit — request control, self-test |
BMW | P0715 | Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P0761 | Shift Solenoid C Performance or Stuck Off |
BMW | P113C | Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2, Bank 1 — Signal Impossible |
BMW | P1171 | Barometric Pressure Sensor — Adaptive Learning |
BMW | P1205 | Heated oxygen sensor 2, bank 2 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P0134 | No activity of the output signal of the oxygen sensor 1 (Bank 1) |
BMW | P1612 | Instrument Cluster — Communication Failure |
BMW | P0146 | No activity of the output signal of the oxygen sensor 3 (Bank 1) |
BMW | P1471 | Fuel leakage control pump motor — open circuit |
BMW | P1759 | Shift Lever X Position — Gear Selection Error |
BMW | P0199 | Intermittent signal from the engine oil temperature sensor |
BMW | P0211 | Malfunction of a control circuit of an injector No. 11 |
BMW | P313F | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 8 — open circuit |
BMW | P0331 | Knock sensor signal # 2 out of range |
BMW | U116E | ESP control unit (vehicle stability control) — no communication |
BMW | P0726 | Engine Speed Input Circuit Range/Performance |
BMW | P0772 | Shift Solenoid E Stuck On |
BMW | P114B | Fuel balance after catalytic converter, bank 1 — incorrect value |
BMW | P1181 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 2, Bank 2 — Slow Response |
BMW | P138A | Ignition coil 6 — ionization current error |
BMW | P1421 | Exhaust Air System, Bank 2 — Insufficient Flow |
BMW | P170B | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve B — malfunction |
BMW | P1736 | 6st gear — incorrect gear ratio |
BMW | P3011 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 2 Bank 2 — Low Input After Cold Start |
BMW | P3109 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 3 — low input |
BMW | P0233 | Intermittent level of the secondary circuit of the fuel pump |
BMW | F51 | Ignition Fault – Cylinder 6 |
BMW | P0621 | Generator Lamp “L” Control Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P0311 | Misfire detected in cylinder # 11 |
BMW | P10A6 | Injectors, bank 1 — open circuit |
BMW | P1127 | Engine Oil Level Sensor — Impossible Signal |
BMW | P1360 | Misfire during start-up — cylinder 10 |
BMW | P1397 | Camshaft position sensor 2, bank 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1644 | Throttle Adaptation Bank 1 — Mechanical Stop Not Adjusted |
BMW | P16A4 | ECM — internal fault, knock sensor bus |
BMW | P157B | Throttle adaptation, bank 2 — adaptation error |
BMW | P1874 | Select gear, 5-4 — high input level |
BMW | P3021 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 — Signal Voltage Incorrect |
BMW | P323B | Barometric Pressure Sensor Bank 2 — Signal Correlation |
BMW | U1135 | SCP indicating the ignition switch signal missing or incorrect |
BMW | P0423 | The efficiency of the catalyst heater B1 is below the acceptable threshold |
BMW | P0480 | Fan relay control circuit malfunction |
BMW | P0276 | Cylinder 6 injector — short to ground |
BMW | P0103 | High level of the output signal of the air flow sensor |
BMW | P1105 | Differential pressure sensor in the intake manifold, bank 1 — high signal level |
BMW | P1282 | Э / м fuel pressure regulator valve, bank 2 — high input signal |
BMW | P1332 | Knock sensor 4 — low input |
BMW | P0175 | # 2 cylinder block mixture is too rich |
BMW | P166F | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 2 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1518 | Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) malfunction (stuck open) |
BMW | P154E | Throttle Actuator Bank 1 — Signal Correlation |
BMW | P17E7 | Gear selection, 2-3 — gear ratio control |
BMW | P1833 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve C — high signal level |
BMW | P315F | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 12 — open circuit |
BMW | P3200 | Electronic gearbox control unit, CAN data bus — internal fault |
BMW | P0443 | Malfunction of the valve circuit of the purge of the gasoline vapor recovery system |
BMW | F26 | Control Unit Supply Voltage B+ |
BMW | P1015 | Variable valve timing system, bank 1 — reference circuit deviation control error |
BMW | P1054 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Control Circuit Bank 2 — Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P129D | Intake Manifold Pressure — Incorrect Maximum Pressure |
BMW | P1343 | Misfire with Fuel Cut — Cylinder 1 |
BMW | P162B | Throttle Control — Control Deviation, Bank 2 |
BMW | P1685 | Electronic throttle control system, control level 2/3 — malfunction |
BMW | P1529 | Exhaust camshaft position actuator — electronic engine control unit output stage |
BMW | P155E | Throttle Actuator Bank 2 — Signal Correlation |
BMW | P17F2 | Torque Converter Clutch A / B — Gear Ratio Control |
BMW | P1850 | Shift Lever Position Sensor — High Input |
BMW | P316A | Coolant temperature — incorrect signal |
BMW | P3218 | CAN data bus monitoring — incorrect signal |
BMW | P0389 | Intermittent signal from the crankshaft position sensor «B» |
BMW | P0455 | Large leak in the gasoline vapor recovery system |
BMW | P0255 | Intermittent signal level of the turbine injection pump «A» |
BMW | P1029 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Motor, Bank 1 — Overheat Condition |
BMW | P1061 | Variable valve timing (VVT) system, bank 1 — emergency mode (limp-home) — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1219 | Throttle position sensor, bank 2 — range / performance |
BMW | P1237 | Intake manifold absolute pressure sensor 2 — low input |
BMW | P161E | Throttle Actuator Bank 2 — Spring Return Check Error |
BMW | P0159 | Slow response of oxygen sensor 2 (bank 2) for enrichment / depletion |
BMW | P1483 | Power to fan circuit over current |
BMW | P1765 | CAN data bus, throttle valve actuator — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1782 | CAN data bus, brake request — malfunction |
BMW | P0222 | Low signal level sensor throttle position «B» |
BMW | P314A | High pressure direct injection cylinder 9 — short circuit / high input |
BMW | P0342 | Low signal level of the camshaft sensor |
BMW | P0741 | Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Performance or Stuck Off |
BMW | P0788 | Shift/Timing Solenoid High |
BMW | P1158 | Fuel Balance Bank 1 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1195 | Manifold Differential Pressure Sensor Bank 2 — Signal Impossible |
BMW | P1432 | Exhaust Air System — Incorrect Flow |
BMW | P144B | Fuel level / fuel consumption — ratio |
BMW | P1716 | Transmission — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1744 | Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) system mechanically stuck in off position |
BMW | P3114 | High Pressure Direct Injection Cylinder 4 — High Input |
BMW | P312A | High pressure direct injection cylinder 5 — short circuit / high input |
BMW | P0245 | Turbine exhaust valve solenoid «A» is always open |
BMW | P0560 | The system supply voltage is below the threshold of operability |
BMW | P0705 | Transmission Range Sensor Circuit malfunction (PRNDL Input) |
BMW | P1132 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 1 — heater circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1166 | Heated oxygen sensor — signals mixed |
BMW | P136E | Ignition coil 2 — ionization current error |
BMW | P1405 | Differential Pressure Feedback EGR (DPFE) sensor upstream hose off or plugged |
BMW | P16B5 | ECU self-test — sequential manual transmission monitoring |
BMW | P1720 | CAN data bus — malfunction |
BMW | P158C | Idle speed control system drive, bank 1 — adaptation error |
BMW | P1889 | System voltage (vehicle electrical system) — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P3032 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 Impossible Signal |
BMW | P3252 | Э / м fuel vapor accumulator valve, bank 2 — high input signal level |
BMW | U1147 | Idle Speed Control Drive, Bank 2 — Request Control, Self Test |
BMW | P0522 | Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit Low Voltage |
BMW | P0571 | Cruise Control/Brake Switch A Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P0287 | Cylinder 9 injector — injector driver malfunction |
BMW | P107A | Variable valve timing (VVT) motor — overload protection — force too high |
BMW | P1112 | Coolant temperature sensor, radiator outlet — malfunction |
BMW | P113D | Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2, bank 1 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1172 | Barometric Pressure Sensor — Adaptive Learning |
BMW | P1380 | ECM Self Test — Bank 2 Knock Control Fault |
BMW | P1411 | Exhaust air pump — malfunction |
BMW | P1701 | Input / output speed ratio error — CAN data bus malfunction |
BMW | P172C | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P1599 | CAN data bus, electronic gearbox control unit — waiting time |
BMW | P3001 | Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor — Signal Below Expected |
BMW | P3091 | Pressure in the fuel manifold, pressure control — incorrect value of the minimum pressure |
BMW | P3337 | Ratio Control — Impossible Signal |
BMW | U1152 | Throttle Actuator Bank 2 — Request Control, Self Test |
BMW | F32 | Injector Valve(s) |
BMW | P0601 | ROM checksum error |
BMW | P0301 | Misfire detected in cylinder # 1 |
BMW | P1091 | Fuel balance before catalytic converter, bank 2 — incorrect value |
BMW | P111D | Mass Air Flow (MAF) / (VAF) Sensor Bank 2 — Heated Oxygen Sensor Correlation |
BMW | P1309 | Cylinder 9 — misfire (ignition) |
BMW | P1354 | Misfire during start-up — cylinder 7 |
BMW | P1638 | Throttle Control — Temporary Throttle Body Stuck Bank 1 |
BMW | P1694 | Throttle Actuator Bank 1 Initial Test — Spring Return and Limp-Home Test Failed |
BMW | P1534 | Variable Valve Timing Actuator B, Bank 2 — High Input |
BMW | P156D | Throttle valve bank 1 — data line input low |
BMW | P1802 | Shift Solenoid B — Input Low |
BMW | P1864 | Gear selection, 5-4 — malfunction |
BMW | P3230 | Load sensor monitoring — pressure sensor performance |
BMW | U1112 | Gearbox control unit SMT — no communication, torque reduction signal |
BMW | P0411 | Incorrect flow through the secondary air supply system |
BMW | P0470 | Exhaust gas pressure sensor malfunction |
BMW | P0266 | Cylinder 2 injector — injector driver malfunction |
BMW | P103D | Variable Valve Timing Actuator, Intake, Bank 2 — Overheat Condition |
BMW | F77 | Intake Air Temperature Sensor |
BMW | P1228 | Throttle position (TP) sensor, bank 2 — low input |
BMW | P1250 | Too high air pressure in the intake manifold |
BMW | P1318 | Camshaft position sensor B, bank 1 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P0162 | Oxygen sensor 3 (bank 2) defective |
BMW | P1508 | Idle speed control system drive, opening winding — open circuit |
BMW | P1542 | Accelerator pedal position sensor — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1794 | Electronic gearbox control unit — checksum error |
BMW | P1817 | Gear / Selector Lever 0 — High Input |
BMW | P3155 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 3 — low input |
BMW | P3188 | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 1 — CAN data bus signal not received on time |
BMW | P0358 | Malfunction of a primary / secondary circuit of the ignition coil «H» |
BMW | F19 | Output Stage |
BMW | P0752 | Shift Solenoid A Stuck On |
BMW | P1007 | Variable valve timing system, bank 1 — sensor circuit deviation control error |
BMW | P1048 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Control Circuit Bank 1 — Low |
BMW | P11A2 | Throttle position (TP) sensor, bank 1 — low input |
BMW | P0118 | High level of the coolant temperature sensor |
BMW | P1605 | ECM — Torque Limit Request |
BMW | P1440 | Purge Control Valve Control Circuit Signal High |
BMW | P1461 | Heated Catalytic Converter Heater — Signal Too Low |
BMW | P174F | Gear selection, 5-3 — impossible signal |
BMW | P0188 | High signal level of the fuel temperature sensor «B» |
BMW | P311F | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 4 — open circuit |
BMW | P3135 | Direct injection of high pressure, cylinder 9 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P0320 | Malfunction of the ignition distributor circuit |
BMW | U115E | Electronic engine control unit — no communication |
BMW | P0716 | Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Range/Performance |
BMW | P0762 | Shift Solenoid C Stuck On |
BMW | P1208 | Brake booster vacuum pump — open circuit |
BMW | P0135 | Oxygen sensor heater 1 (bank 1) defective |
BMW | P1613 | CAN data bus, stability control system |
BMW | P0147 | Oxygen sensor heater 3 (bank 1) defective |
BMW | P1472 | Fuel Tank Leak Diagnostic Unit — System Error |
BMW | P175A | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P0200 | Malfunction of the injector control circuit |
BMW | P0212 | Malfunction of a control circuit of an injector No. 12 |
BMW | P3140 | High pressure direct injection, cylinder 11 — open circuit |
BMW | P0332 | Low signal level of the knock sensor No. 2 |
BMW | U1172 | The control unit for the variable valve timing system — no communication |
BMW | P0727 | Engine Speed Input Circuit No Signal |
BMW | P0773 | Shift Solenoid E Electrical |
BMW | P114C | Fuel balance after catalytic converter, bank 2 — incorrect value |
BMW | P1184 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 1 No Response |
BMW | P138B | Ignition coil 7 — ionization current error |
BMW | P1422 | Э / м fuel vapor accumulator valve, bank 2 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P170C | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve C — malfunction |
BMW | P1737 | Electronic gearbox control unit — internal error |
BMW | P3012 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 1 — adaptation value too high |
BMW | P310A | High pressure direct injection cylinder 1 — short circuit / high input |
BMW | P0235 | Malfunction of a chain of the sensor of pressure of turbocharging «A» |
BMW | F52 | Ignition Fault – Cylinder 5 |
BMW | P0622 | Generator Field “F” Control Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P0312 | Misfire detected in cylinder # 12 |
BMW | P10A7 | Injectors Bank 1 — Discharge Error |
BMW | P1128 | Engine oil level sensor — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1361 | Misfire with Fuel Cut — Cylinder 10 |
BMW | P1398 | Misfire Detection Unit (Ionization Effect) Bank 1 — Internal Malfunction |
BMW | P164A | Engine control relay — voltage too low |
BMW | P16A5 | Electronic engine control unit — internal fault, output stage bus |
BMW | P157C | Throttle Adaptation Bank 2 — Control Deviation |
BMW | P1875 | Select gear, 6-5 — high input level |
BMW | P3022 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 1 — link failure |
BMW | P323C | Barometric pressure sensor — circuit malfunction |
BMW | U1136 | Idle speed control system drive, bank 1 — no communication |
BMW | P0424 | The temperature of the catalyst heater B1 is below the permissible threshold |
BMW | P0500 | No signal from vehicle speed sensor |
BMW | P0277 | Cylinder nozzle 6 — open circuit or short circuit to + 12V |
BMW | P0105 | Air pressure sensor malfunction |
BMW | P1106 | Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor — signal too low when the engine is not running |
BMW | P1283 | Air Control Valve (Air Injector) Bank 1 — Circuit Malfunction |
BMW | P1333 | Knock Sensor 4 — High Input |
BMW | P0176 | Ejection sensor CHx (Fuel Composition) defective |
BMW | P1670 | Gearbox control — incorrect signal |
BMW | P1519 | Intake Camshaft Position Control System Bank 1 — Plausibility |
BMW | P154F | Throttle Actuator Bank 1 — Reset Error |
BMW | P17E8 | Gear selection, 3-4 — shift failure |
BMW | P1834 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve D — high signal level |
BMW | P3160 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 5 — short circuit |
BMW | P3201 | Electronic gearbox control unit, CAN data bus — internal fault |
BMW | P0444 | The purge valve of the gasoline vapor recovery system is always open |
BMW | F29 | Idle Actuator – Opening Winding |
BMW | P1016 | Fuel control valve, bank 1 — malfunction |
BMW | P1055 | Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Motor, Bank 1 — Supply Voltage High |
BMW | P107B | Variable valve timing (VVT) motor — overload protection — overheating condition |
BMW | P1113 | Switch over valve 2 |
BMW | P129E | Intake Manifold Pressure — Incorrect Minimum Pressure |
BMW | P1344 | Misfire during start-up — cylinder 2 |
BMW | P162C | Throttle Control — Temporary Throttle Body Stuck Bank 2 |
BMW | P1686 | Traction control system check — pedal position sensor diagnostic error |
BMW | P152A | Vehicle speed sensor — Vehicle speed too low compared to reference |
BMW | P155F | Throttle Actuator Bank 2 — Reset Error |
BMW | P17F3 | Torque Converter A / E Clutch — Gear Ratio Control |
BMW | P1851 | Shift lever position sensor — low input |
BMW | P316B | Coolant temperature — low voltage signal |
BMW | P321D | CAN data bus monitoring — malfunction |
BMW | P0400 | Exhaust Gas Recirculation Malfunction |
BMW | P0460 | Fuel level sensor circuit malfunction |
BMW | P0256 | Malfunction of the injection pump turbine «B» |
BMW | P102B | Variable valve timing system, bank 1 — sensor malfunction |
BMW | P1062 | Variable valve timing (VVT), bank 1 — emergency mode (limp-home) — extreme positions are not reached |
BMW | P121B | Crankcase ventilation valve, bank 2 — malfunction |
BMW | P1238 | Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor 2 — High Input |
BMW | P161F | Throttle Valve Actuator Bank 2 — Spring Return Check Error During Opening |
BMW | P0160 | No activity of the output signal of the oxygen sensor 2 (Bank 2) |
BMW | P1484 | Open power ground to Variable Load Control Module (VLCM) |
BMW | P1766 | CAN data bus engine speed — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1783 | Transmission over temperature condition |
BMW | P0223 | High signal level of the throttle position sensor «B» |
BMW | P314B | High pressure direct injection cylinder 9 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P3178 | High pressure direct injection cylinder 11 — short circuit |
BMW | P0343 | High signal level of the camshaft sensor |
BMW | P0742 | Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Stuck On |
BMW | P0789 | Shift/Timing Solenoid Intermittent |
BMW | P1159 | Fuel Balance Bank 1 — Range / Performance |
BMW | P1196 | Manifold Differential Pressure Sensor, Bank 2 — High Input |
BMW | P1433 | Fuel level 2 — CAN data bus malfunction |
BMW | P1450 | Diagnostic unit for leaks in the fuel tank — open circuit of the e / m valve control |
BMW | P1717 | Gearbox — latency error |
BMW | P1745 | Transmission fluid pressure control solenoid valve E — malfunction |
BMW | P1772 | Turbine speed / crankshaft speed — signal correlation |
BMW | P3115 | Direct injection of high pressure, cylinder 4 — incorrect signal |
BMW | P312B | High pressure direct injection cylinder 5 — circuit malfunction |
BMW | P0246 | Turbine exhaust gas valve solenoid «A» is always closed |
BMW | P0561 | System supply voltage is unstable |
BMW | P0706 | Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Range/Performance |
BMW | P1133 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 2 — heater circuit malfunction |
BMW | P1167 | Heated oxygen sensor 1, bank 1 — signal too high |
BMW | P136F | Ignition coil 3 — ionization current error |
BMW | P1406 | Differential Pressure Feedback EGR (DPFE) sensor downstream hose off or plugged |
BMW | P16B6 | Electronic Engine Control Unit Self Test — Traction Control (ETC) Monitoring |
BMW | P1721 | CAN data bus signal — latency |
BMW | P158D | Idle speed control system actuator, bank 1 — control element position error |
BMW | P1890 | System voltage (vehicle electrical system) — malfunction |
BMW | P3033 | Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 Bank 2 Impossible Signal |
BMW | P3253 | Э / м fuel vapor accumulator valve, bank 2 — open circuit |
BMW | U1148 | Idle Speed Control Drive, Bank 2 — Request Monitoring, Internal Memory Error |
BMW | P0523 | Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit High Voltage |
BMW | P0572 | Cruise Control/Brake Switch A Circuit Low |
BMW | P0288 | Cylinder 10 injector — short to ground |