Error correction books

Ultimate collection of 9 Best Books on Error Correcting Codes for Beginners and Experts! Download Free PDF books!

We have compiled a list of the Best Reference Books on Error Correcting Codes, which are used by students of top universities, and colleges. This will help you choose the right book depending on if you are a beginner or an expert. Here is the complete list of Error Correcting Codes Books with their authors, publishers, and an unbiased review of them as well as links to the Amazon website to directly purchase them. If permissible, you can also download the free PDF books on Error Correcting Codes below.

1.»The Theory of Error Correcting Codes» by F J MacWilliams and N J A Slone

Book Review: The book demonstrates all the recent advances that covers all the mathematical techniques. This book serves as great reference book for beginners as well as expert mathematicians. The book can be used as a base for course on coding theory for mathematicians. The book also can be used as an elementary course book for engineers and mathematicians. The book is of great help for advanced courses and seminars. The book is loaded with variety of problems that is well suited for research.

2.»Introduction to the Theory of Error-Correcting Codes» by Vera Pless

Book Review: The book very nicely demonstrates how coding problems can be solved using various mathematical tools. The book illustrates the use of error correcting codes and techniques in applications like communication systems, computers and digital audio devices. The book covers fundamentals of coding as well as latest advances in the field. The topics covered in the book include nonlinear binary codes, combinatorial games, BCH codes and Reed-Muller codes and various problem sets.

3.»Fundamentals of Error Correcting Codes» by W C Huffman

“Fundamentals of Error-Correcting Codes” Book Review: This book offers a mathematical and engineering approach to understanding the fundamentals of coding theory. A balanced coverage of both classical concepts and recent developments in this field is provided in this volume. Replete with exercises and solved examples, this book is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practicing engineers.


“VLSI Architectures for Modern Error-Correcting Codes” Book Review: This book seamlessly integrates the advancements in coding theory with the practical hardware implementations. The book identifies the improvements on throughput, silicon area requirement, and power consumption in the hardware implementation using algorithmic and architectural transformations. Analysis of hard- and soft-decision Reed-Solomon (RS) & Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes, and binary & non-binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes is done to highlight their good error-correcting performance and lower implementation complexity. Pros and cons of different implementation approaches and architectures are provided along with numerous case studies and examples to help explain en/decoder architectures and computations. This book is ideal for system designers, hardware designers, and graduate students studying error-correcting coding and VLSI design courses.

5.»A Course In Error-Correcting Codes» by Jorn Justesen and Tom Hoholdt

“A Course in Error-Correcting Codes” Book Review: This book offers an overview of the fundamental concepts of error-correcting codes associated with multiple fields. An introduction to the codes is followed by its applications as well as recent advances made in decoding methods. Interrelation between different methods and proofs of all the derived results are highlighted. Some suggestions and problems for projects are also provided, indicating areas of future research. At the end of each chapter, problems and programming exercises are provided to hone the reader’s concepts. Prerequisite knowledge of elementary linear algebra and probability is required. This book is intended for professors, researchers, and advanced undergraduates studying courses in discrete mathematics, computer science, or communication engineering.

6.»Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes» by Marc Fossorier Marc Ed Fossorier Fossorier Po Li

“Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes” Book Review: This book contains the proceedings of the AAECC symposium in June 1983. The conference committee consisted of six invited speakers who discussed the theoretical and practical side of both coding and cryptography. Block codes; Algebra and codes, rings, and AG codes; Cryptography; Sequences; Algorithms, and decoding algorithms; and Algebra, its constructions, Galois groups, differential algebra, and polynomials are the main topics discussed and included in this volume.



7.»An Introduction to Error Correcting Codes with Applications» by Vanstone Van Oorschot

“An Introduction to Error Correcting Codes with Applications” Book Review: This book presents the underlying principles of error correcting codes along with their applications in the real-world. The book starts out with crucial topics like rings, ideals, cyclic subspaces, encoding cyclic codes, burst error correcting, generator matrices, parity-check matrices, syndromes and simple decoding procedures, and finite fields and different methods of factoring xn-l over GF(q). It then concludes with bounds for cyclic codes, linearized polynomials and finding roots of polynomials, interleaving, error correction and digital audio recording, error correction techniques and digital audio recording. Advanced topics like Reed-Solomon codes, channel erasures, BCH codes and bounds for cyclic codes, decoding BCH codes, BCH codes and the BCH bound, and BCH decoding with erasures are also covered in detail.

8.»Error Correcting Coding and Security for Data Networks: Analysis of the Superchannel Concept» by G Kabatiansky Sergei Semenov Evgenii Krouk Grigorii Kabatiansky

“Error Correcting Coding and Security for Data Networks: Analysis of the Superchannel Concept” Book Review: This book analyzes the issues faced while applying error correcting coding in data networks, the concept of Superchannel and how it enables us to correct errors in the network through joint coding at multiple network layers. The book also demonstrates the use of error correcting coding to control mean message delay as well as highlight its applications in image compression, transport coding, and code-based cryptosystems. Essential concepts like linear block codes, LDPC codes decoding, Hamming, BCH and Reed-Solomon codes, convolutional coding, turbo coding, and iterative coding are also included. Numerous practical examples and exercises have been provided to practice problem solving skills. This book is intended for researchers, postgraduate students, engineers and computer scientists.

9.»Error Correcting Codes» by Peterson

“Error-Correcting Codes” Book Review: This book covers all the fundamental concepts of error-correcting and detecting codes. Implementation of error-correcting code using FCPAs, majority-logic codes, synchronization, convolutional codes, and other basic topics are included in this volume. Newer topics like linear block codes and cyclic codes have also been added as an important contribution to computer coding. Both students and professionals can refer to this book.

We have put a lot of effort into researching the best books on Error Correcting Codes and came out with a recommended list and their reviews. If any more book needs to be added to this list, please email us. We are working on free pdf downloads for books on Error Correcting Codes and will publish the download link here. Fill out this Error Correcting Codes books pdf download» request form for download notification.

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  1. Martin Tomlinson

    1. School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics, Plymouth University, Plymouth, United Kingdom

  2. Cen Jung Tjhai

    1. PQ Solutions Ltd, London, United Kingdom

  3. Marcel A. Ambroze

    1. School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics, Plymouth University, Plymouth, United Kingdom

  4. Mohammed Ahmed

    1. School of Computing, Electronics and Mat, Plymouth University School of Computing, Electronics and Mat, Plymouth, United Kingdom

  5. Mubarak Jibril

    1. Satellite Applications and Development, Nigeria Communications Satellite Ltd., Abuja, Nigeria

  • Deepens your understanding of a ubiquitous and important technology using simple examples and easy-to-understand language

  • Presents a balanced mix of theory and applications

  • Diversity of applications will equip the reader to work with many aspects of coding and decoding in the real world

  • Includes supplementary material:

  • 276k Accesses

  • 21

  • 4



  • Table of contents
  • About this book
  • Keywords
  • Authors and Affiliations
  • About the authors
  • Bibliographic Information

Table of contents (20 chapters)

  1. Theoretical Performance of Error-Correcting Codes

  2. Code Construction

    1. Good Binary Linear Codes

      • Martin Tomlinson, Cen Jung Tjhai, Marcel A. Ambroze, Mohammed Ahmed, Mubarak Jibril

      Pages 101-136Open Access


    2. Lagrange Codes

      • Martin Tomlinson, Cen Jung Tjhai, Marcel A. Ambroze, Mohammed Ahmed, Mubarak Jibril

      Pages 137-165Open Access


    3. Algebraic Geometry Codes

      • Martin Tomlinson, Cen Jung Tjhai, Marcel A. Ambroze, Mohammed Ahmed, Mubarak Jibril

      Pages 181-203Open Access


    4. LDPC Codes

      • Martin Tomlinson, Cen Jung Tjhai, Marcel A. Ambroze, Mohammed Ahmed, Mubarak Jibril

      Pages 315-354Open Access


  3. Analysis and Decoders

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 355-355


    2. The Modified Dorsch Decoder

      • Martin Tomlinson, Cen Jung Tjhai, Marcel A. Ambroze, Mohammed Ahmed, Mubarak Jibril

      Pages 399-419Open Access


About this book

This book discusses both the theory and practical applications of self-correcting data, commonly known as error-correcting codes. The applications included demonstrate the importance of these codes in a wide range of everyday technologies, from smartphones to secure communications and transactions. Written in a readily understandable style, the book presents the authors’ twenty-five years of research organized into five parts:

Part I is concerned with the theoretical performance attainable by using error correcting codes to achieve communications efficiency in digital communications systems.

Part II explores the construction of error-correcting codes and explains the different families of codes and how they are designed. Techniques are described for producing the very best codes.

Part III addresses the analysis of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, primarily to calculate their stopping sets and low-weight codeword spectrum which determines the performance of th

ese codes.

Part IV deals with decoders designed to realize optimum performance.

Part V describes applications which include combined error correction and detection, public key cryptography using Goppa codes, correcting errors in passwords and watermarking.

This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in error-correcting codes and their applications, ranging from non-experts to professionals at the forefront of research in their field.

This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.


  • Error-correcting Codes
  • Coding Theory
  • Cryptographic Analysis
  • Error Detection
  • Parity Check
  • Communications Efficiency
  • Maximum-likelihood Decoder
  • Public-key Cryptosystem
  • Shannon Limit
  • Open Access

Authors and Affiliations

  • School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics, Plymouth University, Plymouth, United Kingdom

    Martin Tomlinson,

    Marcel A. Ambroze

  • PQ Solutions Ltd, London, United Kingdom

    Cen Jung Tjhai

  • School of Computing, Electronics and Mat, Plymouth University School of Computing, Electronics and Mat, Plymouth, United Kingdom

    Mohammed Ahmed

  • Satellite Applications and Development, Nigeria Communications Satellite Ltd., Abuja, Nigeria

    Mubarak Jibril

About the authors

Professor Martin Tomlinson is best known for inventing the Tomlinson-Harashima pre-coding technique. He received his PhD on the subject of adaptive equalisation for data transmission from Loughborough University in 1970. He later worked at Plessey Telecommunications Research Ltd. in the field of digital and satellite transmissions and then at the Satellite Communications Division of the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment (RSRE) (now Qinetiq). He was also the project manager for the communications aspects of the NATO IV satellite before joining the University of Plymouth as the head of the Communication Engineering Department in 1982. Professor Tomlinson has published 186 papers, holds 33 patents and is a well known member of several professional institutes and societies. He is Emeritus Professor of Communications at the University of Plymouth and is also Chief Scientific Officer of Post-Quantum, a company specializing in secure communications and cryptographic products. 

Dr. Cen Jung Tjhai is an expert in error correcting codes, cryptography, digital signal processing and wireless communications. He is Chief Technology Officer at Post-Quantum and is responsible for secure messaging, authentication and blockchain product developments. Prior to this, he was a lecturer at the University of Plymouth and carried out research in a number of government projects in secure digital signal processing and cyber security. Dr. Tjhai has published over 30 papers and currently holds 16 patents. 

Dr. Adrian Ambroze was awarded his PhD in Turbo Codes from the University of Plymouth in 2000 and currently holds the position of Lecturer in Digital Communications. He is an expert on Turbo codes, LDPC codes and iterative decoders. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a reviewer for a number of the institute’s publications as well as for the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Dr. Ambroze

has published over 50 papers and currently holds 6 patents.

Dr. Zaki Ahmed completed his BEng, MEng and PhD degrees at the University of Plymouth (1996–2003) and was appointed as a permanent member of staff in 2001. He currently holds the position of Associate Professor in Information Technology and is a fellow of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (FJSPS) and the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Dr. Ahmed is also a respected member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He is an expert in the areas of coding bounds and constructions of best known, error correcting codes. Dr. Ahmed has published over 70 papers and currently holds 10 patents.  

Dr. Mubarak Jibril received a Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bayero University Kano in 2005. At the University of Plymouth he completed his MSc in Digital Communications and Signal Processing in 2008 and was awarded his PhD for research into Alg

ebraic Geometry Codes in 2011. He is currently employed by the Nigerian Communications Satellite Company Limited in Abuja, Nigeria. Dr. Jibril is an expert in Algebraic Geometry (AG) error correcting codes and has published several journal articles on Goppa codes and new, best known, AG codes. 

Bibliographic Information

  • Book Title: Error-Correction Coding and Decoding

  • Book Subtitle: Bounds, Codes, Decoders, Analysis and Applications

  • Authors: Martin Tomlinson, Cen Jung Tjhai, Marcel A. Ambroze, Mohammed Ahmed, Mubarak Jibril

  • Series Title:

    Signals and Communication Technology

  • DOI:

  • Publisher: Springer Cham

  • eBook Packages:

    Engineering, Engineering (R0)

  • Copyright Information: The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2017

  • License: CC BY

  • Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-319-51102-3Published: 02 March 2017

  • Softcover ISBN: 978-3-319-84567-8Published: 13 July 2018

  • eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-51103-0Published: 21 February 2017

  • Series ISSN:

  • Series E-ISSN:

  • Edition Number: 1

  • Number of Pages: XX, 522

  • Number of Illustrations: 52 b/w illustrations, 82 illustrations in colour

  • Topics:

    Communications Engineering, Networks, Computer Communication Networks, Coding and Information Theory, Algorithms

Providing in-depth treatment of error correction 

Error Correction Coding: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms, 2nd Edition provides a comprehensive introduction to classical and modern methods of error correction. The presentation provides a clear, practical introduction to using a lab-oriented approach. Readers are encouraged to implement the encoding and decoding algorithms with explicit algorithm statements and the mathematics used in error correction, balanced with an algorithmic development on how to actually do the encoding and decoding. Both block and stream (convolutional) codes are discussed, and the mathematics required to understand them are introduced on a “just-in-time” basis as the reader progresses through the book. 

The second edition increases the impact and reach of the book, updating it to discuss recent important technological advances. New material includes: 

Extensive coverage of LDPC codes, including a variety of decoding algorithms. A comprehensive introduction to polar codes, including systematic encoding/decoding and list decoding. An introduction to fountain codes. Modern applications to systems such as HDTV, DVBT2, and cell phones Error Correction Coding includes extensive program files (for example, C++ code for all LDPC decoders and polar code decoders), laboratory materials for students to implement algorithms, and an updated solutions manual, all of which are perfect to help the reader understand and retain the content. 

The book covers classical BCH, Reed Solomon, Golay, Reed Muller, Hamming, and convolutional codes which are still component codes in virtually every modern communication system. There are also fulsome discussions of recently developed polar codes and fountain codes that serve to educate the reader on the newest developments in error correction.

«…one of the best error control coding books on the market. I highly recommend it for both academic study and practical reference.» (Computing, January 16, 2006)

«Overall this text book is well written and easy to read…comprehensive…» (IEEE Communications Magazine, April 2007)


Error correction coding techniques allow the detection and correction of errors occurring during the transmission of data in digital communication systems. These techniques are nearly universally employed in modern communication systems, and are thus an important component of the modern information economy.

Error Correction Coding: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms provides a comprehensive introduction to both the theoretical and practical aspects of error correction coding, with a presentation suitable for a wide variety of audiences, including graduate students in electrical engineering, mathematics, or computer science. The pedagogy is arranged so that the mathematical concepts are presented incrementally, fol-lowed immediately by applications to coding. A large number of exercises expand and deepen students’ understanding. A unique feature of the book is a set of programming laboratories, supplemented with over 250 programs and functions on an associated Web site, which provides hands-on experience and a better understanding of the material. These laboratories lead students through the implementation and evalua- tion of Hamming codes, CRC codes, BCH and R-S codes, convolutional codes, turbo codes, and LDPC codes.

This text offers both «classical» coding theory—such as Hamming, BCH, Reed-Solomon, Reed-Muller, and convolutional codes—as well as modern codes and decoding methods, including turbo codes, LDPC codes, repeat-accumulate codes, space time codes, factor graphs, soft-decision decoding, Guruswami-Sudan decoding, EXIT charts, and iterative decoding. Theoretical complements on performance and bounds are presented. Coding is also put into its communications and information theoretic context and connections are drawn to public key cryptosystems.

Ideal as a classroom resource and a professional reference, this thorough guide will benefit electrical and computer engineers, mathematicians, students, researchers, and scientists.


I have started to develop some interest in error correcting codes.
More Particularly I am interested in CRC’s and I would like a book that treats this subject both in the theoretical aspects and in the practical one (e.g will allow me to implement code that can check CRC or create it for given data).

It seems reasonable that some field theory might be involved since CRC’s are defined using some polynomial over $GF(2)$, which seems irreducible, so I would prefer a book that assumes some knowledge in Abstract Algebra rather than avoiding it.

Can someone please give such book recommendations ?

Martin Sleziak's user avatar

asked Sep 4, 2015 at 18:48

Belgi's user avatar



Here are some recommendations which could be useful.

Comprehensive Books:

The following books are playing presumably in the same league as W.W. Petersons Error-Correcting Codes from 1972 which was recommended by Antonios-Alexandros-Robotis.

You may check the table of contents of these books and you will see a wealth of information around error control coding with substantial chapters containing cyclic codes, resp. CRCs. I’ve consulted parts of each of them with benefit, especially with focus on CRCs.

Error Control Coding by S.Lin and D.J. Costello

The Theory of Error-Correcting Codes by F.J. MacWilliams and N.J.A. Sloane (founder of OEIS)

Coding and Information Theory by S. Roman

$$ $$

Finite Fields:

Some basic knowledge around finite fields is definitely helpful.

Finite Fields for Computer Scientists and Engineers by R.J. McEliece is a very nice, easy to read introductory book. It was so delightful, that I also bought The Theory of Information and Coding from him.

Introduction to finite fields and their applications by R. Lidl and H. Niederreiter is much more comprehensive and provides a thorough introduction to the theme.

$$ $$

Specific literature:

Sometimes when I have to work with certain CRCs in my job, there are questions regarding the undetected error probability of certain codes. I could find helpful information in

Codes for Error Detection by Torleiv Klove.

Hint: You might also visit my answer to Error correcting codes in real life where I put some references to papers regarding CRCs and undetected error probability.

Community's user avatar

answered Nov 4, 2015 at 20:39

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This is not my expertise, but some of my friends who are currently doing work with error-correcting codes informed me that Peterson’s Error Correcting Codes might be the book you are looking for.

I’ve heard it’s mathematically rigorous, although I am uncertain as to what extent it will delve into the algebra you are interested in.

answered Nov 2, 2015 at 18:42

Alekos Robotis's user avatar

Alekos RobotisAlekos Robotis

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Библиографическое описание:

Назарова, Ёркиной. Methods for Correcting Errors in the Process of Learning English / Ёркиной Назарова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 16 (254). — С. 280-282. — URL: (дата обращения: 09.02.2023).

This article is about methods for correcting errors in the process of learning English. In this article, it is spoken about the differences between a mistake caused by lack of knowledge, wrong judgment or misunderstanding and an error caused by a conscious or unconscious deviation from the generally accepted norm, given that the norm is known and understood and how to solve them in the process of learning English.

Keywords: process, mistakes, speech, writing, to teach, a foreign language, correctly, the methodology, origin, therefore, methodically, the teacher, the student.

Эта статья о методах исправления ошибок в процессе изучения английского языка. В этой статье говорится о различиях между ошибкой, вызванной недостатком знаний, неправильным суждением или недоразумением, и ошибкой, вызванной сознательным или бессознательным отклонением от общепринятой нормы, учитывая, что норма известна и понята, и способами ее решения их в процессе изучения английского языка.

Ключевые слова: процесс, ошибки, речь, письмо, учить, иностранный язык, правильно, методология, происхождение, следовательно, методично, учитель, ученик.

Learning a foreign language is a rather long and laborious process. Students often make a lot of different mistakes in speech and writing, despite the best efforts of the teacher to teach him to write and speak a foreign language correctly. From the point of view of the methodology of teaching foreign languages, mistakes are of a different nature, origin, therefore, methodically properly organized work with mistakes is necessary, both from the teacher and from the student.

In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, there are two opposing points of view whether students’ mistakes should be corrected. This problem depends on a few factors, both external and internal. The word “error” in teaching foreign languages has a negative connotation, as it is associated with a deviation from the norm of the language being studied. However, this word may also mean that the learning process is effective. In the English language teaching methodology, two words are used to designate the term error: mistake is a mistake caused by lack of knowledge, wrong judgment or misunderstanding and error is an error caused by a conscious or unconscious deviation from the generally accepted norm, given that the norm is known and understood. However, we believe that even with such a seemingly understandable distinction, a double interpretation of this approach is possible.

Learning English is not as difficult and impossible as it might seem at first glance. In order to achieve the desired success, it is necessary to organize the workflow correctly and try to avoid common mistakes. The most popular and dangerous mistake. Studies show that too active study of only grammar has a negative effect on speech abilities. Why? English grammar can be difficult to understand logically, and real-time communication is fast. It turns out that you will not have enough time to remember the hundreds of learned rules just to speak out. It is advisable that you master the English grammar at a subconscious and intuitive level. The best way is to actively communicate with foreigners and listen to correct English speech.

− What mistakes should be corrected?

Errors are classified by language aspects (phonetic, lexical, grammar). There are obvious and hidden errors. Depending on the impact on the understanding of speech, there are strong and weak mistakes. Interlanguage (linguistic interference) and interlanguage (for example, over generalization — the transfer of the studied rule to exceptions) are distinguished. In addition to errors (in English “errors”), there is also the term “mistake, minor mistake” (“mistake”), a deviation from the norm with the possibility of a quick self-correction of the speaker / writer (reservation, slip of finger). If the student’s work is clearly communicative in nature and the focus is on the content, only those errors that impede understanding should be corrected.

− How should errors be corrected?

Error correction is an expression of negative feedback. Many sources cite six types of error correction indicated by reputable linguistic scientists:

  1. Explicit correction. An explicit correction, when the teacher points directly to the mistake, explains what it is, and gives the correct answer.
  2. Recast. Periphrases — pronouncement / spelling of the original incorrectly shaped speech pattern without an error, but without any explanations from the teacher.
  3. Clarification Request. This is a common situation in real communication.
  4. Metalinguistic Cues. The use of terminology (for example, grammatical — the teacher uses the term: “time”, “article”, etc.) is a reaction related to the student’s statement, but not offering the correct form.
  5. Elicitation. The teacher can accompany his words: finger coding: count each word spoken with your fingers, noting “finger-error”.
  6. Repetition. Repetition of a student’s wrong statement by a teacher with an obligatory verbal emphasis in the part where an error was made. If you do not highlight the error in the voice, the student may think that the plausibility of the statement is being questioned.

Who should correct them?

Of course, the initiator of the process is the teacher, but when answering the previous question it becomes obvious that the student takes a very active position in this process, the main role is played by self-correction and correction by other students.

Thus, working with students’ mistakes is an integral component of the teacher’s activities. It must take into account such factors as the age of students and the causes of errors. Accordingly, the teacher can offer various types of tasks to prevent and correct common mistakes.


  1. James M. Hendrickson. Error Correction in Foreign Language Teaching: Recent Theory, Research, and Practice*The Modern Language Journal 1. James M. Hendrickson. Error Correction in Foreign Language Teaching: Recent Theory, Research, and Practice.*The Modern Language Journal. Volume 62
  2. Меркулова С. Г. Современные подходы к исправлению ошибок в устной речи при изучения иностранного языка.// Английский язык. Приложение к газете «Первое сентября». — № 45. — 2002.
  3. Julian Edge, Mistakes and Corrections, Longman, 1989

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): английский язык, иностранный язык, процесс изучения.

Ключевые слова



a foreign language,




to teach,


the methodology,



the teacher,

the student

process, mistakes, speech, writing, to teach, a foreign language, correctly, the methodology, origin, therefore, methodically, the teacher, the student

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Использование интернет-ресурсов при изучении иностранногоиностранный язык, английский язык, изучение, всемирная сеть, обучающийся, высшее…

Новые педагогические подходы к изучениям иностранного языка

Значимость изучения иностранного языка в настоящее время невозможно переоценить.

интерактивный подход, английский язык, интерактивное обучение, учебный процесс, говорение, обучение, процесс обучения, форма работы, ученик.

Роль иностранного языка и способы его изучения

иностранный язык, английский язык, язык, профессиональная деятельность, знание, родной язык, успешная адаптация, знание языка

Классная деятельность играет решающую роль в процессе изучения иностранного языка и повышения мотивации учащихся к его усвоению.

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Новые педагогические подходы к изучениям иностранного языка

Значимость изучения иностранного языка в настоящее время невозможно переоценить.

интерактивный подход, английский язык, интерактивное обучение, учебный процесс, говорение, обучение, процесс обучения, форма работы, ученик.

Роль иностранного языка и способы его изучения

иностранный язык, английский язык, язык, профессиональная деятельность, знание, родной язык, успешная адаптация, знание языка

Классная деятельность играет решающую роль в процессе изучения иностранного языка и повышения мотивации учащихся к его усвоению.

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