Error correction exercises with answers pdf

Error correction exercises with answers pdf - free of cost. These grammar exercises for class 10are scoring. Class 10 English grammar practice for success. With Edumantra editing exercises for class 10 pdf with answers are easy,


The following passages have not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a numeral is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

    Incorrect Correct
Exploring space mean to study e.g. mean means
space to the sake of knowledge (a) …….. ……..
in the largest interest of mankind. (b) …….. ……..
Exploiting space mean using space (c) …….. ……..
for commercial use. There aims (d) …….. ……..
are quite difference. The former one (e) …….. ……..
is to enhance knowledge but to satisfy (f) …….. ……..
curiosity while the later is (g) …….. ……..
to making money. (h) …….. ……..
  Incorrect Correct
(a) to for
(b) largest Larger
(c) mean means
(d) There Their
(e) difference   different
(f) but and
(g) later   latter
(h) making   make

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The following passages have not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a numeral is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

    Incorrect  Correct 
In a kingdom of fools, both the e.g. a the
king or the minister were foolish.  (a) …….. ……..
Under their rule peoples worked at (b) …….. ……..
night and enjoy sleep at day time. (c) …….. ……..
Once, the guru and his disciple (d) …….. ……..
mean means came to this kingdom for fools. (e) …….. ……..
The guru made down his mind to (f) …….. ……..
leave it, because he thinks it was (g) …….. ……..
danger to stay in that town. (h) …….. ……..


  Incorrect Correct
(a) or and
(b) peoples people
(c) enjoy enjoyed
(d) the a
(e) for of
(f) down    up
(g) thinks thought
(h) danger dangerous

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The following passages have not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a numeral is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

    Incorrect Correct
It is truth that parents are e.g. truth  true
more valueable then any other (a) …….. ……..
things in the world for a child. (b) …….. ……..
They are the more precious property. (c) …….. ……..
A child depend upon them all the (d) …….. ……..
He needs them at every steps (e) …….. ……..
because they takes care of him.  (f) ……..  
Under the care of their parents,  (g) …….. ……..
a child feel secure.  (h) …….. ……..


  Incorrect Correct
(a) then than
(b) things thing
(c) more    most
(d) depend       depends
(e) steps step
(f) takes     take
(g) their his
(h) feel   feels

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The following passages have not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a numeral is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

    Incorrect  Correct
Freshly made tea is tasty but beneficial e.g. but and
if some simple rules are observing.  (a) …….. ……..
It is best to keep her separately in a  (b) …….. ……..
jar If kept Open, its aroma escape (c) …….. ……..
and it looses its taste and curative  (d) …….. ……..
Stale tea should not he took.  (e) …….. ……..
Tea is the excellent cure for colds.  (f) …….. ……..
A cup of fresh tea stimulate  (g) …….. ……..
concentration or improves capacity to work.  (h) …….. ……..


  Incorrect correct
(a) observing   observed
(b) her              It
(c) escape    escapes
(d) looses      loses
(e) took taken
(f) the  an
(g) stimulate   stimulates
(h) or     and

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The following passages have not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a numeral is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

    Incorrect Correct
The birth of a son on our family   (a) …….. ……..
was the great occasion. In fact,  (b) …….. ……..
I was an only daughter of my (c) …….. ……..
My parents fearing I might  (d) …….. ……..
be their first or last child.  (e) …….. ……..
I had wished all along to had a    (f) …….. ……..
brother My grandmother pray to God (g) …….. ……..
day and night to have the grandson.  (h) …….. ……..


  Incorrect Correct
(a) on in
(b) the   a
(c) an the
(d) fearing feared
(e) or       and
(f) had have
(g) pray   Prayed
(h) the a

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The following passages have not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a numeral is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

    Incorrect Correct
One morning a poet was stood in e.g. stood  standing
a forest. He saw two roads running on  (a) …….. ……..
different directions. For the long time, (b) …….. ……..
he could not decide something. Finally,  (c) …….. ……..
he took the road on whom few people  (d) …….. ……..
had travel. He thought that  (e) …….. ……..
he will travel the other road some  (f) …….. ……..
other day although he know that (g) …….. ……..
he would not be able to came back.  (h) …….. ……..


  Incorrect Correct
(a) on in
(b) the       a
(c) something any thing
(d) whom    which
(e) travel  travelling
(f) will   would
(g) know     knew
(h) came    come 

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Exercise – 47

The following passages have not been edited. There is one error in each word and the correction against the correct question number. Remember you have supplied. One is done as an example:

    Incorrect Correct
The International Monetary Fund maintain  e.g. maintain   maintained
its forecast on weak global growth and (a) ……………. …………….
warned that further stagnation did fuel (b) ……………. …………….
more populist sentiment for trade and (c) ……………. …………….
immigration that would stifled activity, (d) ……………. …………….
productivity and innovation. In the late update (e) ……………. …………….
of their Word Economic Outlook, the IMF (f) ……………. …………….
said a dropped in US growth for 2016 (g) ……………. …………….
is due too a weak first-half performance.  (h) ……………. …………….


  Incorrect Correct
(a) on for
(b) did  will
(c) for  against
(d) stifled  stifle 
(e) late  latest   
(f) their      its
(g) dropped  drop
(h) too    to

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Exercise – 48

The following passages have not been edited. There is one error in each word and the correction against the correct question number. Remember you have supplied. One is done as an example:

    Incorrect Correct
Your voice has remained very subdue e.g. subdue subdued
and other’s voices are very loud, command, (a) ……………. …………….
because they were order and you had  (b) ……………. …………….
followed them—despite you. Naturally  (c) ……………. …………….
only one voice is missing with you, and  (d) ……………. …………….
that is you; otherwise there is a wholly  (e) ……………. …………….
crowd. And that crowd is constant driving  (f) ……………. …………….
you mad, because one voice say, “Do this,”  (g) ……………. …………….
another voice says, “Never does that! Don’t (h) ……………. …………….
listen to that voice!”      


  Incorrect Correct
(a) command commanding 
(b) order orders
(c) you      yourself   
(d) with  in  
(e) wholly   whole
(f) constant    constantly       
(g) say says     
(h) does do

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Exercise – 49

The following passages have not been edited. There is one error in each word and the correction against the correct question number. Remember you have supplied. One is done as an example:

    Incorrect Correct
The issue of capital punishment involve detennining e.g: Involve  Involves
whether the execution of criminals are ever  (a) ……………. …………….
justified, and if so, on what circumstances  (b) ……………. …………….
it is permissible and how to determining  (c) ……………. …………….
the limits of a crime demand execution.  (d) ……………. …………….
It also involves the issue where the society  (e) ……………. …………….
believes in corrective justice nor retributive (f) ……………. …………….
justice. The basic assumption from retributive  (g) ……………. …………….
nation of punishment in generally is that a (h) ……………. …………….
criminal deserves punishment.      


  Incorrect Correct
(a) are  is 
(b) on  under  
(c) determining determine
(d) demand demanding
(e) where  whether
(f) nor    or
(g) form  of     
(h) generally    general

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Exercise – 50

The following passages have not been edited. There is one error in each word and the correction against the correct question number. Remember you have supplied. One is done as an example:

    Incorrect Correct
We live in times when incomes is rising. e.g: is are
The economic boom of the last 25 years have (a) ……………. …………….
created a grow tribe of erstwhile-middle  (b) ……………. …………….
class-turned-HNIs who earn much many than (c) ……………. …………….
they can spend. Born on the inflation (d) ……………. …………….
and scarcity-stricken 1960s and 70s, this well-paid adults  (e) ……………. …………….
enjoy their new wealth, but is conservative in  (f) ……………. …………….
their spending and investing habits. They swing  (g) ……………. …………….
among confidence and caution when it comes to money.  (h) ……………. …………….


  Incorrect Correct
(a) have  has
(b) grow growing  
(c) many  more
(d) on  in
(e) this      these     
(f) is    are
(g) swung  swing   
(h) among      between

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For More Exercises:-


Editing for Class 9 & 10 with answers Ex. 11 to 20

Editing for Class 9 & 10 with answers Ex. 21 to 30

Editing for Class 9 & 10 with answers Ex. 31 to 40

Editing for Class 9 & 10 with answers Ex. 51 to 60

Editing for Class 9 & 10 with answers Ex. 61 to 70

Editing for Class 9 & 10 with answers Ex. 71 to 80

Editing for Class 9 & 10 with answers Ex. 81 to 90

Editing for Class 9 & 10 with answers Ex. 91 to 100

Editing for Class 9 & 10 with answers Ex. 101 to 110

Editing for Class 9 & 10 with answers Ex. 111 to 120

Editing for Class 9 & 10 with answers Ex. 121 to 130

Common English Mistakes – Error Correction Exercise 3A (Advanced)

Below are 20 common English mistakes that advanced students make. Correct the errors in each sentence and then see the answers and explanations below.

For more advanced grammar, see this advanced English grammar test.

For more error correction exercises, see:

Correct the Mistakes

1. She recommended me that I take a few days off from work.

2. I tried to explain him the problem, but he had difficulty understanding me.

3. I don’t know why you didn’t go. If I were you, I should have gone.

4. Kate claims that if she got an MBA after finishing her bachelor’s degree, she might have been considered for the position.

5. Kevin says he stopped to travel internationally because of his family.

6. We regret informing you that your application has been denied.

7. The interview was broadcasted live over the internet.

8. I’m so glad that he spoke in my behalf because I felt awful that I couldn’t make it to the event.

9. At first I studied engineering in college, but I ended getting a marketing degree.

10. It was a frustrating situation because we were uncapable of helping.

11. When the check came, I tried to pay but John told me to put away my wallet and insisted that he paid for dinner.

12. They had managed a few crisises in the past, so they were able to handle this situation fairly well.

13. If you would’ve told me, I would have given you my honest advice.

14. The four participants discussed it between themselves.

15. We thought we were going to expand this year, but we actually have less people now than we did two years ago.

16. She’s trying to concentrate herself on finishing her degree.

17. Unfortunately, the species has gotten extinct due to human activity.

18. I’m a little afraid to do this by my own.

19. He told me that he had never been in that restaurant before.

20. Never before I had seen something quite like that.


The correct answer to any of our sentence correction questions will have all of the following 4 characteristics: 1. No grammatical mistakes 2. Correct sentence structure 3. No diction errors 4. No changes to the sentence’s intended meaning Also, it is important to note that we did not state that the correct answer is always the most concise one. While this often is the case, it does not always hold true. You may find that you need to resist the temptation to always select the shortest answer choice. If you’ve read the underscored text, you already know what it says. Keep in mind, however, that we are not saying to ignore choice A entirely. It will be correct approximately one fifth of the time. That said, we do recommend that you resist the temptation to overanalyze these questions or to assume that there is always a re-written answer choice that is better than the underlined segment presented in the question. Look out for multiple errors. A sentence might contain more than one error. A common fallacy that test-takers fall into is to find one error and then quickly choose the answer that corrects that mistake, without considering whether there are other errors in the sentence that an alternative answer choice might also address. The correct answer must correct all of the errors in the underlined text. Employ process of elimination wherever possible. The easiest way to use process of elimination in sentence correction questions is simply to eliminate any answer choices that are themselves grammatically incorrect. You can also eliminate any choices that alter the intended meaning of the sentence. If you are still unsure about how to answer a question even after narrowing your choices down to two, you will fare better by selecting the more concise of the remaining answer choices, provided that it does not use the passive voice. Do not worry about spelling or capitalization errors. The test writers do not test for these 2 errors. When in doubt, look for subtle differences among the different answer choices. Examining how answer choices differ from one another can also be a good way to determine what errors might be present in the underlined text. This technique can also help you fight the tendency to read so carefully for meaning that you overlook grammatical mistakes. Read the entire sentence a second time, inserting your selected answer choice. We have found this to be a very powerful tip for dealing with sentence correction questions. It can keep you from making careless mistakes that would harm your GMAT score. Trust your ears. If you become stuck, ‘say’ the choices in your head and then select the passage that sounds best to your ears. Most test takers, particularly native English speakers, have internalized many more grammar rules than they can explicitly identify.

Below you’ll find our complete list of sentence correction worksheets. In this section, students practice identifying/correcting errors in sentences by rewriting them.


Upper Intermediate — error correction

Back to the Upper Intermediate main page

He Said I Told Him To Say It
Answer Sheet
Error correction sheet which concentrates on how «say» and «tell» are used differently.

Error Correction Upper Intermediate Syllabus
Answer Sheet
Reviews most of the language learnt at this upper intermediate level.

Third Conditional Error Correction
Answer Sheet
Students find the errors in these sentences with third conditional sentences.

Error Correction — Conditionals
Answer Sheet
Reviews most of the language learnt at this upper intermediate level.

Advanced Comparative & Superlative Error Correction Worksheet
Answer Sheet
Error correction worksheet which focuses on advanced comparative and superlative structures.

Future Continuous Error Correction Worksheet
Answer Sheet
Error correction worksheet which focuses on the Future Continuous.

Letter Correction — Modal Verbs
Answer Sheet
An e-mail from one friend to another contains several errors in modal verb use.

Hyphen Use Error Correction Worksheet
Answer Sheet
An error correction worksheet focusing on the correct use of the hyphen.

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Future Tenses Error Correction Worksheet
Answer Sheet
A mix of future tenses in this error correction worksheet.

Present Perfect Continuous & Past Perfect Continuous
Answer Sheet
Students tackle this error correction worksheet that practices use of present perfect continuous and past perfect continuous tenses.

‘Used To’ / ‘Be Used To’ Error Correction
Answer Sheet
Students find the errors in these sentences with different forms of ‘used to’.


C1 Advanced Error Correction Exercises 6

See if you can correct these mistakes (the solutions are below)


-I studied Spain for 5 years in high school

I did many trips in Spain

My sister came back from 2 months trip in Spain

She study social sciences

She go in Florence

In order to degree she has to do a stage

I take another degree in 2010

All people ask for him my degree

First I attend an internship

12 different country

We are a company that work with bank and insurance

All our employee are infomatic engineer


I studied Spanish for 5 years in high school

I have been on many trips to Spain

My sister came back from a 2-month trip to Spain

She stud ies social sciences

She go es to Florence

In order to graduate she has to do a n internship

I finished another degree in 2010

Everyone ask s him about my degree

First I attend ed an internship

12 different countr ies

We are a company that work s with bank s and insurance companies

All our employee s are computer engineer s


You have to know well the language

We don’t feel us sure in the house anymore after the robbery

I don’t know if I improved myself

When I was listening to Miguel who spoken Italian


You have to know the language well

To know something/somebody well

We don’t feel safe in the house anymore

I don’t know if I have improved my English

When I was listening to Miguel who was speaking Italian


You have to look into the computer

He don’t like any kind of the work

Most of time he spends by visiting the people who needs help

The honey don’t have problems with cold or warm


You have to look at the computer

He doesn’t like any kind of work

Most of his/the time he spends visiting the people who need help

The honey doesn’t have problems with the cold or warm

Find more CAE error correction exercises here.

Do you want to get the best tips and strategies for passing the exam? Check out my CAE exam tips page.


C1 Advanced Error Correction Exercises 12

See if you can correct these mistakes (the solutions are below)


If you meet a lot of people into the supermarkets

It break your equilibrium

If your body is healthy it win the fight against bacteria

Bacteria that can kill you into a few days

The prove is that the most contaminated areas

When I went here in 1977

at 11 o’clock in the night


If you meet a lot of people in the supermarkets

It breaks your equilibrium

If your body is healthy it wins the fight against bacteria

Bacteria that can kill you in a few days

The proof is that the most contaminated areas

When I came here in 1977

at 11 o’clock at night


Not great than 15 degrees

She have already spoken German language with relatives

If she comes from the nature where everyone speaks English

The medical advisor said us

I had been to Germany in 2010

Moscow is clean city

Today I wake up not so early

Today it was first time when we play such games


Not great er than 15 degrees

She ha s already spoken German with her relatives

If she comes from an English speaking environment

The medical advisor said to us/ told us

I was / went to Germany in 2010

Moscow is a clean city

Today I didn’t wake up so early as usual

On the weekend / on weekends

Today it was the first time when we play ed such games


If I live a month in France

She is by far away from.

It was a lot of time ago

My friend has living in London for 20 years

We have to decide what to do during our travel to Belgium

She will say something on me

We are used to be very very attentive in the past

Into a language there are a lot of things

She will have care of our cats

We call that days .


If I live d for a month in France

she is far away from.

it was a long time ago

My friend has been living in London for 20 years

We have to decide what to do during our trip to Belgium

She will say something about me

We used to be very very attentive in the past

In a language there are a lot of things

She will take care of our cats

We call those days .

Find more CAE error correction exercises here.

If you want to pass the CAE exam, check out this page: CAE exam tips.


Click here to download this exercise in PDF.

The following sentences contain errors (missing or excess words, spelling mistakes…). There may be several mistakes in some sentences. Correct them!

Exercise 5


  • Tom is best student in the class. → Tom is the best student in the class.
  • There is some books on the table. → There is are some books on the table.


  1. He swimmed across the lake. →  
  2. I don’t have no money. →  
  3. What you can do in Thailand? →  
  4. I could to go to the library tomorrow. →  
  5. Do you want that I make breakfast? →  
  6. I’m thinking to buy a new car. →  
  7. Our house is near to the beach. →  
  8. It was more then enough →  
  9. This exercise is more easy than the others. → 
  10. That’s what he told to me… →  


  1. He swimmed across the lake. He swam across the lake.
  2. I don’t have no money. I don’t have any money.
  3. What you can do in Thailand?What can you do in Thailand?
  4. I could to go to the library tomorrow. I could go to the library tomorrow.
  5. Do you want that I make breakfast? → Do you want me to make breakfast?
  6. I’m thinking to buy a new car.I’m thinking of buying a new car / I’m thinking about buying a new car.
  7. Our house is near to the beach.Our house is near the beach / Our house is close to the beach.
  8. It was more then enough.It was more than enough.
  9. This exercise is more easy than the others. This exercise is easier than the others.
  10. That’s what he told to me…That’s what he told me…

Tags: Worksheet


  1. Common English Mistakes – Error Correction Exercise 2A (Intermediate)
  2. Correct the Mistakes
  3. Intermediate — error correction
  4. Come and join esl-lounge Premium.
  5. English Error Correction Exercises
  6. English Grammar Error Correction Exercises With Answers
  7. Common English Mistakes
  8. Correct the Mistakes

Common English Mistakes – Error Correction Exercise 2A (Intermediate)

Below are 25 common English mistakes that intermediate students make. Correct the errors in each sentence and then see the answers and explanations below.

For more error correction exercises, see:

Correct the Mistakes

1. We are only five on our team.

2. I would rather to work from home than come to the office.

3. We’re used to have a lot of work to do, so meeting the deadline won’t be a problem.

4. My client sent me an email but I haven’t replied her yet.

5. Maybe I’m going to finish this today.

6. Please borrow me your badge so I can get into the storage closet.

7. I can’t finish this by the end of the day. Even though I spend all day on it, I won’t finish on time.

8. Probably, I’ll go to the beach on Saturday.

9. The Old Man and the Sea was written for Ernest Hemingway.

10. Our office is near to the airport, so it will be easy for you to get here.

11. We have many stuffs to do this week, so I don’t know if I can go to English class.

12. Despite I was tired, I came to work today.

13. If we had a gym here, I can work out after work.

14. I always try to do things very careful and make sure I do them correct. (two mistakes)

15. We have people from all over the world here: India, United States, Venezuela, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, and France. (two mistakes)

16. Are we going to have to work overtime again this week? I hope no.

17. Yesterday, he told me that he will send the email after lunch, but he didn’t do it.

18. My schedule often changes, but I normally work since 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

19. I thought you were still with Microsoft. When did you stop to work there?

20. I’m not pretty sure about what we should do.

21. How long time did you work in the public sector?

22. Do you know where is the restaurant?

23. He is well-experienced, so we know that he can do the job.

24. Who is in charge to decide which printer to buy?

25. I had a hard time getting in touch with my supervisor. After calling for hours, I finally could get in touch with her.


I Suggest You Do This Exercise
Answer Sheet
The use of «suggest» is a veritable minefield for English students. Here is a list of sentences using «suggest» , some correctly and some not.

Error Correction: lesson one review
Answer Sheet
This can be used as a easy start for your Intermediate level class. It is basically a review of the Pre-Intermediate syllabus.

Grammar Auction: Modals
Answer Sheet
Like the above two grammar auctions but concentrating solely on modal usage.

Can, Could, Be Able To Error Correction
Answer Sheet
Students decide if these sentences using ‘can’, ‘could’ and ‘be able to’ are correct or not.

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Grammar Auction: Past
Answer Sheet
Students in pairs or groups look at different ways of expressing the past in English and attempt to ‘buy’ only those sentences they think are correct.

Make, Let, Allow Error Correction
Answer Sheet
Students decide if these sentences using ‘make’, ‘let’ and ‘allow’ are correct or not.

Grammar Auction: Intermediate Review
Answer Sheet
Similar to the above activity, this time for a general review of the Intermediate syllabus.

Error Correction: a letter
Answer Sheet
Review of Intermediate syllabus in the form of a letter between friends with 20+ mistakes in it.

First & Second Conditionals Error Correction
Answer Sheet
Students have to find the errors in these first and second conditional sentences.

Present Passive Error Correction
Answer Sheet
Students have to find the errors in these present passive sentences.

Say / Tell Error Correction
Answer Sheet
Students choose ‘correct’ or ‘wrong’ for each sentence containing ‘say’ or ‘tell’.


English Error Correction Exercises

The following text comes from a student’s essay. On each numbered line there is ONE error of grammar, word order, vocabulary or spelling. There are no punctuation mistakes. Find the mistake on each numbered line, UNDERLINE it and WRITE the correction in the space provided to the right of the text.

Take this quick English Error Correction quiz to find out!

English Grammar Error Correction Exercises With Answers

Question 1: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error.

Cans of paints must be shaking to(A)/ mix the pigments with the medium (B)/ in which they are (C)/ suspended .(D)

Question 2: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error.

The soonest parachutes were (A)/ made of canvas, but (B)/ later silk and nylon (C)/ were used .(D)

Question 3: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error.

When vigorous exercise, muscles require a (A)/ much greater (B)/ amount of oxygen than(C)/ when they are at rest. (D)

Question 4: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error.

A person must be at(A)/ least 30 years(B)/ age in order to(C)/ serve as a senator(D)

Question 5: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error.

Moulds grow on bread, fruit, paper and(A)/ much (B)/ other substance (C) / used .(D)

Question 6: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error.

Premchand gathered material for(A)/ him novels (B)/ from (C) / different places .(D)

Question 7: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error.

Rabbits have powerful(A)/ rear legs that enable(B)/ it to leap long(C)/ distances .(D)

Question 8: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error.

The most important period of physical(A)/ growth in humans(B)/ occurred during(C)/ their first two years.(D)

Question 9: Indicate incorrect part in the sentence:

We have received no complain about the inferior quality of the goods.

(A) have received

(C) the inferior quality

Question 10: Read the following sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or Idiomatic error it. The error is in one part of the sentence. The alphabet representing that part is the answer.

Of the two principles(A)/ he put forward, the last one(B)/ was more(C)/ difficult to understand(D).

Question 11: Find out which part of a sentence has an error.

Miss Rama Devi has (A)/two elephants , ten horses(B)/and as much as fifty cars. (C)/No error(D).

Question 12: Find out if there is any error:

Some men are born great(A)/some achieve greatness(B)/ and some had greatness thrust on them(C)/No error(D)

Question 13: Find out which part of the sentence has an error.

This candidate lacks(A)/an experience (B)/otherwise he is well qualified. (C)/No error(D)

Question 14: Find out the error part of the following sentence:

In the last week(A)/I told him to come(B)/in time but he still(C)/comes late everyday.(D)

Question 15: Find out the error part of the following sentence :

We were very much(A)/carefully in our approach(B)/and hence we would(C)/complete the complicated task.(D)

Question 16: Find out the error part of the following sentence:

In spite of toiling (A)/ very hardly he (B)/ realized that he had(C)/ not earned anything substantial. (D)

Question 17: Find out which part of the sentence has an error.

A. They have/ B. placed order/C. for books/ D. no error.

Question 18: Find out the error part of the following sentence:

You scooter would not (A)/ have given you so much trouble (B)/ if you had (C)/ maintained it proper.(D).

Question 19: Find out which part of the sentence has an error.

A. They walked/ B. besides each other/C. in silence/ D. no error

Question 20: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

Ram did not like (A)/leaving his old grandparents alone in the house (B)/ but he had no alternative (C)/ as he has to go out to work (D)/ No error (E).

Question 21: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

If you had (A) / Studied well (B) / you would have (C) / get more marks (D) / No error (E).

Question 22: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

There are a lot of students (A) / in the class (B) / but Jim is one of the best (C) / students in the class (D) / No error (E).

Question 23: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

Due to me being a newcomer A/ I was unable to get a house B/ suitable for my wife and me. C/ No error D/

Question 24: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

We shall(A)/ go out(B)/ if it does not rains. (C)/ No Error. (D)

Question 25: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

You can get A/ all the informations you want B/ in this book C/ No error D/

Question 26: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

The interviewer asked the candidate A/ to what district B/ he came from C/ No error D/

Question 27: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

The Cabinet Ministers and the Prime Minister A/ was at the airport B/ to receive the foreign dignitary C/ No error D/

Question 28: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

On his attitude A/ it seems that what he wants B/ is that the decision making power C/ should rest with him D/ No error E/

Question 29: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

Mr. Smith was accused for murder A/ but the court found him not guilty B/ and acquitted him C/ No error D/

Question 30: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

Mohan could not A/ go to the picnic B/ for his mother C/ was not well. D/ No error E/

Question 31: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

Looking forward A/ to B/ meet you here. C/ No error D/

Question 32: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

I do not understand A/ why he is B/ so angry at me. C/ No error D/

Question 33: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

He could not plan his strategy A/ until he knew B/ whom his opponents could be C/ No error D/


Common English Mistakes

Below are 40 common English mistakes that beginners make. Correct the errors in each sentence and then see the answers and explanations below.

For more error correction exercises, see:

Correct the Mistakes

1. Do you like it? No, I don’t like.

2. On Sunday, I always go to the church.

3. On Saturdays, I always go to movies.

4. I love listening music.

5. I born in 1962.

6. I could to go to the store tomorrow.

7. The last year I didn’t know much English.

8. Are you agree with me?

9. I’m afraid to the dark.

10. Always, I study before I go to bed.

11. I can’t eating when it’s late at night because I get sick.

12. I’m not very good for cooking.

13. After class, I always go to home.

14. My uncle John is funner than my uncle Mike.

15. These pants are more cheaper than the other ones.

16. Probably he likes soccer.

17. I love that movie because is funny.

18. I’m thinking of to go home because I’m tired.

19. I’m a doctor. So do I.

20. I go every day to school.

21. Do you have a dog? Yes, I have.

22. Do you like to go to the movies tomorrow night?

23. What are you doing? Right now I cook dinner.

24. I don’t dance good.

25. Where did you went yesterday?

26. When did you born?

27. What did you do yesterday? I did go to the mall.

28. There is much noise here.

29. How much restaurants are in your neighborhood?

30. Is very windy today.

31. I love Brazil because it’s too beautiful.

32. What you can do in New York City?

33. I have a daughter. I am too.

34. I’m glad we’re practicing grammar because I do a lot of mistakes.

35. Before make a presentation, you should practice a lot.

36. Things went really good today at work.

37. My mother always told me a bedtime history when I was a kid.

38. There isn’t a lot of cars on the road today.


The correct answer to any of our sentence correction questions will have all of the following 4 characteristics: 1. No grammatical mistakes 2. Correct sentence structure 3. No diction errors 4. No changes to the sentence’s intended meaning Also, it is important to note that we did not state that the correct answer is always the most concise one. While this often is the case, it does not always hold true. You may find that you need to resist the temptation to always select the shortest answer choice. If you’ve read the underscored text, you already know what it says. Keep in mind, however, that we are not saying to ignore choice A entirely. It will be correct approximately one fifth of the time. That said, we do recommend that you resist the temptation to overanalyze these questions or to assume that there is always a re-written answer choice that is better than the underlined segment presented in the question. Look out for multiple errors. A sentence might contain more than one error. A common fallacy that test-takers fall into is to find one error and then quickly choose the answer that corrects that mistake, without considering whether there are other errors in the sentence that an alternative answer choice might also address. The correct answer must correct all of the errors in the underlined text. Employ process of elimination wherever possible. The easiest way to use process of elimination in sentence correction questions is simply to eliminate any answer choices that are themselves grammatically incorrect. You can also eliminate any choices that alter the intended meaning of the sentence. If you are still unsure about how to answer a question even after narrowing your choices down to two, you will fare better by selecting the more concise of the remaining answer choices, provided that it does not use the passive voice. Do not worry about spelling or capitalization errors. The test writers do not test for these 2 errors. When in doubt, look for subtle differences among the different answer choices. Examining how answer choices differ from one another can also be a good way to determine what errors might be present in the underlined text. This technique can also help you fight the tendency to read so carefully for meaning that you overlook grammatical mistakes. Read the entire sentence a second time, inserting your selected answer choice. We have found this to be a very powerful tip for dealing with sentence correction questions. It can keep you from making careless mistakes that would harm your GMAT score. Trust your ears. If you become stuck, ‘say’ the choices in your head and then select the passage that sounds best to your ears. Most test takers, particularly native English speakers, have internalized many more grammar rules than they can explicitly identify.

Below you’ll find our complete list of sentence correction worksheets. In this section, students practice identifying/correcting errors in sentences by rewriting them.


Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Editing Exercises Error Correction And Omission. Students and teachers of Class 8 English can get free advanced study material, revision notes, sure shot questions and answers for Class 8 English prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination guidelines in your school. Standard 8 students should download this study material which will give them more knowledge for all chapters in English and all important topics which are scoring and can get you more marks. Students should also download free pdf of Chapter wise Notes for Class 8 English prepared by school teachers as per the latest NCERT, CBSE, KVS books and syllabus issued this year and also download free worksheets and question papers available here to get higher scores in school exams and tests, also click here for more Study Material for Class 8 English

Editing Exercises — Error Correction And Omission

I. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number:                                                                       

                                                                                                Incorrect        Correct

Working for fourteen hours the day might                 (a) __________           ___________

seem impossible to many. So it has many                   (b) __________           ___________

benefits. These who work for so long                         (c) __________           ___________

achieve grand success but fame                                  (d) __________          ___________

 that nobody normal achieves.                                    (e) __________           ___________

Unless you want to be a great man, you                     (f) __________           ___________

will have to translate a impossible into                       (g) __________           ___________

the possible. As others sleep you should work           (h) __________           ___________ 

Ques.2. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number: 

                                                                      Incorrect             Correct

India is very fortunate that it have many        a) _________         ___________

rivers. Their famous rivers are Sutlej,              b) _________        ___________

Ganga, Yamuna or Narmada. Some of           c) __________     ___________

the river like Ganga, which                             d) _________       ___________

originated from the Himalayas, flow              e) _________      ____________

throughout a year. They provide water           f)_________        ____________

for both drinking and irrigational purpose.     g) _________    _____________

Some rivers in India are consider  very           h) _________      _____________

sacred and are worshipped.


Ques.1 One word has been omitted in each line. Write the omitted word and the word which comes before and after it.

When the Class IX examinations over,           e.g.: examinations were over

the Deputy Commissioner asked

his son he had done his English paper                        (a) ___________________________

well. The boy told him that was easy                         (b) ___________________________

and that for one question had written                        (c) ___________________________

that his father was washer man.                                  (d) ___________________________

The boy’s father furious and  shouted                        (e) ___________________________

angrily but son replied, «I did                                     (f) ___________________________

not know the spelling Deputy                                     (g) ___________________________

Commissioner and I did not want lose one mark.»     (h) ___________________________

II. In the following passage, there is a word omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it against the correct blank numbers. Remember to underline your answer.




Bill Traylor was born slave in Alabama.





He not get an opportunity to





learn read or write. He started





painting the age of 83. In four years,





he made than 1800 paintings. He





displayed his art on a fence near house.





It was noticed the neighbourhood





and gradually he popular.





Error Correction Exercises

The following text comes from a student’s essay. On each numbered line there is ONE error of grammar, word order, vocabulary or spelling. There are no punctuation mistakes. Find the mistake on each numbered line, UNDERLINE it and WRITE the correction in the space provided to the right of the text.

Take this quick English Error Correction quiz to find out!

Go to English Grammar Exercises

Question 1: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error.

Cans of paints must be shaking to(A)/ mix the pigments with the medium (B)/ in which they are (C)/ suspended.(D)

Question 2: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error. 

The soonest parachutes were (A)/ made of canvas, but (B)/ later silk and nylon (C)/ were used.(D)

Question 3: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error.

When vigorous exercise, muscles require a (A)/ much greater (B)/amount of oxygen than(C)/ when they are at rest. (D)

Question 4: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error.

A person must be at(A)/ least 30 years(B)/ age in order to(C)/ serve as a senator(D)

Question 5: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error.

Moulds grow on bread, fruit, paper and(A)/ much(B)/ other substance(C) / used.(D)

Question 6: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error.

Premchand gathered material for(A)/ him novels (B)/ from(C) / different places.(D)

Question 7: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error.

Rabbits have powerful(A)/ rear legs that enable(B)/ it to leap long(C)/ distances.(D)

Question 8: Read the sentences carefully. Each sentence has four underlined parts. Choose which one of the underlined parts has an error.

The most important period of physical(A)/ growth in humans(B)/ occurred during(C)/ their first two years.(D)

Question 9: Indicate incorrect part in the sentence:

We have received no complain about the inferior quality of the goods.

(A) have received

(B) no complain

(C) the inferior quality

(D) of the goods

View Answer

(B) no complain


No complaint/s

Question 10: Read the following sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or Idiomatic error it. The error is in one part of the sentence. The alphabet representing that part is the answer.

Of the two principles(A)/ he put forward, the last one(B)/ was more(C)/ difficult to understand(D).


the second one

Question 11: Find out which part of a sentence has an error.

Miss Rama Devi has(A)/two elephants, ten horses(B)/and as much as fifty cars. (C)/No error(D).

Question 12: Find out if there is any error:

Some men are born great(A)/some achieve greatness(B)/ and some had greatness thrust on them(C)/No error(D)


“have” instead of “had”

Question 13: Find out which part of the sentence has an error.

This candidate lacks(A)/an experience (B)/otherwise he is well qualified. (C)/No error(D)


use “but” in place of “otherwise”

Question 14: Find out the error part of the following sentence:

In the last week(A)/I told him to come(B)/in time but he still(C)/comes late everyday.(D)


“on time” instead of “in time” and also “still” is not necessary

Question 15: Find out the error part of the following sentence :

We were very much(A)/carefully in our approach(B)/and hence we would(C)/complete the complicated task.(D)


use “careful” in place of “carefully”

Question 16: Find out the error part of the following sentence:

In spite of toiling (A)/ very hardly he (B)/ realized that he had(C)/ not earned anything substantial. (D)


use “very hard” in place of “very hardly”

Question 17: Find out which part of the sentence has an error.

A. They have/ B. placed order/C. for books/ D. no error.


use “an order” in place of “order”

Question 18: Find out the error part of the following sentence:

You scooter would not (A)/ have given you so much trouble (B)/ if you had (C)/ maintained it proper.(D).


use “properly” in place of “order”

Question 19: Find out which part of the sentence has an error.

A. They walked/ B. besides each other/C. in silence/ D. no error


use “beside” in place of “besides”

Question 20: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

Ram did not like (A)/leaving his old grandparents alone in the house (B)/ but he had no alternative (C)/ as he has to go out to work (D)/ No error (E).


use “had” in place of “has”

Question 21: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

If you had (A) / Studied well (B) / you would have (C) / get more marks (D) / No error (E).


use “got” in place of “get”

Question 22: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

There are a lot of students (A) / in the class (B) / but Jim is one of the best (C) / students in the class (D) / No error (E).

Question 23: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

Due to me being a newcomer A/ I was unable to get a house B/ suitable for my wife and me. C/ No error D/


use “my” in place of “me”

Question 24: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

We shall(A)/ go out(B)/ if it does not rains. (C)/ No Error. (D)


use “rain” in place of “rains”

Question 25: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

You can get A/ all the informations you want B/ in this book C/ No error D/


use “information” in place of “informations”

Question 26: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

The interviewer asked the candidate A/ to what district B/ he came from C/ No error D/


use “which” in place of “what”

Question 27: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

The Cabinet Ministers and the Prime Minister A/ was at the airport B/ to receive the foreign dignitary C/ No error D/


use “were” in place of “was”

Question 28: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

On his attitude A/ it seems that what he wants B/ is that the decision making power C/ should rest with him D/ No error E/


use “from his attitude” in place of ” On his attitude”

Question 29: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

Mr. Smith was accused for murder A/ but the court found him not guilty B/ and acquitted him C/ No error D/


use “accused of” in place of ” accused for”

Question 30: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

Mohan could not A/ go to the picnic B/ for his mother C/ was not well. D/ No error E/

Question 31: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

Looking forward A/ to B/ meet you here. C/ No error D/


use “meeting” in place of ” meet ”

Question 32: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

I do not understand A/ why he is B/ so angry at me. C/ No error D/


use “with” in place of “at”

Question 33: Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error:

He could not plan his strategy A/ until he knew B/ whom his opponents could be C/ No error D/


use “who” in place of “whom”

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