Error could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tkinter from versions none

i know there have already been many such questions asked on this forum but i couldnt find any that helped my particular case. i am trying to install tkinter(and some other packages) using pip inst...

i know there have already been many such questions asked on this forum but i couldnt find any that helped my particular case.

i am trying to install tkinter(and some other packages) using pip install on windows 10 cmd. but it gives the error

pip install tkinter

 Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tkinter (from 
versions: )
No matching distribution found for tkinter

how do i install it? i get the same error for some other packages too. what is the solution that works for any and all future packages i install?

asked Feb 27, 2019 at 12:45

Shaheer Bin Arif's user avatar


When installing packages with pip, it automatically collects any dependencies of these packages, if they aren’t already installed. For example, if you install SciPyand you haven’t installed NumPy, pip will automatically install NumPy, because it is listed in SciPy‘s dependencies.

The error you got happens, when one of the listed requirements of the package you want to install is not availible. This can have a number of causes:

  • The required package is not availible on PyPi.

  • The required package or the package you want to install is not compatible with your version of python.

  • You typed the wrong package name.

When i try pip install tkinter, i get the same error. The reason for that is that tkinter is already included in the python standard library (at least for python 3.x). You shouldn’t have to install it. You can verify that tkinter is working by a simple example like

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

answered Feb 27, 2019 at 12:49

Flob's user avatar


если версия python 2.7 к примеру то там надо писать Tkinter а не tkinter

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по дефолту он всегда есть, какая версия python то?

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плюсую товарища выше — ты установил python-tk, а он для второго питона. python3-tk нужно

gnunixon ★★★

(27.10.20 23:10:30 MSK)

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На будущее. Что бы не возникало казусов вроде смешивания пакетов python-tk и python3-tk, устанавливай питоновские пакеты через pip, а не через системный менеджер пакетов.

Aswed ★★★★★

(28.10.20 11:26:30 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от fsb4000 27.10.20 22:59:05 MSK

Спасибо вам большое! Работает!!!!!!


(28.10.20 14:43:57 MSK)

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от Aswed 28.10.20 11:26:30 MSK

устанавливай питоновские пакеты через pip, а не через системный менеджер пакетов.

Совет от debiloida и полнейшего idiotes.


(28.10.20 15:20:28 MSK)

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от anonymous 28.10.20 15:20:28 MSK

Куда уж мне до анонимусов на лоре. Смотри не увлекайся коментами, а то на математику опоздаешь.

Aswed ★★★★★

(29.10.20 12:22:12 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от gnunixon 27.10.20 23:10:30 MSK

$ sudo python3 -m pip install python3-tk
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement python3-tk (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for python3-tk

Можете подсказать, ЧЯДНТ?


(29.10.20 17:35:26 MSK)

Последнее исправление: zad1ra 29.10.20 17:35:56 MSK

исправлений: 1)

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29 июля 2022 г.

Ответ на:

от zad1ra 29.10.20 17:35:26 MSK

Аналогичная проблема. Линукс вот какой:

root@porteus:/tmp# uname -a
Linux porteus 4.9.0-porteus #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Dec 18 16:24:27 Local time zone must be set-- i686 Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

Как это лечить?

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Ответ на:

от senglory 29.07.22 19:29:47 MSK

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от vvn_black 29.07.22 21:30:59 MSK

Неа, не помогло:

root@porteus:/tmp# pip install tk
Collecting tk
  Downloading tk-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (3.9 kB)
Installing collected packages: tk
Successfully installed tk-0.1.0
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:

root@porteus:/tmp# pip install python3-tk
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement python3-tk (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for python3-tk

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Ответ на:

от senglory 29.07.22 23:30:13 MSK

Ответ на:

от vvn_black 29.07.22 23:31:21 MSK

Но python3-tk как не ставился , так и сейчас не ставится. Что у меня неправильно сделано?

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Ответ на:

от senglory 29.07.22 23:35:53 MSK

Извинения, я затупил. Дистрибутивный python должен быть собран с поддержкой tk.

vvn_black ★★★★★

(29.07.22 23:48:40 MSK)

Последнее исправление: vvn_black 29.07.22 23:56:57 MSK

исправлений: 1)

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Вы не можете добавлять комментарии в эту тему. Тема перемещена в архив.

Sometimes you get an error when you’re trying to install a Python package
using pip. It looks like this:

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement (from versions:)
No matching distribution found for

Some probable reasons for this error are:

  1. PyPI server isn’t responding to your requests. It can happen either because
    the PyPI server is down or because it has blacklisted your IP address. This
    happened to me once when I was trying installing packages on a server.
    This can be fixed by using a proxy with pip. See the solution below.

  2. You’re running an older pip (especially on Mac). This can be fixed by
    upgrading your pip.
    See this post on Stack Overflow.
    Thanks to Anupam Jain who pointed this in a comment.

  3. The package you’re trying to install is not available for your Python version.

  4. The package is not available for your operating system. This is a rare case
    and only happens when the package is not pure-Python, i.e. it’s been
    partially written in C or Cython. Such a package needs to be compiled for
    every operating system (Windows/Mac/Linux) and architecture (32-bit/64-bit).
    Suppose a package has only been compiled for Windows 64-bit, then you’ll get
    this error if you try to install it on Windows 32-bit, or any other

  5. The package is not present on PyPI server. In this case pip will not work. So
    you’ll have to download and install the package manually from Github or wherever
    it is available.


I had this issue because PyPI server had blacklisted the IP
of my hosting provider, the obvious solution was to make pip install via a proxy.

But to see if that’s also the case with you, you can test it like this:

$ curl

The requestors Network has been blacklisted due to excessive request volume. 
If you are a hosting customer, please contact your hosting company's support. 
If you are the hosting company, please contact to resolve

If you see the message similar to above, that means your IP has also been
blacklisted by

If you don’t see this message then the reason for the pip error could be that you’re using
an older version. See this post on Stack Overflow
for a solution.

Anyways, this can be fixed by using a proxy with pip.

Supplying a proxy address to pip is easy:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt --proxy address:port

Above, address and port are IP address and port of the proxy.

To find proxies, just search Google for proxy list.

Other things that I tried¶

These are some other things that I tried to get rid of this issue.
Although they didn’t work for me, but they might work for you.

  1. Changing DNS resolver of my server.
    This makes sense if your server’s DNS resolver can’t find PyPI servers.
  2. Reconfiguring SSL, reinstalling CA certificates.
    This makes sense if you don’t have updated CA certificates which are used by
    PyPI servers.
  3. Downloading packages using wget.
    This is an alternative way to install Python packages. Download them via wget
    and then install them using python install. In my case, the server was
    blacklisted by PyPI so I was getting a 403 Forbidden error.
  4. Downloading packages using curl.
    Alternative to wget. In my case I didn’t get a 403 error but rather it just
    created invalid tarball files, instead of actually downloading them.
  5. Downloading packages using git or hg.
    If your desired packages have git or hg repositories that you can clone, this
    is a good workaround.

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C:WINDOWSsystem32>pip install tkinter
Collecting tkinter
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tkinter (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for tkinter

Hi all ! Is there somebody that can help me. The file worked well with linux, and I should like it does the same with windows. Windows does not find the module tkinter. As you see above, I cannot install tkinter. I use Pycharm, my interpreter is python 3.6.

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I think tkinter is included in python, you don’t need to install it. Try the statement import tkinter in the python interpreter. If there is no error message, it means that you already have tkinter.

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tkinter is included by default in the windows python distribution


Minister of Silly Walks

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I found tkinter in C:Program FilesPython36Libtkinter…………….and I tried to import it. I got this message:
The project at C:Program FilesPython36Libtkinter uses a non-standard layout and cannot be attached to this project. Would you like to open it in a new window? …y/n ?
What do I reply ? yes or no ? Thanks

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(Feb-14-2018, 09:03 AM)sylas Wrote: I tried to import it.

how do you try to import it?

try to run this minimal application

import tkinter as tk

class Application(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None):

    def create_widgets(self):
        self.hi_there = tk.Button(self)
        self.hi_there["text"] = "Hello Worldn(click me)"
        self.hi_there["command"] = self.say_hi

        self.quit = tk.Button(self, text="QUIT", fg="red",

    def say_hi(self):
        print("hi there, everyone!")

root = tk.Tk()
app = Application(master=root)

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run python3 from command line and see if you can import tkinter.

Your python may be defaulting to python 2.7
in 2.7 it’s import Tkinter with capital ‘T’
You might have messed up your version by running pip.
Also, I believe there are still some versions of python that
don’t automatically install it.

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OP clearly has python 3.6 with tkinter, based on path C:Program FilesPython36Libtkinter
based on error The project at C:Program FilesPython36Libtkinter uses a non-standard layout and cannot be attached to this project I think when OP says he is trying to import tkinter they are actually trying to include tkinter folder to PyCharm project, but that is just wild guess


Minister of Silly Walks

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I tried Buran’s file. Always my PC cannot find the module tkinter. All my projects come from my 32bits old PC. I put the project from the USB key into my 64bits PC.First I create a new Project with a name about the same as my old project. Then I import my ancient project with just : File>Open>OK. All files are there,ready to go, and all of them work well, except those with tkinter and pygame….Something I don’t like: when I choose the interpreter I have about 10 different python3.6, all of them with the suffix venv. As i know nothing about vitual environment it is not pleasant to choose a venv, but I cannot do otherwise.

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Don’t try it from within PyCharm. Just open Notepad, paste my code, save the file as, then open command prompt, change CWD to folder where is and type in cmd prompt python


Minister of Silly Walks

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Thanks Buran. I opened Notepad, I saved «», after that I am lost. «Open command prompt», do you mean terminal ? «Change CWD to folder», there I don’t know «CWD». Explain please.

  • #4

Проблема возникла на windows 10

Я ввел import tkinter as tk но это не помогло и выдало ошибку:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File «», line 9, in <module>
window = tk()
TypeError: ‘module’ object is not callable

вот сам код если что:


# My Project

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *

#key down function

##### main:
window = tk()

сам модуль у меня действительно установлен

версия python 3.8

Последнее редактирование: Апр 19, 2020


  • #7

спасибо огромное! очень помогли


Tkinter – это графическая библиотека на основе Tk, которая входит в стандартную библиотеку Python. Tk является библиотекой базовых элементов графического интерфейса для языка Tcl.

хорошо расписанные уроки по tkinter, можете еще их посмотреть

Люди: у меня похожая проблема — не устанавливается «tkinter»:

Кликните здесь для просмотра всего текста

pip install tkinter
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tkinter (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tkinter

Я занялся изучением «Python», и пробуя установить среду использовал следующие варианты:
«Anaconda» — «tkinter» не ставится.
«python-3.6.0» (для моей Windows 7) — в командной строке отказался устанавлявать библиотеки, «почитав» выяснил — что нужно виндовую командную строку (FarComander не прокатил)(а «Anaconda» нормально в своей строке ставила); и здесь получил ошибки на «pip install pyautogui»:

Кликните здесь для просмотра всего текста

***Running install for pyautogui … done
ERROR: pip’s dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
mouseinfo 0.1.3 requires Pillow<=3.4.2,>=2.0.0; python_version == «3.2», but you have pillow 8.3.2 which is incompatible.
mouseinfo 0.1.3 requires Pillow<=4.3.0,>=2.0.0; python_version == «3.3», but you have pillow 8.3.2 which is incompatible.
mouseinfo 0.1.3 requires Pillow<=5.4.1,>=2.5.0; python_version == «3.4», but you have pillow 8.3.2 which is incompatible.
Successfully installed Pillow***

и ту-же ошибку на «pip install tkinter».
— Может этого пакета вообще нету? Может его переименовали? Или мне пакет для игр ставить ?

Добавлено через 14 минут
Вычитал что «tkinter» уже установлен в системе (у меня семёрка) и инсталлировать его не надо — а просто подключить:

import tkinter


на это выдала:

Кликните здесь для просмотра всего текста

Имя «import» не распознано как имя командлета, функции, файла скрипта или выпол
няемой программы. Проверьте правильность написания имени, а также наличие и пра
вильность пути, после чего повторите попытку.
строка:1 знак:7
+ import <<<< tkinter
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (import:String) [], CommandNotFo
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

— что это значит?

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