Error could not install packages due to an environmenterror winerror 5

I have windows 10. I have completed installing Tensorflow. It works. It says "Hello Tensorflow!". But it has all of this before it: 2018-08-18 18:16:01.500579: I T:srcgithubtensorflow

Oh my. There are so many bad answers here. Well meaning but misleading.
I am usually fine with dealing with permissions on Mac/Linux. Windows is new to me these days. This is the problem I had.

  1. Create a virtualenv — ok
  2. activate my virtualenv — failed. Needs Scope to run powershell. Windows is helpful and tell you exactly the command you need to run to allow .ps to run. Sort of like chmod but with execution scope which I think is good.
  3. Now if you are past the above and install a few packages then it’s fine. Until you suddenly cant. Then you get this permission error.
  4. Something you or another process did set the permission on the folder where pip installs packages. i.e. In my case I suspect it’s OneDrive or some permission inheritence.

The ideal way forward is to check permissions. This is hard but you are a Python developer are you not!
First check your own user.

  1. whoami e.g. mycomputervangel
  2. Get-Acl <path which is an issue>
  3. on the Python install folder or your virtualenv right click and go to Security Tab. Click advanced and review permissions. I removed all inherited permissions and other users etc and added my whoami user explicity with full permissions. then applied to all objects.

Dont do these without verifying the below steps. Read the message carefully.

By no means it is the solution for all permissions issues that may affect you. I can only provide guidance on how to troubleshoot and hopefully you resolve.

setting --user flag is not necessary anywhere, if it works good for you. But you still do not know what went wrong.

More steps:
Try removing a package and installing it.
pip uninstall requests
pip install requests
This works, yet I get permission issue for a specific package.

Turns out, Windows gives permission error when the file is locked by a process. Python reports it as [Winerror 5] and I could not easily find that documentation reference anyway. lets test this theory.

I find the exact file that gets permission error. Hit delete. Sure enough Windows window prompt that its open in python Of course it is.

I hit end task on all python It has worked since 1996. But I waited a few seconds just in case some process is launching python. Checked Task manager all good.

Having failed 20 times in getting pip to install the specific azureml package I was feeling pretty sure this resolved it.

I ran my pip install and it installed perfectly fine.

Moral of the story: Understand what you are doing before copy pasting from Stackoverflow. All the best.

p.s. Please stop installing Python or its packages as administrator. We are past that since 2006

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    above is screenshot of error i get i don,t know how to solve this error can anyone help with this thanks in advance  

    • Edited by

      Monday, December 3, 2018 5:41 PM
      Edited PII


  • Just to clarify, are you an admin on the subscription?

    It’s recommended to use wheels for
    installing Python dependencies. Also, using requirements.txt is recommended because it’s easy to reproduce your exact package set both locally and on the server. 

    you can upgrade pip of your virtualenv, which you can do by adding a line in deploy.cmd file before install
    requirements.txt command.

    envscriptspython -m pip install —upgrade pip

    Just to highlight, there’s no C compiler on App Service, so you need to install the
    wheel for any packages with native extension modules. Many popular packages provide their own wheels. For packages that don’t, use 
    pip wheel <package_name> on
    your local development computer and then upload the wheel to your site.

    Refer the blog

    Install Python Modules on Azure App Services for more details on this topic. Let us know how that goes for further investigation.

    Note: It recommended not to share PII details on the public forum.

    • Proposed as answer by
      Grace MacJones-MSFT
      Friday, December 14, 2018 7:17 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Hastik Patel
      Wednesday, February 20, 2019 6:08 AM

  • Thank you Ajay for your Help if can i get your email id is for any Query i can mail you

    • Marked as answer by
      Hastik Patel
      Wednesday, February 20, 2019 6:08 AM

  • Thank you Ajay for your Help if can i get your email id is for any Query i can mail you

    In case you have any issues using Azure Services, you may create a forum thread similar to this one in the respective Azure forum we would be more than
    happy to assist you ahead.

    You may wish to see:
    Microsoft Azure Support Options.

    If the above answer was helpful, kindly do ‘Mark as answer” and/or ‘Vote as helpful’ the post for
    benefitting the other users with a similar issue.

    • Marked as answer by
      Hastik Patel
      Wednesday, February 20, 2019 6:08 AM

  • Hi Hastik,

    Are you using run from package for your application? This puts your application files into a read only mode. You can check for an app setting WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE.
    If this exists you will not be able to modify any files via Kudu. To workaround the issue you will either need to package your whole application and deploy it using run from package or use another deployment method.

    • Proposed as answer by
      AjayKumar-MSFTMicrosoft employee, Owner
      Tuesday, December 18, 2018 4:14 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Hastik Patel
      Wednesday, February 20, 2019 6:08 AM

Hi Guys,

I am trying to install opencv-contrib-python, but it shows me the below error.

C:UsersDesktopmlops-wsClass note>pip install opencv-contrib-python
Collecting opencv-contrib-python
Using cached opencv_contrib_python- (39.5 MB)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.14.5 in c:usersanaconda3libsite-packages (from opencv-contrib-python) (1.18.1)
Installing collected packages: opencv-contrib-python
ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'C:\Users\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\cv2\cv2.cp37-win_amd64.pyd'
Consider using the `--user` option or check the permissions.

Apr 20, 2020

in Machine Learning


• 38,240 points


1 answer to this question.


I think you are trying to install from command line. But some packages will not allow you to install without user access.  To avoid this you can use the command.

$ pip install --user opencv-contrib-python

Hope this will help you.


Apr 20, 2020


• 95,420 points

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