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Compiler Error Message: CS0019: Operator ‘||’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘string’ and ‘string’
Source Error:
Line 80: {
Line 81:
Line 82: if ((TextBoxVoornaam.Text = "") || (TextBoxFamilienaam.Text = ""))
Line 83: {
Line 84: LabelError.Text = "U dient alle velden in te vullen";Source File: c:Documents and SettingsEigenaarBureaublad!!GIP!!WebsiteDefault.aspx.cs Line: 82
proggie wrote: Compiler Error Message: CS0019: Operator ‘||’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘string’ and ‘string’Source Error:
Line 80: {
Line 81:
Line 82: if ((TextBoxVoornaam.Text = "") || (TextBoxFamilienaam.Text = ""))
Line 83: {
Line 84: LabelError.Text = "U dient alle velden in te vullen";Source File: c:Documents and SettingsEigenaarBureaublad!!GIP!!WebsiteDefault.aspx.cs Line: 82
The operator || as well as | cannot be applied to string objects. It is a comparison operator for boolean types.
You can use this operator in expressions like this:
if ( string1 != string.Empty || string2 != string.Empty)
Your problem is that instead of boolean == you are using assignment operator =.
Change it into:
if ((TextBoxVoornaam.Text == «») || (TextBoxFamilienaam.Text == «»))
All replies
proggie wrote: Compiler Error Message: CS0019: Operator ‘||’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘string’ and ‘string’Source Error:
Line 80: {
Line 81:
Line 82: if ((TextBoxVoornaam.Text = "") || (TextBoxFamilienaam.Text = ""))
Line 83: {
Line 84: LabelError.Text = "U dient alle velden in te vullen";Source File: c:Documents and SettingsEigenaarBureaublad!!GIP!!WebsiteDefault.aspx.cs Line: 82
The operator || as well as | cannot be applied to string objects. It is a comparison operator for boolean types.
You can use this operator in expressions like this:
if ( string1 != string.Empty || string2 != string.Empty)
Your problem is that instead of boolean == you are using assignment operator =.
Change it into:
if ((TextBoxVoornaam.Text == «») || (TextBoxFamilienaam.Text == «»))
AlexBB wrote: proggie wrote: Compiler Error Message: CS0019: Operator ‘||’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘string’ and ‘string’Source Error:
Line 80: {
Line 81:
Line 82: if ((TextBoxVoornaam.Text = "") || (TextBoxFamilienaam.Text = ""))
Line 83: {
Line 84: LabelError.Text = "U dient alle velden in te vullen";Source File: c:Documents and SettingsEigenaarBureaublad!!GIP!!WebsiteDefault.aspx.cs Line: 82
The operator || as well as | cannot be applied to string objects. It is a comparison operator for boolean types.
You can use this operator in expressions like this:
if ( string1 != string.Empty || string2 != string.Empty)
Your problem is that instead of boolean == you are using assignment operator =.
Change it into:
if ((TextBoxVoornaam.Text == «») || (TextBoxFamilienaam.Text == «»))
To continue from Alex’s post and add an improvement in the condition checks. This is how your code should look like:
Code Snippet
if ((TextBoxVoornaam.Text.Length == 0) || (TextBoxFamilienaam.Text.Length == 0))
LabelError.Text = «U dient alle velden in te vullen»;
Rudedog2 wrote: Please mark this answer as correct.
Thanks, Rudedog, it was not quite rude of you
My problem is that I am not in competition for a job, or MVP title, or anything of this nature. I am not in a career track. Aquiring stars actually makes me rather antsy, they have an opposite effect. I want clarity and knowledge for my own sake and with growing «stardom» I feel that I still know very little as compared to many other people and feel less comfortable posting. It is a nonlinear rewared system.
I would appreciate if you actually delete that post.
boban.s wrote: To continue from Alex’s post and add an improvement in the condition checks. This is how your code should look like:
Code Snippet
if ((TextBoxVoornaam.Text.Length == 0) || (TextBoxFamilienaam.Text.Length == 0))
LabelError.Text = «U dient alle velden in te vullen»;
Hi Bob, I think there might be a little problem in here. I mean in general so to speak. Let’s assume that he gets his string from an rtf file and it has two characrers in front: tn or whatever and nothing more.
There is a chance that the length of this string will be 2 and the string still be «empty» string.Empty == true; because they are WhiteSpace characters.
string str = string.Empty;
str += ‘n’;
str += ‘t’;
Console.WriteLine ( str.Length.ToString ( ) + » « + string.Compare ( str, string.Empty ).ToString ( ) );
Console.WriteLine ( str.Length.ToString ( ) + » « + str.CompareTo ( string.Empty ).ToString ( ) )
The result was
2 1
2 1
Obviously 1 means they are equal.
I don’t know what he actuall want, though with this statement.
AlexBB wrote: Rudedog2 wrote: Please mark this answer as correct.
Thanks, Rudedog, it was not quite rude of you
My problem is that I am not in competition for a job, or MVP title, or anything of this nature. I am not in a career track. Aquiring stars actually makes me rather antsy, they have an opposite effect. I want clarity and knowledge for my own sake and with growing «stardom» I feel that I still know very little as compared to many other people and feel less comfortable posting. It is a nonlinear rewared system.
I would appreciate if you actually delete that post.
Not in any sort of competition either. Just helping folks find answers, and like you learning stuff along the way.
Rudedog2 wrote: AlexBB wrote: Rudedog2 wrote: Please mark this answer as correct.
Not in any sort of competition either. Just helping folks find answers, and like you learning stuff along the way.
Thanks you and I appreciate your comment. It makes me feel I am not alone.
Compiler Error Message: CS0019: Operator ‘||’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘string’ and ‘string’
Source Error:
Line 80: {
Line 81:
Line 82: if ((TextBoxVoornaam.Text = "") || (TextBoxFamilienaam.Text = ""))
Line 83: {
Line 84: LabelError.Text = "U dient alle velden in te vullen";Source File: c:Documents and SettingsEigenaarBureaublad!!GIP!!WebsiteDefault.aspx.cs Line: 82
In all reality you probably want to use the string.IsNullorEmpty(myString) function in this case but the below should work if you’re trying to compare the 2 strings.
if ((TextBoxVoornaam.Text.ToString().Equals("")) || (TextBoxFamilienaam.Text.ToString().Equals("")))
Proposed as answer by
Monday, December 7, 2009 3:59 PM
Proposed as answer by
This thread has pretty much run out of life. Check out the dates.
Mark the best replies as answers. «Fooling computers since 1971.»
if (answer.Text == option1.Text || answer.Text == option2.Text || answer.Text == option3.Text || answer.Text == option4.Text)
this is how we should do or else u will get an error u mentioned above
I want to my code to cater for Small letter and Capital letter string values. when I use || operator in Visual studio 2022 I get this error «CS0019: Operator ‘||’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘string’ and ‘string'» but when I change to «or» it works on visual studio 2022 but when I compile the code outside of visual studio I get the same error «CS0019: Operator ‘||’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘string’ and ‘string'». Is there another way can user or operator that will make on any environment. C# console application
see code below:
switch (value) { case "A" or "a": cardValue = 11; break; case "J" or "j": cardValue = 11; break; case "Q" or "q": cardValue = 12; break; case "K" or "k": cardValue = 13; break; }
I tried using
case "A" or "a": cardValue = 11; break;
case "A" || "a": cardValue = 11; break;
asked Jan 19 at 21:17
Use it like this: add each option as below example A and a are added.
case a:
case A:
...do something....
answered Jan 19 at 21:31
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 11.06.2018 Сообщений: 14 |
1 |
12.04.2019, 16:28. Показов 7121. Ответов 12
Помогите решить проблему, не могу понять что я не правильно сделал в коде Миниатюры
0 |
1123 / 794 / 219 Регистрация: 15.08.2010 Сообщений: 2,180 |
12.04.2019, 16:35 |
2 |
что я не правильно сделал вставили код картинкой
Помогите решить проблему либо номер должен являться числом, либо его надо перед сравнением привести к читслу ипользуя
0 |
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 11.06.2018 Сообщений: 14 |
12.04.2019, 16:39 [ТС] |
3 |
Покажите пожалуйста куда это нужно прописывать и как именно
0 |
1123 / 794 / 219 Регистрация: 15.08.2010 Сообщений: 2,180 |
12.04.2019, 16:42 |
4 |
Покажите пожалуйста куда это нужно прописывать и как именно то есть я должен с картинки ручками переписать ваш код и исправить? и это вместо двух кликов «копировать-вставить»?
0 |
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 11.06.2018 Сообщений: 14 |
12.04.2019, 16:45 [ТС] |
5 |
Прикрепил проект, посмотрите пожалуйста
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12.04.2019, 16:46
Не по теме: я не знаю как донести мысль, я сдаюсь
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FuKs1k 0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 11.06.2018 Сообщений: 14 |
12.04.2019, 16:50 [ТС] |
7 |
Кликните здесь для просмотра всего текста
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Kazbek17 1346 / 835 / 419 Регистрация: 06.02.2012 Сообщений: 2,603 |
12.04.2019, 16:53 |
8 |
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КОП 1123 / 794 / 219 Регистрация: 15.08.2010 Сообщений: 2,180 |
12.04.2019, 16:56 |
9 |
Куда мне int.parse() прописать? там даже 1 знак не влезет, поэтому long
Либо как сделать номер числом? это было бы
1 |
FuKs1k 0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 11.06.2018 Сообщений: 14 |
12.04.2019, 17:01 [ТС] |
10 |
Возникла другая ошибка CS0652 Сравнение с целочисленной константой не имеет смысла; константа находится вне диапазона значений типа «int». Кликните здесь для просмотра всего текста
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1346 / 835 / 419 Регистрация: 06.02.2012 Сообщений: 2,603 |
12.04.2019, 17:01 |
11 |
Возникла другая ошибка CS0652 Сравнение с целочисленной константой не имеет смысла; константа находится вне диапазона значений типа «int». Вам сколько лет FuKs1k. Вам выше уже сказали что диапазон по типу Int не подходит нужно использовать long.
0 |
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 11.06.2018 Сообщений: 14 |
12.04.2019, 17:05 [ТС] |
12 |
Лет мне 20, но в программирование я 0. Я сначала увидел ваш код его вставил у меня вышла такая ошибка, потом увидел уже про long.parse
0 |
Diamante 3396 / 2412 / 1161 Регистрация: 14.08.2016 Сообщений: 8,086 |
12.04.2019, 21:23 |
13 |
а зачем телефон хранить числом? проверку удобней сделать так
1 |
I have a Datalist in a ASP.NET page which contains three labels. One of the labels is a Numeric Value which is bound to a table column. Basicly when a select button is pushed the value is decreased by a number of 1 and the result is shown in the next label. This worked fine when I used it in VB however I need it for C# and im getting a strange error message,
CS0019: Operator ‘-‘ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘string’ and ‘string’
Can somebody please assist me with this problem.
Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: CS0019: Operator '-' cannot be applied to operands of type 'string' and 'string'
Source Error:
Line 27: <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server"
Line 28: Text='<%# Eval("Date", "{0:D}") %>' onclick="LinkButton1_Click"></asp:LinkButton><br />
Line 29: <asp:Label ID="Label6" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Value1", "{0}") - Eval("[Total Notes]", "{0}") %>'></asp:Label>
Line 30: (
Line 31: <asp:Label ID="Label4" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Value1", "{0}") %>'></asp:Label>
Source File: c:inetpubTsaSiteMembershipAnnualLeaveSelectAnnualLeave.aspx Line: 29
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- Posts: 25
Operator ‘??’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘string
When I add any line of C# code that uses the ? conditional operator to Table->Table Options->General->Filter, I get the following error:
error CS0019: Operator ‘??’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘string’ and ‘bool’
I even tried very intuitive cases like true? «»:»»
Any solution to this please?
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- Posts: 862
by MichaelG » Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:03 am
Try enclosing with brackets, e.g (true ? «a» : «b»)
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- Posts: 25
by regemailforsites2 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:08 pm
Thanks, it works now. The other Filter fields worked fine without the parentheses. Since this Filter field needs a special treatment, it’d be better if this gets documented in the help file.