Error digest method not supported

Laravel Mix Version: 6.0.35 Node Version: 17.0.1 NPM Version: 8.1.0 OS: Windows 10 Description: All mix commands fail with: node:internal/crypto/hash:67 this[kHandle] = new _Hash(algorithm, xofLen)...

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benjivm opened this issue

Oct 29, 2021

· 1 comment


Digest method not supported


benjivm opened this issue

Oct 29, 2021

· 1 comment



  • Laravel Mix Version: 6.0.35
  • Node Version: 17.0.1
  • NPM Version: 8.1.0
  • OS: Windows 10


All mix commands fail with:

  this[kHandle] = new _Hash(algorithm, xofLen);

Error: Digest method not supported
    at new Hash (node:internal/crypto/hash:67:19)
    at Object.createHash (node:crypto:130:10)
    at BulkUpdateDecorator.hashFactory

I did try downgrading node to 16.9.1, and 16.0.0, with no luck.


Running npm upgrade fixes this issue.

1 participant


Environment :

OS : SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2
Node: 14.16.0
Express: 4.17.1,
winston: 3.2.1,
winston-daily-rotate-file: 4.4.2

I am using following code :

 var transport = new (winston.transports.DailyRotateFile)({
        filename: 'log/server-%DATE%.log',
        datePattern: 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH',
        maxSize: '100m', //100MB
        zippedArchive: true,
        maxFiles: '10',
        frequency: '24h'

and getting error from crypto submodule of nodejs as «Digest method not supported»

Below is actual line which was throwing error from File «FileStreamRotator.js» under node_modules :
crypto.createHash(‘md5’).update(logfile + «LOG_FILE» + time).digest(«hex»)

Can someone please help to identify the issue here and probable solution?

Issue raised in winston-daily-rotate-file (This has been closed as actual issue is in file-stream-rotator and dependent crypto submodule of nodejs ) :

Raised the question in file-stream-rotator repo :

Hi guys, I am trying to generate a JWT using Nodejs. I know there are other ways to generate and verify a JWT within Apigee using JS/Java as per @Dino guides.

Locally the Nodejs works fine and generates an JWT, but in Apigee it is gives 500,

var nJwt = require('njwt');
var secureRandom = require('secure-random');

//var signingKey = secureRandom(256, {type: 'Buffer'}); //highly random byte array of 256 bytes
var signingKey = 'password123'; // for testing purpose

//sample claims....will be changed using apigee env variables....
var claims = {
  iss: "",  
  sub: "users/uuid",    

var jwt = nJwt.create(claims,signingKey);
console.log("jwt is ",jwt);

var token = jwt.compact();
console.log("token is ",token);

var base64SigningKey = signingKey.toString('base64'); //Buffer needs to be converted to a string so that it can be persisted in a database
console.log("base64SigningKey is ",base64SigningKey);

Logs in Apigee,

Apr 26, 2017 11:45:47 AM 
jwt is { header: { typ: 'JWT', alg: 'HS256' }, body: { iss: '', sub: 'users/uuid', jti: 'a14089e9-3c1f-4a17-b470-5d815fae257d', iat: 1493187347, exp: 1493190947 }, signingKey: 'password123' }

Apr 26, 2017 11:45:47 AM
*** Error: Digest method not supported: "SHA256" Error: Digest method not supported: "SHA256" at Hmac (crypto.js:244) at Hmac (crypto.js:242) at sign (/organization/environment/api/node_modules/njwt/index.js:226) at compact (/organization/environment/api/node_modules/njwt/index.js:250) at /organization/environment/api/hello-world.js:27 at module.js:456 at module.js:474 at module.js:356 at module.js:312 at module.js:497 at startup (trireme.js:142) at trireme.js:923

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