Error displaying the error page joomla 3

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Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error!

After installation to the web server with joomla 3.0.3 and PHP 5.3.8 I get this error
«Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error» and nothing is working.
On the local site to my PC there is no error.
Have anybody a solution for this problem?


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by alwarren » Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:45 pm

Check your database config.

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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by segamitg » Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:41 am

I had the wrong user and password in the configuration.php file, the applic. could not speak with the db, I changed everthing and now is working.


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by moshe5181 » Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:57 am

thank you
It is not so easy to edit the configuration.php file, but finaly it work.


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by imranshahitc » Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:25 am

Hi dear,
How did you resolve this Error ?
«Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error»
I get also same Error after configuration I need some help to you

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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by arizonaannie » Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:21 pm

@alwarren — just wanted you to know this helped me a LOT. I had no clue what the problem was and checking the config file fixed it right up. It saved me HOURS.



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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by bentk » Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:53 pm

I have a Joomla 3.1 latest install, (gantry template) and receiving the same error. (backend and frontend too) I have a «big» traffic (200 visitor in every minute), and I think a the mysql database has too many connections and that’s the problem. I have no missing table, my configuration file is correct.

Is this a joomla issue or a misconfigured server?

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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by AntiRules » Sat Jul 27, 2013 8:35 am

same problem for joomla 3.1 its happened suddenly.. any suggested solution for it?


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by Stonedfury » Fri Aug 02, 2013 7:00 pm

Just got this error today after site has been running for a few weeks. Any solutions other than config?

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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by bentk » Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:38 pm

Can you pls tell me what plugins, 3rd party components do you use?

I got this error on a shared account and on VPS too. Then I get a better VPS server and I asked a pro to configure my server and since then it works perfectly. Same plugins, same components.
I uninstalled only one plugin, a migration tool.

I thought when I got this error, was a high traffic, maybe because of too many mysql connection. Since the cache on my new server was configured, this problem is gone.

So try to cache as many page, as you can. See error logs on the server also…

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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by [email protected] » Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:53 am

configuration.php in the database type: mysqli, changing the mysql


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by stevenryals » Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:27 pm

UH-OH.. I have problems.. I have this seam error…. but after reviewing it’s not just the config that’s the problem..

per my error log:

[16-Aug-2013 09:24:02 America/New_York] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ‘/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/php_pdo_mssql.dll’ — /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/php_pdo_mssql.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0

[16-Aug-2013 09:24:02 America/New_York] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ‘/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/php_sqlsrv_53_nts.dll’ — /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/php_sqlsrv_53_nts.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0

Now.. another interesting thing:

on the same server, same account, same website… I have a wordpress that is connecting just fine to a mysql db… so this seems to be a joomla specific issue

Last edited by stevenryals on Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by sovainfo » Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:44 pm

Have someone look at your PHP configuration. You shouldn’t try to load things that are not there!

Create your own topic with the Forum Post Assistent output, see the header of this forum.

Issue with migrating? Include logs/joomla_update.php in your report!
Blank screen? Verify pagesource for HTML code (javascript error)
Installation failing on populating database? Install with set_time_limit(0)
Document your customizations!

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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by Najatuk » Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:57 pm

Is it possible that this problem could be caused by a latency or connectivity problem? This is the second time I have had this problem, it is occuring in both the site and the administrator, and the first time the problem seemed to go away by itself and the initiation file didn´t show anthing wrong. Only thing I did that may or may not have fixed it was resent my php version in the controlpanel, but this could be a coincidence not the solution.


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by stevenryals » Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:03 pm

For my problem:

it’s a linux server so i dont know why it was loading *.dll files
so i simply deleted the extensions = ******.dll from the php config
that cleared the errors
but still had the Application Instantiation Error! on joomla
so after much tinkering
changing the db host from localhost to fixed the problem..
i have no idea why this just happened out of nowhere .. .??
but, it’s up and working

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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by Najatuk » Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:30 pm

Great Steven,
In my case I contacted my host and in fact the problem occured because the SQL server was offline even though the html server was up and running. my Monitoring service (pingdom) doesn’t catch this as the site is still technically «online» in terms of HTML — HTTP. I caught onto the problem because I have several sites on the server, and only the ones that called on the faulty database were failing. SO for anyone who has this error spontaneously rather than as a result of an install or from recent work on the site one could check with the hosting service to verify the status of the sql server before getting deep into code.


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by tekno_boy » Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:10 pm

Hi, I had this error constantly but my Joomla configuration.php file was perfect. I can’t say what caused the problem, but I can tell you how to fix it (may not be perminant but it will get you back online).

You need to fix the database (from extensions>extensionsmanager>database>fix)
Or you can (if you don’t have access to the backend) repair the SQL dabase in phpMyAdmin.

More info is here: … -unchanged

I hope this helps some people.


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by BryanG » Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:57 pm

I seem to be getting this error on my site.

We had a hard drive issue today and had to swap out drives. When we restored everything, we got this error.

I’ve verified that the information in configuration.php is correct including the user, database, host and password. Even made sure «mysql» was set for the db type.

I’ve repaired the database via phpMyAdmin and it showed no errors.

I’ve even tried changing the host to, and that hasn’t helped.

I can’t access the site or the administration panel.

Other sites on the same server are working fine.

Any suggestions?


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by tekno_boy » Wed Sep 04, 2013 7:23 am


Gosh, that would be frustrating! Start by checking the file permissions on configuration.php set it to 644, then if that doesn’t work, try resetting all the file permissions sitewide. 644 for files, 755 for directories.

If you still can’t fix it, try doing an sql export and then import it into a new database (and of course change your configuration.php to the new db), I’m clutching at straws here, but I do know the error is to do with failure to connect to the database.

Also, I know nothing about servers realy, but make sure the apropriate services are running on your server to allow connection to the database?..?

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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by L1M0Wr3CK » Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:41 am

Hi all, i would just like to share how i solved this problem. I used gantry and joomla 3.1.5 and when i ported everything to a shared server, this error kept coming up. I have built many joomla sites before so i knew it was not the configuration file issue. No back end admin login as well.. bummer! after 18 hrs of trial and error, i went back to the basics of troubleshooting and freshly copied a new gantryjoomla3 site and ran the installer, thats when i noticed the magic_quotes thingy was still on. Here was the strange part.. my hosting provider claimed it had been turned off 4 hrs ago and when i checked the phpinfo.. it showed that it was turned off! Take note that Joomla 3 cannot be installed without magic_quotes turned off. So i needed to write a php.ini file to locally turn it off (think this happens only for shared web hosting)
Anyway ,this forum entry gave me the clues to solved my problem in the end:

fire up notepad and type:

Code: Select all

magic_quotes_gpc = Off
magic_quotes_runtime = Off
magic_quotes_sybase = Off

then save it as php.ini file.
Place it at your root directory
Modify the servers .htaccess file , add this line:

Code: Select all

SetEnv PHPRC /<pathtoyourhomedir>/public_html/php.ini

Only after i did that, then the joomla 3 installer permitted me to install a fresh copy.
The strange part was that after i confirmed that joomla 3 could run on my server, i returned back to my original copied site and it still had the same issue of «Application Instantiation Error!» even when config files of my troubleshooting site and intended joomla site were the same!!
This made me believe that it could be some cache thing with joomla3. Anyway, in the end i just copied over whatever images folder over to the test site and updated the imported my database over and viola! Got it to work!
Hope this saves time for some..
Peace out!


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by jbcksfrt » Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:17 pm

It is worth mentioning that typos in the dbprefix variable in the configuration file can cause this error also. Check to make sure that your prefix is correct if you have renamed tables, moved servers, or just misspelled it.


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by hienjungle » Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:16 am

alwarren wrote:Check your database config.

thanks, I worked


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by benbeon84 » Thu Oct 03, 2013 8:12 am

me too how to fix it?


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by Marvin_Martiano » Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:28 am

It can also be that your mysql server has crashed and/or is having errors.

If it’s on in your own control, you can just restart it. But if it’s on a shared host, you do not have that those privileges: you can check the status via phpmyadmin or similar, you would normally have access to that… and if it’s offline you need to (a) wait until your host solves it for you, or (b) contact the sales/tech people by phone or chat or email to tell them that.

I had the error today, and it took me about 8min* longer to figure out what the problem was (and find out I have no restart-privileges on a shared host, obviously) than it took my host to detect and solve the problem!

*I do not know how long it was offline of course, I just noticed «hey no website, instatiation error» and «hey, no administrator login neither». Basically, by the time I checked the database server status, it had been restarted 8min ago, and I checked then and saw my website (and admin login) worked again. Pff.


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by Luxqs » Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:35 pm

Hello, my joomla web page is working in xampp,
when I uploaded it I got message: Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation

so I chcecked

Code: Select all

public $host = 'localhost'; ///// is this line OK, or threre are some exceptions<////	
public $user = xxx	
public $password = xxx	
public $db =xxx

maybe the problem can be also here:

Code: Select all

public $tmp_path = '/tmp';	
public $log_path = '/logs';

in my case my tmp and logs are save in :



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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by jcmos » Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:13 am

I was thinking that you all pointed out a number of things that had to do with us having to add or modify something from our website files.
Let’s think a bit different now. I am having same problem. It was working perfectly locally, and also on a server that gave us a space to preview the site, online. And it was working also.
Problem started when we switch web hosting from Melbourne IT to Crazydomains. We transferred the domain but didn’t change the domain name servers so it is pointing to the old one instead of the recommended by Crazydomains. Some other third party provide the service for the emails for this domain so Crazydomains have to do something at their end. A Record.
For now I am still getting the ‘Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error!’.
Hope this give you some clues.


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by Marvin_Martiano » Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:30 am

Good luck with that, Jcmos!

Your situation does differ from others’ though, in causes: First you have those where your system has the wrong info because you’ve done something (e.g., you’ve locked yourself out by changing the database name in the backend, while not having a copy of the database with the new name), I mentioned a case where nothing seems to have changed and indeed nothing under your control has (just the db server/app must be restarted)… They are situations where you have seemingly no more info than «App instant err!», so that’s the only search term useable.

Your case however is a problem during a (planned) migration — so you know in what corner to look for: hosting migration checklists/troubleshooters/…, and a few good search terms for answers come readily to mind.


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by Alix974 » Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:26 pm

I run multiple Joomla 3.1 and 3.2 installation on my local server with Wamp server 2. Everything was find. But i upgraded Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, so i decided to upgrade to the new version of Wamp too. And as soon as the upgrades of Windows and Wamp was done, i could’nt access to the website back or front, i got this too :

» Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error»

In my case, despite this error, i can install a new fresh Joomla Installation, it works fine. But the multiple old installations got the error message after Wamp upgrade. And if i uninstall Wamp and re-install it, the brand new Joomla installation won’t work anymore and i would get the error message above.

I don’t understand what is going on. Configuration.php file is OK, Apache, SQL, PHP modules seems to be OK. SO to make it simple, everything was fine until the upgrade or the re-installation of WAMP.


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by USTS » Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:38 pm

Hi guys,

I had the same problem and I SOLVED IT with renaming the public $dbprefix = ‘XXX’; in the configuration.php file.

Hope it helps you :)


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Re: Displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Err


by marcos_lima » Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:56 pm

I had the same error when I tried to migrate server on a website I’m working on:

«Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error»

I tried several tutorials and none of them worked. Then, I uploaded it all again to a different folder inside the server and imported all the database again, it made the 3.2 work, but some of the modules and plugins are not working correctly.

Now I had the same «Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error» in other website and not even doing the same steps is working.

I already checked the configuration.php several times and is all correct.

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0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему.

  • 19 Ответов
  • 26133 Просмотров

Здравствуйте! )
Проблема такая:
На Joomla!3 Сделал сайт. Делал сразу на хостинге. Всё работало отлично до недавних пор. Пару дней назад зашел на свой сайт и мне пишет: «Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error». Данное сообщение выходит и при входе на сайт и при входе в панель управления. Не могу понять с чего это. Перед этим я пытался вставить на сайт погодный информер от Гисметео, но навряд-ли это имеет значение, поскольку я это делал через создание новой статьи и последующим вставкой его в виде модуля в отдельной позиции (встало криво).
Как сделать, чтобы опять всё заработало?

P.S. В создании сайтов я лол. Это мой первый опыт в этом деле. Поэтому буду рад более-менее подробным объяснениям и советам, а также ссылкам на материалы, которые помогут мне решить мою проблему. Спасибо.

« Последнее редактирование: 26.06.2013, 11:57:18 от b2z »


Сначала спросите у хостера не делал ли он что-то на хостинге.
Особенно в плане работы базы данных MySQL

Такой вопрос отсылал, но ответа не получил…

Наберите в Поиске на форуме фразу «Application Instantiation Error» и почитайте варианты.

Это я тоже сделал — ничего не подошло, поэтому и решил создать новую тему.  

« Последнее редактирование: 18.06.2013, 09:35:18 от VicNG »


Поиск в Google по вашим данным так же говорит о том, что скорее всего проблемы с базой данных, в частности с правами пользователя базы.
Так что копайте в этом направлении.

в файле configuration.php в полях

public $user = ‘****’;
public $password = ****»;
public $db = ****’

тоже всё нормально…

Кстати, в configurstion.php  в поле «public $host» пишет   «= ‘localhost’;»

public $host = ‘localhost’;

Это нормально? При условии, что сайт находиться на хосте и в локальной версии никогда не делался?

public $host = ‘localhost’;
Это нормально? При условии, что сайт находиться на хосте и в локальной версии никогда не делался?

Зависит от хостинга — где-то мускул на localhost, где-то может быть на отдельном сервере.
В таком случае вам у вас в данных аккаунта должна быть эта информация, что-то вроде


Вот ещё. При проверке базы данных MySQL выдает

«Error    : Table ‘****’ doesn’t exist
status   : Operation failed».

И это во всех строчках.

В «Управление привилегиями пользователей» стоит галочка на «ALL PRIVILEGES».


«Error    : Table ‘****’ doesn’t exist

Так у вас реально звёздочки в конфиге?

Так у вас реально звёздочки в конфиге?

Хотел задать такой же вопрос

Не ) это я хотел обозначить, что во всех строчках так )

Ну зайдите в phpMyAdmin да посмотрите — существует вообще база и таблицы в ней

Попросите у хостера старый бэкап базы данных и залейте его.
У правильного хостера такой бэкап имеется.
Или сами гляньте свою файловую структуру и поищите файл бэкапа в папках типа backup

В phpMyAdmin база существует. Вроде нормально всё. Файла бэкапа не нашел, хостер до сих пор молчит.

В phpMyAdmin база существует. Вроде нормально всё. Файла бэкапа не нашел, хостер до сих пор молчит.

Но как же всё нормально, если вы написали

«Error    : Table ‘****’ doesn’t exist

Что за таблица?

Но как же всё нормально, если вы написали Что за таблица?

Это в базе данных MySQL.

Всем спасибо, всё разрешилось! ) Хостер по запросу сделал бэкап.)

‘Joomla error displaying the error page’ is one of the common errors in Joomla that troubles many customers.

Generally, this error occurs due to an error in the configuration file or due to database corruption.

Here at Bobcares, we often receive requests to fix Joomla errors as a part of our Server Management Services for web hosts and online service providers.

Today, let’s see how our Support Engineers fix this Joomla error.

How we fix the Joomla error displaying the error page

There are quite different reasons for this error to occur. Let’s now look into those reasons:

1. Incorrect details in the configuration file

The main reason for this error to occur is due to improper details set in the configuration file. It can be an incorrect database name or incorrect prefix set.

The general data that we provide about MySQL in the configuration file is as below.

Here, if any details given are wrong then the website will throw errors.

Recently, one of our customers approached us with the same error message. First, we checked the configuration file which was available in the path /www/

Here, we found that the username and the password for the website were set incorrectly. We updated the right ones and this fixed the error.

2. Bad permissions

Permissions always play a vital role in the working of files and folders. If any file on the website has improper permission then it will affect the working of the website.

It is very essential to have the right permissions set on the website files and folders.

3. Database corruption

If the database of the website corrupts then it will also cause an error in the website.

So, the best option is to keep the database optimized and try repairing the database and its tables if there is an error occurs on the website.

So, we first check the status of the database. For that, we run the below command.

service mysql status

Also, we try repairing the tables of the database using the command:

myisamchk <database> <server>

mysqlcheck -r <database> <postname>

[Need any help in fixing Joomla errors? – We’ll help you]


In short, the Joomla error displaying the error page mainly occurs due to trouble in the configuration file or a corrupt database. Today, we saw the different reasons for this error to occur and saw how our Support Engineers fix it.


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var google_conversion_label = «owonCMyG5nEQ0aD71QM»;

При работе с Joomla и попытке установить шаблон или сам движок есть вероятность столкнуться с проблемами, возникающими в момент соединения с базой данных. В результате сайт перестает отображаться. Сегодня я расскажу, как исправить одну из таких ошибок, с текстом «Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error.».

Ошибка Error Displaying


  1. Почему возникает ошибка в Джумла
  2. Как исправить ошибку Error displaying the error page
  3. Проверка файла configuration.php
  4. Исправление ошибки из бэкенда Joomla
  5. Использование своей учетной записи для устранения ошибки

Почему возникает ошибка в Джумла

При некорректной настройке файла configuration.php в Joomla отобразится приведённое выше сообщение об ошибке, которое в переводе выглядит как “Проблема отображения страницы ошибок: ошибка создания примера приложения”. Но, что интересно, данная проблема может возникать и при правильной настройке информации, используемой для соединения с базами данных. Перед тем, как что-то предпринимать, проведите проверку файла configuration.php:

  • отыщите строку public $dbtype = ‘mysql’ (информация в этой строке сообщает Joomla, какой тип базы данных используется при подключении);
  • удостоверьтесь, что указанный в данной строке тип базы данных соответствует вашему;
  • при необходимости проконсультируйтесь с компанией, предоставляющей веб-хостинг.

После этого можно предпринимать дальнейшие шаги по восстановлению работоспособности сайта.

Как исправить ошибку Error displaying the error page

Существует несколько способов решения ошибки. Рассмотрим их по порядку.

Проверка файла configuration.php

Просмотрите файл configuration.php и удостоверьтесь, что имя хоста и пользователя, а также имя базы данных и пароль от нее соответствуют тем, что были использованы при настройке вашей учетной записи.

Исправление ошибки из бэкенда Joomla

Еще одна из причин ошибки – повреждение в базе данных – легко исправляется из бэкенда Joomla. Если вы не имеете доступа к серверу, пропустите это решение и переходите к следующему. Если же доступ есть, то:

  • войдите на проблемный сайт;
  • перейдите “Расширения”→”Менеджер расширений”;
  • в списке слева найдите database – “База данных”;
  • нажмите fix – “исправить”.

Если дисфункция появлялась из-за повреждения в базе данных, то все будет исправлено.

Менеджер расширений Joomla

Использование своей учетной записи для устранения ошибки

Войдите в свою учетную запись. Так как вы, скорее всего, являетесь единственным пользователем сайта Joomla, просмотрите, имеются ли в базе данных такие разрешения, как delete table data “Удалить данные таблицы” и create table “Создать таблицу”. После клика мышкой на панели слева к просмотру будут доступны все таблицы из главной панели phpmyadmin. Внизу таблицы выделите базу данных и активируйте кнопку check all – “Проверить все”. В выпавшем справа списке выберите пункт repair table – “Восстановить таблицы”. Данный вариант исправления ошибки отлично подходит тем, кто не имеет доступа к серверу Joomla.

Учётная запись

Удалите ошибку из учётной записи

Среди причин ошибки Error displaying the error page пользователи называют и нехватку памяти, выделенной для учетной записи на сервере. Обратитесь к своему провайдеру, предоставляющему хостинг, уточните данный момент, и, если дело действительно в этом, попросите увеличить память. Также возможно, что проблемы существуют на сервере. В этом случае установите самостоятельно или при помощи хостера предыдущий бэкап базы данных.

Какое-либо из описанных решений поможет вам справиться с рассмотренной в статье ошибкой.

Опубликовано 11 мая 2019 Обновлено 06 октября 2020

This article describes how to update database configuration settings in Joomla. You may need to do this if Joomla cannot connect to the database.

For example, if you migrate a Joomla site from another host, the database username is often different. By following the procedures described below, you can restore database access to your site.

Table of Contents

  • Problem
  • Resolution
    • Step 1: Determine the correct MySQL database settings
    • Step 2: Update the configuration.php file


When you try to view a Joomla site, you may receive the following error message:

Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error: Could not connect to MySQL.

Alternatively, you may receive an error message that resembles the following:

Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error: SQL=SELECT `session_id` FROM `jos_session` WHERE `session_id` = 'ca3v…34' LIMIT 0, 1

These errors occur when Joomla is unable to connect to the specified database in its configuration settings. This usually occurs because the database configuration settings in the configuration.php file are incorrect. For example, an account migration or Joomla database import can cause the database specified in the configuration.php file and the actual database to differ.


To resolve this problem, first determine the correct MySQL database settings. Then you can update the Joomla configuration.php file with the correct database settings. To do this, follow the procedures below.

Step 1: Determine the correct MySQL database settings

To determine the correct MySQL database settings, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to cPanel.

    If you do not know how to log in to your cPanel account, please see this article.

  2. In the DATABASES section of the cPanel home screen, click phpMyAdmin:

    cPanel - Databases - phyMyAdmin icon

    The phpMyAdmin administration page appears in a new window.

  3. In the left-hand pane of phpMyAdmin, note the name of the Joomla database that you want to use.

    Typically, the Joomla database is username_joomXXX, where username represents your cPanel username, and XXX is a three-digit number. However, if your account was recently migrated (for example, from another hosting provider), the database name may be in a different format.

  4. Click the name of the Joomla database that you want to use. A list of tables in the database appears.
  5. In the Table column, note the table prefix that is used in the table names.

    Typically, the Joomla database table prefix is jos_. However, if your account was recently migrated (for example, from another hosting provider), the table prefix may be different, or even nonexistent.

  6. In the DATABASES section of the cPanel home screen, click MySQL® Databases:

    cPanel - MySQL Databases icon

  7. Under Current Databases, locate the database that you noted in step 3.
  8. Note the database username for the database.

    If you do not know the password for this database user, you should reset it now.

Step 2: Update the configuration.php file

After you have determined the correct database settings, you are ready to update the configuration.php file. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In the FILES section of the cPanel home screen, click File Manager:

    cPanel - File Manager icon

  2. Navigate to the directory where Joomla is installed.

    Typically, Joomla is installed in the public_html (document root) directory. However, if you installed Joomla in a subdirectory, navigate to that directory instead.

  3. Right-click the configuration.php file, and then click .
  4. Locate the $db variable, and then replace the value with the name of the Joomla database that you obtained in the previous procedure. For example, if your database name is username_joom123, modify the text as follows:

    public $db = 'username_joom123';
  5. Locate the $user variable, and then replace the value with the database username that you obtained in the previous procedure. For example, if your database username is username_joomuser, modify the text as follows:

    public $user = 'username_joomuser';
  6. Locate the $password variable, and then replace the value with the database user’s password. For example, if your database user’s password is example_password, modify the text as follows:

    public $password = 'example_password';

    It should go without saying that you should not use example_password as a password on a real installation!

  7. Locate the $dbprefix variable, and then replace the value with the database table prefix that you obtained in the previous procedure. For example, if the database table prefix is jos_, modify the text as follows:

    public $dbprefix = 'jos_';

    If your database does not use a table prefix, modify the text as follows:

    public $dbprefix = '';
  8. Confirm that the $host variable is set to localhost as follows:

    public $host = 'localhost';
  9. Click Save Changes.
  10. Use your web browser to go to the Joomla site’s URL. The site should load.

You found this page most likely because you run Joomla 3.0 and you’re getting an error on your website that is database related (joomla 2.5 database errors can be found here). We want to help you resolve this issue. Let us first tell you how the Joomla database connection is supposed to work, and then we’ll try to help show you which issue is causing your problem.

  • How Database Connections Work in Joomla 3.0
  • Error: Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error

How Database Connections Work in Joomla 3.0

It doesn’t matter if you’re running Joomla 1.0 or Joomla 3.0, the following principles apply:

1. Your Hosting Account 2. Joomla’s configuration.php file
On your server, you must have:
1. A database configured
2. A database username and password
3. The database user must be allowed to access the database (IE. referred to as MySQL privileges)
Your Joomla configuration.php file must match your server settings. For example:
1. Your configuration.php file must have set the same database username and password that is set on your hosting account
2. Your configuration.php file must have the correct database server set. Most often it is localhost, but only your hosting provider can tell you the correct answer.

If your hosting account is not setup properly with a database, or, if your Joomla configuration file is not setup with those same credentials that are setup on your host, you’re going to get error messages. In this Joomla 3.0 tutorial, we are going to purposely break Joomla 3.0 and show you the error messages that result.

Error: Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error

Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error

The following issues caused this error message to appear:

  • The database username in our configuration.php file does not match that of what is configured on our hosting account
  • The database password in our configuration.php file does not match what of what is configured on our hosting account
  • The database hostname in our configuration.php file could not be connected to

In your Joomla configuration.php file, ensure that your database username, password, and hostname match what is set / provided by your host. They will be defined in the following variables in your configuration.php file:

// database username goes here
public $user = 'database-username';
// database password goes here
public $password = 'database-password';
// database server name
public $host = 'localhost';

Steps to reproduce the issue

I am trying to open my home page after upgrade

Expected result

Home page

Actual result

Error displaying the error page

System information (as much as possible)

The error in my Apache log is:
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function getTag() on null in ///*/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php on line 463

This is the part with 463 stroke:
{ $tag = $this->getLanguage()->getTag(); }
I fixed this error changing this stroke to
$tag = '';
But looks like this is not a problem. So I don’t know where to look for an error. Please help me.

Additional comments

I already used the method of downloading full package of Joomla 3.8 and using postupdate.php script during this operation I’ve got this message:

PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_HOST in ***/public_html/libraries/src/Uri/Uri.php on line 101
Update to 3.8.0 completed successfully.

When I am calling index.php from the console I am getting this errors:

php index.php
PHP Notice: Undefined index: REMOTE_ADDR in ***/libraries/fof30/Utils/Ip.php on line 487
PHP Notice: Undefined index: REMOTE_ADDR in ***/libraries/fof30/Utils/Ip.php on line 383
PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_HOST in ***/libraries/src/Uri/Uri.php on line 101
PHP Notice: Undefined index: REQUEST_METHOD in ***/plugins/system/admintools/feature/wafblacklist.php on line 33
Error displaying the error page

I switched off AdminTools using PhpMyAdmin. So after that I have just this error:

php index.php
PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_HOST in ***/libraries/src/Uri/Uri.php on line 101
Error displaying the error page

For the backend the errors in console are the same.

My website doesn’t work at at all. not frontend not even backend

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