Error division by zero postgresql

PostgreSQL NULLIF Summary: this tutorial shows you how to use PostgreSQL NULLIF function to handle null values. We will show you some examples of using the NULLIF function. PostgreSQL NULLIF function syntax The NULLIF function is one of the most common conditional expressions provided by PostgreSQL. The following illustrates the syntax of the NULLIF […]


  1. PostgreSQL NULLIF
  2. PostgreSQL NULLIF function syntax
  3. PostgreSQL NULLIF function example
  4. Use NULLIF to prevent division-by-zero error
  5. Division by zero
  6. Error division by zero postgresql
  7. Error division by zero postgresql
  8. 43.9.2. Checking Assertions
  9. Submit correction
  10. Error division by zero postgresql


Summary: this tutorial shows you how to use PostgreSQL NULLIF function to handle null values. We will show you some examples of using the NULLIF function.

PostgreSQL NULLIF function syntax

The NULLIF function is one of the most common conditional expressions provided by PostgreSQL. The following illustrates the syntax of the NULLIF function:

The NULLIF function returns a null value if argument_1 equals to argument_2 , otherwise it returns argument_1 .

See the following examples:

PostgreSQL NULLIF function example

Let’s take a look at an example of using the NULLIF function.

First, we create a table named posts as follows:

Second, we insert some sample data into the posts table.

Third, our goal is to display the posts overview page that shows title and excerpt of each posts. In case the excerpt is not provided, we use the first 40 characters of the post body. We can simply use the following query to get all rows in the posts table.

We see the null value in the excerpt column. To substitute this null value, we can use the COALESCE function as follows:

Unfortunately, there is mix between null value and ” (empty) in the excerpt column. This is why we need to use the NULLIF function:

Let’s examine the expression in more detail:

  • First, the NULLIF function returns a null value if the excerpt is empty, otherwise it returns the excerpt. The result of the NULLIF function is used by the COALESCE function.
  • Second, the COALESCE function checks if the first argument, which is provided by the NULLIF function, if it is null, then it returns the first 40 characters of the body; otherwise it returns the excerpt in case the excerpt is not null.

Use NULLIF to prevent division-by-zero error

Another great example of using the NULLIF function is to prevent division-by-zero error. Let’s take a look at the following example.

First, we create a new table named members:

Second, we insert some rows for testing:

Third, if we want to calculate the ratio between male and female members, we use the following query:

To calculate the total number of male members, we use the SUM function and CASE expression. If the gender is 1, the CASE expression returns 1, otherwise it returns 0; the SUM function is used to calculate total of male members. The same logic is also applied for calculating the total number of female members.

Then the total of male members is divided by the total of female members to return the ratio. In this case, it returns 200%, which is correct .

Fourth, let’s remove the female member:

And execute the query to calculate the male/female ratio again, we got the following error message:

The reason is that the number of female is zero. To prevent this division by zero error, we use the NULLIF function as follows:

The NULLIF function checks if the number of female members is zero, it returns null. The total of male members is divided by a null value returns a null value, which is correct.

In this tutorial, we have shown you how to apply the NULLIF function to substitute the null values for displaying data and preventing division by zero error.


Division by zero

From: Oliver Kohll — Mailing Lists
To: pgsql-general(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Division by zero
Date: 2009-07-31 17:27:41
Views: Raw Message | Whole Thread | Download mbox | Resend email
Lists: pgsql-general

Divide by zero errors have come up a couple of times on this list
(once raised by me). I wonder if I could propose a feature for
discussion. Could the result of a division by zero be treated as
infinity or null, rather than raising an error? Floating point types
already have the concept of infinity.

I’d have thought that there’s no reason why a /0 in one row
necessarily has to be fatal for the whole view. In many cases, you can
imagine that returning infinity makes more sense. Strictly, I suppose,
1/0 should return infinity, 0/0 null and -1/0 negative infinity.
Alternatively, all could return NaN. At least there could be a
configuration option to turn on this behaviour.

The concern stems from the fact that when a divide by zero occurs in a
view, no rows at all are returned, just the error message. This makes
it very difficult to work out where the problem value is, compared to
other tools like spreadsheets, which return a cell error. A view can
be very fragile. Further, the Postgres error doesn’t give any details
of the field and of course can’t point to the row, it just says
ERROR: division by zero

There may well be good reasons for not treating this. I’ve come across
comments such as ‘I think everybody would agree that this would be a
bad thing to do!’ but remain to be convinced.

I know you can use CASE and NULLIF but if you have complex
calculations, that makes them a lot less readable.


Error division by zero postgresql

Всем сообщениям, которые выдаёт сервер Postgres Pro , назначены пятисимвольные коды ошибок, соответствующие кодам « SQLSTATE » , описанным в стандарте SQL. Приложения, которые должны знать, какое условие ошибки имело место, обычно проверяют код ошибки и только потом обращаются к текстовому сообщению об ошибке. Коды ошибок, скорее всего, не изменятся от выпуска к выпуску Postgres Pro , и они не меняются при локализации как сообщения об ошибках. Заметьте, что отдельные, но не все коды ошибок, которые выдаёт Postgres Pro , определены стандартом SQL; некоторые дополнительные коды ошибок для условий, не описанных стандартом, были добавлены независимо или позаимствованы из других баз данных.

Согласно стандарту, первые два символа кода ошибки обозначают класс ошибок, а последние три символа обозначают определённое условие в этом классе. Таким образом, приложение, не знающее значение определённого кода ошибки, всё же может понять, что делать, по классу ошибки.

В Таблице A.1 перечислены все коды ошибок, определённые в Postgres Pro (Некоторые коды в настоящее время не используются, хотя они определены в стандарте SQL.) Также показаны классы ошибок. Для каждого класса ошибок имеется « стандартный » код ошибки с последними тремя символами 000 . Этот код выдаётся только для таких условий ошибок, которые относятся к некоторому классу, но не имеют более определённого кода.

Символ, указанный в столбце « Имя условия » , определяет условие в PL/pgSQL . Имена условий могут записываться в верхнем или нижнем регистре. (Заметьте, что PL/pgSQL , в отличие от ошибок, не распознаёт предупреждения; то есть классы 00, 01 и 02.)

Для некоторых типов ошибок сервер сообщает имя объекта базы данных (таблица, столбец таблицы, тип данных или ограничение), связанного с ошибкой; например, имя уникального ограничения, вызвавшего ошибку unique_violation . Такие имена передаются в отдельных полях сообщения об ошибке, чтобы приложениям не пришлось извлекать его из возможно локализованного текста ошибки для человека. На момент выхода PostgreSQL 9.3 полностью охватывались только ошибки класса SQLSTATE 23 (нарушения ограничений целостности), но в будущем должны быть охвачены и другие классы.

Таблица A.1. Коды ошибок Postgres Pro


Error division by zero postgresql

Use the RAISE statement to report messages and raise errors.

The level option specifies the error severity. Allowed levels are DEBUG , LOG , INFO , NOTICE , WARNING , and EXCEPTION , with EXCEPTION being the default. EXCEPTION raises an error (which normally aborts the current transaction); the other levels only generate messages of different priority levels. Whether messages of a particular priority are reported to the client, written to the server log, or both is controlled by the log_min_messages and client_min_messages configuration variables. See Chapter 20 for more information.

After level if any, you can specify a format string (which must be a simple string literal, not an expression). The format string specifies the error message text to be reported. The format string can be followed by optional argument expressions to be inserted into the message. Inside the format string, % is replaced by the string representation of the next optional argument’s value. Write %% to emit a literal % . The number of arguments must match the number of % placeholders in the format string, or an error is raised during the compilation of the function.

In this example, the value of v_job_id will replace the % in the string:

You can attach additional information to the error report by writing USING followed by option = expression items. Each expression can be any string-valued expression. The allowed option key words are:

Sets the error message text. This option can’t be used in the form of RAISE that includes a format string before USING .

Supplies an error detail message.

Supplies a hint message.

Specifies the error code (SQLSTATE) to report, either by condition name, as shown in Appendix A, or directly as a five-character SQLSTATE code.


Supplies the name of a related object.

This example will abort the transaction with the given error message and hint:

These two examples show equivalent ways of setting the SQLSTATE:

There is a second RAISE syntax in which the main argument is the condition name or SQLSTATE to be reported, for example:

In this syntax, USING can be used to supply a custom error message, detail, or hint. Another way to do the earlier example is

Still another variant is to write RAISE USING or RAISE level USING and put everything else into the USING list.

The last variant of RAISE has no parameters at all. This form can only be used inside a BEGIN block’s EXCEPTION clause; it causes the error currently being handled to be re-thrown.

Before PostgreSQL 9.1, RAISE without parameters was interpreted as re-throwing the error from the block containing the active exception handler. Thus an EXCEPTION clause nested within that handler could not catch it, even if the RAISE was within the nested EXCEPTION clause’s block. This was deemed surprising as well as being incompatible with Oracle’s PL/SQL.

If no condition name nor SQLSTATE is specified in a RAISE EXCEPTION command, the default is to use ERRCODE_RAISE_EXCEPTION ( P0001 ). If no message text is specified, the default is to use the condition name or SQLSTATE as message text.

When specifying an error code by SQLSTATE code, you are not limited to the predefined error codes, but can select any error code consisting of five digits and/or upper-case ASCII letters, other than 00000 . It is recommended that you avoid throwing error codes that end in three zeroes, because these are category codes and can only be trapped by trapping the whole category.

43.9.2. Checking Assertions

The ASSERT statement is a convenient shorthand for inserting debugging checks into PL/pgSQL functions.

The condition is a Boolean expression that is expected to always evaluate to true; if it does, the ASSERT statement does nothing further. If the result is false or null, then an ASSERT_FAILURE exception is raised. (If an error occurs while evaluating the condition , it is reported as a normal error.)

If the optional message is provided, it is an expression whose result (if not null) replaces the default error message text “ assertion failed ” , should the condition fail. The message expression is not evaluated in the normal case where the assertion succeeds.

Testing of assertions can be enabled or disabled via the configuration parameter plpgsql.check_asserts , which takes a Boolean value; the default is on . If this parameter is off then ASSERT statements do nothing.

Note that ASSERT is meant for detecting program bugs, not for reporting ordinary error conditions. Use the RAISE statement, described above, for that.

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Error division by zero postgresql

Всем сообщениям, которые выдаёт сервер PostgreSQL , назначены пятисимвольные коды ошибок, соответствующие кодам « SQLSTATE » , описанным в стандарте SQL. Приложения, которые должны знать, какое условие ошибки имело место, обычно проверяют код ошибки и только потом обращаются к текстовому сообщению об ошибке. Коды ошибок, скорее всего, не изменятся от выпуска к выпуску PostgreSQL , и они не меняются при локализации как сообщения об ошибках. Заметьте, что отдельные, но не все коды ошибок, которые выдаёт PostgreSQL , определены стандартом SQL; некоторые дополнительные коды ошибок для условий, не описанных стандартом, были добавлены независимо или позаимствованы из других баз данных.

Согласно стандарту, первые два символа кода ошибки обозначают класс ошибок, а последние три символа обозначают определённое условие в этом классе. Таким образом, приложение, не знающее значение определённого кода ошибки, всё же может понять, что делать, по классу ошибки.

В Таблице A.1 перечислены все коды ошибок, определённые в PostgreSQL 13.9. (Некоторые коды в настоящее время не используются, хотя они определены в стандарте SQL.) Также показаны классы ошибок. Для каждого класса ошибок имеется « стандартный » код ошибки с последними тремя символами 000 . Этот код выдаётся только для таких условий ошибок, которые относятся к некоторому классу, но не имеют более определённого кода.

Символ, указанный в столбце « Имя условия » , определяет условие в PL/pgSQL . Имена условий могут записываться в верхнем или нижнем регистре. (Заметьте, что PL/pgSQL , в отличие от ошибок, не распознаёт предупреждения; то есть классы 00, 01 и 02.)

Для некоторых типов ошибок сервер сообщает имя объекта базы данных (таблица, столбец таблицы, тип данных или ограничение), связанного с ошибкой; например, имя уникального ограничения, вызвавшего ошибку unique_violation . Такие имена передаются в отдельных полях сообщения об ошибке, чтобы приложениям не пришлось извлекать его из возможно локализованного текста ошибки для человека. На момент выхода PostgreSQL 9.3 полностью охватывались только ошибки класса SQLSTATE 23 (нарушения ограничений целостности), но в будущем должны быть охвачены и другие классы.

Таблица A.1. Коды ошибок PostgreSQL


Control structures are probably the most useful (and important) part of PL/pgSQL. With PL/pgSQL‘s control structures, you can manipulate PostgreSQL data in a very flexible and powerful way.

43.6.1. Returning from a Function

There are two commands available that allow you to return data from a function: RETURN and RETURN NEXT. RETURN

RETURN expression;

RETURN with an expression terminates the function and returns the value of expression to the caller. This form is used for PL/pgSQL functions that do not return a set.

In a function that returns a scalar type, the expression’s result will automatically be cast into the function’s return type as described for assignments. But to return a composite (row) value, you must write an expression delivering exactly the requested column set. This may require use of explicit casting.

If you declared the function with output parameters, write just RETURN with no expression. The current values of the output parameter variables will be returned.

If you declared the function to return void, a RETURN statement can be used to exit the function early; but do not write an expression following RETURN.

The return value of a function cannot be left undefined. If control reaches the end of the top-level block of the function without hitting a RETURN statement, a run-time error will occur. This restriction does not apply to functions with output parameters and functions returning void, however. In those cases a RETURN statement is automatically executed if the top-level block finishes.

Some examples:

-- functions returning a scalar type
RETURN 1 + 2;
RETURN scalar_var;

-- functions returning a composite type
RETURN composite_type_var;
RETURN (1, 2, 'three'::text);  -- must cast columns to correct types RETURN NEXT and RETURN QUERY

RETURN NEXT expression;
RETURN QUERY EXECUTE command-string [ USING expression [, ... ] ];

When a PL/pgSQL function is declared to return SETOF sometype, the procedure to follow is slightly different. In that case, the individual items to return are specified by a sequence of RETURN NEXT or RETURN QUERY commands, and then a final RETURN command with no argument is used to indicate that the function has finished executing. RETURN NEXT can be used with both scalar and composite data types; with a composite result type, an entire table of results will be returned. RETURN QUERY appends the results of executing a query to the function’s result set. RETURN NEXT and RETURN QUERY can be freely intermixed in a single set-returning function, in which case their results will be concatenated.

RETURN NEXT and RETURN QUERY do not actually return from the function — they simply append zero or more rows to the function’s result set. Execution then continues with the next statement in the PL/pgSQL function. As successive RETURN NEXT or RETURN QUERY commands are executed, the result set is built up. A final RETURN, which should have no argument, causes control to exit the function (or you can just let control reach the end of the function).

RETURN QUERY has a variant RETURN QUERY EXECUTE, which specifies the query to be executed dynamically. Parameter expressions can be inserted into the computed query string via USING, in just the same way as in the EXECUTE command.

If you declared the function with output parameters, write just RETURN NEXT with no expression. On each execution, the current values of the output parameter variable(s) will be saved for eventual return as a row of the result. Note that you must declare the function as returning SETOF record when there are multiple output parameters, or SETOF sometype when there is just one output parameter of type sometype, in order to create a set-returning function with output parameters.

Here is an example of a function using RETURN NEXT:

CREATE TABLE foo (fooid INT, foosubid INT, fooname TEXT);
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, 2, 'three');
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (4, 5, 'six');

    r foo%rowtype;
    FOR r IN
        SELECT * FROM foo WHERE fooid > 0
        -- can do some processing here
        RETURN NEXT r; -- return current row of SELECT
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

SELECT * FROM get_all_foo();

Here is an example of a function using RETURN QUERY:

CREATE FUNCTION get_available_flightid(date) RETURNS SETOF integer AS
                   FROM flight
                  WHERE flightdate >= $1
                    AND flightdate < ($1 + 1);

    -- Since execution is not finished, we can check whether rows were returned
    -- and raise exception if not.
        RAISE EXCEPTION 'No flight at %.', $1;
    END IF;

LANGUAGE plpgsql;

-- Returns available flights or raises exception if there are no
-- available flights.
SELECT * FROM get_available_flightid(CURRENT_DATE);


The current implementation of RETURN NEXT and RETURN QUERY stores the entire result set before returning from the function, as discussed above. That means that if a PL/pgSQL function produces a very large result set, performance might be poor: data will be written to disk to avoid memory exhaustion, but the function itself will not return until the entire result set has been generated. A future version of PL/pgSQL might allow users to define set-returning functions that do not have this limitation. Currently, the point at which data begins being written to disk is controlled by the work_mem configuration variable. Administrators who have sufficient memory to store larger result sets in memory should consider increasing this parameter.

43.6.2. Returning from a Procedure

A procedure does not have a return value. A procedure can therefore end without a RETURN statement. If you wish to use a RETURN statement to exit the code early, write just RETURN with no expression.

If the procedure has output parameters, the final values of the output parameter variables will be returned to the caller.

43.6.3. Calling a Procedure

A PL/pgSQL function, procedure, or DO block can call a procedure using CALL. Output parameters are handled differently from the way that CALL works in plain SQL. Each OUT or INOUT parameter of the procedure must correspond to a variable in the CALL statement, and whatever the procedure returns is assigned back to that variable after it returns. For example:

LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
    x := x * 3;

DO $$
DECLARE myvar int := 5;
  CALL triple(myvar);
  RAISE NOTICE 'myvar = %', myvar;  -- prints 15

The variable corresponding to an output parameter can be a simple variable or a field of a composite-type variable. Currently, it cannot be an element of an array.

43.6.4. Conditionals

IF and CASE statements let you execute alternative commands based on certain conditions. PL/pgSQL has three forms of IF:

  • IF ... THEN ... END IF

  • IF ... THEN ... ELSE ... END IF

  • IF ... THEN ... ELSIF ... THEN ... ELSE ... END IF

and two forms of CASE:

  • CASE ... WHEN ... THEN ... ELSE ... END CASE


IF boolean-expression THEN

IF-THEN statements are the simplest form of IF. The statements between THEN and END IF will be executed if the condition is true. Otherwise, they are skipped.


IF v_user_id <> 0 THEN
    UPDATE users SET email = v_email WHERE user_id = v_user_id;

IF boolean-expression THEN

IF-THEN-ELSE statements add to IF-THEN by letting you specify an alternative set of statements that should be executed if the condition is not true. (Note this includes the case where the condition evaluates to NULL.)


IF parentid IS NULL OR parentid = ''
    RETURN fullname;
    RETURN hp_true_filename(parentid) || '/' || fullname;
IF v_count > 0 THEN
    INSERT INTO users_count (count) VALUES (v_count);
    RETURN 't';
    RETURN 'f';

IF boolean-expression THEN
[ ELSIF boolean-expression THEN
[ ELSIF boolean-expression THEN
    statements ]

Sometimes there are more than just two alternatives. IF-THEN-ELSIF provides a convenient method of checking several alternatives in turn. The IF conditions are tested successively until the first one that is true is found. Then the associated statement(s) are executed, after which control passes to the next statement after END IF. (Any subsequent IF conditions are not tested.) If none of the IF conditions is true, then the ELSE block (if any) is executed.

Here is an example:

IF number = 0 THEN
    result := 'zero';
ELSIF number > 0 THEN
    result := 'positive';
ELSIF number < 0 THEN
    result := 'negative';
    -- hmm, the only other possibility is that number is null
    result := 'NULL';

The key word ELSIF can also be spelled ELSEIF.

An alternative way of accomplishing the same task is to nest IF-THEN-ELSE statements, as in the following example:

IF = 'm' THEN
    pretty_sex := 'man';
    IF = 'f' THEN
        pretty_sex := 'woman';
    END IF;

However, this method requires writing a matching END IF for each IF, so it is much more cumbersome than using ELSIF when there are many alternatives. Simple CASE

CASE search-expression
    WHEN expression [, expression [ ... ]] THEN
  [ WHEN expression [, expression [ ... ]] THEN
    ... ]
  [ ELSE
      statements ]

The simple form of CASE provides conditional execution based on equality of operands. The search-expression is evaluated (once) and successively compared to each expression in the WHEN clauses. If a match is found, then the corresponding statements are executed, and then control passes to the next statement after END CASE. (Subsequent WHEN expressions are not evaluated.) If no match is found, the ELSE statements are executed; but if ELSE is not present, then a CASE_NOT_FOUND exception is raised.

Here is a simple example:

    WHEN 1, 2 THEN
        msg := 'one or two';
        msg := 'other value than one or two';

    WHEN boolean-expression THEN
  [ WHEN boolean-expression THEN
    ... ]
  [ ELSE
      statements ]

The searched form of CASE provides conditional execution based on truth of Boolean expressions. Each WHEN clause’s boolean-expression is evaluated in turn, until one is found that yields true. Then the corresponding statements are executed, and then control passes to the next statement after END CASE. (Subsequent WHEN expressions are not evaluated.) If no true result is found, the ELSE statements are executed; but if ELSE is not present, then a CASE_NOT_FOUND exception is raised.

Here is an example:

        msg := 'value is between zero and ten';
        msg := 'value is between eleven and twenty';

This form of CASE is entirely equivalent to IF-THEN-ELSIF, except for the rule that reaching an omitted ELSE clause results in an error rather than doing nothing.

43.6.5. Simple Loops

With the LOOP, EXIT, CONTINUE, WHILE, FOR, and FOREACH statements, you can arrange for your PL/pgSQL function to repeat a series of commands. LOOP

[ <<label>> ]
END LOOP [ label ];

LOOP defines an unconditional loop that is repeated indefinitely until terminated by an EXIT or RETURN statement. The optional label can be used by EXIT and CONTINUE statements within nested loops to specify which loop those statements refer to. EXIT

EXIT [ label ] [ WHEN boolean-expression ];

If no label is given, the innermost loop is terminated and the statement following END LOOP is executed next. If label is given, it must be the label of the current or some outer level of nested loop or block. Then the named loop or block is terminated and control continues with the statement after the loop’s/block’s corresponding END.

If WHEN is specified, the loop exit occurs only if boolean-expression is true. Otherwise, control passes to the statement after EXIT.

EXIT can be used with all types of loops; it is not limited to use with unconditional loops.

When used with a BEGIN block, EXIT passes control to the next statement after the end of the block. Note that a label must be used for this purpose; an unlabeled EXIT is never considered to match a BEGIN block. (This is a change from pre-8.4 releases of PostgreSQL, which would allow an unlabeled EXIT to match a BEGIN block.)


    -- some computations
    IF count > 0 THEN
        EXIT;  -- exit loop
    END IF;

    -- some computations
    EXIT WHEN count > 0;  -- same result as previous example

    -- some computations
    IF stocks > 100000 THEN
        EXIT ablock;  -- causes exit from the BEGIN block
    END IF;
    -- computations here will be skipped when stocks > 100000

CONTINUE [ label ] [ WHEN boolean-expression ];

If no label is given, the next iteration of the innermost loop is begun. That is, all statements remaining in the loop body are skipped, and control returns to the loop control expression (if any) to determine whether another loop iteration is needed. If label is present, it specifies the label of the loop whose execution will be continued.

If WHEN is specified, the next iteration of the loop is begun only if boolean-expression is true. Otherwise, control passes to the statement after CONTINUE.

CONTINUE can be used with all types of loops; it is not limited to use with unconditional loops.


    -- some computations
    EXIT WHEN count > 100;
    CONTINUE WHEN count < 50;
    -- some computations for count IN [50 .. 100]

[ <<label>> ]
WHILE boolean-expression LOOP
END LOOP [ label ];

The WHILE statement repeats a sequence of statements so long as the boolean-expression evaluates to true. The expression is checked just before each entry to the loop body.

For example:

WHILE amount_owed > 0 AND gift_certificate_balance > 0 LOOP
    -- some computations here

    -- some computations here
END LOOP; FOR (Integer Variant)

[ <<label>> ]
FOR name IN [ REVERSE ] expression .. expression [ BY expression ] LOOP
END LOOP [ label ];

This form of FOR creates a loop that iterates over a range of integer values. The variable name is automatically defined as type integer and exists only inside the loop (any existing definition of the variable name is ignored within the loop). The two expressions giving the lower and upper bound of the range are evaluated once when entering the loop. If the BY clause isn’t specified the iteration step is 1, otherwise it’s the value specified in the BY clause, which again is evaluated once on loop entry. If REVERSE is specified then the step value is subtracted, rather than added, after each iteration.

Some examples of integer FOR loops:

FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP
    -- i will take on the values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 within the loop

    -- i will take on the values 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 within the loop

    -- i will take on the values 10,8,6,4,2 within the loop

If the lower bound is greater than the upper bound (or less than, in the REVERSE case), the loop body is not executed at all. No error is raised.

If a label is attached to the FOR loop then the integer loop variable can be referenced with a qualified name, using that label.

43.6.6. Looping through Query Results

Using a different type of FOR loop, you can iterate through the results of a query and manipulate that data accordingly. The syntax is:

[ <<label>> ]
FOR target IN query LOOP
END LOOP [ label ];

The target is a record variable, row variable, or comma-separated list of scalar variables. The target is successively assigned each row resulting from the query and the loop body is executed for each row. Here is an example:

CREATE FUNCTION refresh_mviews() RETURNS integer AS $$
    mviews RECORD;
    RAISE NOTICE 'Refreshing all materialized views...';

    FOR mviews IN
       SELECT n.nspname AS mv_schema,
              c.relname AS mv_name,
              pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS owner
         FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
    LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)
        WHERE c.relkind = 'm'
     ORDER BY 1

        -- Now "mviews" has one record with information about the materialized view

        RAISE NOTICE 'Refreshing materialized view %.% (owner: %)...',
        EXECUTE format('REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW %I.%I', mviews.mv_schema, mviews.mv_name);

    RAISE NOTICE 'Done refreshing materialized views.';
    RETURN 1;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

If the loop is terminated by an EXIT statement, the last assigned row value is still accessible after the loop.

The query used in this type of FOR statement can be any SQL command that returns rows to the caller: SELECT is the most common case, but you can also use INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE with a RETURNING clause. Some utility commands such as EXPLAIN will work too.

PL/pgSQL variables are replaced by query parameters, and the query plan is cached for possible re-use, as discussed in detail in Section 43.11.1 and Section 43.11.2.

The FOR-IN-EXECUTE statement is another way to iterate over rows:

[ <<label>> ]
FOR target IN EXECUTE text_expression [ USING expression [, ... ] ] LOOP
END LOOP [ label ];

This is like the previous form, except that the source query is specified as a string expression, which is evaluated and replanned on each entry to the FOR loop. This allows the programmer to choose the speed of a preplanned query or the flexibility of a dynamic query, just as with a plain EXECUTE statement. As with EXECUTE, parameter values can be inserted into the dynamic command via USING.

Another way to specify the query whose results should be iterated through is to declare it as a cursor. This is described in Section 43.7.4.

43.6.7. Looping through Arrays

The FOREACH loop is much like a FOR loop, but instead of iterating through the rows returned by an SQL query, it iterates through the elements of an array value. (In general, FOREACH is meant for looping through components of a composite-valued expression; variants for looping through composites besides arrays may be added in future.) The FOREACH statement to loop over an array is:

[ <<label>> ]
FOREACH target [ SLICE number ] IN ARRAY expression LOOP
END LOOP [ label ];

Without SLICE, or if SLICE 0 is specified, the loop iterates through individual elements of the array produced by evaluating the expression. The target variable is assigned each element value in sequence, and the loop body is executed for each element. Here is an example of looping through the elements of an integer array:

  s int8 := 0;
  x int;
    s := s + x;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

The elements are visited in storage order, regardless of the number of array dimensions. Although the target is usually just a single variable, it can be a list of variables when looping through an array of composite values (records). In that case, for each array element, the variables are assigned from successive columns of the composite value.

With a positive SLICE value, FOREACH iterates through slices of the array rather than single elements. The SLICE value must be an integer constant not larger than the number of dimensions of the array. The target variable must be an array, and it receives successive slices of the array value, where each slice is of the number of dimensions specified by SLICE. Here is an example of iterating through one-dimensional slices:

CREATE FUNCTION scan_rows(int[]) RETURNS void AS $$
  x int[];
    RAISE NOTICE 'row = %', x;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

SELECT scan_rows(ARRAY[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12]]);

NOTICE:  row = {1,2,3}
NOTICE:  row = {4,5,6}
NOTICE:  row = {7,8,9}
NOTICE:  row = {10,11,12}

43.6.8. Trapping Errors

By default, any error occurring in a PL/pgSQL function aborts execution of the function and the surrounding transaction. You can trap errors and recover from them by using a BEGIN block with an EXCEPTION clause. The syntax is an extension of the normal syntax for a BEGIN block:

[ <<label>> ]
    declarations ]
    WHEN condition [ OR condition ... ] THEN
    [ WHEN condition [ OR condition ... ] THEN
      ... ]

If no error occurs, this form of block simply executes all the statements, and then control passes to the next statement after END. But if an error occurs within the statements, further processing of the statements is abandoned, and control passes to the EXCEPTION list. The list is searched for the first condition matching the error that occurred. If a match is found, the corresponding handler_statements are executed, and then control passes to the next statement after END. If no match is found, the error propagates out as though the EXCEPTION clause were not there at all: the error can be caught by an enclosing block with EXCEPTION, or if there is none it aborts processing of the function.

The condition names can be any of those shown in Appendix A. A category name matches any error within its category. The special condition name OTHERS matches every error type except QUERY_CANCELED and ASSERT_FAILURE. (It is possible, but often unwise, to trap those two error types by name.) Condition names are not case-sensitive. Also, an error condition can be specified by SQLSTATE code; for example these are equivalent:

WHEN division_by_zero THEN ...

If a new error occurs within the selected handler_statements, it cannot be caught by this EXCEPTION clause, but is propagated out. A surrounding EXCEPTION clause could catch it.

When an error is caught by an EXCEPTION clause, the local variables of the PL/pgSQL function remain as they were when the error occurred, but all changes to persistent database state within the block are rolled back. As an example, consider this fragment:

INSERT INTO mytab(firstname, lastname) VALUES('Tom', 'Jones');
    UPDATE mytab SET firstname = 'Joe' WHERE lastname = 'Jones';
    x := x + 1;
    y := x / 0;
    WHEN division_by_zero THEN
        RAISE NOTICE 'caught division_by_zero';
        RETURN x;

When control reaches the assignment to y, it will fail with a division_by_zero error. This will be caught by the EXCEPTION clause. The value returned in the RETURN statement will be the incremented value of x, but the effects of the UPDATE command will have been rolled back. The INSERT command preceding the block is not rolled back, however, so the end result is that the database contains Tom Jones not Joe Jones.


A block containing an EXCEPTION clause is significantly more expensive to enter and exit than a block without one. Therefore, don’t use EXCEPTION without need.

Example 43.2. Exceptions with UPDATE/INSERT

This example uses exception handling to perform either UPDATE or INSERT, as appropriate. It is recommended that applications use INSERT with ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE rather than actually using this pattern. This example serves primarily to illustrate use of PL/pgSQL control flow structures:


        -- first try to update the key
        UPDATE db SET b = data WHERE a = key;
        IF found THEN
        END IF;
        -- not there, so try to insert the key
        -- if someone else inserts the same key concurrently,
        -- we could get a unique-key failure
            INSERT INTO db(a,b) VALUES (key, data);
        EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN
            -- Do nothing, and loop to try the UPDATE again.
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

SELECT merge_db(1, 'david');
SELECT merge_db(1, 'dennis');

This coding assumes the unique_violation error is caused by the INSERT, and not by, say, an INSERT in a trigger function on the table. It might also misbehave if there is more than one unique index on the table, since it will retry the operation regardless of which index caused the error. More safety could be had by using the features discussed next to check that the trapped error was the one expected. Obtaining Information about an Error

Exception handlers frequently need to identify the specific error that occurred. There are two ways to get information about the current exception in PL/pgSQL: special variables and the GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS command.

Within an exception handler, the special variable SQLSTATE contains the error code that corresponds to the exception that was raised (refer to Table A.1 for a list of possible error codes). The special variable SQLERRM contains the error message associated with the exception. These variables are undefined outside exception handlers.

Within an exception handler, one may also retrieve information about the current exception by using the GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS command, which has the form:

GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS variable { = | := } item [ , ... ];

Each item is a key word identifying a status value to be assigned to the specified variable (which should be of the right data type to receive it). The currently available status items are shown in Table 43.2.

Table 43.2. Error Diagnostics Items

Name Type Description
RETURNED_SQLSTATE text the SQLSTATE error code of the exception
COLUMN_NAME text the name of the column related to exception
CONSTRAINT_NAME text the name of the constraint related to exception
PG_DATATYPE_NAME text the name of the data type related to exception
MESSAGE_TEXT text the text of the exception’s primary message
TABLE_NAME text the name of the table related to exception
SCHEMA_NAME text the name of the schema related to exception
PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL text the text of the exception’s detail message, if any
PG_EXCEPTION_HINT text the text of the exception’s hint message, if any
PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT text line(s) of text describing the call stack at the time of the exception (see Section 43.6.9)

If the exception did not set a value for an item, an empty string will be returned.

Here is an example:

  text_var1 text;
  text_var2 text;
  text_var3 text;
  -- some processing which might cause an exception
                          text_var2 = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL,
                          text_var3 = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT;

43.6.9. Obtaining Execution Location Information

The GET DIAGNOSTICS command, previously described in Section 43.5.5, retrieves information about current execution state (whereas the GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS command discussed above reports information about the execution state as of a previous error). Its PG_CONTEXT status item is useful for identifying the current execution location. PG_CONTEXT returns a text string with line(s) of text describing the call stack. The first line refers to the current function and currently executing GET DIAGNOSTICS command. The second and any subsequent lines refer to calling functions further up the call stack. For example:

  RETURN inner_func();
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

  stack text;
  RAISE NOTICE E'--- Call Stack ---n%', stack;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

SELECT outer_func();

NOTICE:  --- Call Stack ---
PL/pgSQL function inner_func() line 5 at GET DIAGNOSTICS
PL/pgSQL function outer_func() line 3 at RETURN
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function outer_func() line 3 at RETURN
(1 row)

GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ... PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT returns the same sort of stack trace, but describing the location at which an error was detected, rather than the current location.

Summary: this tutorial shows you how to use PostgreSQL NULLIF function to handle null values. We will show you some examples of using the NULLIF function.

The NULLIF function is one of the most common conditional expressions provided by PostgreSQL. The following illustrates the syntax of the NULLIF function:


Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

The NULLIF function returns a null value if argument_1 equals to argument_2, otherwise it returns argument_1.

See the following examples:

SELECT NULLIF (1, 1); -- return NULL SELECT NULLIF (1, 0); -- return 1 SELECT NULLIF ('A', 'B'); -- return A

Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

PostgreSQL NULLIF function example

Let’s take a look at an example of using the NULLIF function.

First, we create a table named posts as follows:

CREATE TABLE posts ( id serial primary key, title VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL, excerpt VARCHAR (150), body TEXT, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, updated_at TIMESTAMP );

Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

Second, we insert some sample data into the posts table.

INSERT INTO posts (title, excerpt, body) VALUES ('test post 1','test post excerpt 1','test post body 1'), ('test post 2','','test post body 2'), ('test post 3', null ,'test post body 3');

Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

Third, our goal is to display the posts overview page that shows title and excerpt of each posts. In case the excerpt is not provided, we use the first 40 characters of the post body. We can simply use the following query to get all rows in the posts table.

SELECT ID, title, excerpt FROM posts;

Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

PosgreSQL NULLIF - Posts table

We see the null value in the excerpt column. To substitute this null value, we can use the COALESCE function as follows:

SELECT id, title, COALESCE (excerpt, LEFT(body, 40)) FROM posts;

Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)


Unfortunately, there is mix between null value and ” (empty) in the excerpt column. This is why we need to use the NULLIF function:

SELECT id, title, COALESCE ( NULLIF (excerpt, ''), LEFT (body, 40) ) FROM posts;

Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

Let’s examine the expression in more detail:

  • First, the NULLIF function returns a null value if the excerpt is empty, otherwise it returns the excerpt. The result of the NULLIF function is used by the COALESCE function.
  • Second, the COALESCE function checks if the first argument, which is provided by the NULLIF function, if it is null, then it returns the first 40 characters of the body; otherwise it returns the excerpt in case the excerpt is not null.

Use NULLIF to prevent division-by-zero error

Another great example of using the NULLIF function is to prevent division-by-zero error. Let’s take a look at the following example.

First, we create a new table named members:

CREATE TABLE members ( ID serial PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, gender SMALLINT NOT NULL -- 1: male, 2 female );

Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

Second, we insert some rows for testing:

INSERT INTO members ( first_name, last_name, gender ) VALUES ('John', 'Doe', 1), ('David', 'Dave', 1), ('Bush', 'Lily', 2);

Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

Third, if we want to calculate the ratio between male and female members, we use the following query:

SELECT (SUM ( CASE WHEN gender = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) / SUM ( CASE WHEN gender = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) ) * 100 AS "Male/Female ratio" FROM members;

Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

To calculate the total number of male members, we use the SUM function and CASE expression. If the gender is 1, the CASE expression returns 1, otherwise it returns 0; the SUM function is used to calculate total of male members. The same logic is also applied for calculating the total number of female members.

Then the total of male members is divided by the total of female members to return the ratio. In this case, it returns 200%, which is correct .

PosgreSQL NULLIF - division by zero

Fourth, let’s remove the female member:

DELETE FROM members WHERE gender = 2;

Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

And execute the query to calculate the male/female ratio again, we got the following error message:

[Err] ERROR: division by zero

Code language: CSS (css)

The reason is that the number of female is zero. To prevent this division by zero error, we use the NULLIF function as follows:

SELECT ( SUM ( CASE WHEN gender = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) / NULLIF ( SUM ( CASE WHEN gender = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) ) * 100 AS "Male/Female ratio" FROM members;

Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

The NULLIF function checks if the number of female members is zero, it returns null. The total of male members is divided by a null value returns a null value, which is correct.

PosgreSQL NULLIF - division by zero result

In this tutorial, we have shown you how to apply the NULLIF function to substitute the null values for displaying data and preventing division by zero error.

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PostgreSQL, SQL, Блог компании OTUS. Онлайн-образование

Рекомендация: подборка платных и бесплатных курсов дизайна интерьера —

В преддверии старта курса PostgreSQL подготовили небольшой полезный материал.

Большинство языков программирования предназначены для профессиональных разработчиков, знающих алгоритмы и структуру данных. Язык SQL немного отличается.

SQL используется аналитиками, специалистами по обработке данных, руководителями по программному продукту, проектировщиками и многими другими. Эти специалисты имеют доступ к базам данных, но у них не всегда есть интуиция и понимание, чтобы написать эффективные запросы.

Чтобы заставить сотрудников писать на SQL лучше, мы тщательно изучили отчеты, написанные не разработчиками, и код ревью, собрали распространенные ошибки и возможности по оптимизации в SQL.

Будьте внимательны во время деления целых чисел

В PostgreSQL деление целого числа на целое число в результате дает целое число. Не делайте так:

db=# (
  SELECT tax / price AS tax_ratio
  FROM sale

Чтобы получить ожидаемый результат деления, вам нужно привести одно из значений к плавающему типу:

 db=# (
  SELECT tax / price::float AS tax_ratio
  FROM sale

Неспособность распознать эту ошибку может привести к крайне неточным результатам.

Защита от ошибок деления на ноль

Деление на ноль — известная ошибка:

db=# SELECT 1 / 0
ERROR: division by zero

Деление на ноль является логической ошибкой и ее нужно не просто «обойти», а исправить так, чтобы на первом месте у вас не было делителя, равного нулю. Однако бывают ситуации, когда возможен нулевой делитель. Один из простых способов защиты от ошибок деления на ноль — это присвоить всему выражению неопределенное значение, установив неопределенное значение делителю, если он равен нулю:

db=# SELECT 1 / NULLIF(0, 0);

Функция NULLIF возвращает неопределенное значение null, если первый аргумент равен второму. В этом случае, если знаменатель равен нулю.

При делении любого числа на NULL результатом будет NULL. Чтобы получить некоторое значение, вы можете свернуть все выражение с COALESCE и предоставить дефолтное значение:

db=# SELECT COALESCE(1 / NULLIF(0, 0), 1);

Функция COALESCE очень полезна. Она допускает любое количество аргументов и возвращает первое значение, которое не является неопределенным.

Знайте разницу между UNION и UNION ALL

Классический вопрос на собеседовании начального уровня для разработчиков и администраторов баз данных: «В чем разница между функциями UNION и UNION ALL?».

UNION ALL объединяет результаты одного или нескольких запросов. UNION делает то же самое, и к тому же исключает повторяющиеся строки. Не делайте так:

 SELECT created_by_id FROM sale
  SELECT created_by_id FROM past_sale
Unique  (cost=2654611.00..2723233.86 rows=13724572 width=4)
  ->  Sort  (cost=2654611.00..2688922.43 rows=13724572 width=4)
        Sort Key: sale.created_by_id
        ->  Append  (cost=0.00..652261.30 rows=13724572 width=4)
              ->  Seq Scan on sale  (cost=0.00..442374.57 rows=13570157 width=4)
              ->  Seq Scan on past_sale  (cost=0.00..4018.15 rows=154415 width=4)

В плане выполнения вы можете видеть, что после добавления двух запросов база данных отсортировала результаты и исключила повторяющиеся строки.

Если вам не нужно удалять повторяющиеся строки, лучше использовать функцию UNION ALL:

 db=# (
  SELECT created_by_id FROM sale
  SELECT created_by_id FROM past_sale
 Append  (cost=0.00..515015.58 rows=13724572 width=4)
   ->  Seq Scan on sale  (cost=0.00..442374.57 rows=13570157 width=4)
   ->  Seq Scan on past_sale  (cost=0.00..4018.15 rows=154415 width=4)

Выполняется намного проще. Результаты получены, сортировка не требуется.

Будьте внимательны при подсчете столбцов, допускающих неопределенное значение

При использовании агрегатных функций, таких как COUNT, важно понимать, как они обрабатывают неопределенные значения.
Например, возьмите следующую таблицу:

db=# pset null NULL
Null display is "NULL".
db=# WITH tb AS (
  SELECT 1 AS id
  SELECT null AS id
FROM tb;

Столбец id содержит значение null. Посчитаем столбец id:

 db=# WITH tb AS (
  SELECT 1 AS id
  SELECT null AS id
FROM tb;

В таблице две строки, но функция COUNT возвращает 1. Это произошло, потому что функция COUNT игнорирует неопределенные значения.

Чтобы посчитать строки, используйте функцию COUNT(*):

 db=# WITH tb AS (
  SELECT 1 AS id
  SELECT null AS id
FROM tb;

Эта особенность также может быть полезна. Например, если поле с именем modified содержит неопределенное значение в том случае, если строка не была изменена, вы можете рассчитать процент измененных строк следующим образом:

db=# (
  SELECT COUNT(modified) / COUNT(*)::float AS modified_pct
  FROM sale

Другие агрегатные функции, такие как SUM, будут игнорировать неопределенные значения. Для демонстрации применим функцию SUM к полю, содержащему только неопределенные значения:

db=# WITH tb AS (
  SELECT null AS id
  SELECT null AS id
SELECT SUM(id::int)
FROM tb;

Это все документированные операции, так что будьте внимательны!

Обратите внимание на часовые пояса

Часовые пояса всегда являются источником путаницы и ошибок. PostgreSQL отлично справляется с часовыми поясами, но вам все равно придется обратить внимание на некоторые вещи.

Распространенной ошибкой, которую я вижу бесчисленное количество раз, является сокращение временных меток без уточнения часового пояса. Скажем, мы хотим узнать, сколько продаж было сделано каждый день:

SELECT created_at::date, COUNT(*)
FROM sale

Без точной настройки часового пояса вы можете получить разные результаты в зависимости от часового пояса, установленного приложением:

db=# SET TIME ZONE 'australia/perth';
db=# SELECT now()::date;

Если вы не уверены, с каким часовым поясом работаете, вы можете делать это неправильно.

При обращении к временной метке сначала приведите ее к нужному часовому поясу:

SELECT (timestamp at time zone 'asia/tel_aviv')::date, COUNT(*)
FROM sale

За установку часового пояса обычно отвечает приложение. Например, чтобы получить часовой пояс, используемый psql:

db=# SHOW timezone;
db=# SELECT now();
2019-11-09 11:41:45.233529+02

А чтобы установить часовой пояс в PSQL:

 db=# SET timezone TO 'UTC';
db=# SELECT now();
2019-11-09 09:41:55.904474+00

Также важно помнить, что часовой пояс вашего сервера может отличаться от часового пояса вашего локального компьютера. Поэтому если вы выполняете запросы на локальном компьютере, они могут привести к разным результатам в готовом продукте. Чтобы избежать ошибок, всегда точно устанавливайте часовой пояс.

Избегайте преобразований в индексированных полях

Использование функций в индексированном поле может помешать базе данных использовать индекс в этом поле:

  WHERE created at time ZONE 'asia/tel_aviv' > '2019-10-01'
Seq Scan on sale (cost=0.00..510225.35 rows=4523386 width=276)
Filter: timezone('asia/tel_aviv', created) > '2019-10-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone

Поле created индексируется, но поскольку мы преобразовали его с помощью часового пояса, индекс не использовался.

Один из способов использования индекса в этом случае — применить преобразование в правой части:

SELECT * FROM sale WHERE created > '2019-10-01' AT TIME ZONE 'asia/tel_aviv' );
Index Scan using sale_created_ix on sale  (cost=0.43..4.51 rows=1 width=276)
Index Cond: (created > '2019-10-01 00:00:00'::timestamp with time zone)

Другим примером использования дат является фильтрация определенного периода:

 db=# (
 SELECT * FROM sale WHERE created + INTERVAL '1 day' > '2019-10-01'
 Seq Scan on sale  (cost=0.00..510225.35 rows=4523386 width=276)
   Filter: ((created + '1 day'::interval) > '2019-10-01 00:00:00+03'::timestamp with time zone)

Как и до этого, интервальная функция в поле created препятствовала базе данных использовать индекс. Чтобы база данных использовала индекс, примените преобразование в правой части выражения вместо всего поля:

  FROM sale
  WHERE created > '2019-10-01'::date - INTERVAL '1 day'
 Index Scan using sale_created_ix on sale  (cost=0.43..4.51 rows=1 width=276)
   Index Cond: (created > '2019-10-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)


Применение приведенных выше советов в повседневной жизни помогает нам поддерживать работоспособную базу данных с минимальными потерями. Мы обнаружили, что обучение разработчиков и не разработчиков тому, как лучше писать на SQL, может иметь большое значение. Если у вас есть какие-то советы по SQL, которые мы могли пропустить, дайте нам знать, и мы добавим их сюда!

Я получаю эту ошибку: ОШИБКА: деление на ноль. Состояние SQL: 22012

Ниже мой запрос —

             FROM   ORDR 
                    STSFD_SW = 'Y') * 100 / COUNT(*) 
                 FROM   ORDR
                     WHERE  USR.USR_ID = ORDR.USR_ID)

2 ответы

Вы можете попробовать:

SET    prcnt_satsfctn = o.share
    SELECT usr_id
         ,(count(CASE WHEN stsfd_sw = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) * 100)
         / count(*) AS share   -- cannot be NULL!
    FROM   ordr
    GROUP  BY 1
    ) o
WHERE  usr.usr_id = o.usr_id

Этот запрос следует улучшить по нескольким направлениям:

  • Есть ли не обновить любую строку в usr, где нет соответствующей строки в ordr. Вот где происходит деление на 0. (Запрос @Jan обновится с NULL вместо.)

  • Деления на 0 здесь быть не может.

  • Быстрее, потому что нужно только сканировать таблицу ordr один раз.

  • Короче, чище.

Создан 08 фев.

Как говорится в ошибке. Расчет завершится ошибкой, если ваш счетчик ORDR (*) равен нулю. Может быть, добавьте дополнительную проверку, чтобы убедиться, что правая часть вашего деления никогда не будет равна нулю.

              FROM   ORDR 
              WHERE  USR.USR_ID = ORDR.USR_ID AND 
                     STSFD_SW = 'Y') * 100 / COUNT(*) 
                  FROM   ORDR
                      WHERE  USR.USR_ID = ORDR.USR_ID 
                      HAVING COUNT(*) > 0)

Создан 08 янв.

Не тот ответ, который вы ищете? Просмотрите другие вопросы с метками


or задайте свой вопрос.

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