Error domain 1015

Cloudflare предназначен для повышения безопасности многих веб-сайтов и приложений, защищая пользователей’ данных и защиты сайтов от кибератак. Однако случаются сбои, и пользователям по ошибке может быть заблокирован доступ к веб-сайту. В зависимости от характера сайта владельцы веб-сайтов могут заметить, что меньше посетителей нажимают на их страницы.

Cloudflare предназначен для повышения безопасности многих веб-сайтов и приложений, защищая пользователей’ данных и защиты сайтов от кибератак. Однако случаются сбои, и пользователям по ошибке может быть заблокирован доступ к веб-сайту. В зависимости от характера сайта владельцы веб-сайтов могут заметить, что меньше посетителей нажимают на их страницы.

Меньше популярность в Интернете может привести к значительным финансовым потерям.

Владельцам сайтов нужно практичное решение, которое позволит им без проблем запускать свои сайты. К счастью, есть несколько способов обойти ошибку ограничения скорости. Продолжайте читать, чтобы узнать, что означает «ошибка 1015» Cloudflare. средства и лучшие способы ее решения.

Фоновые процессы Cloudflare не позволяют хакерам обойти брандмауэр сайта и не позволяют ему вылетает из-за увеличения трафика. Но превентивные меры Cloudflare также могут повлиять на то, как сайт реагирует на действия пользователя.

Иногда определенные действия пользователя могут вызвать “ошибку 1015” и заблокировать им вход на сайт. Частые попытки входа с неверной информацией и многократное обновление страницы могут помешать пользователям перейти на веб-сайт. После короткого периода ожидания они восстановят доступ и смогут перемещаться по сайту без дальнейших проблем. Однако, если проблема не устранена, проблема может быть связана с конфигурацией сайта Cloudflare.

Если многие посетители веб-сайта сообщают о появлении “ошибки 1015” всплывающее сообщение информирует их о том, что владелец сайта запретил им доступ к странице. Это означает, что ваши веб-страницы не могут обрабатывать внезапный приток запросов на доступ.

Небольшая настройка вашего сайта и изменение настроек Cloudflare повысит скорость обработки запросов. Страницы станут более удобными для пользователя и будут обрабатывать больше запросов без сбоев или зависаний.

Как исправить ошибку 1015 – Cloudflare с ограниченным тарифом

Существует несколько способов исправить эту ошибку, и большинство из них связано с изменением настроек защиты вашего веб-сайта или приложения Cloudfare, чтобы обеспечить лучший пользовательский интерфейс.

Снижение скорости активности пользователей

Всякий раз, когда пользователь посещает веб-сайт, странице требуется время и ресурсы, чтобы ответить на его запрос. Когда несколько пользователей взаимодействуют с сайтом одновременно, его страницам требуется дополнительная поддержка, чтобы избежать закрытия. Ограничение скорости анализирует активность пользователей и предотвращает попадание повторных запросов в домен. Это также может замедлить его работу.

Например, кто-то может несколько раз попытаться отправить свой номер телефона на ваш веб-сайт, потому что забыл порядок цифр. Веб-сайт регистрирует это как потенциально подозрительную активность и ставит человека в виртуальный тайм-аут. Срок действия бана истечет примерно через 15 минут, и пользователь получит полный доступ к сайту.

Хотя ограничение скорости предотвращает провисание веб-сайтов, оно может удерживать пользователей от возвращения. Другие решения позволяют владельцам сайтов увеличивать количество сайтов’ запросите объемы и удовлетворите даже самых нетерпеливых пользователей.

Отключить ограничение скорости веб-сайта

Если частое появление “ошибка 1015” вредит вашему бизнесу или ранжированию в поисковых системах, вы можете отключить ограничение скорости в своем приложении или на веб-сайте.

Посетителям не придется иметь дело с внезапными всплывающими сообщениями, но имейте в виду, что отключение ограничения скорости также может нанести ущерб вашему сайту. Без этого дополнительного защитного барьера приложение или веб-сайт могут с трудом обрабатывать больше запросов пользователей. Кроме того, хакеры столкнутся с меньшим сопротивлением при попытке проникнуть в инфраструктуру сайта.

Лучше рассматривать этот метод как временное решение, пока вы не установите наилучшие заданные значения ограничения скорости для оптимальной производительности Интернета.

Удалить текущие настройки ограничения скорости

Отключение ограничение скорости обычно обеспечивает неограниченный поток веб-трафика. Однако иногда домен может продолжать работать на ранее установленных конфигурациях Cloudflare. В этом случае владельцу сайта придется стереть эти настройки, чтобы снять ограничения доступа вручную. Для этого:

  1. проверьте, отключили ли вы запреты на доступ.
  2. Снова восстановите ограничения запросов, используя учетную запись Cloudflare владельца сайта.
  3. Удалите все правила ограничения скорости.
  4. Включите ограничение скорости снова.

После того как вы удалите эти настройки, сайт или приложение будут открыты для пользователей со всего мира, использующих разные IP-адреса. Они смогут делать столько веб-запросов, сколько захотят, не будучи заблокированными.

Увеличьте количество запросов, которые веб-сайт может обработать

Большинство людей предполагают, что вход на веб-сайт требует запроса одной страницы, но это не так. Сайт будет считать посещение одной страницы как минимум 50 запросами на предоставление пользователям доступа ко всем его функциям. Это число резко возрастает, если пользователи очистили свой кэш или файлы cookie.

Ответственные владельцы сайтов понимают, как работают посещения страниц, и устанавливают более высокий порог запроса, чтобы все пользователи могли работать без сбоев. Учетная запись владельца Cloudflare позволяет вам просматривать настройки порога запроса и соответствующим образом изменять их, чтобы они могли поддерживать более интенсивный веб-трафик. Когда приложение или сайт внесут эти изменения, оно перестанет выдавать частую ошибку “error 1015” сообщений.

Изменить ограничение по времени

Узкие сроки также могут помешать пользователям отправлять законные запросы на сайт.

Включение на сайте возможности блокировать пользователей, которые взаимодействовали со страницей несколько раз в течение десяти секунд, сделает сайт менее удобным для пользователя. Он блокирует большинство взаимодействий, обрабатывая лишь небольшое количество пользовательских запросов.

Группа поддержки клиентов Cloudflare предлагает вам установить ограничение по времени в десять секунд или больше. Этот расширенный период позволяет нескольким пользователям просматривать сайт одновременно, не отказывая в доступе к Интернету.

Поддержка увеличения пропускной способности

Если ваш сайт не может обрабатывать большие объемы данных, он прибегнет к блокировке пользователей для восстановления и продолжения корректной работы. Если вы ожидаете, что сайт будет генерировать большой трафик со многими вернувшимися посетителями, вам следует подумать об увеличении пропускной способности.

Предоставление страницам большего количества ресурсов сведет к минимуму перерывы в доступе и обеспечит оптимальную передачу данных между сайтом и его пользователей.

Оптимизация веб-сайта

Устаревший дизайн веб-сайта также может вызвать проблемы у посетителей, пытающихся войти на сайт. Страницы с низкой скоростью загрузки вынуждают пользователей многократно обновлять браузер и стирать данные кеша всякий раз, когда они нажимают на URL-адрес сайта. Не имея возможности отвечать на эти запросы, сайт не позволяет посетителям использовать свои функции.

Сайт должен быть оптимизирован в соответствии с последними отраслевыми стандартами и предлагать пользователям достаточную поддержку кэша, чтобы избежать этих проблем.

< h3>Поддержка сообщества

Cloudflare предоставляет своим пользователям богатую библиотеку ресурсов для устранения различных ошибок. Хотя методы, которые мы упомянули, эффективны, вам следует следить за разделом сообщества Cloudflare. Другие владельцы веб-сайтов и приложений рассказывают о своем опыте и о том, как они укрепили свое присутствие в Интернете. Это отличное место для поиска решений проблем, с которыми вы можете столкнуться в будущем.

Предоставьте посетителям веб-сайта безошибочную работу

Cloudflare прилагает все усилия, чтобы предоставить своим пользователям качественный сервис, защищая свои сайты от подозрительной активности и кибератак. Однако их меры иногда негативно сказываются на пользовательском опыте и блокируют использование сайта законными посетителями. Хорошей новостью является то, что существует несколько способов настройки защиты Cloudflare, чтобы посетители не сталкивались с непреднамеренной «ошибкой 1015». сообщение.

В этой статье описано, как сделать ваш сайт более удобным для пользователей, настроив ограничение скорости Cloudflare.

Сталкивались ли вы с проблемами ограничения скорости на своем веб-сайте? Как вы решили проблему? Дайте нам знать в разделе комментариев ниже.

Cloudflare rate-limiting feature is designed to protect online services from attack methods like brute force logins, DDoS attack, etc. However, this feature can block legitimate access to the services at times with Cloudflare error 1015 “You are being rate-limited”.

As a  part of our Server Management Services, we help webmasters, web hosts and other online service providers to fix similar Cloudflare errors.

Today, let us discuss the possible reasons and fixes for this error.

What is Cloudflare error 1015?

Cloudflare Rate Limiting identifies and mitigates excessive request rates to the domain or specific URLs. Once an individual IP address exceeds a rule threshold, further requests to the origin web server are blocked with an HTTP 429 response.

The user is displayed with an error message as below:

cloudflare error 1015

Generally, these blocks are temporary and will be removed automatically after the specified time period. Though it is meant to block/prevent the suspicious requests to the website at times legitimate requests also get rate limited by the rules. Let us get into some of those cases and the tips to fix it in each case.

Low rate limiting threshold

A very low threshold limit is the prime reason for the error 1015 in most cases. The rule settings option allows us to limit the number of page requests from an IP address in a given time interval.

cloudflare error 10151

In most cases, users assume that each page of the website is equal to one request. However, this is not true. Limiting the value of request based on this assumption yields frequent 1015 error.

For instance, try accessing the google developer tools console for a website. It can be accessed from the  More tools >> Developer tools option in Google chrome. Navigate to the Network tab and then refresh your page. You may find a result as below.

cloudflare error 1015

The bottom part of the page shows 50 requests. Thus a single page may contain about 50 requests or more.

Hence, one way to fix the Cloudflare rate limit error is to increase the request threshold to a moderate value.

Active Rate Limiting rules

At times, we receive requests that the users are getting 1015 error even after disabling the Rate Limiting.

To prevent this, we need to ensure that the Rate Limiting rules that were configured for the domain are removed. This is because, in rare cases, these rules can still work even though the Rate Limiting feature is disabled for the domain

Thus the preferred method is to re-enable the rate limit, delete all the rules set for it, and then disable the rate limit to make it actually stop processing the rules.

Aggressive Rate Limiting rule

Another common mistake that is made while setting the rate limit rule is to keep it highly aggressive. Cloudflare’s recommended value for the rate limit time is 10 seconds or more. If any rule is configured to block an IP address for 1 sec, it is more likely to block legitimate requests.

[Need assistance to fix Cloudflare errors? We’ll help you.]


In short Cloudflare error 1015 is triggered due to Firewall rules Rate Limiting the accesses from the IP addresses. Though this is a method adopted to work against DDoS attacks and brute force attempts, at times legitimate requests are also blocked with this error. Today we discussed some tips that our Support Engineers follow to fix the error message.


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  1. How To Fix Cloudflare Error 1015 “You Are Being Rate Limited”
  2. Error 1015 You Are Being Rate Limited Cloudflare
  3. How to Fix Error 1015 You Are Being Rate Limited Cloudflare
  4. Lower User Activity Speed
  5. Disable the Website’s Rate Limiting
  6. Wipe the Current Rate Limiting Settings
  7. Increase the Number of Requests the Website Can Process
  8. Modify the Time Limit
  9. Increase Bandwidth Support
  10. Website Optimization
  11. Community Support
  12. Provide Website Visitors With an Error-Free Experience
  13. Tips to fix cloudflare error 1015
  14. What is Cloudflare error 1015?
  15. Low rate limiting threshold
  16. Active Rate Limiting rules
  17. Aggressive Rate Limiting rule
  18. Conclusion
  20. Tips to fix cloudflare error 1015
  21. What is Cloudflare error 1015?
  22. Low rate limiting threshold
  23. Active Rate Limiting rules
  24. Aggressive Rate Limiting rule
  25. Conclusion

How To Fix Cloudflare Error 1015 “You Are Being Rate Limited”

Cloudflare is designed to boost the security of many websites and applications, safeguarding users’ data and protecting the sites from cyber-attacks. However, mishaps happen, and users can be banned from accessing a website by mistake. Depending on the nature of the site, website owners may notice fewer visitors are clicking on their pages.

Less online traction can result in steep financial losses.

Site owners need a practical solution that will allow them to run their websites smoothly. Luckily, there are several methods for bypassing the rate-limiting error. Continue reading to learn what Cloudflare’s “error 1015” means and the best ways to resolve it.

Error 1015 You Are Being Rate Limited Cloudflare

Cloudflare’s background processes prevent hackers from getting past the site’s firewall and keep it from crashing due to increased traffic. But Cloudflare’s preventive measures might also affect how the site responds to user actions.

Sometimes certain user actions can trigger “error 1015” and block them from entering the site. Frequent login attempts with incorrect information and refreshing the page several times may bar users from going to a website. After a short waiting period, they’ll regain access and will be able to navigate the site with no further issues. However, when the issue persists, the problem may lie with the site’s Cloudflare configuration.

If many website visitors report encountering the “error 1015” window, the pop-up message informs them that the site owner has banned them from accessing the page. This means that your web pages cannot process a sudden influx of access requests.

Slightly tweaking your site and modifying the Cloudflare setpoints will upgrade the request processing speed. The pages will become more user-friendly and handle more page requests without crashing or freezing.

How to Fix Error 1015 You Are Being Rate Limited Cloudflare

There are several ways to fix this error, and most of them involve tweaking your Cloudfare website or app protection settings to provide a better user experience.

Lower User Activity Speed

Whenever a user visits a website, the page needs time and resources to answer their request. When multiple users interact with the site simultaneously, its pages require more support to avoid shutting down. Rate-limiting analyzes user activity and prevents repeated requests from reaching the domain. It can also slow its operation.

For example, someone can try submitting their phone number to your website several times because they’ve forgotten the digit order. The website registers this as potentially suspicious activity and will put the person in a virtual timeout. The ban will expire in about 15 minutes, and the user will have full access to the site.

While rate-limiting keeps websites from slacking, it can deter users from coming back. Other solutions enable site owners to increase the sites’ request volumes and satisfy even the most impatient users.

Disable the Website’s Rate Limiting

If the frequent appearance of “error 1015” is hurting your business or search engine rankings, you have the option of turning off rate-limiting on your app or website.

Visitors won’t have to deal with sudden pop-up messages, but keep in mind that switching off rate-limiting could potentially damage your site too. Without that extra protective barrier, the app or website may struggle to handle more user requests. Additionally, hackers will encounter less resistance when attempting to infiltrate the site’s infrastructure.

It’s best to treat this method as a temporary solution until you’ve established the best rate limiting set points for optimal web performance.

Wipe the Current Rate Limiting Settings

Switching off rate-limiting will usually enable unlimited web traffic flow. However, sometimes the domain can continue to operate on the previously established Cloudflare configurations. In that case, the site owner will have to wipe these settings to remove access restrictions manually. To do so:

  1. Check whether you’ve disabled access bans.
  2. Reinstate the request restrictions again using your site owner Cloudflare account.
  3. Delete all rate-limiting regulations.
  4. Switch of rate-limiting again.

Once you’ve deleted these configurations, the site or app will be open to users from all over the world using different IP addresses. They’ll be able to make as many web requests as they want without being locked out.

Increase the Number of Requests the Website Can Process

Most people assume that entering a website accounts for one page request, but that’s not the case. The site will read a single page visit as at least 50 requests to grant users access to all its features. This number drastically increases if users have cleared their cache or cookies information.

Responsible site owners understand how page visits work and set a higher request threshold so that all users can have a glitch-free experience. The Cloudflare owner account allows you to view your request threshold settings and modify them accordingly so that they can support heavier web traffic. When the app or site implements these changes, it will stop issuing frequent “error 1015” messages.

Modify the Time Limit

A narrow time frame could also bar users from making legitimate site requests.

Enabling the site to block users who have interacted with a page several times within ten seconds will make the website less user-friendly. It will stonewall most interactions, processing only a small number of user requests.

Cloudflare’s customer support team suggests that you establish a time limit of ten seconds or longer. This extended period enables multiple users to view the site simultaneously without denying web access.

Increase Bandwidth Support

If your site cannot process large amounts of data, it will resort to locking out users to recover and continue working correctly. When you expect the site will generate a lot of traffic with many returning visitors, you should consider upping your bandwidth.

Providing the pages with more resources will minimize access interruptions and provide optimal data transmission between the site and its users.

Website Optimization

An outdated website design might also cause issues for visitors trying to enter the site. Pages with slow loading speeds force users to repeatedly refresh their browsers and wipe cache data whenever they click on the site’s URL. Unable to respond to these requests, the site prevents visitors from using its features.

The site should be optimized to meet the latest industry standards and offer users sufficient cache support to avoid these problems.

Cloudflare provides its users with a rich library of resources to resolve various errors. While the methods we mentioned are effective, you should keep an eye on Cloudflare’s Community section. Other website and app owners post their experiences and how they’ve strengthened their online presence. It’s an excellent place for finding solutions to issues you might face in the future.

Provide Website Visitors With an Error-Free Experience

Cloudflare works hard to give its users top-quality service by shielding their websites from suspicious activity and cyber attacks. However, their measures sometimes negatively impact user experience and block legitimate visitors from using the site. The good news is that there are several ways for adjusting your Cloudflare protection so that visitors won’t encounter an unprompted “error 1015” message.

This article has outlined how to make your website more user-friendly by adjusting Cloudflare rate-limiting.

Have you experienced rate-limiting problems with your website? How did you resolve the issue? Let us know in the comment section below.


Tips to fix cloudflare error 1015

by Arya MA | Jun 16, 2020

Cloudflare rate-limiting feature is designed to protect online services from attack methods like brute force logins, DDoS attack, etc. However, this feature can block legitimate access to the services at times with Cloudflare error 1015 “You are being rate-limited”.

As a part of our Server Management Services, we help webmasters, web hosts and other online service providers to fix similar Cloudflare errors.

Today, let us discuss the possible reasons and fixes for this error.

What is Cloudflare error 1015?

Cloudflare Rate Limiting identifies and mitigates excessive request rates to the domain or specific URLs. Once an individual IP address exceeds a rule threshold, further requests to the origin web server are blocked with an HTTP 429 response.

The user is displayed with an error message as below:

Generally, these blocks are temporary and will be removed automatically after the specified time period. Though it is meant to block/prevent the suspicious requests to the website at times legitimate requests also get rate limited by the rules. Let us get into some of those cases and the tips to fix it in each case.

Low rate limiting threshold

A very low threshold limit is the prime reason for the error 1015 in most cases. The rule settings option allows us to limit the number of page requests from an IP address in a given time interval.

In most cases, users assume that each page of the website is equal to one request. However, this is not true. Limiting the value of request based on this assumption yields frequent 1015 error.

For instance, try accessing the google developer tools console for a website. It can be accessed from the More tools >> Developer tools option in Google chrome. Navigate to the Network tab and then refresh your page. You may find a result as below.

The bottom part of the page shows 50 requests. Thus a single page may contain about 50 requests or more.

Hence, one way to fix the Cloudflare rate limit error is to increase the request threshold to a moderate value.

Active Rate Limiting rules

At times, we receive requests that the users are getting 1015 error even after disabling the Rate Limiting.

To prevent this, we need to ensure that the Rate Limiting rules that were configured for the domain are removed. This is because, in rare cases, these rules can still work even though the Rate Limiting feature is disabled for the domain

Thus the preferred method is to re-enable the rate limit, delete all the rules set for it, and then disable the rate limit to make it actually stop processing the rules.

Aggressive Rate Limiting rule

Another common mistake that is made while setting the rate limit rule is to keep it highly aggressive. Cloudflare’s recommended value for the rate limit time is 10 seconds or more. If any rule is configured to block an IP address for 1 sec, it is more likely to block legitimate requests.

[Need assistance to fix Cloudflare errors? We’ll help you.]


In short Cloudflare error 1015 is triggered due to Firewall rules Rate Limiting the accesses from the IP addresses. Though this is a method adopted to work against DDoS attacks and brute force attempts, at times legitimate requests are also blocked with this error. Today we discussed some tips that our Support Engineers follow to fix the error message.


Never again lose customers to poor server speed! Let us help you.

Our server experts will monitor & maintain your server 24/7 so that it remains lightning fast and secure.


Tips to fix cloudflare error 1015

by Arya MA | Jun 16, 2020

Cloudflare rate-limiting feature is designed to protect online services from attack methods like brute force logins, DDoS attack, etc. However, this feature can block legitimate access to the services at times with Cloudflare error 1015 “You are being rate-limited”.

As a part of our Server Management Services, we help webmasters, web hosts and other online service providers to fix similar Cloudflare errors.

Today, let us discuss the possible reasons and fixes for this error.

What is Cloudflare error 1015?

Cloudflare Rate Limiting identifies and mitigates excessive request rates to the domain or specific URLs. Once an individual IP address exceeds a rule threshold, further requests to the origin web server are blocked with an HTTP 429 response.

The user is displayed with an error message as below:

Generally, these blocks are temporary and will be removed automatically after the specified time period. Though it is meant to block/prevent the suspicious requests to the website at times legitimate requests also get rate limited by the rules. Let us get into some of those cases and the tips to fix it in each case.

Low rate limiting threshold

A very low threshold limit is the prime reason for the error 1015 in most cases. The rule settings option allows us to limit the number of page requests from an IP address in a given time interval.

In most cases, users assume that each page of the website is equal to one request. However, this is not true. Limiting the value of request based on this assumption yields frequent 1015 error.

For instance, try accessing the google developer tools console for a website. It can be accessed from the More tools >> Developer tools option in Google chrome. Navigate to the Network tab and then refresh your page. You may find a result as below.

The bottom part of the page shows 50 requests. Thus a single page may contain about 50 requests or more.

Hence, one way to fix the Cloudflare rate limit error is to increase the request threshold to a moderate value.

Active Rate Limiting rules

At times, we receive requests that the users are getting 1015 error even after disabling the Rate Limiting.

To prevent this, we need to ensure that the Rate Limiting rules that were configured for the domain are removed. This is because, in rare cases, these rules can still work even though the Rate Limiting feature is disabled for the domain

Thus the preferred method is to re-enable the rate limit, delete all the rules set for it, and then disable the rate limit to make it actually stop processing the rules.

Aggressive Rate Limiting rule

Another common mistake that is made while setting the rate limit rule is to keep it highly aggressive. Cloudflare’s recommended value for the rate limit time is 10 seconds or more. If any rule is configured to block an IP address for 1 sec, it is more likely to block legitimate requests.

[Need assistance to fix Cloudflare errors? We’ll help you.]


In short Cloudflare error 1015 is triggered due to Firewall rules Rate Limiting the accesses from the IP addresses. Though this is a method adopted to work against DDoS attacks and brute force attempts, at times legitimate requests are also blocked with this error. Today we discussed some tips that our Support Engineers follow to fix the error message.


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The Cloudflare rate-limiting feature is designed to protect online services against different types of user attacks.

In certain situations, Cloudflare can block valid requests resulting in an error message that looks something like this:

Cloudflare 1015 Rate Limited Error 2

What is Cloudflare Error 1015: You Are Being Rate Limited?

When a user comments that they’ve seen error 1015, Cloudflare is rate-limiting their connection. This means the rate-limited device is temporarily blocked from connecting for a short time. When this happens there’s no way for the visitor to access the domain until the error times out.

The 1015 error often causes users to bounce from a site entirely.

A smart website owner will act to resolve 1015 errors as quickly as possible to keep the traffic flowing.

(Don’t need the whole rundown about rate limiting? Click here to go straight to the solutions)

What is Rate Limiting?

Since lots of requests in a short period of time can overload a website, Cloudflare lets a site owner monitor and control your bandwidth consumption.

You can limit the impact of high-volume traffic by setting up a “rate-limiting” rule on a per-IP address or domain basis through the Cloudflare rate-limiting feature in your website owner settings.

With rate limiting, Cloudflare can automatically block traffic from a suspicious site visitor or IP address so that hackers, spammers, and other online pests are can’t bog down your site’s performance with DDoS attacks and other illicit activities.

How to Fix Cloudflare Error 1015: You Are Being Rate Limited

  1. Slow Down Your Activity
  2. Disable Rate Limiting
  3. Delete Your Old Rate Limiting Configuration
  4. Raise Your Rate Limiting Request Threshold
  5. Check the Time Restrictions On Your Rate Limits
  6. Consider Increasing Your Bandwidth
  7. Optimize Your Website
  8. Reach Out to the Cloudflare Support Community

Cloudflare Error 1015: “You are being rate limited” results from one of a few possible causes.

Most frequently, when a legitimate site visitor is being blocked by the rate-limiting error 1015 it’s due to issues with the rate-limiting configuration that only the site owner can fix.

Even in cases where the user may be sending lots of legitimate requests quickly, your web server needs to be configured to handle increased visitor traffic loads.

Let’s explore the different root causes that result in the Cloudflare rate-limiting error and how to troubleshoot those issues.

BTW a quick note—there’s actually a cache purge error code labeled 1015 in Cloudflare that’s unrelated to the rate-limiting problem.

“Unable to purge” is a separate 1015 error code that has to with Cloudflare cache purge. If this sounds more like the information you need, check out Cloudflare’s cache purge tips here.

1. Slow Down Your Activity

Oftentimes, slowing down is all your user needs to do to solve the issue.

Slow Down

When you interact with a website, each action you take demands a portion of the website’s resources.

The site can slow down (or crash) if its traffic isn’t managed. Cloudflare rate-limiting identifies and mitigates excessive request rates to the domain to avoid these slowdowns.

Except in unusually rare cases, your server should be configured to handle regular visitor traffic & activity such that high volumes of requests don’t lock them out of your website or app.

Slowing down user behavior on your website is only a temporary stop-gap you can use while you take steps to improve your Cloudfare rate limiting configuration and firewall rules.

2. Disable Rate Limiting

While I can’t in good conscience advise disabling your Cloudfare rate-limiting altogether, taking this step will at the very least your visitor traffic to flow freely.

If your website is throwing a lot of Cloudflare 1015 errors and it’s halting your business, you can open up your website to all traffic from any allowed IP address by disabling the rate limit rules altogether.

Remember—this may potentially expose your website to slowdowns or crashes as a result of high-volume requests or DDoS attacks.

A good site owner will only apply this solution as a first step towards optimizing their Cloudflare rate limiting configuration.

Safety First

3. Delete Your Old Rate Limiting Configuration

You might receive complaints that users are still getting a 1015 error on your website even after disabling rate limiting.

In rare cases, your rate limit rules can still work even though the rate-limiting feature is disabled for the domain.

To ensure your rate limiting is properly turned off you can re-enable the rate-limiting feature in your site owner settings, entirely delete all of your rate limiting rules, and then disable rate limiting again.

4. Raise Your Rate Limiting Request Threshold

A very low limit is one of the most common causes of Cloudflare error 1015.

The site owner settings allow us to limit the number of page requests from an IP address in a given time interval. In most cases, users assume that each pageview on the website is equal to one request.

However, this is false—an individual pageview might feed as many as 50 or more requests to your server in just a few seconds, especially if the visitor is using a reverse proxy or has recently performed a cache purge.

Limiting the value of request based on this misinterpretation is a frequent cause of the 1015 error.

If your website is rate limited by a low request threshold, try disabling this rate limit in your account settings or significantly increasing the limit.

5. Check the Time Restrictions On Your Rate Limits

Another common mistake is setting a rate-limiting rule to block an IP address for multiple requests inside of 10 seconds.

This may cause legitimate traffic to experience unnecessary lockouts when users should have full rights to access your site.

Cloudflare support experts recommend you should configure the rate-limiting rules on your account to 10 seconds or more.

This isn’t always a default setting, and issues commonly arise when a site owner accidentally miskeys a “1” instead of the correct 10 seconds for this configuration

Check that your Cloudflare rate limit times are sufficiently high enough to allow normal volume from everyone using your site at the same time, or else your users will see more Cloudflare 1015 errors.

6. Consider Increasing Your Bandwidth

More Bandwidth 1

These Cloudflare abuse protection measures do apply in certain situations depending on the volume of traffic and accessing your application.

As the site owner, if you expect to receive the 1015 error message on a regular basis in response to traffic or expect your application to incur this error, contact Cloudflare support to increase your limit.

7. Optimize Your Website

Cookies saved in your visitor’s browser help the visitor load content using fewer requests. But if the cookies and cache have been cleared out, the browser will have to reload all of the site information again.

A poorly-designed or poorly-optimized site is one of the reasons you might see more page errors being thrown at legitimate IP addresses.

Some issues your customers may report include:

  • Regularly having to refresh articles and posts on your site
  • Having to clear their cache & cookies each time they access a given URL
  • Slow page loading times

Repeatedly having to refresh, reload, and revisit a section of site each time you access it causes a significant spike in request traffic to your servers.

If you’re getting any of these complaints, then you need to ensure each part of your site is loading properly and serving the visitor’s browser with appropriate cache & cookie information.

A properly optimized website will help reduce the request load allowing your community to use your site error-free.

8. Reach Out to the Cloudflare Support Community

If these tips don’t help you identify and resolve the causes of the 1015 error code on your domain servers, app, or program, the Cloudflare support team is always there to help.

Cloudflare offers several support articles and its community forum to help you solve problems with your configuration, and if you pay for a support contract they can help you via email or live phone support.

If you or your site owner uses Cloudflare’s service for free accounts you can still use the robust community forums.

Between the Cloudflare forums and the broader online community, you can find posts full of details about how to resolve various error messages.

Keep tabs on the community forums to keep up with the latest details about issues & errors you’ve seen on your Cloudflare server or site.

If you’re looking for (free) tips to optimize your site speed with Cloudflare and rank higher on Google,
you can follow me on Twitter 👉🏻 @bitofseo.

Please DM me if you have any questions about this Cloudflare article (or have some feedback to make it better 😄️).

[Solved] how to fix error 1015? 

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Cloudflare rate-limiting feature is intended to safeguard on-line services from attack ways like brute force logins, DDoS attack, etc. However, this feature will block legitimate access to the services occasionally with Cloudflare error 1015 “You area unit being rate-limited”.As a a part of our Server Management Services, we tend to facilitate webmasters, net hosts and different on-line service suppliers to mend similar Cloudflare errors.

Today, allow us to discuss the potential reasons and fixes for this error.

A malfunction rumored by error code «Error 1015» could happen because of variety of various factors. Common causes embody incorrectly designed system settings or irregular entries within the system parts, to call some. The article provides details on what the problem suggests that, potential causes, and ways in which to resolve the problem.

Error code -1015 (fixed just 2 minutes) 

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error 1015,What is error code 1015 on Crunchyroll?,Why am I being rate limited on a website?,Error 1015 discord,Error 1015 us Mint,How to fix error 1015,Error 1015 Garmin express,Error 1015 elementor,Error 1015 how long,Error 1015 rlsbb,Error 1015 reddit

error 1015,What is error code 1015 on Crunchyroll?,Why am I being rate limited on a website?,Error 1015 discord,Error 1015 us Mint,How to fix error 1015,Error 1015 Garmin express,Error 1015 elementor,Error 1015 how long,Error 1015 rlsbb,Error 1015 reddit

The following steps ought to facilitate fix the issue:1015

✔️Download laptop Repair application

✔️Install and launch the applying

✔️Click the Scan currently button to notice potential issue causes

✔️Click the Repair All button to mend detected abnormalities

The same application will be accustomed run preventative measures to cut back the prospect of this or different system problems showing within the future.

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