Error end1 was not declared in this scope

Не могу понять, в чем ошибка C++ Решение и ответ на вопрос 2031462

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Регистрация: 23.08.2017

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Не могу понять, в чем ошибка

26.08.2017, 11:42. Показов 6015. Ответов 10

1 #include <iostream>
2 using namespace std;
3 int main (){
4 setlocale (0, «»);
5 // Âûâîäèòñÿ ñîîáùåíèå
6 std::cout << «ß ëþáëþ òåáÿ!»>> end1;
7 return 0;
8 }

6 [Error] ‘end1’ was not declared in this scope

Добавлено через 9 минут
Исправила, но ошибка осталась:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main (){
setlocale (0, «»);
// Âûâîäèòñÿ ñîîáùåíèå
cout << «ß ëþáëþ òåáÿ!» << endI;
return 0;
6 [Error] ‘endI’ was not declared in this scope

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26.08.2017, 11:42




26.08.2017, 11:43


Сообщение от ShaOlin12
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26.08.2017, 11:47



Изначально писала end1 — выдал эту ошибку, на одном форуме вычитала, что надо endI, но ошибка осталась абсолютно такая же.
Но, когда пишу n, все норм
Хочу разобраться с end1, как правильно писать, чтоб не было ошибок с ней


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26.08.2017, 11:50


Лучший ответ Сообщение было отмечено ShaOlin12 как решение


Сообщение от ShaOlin12
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Хочу разобраться с end1, как правильно писать, чтоб не было ошибок с ней

Нет никакого end1, есть endl (который end line, что бы было понимание), который находится в пространстве имен std. Т.е. писать надо std::endl.


5 / 5 / 2

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26.08.2017, 11:55


нужно писать, например cout<<«My text»<<endl;
или аналогично cout<<«My textn»;

Добавлено через 1 минуту
std::cout << «ß ëþáëþ òåáÿ!»>> end1; Вы написали перед endl «>>», нужно писать «<<«. «>>» пишеться в cin(при вводе)

Добавлено через 56 секунд
И зачем писать «std» перед cout если заюзали using namespace std???

Добавлено через 1 минуту
Где endl последняя буква не I, а маленькая l(L)английская л.


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26.08.2017, 11:56



Сообщение от djedaimo
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И зачем писать «std» перед cout если заюзали using namespace std???

А вдруг ) заработает)))


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26.08.2017, 11:57


ShaOlin12 если недавно начали программировать напиши мне в вк, я помогу, ведь я 10 клас и тоже недавно начал, на С++ программирую дето 1.5 года, может 2. Стора в вк


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26.08.2017, 11:57



Сообщение от djedaimo
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Где endl последняя буква не I, а маленькая l(L)английская л.

Все гениальное просто!!!


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26.08.2017, 11:58


Лучший ответ Сообщение было отмечено ShaOlin12 как решение


Рад помочь


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26.08.2017, 12:00



Огромное всем спасибо!!!


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26.08.2017, 12:01


Напишите мне в вк)



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  • error: ‘end1’ was not declared in this s

error: ‘end1’ was not declared in this scope

I get the error at line 17

error: 'end1' was not declared in this scope

But there is a n end one here is my code

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;
int main(int nNumberofArgs, char* pszArgs[])
int nMonth;
cout << "Please Enter the day and Month";
cin >> nMonth;

switch (nMonth)

    case 1/1:
    cout << "Its the first of January" << end1;
    case 2/1:
    cout << "Its the second of January" << end1;
    cout    << "This is not valid input"
            << " Restart and try again"
         << "Remember the format must be dd/mm" <<end1;

system ("pause");
return 0;

you wrote end1 (one) instead of endl (line) ;)

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I just started using Eclipse to program C++ and I’m running into issues. I have MinGW installed. Right now I have a simple addition program as followed:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    int number1;
    int number2;
    int sum;

    cout << "Enter first integer: ";
    cin >> number1;
    cout << "Enter second integer: ";
    cin >> number2;

    sum = number1 + number2;

    cout << sum << end1;


and I have an error Symbol end1 could not be resolved and end1 was not declared in this scope

I had this error before with using namespace std; and I had to go through some configurations to get the MinGW compiler to work with Eclipse. I don’t understand why this error is still coming up. On a somewhat side note I tried removing end1 and running the program and the console just said, «Info: Nothing to build for CTest» (which is the name of my Project folder name). Any help would be much appreciated.

EDIT: The «can not be resolved issue has been fixed by changing end1 to endl but the console is still saying «nothing to build»

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  • [error]»end» was not declared in this scope

  1. 26th March 2016, 11:08


    Default [error]»end» was not declared in this scope

    I was learning programming from a book, in it there was a program which I have typed out and am recieving an error

    [Error] ‘end’ was not declared in this scope

    This is the program please tell me what is wrong

    int main()
    int x = 5;
    int y = 7;
    std::cout << endl;
    std::cout << x + y <<«»<< x * y;
    std::cout <<end;
    return 0;



  2. 26th March 2016, 12:26


    Default Re: [error]»end» was not declared in this scope

    Your «end» is an «endl» with the «l» missing.


  3. 26th March 2016, 20:20


    Default Re: [error]»end» was not declared in this scope


    don’t forget the namespace std. Change lines 6 and 8 to

    1. std::cout << std::endl;

    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    Note: add the missing ‘l’ to end in line 8 (as anda_skoa already pointed out).

    Best regards

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  • #1

I have just started learning C++ from the book «SAMS Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days» and the very first exercise (after Hello World) won’t compile in g++. I’ve checked to make sure I wasn’t making any typos or anything, and I have definitely typed exactly what it says in the book.

Here is the code:

#include <iostream>
int main()
int x = 5;
int y = 7;
std::cout << end1;
std::cout << x + y << » » << x * y;
std::cout << end;
return 0;

and the errors are as follows:

Untitled.cpp: In function `int main()’:
Untitled.cpp:6: error: ‘end1’ was not declared in this scope
Untitled.cpp:8: error: ‘end’ was not declared in this scope

Does it have something to do with the compiler, or maybe with my system (Mac OS X 10.4.11 running on a 800 MHz PowerPC G4 iMac)?

I saw this same question by a Linux user somewhere else on the internet, and it seems that the consensus there is that the book has made an error. Though this is possible, I have heard many good things about this book from multiple sources, and I kind of doubt that this is the case.

Anyway, I hope somebody can help me and reply soon.
Thanks in advance,

  • #2

change end1 to endl (the last character is a lowercase L). It might need to be std::endl or add using namespace std;


  • #3

end1 needs to be endl

it’s «L» not «1»

and std::cout is correct but, if you use namespace std then you do not have to type std:: all the time

  • #4

Thank you so much. I fixed what you told me was wrong and now I have:

#include <iostream>
int main()
int x = 5;
int y = 7;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << x + y << » » << x * y;
std::cout << std::end;
return 0;

but I still have errors:

Untitled.cpp: In function `int main()’:
Untitled.cpp:8: error: ‘end’ is not a member of ‘std’

Is «end» supposed to «endl» too? That seems logical, and it compiles, but why are two of the same line necessary?

Because I’ve hardly even gotten into this book, I am not sure how to use «namespace std;» but I don’t know if that would actually fix anything, if it’s just an alternative (of course I know nothing).

Thank you so much,

  • #5

change the end to another std::endl on line 8.

  • #6

Thank you so much. I fixed what you told me was wrong and now I have:

but I still have errors:

Is «end» supposed to «endl» too? That seems logical, and it compiles, but why are two of the same line necessary?

Because I’ve hardly even gotten into this book, I am not sure how to use «namespace std;» but I don’t know if that would actually fix anything, if it’s just an alternative (of course I know nothing).

Thank you so much,

That line just prints an empty line. They used it twice to print two empty lines. The reason it is necessary is because whoever wrote the code wanted it there. lol no other reason :)

And yes it needs to be «endl» and not «end».

  • #7

Okay, everything is working. Thanks a lot to everyone who replied.

  • #8

Just a note to find any more errors that crop up, the number 8 in this line

Untitled.cpp:8: error: ‘end’ was not declared in this scope

is a good starting point on where to look first for the error, ie in line 8

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

using namespace std;

#define BUFFSIZE 2048
#define DEFAULT_PORT 4001    //
#define MAXLINK 2048

void connecter()
    while (true)
        signal(SIGINT, stopServerRunning);    // 
        connfd = accept(sockfd, NULL, NULL);
        if (-1 == connfd)
            printf("Accept error(%d): %sn", errno, strerror(errno));
            return -1;

void listener()
        bzero(buff, BUFFSIZE);
        recv(connfd, buff, BUFFSIZE - 1, 0);
        printf("клиент: %sn", buff);
        send(connfd, buff, strlen(buff), 0);

void sender()
        printf("Please input: ");
        scanf("%s", buff);
        send(connfd, buff, strlen(buff), 0);
        bzero(buff, sizeof(buff));
        recv(connfd, buff, BUFFSIZE - 1, 0);
        printf("recv: %sn", buff);

int sockfd, connfd; 
void stopServerRunning(int p)
    printf("Close Servern");
int main()
    struct sockaddr_in servaddr;
    char buff[BUFFSIZE];
    sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (-1 == sockfd)
        printf("Create socket error(%d): %sn", errno, strerror(errno));
        return -1;
    bzero(&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr));
    servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
    servaddr.sin_port = htons(DEFAULT_PORT);
    if (-1 == bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)))
        printf("Bind error(%d): %sn", errno, strerror(errno));
        return -1;
    if (-1 == listen(sockfd, MAXLINK))
        printf("Listen error(%d): %sn", errno, strerror(errno));
        return -1;
        thread my_thread(connecter);
        if(connfd == true)

    thread my_thread(connecter);
    thread my_thread(listener);
    thread my_thread(sender);

    return 0;


это исходный код программы, хотел написать что-то вроде чата на сокетах. Я попытался скомпилировать код, но он мне выдал несколько ошибок «was not declared in this scope». Вот вывод компилятора:

server.cpp: In function ‘void connecter()’:
server.cpp:24:24: error: ‘stopServerRunning’ was not declared in this scope
   24 |         signal(SIGINT, stopServerRunning);    // Это предложение используется для выключения сервера при вводе Ctrl + C

server.cpp:26:9: error: ‘connfd’ was not declared in this scope
   26 |         connfd = accept(sockfd, NULL, NULL);
      |         ^~~~~~

server.cpp:26:25: error: ‘sockfd’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘socket’?
   26 |         connfd = accept(sockfd, NULL, NULL);
      |                         ^~~~~~
      |                         socket

server.cpp: In function ‘void listener()’:
server.cpp:39:15: error: ‘buff’ was not declared in this scope
   39 |         bzero(buff, BUFFSIZE);
      |               ^~~~

server.cpp:41:14: error: ‘connfd’ was not declared in this scope
   41 |         recv(connfd, buff, BUFFSIZE - 1, 0);
      |              ^~~~~~

server.cpp: In function ‘void sender()’:
server.cpp:54:21: error: ‘buff’ was not declared in this scope
   54 |         scanf("%s", buff);
      |                     ^~~~

server.cpp:55:14: error: ‘connfd’ was not declared in this scope
   55 |         send(connfd, buff, strlen(buff), 0);
      |              ^~~~~~

я думаю, что все эти ошибки идут из одной проблемы, но не могу понять откуда

Table of Contents

Common G++ Errors


This is a guide to help you CS35ers make sense of g++ and its often cryptic error messages.

If you discover an error not listed here feel free to edit this wiki,
or send your error along with source code and an explanation to me —

Weird Errors

If you are getting strange compiler errors when your syntax looks fine, it might be a good idea to check that your Makefile is up to date
and that you are including the proper .h files. Sometimes a missing } or ; or ) will yield some scary errors as well.
Lastly, save all files that you might have changed before compiling.

Bad Code Sample

What’s wrong with the following code? (Hint: there are two errors)

using namespace std;
int main(){
  int foo;
  for(int i = 0, i<100, i++) {
    cout << foo << endl;
  return 0;

When compiled this yields:

junk.cpp:9: error: expected initializer before '<' token

junk.cpp:13: error: expected primary-expression before 'return

junk.cpp:13: error: expected `;' before 'return

junk.cpp:13: error: expected primary-expression before 'return

junk.cpp:13: error: expected `)' before 'return

First, the parameters of the for loop need to be separated by semicolons, not commas.

for(int i = 0; i<100; i++) {
    cout << foo << endl;

Now look at this sample output of the corrected code:







Why the weird values? Because we never initialized foo before incrementing it.

 int foo = 0;

‘cout’ was not declared in this scope

Two things to check here:

(1) Did you add


to your list of headers?
(2) Did you add

 using namespace std; 

after your #includes?

‘printf’ was not declared in this scope



to your list of headers. Note if you are coming from C programming, adding
#include<cstdio> is preferred in C++ over #include <stdio.h>.

Cannot Pass Objects of non-POD Type

junk.cpp:8: warning: cannot pass objects of non-POD type 'struct std::string' through '…'; call will abort at runtime

junk.cpp:8: warning: format '%s' expects type 'char*', but argument 2 has type 'int

What this usually means is that you forgot to append .c_str() to the name of your string variable when using printf.

This error occurred when trying to compile the following code:

int main(){
  string foo = "dog";
  printf("This animal is a %s.n",foo);
  return 0;

Simply appending to .c_str() to “foo” will fix this:

printf("This animal is a %s.n",foo.c_str());

The reason you got this error is because printf is a C function and C handles strings differently than C++

Invalid Use of Member

junk.cpp:8: error: invalid use of member (did you forget the '&' ?)

What this usually means is that you forget to add () to the end of a function call.

Ironically, every time I see this it is never because I forgot the ‘&’.
This error occurred when trying to compile the following code:

int main(){
  string foo = "dog";
  printf("This animal is a %s.n",foo.c_str);
  return 0;

Simply adding the open and close parentheses () will take care of this for you:

printf("This animal is a %s.n",foo.c_str());

Request for Member ‘Foo’ in ‘Bar’, which is of non-class type ‘X’

trycredit.cpp:86: error: request for member 'print' in 'card', which is of non-class type 'CreditCard*

What this usually means is that you are using a ‘.’ between the class pointer and the function you are trying to call.
Here is an example from the CreditCard lab:

void useCard(CreditCard *card, int method) {
  //Used to access the methods of the class
  if (method==1) {

Since card is a CreditCard* we need → rather than . Fixed:

  if (method==1) {

Undefined Reference to V Table

This error usually means you need to add a destructor to your myClass.cpp/myClass.inl code.
If you don’t want to implement a real destructor at this point, you can write something like this:


So long as the destructor exists, you should now be able to compile fine. Of course,
implement a real destructor at a later point.

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