Error exist in the active configuration of project

An "Errors exist in the active configuration of project X. Proceed with launch?" dialog appears while debugging code in Eclipse. Hitting the "Proceed" button results in successful debugging. There ...

An «Errors exist in the active configuration of project X. Proceed with launch?» dialog appears while debugging code in Eclipse. Hitting the «Proceed» button results in successful debugging. There are no apparent errors with the launch configuration. A similar Run Configuration does not generate the error.

asked Mar 24, 2015 at 21:39

iheanyi's user avatar


This is caused by an invalid path somewhere in your Eclipse project settings. There are a couple common sources for this kind of error.

  1. You’re working on a shared (version controlled, copied, etc) project where someone has hardcoded a path that doesn’t exist on your machine, or uses an environment variable that you’ve not set.

Sometimes, you can find the offending path by looking at the full list of Error messages. If not, look in your project file.

  1. The Discovery Options in your project properties has ‘Automate discovery of paths and symbols’ enabled — but the process is generating an error.

If you’re using a version of Eclipse that warns you this option is deprecated, uncheck the option to disable it and fix any includes in ‘Preprocessor Include Paths’ instead. If not. . .try it anyway.

Depending on your path changes, restart Eclipse and try again.

answered Mar 24, 2015 at 21:45

iheanyi's user avatar


3,1112 gold badges22 silver badges22 bronze badges

It starts the executable that was built last before you broke the build. That executable will be older then your source files. The reason you were able to debug is because your line numbers did not change for the code you’ve debugged — e.g. you may try break in main then introduce a compilation error and move main a couple lines below — the debug will highlight the wrong lines when it stops.

answered Jan 18, 2017 at 1:08

Eugene's user avatar


9,1172 gold badges28 silver badges29 bronze badges


An "Errors exist in the active configuration of project X. Proceed with launch?" dialog appears while debugging code in Eclipse. Hitting the "Proceed" button results in successful debugging. There are no apparent errors with the launch configuration. A similar Run Configuration does not generate the error.

This is caused by an invalid path somewhere in your Eclipse project settings. There are a couple common sources for this kind of error.
You're working on a shared (version controlled, copied, etc) project where someone has hardcoded a path that doesn't exist on your machine, or uses an environment variable that you've not set.
Sometimes, you can find the offending path by looking at the full list of Error messages. If not, look in your project file.
The Discovery Options in your project properties has 'Automate discovery of paths and symbols' enabled - but the process is generating an error.
If you're using a version of Eclipse that warns you this option is deprecated, uncheck the option to disable it and fix any includes in 'Preprocessor Include Paths' instead. If not. . .try it anyway.
Depending on your path changes, restart Eclipse and try again.

It starts the executable that was built last before you broke the build. That executable will be older then your source files. The reason you were able to debug is because your line numbers did not change for the code you've debugged - e.g. you may try break in main then introduce a compilation error and move main a couple lines below - the debug will highlight the wrong lines when it stops.


Fail to launch application (CreateProcess error=87), can’t use shorten classpath workaround

When I launch our application in Eclipse on Windows I receive the following error:
Exception occured executing command line.
Cannot run program .. : CreateProcess error=87, The parameter is incorrect
I've solved this in the past by shortening the CLASSPATH.
I've now come to a point where I can no longer shorten the CLASSPATH, and would like to know if there are any other workarounds. seems to indicate that the max command prompt line length in windows xp is 8191 characters, and the only solution is to shorten folder names, reduce depth of folder trees, using parameter files, etc.
This eclipsecoding FAQ page does confirm your diagnostic:
When the CLASSPATH gets too long, the program cannot be launched (at least under Windows) - try to shorten your classpath. In the case of a plugin, you can try to remove unnecessary required plugins.
And you have here a thread detailing the log errors.
Since you can launch Eclipse, but not the application, I would check if you don't have too many plugins included in your launch configuration. Could you check if you have added only the required plugins?
As a workaround:
Open your eclipse run configuration for the task that is failing.
Choose the classpath tab, select the default classpath, click the "Edit.." button
Check the "Only include exported entries" checkbox.
This allowed me to get around this problem on Eclipse 3.6 (Helios)
This is definitely an issue with the classpath being too long causing the command line to exceed it's maximum limit. to resolve, shorten your classpath. If you are using Maven (like I was - e.g. in Jive development ) then change the location of your .m2 by changing the maven settings.xml
and then move your repository there from the user directory, but ensure that the settings.xml and settings-security.xml (if applicable) are still in the User directory. This way the class path will no longer show c:Documents and Settingsusername.m2 over and over but rather c:.m2 allowing a significant decrease in classpath and thus command length. Remember that in windows you cannot create a directory (by yourself) with name .m2, and so you have to cut the directory, paste in in c: and then copy it back into your user folder
I was dealing with the same problem on Eclipse, so, for that reason I decided to give a try to the same project on Intellij, just to know if it was a IDE problem.
Surprisingly, Intellij detects this problem (long classpath) and shows me a dialog, recommending me to use dynamic classpath feature. After enable this option, the problem gone.
What dynamic.classpath flag does is:
What does the dynamic.classpath flag do? (IntelliJ project settings)
So, now my question is: Is there a way to do the same on Eclipse? seems to be a simple and elegant solution to this problems, instead of removing manually all those dependencies that are not necessary.
Use a dynamic link which can be easily created with juncion ( Create the link for your project and add it to eclipse through that.
usage e.g.:
md d:shortname
junction d:shortname d:myverylonglonglonglonglonglongprojectnamefolder
This is a known bug in Eclipse: Bug 327193 - [patch] Launching command line exceeds the process creation command limit on Windows
It will be fixed with Eclipse e4 4.3 released in 2013. It wasn't deemed important enough to fix in 3.4.2. But in the attachments to the bug, you can find a couple of replacement classes to fix your version of Eclipse.
Since I had the same problem with Eclipse Helios (the only version officially supported by our department) and I had a great difficulty solving the problem, here is the solution:
Install the latest Eclipse (in my case 4.3.2 did the work).
This issue had been reported as an Eclipse Bug: and it is now fixed.
Hope this helps future users that will reach this page.
I encountered the same problem. Trying to run a scrapbook page would not succeed, whatever I tried. I checked the contents of my .plugins direcotry in the workspace. I noticed a lot of index files in de org.eclipse.jdt.core directory. I renamed this directory and now a scrapbook process can be run again.
One solution I have for Eclipse, is to close certain projects that are enabled through Workspace Resolution, and instead have these be resolved from your local Maven repository. It worked for me anyways
I have faced the same issue, project refereed un-build jar files.
Suppose tools-1.6.jar is builded and added as dependency. Later there might be changed the source code for tools-1.6.jar and not performed #mvn clean install.
I have done clean build and updated maven dependency, error was resolved.

Eclipse #ifdef error using JNI, Android NDK and Vuforia

With Vuforia's ImageTargets sample application, I tried using OpenGL ES 1.1 by setting USE_OPENGL_ES_1_1 to true in jni/ and uncommenting and changing the corresponding line in AndroidManifest.xml (). After converting the project so that it has a C++ perspective and associating ndk-build and the proper include directories, I could successfully run the application on my Android device.
However, the problem is that once I open up jni/ImageTargets.cpp, I get several errors from Eclipse, all from places where OpenGL ES 2.0 code would execute, the first one being:
Description Resource Path Location Type Symbol 'vertexHandle' could
not be resolved ImageTargets.cpp /ImageTargets/jni line 402 Semantic
Sure enough, vertexHandle is defined at the top of the ImageTargets.cpp, inside the "#ifdef USE_OPENGL_ES_2_0" block. Because USE_OPENGL_ES_2_0 is not defined (per, the code should be able to compile successfully, and sure enough, ndk-build does not report any problems. So it seems that only Eclipse reports the problems and when I run the project, Eclipse says, "Your project contains error(s), please fix them before running your application." And thus, I cannot run my application anymore. In a sense, it's kind of strange that this never occurred until I opened ImageTargets.cpp and Eclipse "discovered" the errors.
The best work-around I've found so far is to just delete or comment out those lines (that should not be causing problems because USE_OPENGL_ES_2_0 is not supposed to be defined)... Is there a better way to deal with this problem? Did I miss a setting in Eclipse that should solve this?
I've found a solution: go to the project properties -> C/C++ Build -> Discovery Options -> Check "Automate discovery of paths and symbols"

Where do an Eclipse’s plugins log files go to?

I have an eclipse plugin which is failing. I developed/enhanced it based off of another plugin. When I deploy this plugin as an update site and install it into another instance of eclipse, it works initially (the view shows up). But as I try to interact and use the view, it's functionality is broke (it doesn't do anything when I click a given button). I don't see any error on the screen and nothing in the Eclipse Error Log view shows up.
I want to know where/if it has any error log files by default? If it had any custom loggers where would these sent to? I'm using Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo).
If I want to find out the cause of this exception must I implement my own custom log files?
Well, The error log file will be in your "eclipse workspace".metadata.log
But that's just the file that shows up in the Eclipse Error Log view.
If the plugin you are using had some sort of extra logging (I doubt it) the logical place for it would be "eclipse workspace".metadata.plugins{}" although that depends on the application..
If your application works when you debug it, but doesn't work when you deploy it, it's probably some sort of deployment issue.. Eclipse can be very very picky about picking up new versions of jars. Make sure you update your manifest version or delete your work space before doing an install. Another thing that can happen is you are missing plugins or plugin fragements that are needed or the minimum version specified isn't correct.
You don't have to implement logging. You can use eclipse to attach a debugger to your deployed application and then debug the application as you would normally. Although, if you plan on selling your application, logging is always a good idea :)
Go to eclipse installed directory and inside .metadata folder there will be a log file without name. That will be the plugin log

How to track down the source of an Eclipse component error?

In Eclipse I'm getting an error on the Spring XML configuration file. Is there a way to track down which Eclipse tool is reporting the error, and try to stop it building?
In my case, I have two suspects:
Spring IDE (or what I think is known by STS now)
or my XML IDE (Rinzo XML)
How can I stop either or both trying to "build" and report errors? And in general, how can one figure out which Eclipse component is reporting an error?
It is difficult to answer your specific question without a similar setup locally. And the answer may depend on anything you have included (including the Eclipse version you are using). I would check the following sources:
"Error in configuration file": If that means that the problem is listed in the problems view, you have there the information in the column "Type" which gives an indication. See the screenshot how it looks for a checkstyle warning:
It could as well mean: There is something which is an exception in some plugin. This is shown in your "errors view". So open Windows > Show View > Error Log and look if there is an entry corresponding to your error. By double-clicking on the error view, you will see a dialog like the following. If you are lucky, it includes a stack trace that indicates who is responsible.
You could even start a Run Configuration which takes your running eclipse as the source. This will open a running eclipse in a fresh workspace, and you can add breakpoints and do some experimentation there. Of course, you should know what you are doing.
As a last resort, you could disable some features in your Run Configuration for eclipse to see if the problem goes away then.
The last 2 options are only possible if you have PDE (Plugin Development Environment) included in Eclipse. It should be possible to add that to your environment. Depending on the version of Eclipse you are using, you may find a version under PDE at Eclipse.
If you want more specific information, you have to add at least the following information:
Version of Eclipse you are using.
Set of features you have installed.
What steps someone has to do to reproduce your problem.

CreateProcess error=87, The parameter is incorrect

While building with ant, I am getting the following error: Cannot run program "D:ToolsJavajdk1.6.0_12jrebinjava.exe": (my Project & its path)Error: CreateProcess error=87, The parameter is incorrect
Any idea how to fix it?
I received this error as well, but for different cases than what is listed. I get this when attempting to execute JUnit tests in an Eclipse project whose workspace path is too long; moving the project to a shorter path resolved this issue.
Cannot run program "C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_26jrebinjava.exe": (Long Project Path Path)Error: CreateProcess error=87, The parameter is incorrect
In my case, removing duplicate jars solved the problem.
I found out the reason for this error,it is pointing out only to the res folder,there is an image folder inside it,it point exactly to it,I am not getting the error.
Rakesh shankar.P
I faced the same problem when launching my GWT application in IBM RAD.
I tried removing duplicate jars, but it didn't solved the issue.
I have changed JRE in the project build path to point to the one which is installed in my machine (C://Program Files->java->...). Earlier it was pointing to the JRE in IBM folder(C://Program Files->IBM->SDP->JDK....)
It worked for me.
My scenario will probably be one no one else will find. I was getting the error in IntelliJ.
After spending a long time on the web I found that I had a = in my Environment Variables, although none was set. This was the residue of a ENV Variable I had set previously but deleted. For some reason this non-editable field contained that = and the only way I could remove it was by adding a dummy ENV property and removing it again.
After I removed it, it worked.
I'm encountering the same issue(at least the error and description). All SO search and google search points to the bug stated at and
But when I try a simple change to launch the application, it works.
Previously, I'm using the way of "right click -> debug -> Java application" to start the application, and got the error.
I changed the way to manually add a debug configuration in menu "Debug -> Configurations", specify the class you want. Then click 'Debug' in the debug configurations dialog. It works...
Note that I'm using a customized IDE based on Eclipse 3.6.2.

Проект был успешно собран, но я получил следующее сообщение об ошибке при отладке во всплывающем окне «Ошибка в рабочей области».

Ошибка в рабочей области:

Error exist in active configuration of project "<project_name>". Proceed with launch?

Я использую следующую версию Eclipse.

Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
Version: Helios Service Release 2

Я импортировал этот проект как «C / C ++> Существующий код как проект Makefile».

У кого-нибудь есть идеи как избавиться от этой ошибки?

Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если я что-то упустил, чтобы упомянуть здесь ..



Я тоже столкнулся с проблемой, и теперь она решается просто удаление папки «Debug» или «Release».Эти две папки создаются после компиляции, но, похоже, они не обновляются автоматически. Поэтому я удаляю их, снова компилирую и исправляю.
Моя среда: eclipse neno 4.6.0, JDK 1.8.0_92 64 bit, c ++ prject.


Другие решения

Просто удалите Папка отладки и запустить его. Это может позволить программе выполняться.


  • I use multiLink to debug,two weeks ago Multlink can quickly connect target,but now multlink use about three minute to connect target,target are the same,and multlink,IDE(s32ds)and project are the same,and I copy this project to another computer,use s32ds open,connect target quickly,I think there is different place that my computer can't connect Internet. I didn't know how to deal with this issue,and this problem make me spend many time to wait.could you tell me how to deal with it?

    Comment #1


    — May 25, 2020
    — 09:44 PM (21:44 hours)


  • Hello,

    What revision of the MultiLink are you using? This can be found on the sticker on the back side of the debugger. There is no requirement of connecting to the internet for our MultiLink debugger.

    What target device are you debugging? There are a few settings in your GDB PEmicro Interface debug configuration that may affect how long it takes to connect to your device. If the MultiLink is an FX model and is providing power to your device, please ensure that t he "Power Down Delay" and "Power Up Delay" are not set too long. The default values are 250 ms for "Power Down" and 1000 ms for "Power Up". Additionally, the Debug Shift Frequency should not be too low unless you are experiencing issues with connecting. The default is 5000 KHz.

    Also, please ensure that you are using the latest version of the PEmicro plugin within S32 Design Studio. Our latest plugin is version 4.6.5.

    Please let me know if you are still having any issues after trying my above suggestions.

    Gilbert Y.

    Comment #2

    Gilbert Y.

    — May 26, 2020
    — 09:11 AM (09:11 hours)

    • Hello  

      I use Muiltlink universal Fx,versio is Rev c.IDE is S32DS for ARM 2018,SDK version is 2.9.0,MCU is s32k118,I check the configurtion is same with what you said.

      Because my computer can't connect internet,so I can't update plugin version, but about two weeks ago,the same multlink, IDE and SDK version can connect target quickly,about three days ago I use the tool again,found this issue.

      Today I found a new prompt,when I click debug button, a prompt appear that "Error exists in the active configuration of project XXXX",but I can't find any prompt about these errors.

      Comment #2.1


      — May 26, 2020
      — 10:43 PM (22:43 hours)

      • Can you test your MultiLink with a new project, perhaps one of the SDK example projects? If it does not take a long time to connect to your debug session, then it would mean that your original project's application file might be getting very big. 

        The error that you received about "Error exists in the active configuration" is not an issue sent out by the PEmicro plugin. This issue can be caused by invalid or missing file paths in your project.

        Comment #2.1.1

        Gilbert Y.

        — May 27, 2020
        — 09:46 AM (09:46 hours)

        • Hello

          Yes,I build a new project in a new computer,and the project configuration is same with the old project,use the multlink to connect the target again,they can connect quickly to target.

          I think the GDB server if need to connect to internet,exchange some data?

          this issue have bother me a week, I take a lot of time to wait every day.

          Comment #


          — May 27, 2020
          — 09:54 PM (21:54 hours)

          • I have copy this project to a new computer,and import project into IDE,and it can connect target quickly.

            Comment #


            — May 28, 2020
            — 05:06 AM (05:06 hours)

  • I find a new prompt,that is semihosting port connect timeout.

    Comment #3


    — May 28, 2020
    — 05:56 AM (05:56 hours)

    • the semihosting port is 51794(default value).

      Comment #3.1


      — May 28, 2020
      — 06:04 AM (06:04 hours)

    • Regarding your observation with the gdb server: The gdb server does not require an internet connection. The GDB server simply connects the gdb client of the target device to dlls within the PEmicro plug-in.

      When you say that you copied the project to a new computer, are you referring to the original project that was taking a long time to debug, or are you referring to the new project I asked you to generate?

      Regarding the semihosting timeout: To me this sounds like you may have already had a debug session open. If you did not have a debug session already open, you may need to check that there is not a pegdbserverconsole.exe process running in the background before you start the debug session. In old plugins, there was an issue of the gdb server not shutting down properly if the debug session crashed unexpectedly. This would cause the user to be unable to connect to the target device when trying to open a new debug session.

      Comment #3.2

      Gilbert Y.

      — May 28, 2020
      — 09:12 AM (09:12 hours)

      • Hello

        I copy the original project to a new computer,the original project that was taking a long time to debug in old computer could connect target quickly in new computer.

        Yes,the debug session has open,I see the column progress:progress bar always stay at the stage of initializing debugger service about three minutes.

        I have check the pegdbserverconsole.exe,there is not a pegdbserverconsole.exe process running in the background before I start the debug session.

        Now when clicking the button debug,IDE take a long time to connect target,I think that this issue exist in gdb service,what code will take a long time in gdb service initializaiton stage.

        Comment #3.2.1


        — May 29, 2020
        — 11:07 PM (23:07 hours)

        • Can you tell me what version of the PEmicro plugin you have installed in S32 DS? You can find this by going to "Help" and clicking "Installation Details". A window will pop up and you can search for "PEmicro" at the top. This will filter the installations to only PEmicro software. You should see a plugin named "GNU ARM PEMicro Interface Debugging Support" with the version number next to it.

          Comment #

          Gilbert Y.

          — June 1, 2020
          — 09:20 AM (09:20 hours)

          • Hello  the version number of a plugin named "GNU ARM PEMicro Interface Debugging Support" is

            Comment #


            — June 1, 2020
            — 09:23 PM (21:23 hours)

            • Do you always see the semihosting connection timeout error now? Is the debug session always failing, or are there times that you are able to connect?

              Comment #

              Gilbert Y.

              — June 2, 2020
              — 01:06 PM (13:06 hours)

              • sometimes I can see the semihosting connection timeout prompt,but when I clcik debug button, the debug session didn't fail,wait about three or two minutes at the stage of lunching debugger initialization ,the the IDE always could connect target success,but after connect target,when I click resume button,the PC register didn't change,wait a monent,the pc pointer didn't change.

                Comment #


                — June 2, 2020
                — 09:42 PM (21:42 hours)

                • Would you be able to share your S32 DS project with us? We are unable to share files on the forum, but we are able to through our support request tickets. I would like to try debugging the project on my PC to see if I can replicate the issue.

                  If you are able to, please open a support request with us here: Please share the link to this forum post so that we can easily identify you.

                  Comment #

                  Gilbert Y.

                  — June 3, 2020
                  — 09:25 AM (09:25 hours)

                  • Hello  

                    Due to the company's code protection policy,I couldn't share my project with you.I have copied my project to other computer,and didn't occur this issue,So I think my code project didn't have any question,when I clcik debug button, why IDE stay at the stage of lunching: initializing debugger services about three or two minutes?

                    Comment #


                    — June 3, 2020
                    — 09:49 PM (21:49 hours)

                    • If both computers are using the same version of S32 DS and have the same PEmicro plugin version, then I would think there might be something wrong with the S32 DS installation on the computer that gets stuck. If you can reinstall S32 DS 2018, that may help.

                      Comment #

                      Gilbert Y.

                      — June 4, 2020
                      — 09:43 AM (09:43 hours)

                    • Hello,

                      Are there any updates on this issue? Are you still experiencing issues with your MultiLink timing out?

                      Comment #

                      Gilbert Y.

                      — June 12, 2020
                      — 03:18 PM (15:18 hours)

                      • Yes,this issue still exist,and I have reinstalled s32ds,then updated,and import previous project.when internet disconnect,the issue will occur.Due to company internet policy my computer couldn't connect internet,so this issue always bother me.

                        Comment #


                        — June 15, 2020
                        — 09:42 PM (21:42 hours)

                        • Previously you said this: "I copy the original project to a new computer,the original project that was taking a long time to debug in old computer could connect target quickly in new computer."

                          Did the other computer have internet access? If you were to connect your computer with the problem to the internet, does the debug session connect quicker?

                          Comment #

                          Gilbert Y.

                          — June 16, 2020
                          — 10:44 AM (10:44 hours)

                          • Yes, the other computer have internet access,and the debug session connect quicker.

                            Comment #


                            — June 16, 2020
                            — 09:19 PM (21:19 hours)

                            • Can you try disconnecting the other computer from the internet and then performing a debug session to see if the issue appears?

                              Comment #

                              Gilbert Y.

                              — June 17, 2020
                              — 09:06 AM (09:06 hours)

                              • I have applied to connect internet,and tried in my computer.when my computer connect internet,and click debug button,s32ds will quickly connect target.when disconnect internet,click debug button,and wait about three minutes,s32ds can connect target.

                                Now clearly indicated that internet influence connect speed,my computer couldn't connect internet again,and how to solve this issue?

                                Comment #


                                — June 17, 2020
                                — 09:37 PM (21:37 hours)

                                • Can you tell me what the GDB server GDBMI port number and Server port number are? The default are 6224 and 7224. If you don't need SWO and semihosting, can you try disabling SWO streaming and semihosting to see if they are interfering with TCP ports?

                                  Comment #

                                  Gilbert Y.

                                  — June 18, 2020
                                  — 09:44 AM (09:44 hours)

                                  • Yes,the default port is 6224 and 7224.when I disable SWD and semihosting,click debug button,error indication as below:
                                    Error in services launch sequence
                                    Timed out trying to launch GDB Server.

                                    Comment #


                                    — June 21, 2020
                                    — 09:55 PM (21:55 hours)

                                    • Would you be able to open up a support request with us so that we can exchange files? I would like to have you try adding "-outputdebugfile" to the GDB Server Parameters in your debug configuration. This will generate a ".out" file in the folder of your PEmicro plugin within the S32DS IDE installation. This file may be able to tell us where the issue is occurring. I would like to get a .out file for when you are connected to the internet and a .out file for when you are not connected. Please be aware that the .out file that is generated within the PEmicro plugin folder will be overwritten each time you run a debug session, so please make sure to rename the .out file right after you have run your debug session.

                                      Comment #

                                      Gilbert Y.

                                      — June 22, 2020
                                      — 01:43 PM (13:43 hours)

                                      • How do I open up a support request? and could you give me any support?

                                        Comment #


                                        — June 22, 2020
                                        — 09:47 PM (21:47 hours)

                                        • Comment #

                                          Gilbert Y.

                                          — June 23, 2020
                                          — 09:48 AM (09:48 hours)

  • Hello,

    Are you still experiencing these issues? As I wrote in my previous message, we likely cannot continue with our support until you open a support request with us.

    -Gilbert Y.

    Comment #4

    Gilbert Y.

    — August 11, 2020
    — 04:58 PM (16:58 hours)

    • I am having the exact same problem! I have S32 DS v2018.R1 running on an HP Omen laptop with Win 10 and a P&EMicro Multilink Universal FX (Rev C). This is connected to an S32K144EVB. So far, I have only been experimenting with code supplied by NXP in their AN5413 Cookbook (S32K144_Project_HelloInterrupts, for example). Initially, when I started using the debugger, the initialization and flash programming would only take a matter of seconds. However, since a couple of days ago this process is now taking around 3.5 minutes with the message "Launching: Initializing debugger services 61%". Any help will be much appreciated.

      Comment #4.1

      Gordon P.

      — November 1, 2020
      — 12:55 PM (12:55 hours)

      • So, after doing some more investigations I have found that my firewall is causing the problem. I am using Avast Premium Security 20.8.2432 (build 20.8.5684.604). If I turn the Avast firewall off then the debugger initializes and starts as normal. With the Avast firewall on there is about a 3.5 minute delay before the debugger initializes and starts running. Unfortunately, I don't know how to fix the problem! I have added "pegdbserver_console.exe" (with the appropriate path) to the exceptions list, but this doesn't have any effect.

        Comment #4.1.1

        Gordon P.

        — November 2, 2020
        — 11:28 AM (11:28 hours)

    • Hello

      S32DS for Power Architecture, v2.1 , build 190624. PEMicro Multilink Universal over MPC5744P.

      I have the exact same problem. The system stays 4 minutes in "61%" unresponsive mode until it decides to start communicating with the target and reprogramming flash and whatnot.

      The firewall rules are all-in and all-out, both TCP and UDP for pegdbserver_power_console.exe.

      Comment #4.2

      magui r.

      — January 20, 2022
      — 06:02 AM (06:02 hours)

  • Hi Gordon, 

    The GDB Server uses port 6224 and 7224. On your Avast firewall, can you please allow communication on these ports?

    Comment #5

    Juan S.

    (PEmicro Staff)

    — November 4, 2020
    — 09:57 AM (09:57 hours)

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  • Error expected nested name specifier before namespace
  • Error expected linebreaks to be lf but found crlf linebreak style
  • Error expected initializer before void
  • Error expected initializer before using
  • Error expected initializer before token