Error expected property shorthand object shorthand

What version of ESLint are you using? 2.9.0 What parser (default, Babel-ESLint, etc.) are you using? babel-eslint = 6.0.4 Please show your full configuration: rules: { ... "object-shorthand&qu...






An ESLint team member will look at this issue soon


Apr 30, 2016




ESLint is working incorrectly


Relates to ESLint’s core rules


The team will evaluate this issue to decide whether it meets the criteria for inclusion

and removed


An ESLint team member will look at this issue soon


Apr 30, 2016




There is consensus among the team that this change meets the criteria for inclusion

and removed


The team will evaluate this issue to decide whether it meets the criteria for inclusion


Apr 30, 2016

Require Object Literal Shorthand Syntax (object-shorthand)

The --fix option on the command line can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.

EcmaScript 6 provides a concise form for defining object literal methods and properties. This
syntax can make defining complex object literals much cleaner.

Here are a few common examples using the ES5 syntax:

// properties
var foo = {
    x: x,
    y: y,
    z: z,

// methods
var foo = {
    a: function() {},
    b: function() {}

Now here are ES6 equivalents:

/*eslint-env es6*/

// properties
var foo = {x, y, z};

// methods
var foo = {
    a() {},
    b() {}

Rule Details

This rule enforces the use of the shorthand syntax. This applies
to all methods (including generators) defined in object literals and any
properties defined where the key name matches name of the assigned variable.

Each of the following properties would warn:

/*eslint object-shorthand: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    w: function() {},
    x: function *() {},
    [y]: function() {},
    z: z

In that case the expected syntax would have been:

/*eslint object-shorthand: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    w() {},
    *x() {},
    [y]() {},

This rule does not flag arrow functions inside of object literals.
The following will not warn:

/*eslint object-shorthand: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    x: (y) => y


The rule takes an option which specifies when it should be applied. It can be set to one of the following values:

  • "always" (default) expects that the shorthand will be used whenever possible.
  • "methods" ensures the method shorthand is used (also applies to generators).
  • "properties" ensures the property shorthand is used (where the key and variable name match).
  • "never" ensures that no property or method shorthand is used in any object literal.
  • "consistent" ensures that either all shorthand or all longform will be used in an object literal.
  • "consistent-as-needed" ensures that either all shorthand or all longform will be used in an object literal, but ensures all shorthand whenever possible.

You can set the option in configuration like this:

    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always"]

Additionally, the rule takes an optional object configuration:

  • "avoidQuotes": true indicates that longform syntax is preferred whenever the object key is a string literal (default: false). Note that this option can only be enabled when the string option is set to "always", "methods", or "properties".
  • "ignoreConstructors": true can be used to prevent the rule from reporting errors for constructor functions. (By default, the rule treats constructors the same way as other functions.) Note that this option can only be enabled when the string option is set to "always" or "methods".
  • "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true indicates that methods are preferred over explicit-return arrow functions for function properties. (By default, the rule allows either of these.) Note that this option can only be enabled when the string option is set to "always" or "methods".


    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always", { "avoidQuotes": true }]

Example of incorrect code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidQuotes": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "avoidQuotes": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    "bar-baz"() {}

Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidQuotes": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "avoidQuotes": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    "bar-baz": function() {},
    "qux": qux


    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always", { "ignoreConstructors": true }]

Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "ignoreConstructors": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "ignoreConstructors": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    ConstructorFunction: function() {}


    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true }]

Example of incorrect code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
  foo: (bar, baz) => {
    return bar + baz;

  qux: (foobar) => {
    return foobar * 2;

Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
  foo(bar, baz) {
    return bar + baz;

  qux: foobar => foobar * 2

Example of incorrect code for this rule with the "consistent" option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: [2, "consistent"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    b: "foo",

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "consistent" option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: [2, "consistent"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    a: a,
    b: "foo"

var bar = {

Example of incorrect code with the "consistent-as-needed" option, which is very similar to "consistent":

/*eslint object-shorthand: [2, "consistent-as-needed"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    a: a,
    b: b,

When Not To Use It

Anyone not yet in an ES6 environment would not want to apply this rule. Others may find the terseness of the shorthand
syntax harder to read and may not want to encourage it with this rule.

Further Reading

Object initializer — MDN


This rule was introduced in ESLint 0.20.0.


  • Rule source
  • Documentation source

I have the following function that is setting up a select2 plugin, which needs selects to stay open if they are multiple but closed if they are not:

function setUpSelects($selects, closeOnSelect) {
  $selects.each((i, item) => {
    const $item = $(item);

      closeOnSelect: closeOnSelect,  // <-- error on this line
      minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity,
      placeholder: $'placeholder') || $item.attr('placeholder'),

setUpSelects($('select:not([multiple])'), false);
setUpSelects($('select[multiple]'), true);

However, when I try to run this code, the eslint checker is giving me an error (on the line shown above) of:

error Expected property shorthand object-shorthand

I have done a search and read the docs but it doesn’t show how you are meant to use a variable and the unaccepted answer on this question seems to think it may be a bug in eslint (although I have found no evidence to support that)

Is there a way to make this work or should I just disable the rule for that line?

An excerpt from eslint regarding the issue:

Require Object Literal Shorthand Syntax (object-shorthand) – Rule Details

This rule enforces the use of the shorthand syntax. This applies to
all methods (including generators) defined in object literals and any
properties defined where the key name matches name of the assigned


closeOnSelect: closeOnSelect

to just



Require or disallow method and property shorthand syntax for object literals

🛠 Fixable

Some problems reported by this rule are automatically fixable by the --fixcommand line option

ECMAScript 6 provides a concise form for defining object literal methods and properties. This syntax can make defining complex object literals much cleaner.

Here are a few common examples using the ES5 syntax:

// propertiesvar foo = {    x: x,    y: y,    z: z,};// methodsvar foo = {    a: function() {},    b: function() {}};

Now here are ES6 equivalents:

Rule Details

This rule enforces the use of the shorthand syntax. This applies to all methods (including generators) defined in object literals and any properties defined where the key name matches name of the assigned variable.

Each of the following properties would warn:

var foo = {    w: function() {},    x: function *() {},    [y]: function() {},    z: z};

In that case the expected syntax would have been:

var foo = {    w() {},    *x() {},    [y]() {},    z};

This rule does not flag arrow functions inside of object literals. The following will not warn:

var foo = {    x: (y) => y};


The rule takes an option which specifies when it should be applied. It can be set to one of the following values:

  • "always" (default) expects that the shorthand will be used whenever possible.
  • "methods" ensures the method shorthand is used (also applies to generators).
  • "properties" ensures the property shorthand is used (where the key and variable name match).
  • "never" ensures that no property or method shorthand is used in any object literal.
  • "consistent" ensures that either all shorthand or all long-form will be used in an object literal.
  • "consistent-as-needed" ensures that either all shorthand or all long-form will be used in an object literal, but ensures all shorthand whenever possible.

You can set the option in configuration like this:

{    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always"]}

Additionally, the rule takes an optional object configuration:

  • "avoidQuotes": true indicates that long-form syntax is preferred whenever the object key is a string literal (default: false). Note that this option can only be enabled when the string option is set to "always", "methods", or "properties".
  • "ignoreConstructors": true can be used to prevent the rule from reporting errors for constructor functions. (By default, the rule treats constructors the same way as other functions.) Note that this option can only be enabled when the string option is set to "always" or "methods".
  • "methodsIgnorePattern" (string) for methods whose names match this regex pattern, the method shorthand will not be enforced. Note that this option can only be used when the string option is set to "always" or "methods".
  • "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true indicates that methods are preferred over explicit-return arrow functions for function properties. (By default, the rule allows either of these.) Note that this option can only be enabled when the string option is set to "always" or "methods".


{    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always", { "avoidQuotes": true }]}

Example of incorrect code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidQuotes": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "avoidQuotes": true }]*//*eslint-env es6*/var foo = {    "bar-baz"() {}};

Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidQuotes": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "avoidQuotes": true }]*//*eslint-env es6*/var foo = {    "bar-baz": function() {},    "qux": qux};


{    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always", { "ignoreConstructors": true }]}

Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "ignoreConstructors": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "ignoreConstructors": true }]*//*eslint-env es6*/var foo = {    ConstructorFunction: function() {}};


Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "methodsIgnorePattern": "^bar$" } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "methodsIgnorePattern": "^bar$" }]*/var foo = {    bar: function() {}};


{    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true }]}

Example of incorrect code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true } option:

var foo = {  foo: (bar, baz) => {    return bar + baz;  },  qux: (foobar) => {    return foobar * 2;  }};

Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true } option:

var foo = {  foo(bar, baz) {    return bar + baz;  },  qux: foobar => foobar * 2};

Example of incorrect code for this rule with the "consistent" option:

var foo = {    a,    b: "foo",};

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "consistent" option:

var foo = {    a: a,    b: "foo"};var bar = {    a,    b,};

Example of incorrect code with the "consistent-as-needed" option, which is very similar to "consistent":

var foo = {    a: a,    b: b,};

When Not To Use It

Anyone not yet in an ES6 environment would not want to apply this rule. Others may find the terseness of the shorthand syntax harder to read and may not want to encourage it with this rule.

  • no-useless-rename


This rule was introduced in ESLint v0.20.0.

Further Reading

Avatar image for


  • Rule source
  • Tests source



  • object-curly-spacing

    Enforce consistent spacing inside braces Some problems reported by this rule are automatically fixable the command line option While formatting preferences

  • object-property-newline

    Enforce placing object properties on separate lines Some problems reported by this rule are automatically fixable the command line option This rule permits

  • one-var

    Enforce variables to be declared either together separately in functions Some problems reported by this rule are automatically fixable the command line

  • one-var-declaration-per-line

    Require or disallow newlines around variable declarations Some problems reported by this rule are automatically fixable the command line option Some developers

Дмитрий Хребтов

Подскажите, почему линтер ругается?

  25:5   error    Expected method shorthand                object-shorthand
  25:16  warning  Unexpected unnamed method 'onPending'    func-names
  26:5   error    Expected method shorthand                object-shorthand
  26:16  warning  Unexpected unnamed method 'onShipped'    func-names
  27:5   error    Expected method shorthand                object-shorthand
  27:18  warning  Unexpected unnamed method 'onCompleted'  func-names
  28:5   error    Expected method shorthand                object-shorthand
  28:17  warning  Unexpected unnamed method 'onCanceled'   func-names
  29:5   error    Expected method shorthand                object-shorthand
  29:17  warning  Unexpected unnamed method 'onRefunded'   func-names
  29:97  error    Missing trailing comma                   comma-dangle



Дмитрий Хребтов

Вроде и так использую shorthand`ы


Станислав Дзисяк

Дмитрий, здравствуйте!

Рекомендую вам ознакомится с данным правилом линтера на странице документации — object-shorthand. Там есть примеры по использованию краткого синтаксиса для определения свойств объекта. В том числе, рассматривается как раз ваш случай.


Дмитрий Хребтов

Станислав Дзисяк, большое спасибо!


Используйте Хекслет по-максимуму!

  • Задавайте вопросы по уроку

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ReactJS: Expected property shorthand object-shorthand

I have a form with a submit. When it is clicked I create an object to send these data to POST.

So I have saveEntity const:

const saveEntity = (event, errors, values) => {

  // this is the const that is signed as error:
        const valoreComune: any = comCod ? { comCod: { comCod: comCod } } : personEntity.comCod ? { comCod: { comCod: personEntity.comCod.comCod } } : { comCod: null };

const entity = {  // this is the object that I pass to post
  // ....

I need to recreate this object structure:

comCod: {
   comCod: value


Now I receive this error:

Expected property shorthand object-shorthand

Now usually i resolve writing directly in this way:

const entity = { 

but it doesn’t work. How can I do?



You should use the object-shorthand syntax for this part:

{ comCod: { comCod: comCod } }

Which is written like so:

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