Error failed to install app 223350 no subscription

Народ только так прёт, напоминает как на 34 за 5 мин заполняется сервер

  • #42

HappyRabbit, Свои звуки как и обычно, «дедовским» методом, кидаешь:
А по -новому, в папку custom, при этом создавая в ней свою папку, например:
Только у меня почему то с папки custom не грузит скины…

Последнее редактирование: 17 Апр 2013

  • #45

Хм…интересно, но есть такие вопросы:
1)Куда кидать звуки для RES и какой путь прописывать до них.
И в консоле пишит подобное:

ForceModelBounds no longer supported. (models/player/ct_urban.mdl)
ForceModelBounds no longer supported. (models/player/ct_gsg9.mdl)
ForceModelBounds no longer supported. (models/player/ct_sas.mdl)
ForceModelBounds no longer supported. (models/player/ct_gign.mdl)
ForceModelBounds no longer supported. (models/player/t_phoenix.mdl)
ForceModelBounds no longer supported. (models/player/t_leet.mdl)
ForceModelBounds no longer supported. (models/player/t_arctic.mdl)
ForceModelBounds no longer supported. (models/player/t_guerilla.mdl)
ForceSimpleMaterial no longer supported. (materials/models/player/ct_urban/ct_urban.vmt)
ForceSimpleMaterial no longer supported. (materials/models/player/ct_urban/ct_urban_glass.vmt)
ForceSimpleMaterial no longer supported. (materials/models/player/ct_sas/ct_sas.vmt)
ForceSimpleMaterial no longer supported. (materials/models/player/ct_sas/ct_sas_glass.vmt)
ForceSimpleMaterial no longer supported. (materials/models/player/ct_gsg9/ct_gsg9.vmt)
ForceSimpleMaterial no longer supported. (materials/models/player/ct_gign/ct_gign.vmt)
ForceSimpleMaterial no longer supported. (materials/models/player/ct_gign/ct_gign_glass.vmt)
ForceSimpleMaterial no longer supported. (materials/models/player/t_phoenix/t_phoenix.vmt)
ForceSimpleMaterial no longer supported. (materials/models/player/t_guerilla/t_guerilla.vmt)
ForceSimpleMaterial no longer supported. (materials/models/player/t_leet/t_leet.vmt)
ForceSimpleMaterial no longer supported. (materials/models/player/t_leet/t_leet_glass.vmt)
ForceSimpleMaterial no longer supported. (materials/models/player/t_arctic/t_arctic.vmt)

Добавлено через 1 минуту
sintez, у меня работает, поставил последний снапшот СМ.

Последнее редактирование: 17 Апр 2013


  1. Error failed to install app 240 no subscription
  2. Error failed to install app 240 no subscription
  3. Error failed to install app 240 no subscription
  4. ERROR! Failed to install app ‘232250’
  5. TrojanCS
  6. KorDen
  7. TrojanCS
  8. The Night Fury
  9. Николай Головин
  10. Name already in use
  11. LinuxGSM-Docs / steamcmd /

Error failed to install app 240 no subscription

So after the new steampipe updates It’s led me to ‘steamCMD’ to install/update my server. Problem is if I type «240» I get the actual counter-strike source GAME rather than the SERVER.

So what’s the appID for the actual server?

I am having a similar issue updating my CSS server, but the error is different. The following happens;
Initial App state (0x2) update required
App state (0x10102) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
App state (0x10102) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
Error! App ‘232330’ state is 0x1 after update job.

My update script is as follows;
«c:srcdssteamcmd.exe» +login anonymous +app_update 232330 +quit

What am I missing?

For those still having issues installing, try this:

app_update 232330 validate

It worked for me atleast it got rid of all the problems I had.

C:UsersAdministratorDesktopSteam>steamcmd.exe +login anonymous
Redirecting stderr to ‘C:UsersAdministratorDesktopSteamlogsstderr.txt’
Looks like steam didn’t shutdown cleanly, scheduling immediate update check
[] Checking for available updates.
[—-] Verifying installation.
Steam_: BugslayerUtil.DLL not found
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
— type ‘quit’ to exit —
Loading Steam3. OK.
Loading Steam2. OK.

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public. Success.

Steam>app_update 232330 validate
Initial App state (0x2) update required
App state (0x10102) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
App state (0x80102) preallocating, progress: 33.40 (755053468 / 2260486941)

And it did finish before someones asks, I didn’t want to post an extremely long log.


Error failed to install app 240 no subscription

When I try to install a server for garry’s mod i get this error in the SteamCMD

Login as anonymous instead.

Login as anonymous instead.

Tried that, still does not work. what should i do now?

Tried that, still does not work. what should i do now?

Can you explain how it doesn’t work?

Can you explain how it doesn’t work?

it shows the same error

Doesn’t make sense, because I just tested it myself and it’s working fine.

it shows the same error

Doesn’t make sense, because I just tested it myself and it’s working fine.

Mine says ERROR! Failed to install app ‘4020’ (Disk write failure)

Mine says ERROR! Failed to install app ‘4020’ (Disk write failure)

Mine says ERROR! Failed to install app ‘4020’ (Disk write failure)

Make sure you have access to where you are trying to install your server. Try running SteamCMD as administrator (right click and select run as administrator) or try installing some where differnt that you are sure you have access to, like your desktop. I cant remember the problem i had but i hope this helps 🙂

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public. Logged in OK
Waiting for user info. OK

Steam>app_update 4020
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 0.66 (25683068 / 3881893441)
Error! App ‘4020’ state is 0x202 after update job.

mine dosent work

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public. Logged in OK
Waiting for user info. OK

Steam>app_update 4020
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 0.66 (25683068 / 3881893441)
Error! App ‘4020’ state is 0x202 after update job.

Mine says ERROR! Failed to install app ‘4020’ (Disk write failure)

Make sure you have access to where you are trying to install your server. Try running SteamCMD as administrator (right click and select run as administrator) or try installing some where differnt that you are sure you have access to, like your desktop. I cant remember the problem i had but i hope this helps 🙂


Error failed to install app 240 no subscription

1. Заработать много денег
2. Организовать свою крупную хостинговую фирму.
3. Выслать письмо с планом хостинга и соглашением на имя Garry Newman или на адресс Facepunch Studios
4. Дождаться ответа
5. В ответе узнать код доступа для скачивания Dedicated сервера
6. Установить SteamCMD на сервер
7. Ввести код доступа для скачивания и скачать сервер.
8. Запустить сервер.

Все очень просто не правда ли?

Ну да .
Только вот сейчас около 1к серверов
что то подсказывает что есть ешё один способ

Видно ешё оди тк вчера видел как школьник бегал по серверу и рекламил свой сервер с 5 0 слотами

1. Заработать много денег
2. Организовать свою крупную хостинговую фирму.
3. Выслать письмо с планом хостинга и соглашением на имя Garry Newman или на адресс Facepunch Studios
4. Дождаться ответа
5. В ответе узнать код доступа для скачивания Dedicated сервера
6. Установить SteamCMD на сервер
7. Ввести код доступа для скачивания и скачать сервер.
8. Запустить сервер.

Все очень просто не правда ли?

Ооочень остроумно. Если не считать что он доступен для каждого, по заявлению самого Гарри. И если не тренировать сарказм, то можно ответить человеку, что ошибка ERROR! Failed to install app 258550 (No subscription) появляется когда логинишься в CMD под собственным логпасом. Так что все проще.

1. Открываешь SteamCMD
2. login anonymous
3. app_update 258550 -beta experimental validate
4. Success! App ‘258550’ fully installed.


ERROR! Failed to install app ‘232250’




Atra esterní ono thelduin!



The Night Fury


Буквально только что обновил. Без проблем запустилось.

Сюда логи скинь, раз на то пошло.

fuck society

TrojanCS, так же

Добавлено через 47 минут

Николай Головин


Охххохохо! Спасибо, мужики, под действующим логином качать не хотело(речь о ТФе), а вот под анонимусом(ты велик и могуч чувак, жаль не встретимся, пива бы поставил) начало качать! 🙂

Для простоты сделал себе батники с параметрами и запускал их; КСГО под активным акком скачался нормально, а вот ТФ так не смог — ошибка отсутствия описания — «(No subscription)». Второй батник написал от имени великого и могучего — сразу зацепилось и приступило качать.

До этого находил(для Win-базированных систем) настройки эксплорера поправить, не помогало.

Почему батником в итоге? Потому как если все те действия, которые я записал в него, вводил руками — меня отправляли лесом с ошибками об отсутствии логина или интернет-соединения.

В итоге мои действия, чтобы всё установить(быть может кому поможет, сразу пишу без ошибок):

-создал папку на D: , скажем Dserver и закинул в неё steamcmd.exe
-запустил его, после чего он начал выкачивать себе установочные файлы, скачал и запустился с видом как командная строка, единственное отличие был написан не путь профиля, как при запуске cmd, а просто — «Steam>» — вбиваем в него quit для правильного завершения.
-создаём батник(просто текстовый файл с расширением *.bat и желательно имя латиницей дать ему или цифрами) и в него корячим следующий текст(без кавычек):

«.steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir d:dserverПАПКА_СЕРВЕРА +app_update ИД_НАШЕЙ_ИГРЫ validate«

ПАПКА_СЕРВЕРА — на ваше усмотрение 😉
ИД_НАШЕЙ_ИГРЫ — на страничке вики Вэлв


Name already in use

LinuxGSM-Docs / steamcmd /

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SteamCMD can sometimes output errors when something goes wrong. Sadly Valve has never released an official list of what the error messages mean. Because of this, a lot of guesswork has been needed to figure it out. This page will highlight what we already know and info on researching what the error might mean in the hope that you can contribute to understanding SteamCMD errors.

SteamCMD uses hexadecimal numbers to give its current «state». Every time SteamCMD does something it changes its state. When SteamCMD fails it will output its has hexadecimal state, for example 0x202 .

Seems to affect HLDS based servers. Running again often fixes the issue

Reason Error! App ’90’ state is 0x10E after update job.
Hex 0x10E Reason
Decimal/StateFlags 270 Hex

Not enough disk space.

Reason Not enough disk quota
Hex 0x202
Decimal/StateFlags 514

<% hint style=»info» %>Unknown error, if you have any details please let us know

Hex 0x206
Decimal/StateFlags 518

<% hint style=»warning» %>Missing content_log.txt if you have experienced this error and have a log please let us know.

Not enough disk space.

​Title ​Title
Reason ​Not enough disk space
Hex 0x212
Decimal/StateFlags 530

Connection issue with steam, you will need to wait for the steam servers to recover.

Reason Connection issue
Hex 0x402
Decimal/StateFlags 1026

<% hint style=»warning» %>Missing content_log.txt if you have experienced this error and have a log please let us know.

<% hint style=»info» %>Unknown error, if you have any details please let us know

Hex 0x602
Decimal/StateFlags 1538

<% hint style=»warning» %>Missing content_log.txt if you have experienced this error and have a log please let us know.

SteamCMD is unable to write to the disk. Normally caused by permissions issues. This issue was discovered when a directory that was linked using symlink did not have the correct permissions to allow SteamCMD to write to it.

Reason Disk write failure
Hex 0x606
Decimal/StateFlags 1542
Hex 0x2
Decimal/StateFlags 2

<% hint style=»warning» %>Missing content_log.txt if you have it please let us know.

No connection to content servers.

Reason No connection to content servers
Reason 2 Received 401 (Unauthorized) HTTP response for depot 11
Hex 0x6
Decimal/StateFlags 6

To get more info and output see the SteamCMD logs in

/.steam/logs . The most useful log is content_log.txt that will provide more information on errors.

<% hint style=»success» %>If you have experienced an error we don’t have logs for please provide them to us to assist in diagnosing the issue.

SteamCMD Hex Codes

SteamCMD uses hex error codes such as 0x202 which can be converted into decimal 514 . You can use a hex-to-decimal converter to do this. Using the table below you can work out the status messages. By doing a calculation. Find the highest number below the state 512 which is the first error. Then take the number away from the total 514-512=2 which gives you the last error. This can be done for any error

512 StateUpdateRunning , 2 StateUpdateRequired

StateUninstalled 1
StateUpdateRequired 2
StateFullyInstalled 4
StateEncrypted 8
StateLocked 16
StateFilesMissing 32
StateAppRunning 64
StateFilesCorrupt 128
StateUpdateRunning 256
StateUpdateRunning 512
StateUpdateStarted 1024
StateUninstalling 2048
StateBackupRunning 4096
StateReconfiguring 65536
StateValidating 131072
StateAddingFiles 262144
StatePreallocating 524288
StateDownloading 1048576
StateStaging 2097152
StateCommitting 4194304
StateUpdateStopping 8388608

This table is from 2015 and is probably outdated now but it’s the best we currently have.

ulimit SteamCMD startup error

Some users may get a ulimit error (no permission/cannot open file) while SteamCMD is starting up. This error caused by a low setting of the -n parameter (number of file descriptors) of ulimit. Some servers forbid increasing ulimit values after startup (or beyond a limit set by root). This can be fixed by changing the file descriptor number ulimit:

ERROR! Failed to install app » (No subscription)

The Steam account being used does not have a license for the required game.

ERROR! Password check for AppId returned error Failure.

The password for the branch is incorrect.

[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.

Ignore the error, do not do anything to attempt to fix it. It is a known error that has appeared ever since SteamPipe was introduced. It does not cause any issues and can be ignored.

Loading Steam API. Failed to init SDL priority manager: SDL not found

Ignore the error, do not do anything to attempt to fix it. It does not cause any issues and can be ignored.

CWorkThreadPool: work processing queue not empty: 2 items discarded.

Ignore the error, do not do anything to attempt to fix it. It does not cause any issues and can be ignored.

Failed to set thread priority: per-thread setup failed

Ignore the error, do not do anything to attempt to fix it. It does not cause any issues and can be ignored.


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Posted byu/[deleted]6 years ago


r/dayz - Is this what I think it is?

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level 1

I mean could you tell us what you think it is?

level 2

There is a build that shows stable prep but this looks like server DLC.

level 1

Game company stages something on Steam, film at 11!!!


level 2

Just noting how DayZServer is listed as DLC

And it’s being updated today.

level 1

Comment removed by moderator · 6 yr. ago

level 2

There is a build that shows stable prep but this looks like server DLC.

level 1

Might as well be a optional Steam tool.

level 1

Yes… 3 years ago since the release date.

level 2

It has not been released. Unlike the rest of the depots it has no release date listed.

level 1

How do we see this Val? I cant find it. :(

level 1

Now this deserves hype. Sadly:

Steam>app_update 223350
ERROR! Failed to install app '223350' (No subscription)

level 2

I didn’t try and install. Figured it wasn’t on the steam download page so any attempt to download my be considered a breach of terms.

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/r/dayz — Discuss and share content for DayZ, the post-apocalyptic open world survival game.


not surviving right now

WebY cuando escribo force_install_dir C:SteamCMDrust_server el directorio no se crea en el disco local C ni en ningun lado. ¿Cuál es la solucion para este problema? Showing 1 — 15 of 27 comments
See details »

steamcmd-valve-developer-community image

WebJan 17, 2023 Downloading SteamCMD Windows 1. Create a folder for SteamCMD. For example: D:steamcmd 2. Download SteamCMD for Windows: [1] 3. Extract the contents of the zip to the folder. Linux Create …
See details »


WebNov 8, 2020 2. Each time I try to install SteamCMD via apt it responds with: Package steamcmd is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that …
See details »


WebDec 28, 2019 Plain Text Passwords SteamCMD prints out passwords in plain text meaning that your Steam password is open for anyone to see on the server. LGSM saves logs …
See details »


WebJun 7, 2021 How to fix the current SteamCMD issue step by step: *copy the entire steam apps folder *go to the folder you have your servers stored *mine is c:arkservers *you’ll …
See details »


WebSep 20, 2018 When trying to download the server files using SteamCMD, it returns: Quote ERROR! Failed to install app ‘223350’ (No subscription) And yes, I am logged in using …
See details »


WebMay 1, 2019 Run the Server. Go into your «7daysserver» folder, there you will find an. «startdedicated.bat» there. With this file, you can start the server, after a few minutes it …
See details »


WebFeb 12, 2020 Hey I cant install 7 Days to Die Server, because i have a issue with steamcmd. My Server Debian 10. `Connecting anonymously to Steam Public…Logged …
See details »


WebNov 9, 2017 Steamcmd (No subscription) — Troubleshooting — Avorion Forums After new patch I’m not able to update/download server files logged in anonymous or by steam …
See details »


WebSep 11, 2020 Launch your binary using strace -f -o /tmp/file [binaryname], then search for in /tmp/file. Place the (32 or 64 bit) from SteamCMD in the …
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WebAug 7, 2016 Dedicated Server using SteamCMD giving me «No Subscription» So i’m trying to setup a dedicated server on my 24/7 box using SteamCMD. When I type in app_update 462310 I get the «No Subscription» error but I own the game and i’m …
See details »


WebFeb 29, 2016 1: ERROR! Timed out waiting for AppInfo update. 5: Login Failure: Two-factor code mismatch (88) 5: Login Failure: Rate Limit Exceeded (84) 8: ERROR! Failed …
See details »


WebFeb 26, 2016 0: Success! 1: ERROR! Timed out waiting for AppInfo update. 5: Login Failure: Two-factor code mismatch (88) 5: Login Failure: Rate Limit Exceeded (84) 8: …
See details »


WebFeb 15, 2016 To update your SteamCMD server, follow these steps: Run SteamCMD if it is not already running: steamcmd, screen ~/.steam/, or screen …
See details »


WebNov 2, 2022 1 steamCMD cannot connect to internet 2 steamcmd appupdate glitch 3 Using steam and steamcmd simultaneous 4 Exit codes 5 ia32-libs 6 Invalid Platform 7 …
See details »

Related Search


  • 1 steamCMD cannot connect to internet
  • 2 steamcmd appupdate glitch
  • 3 Using steam and steamcmd simultaneous
  • 4 Exit codes
  • 5 ia32-libs
  • 6 Invalid Platform
  • 7 Poor Documentation Doesn’t Help Linux
  • 8 Supported Games for Anonymous Login
  • 9 Problem
  • 10 BugslayerUtil.dll not found!
  • 11 Windows requires Internet settings set to automatic
  • 12 Warning in
  • 13 Linux example code
  • 14 Validate doesn’t work
  • 15 ERROR! Failed to install app ‘xxxxxx’ (No subscription)
  • 16 Steamcmd does not update — sits on 0.00 of 0.00 etc.
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  • 18 Default App Directory
  • 19 Network Problems in JailChroot linux
  • 20 steamcmd issue [not able to download all files]
  • 21 running the app_run <AppId> command for SteamCMD gives ERROR

steamCMD cannot connect to internet

I get in my CMD the error the steamCMD cannot connect to internet.
I have connection to the internet but I am not able to login into the SteamCMD.
I am in centOS and I am not logged in into the normal steam client or site
uname -a
Linux vpstyasvrb 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux —Unsigned comment added by Tyasvrb (talk • contribs). Please use four tildes (~~~~) to sign your username.

steamcmd appupdate glitch

When I try to download a new server it does not put the files in the specified directory, I am not even sure it is installing them at all. How do I fix this? I do:

  • login anonymous
  • force_install_dir C:UsersAdministratorDesktopAwesome land updatedgarrysmod
  • app_update 4020 validate

What am I doing wrong? —Unsigned comment added by XXthatNAVYguyXx (talk • contribs). Please use four tildes (~~~~) to sign your username.

Using steam and steamcmd simultaneous

When it’s time to update a server where i need to log in , i need a logout of steam (cannont play a game)

Anything is possible for fix that
(starbound) —Unsigned comment added by Thesweetiger (talk • contribs). Please use four tildes (~~~~) to sign your username.

Exit codes

Is there a list of exit codes & means for steamcmd?

For some reason, if a game is up2date it exits with exit code6

Liv3d @ 08:14, 12 November 2012 (PST)


On Ubuntu, the Package Group ia32-libs-gtk is now called ia32-libs.

Tomcek November 27, 2012, 21:14 (GMT+1)

Invalid Platform

I seem to be getting:
ERROR! Failed to install app ‘220070’ (Invalid Platform)

I’m using Fedora 17. uname -a returns:
Linux localhost.localdomain 3.6.10-2.fc17.i686 #1 SMP Tue Dec 11 18:27:35 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Other people seem to be getting this error as well, though I’m not too sure what distro they’re using. I’ll try it again in the morning with Ubuntu.

—Bheesham 00:39, 2 January 2013 (PST)

Poor Documentation Doesn’t Help Linux

The documentation here takes some tinkering with to get things working.

And some doesn’t even work.

First, to clarify, app ID is the valve app ID for the game. There should be a link to the app ID list somewhere (although they list CSGO in the example.

Second, to automate SteamCMD do xxx.

SteamCMD is not really a command. You can’t just run SteamCMD although it makes it look like you should. I guess you have to run every time although I’m still vague on this step.

I’ll set an update script however, I don’t know what command to kick it off with. These instructions should take nothing for granted.

I never thought I’d say this but I miss the hlds tool. —Unsigned comment added by Sideslope (talk • contribs). Please use four tildes (~~~~) to sign your username.

You’re absolutely right! I added a link to the Steam AppID list and I clarified the steamcmd / ./ step in Automating SteamCMD. Lonaowna 06:12, 6 January 2013 (PST)

Supported Games for Anonymous Login

Hesitant to link on the page since it’s not an official link (even though pointing to official data), but an always updated list of games that support the new anonymous login can be found at (or at any of the other various cdr listing sites)



Im not sure. im putting on a new server to Steam and No Steam, i uploaded the «app_update 90 -beta beta validate» (the steamCMD.exe is in a folder in desk, not in Valve) is that correct?
should i run the HDLS in the folder that steamCMD downloaded?
What i need to do for run the server, please somebody i need really help.

thanks —Unsigned comment added by Andor28 (talk • contribs). Please use four tildes (~~~~) to sign your username.

BugslayerUtil.dll not found!

Hello, before I begin I would just like to point out that I’m new with how Discussion pages work, and so I ask for your patience if I do anything erroneous.

When I attempt to run SteamCMD.exe to update it, I notice that I get the following:

[ 0%] Checking for available updates…

[—-] Verifying installation…

Steam_: BugslayerUtil.DLL not found

Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation

— type ‘quit’ to exit —

Loading Steam3…OK.

Loading Steam2…OK.


I would like to know if there is some way to fix this, or if I have done something wrong, or if this is even a problem at all!

—Kytosai 15:58, 16 June 2013 (PDT)

Windows requires Internet settings set to automatic

While doing some fiddling with srcds on Windows 8 I found I had to enable «Automatically detect settings» settings under Internet Properties -=> Connections -> LAN settings, otherwise steamcmd would gripe about not being able to connect (http error 0). Don’t have the actual errors off hand.

—Foobar 19:56, 1 July 2013 (PDT)

Warning in

I got this with the steamcmd in the package : 16: [: unexpected operator 16: [: unexpected operator

All work correctly but I want to have clear log —Unsigned comment added by Maxaille (talk • contribs). Please use four tildes (~~~~) to sign your username.

Linux example code

Any questions related to the example code of linux, can be directed to me on the Steam community. —Roelof 14:50, 26 July 2013 (PDT)

Validate doesn’t work

Since there are no documentation, it’s impossible to bug track it, if you use the validate option the game will be downloaded again.
The function/routine that check/verify the consistency of every file is unknown, how it generates the hashes?
SteamCMD requires an specific filesystem to use its ‘validate’ function?

—HellMind 11:43, 30 August 2013 (PDT)

ERROR! Failed to install app ‘xxxxxx’ (No subscription)

i enter my login and passwor
it say success
but when i enter app_update 258550
i get error —Unsigned comment added by Mr.BorisBritva (talk • contribs). Please use four tildes (~~~~) to sign your username.

Steamcmd does not update — sits on 0.00 of 0.00 etc.

I have a network server (runs off 1st router), my and other pc’s then of that using 2nd router.

Steamcmd was working on server and now does not load updates for games (pretty much since ARK was released). Updating games got really slow and now will not update at all.

I have search forums, set automatic detect settings, reloaded steam, reloaded steamcmd, redone firewalls, routers, main box and to NO change.

My pc I have been able to get one game to update (took about an hour to tick through). I have put another server on 1st router and set that up and same thing. NO UPDATING.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH STEAMCMD? Downloading works ok as program itself updates and loads when 1st setup. Steam downloads ok. BUT NOT BLOODY STEAMCMD!!

Even thou I have set IE auto detect setting I do not use IE as a browser. (The server side also has TCADMIN on it.)

This is driving me mad. Any solutions? —Unsigned comment added by JungleNZ (talk • contribs). Please use four tildes (~~~~) to sign your username.

Support Raspbery Pi


I think that there is a need to port SteamCmd on ARM-platform, «Raspberian» in particular OSes.

Advantages: Raspberry Pi — a computer of low power consumption (a few watts). It is advantageous to make download games for linux / windows on such a computer, as opposed to personal computers, consuming much more energy.

I also have a NAS (on the x86 platform, the power consumption of about 22 watts), and I can not download anything.

The problem is in the SSL work. SteamCMD presupposes the existence of an installed package «ca-certificates», but I can not install it. NAS have own linux-system, nothing similar to the Debian / Ubuntu. I do not know how to put the package «ca-certificates» on an generic Linux system. —Unsigned comment added by Yaroslav (talk • contribs). Please use four tildes (~~~~) to sign your username.

Default App Directory

Recent versions (since around 3/20/2016, give or take) of steamcmd (on CentOS 7) seem to have changed their default app_update behavior and may cause confusion. Has anyone else experienced the following behavior when NOT specifying force_install_dir?

I previously had SteamCMD installed as ~/steamcmd/, and apps would install/update to ~/Steam/.
I ran app_update yesterday, and it downloaded a whole new copy of an installed app to ~/steamapps/.
I created a fresh SteamCMD install as ~/steam-cmd/, and apps installed/updated to ~/Steam/.
I renamed ~/steam-cmd/ to ~/steamcmd/, and apps began to install/update to ~/steamcmd/.
I now have SteamCMD installed to ~/steam-cmd/ to force the old behavior, because I consider it to be a standalone tool — not part of a Steam installation.

If this can be confirmed, I would like to volunteer (or ask for a seasoned editor) to add a brief section covering default app_update behavior.

(I’m sure this would be better off on an issue tracker somewhere, but there doesn’t seem to be one and people on Github get upset when someone talks about SteamCMD on other Valve project trackers. If someone knows of an appropriate channel to report this quirky behavior, I would appreciate a pointer.)

Zyxw (talk) 18:08, 26 March 2016 (UTC)

Network Problems in JailChroot linux

I have problems for initial update run in jailchroot installation under linux (ubuntu 16.04).

«SteamUpdater: Error: Steam needs to be online to update. Please confirm your network connection and try again.»

I have posted the strace ./tf2_updater logs in the community forums:

As you can see, the jail has no problems to accessing at internet, since you can execute commands like ping, host, whois, wget, etc. But steamcmd has problems for downloading the initial update that allows to run the TF2 server.


steamcmd issue [not able to download all files]

what to do i am not able to download all files through steamcmd

i have tried by manually putting appmanifest file but still same

Any solution?

Link :

Thanks —Unsigned comment added by Indra26 (talk • contribs). Please use four tildes (~~~~) to sign your username.

running the app_run <AppId> command for SteamCMD gives ERROR

Im currently trying to use the commands provided by SteamCMD on a windows machine.

These are the commands I did:

downloaded the steamcmd zip.
unzipped it.

opened the steamcmd by running:

logged into steam using:
login <username> <password>

did this to install the game I wanted:
app_update <appId>

then finally, after it finished installing I ran:
app_run <appId>

I keep getting the error:
ERROR! AppId <AppId> launch failed (Dependency failure)

Can someone please help me get this to work? What other dependency/steps am I missing? —Unsigned comment added by Itschrisho (talk • contribs). Please use four tildes (~~~~) to sign your username.

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