Error failed to load configuration of your project

Error: failed to load configuration: failed to create store: unable to load on store creation: invalid config: Config.IsValid: model.config.is_valid.site_url.app_error #41 Comments When trying to start the container with or without NGINX, I get this error: Error: failed to load configuration: failed to create store: unable to load on store creation: invalid config: Config.IsValid: model.config.is_valid.site_url.app_error […]


  1. Error: failed to load configuration: failed to create store: unable to load on store creation: invalid config: Config.IsValid: model.config.is_valid.site_url.app_error #41
  3. npx react-native info and npx react-native init fails with error #1681
  5. Environment
  6. Description
  7. Reproducible Demo
  8. OC: failed to load configuration #10
  10. Footer
  11. Failed to load configuration file not informative enough #1427
  13. Failed to Load Configuration File #516

Error: failed to load configuration: failed to create store: unable to load on store creation: invalid config: Config.IsValid: model.config.is_valid.site_url.app_error #41

When trying to start the container with or without NGINX, I get this error:
Error: failed to load configuration: failed to create store: unable to load on store creation: invalid config: Config.IsValid: model.config.is_valid.site_url.app_error

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

I had the same issues and the fault are in some variables in .env file.
The docker-compose can’t resolve the variables that are used in other variables in the .env file:

For example, in the .env file:

You can add these lines in the docker-compose.yml directly:

I had the same issues and the fault are in some variables in .env file. The docker-compose can’t resolve the variables that are used in other variables in the .env file:

For example, in the .env file:

You can add these lines in the docker-compose.yml directly:

I have the same issue but I don’t understand if I am trying to fix it correctly. I have added those lines in docker-compose.yml directly but with no success. Maybe I have to check something else?

The issue is that the docker-compose.yml can’t resolve nested environment variables, e.g.:

MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL depend of DOMAIN and docker-compose can’t resolve DOMAIN , and the result is https://$ all as string.

You need to write environment variables in the .env without depend on others.


npx react-native info and npx react-native init fails with error #1681


Output of npx react-native info :-
error Failed to load configuration of your project.


npx react-native fails with error : — Failed to load configuration of your project.
I have run this with —verbose too

Reproducible Demo

npx react-native info

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

I have the same issue: #1681

I have the issue with npx react-native init , but the error is different, I deleted the .npm/_npx folder, and it works.
You can refer to 1692 for more details to see if it can help.

@xiaohui-gsv my command fails it doesn’t even start the download

This is happening for me when trying to run npx react-native —verbose in a folder that is within another project that has a package.json (a monorepo).
I noticed that I could init a new project in my Documents directory just fine, so then I went back to the monorepo folder (a folder up from where I originally tried & failed to init a new React Native project) and deleted the package-lock.json and package.json files. This time I was able to successfully npx react-native init

i got this bug when i have expo-cli in my global list try :
yarn global remove expo
yarn global remove expo-cli
npm uninstall -g expo
npm uninstall -g expo-cli

and trying to clear node_modules , package.json , yarn.lock and other in path C/User/yourUserPath

@piyawong it doesn’t work. I even removed expo and expo-cli.

@thymikee Can you please help here?

Do you have a package.json somewhere in Desktop or «rn project» folder? If so, can you remove it?
Have you tried running the command in a folder name without whitrspaces?

@thymikee I tried but still no success. Also, no package.json there. not even react-native-cli or react-native-community/cli

@thymikee Any other information you would like me to provide?

Unfortunately I don’t have the capacity to help you directly. Maybe there’s some kind of antivirus preventing you from doing things? You can try npx @react-native-community/cli init and see if that works. Hope someone from the community can step in

I tried npx @react-native-community/cli init but still got same error.

npx create-react-app is working fine

@thymikee then issue seems to be in react native cli. Thanks for your time. Can you please tag someone who can help me.

Another thing you could try to pin-point the issue is to install the @react-native-community/cli package as a dependency in a different directory, then modify the package’s «index» file somewhat like this:

Then call the path/to/cli/packages/cli/build/bin.js init and see if the error is logged. Then you should have a better understanding of what’s going on. Also, I’d be interested in why the error didn’t surface through the CLIError

I still get the same error with react-native@0.70.2 cli
as a temp fix you can use an older cli it worked fine for me & you will still get the latest react-naive version 0.70.2
first clean up
if you use yarn
yarn global remove react-native-cli
yarn global remove react-native
if npm
npm uninstall -g react-native-cli
npm uninstall -g react-native
npx react-native@0.68.1 init MyApp

Hi. New version of cli have been released, could you please give it a go?

If you search for «Failed to load configuration of your project.» in node_modules, then modify it to:

it’ll show the actual error. It’d be nice to make these changes here or here. Maybe it’s configurable by environment, but for me CLIError is just swallowing the actual error.

Just seeing @thymikee gave the same tip above 😅 Anyway, for me it was a completely unrelated Nx issue (not dropping reference to an old dep), so I think this cli project is end up getting all the tickets since it’s catching all the errors

@adamTrz just tried this now, still same error.

@thymikee I made directory rn_project then initialised it with npm inti -y. Next I installed the @react-native-community/cli package. And in same directory from VScode terminal I called this command that you wrote.
Apparently error was int my IOS Setup but it did not surface on the CLI (refer screen shot attached)

@thymikee Thanks a lot for suggestion, but I think it would have been much easier for me as a developer if it would have surfaced on earlier.

@bfischer1121 Thanks and I agree there should be some displaye of error like this console statement in the index js file too.

Closing this issue with this comment.

@rjatin007 can you create a new feature request or even better a PR with the changes? Error should surface and we need to know why it didn’t

@rjatin007 can you create a new feature request or even better a PR with the changes? Error should surface and we need to know why it didn’t

@thymikee Sorry for delay in sharing , but i found that even changing the ruby version to 2.7.5 , which was the issue that surfaced, even then the cli doesn’t work if its not local one.

In above screenshots, first there is an empty folder named rn_project . I have logged ruby version which is 2.7.5.
Next I tried to create project using npx react-native init abc and it should me the old error «faild to loead configuration of your project».

Next I initialised the rn_project with npm init -y and and installed react-native cli npm i —save @react-native-community/cli . then I tried with this cli and it worked.

Now how can I get to the error if local @react-native-community/cli is working but not npx.

Also npx react-native run-ios is giving error


OC: failed to load configuration #10

I’m trying to run your latest master branch.

  1. I download this repository
  2. I copy the EFI folder to the EFI Partition
  3. Restart my Laptop.
  4. Laptop is stuck with the message: «OC: failed to load configuration»

Any idea what is going on? 🙂

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

I’m trying to run your latest master branch.

  1. I download this repository
  2. I copy the EFI folder to the EFI Partition
  3. Restart my Laptop.
  4. Laptop is stuck with the message: «OC: failed to load configuration»

Any idea what is going on? 🙂

You see, the repo currently contains multiple configurations for different models (4K touchscreen, 1080p FHD, one for DW1820 wireless, etc). I’m no OC expert but I think there may be a missing step in the documentation. You need to pick the config file that matches your model and copy that as config.plist . After that you will have to edit the SMBIOS, MLB, etc variables to have unique configuration for your laptop. (That’s already in the docs by the way).

exactly. i have added 4 config.plist for different setups but forgot to edit the documentation. OC will always read config.plist and unlike with clover, you cant select another config, so you have to rename the config that fits your setup to config.plist

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Failed to load configuration file not informative enough #1427

Failing tests

Wallaby console

The only way I could find the error was to search my codebase for elsee . Turns out it was a type in a file that was required at the top of wallaby.js .

Can we print a stack trace?

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

We are printing the stack trace when it’s possible. Just tried to reproduce the case as you have described using the calculator sample and requiring other.js file with an error in it, the stack is displayed:

Could you please share a repro (wallaby config file and a failing dependency should be enough), and share your node.js version (if you are overriding the wallaby default one in your Wallaby Run configuration).

I should have mentioned that its a plugin in the babel compiler.

Still can’t reproduce it with the exact module depenency:

Could you please share a repro?

I’m getting a similar error now:

Seems like it happens when I am using require(‘@babel/register’) in my wallaby.js file.

When I run it with node wallaby.js it works though.

It used to work when I was running babel@7.0.0-beta.46 , but now with 49 it doesn’t.

I am trying to require a lerna symlinked package in my wallaby.js . I suspect that there is an error being silenced somewhere.

I wrapped the require in a try catch and there is an error being thrown. So wallaby seems to silence thrown errors when reading wallaby.js config files. potentially only when using babel/register .

So its actually an error in my custom babel preset that is being used to transpile the wallaby config (that only occurs when the wallaby plugin is trying to run it. not when running from terminal).

The error was caused because I was relying on findUp() to find some config, but the entry point to the wallaby.js config reader seems to be outside the project tree. This seems like my responsibility to workaround, but an error message would be nice if possible.

Seems like it happens when I am using require(‘@babel/register’) in my wallaby.js file.
It used to work when I was running babel@7.0.0-beta.46 , but now with 49 it doesn’t.

@vjpr Here’s what I’ve tried:

  • installed babel@7.0.0-beta.49 ,
  • created wallaby config that just loads @babel/register and throws an error.

and it seems to be working as expected (printing the stack trace):

I’m clearly missing something, any ideas on what you may be doing differently?

@ArtemGovorov Sorry, added info to my previous comment as I debugged it more, where I discovered the root cause by the end.

The error occurs if your babel preset throws an error.


Failed to Load Configuration File #516

Failed to load the configuration file: Failed to load the configuration file: key-value delimiter not found: URLScan can be used without an API key, but the key allows new submissions to be made
I just copied the config file from github and added all free API keys then if i use the config file with -config argument, it throws this error and also amass -enum list is not showing the API that i added.

Do you have any idea about this error? help me please.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Should i want to keep the data sources as #as prefix?
like this?
# (Free)

without # ? (Free)

i did both, when i have the # then i’m not getting that previous error, but still -list is not showing the updated available resources.

This is how my config looks like. i have changed .ini to txt coz i cannot updload .ini file to github.

same issue am presently facing, any solution yet?

create a folder in home directory (

/.config/amass) and create a config.ini file over there and that’s it, it will work.

pls can I get like a video of your explanation ? sorry for disturbing, Thanks!

You can follow this method
Uncomment the data sources that you have api key,
if you have shodan api key then paste in the apikey= then uncomment it. like this below.
# (Free)
#ttl = 10080
#apikey =

# (Free)
ttl = 10080
apikey =

I just did, unless I use the -dir its still not workiing, even with the dir flag the list is not reflecting in my result, pls follow me back on twitter so I can dm you, just followed you @asolab


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I am trying to run My react project with yarn start but it failed with the following error: Failed to load config “react-app” to extend from in ReactJS. In this Exerror article, We are going to learn about How to reproduce this error and we will discuss All Possible Solutions Lets Get Start with This Article.


  1. How Failed to load config «react-app» to extend from Error Occurs?
  2. How To Solve Failed to load config «react-app» to extend from Error?
  3. Solution 1: install eslint
  4. Solution 2: For npm users
  5. Conclusion

How Failed to load config “react-app” to extend from Error Occurs?

I am trying to run My react project with yarn start but it failed with the following error:

Failed to compile.

Failed to load config "react-app" to extend from.

So here I am writing all the possible solutions I have tried to resolve this error.

  1. How To Solve Failed to load config “react-app” to extend from Error?

    To Solve Failed to load config “react-app” to extend from Error If You are using npm then you need to run this command at the root of your project: npm install -D eslint-config-react-app Now, You can run your project without any errors.

  2. Failed to load config “react-app” to extend from

    To Solve Failed to load config “react-app” to extend from Error You just need to add eslint with this command. Open Your terminal and run this command: yarn add eslint-config-react-app -D Or You can also run this command: yarn add eslint-config-react -D Now, you can run yarn start to start your project: yarm start Now, your error must be solved. Thank You.

Solution 1: install eslint

You just need to add eslint with this command. Open Your terminal and run this command.

yarn add eslint-config-react-app -D

Or You can also run this command.

yarn add eslint-config-react -D

Now, you can run yarn start to start your project.

yarn start

Now, your error must be solved. Thank You.

Solution 2: For npm users

If You are using npm then you need to run this command at the root of your project.

npm install -D eslint-config-react-app

Now, You can run your project without any errors.


It’s all About this error. I hope We Have solved Your error. Comment below Your thoughts and your queries. Also, Comment below which solution worked for you?

Also, Read

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