Error failed to mount dev loop0

Hello All! I've been trying to install Arch on my new Aspire One netbook using a live USB, but I keep running into a problem. Upon booting from the USB, a number of errors pop up resulting in /dev/loop0 failing to mount.

Hello All! I’ve been trying to install Arch on my new Aspire One netbook using a live USB, but I keep running into a problem. Upon booting from the USB, a number of errors pop up resulting in /dev/loop0 failing to mount.

«wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0/, missing codepage or helper program, or other error»
«Failed to mount ‘ /dev/loop0′»

This results in a severe reduction of the commands I am able to use. After running ‘dmesg | tail’ I get a series of lines alternating between «attempt to access beyond end of device» and «sda1: rw=0, want=608###, limit=483328» until I get to the last two lines which consist of «isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=loop0, iso_blknum=16, block=32» and «perf samples too long (2501 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 50100».

Does anyone know what I am missing and what steps I can take to solve this problem? I’m sorry if the solution to this predicament is rather obvious. I hope I haven’t wasted anyone’s time.

Last edited by uncripted (2013-12-24 02:04:43)

CPU: AMD Sempron 3200+
Memory: 1.5gig OCZ DDR 400
HD: (2) Samsung 320gig SATA

Below is the error I constantly got when trying to install either Mint 8 or 9:

BusyBox vX.XX.X(Ubuntu X:X.X.X-XXXXXX) built-in shell (ash)
Enter ‘help’ for a list of built-in commands.

(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: Input/output error
Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs

Before blurting out my fix (extremely simple), I wanted you all to know that the following did not work:
1. I upgraded my BIOS to the latest from ASUS.
2. I removed 1 HD (recommended from other posts).
3. Tried mounting the CDROM manually.
4. Downloaded/burned to another CD (1 time for Mint LXDE — 1 time for Mint 8 — 3 times for Mint 9) just in case I had the wrong burn speed, or bad downloads.
5. Reseated everything (just in case).
6. Talked/Begged in a very calm tone to the computer.

Finally, just for giggles I threw an old HP CDROM in and wouldnt you know it.. installed fine (I’m posting from it now).

I have no idea why the disk(s) I tried did not like the BenQ CDROM (maybe it was because it was a DVD/CD device?).. but once I installed the OS, I took the HP CDROM out, put the BenQ back in, and rebooted. With the CDROM as my 1st boot option, the BenQ ran the LiveCD just fine.

It shouldnt be this hard to install an OS, and I know Linux Mint isnt the only distro with this problem, as I have seen a lot of other distro’s with the very same issue. However this problem is evident everywhere Linux is, so there needs to be a more concerted effort based on making Linux more accessible to the masses. Otherwise, Linux will always be the problem child for the totally initiated and never taken seriously by everyday users with no time to troubleshoot these issues.

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  • [SOLVED] Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs

  1. Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs

    I’m trying to run a live USB pendrive with Ubuntu Desktop 15.10 in my notebook Dell Inspiron 14 5447 with UEFI & Secure Boot. At Windows, I use the options Settings > Update & Security > Recovery > Advanced Initialization (I don’t know if these are the right names in english because my Windows is in portuguese).

    When it boots up and starts to load it, this message shows up:


    (initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: Invalid argument
    Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs

    Alternatives that I’ve already tried:
    — I tested with other flavors, like Gnome Shell, Xubuntu and even Elementary OS and all of them worked fine. Only Ubuntu Desktop failed.
    — I disabled Secure Boot.
    — I tried several programs to generate the pendrive (Live USB Creator from Fedora & Rufus). (I’ve also tried uNetBootin & Yumi but they hasn’t worked at all and it hasn’t booted up neither Ubuntu Desktop nor the other flavors.)
    — I checked the MD5SUM of the ISO file and it was OK.
    — I downloaded an alternative version of Ubuntu Desktop, its MD5SUM was OK and it also failed.
    — I changed the pendrive and made a full formatting.

    Nothing worked with Ubuntu Desktop. Does anyone know what’s the problem?

    Thank you.

    Last edited by RamonB; October 29th, 2015 at 03:54 PM.

  2. Re: Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squa

    Quote Originally Posted by RamonB
    View Post

    — I tried several programs to generate the pendrive (Live USB Creator from Fedora & Rufus). (I’ve also tried uNetBootin & Yumi but they hasn’t worked at all and it hasn’t booted up neither Ubuntu Desktop nor the other flavors.)

    Have you tried using dd or mkusb? I’ve had this issue with some other other distros, and those worked without any problem.

  3. Re: Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squa

    Another alternative if you want UEFI only.

    Easy way to create UEFI only bootable flash drive

    If UEFI only, then can just extract ISO with 7-zip to FAT32 formatted drive with boot flag on FAT32 partition.
    Will not boot in BIOS mode, you must choose in UEFI boot tab menu the UEFI:flashdrive entry. Various UEFI may show it differently, but with UEFI only it should be only choice.

    Also see details in link in my signature below.

  4. Re: Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squa

    Quote Originally Posted by mystics
    View Post

    Have you tried using dd or mkusb? I’ve had this issue with some other other distros, and those worked without any problem.

    Hi, mystics. I tried with dd & mkusb (with mkusb I had to disable Secure Boot). The same error in both of them. Thanks but it didn’t worked.

    Quote Originally Posted by oldfred
    View Post

    Another alternative if you want UEFI only.

    Easy way to create UEFI only bootable flash drive

    If UEFI only, then can just extract ISO with 7-zip to FAT32 formatted drive with boot flag on FAT32 partition.
    Will not boot in BIOS mode, you must choose in UEFI boot tab menu the UEFI:flashdrive entry. Various UEFI may show it differently, but with UEFI only it should be only choice.

    Also see details in link in my signature below.

    Hi, olfred, I also tried this way, it booted up but also failed with the same message.

    I forgot to say that I’ve read in another thread that this problem can occur because of lack of memory. This isn’t my case because my Dell has 16 GBytes RAM. And besides that, other distributions (Gnome Shell, Xubuntu, Elementary OS) run OK.

    Thank you both.

  5. Re: Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squa

    If the other flavors work, I would still suspect the down load is not correct.
    The underlying Linux in all the Ubuntu flavors is the same and should boot the same with only the gui being different.
    If md5sum is correct, are you using same flash drive as other flavors?

  6. Re: Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squa

    Hi, oldfred, I’ve had the same feeling that the problem was a wrong download. So, I’ve already downloaded the Ubuntu Desktop 3 times. All of them were MD5SUM OK. I also tried 3 different flash drives (including a brand new one from Kingston) and I tested other flavours with the same flash drive.

    So, I’ve decided to install Gnome Shell although I’d prefer (and I’m accustomed to) Unity. I’m having some difficulties with Gnome 3 but it’s good because is a way of learning something new.

    Thank you very much.

    Last edited by RamonB; October 31st, 2015 at 06:35 PM.

  7. Re: Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squa

    In order to check, I cloned ubuntu-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso to a USB pendrive with mkusb. I made a live-only pendrive. This is actually cloning with dd under the hood, so you should get exactly the same result with dd (but without ‘safety belt’). This pendrive can boot my Toshiba in UEFI mode.

    Like oldfred, I see no reason why for example Xubuntu should work in your computer, but not Ubuntu. Not with that amount of RAM, and not with that error. Is it the same version of Xubuntu, 15.10-desktop-amd64, or is it another version?

    Are you really sure that the Ubuntu iso file that you check with md5sum is the same as the one you use as source when you create the USB boot drive? Could it be that you have saved iso files in different directories, and you happen to test a good one but use a bad one?

    Do you arrive at the grub menu? Have you tried the fourth choice in the grub menu, ‘Check disc for defects’?

    You should see, when the files are checked, and it should finish with ‘Check finished: no errors found’.

    Last edited by sudodus; October 31st, 2015 at 07:01 PM.

  8. Re: Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squa

    Hi, Sudodus,

    (1) I’ve just tested (again, to be really sure) with Xubuntu 15.10-desktop-amd64 and it worked fine (this test was with an UEFI bootable flash drive).

    (2) I’m really sure that the ISO file was the correct. I’ve downloaded it in Windows 3 times, always deleting the old version. Now, I’ve just downloaded (for the 1st time) a new copy in my new Ubuntu Gnome Shell. I checked the MD5SUM and all of them were OK. A few momentos ago, I created a new UEFI bootable flash drive with this Ubuntu and another one with MKUSB in my Gnome and the same error occurred.

    (3) Yes, I arrive at the grub menu. I checked the disc for defects and no errors were reported. When I choose to try Ubuntu without installing, it starts to run and after some seconds with a black screen the typical Unity colour and the word «Ubuntu» appear very quickly (2 seconds or less) then it turns black again and this error message shows up.

    So, for awhile I’m going with Gnome Shell until the next LTS release or until new suggestions about this problem.

    Thank you.

    Last edited by RamonB; November 1st, 2015 at 02:36 PM.

  9. Re: Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squa

    You are really trying, and it seems to me, that you are doing things correctly. Yet standard Ubuntu does not work for you. I’m not sure, but it seems to try with some other driver than Gnome Shell and Xubuntu.

    Have you tried yet with some boot option? Try several of them, you can start with nomodeset. See the following link, that explains how to use boot options (live). You should focus on the instructions for grub, but it is worth reading the other links too.

    Boot options

  10. Re: Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squa

    Hi, Sudodus,

    My problem is really awkward. I’ve tested also with Kubuntu, Ubuntu Mate, Gnome Shell and Xubuntu. All of them worked. Only the Desktop flavor didn’t work.

    I looked at your link «Boot options» but I’m not a Linux specialist (many years ago, I used to be an IT professional but from the Jurassic era ) …). So, I’ve decided for an indirect solution: I installed the 15.04, updated everything and without configuring it to «my way», I updated to 15.10. Now everything is alright, working fine.

    Thank you very much for your advice (and also thanks to other people that tried to help me).

    Last edited by RamonB; November 3rd, 2015 at 10:52 AM.



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can’t use rufus , have to use another linux distro to mount ISO with the «#
Example Image writing
$ sudo dd bs=512M if=file.iso of=/dev/sdx

*Ubuntu worked as well as fedora, I am sure you have a usable linux machine
in handy… Right?*


On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 5:08 PM, redcorpshell ***@***.***> wrote:
Tell me how to make a live boot usb.I did with many tools,changed to many
flash drives no way.
If you have any suggestions regarding usb making pls tell me.
One of the thing i’ve encountered is that while seeing rufus log
‘airootfs.sfs’ named file under live iso «blackarchx86_64», while writing
blackarch linux on to usb,this file is encountered with a problem of
replication because 6.2Gb is splitted to 4.0Gb and 2.1Gb respectively while
it is being written on usb by rufus and eventually they are replaced by one
another.This is happening while on most of Usb boot maker tools.
I hope anyone would let me know how to prepare a bootable live usb for
booting blackarch linux without any errors.thanks in advance.

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Я устанавливал 32-битную Ubuntu (ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso) на рабочую станцию ​​VMWare 7.1. Во время установки возникла ошибка со следующим текстом.

(initramfs) mount: mounting dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: Input/Output error Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs

Я провел тест памяти, который прошел успешно, но при выборе «Попробуйте Ubuntu без установки», «Установить Ubuntu» или «Проверить диск на наличие дефектов» появляется та же ошибка.

Я загружаю образ ISO с веб-сайта Ubuntu «». Поскольку я не смог найти данные контрольной суммы, образ ISO был проверен путем подключения к виртуальному диску и просмотра содержимого.

Образ ISO монтируется на виртуальный привод в VMWare и не записывается на компакт-диск.


Контрольные суммы (MD5) можно найти на . Я бы посоветовал вам сделать следующее:

  1. Убедитесь, что контрольная сумма MD5 загруженного ISO-образа совпадает с указанной в вышеупомянутой ссылке, следуя этим инструкциям .
  2. Если все выглядит хорошо, загрузите компакт-диск и нажмите Spacebarклавишу, когда вы увидите значок клавиатуры в нижней центральной части экрана. Выберите ваш язык, а затем опцию «Проверить CD на наличие дефектов».

Если ни один из них не приводит к ошибкам, пожалуйста, сообщите об ошибке здесь , следуя этим инструкциям, чтобы прикрепить /casper.logк ней.

Вы проверяли загрузку перед записью?

Вы можете использовать такую ​​программу, как winMD5Sum в Windows, чтобы проверить md5sums

введите описание изображения здесь

Хеши, которые вам нужно проверить по сравнению с загруженным ISO, можно найти здесь

Если вы загрузили с торрента, то его следует проверить, пока он загружается.

Если проверка хеша в порядке, перезагрузитесь с компакт-диска и проверьте его целостность.

Нажмите любую клавишу при загрузке компакт-диска, чтобы увидеть меню компакт-диска

введите описание изображения здесь

Есть две распространенные причины этой ошибки:

  1. На компакт-диске или диске, на который вы записали, не хватило места для всего .iso.
  2. При загрузке .iso возникла проблема.

Убедитесь, что вы, по крайней мере, делаете эти простые проверки при установке:

  1. Убедитесь, что размер загруженного .iso не является нелепым (Ubuntu 10.x и 11.04 каждый составляет примерно 680 МБ, если у вас всего 400 МБ, у вас, очевидно, есть проблема).
  2. Проверьте количество свободного места на вашем компакт-диске или диске перед записью на него (и помните, что на DVD-дисках гораздо больше места, чем на обычном компакт-диске).

Если вы уверены, что загрузили ISO, как сказал @Evan, попробуйте другой способ сделать ваш USB загрузочным, например, если вы используете UUI, лучше использовать Rufus. Однако, если ваша проблема не решилась, когда появилась страница «установить, попробовать ubuntu live, etc», нажмите «e» для редактирования и добавьте acpi = off, это сработало для меня!

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