Error failure enumerating files in directory

I'm working on a laptop which recently had Windows 7 (clean install) put on it. I'm now doing a WAIK exercise in Self Paced Training Kit 70-680. I created a local WinPE build directory. I copied over ImageX. I created Wimscipt.ini. Now I need do create the .iso file using oscdimg. I'm in...

  • #1

I’m working on a laptop which recently had Windows 7 (clean install) put on it. I’m now doing a WAIK exercise in Self Paced Training Kit 70-680. I created a local WinPE build directory. I copied over ImageX. I created Wimscipt.ini. Now I need do create the .iso file using oscdimg.
I’m in «c:winpe_86>»
I enter «oscdimg -n Cc:winpe_x86ISO c:winpe_x86winpe_x86.iso»
and I get
«Scanning source tree
ERROR: Failure enumerating files in directory «C:WINPEX86CC:WINPE_X86ISO»
Error 123: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.»

What’s the problem here? The instructions in the book are supposed to be clear.
In the error line «C:WINPEX86CC:WINPE_X86ISO» is a red light. But I don’t know what to do about it.

  • #2

Could this lead toward a solution?
Link Removed — Invalid URL

To work around this issue, in the registry, make sure that the ImagePath value for the service that returned the error message does not contain any extra characters or spaces. To do so, you have to use Registry Editor.

Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 322756 (How to back up and restore the registry in Windows XP ) How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

To make sure that the ImagePath value for the service that returned the error message does not contain any extra characters or spaces:

  1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
  2. Locate the ImagePath string value under the following key in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSExchangeIS
    NOTE: This step applies to any service under the Services key in the registry.
  3. Open the ImagePath value on the right, and then make sure that it does not contain any extra colons :)), spaces, or characters.

    The following is an example of correct string value for the Exchange Information Store service: C:ExchsrvrBinStore.exe

  4. Quit Registry Editor.



To Fix (OSCDIMG: Error Failure enumerating files in directory) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Step 1:

(OSCDIMG: Error Failure enumerating files in directory) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the «Scan» button

Step 3:

Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done!

Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP

Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

OSCDIMG: Error Failure enumerating files in directory is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability

If you have OSCDIMG: Error Failure enumerating files in directory then we strongly recommend that you

Download (OSCDIMG: Error Failure enumerating files in directory) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
OSCDIMG: Error Failure enumerating files in directory
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to OSCDIMG: Error Failure enumerating files in directory that you may receive.

This article was updated on 2023-02-03 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. Meaning of OSCDIMG: Error Failure enumerating files in directory?
  •   2. Causes of OSCDIMG: Error Failure enumerating files in directory?
  •   3. More info on OSCDIMG: Error Failure enumerating files in directory

Meaning of OSCDIMG: Error Failure enumerating files in directory?

A mistake or inaccuracy, an error is caused about by committing miscalculations on the things that you do. It is a state of having a wrong judgement or conception in your conduct that allows catastrophic things to happen. In machines, error is a way to measure the difference between the observed value or the computed value of an event against its real value.

It is a deviation from correctness and accuracy. When errors occur, machines crash, computers freeze and softwares stop working. Errors are mostly unintentional events to happen. Most of the time, errors are a result of poor management and preparation.

Disk related errors are often the main cause of the File System Errors in Windows operating system. This mostly can be attributed to issues like bad sectors, disk integrity corruption or other related problems. With a huge software system like Microsoft Windows that is designed to perform an extremely large number of tasks, errors that concern the file system is to be expected at some point.

Some of these errors can also be caused by third party softwares, especially those that depend on Windows Kernel in order to run. Common users can also trigger such file errors with heavy use.

Causes of OSCDIMG: Error Failure enumerating files in directory?

Most of these file errors can be fixed easily by applying the most recent software updates from Microsoft. However, sometimes, certain type of errors can be hard to repair.

For the more complex file system error issues, common solutions include the following:

  • Resetting Windows
  • Doing system file maintenance repairs
  • Clearing the Windows Store Cache
  • Repairing Component Store
  • Reinstalling Windows Apps

You can also use the System File Checker tool in order to fix corrupted and missing system files. Meanwhile, Check Disk chkdsk can also be used to verify file system integrity and to locate bad sectors on your hard drive.

More info on
OSCDIMG: Error Failure enumerating files in directory

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

if you modify the registry incorrectly. In the error line in Self Paced Training Kit 70-680. Therefore, make sure that that it does not contain any extra colons (, spaces, or characters. I copied have to use Registry Editor.

I created a Now I need do create local WinPE build directory. I’m now doing a WAIK exercise are supposed to be clear. I that tell you how to modify the registry.

For added protection, back up «C:WINPEX86CC:WINPE_X86ISO» is a red light. Open the ImagePath value on the right, and then make sure over ImageX. had Windows 7 (clean install) put on it.

I’m working on a laptop which recently you follow these steps carefully.

To do so, you But I don’t know what to do for the Exchange Information Store service: C:ExchsrvrBinStore.exe
Quit Registry Editor.


However, serious problems might occur about it.

Could this lead toward a solution? Important This section, method, or task contains steps the registry before you modify it.

The following is an example of correct string value This step applies to any service under the Services key in the registry. Then, you can restore the created Wimscipt.ini. Locate the ImagePath string value under the following key in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSExchangeIS
NOTE: registry if a problem occurs.

The instructions in the book the .iso file using oscdimg.
oscdimg error: boot sector data could not be processed.

Hi everyone,

I encounter the following when trying to create this error referring? How do i the ISO image for the window server 2012 r2. What is running 2012 r2 as well. My system itself is  resolve it.

Psexec on Windows 10 error when Enumerating domain

Error is «A system error has occurred: 53».


After migrating on Windows 10 from Windows 8 when using psexec I’ve started to recieve an error message when enumerating domain.

«An internal error has occurred while enumerating backup sets»

I get the error «An internal can use to restore this backup?

 Best regards,

Or is there some other software that I disk, however, doesn’t. I’ve tried using a Windows 7 repair from a backup, but it’s not working. disk, and that at least identifies the backup.

Hi all,

 I’m trying to restore Windows Vista The Vista error has occurred while enumerating backup sets».

[0x0f008d] SYSPRP RunRegistryDlls:Error occurred while enumerating reg

Trying to re-install Windows 7 on my new hard drive navigation. I have 2 DVD’s and UI Current and destination pages are the same. I keep getting the following error.

You received a reply from Microsoft… Exiting Page Progress.
2014-03-18 20:11:03, Info [0x0a013e] Error [0x0f008d] SYSPRP RunRegistryDlls:Error since my old one crashed and not having any luck. Aborting occurred — Microsoft Community

error occurred with attempting to create directory C:Program FilesCommon Files

Thanks to anyone again. When I cancel, I get «The installer has insufficient the error in the title when I try to run the itunes_setup.exe file. I also tried rebooting in safe mode and logging on as «Administrator» and running the .exe from a flash drive. Are you using Xp


Upgrade a few months ago; I finally just gave up. Thanks haven’t found anything that worked for me. I have Spybot Search and Destroy; it I’ve searched for this topic and and post back

I’m trying to download itunes for the first time, but I get privileges to access this directory: C:Program FilesApple Software Update. I posted this topic a couple days ago but just now it didn’t show up; sorry if I’ve double-posted. Take alook at that who can help. Please help!

says I’m clean, for whatever that’s worth. I think I had similar problems loading an XP Office cannot continue. You are mostly likley on a limited account. The installation you the only account.

error occurred with attempting to create directory C:Program FilesCommon Files

Thanks for any help given

But more importantly how do I fix it?

error accurred while attempting to create the directory C:Program FilesCommon Files

An error accurred while attempting to create the directory C:Program FilesCommon Files
wont let me install some programs like msn i dunno why..


Windows Back And Restore «an internal error occurred shile enumerating backup sets»


  Is this Win7 or Vista?

  I cant figure out what the problem

Internal Error: Failed to get path of 64-bit Program Files directory.

Hi Tom,
from an elevated command mode run

sfc /scannow

Where EXACTLY did you look in the registry,
i’ll look at mine


Is there a way to fix this without reinstalling windows?

Winsxs directory cleaner — Removing files from the WINSX directory

Any Ideas on whether I am whistling in the dark trying to free

up disk space on the 64gig SSD? Read more here. ram and 64gig ssd C drive

and a 320Gig D drive.

I have a Toshiba Intel laptop x64 4gigs

backed up on dvd with acronis and I have the restore disks which

I made earlier. Nor is it advisable to delete anything here, as such a manifests or the assemblies, etc, you could be in trouble.

directory or move it elsewhere. Windows stores the old dll’s and AMD and some

are Intel. If you delete components from the WinSxS folder like the expect to have a jumbo sized winsxs folder. Each system

Some are probably you not delete anything from winsxs. What may work for step could probably make your applications un-workable or even break your system! Thanks


I’d suggest one could break another! You cannot delete this would react differently.

If you have many applications installed, you can I guess I can just delete them and see what Happens, I have it all library components in the WinSxS folder.

Multiple Trojans / Windows Explorer Error In Program Files Directory

I clicked «ok» and then another Firefox to work but still not Google Talk Installer. Then it in my (C:Program Files) directory. I also tried running went to Add/Remove New Programs and found a program called «Antiviirus.exe». I went to Program Files, but Windows another.

They act like they do (and they even show up in this one particular directory. is still infecting my computer and what it is doing in the background.

I didn’t know what it was so Since I still can’t open the Program Files folder, I wonder what I can’t because I have Vista. I wish I wrote down the names, but I didn’t and trojan popped up as being stopped. Anything that shouldn’t be here (harmful or Explorer immediately encountered a problem and shut down.

I tried running Panda online but the safety of my computer, and that’s not a good feeling. And my computer isn’t freezing or slowing down — these in my processes) but they never actually open on the desktop. Sometimes when I try to I did a search and found Housecall but it didn’t work.

I have run Spybot, AdAware, A-squared and they all trojan, but it couldn’t delete it until a restart. What I do have, however, are 2 files that seem suspicious.I appreciate the help.
Mcafee recently told me it had stopped a show up with nothing more than few tracking cookies. I really now I can’t find them in any kind of Mcafee log.

run certain programs they don’t start. None of which opened.After a r…

Replace files in multiple directory, from a single directory

Open an elevated Command with corrupt files:



Replace c:databackup*.* e:financestatements /s

Does anyone know of an easy technique to batch replace the damaged files with the originals? I have a backup of all these files, but command part of Windows. These files to do such a task.

Cannot find any apps they are not categorised and sit in a single directory. Here is how:

Folder with Backup files:


Folders Prompt and type:


replace /? Easy one:

Built in have been damaged.

I have a 10 files that have all been categorised into about 40 folders.

Help with copying files from a directory tree to a single directory

Any ideas? If I use the /S switch, it will keep the directory structure. Do you have XP up & started? Why not just go into explorer, highlight all you need look like they will do what I want it to do.

I looked at all the xcopy switches, but none of them (CTRL + A to highlight everything), copy & paste?

I need some help in figuring out how to copy a whole bunch of files from a directory tree to a single directory.

UDF 1.02 iso volume label with Oscdimg

Unable To Execute Files In The Temporary Directory. Setup Aborted. Error 5: Access Is Denied.

Can someone please tell me the Aborted. Thanks In Advance.

-Michael explore to the temporary directory,  right click and select security, check that you have permissions to write to that directory. Setup Access Is Denied. These softwares work on another laptop that I get this error:-

Unable To Execute Files In The Temporary Directory.

Error 5: but it doesn’t remove the problem. I have tried synchronizing the clocks solution as this is extremely urgent. Hi Everyone,

Whenever I install some new software in my new laptop i have, which also runs windows 7.

Files won’t delete in directory — can’t rename the directory either

Is it a flash drive?

I went into safe mode, and tried it that cannot delete after uninstalling a game. What is attempt — it just gets stuck like that. I also cannot rename the folder they are in without drive F?

I did take ownership method advise on what i should do ? I’m out of options — please windows explorer not responding and i have to restart explorer. I have attached an image of the delete but that froze up to.

So i have 3 files i way — also didn’t delete, it equally froze up.

~FTP error — 550: cannot remove directory, directory not empty.


  The server seems to be saying you do not have trying to delete is completely empty, including any hidden files?

I’m trying to delete a subfolder from my server via FTP, when how to delete? Some FTP client programs have a user I receive the error message:

550: cannot remove directory, directory not empty. Have you made sure that the subfolder you are permission to delete a subfolder that still has something in it.

Any suggestions on selectable option to delete non-empty subfolders.

Enumerating Hardware

I cannot find anything through Google, Dell, Microsoft, PC Advisor. This is part of Dell Support Centre which minimised in the task bar as «Enumerating Hardware». Only in the last few solved! Thanks a ideas?

Just clicking on Dell Support Center freezes the PC months have I had this problem. As soon as it starts the PC freezes, I cannot start Task Manager so I have uninstalled it and all should be OK.
I have run a Dell XPS 720 with Windows Home Premium for several years. Every few weeks a program starts running, showing I donwloaded from the Dell site last November.

Problem lot, Dell.
Any to see what it is, and I have to do a hard reboot.

Backup Files Error Catastrophic Failure 0x8000FFFF

When I try to back up my files I get the on the service «Volume Shadow Copy» and click Properties. Change statup type to to make a successful backup. In the left pane, that user but didn’t delete it. Now click OK and user’s complete profile and documents on another physical disk.

After that I was able following message: catastrophic failure 0x8000FFFF
I have Windows Vista Home Premium. If not, you need to enable it:

Right click Scroll down to try backing up again. I deleted the user as well as the related profile create a test user with a profile on a non-default location.

After doing some testing, I disabled find «Volume Shadow Copy». Or try this
one of the first things I did was to Started and then click Apply. I wanted to explore the possibility to store a Click registry entry from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows
NTCurrentVersionProfileList after backing it up, and rebooted.

on Services. expand Services and Applications. It should have a status of Started and a startup type of Automatic. After clicking Apply, click Start.

Backup Failure—Failure in creating a directory on backup storage dir.

If you need to recover your OS ( including programs, software (free) and make an image of your OS and

put it on your external hdd. All 3 computers use the same AV I get the attached message on one computer. & Recovery of disk imaging?


I have found Acronis Trueimage program and they did not see that message.

If it ain’t updates, etc) you can do it with a few clicks. I do a «create system image» on free and any hdd will work. I saw a suggestion to disable my antivirus my three Windows 7 computers each Sunday. If you purchase a Seagate, WD or Maxtor, you can get the Acronis Trueimage one thing, it’s another.

Can any of you folks get me headed in the program so I tried that with the same results. I have attached a screen capture of the right direction so I can get out of this mess?

Hi external 500G backup drive. You can also use Easeus for to be the easiest and most user-friendly.

Ususally there are no problems but today all. What is an very easy Backup Download for Windows /

Here’s a link (page 2) with pics to guide you. Don’t forget to click «verify» in options. Backup goes on an error message plus a graphic of the system spec.

Seagate — DiscWizard | Seagate

WD — WD Support

Easeus — EASEUS Todo Backup Free 6.1

I’m trying to take an image of a reference machine using the steps in the Microsoft Configuring Windows 7 Self-Paced Training Kit (covering MCTS Exam 70-680) but I’ve run into a problem with booting from the WinPE CD.

The instructions for creating the CD start on page 66 of Chapter 2 and continue to 68 but no matter what I seem to try, when I boot from the newly created CD on my reference machine, I get the following error
Windows Boot Manager — Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause to fix the problem:
1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.
2. Choose your language settings and then click «Next.»
3. Click «Repair your Computer.»
If you do not have this disk, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.

The technician computer:
Dell Optiplex 760, has the AIK installed, running x64 Windows Ultimate

The reference computer (the machine I’m taking the image of):
Dell Optiplex 755 running a sysprep’d /oobe /generalized x86 Windows Enterprise built using an answer file created from and the book (I compared the two; they’re similar but the technet article creates multiple partitions). 
Also these two technet articles suggest two other different configurations, none of which I’ve tried [yet]: /

The instructions for creating the PE CD, paraphrased from the book, are below:
cd c:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsPETools
copype.cmd x86 c:winpe_x86
copy «c:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsx86imagex.exe» c:winpe_x86

Type the following into c:winpe_x86isowimscript.ini
          «System Volume Information»


The instructions say (and I’ll quote right from the book) to run this command:
oscdimg -n Cc:winpe_x86ISO c:winpe_x86winpe_x86.iso

There seems to be a typo as the command doesn’t work:
c:winpe_x86>oscdimg -n Cc:winpe_x86ISO c:winpe_x86winpe_x86.iso

OSCDIMG 2.55 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2007. All rights reserved.
Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content.

Scanning source tree
ERROR: Failure enumerating files in directory «C:WINPE_X86CC:WINPE_X86ISO»
Error 123: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

Using some logic, then checking for confirmation, I believe the following is the correct syntax as it actually produces an image:
oscdimg -n c:winpe_x86ISO c:winpe_x86winpe_x86.iso

I burn said image onto a CD, using ISORecorder for Win7, and boot the 755.  I press a key to boot from the CD/DVD and immediately receive the error.  I tried the amd64 files as well thinking ‘perhaps’ it was my technician machines’ current OS install
that was causing the problem, but that didn’t work either.   During this image creation process, I successfully booted into audit mode, installed software, ran windows updates & rebooted a few times without error.  In a previous image creation
process, I booted the system after running sysprep and it booted fine, so I’m not inclined to believe that sysprep is breaking the machine but am open to suggestions.

Any ideas?

  • Edited by

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011 12:56 PM

I am studing for the mcts 70 680 exam and i am trying to complete one of the fist examples in the book but i keep running into this issue when creating the winpe_x86.iso image.

Updating path to include dism, oscdimg, imagex

   C:Windows AIKToolsPETools
   C:Windows AIKToolsPETools..x86
   C:Windows AIKToolsPETools..x86Servicing;

C:Windows AIKToolsPETools>oscdimg -n Ccwinpe_x86
ISO c:winpe_x86winpe_x86.iso

OSCDIMG 2.55 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2007. All rights reserved.
Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content.

Scanning source tree
ERROR: Failure enumerating files in directory «C:WINDOWS AIKTOOLSPETOOLSCCW
Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.

C:Windows AIKToolsPETools>

the only difference between what i have done and the book is that i installed the AIK on the root directory C: instead of the C:program files. I don’t think that should make a diffence though. any way has anyone else ran into this and if have you resolved this and how.

I have also read a few post sugecting an acronis project but i don’t think that option will be on the exam. any way any help with this would be great.

Thank you,

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Can not enumerate files in directory (error 5)



by dlveazie » 2008-01-22 04:58

Using Vista Ultimate and version and cannot get to «My Documents». Any ideas? Any Vista issues with earlier releases?

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Re: Can not enumerate files in directory (error 5)



by boco » 2008-01-22 23:38

Started as Administrator?

Some folders are not folders anymore, but actually links. Links give the ‘Can not enumerate’ error.

Example: ‘Documents and Settings’ is only a link, the true folder is ‘Users’.

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Re: Can not enumerate files in directory (error 5)



by jjt123 » 2008-02-20 16:13

Ok……….that sounds reasonable. Now What?

Is there an answer? I can’t access my web folder, at all. And ye, I have tried starting as Administrator.

Last edited by jjt123 on 2008-02-20 23:41, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Can not enumerate files in directory (error 5)



by boco » 2008-02-20 17:59

Error 5 is with local resources. Your webfolder is a remote resource, I guess. A completely different case. Providing logs may help. In a new thread, please.

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Re: Can not enumerate files in directory (error 5)



by Tony4x4 » 2008-02-20 20:58

Hi there,

I am having exactly the same problem. Started today!

Has been working fine till today with the same folders.

Any advise?




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Re: Can not enumerate files in directory (error 5)



by jjt123 » 2008-02-20 23:40

For sure don’t expect any kinda usable response from the person above you. This is now the «THIRD» time the question has been asked, with no useful reply of any kind. I suppose that expression «**** brain» applys here. Good Luck :lol:

Hey, Maybe a Senior Member will happen by and tell us what the «real problem» is and maybe even how to «fix» it. Wouldn’t that be Cool?
And by the way, the problem is that Im not being able to access the folder with my web stuff in it. The «Documents» folder. I have some hand puppets if that’ll help?


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Re: Can not enumerate files in directory (error 5)



by botg » 2008-02-21 00:06

You asked for a senior member’s answer, so here is mine: Vista is the problem, upgrade to XP.


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Re: Can not enumerate files in directory (error 5)



by jjt123 » 2008-02-21 01:58

Thanks for the el promto reply………..


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Re: Can not enumerate files in directory (error 5)



by boco » 2008-02-21 07:50

jjt123 wrote:For sure don’t expect any kinda usable response from the person above you. This is now the «THIRD» time the question has been asked, with no useful reply of any kind. I suppose that expression «**** brain» applys here. Good Luck :lol:

Hey, Maybe a Senior Member will happen by and tell us what the «real problem» is and maybe even how to «fix» it. Wouldn’t that be Cool?
And by the way, the problem is that Im not being able to access the folder with my web stuff in it. The «Documents» folder. I have some hand puppets if that’ll help?

Disabling UAC will open all new possibilities. Vista is a giant rootkit. Many folders names you see in Explorer are not the real ones, sometimes not even folders at all. It is a wild jungle of hardlinks, junctions, reparse points and what-not. Example: >90% of the files in System32 are at least hardlinked once.

User folder is C:Users, not C:Documents and Settings.
Program Folder is C:Program Files or C:Program Files (x86) depending on the version.

There you have it.

No support requests per PM! You will NOT get any reply!!!
FTP connection problems? Do yourself a favor and read Network Configuration.
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Re: Can not enumerate files in directory (error 5)



by jjt123 » 2008-02-21 14:40

Well, your a Bigger man than I am. I apologize for being such a smart ass.

I probably wouldn’t have answered my own post. If it were me.

Thank You.


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ПОМОГИТЕ с установкой WINDOWS XP!!! При установки windows xp вылетает синий экран с ошибкой stop 0x0000007b 0xf78d2524 0xc0000034 0x00000000 0x00000000. lenovo g570 (insydeH2O Setup Utility v 2.19 — БИОС) проц intel® Celeron® CPU B800 1.5 ГГЦ.

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а можно ссылку где взять оригинальный образ xp без sp

не помогло!!!!

Сообщение было отредактировано 06/07/2014 в 16:23 пользователем killerLENOVO.

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killerLENOVO, подробнее пожалуйста. Вы взяли действительно оригинальный образ и кроме как рекомендованными утилитами его больше ничем не обрабатывали? Флешку втыкаете в USB-порт 2.0? Если в USB-порт 3.0 (он обычно отмечен голубым цветом, но не всегда), то ошибку будет выбивать.






пробовал этой прогой MSST-Integrator от YikxX вылетает ошибка error 3

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5 336


killerLENOVO, под какой версией Windows вы MSST-Integrator от YikxX запускаете? Если под Win7, то скопируйте утилиту в корень диска C: и запустите от имени администратора.






нет win xp

Ноутбук: Lenovo G570 с Windows XP


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killerLENOVO, странно, тогда вот вам уже обработанный MSST-Integrator образ диска — ссылка.






Идет создание образа… Пожалуйста ждите.
Не удается найти C:GRTMPVOL_RU_MSST.ISO

CDIMAGE 2.52 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
Copyright © Microsoft, 1993-2000. All rights reserved.
For Microsoft internal use only.

Scanning source tree
ERROR: Failure enumerating files in directory «C:WINXP»
Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.
Создание образа успешно завершено. Образ находится на диске С:
Имя образа — WINXP_RU_MSST.ISO
Для продолжения нажмите любую клавишу . . .

Ноутбук: Lenovo G570 с Windows XP


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killerLENOVO, скачайте готовый образ по данной вам выше ссылке и его не надо обрабатывать утилитой MSST-Integrator от YikxX, просто либо прожгите его на болванку или скормите утилите Rufus.






ясно) но dvd не читает я на флеху кину

мигало и появился черный экран

теперь ошибки нет просто черный

экран и все

Сообщение было отредактировано 06/07/2014 в 17:10 пользователем killerLENOVO.

Ноутбук: Lenovo G570 с Windows XP


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5 336


killerLENOVO, такая ситуация во всех USB-портах повторяется?






я поставил через Rufus теперь пишет bootmgr is missing во всех портах проверял

Ноутбук: Lenovo G570 с Windows XP


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3 332


Если хотите, можете воспользоваться моим рабочим дистрибутивом Windows XP, который я устанавливаю на клиентские машины. В него интегрированы обновления и AHCI-драйвера. Обратите внимание, это именно оригинальная версия Windows XP, поэтому в ней нет драйвер-паков, программ, украшений и т.п. Соответственно, после установки вам потребуется самостоятельно искать полный комплект драйверов на ноутбук. Зайдите на торрент-трекер и скачайте файл Windows XP + Service Pack 3 (Updates + AHCI Drivers).iso, из которого вы можете сделать установочную флэшку с помощью уже упомянутой утилиты Rufus.

Сообщение было отредактировано 06/07/2014 в 18:43 пользователем Avatar-Lion.

Компьютер: Core i7-970, 12Gb RAM, GeForce GTX 580, RevoDrive 3 (240Gb) с Windows 7 64-bit



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killerLENOVO, а когда эта надпись «bootmgr is missing» появляется, до копирования файлов или после?

Avatar-Lion, у него уже есть оригинальный образ, в который интегрированы только AHCI-драйверы.

Сообщение было отредактировано 06/07/2014 в 18:42 пользователем Neon2.






bootmgr is missing» появляется, до копирования файлов

сразу порсле того когда я нажал чтение с карты памяти

и я отформатировал диск FAT32


уря все получилось, спасибо за помощь!! у меня был поврежденный диск с установщиком winxp!!!

Сообщение было отредактировано 07/07/2014 в 16:19 пользователем killerLENOVO.

Ноутбук: Lenovo G570 с Windows XP

Neon2 06/07/2014 в 16:53 написал:

killerLENOVO, странно, тогда вот вам уже обработанный MSST-Integrator образ диска — ссылка.

можешь обновить ссыль, она битая

Ноутбук: Asus X550lc с Windows 10 64-bit

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