Error fetching auth tokens from server quota exceeded

quota exceeded error could be more descriptive #2824 Comments Operating System version: Android Browser version: Chrome 80.0.3987 Firebase SDK version: 7.12.0 Firebase Product: auth, firestore — possibly all of firebase I occasionally see this error, in production, in small quantities: The project’s quota for this operation has been exceeded. . It looks like it’s […]


  1. quota exceeded error could be more descriptive #2824
  3. Error fetching auth tokens from server quota exceeded
  4. Печать Сообщения почтовых серверов — что они означают?
  5. Error fetching auth tokens from server quota exceeded
  6. Error: Your Evernote API Key could not be activated
  7. Request an Evernote API Key.
  8. Error Handling
  9. Evernote Cloud API error types and their common causes
  10. Categories of errors
  11. Common error cases

quota exceeded error could be more descriptive #2824

  • Operating System version: Android
  • Browser version: Chrome 80.0.3987
  • Firebase SDK version: 7.12.0
  • Firebase Product: auth, firestore — possibly all of firebase

I occasionally see this error, in production, in small quantities: The project’s quota for this operation has been exceeded. . It looks like it’s Firebase, smells like it’s firebase, and matches this firebase error here:

My error report looks like this:

This error is not very clear. The error is an Error not a FirebaseError . The message doesn’t mention firebase, the firebase product or the quota in question. As such, it leaves me with minimal recourse to identify the issue and correct it.

It would be better if the error had additional information:

  1. Make it a FirebaseError
  2. Identify the product/api call that triggered the error
  3. Identify the quota that is in violation

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

We started getting this error recently as well. I have checked all of our Google Quota’s and could not find one that was exceeded. Would be great if we could get details as to which quota is being exceeded.

This looks like an error from the backend related to phone auth to me. Can you verify what type of auth you are trying to do so that we can make this a better experience? In truth we are already doing something that should help with displaying this better.

@scottcrossen I’ve only seen it from production, so it’s unclear. We only use anonymous and email auth though, so it has to be one of those two.

@schmidt-sebastian we use custom auth. Not sure it is related to email, etc. In addition, the error is being reported way after login for us, as we are updating firestore records.

To give you another data point: I’m using custom auth and seeing this issue with less than 50 total users who very infrequently sign in.

This seems like a bug, not a feature request. Tracking internally in b/159061125

Some of my users are also getting this error. Angular 9 app (@angular/fire@5.4.2, firebase@7.15.1). Email/Password provider only. No FCM messaging.

400 error —
code: auth/quota-exceeded
message: this project’s quota.

Update: In my case it was related to the firebase db listener triggering refresh tokens on every call.

I also have this issue (or related) that I tracked with Sentry.

Per the message, it seems it’s related to analytics.

The real quota problem aside, it is a big issue for us that this throws an error.
This just flies into the face of our users. (they get a crash report due to unhandled error)

Couldn’t this be just a warning in the console?

How should we handle this error?
The code is simply

Should we wrap all logEvent in a try catch ?

Hi @AoDev — this issue relates to the Auth Quota exceeded errors not being descriptive enough — if you could file a separate issue around the analytics quota messages, the team can prioritize/route that bug accordingly!

@MeghaB I can but the issue title is not about auth in particular, and the OP did fill «Firebase Product: auth, firestore — possibly all of firebase» in the template so I suggest these to be updated.

Some of my users are also getting this error. Angular 9 app (@angular/fire@5.4.2, firebase@7.15.1). Email/Password provider only. No FCM messaging.

400 error —
code: auth/quota-exceeded
message: this project’s quota.

Update: In my case it was related to the firebase db listener triggering refresh tokens on every call.

How did you fix this? I’m having the exact same issue atm for a few users.

How did you fix this? I’m having the exact same issue atm for a few users.

There’s been no fix. It happens seemingly randomly and does not provide enough information to actually debug it or create a full bug report. It seems to be thrown asynchronously within the Firebase SDK since I’ve been unable to actually catch it in any of my calls to the Firebase SDK.

Hi, pinging here because we are hitting the exact wall and it’s throwing errors to our users. I’m unsure what version caused this but it started after we upgraded to 7.x

Reports are exactly what I’m seeing in the Sentry logs above.

Is there something we can do in the immediate? We’re getting customer complaints and have very little insight to the problem itself.

Same here, still couldn’t figure out what’s wrong.

I have same issue. our client complaint because image doesnt load and we dont know how to solve it.

I also have this issue (or related) that I tracked with Sentry.

Per the message, it seems it’s related to analytics.

I just want to be clear, if anyone is referring to this message (screenshotted here), it is not the same as the one in the original post and seems to be unrelated. The one in this screenshot right here happens with Analytics, and seems to be thrown by a browser’s native LocalStorage API, not a Firebase server.

There as an issue for it here: #3398

+1, are there any updates/workarounds to this issue? Some of our users are also getting these errors.

Unfortunately still no updates to this issue. The team is currently working on rewriting the full auth SDK. Going back to the original issue: in this new version all errors will be instances of FirebaseError and will be tagged with Auth, which will hopefully aid in debugging.

@samhorlbeck do you know which Firebase version won’t show this issue? We rely on the later version for other dependencies.

Or if you know of any workarounds any insight would be amazing.

Update: Not totally related to the error message itself, but it was a matter of making sure the client (in this case, 1 user) had their clock synced up to latest.

Looks like their IT department didn’t push updates after DST ended.

Regardless, would love to see improved error messages!

Thanks, @patrickk where does a user update their clock to the latest time? Is that done at the computer or some kind of network level?

Thanks, @patrickk where does a user update their clock to the latest time? Is that done at the computer or some kind of network level?

Yes for us, it was a user on a windows machine where they didn’t have enough privileges to sync their clock. They went into their machine’s settings -> clock -> sync time. Ended up having their IT team sync it for the user since their sync button was disabled.

So yes long story short at the computer level since it was only on that single user.

Uncaught Error in snapshot listener: FirebaseError: Quota exceeded
this is the error am getting on my firebase app
the daily reads limit is about 50,000 and I only use 700 reads all am getting now is this error message

@AyoAyomide that sounds like a Firestore or RTDB quota issue (this thread’s issue is about a quota error message in Auth). Regardless, please consider reaching out to Firebase Support so that they can take a look at the details.

i am facing the same problem. randomly i get this issue while trying to refresh the user tokenid

Hi everyone, for those of you seeing this issue related to clock time, please update your SDK version to 8.2.1 or later. (See this issue: #3222 for more info). If you’re unsure what’s causing Auth quota errors, it may be worth updating just to see if it fixes the issue for you.

Uncaught Error in snapshot listener: FirebaseError: Quota exceeded
this is the error am getting on my firebase app
the daily reads limit is about 50,000 and I only use 700 reads all am getting now is this error message

After weeks of debugging, I discover cloudfirestore reads counter is not actually counting all the reads to see all your read use google cloud console you will see your quota details
For the Quota exceeded error this is because you already exceed your daily 50k read
— hint about what might cause this —
We store each userID as a document on firestore
when we open the firebase site and navigate to firestore it loads all users document this count as a read
(we got a lot of users this allow us to exceed the 50k read very fast)
Our mobile app dev also used set state (flutter) inside the set state they called a document on firestore this caused an infinite loop that results in quota exceed

A quick workaround was to upgrade to blaze plan, then we debug our code line-by-line to figure this error out

Just saw this error with a user today. Email Auth. Looking on Google Cloud Platform Metrics Explorer I can’t find any Quota Exceeded Errors. On blaze plan.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36

I also have this issue (or related) that I tracked with Sentry.
Per the message, it seems it’s related to analytics.

I just want to be clear, if anyone is referring to this message (screenshotted here), it is not the same as the one in the original post and seems to be unrelated. The one in this screenshot right here happens with Analytics, and seems to be thrown by a browser’s native LocalStorage API, not a Firebase server.

There as an issue for it here: #3398

@hsubox76 @josh-m-sharpe @sam-gc (guessing who to tag based on contributor status/etc) Would it be possible to get the title updated to more specifically relate to what this issue is about, and maybe also to edit the original post to direct users to the ‘correct issue’ if their error relates to firebase analytics/etc. Might save some of the unrelated ‘me too’ noise here + more quickly direct people to the right place.

(Personally I stumbled across this issue when searching on google for what seems to be the same analytics/performance type error due to localStorage (also the same as #2522 seemingly), this issue ranked really high on the results, and the title is sort of ambiguous about it; you need to read through all of the comments to find out that this issue relates to a specific nuanced ‘version’ of this error.)


Error fetching auth tokens from server quota exceeded

Печать Сообщения почтовых серверов — что они означают?

Если вы получили письмо от Mailer-Daemon с темой «Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender», значит отправленное письмо не было доставлено до одного или нескольких получателей. Причина, по которой исходное письмо не доставлено, указана в конце уведомления на английском языке. Наиболее распространенные причины указаны ниже.

Неправильный адрес получателя

Сообщение об ошибке содержит строчки:
User not found
User unknown
No such user here
Unrouteable address
Invalid mailbox
Mailbox unavailable

Такая ошибка может означать, что вы пытаетесь отправить письмо на несуществующий адрес. Уточните адрес получателя и попробуйте снова.

Пример сообщения об ошибке:
: host[] said: 550 5.1.1
: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local
recipient table (in reply to RCPT TO command)

В почтовом ящике адресата нет свободного места

Сообщение об ошибке содержит строчки:
account is full
Quota exceeded
User has exhausted allowed storage space
error writing message: Disk quota exceeded

Размер письма больше, чем ограничение на сервере получателя

На сервере получателя установлено ограничение на максимальный размер письма. Если вы отправляете несколько файлов, попробуйте их отправить в нескольких разных письмах.

message size 7520647 exceeds size limit 6000000 of server[]

Это значит, что было отправлено письмо размером 7,5 мегабайт, а сервер получателя принимает письма размером не более 6 мегабайт.

Сервер получателя не принимает почту

Сообщение об ошибке содержит строчку:
Operation timed out

Сервер получателя не работает. Возможно, вы ошиблись в адресе получателя и письмо отправлялось не на тот сервер. Если адрес был указан правильно, то попробуйте связаться с адресатом, используя другой адрес.

: connect to[]: Operation timed out

Если вы не смогли найти ответ, напишите в нашу службу поддержки и мы поможем вам в самое ближайшее время


Error fetching auth tokens from server quota exceeded

API access details for your records:
Consumer Key: ::consumer key goes here::
Consumer Secret: ::consumer secret goes here::
Note: This info will also be emailed to you shortly

Your Evernote API key is now active on our development server,, for testing and building your application.

Remember that you key is not active on the ‘live’ Evernote service for general use. Once your project is ready for public use, you’ll need to have your key activated for production use.

Tip: From beginner to advanced, explore our getting started guides »

Error: Your Evernote API Key could not be activated

There was an error generating your Evernote API Key.

Please try your request again. If that doesn’t work, get in touch with Developer Support.

Request an Evernote API Key.

Error Handling

Evernote Cloud API error types and their common causes


As with any API, your application will need to handle errors that can occur when you use the Cloud API. This page discusses the general error reporting strategy used by the Cloud API and covers some of the most common types of errors.

Categories of errors

The Cloud API returns three specific categories of errors. The Cloud API wrapper libraries report these errors by throwing exceptions. The reference documentation for each API call lists the exact reasons that exceptions can be thrown.

EDAMUserException is thrown when the error was caused by incorrect input from the caller of the API. Such exceptions can be resolved by the calling application. For example, an EDAMUserException is thrown when an API call is made with an expired authentication token. To determine the exact cause of the error, see the errorCode and parameter fields of the exception.

EDAMSystemException is thrown when the error was caused by an internal Evernote web service error. Such exceptions cannot be resolved by the calling application. To determine the exact cause of the error, see the errorCode and parameter fields of the exception.

EDAMNotFoundException is thrown when an API call refers to an object that does not exist. For example, an EDAMNotFoundException is thrown when NoteStore.getNote is called with a GUID for a note that doesn’t exist in the user’s account.


Your application should never automatically retry a failed Cloud API call when an EDAMUserException or EDAMNotFoundException is thrown. These errors will not resolve themselves.

EDAMSystemExceptions may resolve themselves if you retry your API call, but you should wait a suitable amount of time between attempts (e.g. 15 minutes).

Common error cases

When using the Cloud API, you should ensure that you correctly handle the following error conditions:

Authentication failed

When making NoteStore calls, authentication fails for several reasons. In this case, an EDAMUserException will be thrown with an error code and parameter that indicates the reason for the failure. You should check for and handle the following error codes:

  • AUTH_EXPIRED — The authentication token has expired. You will need to reauthenticate and obtain a new authentication token before making further NoteStore calls.
  • PERMISSION_DENIED — The authentication token doesn’t contain have sufficient permissions for the API call being made. Your application will not be able to perform the requested operation unless you contact our developer support team to extend your API key’s permissions.
Quota exceeded

The Evernote web service limits the amount of data that each user can upload to their account every month. Calls to NoteStore.createNote and NoteStore.updateNote can fail if the user does not have sufficient quota remaining to perform the requested operation. In this case, an EDAMUserException will be thrown with the error code QUOTA_REACHED.

When your application hits the user’s quota, it should inform the user that they have reached their monthly quota and cannot create or update the requested note.

You can determine the user’s service level, total monthly upload quota, remaining quota, and quota rollover date through the Cloud API:




  • Operating System version: Android
  • Browser version: Chrome 80.0.3987
  • Firebase SDK version: 7.12.0
  • Firebase Product: auth, firestore — possibly all of firebase

I occasionally see this error, in production, in small quantities: The project's quota for this operation has been exceeded.. It looks like it’s Firebase, smells like it’s firebase, and matches this firebase error here:

My error report looks like this:

Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 9 45 37 AM

Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 9 45 43 AM

This error is not very clear. The error is an Error not a FirebaseError. The message doesn’t mention firebase, the firebase product or the quota in question. As such, it leaves me with minimal recourse to identify the issue and correct it.

It would be better if the error had additional information:

  1. Make it a FirebaseError
  2. Identify the product/api call that triggered the error
  3. Identify the quota that is in violation
thawatchai, johnozbay, kghoon, adrianjost, csicky, dawsbot, milo-, prakash-mega, jsilvao, gkadillak, and 12 more reacted with thumbs up emoji
rozhanroukhosh, CaliosD, and Scott-Tenera reacted with eyes emoji


changed the title
quota exceeded error is could be more descriptive

quota exceeded error could be more descriptive

Mar 29, 2020


We started getting this error recently as well. I have checked all of our Google Quota’s and could not find one that was exceeded. Would be great if we could get details as to which quota is being exceeded.


This looks like an error from the backend related to phone auth to me. Can you verify what type of auth you are trying to do so that we can make this a better experience? In truth we are already doing something that should help with displaying this better.

// Phone Auth related errors.


@scottcrossen I’ve only seen it from production, so it’s unclear. We only use anonymous and email auth though, so it has to be one of those two.


@schmidt-sebastian we use custom auth. Not sure it is related to email, etc. In addition, the error is being reported way after login for us, as we are updating firestore records.


To give you another data point: I’m using custom auth and seeing this issue with less than 50 total users who very infrequently sign in.


This seems like a bug, not a feature request. Tracking internally in b/159061125


Some of my users are also getting this error. Angular 9 app (@angular/fire@5.4.2, firebase@7.15.1). Email/Password provider only. No FCM messaging.

400 error —
code: auth/quota-exceeded
message: this project’s quota…

Update: In my case it was related to the firebase db listener triggering refresh tokens on every call.


I also have this issue (or related) that I tracked with Sentry.

Per the message, it seems it’s related to analytics.
Screenshot 2020-07-06 at 12 40 17

The real quota problem aside, it is a big issue for us that this throws an error.
This just flies into the face of our users. (they get a crash report due to unhandled error)

  • Couldn’t this be just a warning in the console?

  • How should we handle this error?
    The code is simply

// bootstrap somewhere
const analytics =

// in other places
logEvent('sign_up', {method: ''})

Should we wrap all logEvent in a try catch ?


Hi @AoDev — this issue relates to the Auth Quota exceeded errors not being descriptive enough — if you could file a separate issue around the analytics quota messages, the team can prioritize/route that bug accordingly!


@MeghaB I can but the issue title is not about auth in particular, and the OP did fill "Firebase Product: auth, firestore - possibly all of firebase" in the template so I suggest these to be updated.


Some of my users are also getting this error. Angular 9 app (@angular/fire@5.4.2, firebase@7.15.1). Email/Password provider only. No FCM messaging.

400 error —
code: auth/quota-exceeded
message: this project’s quota…

Update: In my case it was related to the firebase db listener triggering refresh tokens on every call.

How did you fix this? I’m having the exact same issue atm for a few users.


How did you fix this? I’m having the exact same issue atm for a few users.

There’s been no fix. It happens seemingly randomly and does not provide enough information to actually debug it or create a full bug report. It seems to be thrown asynchronously within the Firebase SDK since I’ve been unable to actually catch it in any of my calls to the Firebase SDK.


Hi, pinging here because we are hitting the exact wall and it’s throwing errors to our users. I’m unsure what version caused this but it started after we upgraded to 7.x

Reports are exactly what I’m seeing in the Sentry logs above.

Is there something we can do in the immediate? We’re getting customer complaints and have very little insight to the problem itself.


Same here, still couldn’t figure out what’s wrong.


I have same issue… our client complaint because image doesnt load and we dont know how to solve it…


I also have this issue (or related) that I tracked with Sentry.

Per the message, it seems it’s related to analytics.
Screenshot 2020-07-06 at 12 40 17

I just want to be clear, if anyone is referring to this message (screenshotted here), it is not the same as the one in the original post and seems to be unrelated. The one in this screenshot right here happens with Analytics, and seems to be thrown by a browser’s native LocalStorage API, not a Firebase server.

There as an issue for it here: #3398



+1, are there any updates/workarounds to this issue? Some of our users are also getting these errors.


Hi folks,

Unfortunately still no updates to this issue. The team is currently working on rewriting the full auth SDK. Going back to the original issue: in this new version all errors will be instances of FirebaseError and will be tagged with Auth, which will hopefully aid in debugging.


@samhorlbeck do you know which Firebase version won’t show this issue? We rely on the later version for other dependencies.

Or if you know of any workarounds any insight would be amazing.



Update: Not totally related to the error message itself, but it was a matter of making sure the client (in this case, 1 user) had their clock synced up to latest.

Looks like their IT department didn’t push updates after DST ended.

Regardless, would love to see improved error messages!


Thanks, @patrickk where does a user update their clock to the latest time? Is that done at the computer or some kind of network level?


Thanks, @patrickk where does a user update their clock to the latest time? Is that done at the computer or some kind of network level?

Yes for us, it was a user on a windows machine where they didn’t have enough privileges to sync their clock. They went into their machine’s settings -> clock -> sync time. Ended up having their IT team sync it for the user since their sync button was disabled.

So yes long story short at the computer level since it was only on that single user.


Uncaught Error in snapshot listener: FirebaseError: Quota exceeded
this is the error am getting on my firebase app
the daily reads limit is about 50,000 and I only use 700 reads all am getting now is this error message


@AyoAyomide that sounds like a Firestore or RTDB quota issue (this thread’s issue is about a quota error message in Auth). Regardless, please consider reaching out to Firebase Support so that they can take a look at the details.


i am facing the same problem. randomly i get this issue while trying to refresh the user tokenid


Hi everyone, for those of you seeing this issue related to clock time, please update your SDK version to 8.2.1 or later. (See this issue: #3222 for more info). If you’re unsure what’s causing Auth quota errors, it may be worth updating just to see if it fixes the issue for you.


Uncaught Error in snapshot listener: FirebaseError: Quota exceeded
this is the error am getting on my firebase app
the daily reads limit is about 50,000 and I only use 700 reads all am getting now is this error message

After weeks of debugging, I discover cloudfirestore reads counter is not actually counting all the reads to see all your read use google cloud console you will see your quota details
For the Quota exceeded error this is because you already exceed your daily 50k read
— hint about what might cause this —
We store each userID as a document on firestore
when we open the firebase site and navigate to firestore it loads all users document this count as a read
(we got a lot of users this allow us to exceed the 50k read very fast)
Our mobile app dev also used set state (flutter) inside the set state they called a document on firestore this caused an infinite loop that results in quota exceed

A quick workaround was to upgrade to blaze plan, then we debug our code line-by-line to figure this error out


Just saw this error with a user today. Email Auth. Looking on Google Cloud Platform Metrics Explorer I can’t find any Quota Exceeded Errors. On blaze plan.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36

Screen Shot 2021-06-29 at 8 43 32 PM


I also have this issue (or related) that I tracked with Sentry.
Per the message, it seems it’s related to analytics.
Screenshot 2020-07-06 at 12 40 17

I just want to be clear, if anyone is referring to this message (screenshotted here), it is not the same as the one in the original post and seems to be unrelated. The one in this screenshot right here happens with Analytics, and seems to be thrown by a browser’s native LocalStorage API, not a Firebase server.

There as an issue for it here: #3398

@hsubox76 @josh-m-sharpe @sam-gc (guessing who to tag based on contributor status/etc) Would it be possible to get the title updated to more specifically relate to what this issue is about, and maybe also to edit the original post to direct users to the ‘correct issue’ if their error relates to firebase analytics/etc. Might save some of the unrelated ‘me too’ noise here + more quickly direct people to the right place.

(Personally I stumbled across this issue when searching on google for what seems to be the same analytics/performance type error due to localStorage (also the same as #2522 seemingly), this issue ranked really high on the results, and the title is sort of ambiguous about it; you need to read through all of the comments to find out that this issue relates to a specific nuanced ‘version’ of this error.)

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what do you do if your document says error fetching auto tokens from server quota exceeded

  • Xcode Sanitizers and Runtime Issues

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Если вы получили письмо от Mailer-Daemon с темой «Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender», значит отправленное письмо не было доставлено до одного или нескольких получателей. Причина, по которой исходное письмо не доставлено, указана в конце уведомления на английском языке. Наиболее распространенные причины указаны ниже.

Неправильный адрес получателя

Сообщение об ошибке содержит строчки:
User not found
User unknown
No such user here
Unrouteable address
Invalid mailbox
Mailbox unavailable

Такая ошибка может означать, что вы пытаетесь отправить письмо на несуществующий адрес. Уточните адрес получателя и попробуйте снова.

Пример сообщения об ошибке:
<>: host[] said: 550 5.1.1
<>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local
recipient table (in reply to RCPT TO command)

В почтовом ящике адресата нет свободного места

Сообщение об ошибке содержит строчки:
account is full
Quota exceeded
User has exhausted allowed storage space
error writing message: Disk quota exceeded

Размер письма больше, чем ограничение на сервере получателя

На сервере получателя установлено ограничение на максимальный размер письма. Если вы отправляете несколько файлов, попробуйте их отправить в нескольких разных письмах.

message size 7520647 exceeds size limit 6000000 of server[]

Это значит, что было отправлено письмо размером 7,5 мегабайт, а сервер получателя принимает письма размером не более 6 мегабайт.

Сервер получателя не принимает почту

Сообщение об ошибке содержит строчку:
Operation timed out

Сервер получателя не работает. Возможно, вы ошиблись в адресе получателя и письмо отправлялось не на тот сервер. Если адрес был указан правильно, то попробуйте связаться с адресатом, используя другой адрес.

<>: connect to[]: Operation timed out

Email errors can be a nuisance, especially when you have to send an urgent mail. Mail delivery issues form a major category of errors reported by server owners.

As part of our Outsourced Tech Support for web hosting providers, we resolve such errors all day long.

One such error is ‘552 5.2.2 user quota exceeded’. Today, we’ll see what causes this error and how we fix it.

4 reasons for “552 5.2.2 user quota exceeded” error

Error 552 usually shows up in the bounce mail that the sender receives while attempting to send mail to a recipient mail account.

SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<>:
552-5.2.2 The email account that you tried to reach is over quota.

The error message indicates that the quota of the recipient account is full and mail could not be delivered to that account.

Every email account has a fixed data storage space allotted to it, referred to as the ‘quota’. This quota limit is set when an email account is created.

Set mail account quota

If you are the recipient and senders complain that they get 552 error when sending mails to you, it means your mail account quota is full. This leads to mail delivery failure.

“552 5.2.2 user quota exceeded” happens due to these 4 major reasons:

1. Email attachments

If an email account receives a lot of emails with large attachments, it can eventually fill up the email account of a user. This can lead to email delivery failures.

2. Trash folders

Many email clients have a setting that the deleted mails will remain in the Trash folder until they are purge deleted. This results in the Trash folder getting filled up.

Trash folder also adds on to the quota of an email account. But many users overlook this aspect, causing trash to get piled up and quota to exceed.

3. Email forwarders

Some users set up one or more email forwarders from their email accounts. If any of those forwarded email accounts exceed their quota, mails can get bounced from those accounts.

4. Mail server restrictions

Every mail server has certain restrictions on the mail delivery settings. This is to avoid a single user or spammer from abusing the server resources.

The restrictions include limit on mail account size, mail attachment size, message content size, etc. If any of these limits exceed in a mail that is sent, it leads to 552 error.

How to fix “552 5.2.2 user quota exceeded” error

When a mail account is facing issues receiving mails due to 552 error, we follow a step by step approach to fix it.

  1. We first review the email quota and see if it has exceeded.
  2. Disk usage of the email sub-folders are examined and problem folder is identified.
  3. Trash folder and emails with huge attachments are deleted to clear space.
  4. Email client is configured so as not to store mails in server, unless necessary.
  5. In certain cases, the quota of the email account is increased for email delivery to succeed.


Mails that are bounced with “552 5.2.2 user quota exceeded” error have to be resent to the recipient after the quota issue is fixed. Today, we have discussed the causes and fixes for 552 email error due to quota issues.


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