Error from chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch

In this post, we will see - How To Fix - "ENOSPC: System Limit for Number of File Watchers Reached" occured while developing applications in

In this post, we will see – How To Fix – “ENOSPC: System Limit for Number of File Watchers Reached”. This error can occur while developing applications in React Native, Node.js, AngularJS etc.

Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached, watch -------
tail: cannot watch '/var/log/messages': No space left on device"

First thing first – ENOSPC -> Denotes that means that there is not sufficient space on the drive (or Temp folder also) to save files or for watchman to watch for all file changes that are happening. This error mostly happens in the Developer Workspaces when watching files (through grunt / gulp).

if( aicp_can_see_ads() ) {


Try the below fixes and see how it goes.

Do the Primitive checks first.

Primitive Checks :

  • Check what is the max no of user_watches being set currently
cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches
  • Check what is the max no. of inotify instances which correspond to the no. of allowed Watch Services instances.
$ cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_instances
  • If you want to be more exclusive and check who is using up the inotify watches, use below. The first column will show the no. of inotify fds (NOT the number of watches) and the second no. shows the PID of that process.
find /proc/*/fd -lname anon_inode:inotify |
cut -d/ -f3 |
xargs -I '{}' -- ps --no-headers -o '%p %U %c' -p '{}' |
uniq -c |
sort -nr
  • Try the npm cache clearance
    npm cache clear 
    npm cache verify

if( aicp_can_see_ads() ) {


Once the above checks are completed , you can use the below fixes to apply.

Solution :

One option is to change or increase the existing Native Watch Limit i.e. how many files a process can watch. Note that npm or a process controlled by npm keeps watching so many files.

We can take help of the Linux inotify package which is used to monitor directories, individual files or filesystem events.

We can update the max_user_watches to fix it.

The max value is 524288 and if used max, that means you will be using approx 256MB/512MB of 32-bit/64-bit kernel memory.

Each inotify watch uses 540 bytes of kernel memory on 32-bit architectures, and 1080 bytes on 64-bit architectures and Kernel memory is unswappable. Hence there is obviously a memory cost.

if( aicp_can_see_ads() ) {


  • Put the new max_user_watches value in the config <NEW_COUNT>. The “sysctl -w” will write this kernel parameter values to the corresponding keys under /proc/sys. This option will retain this value till next Reboot. Hence after making the changes, Test if the error is gone or not.
sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_watches=<NEW_COUNT>
  • If error is gone, then you can make this <NEW_COUNT> value permanent by adding to /etc/sysctl.conf (or a file under /etc/sysctl.d usually /etc/sysctl.d/local.conf). This means add “fs.inotify.max_user_watches=<NEW_COUNT>”.
    • Debian/RedHat system – Add to /etc/sysctl.conf file.
    • Arch Linux – Add a new file into /etc/sysctl.d/ e.g. /etc/sysctl.d/40-max-user-watches.conf
$ sudo echo "fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
  • Reload systemd settings to activate the new settings. To reload systemd settings, either reboot the machine or run the following command:
$ sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

You can also try the additional things if the issue is not resolved till this point.

if( aicp_can_see_ads() ) {


Additional 1 :

Additionally, you can also modify the below settings –

  • Increase the max. no. of inotify instances. This corresponds to the no. of allowed Watch Services instances.
    • Retrieve the current value.
      $ cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_instances
    • Generally the default value is 128. This means only 128 watches can be created. To increase the no. permanently, add the configuration to /etc/sysctl.conf:
       $ sudo echo "fs.inotify.max_user_instances=1024" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
  • Reload systemd settings to activate the new settings.
    $ sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

Additional 2:

  • Increase the open file limit.
    • Retrieve the current value
$ cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
  • To permanently increase the open file limit , add the configuration to /etc/sysctl.conf:
$ sudo echo "fs.file-max=2097152" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
  • Reload systemd settings to activate the new settings.
$ sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

if( aicp_can_see_ads() ) {


Hope this post helps to solve the error.

Other Reads –

  • GCP Google Cloud CLI – gcloud commands

  • Jupyter NoteBook Tutorial , Shortcut and Command Cheatsheet

  • Dataframe Operation Examples in PySpark

  • How To Enable – Idempotent Producer in Kafka ?

  • Fix Kafka Error – “Memory Allocation Error”

  • How to Send Large Messages in Kafka ?

  • How To Enable Kerberos in Cloudera Hadoop Cluster ? 

  • GCP Google Cloud CLI – gcloud commands

  • Difference Between Spark Cluster & Client Deployment Modes

  • How To Save & Reload a Python Machine Learning Model using Pickle ?

  • How To Fix Python Error – UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode character’

  • How to Handle Bad or Corrupt records in Apache Spark ?

  • How to Handle Errors and Exceptions in Python ?

  • List of Kafka Commands Cheatsheet

  • How To Mask – Confidential Info in Kafka Connect Logs ?

  • How To Create A Kerberos Keytab File ?

  • How To Enable Kerberos in Cloudera Hadoop Cluster ?

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file watchers reached vscode ,system limit for number of file watchers reached vuejs ,system limit for number of file watchers reached watch vue ,system limit for number of file watchers reached react error ,system limit for number of file watchers reached cypress ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular 9 ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular 8 ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch '/app/public' ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached github actions ,create react app enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached reactjs ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached , , ,system limit for number of file watchers reached ubuntu ,system limit for number of file watchers reached ng serve ,system limit for number of file watchers reached angular ,system limit for number of file watchers reached linux ,create-react-app system limit for number of file watchers reached, watch ,system limit for number of file watchers reached gitlab ,[nodemon] internal watch failed: enospc: system limit for number of file watchers reached ,error from chokidar enospc , , , ,ENOSPC: System Limit for Number of File Watchers Reached ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached react native ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached chokidar ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached docker ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached cypress ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vue ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch angular , ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached chokidar ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch chokidar ,vs code error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,angular cli error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vue error from chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,debian enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vuejs ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vscode ,fedora error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,frappe error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,internal watch failed enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,error from chokidar enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,error from chokidar enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,error from chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular ,ng error from chokidar error enospc system limit 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limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,kubernetes error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,karma error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached linux ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached linux ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch linux ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached node_modules ,manjaro error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached npm ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached nuxt ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached nodemon ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ng serve ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached node ,ng serve enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,or enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ubuntu ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached react ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached redhat ,unhandled rejection enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached stackoverflow ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch 'src' ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch '.' ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vscode ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vuejs ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch vue ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch angular ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch vue ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached yarn ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch yarn ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular ,angular error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached react native ,angular cli error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,angular enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,angular error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,angular error from chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,chokidar enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,
chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,create react app enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,cypress error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,cypress error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,debian enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,docker error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,docker error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached chokidar ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached cypress ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached docker ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached jenkins ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached linux ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached nodemon ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached npm ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached nuxt ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached react ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached react js ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached react native ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached reactjs ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ubuntu ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vscode ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vue ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vuejs ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached w ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch '/app/public' ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch 'cypress/integration' ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch angular ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch linux ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch vue ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached xampp ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached xiaomi ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached xml ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached xp ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached xs ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached yarn ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached zero ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached zone ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached zoom ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular 8 ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular 9 ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached chokidar ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached cypress ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached docker ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached github actions ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached gitlab ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached in angular ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached in react ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ionic ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached linux ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ng serve ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached node ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached node_modules ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached react js ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached redhat ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached stackoverflow ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vscode ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vue ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vue js ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vuejs ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch '.' ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch '/home/ ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch 'src' ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch angular ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch chokidar ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch vue ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch vuejs ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch yarn ,error from chokidar enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,error from chokidar enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,error from chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,error from chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular ,error from chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,fedora error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,frappe error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,gatsby error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,github actions error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,gulp error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,internal watch failed enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,ionic error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,ionic error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,jenkins error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,jenkins error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,jest error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,karma error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,kubernetes error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,linux enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,linux enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,linux error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,manjaro error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,ng error from chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,ng serve enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,ng serve error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,node enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,nodemon enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,npm start error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,number of file watchers reached ,nuxt enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,nuxt enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,or enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,pm2 error error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,react js error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,storybook error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,unhandled rejection enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,unhandledpromiserejectionwarning error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vs code error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vscode enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vscode error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vue cli error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vue error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vue error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,vue error from chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vuejs enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,watcher error error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,watchpack error (watcher) error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,webpack error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,yarn enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,yarn error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,angular enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,angular error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,angular error from chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,angular error from chokidar system limit for number of file watchers reached ,angular system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,centos system limit for number of file watchers reached ,chokidar enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,chokidar system limit for number of file watchers reached ,create react app system limit for number of file watchers reached ,cypress system limit for number of file watchers reached ,cypress system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,debian enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,debian system limit for number of file watchers reached ,docker error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,docker system limit for number of file watchers reached ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached chokidar ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached cypress ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached docker ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached jenkins ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached linux ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached nodemon ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vscode ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vue ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vuejs ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch '/app/public' ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch 'cypress/integration' ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch angular ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch linux ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch vue ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached yarn ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular ,
error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular 8 ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular 9 ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached docker ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached github actions ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached gitlab ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached in angular ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ionic ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached linux ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ng serve ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached node ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached node_modules ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached react js ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached redhat ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vscode ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vue js ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch '/home/ ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch angular ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch chokidar ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch vue ,error from chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,error from chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,error from chokidar system limit for number of file watchers reached ,error from chokidar system limit for number of file watchers reached angular ,error from chokidar system limit for number of file watchers reached vue ,fedora error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,frappe error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,gatsby system limit for number of file watchers reached ,github actions error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,gitlab system limit for number of file watchers reached ,gulp system limit for number of file watchers reached ,gulp watch system limit for number of file watchers reached ,intellij system limit for number of file watchers reached ,internal watch failed enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,ionic error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,ionic error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,ionic system limit for number of file watchers reached ,jenkins error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,jest error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,jest system limit for number of file watchers reached ,karma error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,kibana system limit for number of file watchers reached ,kubernetes error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,linux enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,linux enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,linux error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,linux system limit for number of file watchers reached ,manjaro error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,manjaro system limit for number of file watchers reached ,ng error from chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,ng serve enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,ng serve error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,node enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,nodemon system limit for number of file watchers reached ,npm run dev system limit for number of file watchers reached ,npm run test system limit for number of file watchers reached ,npm run watch system limit for number of file watchers reached ,npm system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,number of file watchers reached ,nuxt system limit for number of file watchers reached ,nuxt system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,pm2 error error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,pm2 system limit for number of file watchers reached ,quasar system limit for number of file watchers reached ,react js error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,react-scripts system limit for number of file watchers reached ,superset system limit for number of file watchers reached ,system limit for file watchers reached ,system limit for number of file watchers ,system limit for number of file watchers reached ,system limit for number of file watchers reached angular ,system limit for number of file watchers reached angular 9 ,system limit for number of file watchers reached angular ubuntu ,system limit for number of file watchers reached aws ,system limit for number of file watchers reached by ,system limit for number of file watchers reached centos ,system limit for number of file watchers reached chokidar ,system limit for number of file watchers reached chokidar angular ,system limit for number of file watchers reached container ,system limit for number of file watchers reached create react app ,system limit for number of file watchers reached cypress ,system limit for number of file watchers reached docker ,system limit for number of file watchers reached ember ,system limit for number of file watchers reached expo ,system limit for number of file watchers reached fedora ,system limit for number of file watchers reached gatsby ,system limit for number of file watchers reached in angular ,system limit for number of file watchers reached in react ,system limit for number of file watchers reached jest ,system limit for number of file watchers reached linux ,system limit for number of file watchers reached manjaro ,system limit for number of file watchers reached ng serve ,system limit for number of file watchers reached node js ,system limit for number of file watchers reached npm ,system limit for number of file watchers reached nuxt ,system limit for number of file watchers reached pm2 ,system limit for number of file watchers reached react ,system limit for number of file watchers reached react error ,system limit for number of file watchers reached reactjs ,system limit for number of file watchers reached storybook ,system limit for number of file watchers reached ubuntu ,system limit for number of file watchers reached ubuntu 18.04 ,system limit for number of file watchers reached vs code ,system limit for number of file watchers reached vscode ,system limit for number of file watchers reached vue ,system limit for number of file watchers reached vuejs ,system limit for number of file watchers reached wa ,system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,system limit for number of file watchers reached watch 'cypress/integration' ,system limit for number of file watchers reached watch angular ,system limit for number of file watchers reached watch cypress ,system limit for number of file watchers reached watch docker ,system limit for number of file watchers reached watch npm ,system limit for number of file watchers reached watch react ,system limit for number of file watchers reached watch vue ,system limit for number of file watchers reached windows ,system limit for number of file watchers reached xamarin ,system limit for number of file watchers reached xamarin forms ,system limit for number of file watchers reached xampp ,system limit for number of file watchers reached xhr ,system limit for number of file watchers reached xpath ,system limit for number of file watchers reached yarn ,system limit for number of watchers reached ,system limit number of file watchers reached ,system limit of number of file watchers reached ,ubuntu system limit for number of file watchers reached ,unhandled rejection enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,unhandledpromiserejectionwarning error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,visual studio code system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vote system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vs code error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vs code system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vscode enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vscode error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vscode system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vue error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vue error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,vue error from chokidar error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vue system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vue system limit for number of file watchers reached watch ,vuejs enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,warning enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,watcher error error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,watchpack error (watcher) error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,webpack dev server system limit for number of file watchers reached ,webpack error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,webpack system limit for number of file watchers reached ,yarn enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,yarn system limit for number of file watchers reached ,android enospc ,angular error from chokidar enospc ,benefits of btrfs ,binder enospc ,bitbake enospc ,btrfs enospc ,btrfs enospc errors during balance ,btrfs enospc_debug ,btrfs examples ,btrfs sector size ,chokidar enospc ,cypress enospc ,discord error enospc ,docker enospc ,dpdk enospc ,enospc ,enospc android ,enospc angular ,enospc btrfs ,enospc c ,enospc camera couldn't be enabled ,enospc chokidar ,enospc component ,enospc define ,enospc docker ,enospc dpdk ,enospc enomem ,enospc errno ,enospc error ,enospc error angular ,enospc error in react ,enospc error raspberry pi ,enospc error react ,enospc error rpi ,enospc errors during balance ,enospc failed ,enospc file system full ,enospc file watchers ,enospc gitlab ,enospc hyderabad ,enospc issue ,enospc jenkins ,enospc linux ,enospc linux errno ,enospc linux kernel ,enospc mac ,enospc meaning ,enospc no space left on device ,enospc node js ,enospc nodejs ,enospc nodemon ,enospc on laying out file stopping ,enospc problem ,enospc python ,enospc raspberry pi camera ,enospc raspistill ,enospc react ,enospc react error ,enospc system limit ,enospc system limit for number ,enospc system limit for number of file ,enospc ubuntu ,enospc value ,enospc vue ,enospc watch ,enospc watch error ,enospc watchers ,enospc windows ,enospc zerodha ,enospc zimbra ,enospc zoho ,enospc zoominfo ,enospc_debug ,enospc_debug btrfs ,errno enospc ,errno=no space left on device (enospc) ,error enospc localstorage is full ,error enospc system limit for number ,error from chokidar enospc ,error watch /home/frappe/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/public/less/variables.less enospc ,error watch enospc react ,error watch enospc ubuntu ,error watch src enospc ,failed to enable component enospc ,fio enospc ,gatsby enospc ,gitlab enospc ,golang enospc ,grunt watch enospc ,gulp error watch enospc ,inet_ntop enospc ,inode enospc ,inotify enospc ,inotify limit reached (enospc) ,inotify_add_watch enospc ,internal watch failed enospc , write failed enospc ,javascript enospc ,js enospc error ,lambda enospc ,linux enospc ,linux write enospc ,mac os en pc ,man enospc ,mmal enospc ,mmal error 2 enospc ,mmal error enospc ,mmap enospc ,mq_open enospc ,msgget enospc ,node js enospc ,node red enospc ,nodemon internal watch failed enospc ,npm err code enospc ,npm install enospc ,npm test enospc ,npm warn tar enospc ,oserr enospc (28) ,pci_alloc_irq_vectors enospc ,pi camera enospc error ,picamera enospc ,postgresql enospc ,public enospc ,python enospc ,qnx enospc ,rabbitmq enospc ,raspberry enospc ,raspberry pi camera enospc ,raspi enospc ,raspistill failed to enable component enospc ,react enospc ,react error enospc ,rpi enospc error ,semget enospc ,semget errno=enospc ,shmget enospc ,space left on device (enospc) ,syscall 'watch' code 'enospc' ,ubuntu enospc ,unix enospc ,visual studio code enospc ,visual studio code error enospc ,vlc mmal error 2 enospc ,vm_paused_enospc ,vs code enospc ,vscode enospc ,vscode error enospc ,vue enospc ,warning watch enospc ,watch enospc ,watchpack error (watcher) error enospc ,webpack enospc ,write enospc ,yarn enospc ,ENOSPC ,enospc system limit ,enospc error react ,enospc error angular ,enospc raspberry pi camera ,enospc errno ,enospc docker ,enospc errors during balance ,enospc angular ,enospc android ,enospc btrfs ,btrfs enospc errors during balance ,bitbake enospc ,btrfs enospc_debug ,enospc camera couldn't be enabled ,binder enospc ,enospc chokidar ,cypress enospc ,pi camera enospc error ,enospc component ,vs code enospc ,enospc define ,enospc_debug ,enospc dpdk ,enospc_debug btrfs ,enospc error ,enospc error raspberry pi ,enospc enomem ,enospc error rpi ,enospc file watchers ,enospc file system full ,enospc failed ,fio enospc ,enospc system limit for number of file ,enospc gitlab ,golang enospc ,gatsby enospc ,enospc ubuntu ,enospc issue ,inotify enospc ,inode enospc ,enospc error in react ,npm install enospc ,enospc jenkins ,enospc node js ,javascript enospc ,js enospc error ,enospc linux kernel ,enospc linux ,enospc linux errno ,lambda enospc ,enospc system limit for number ,enospc meaning ,enospc mac ,mmal enospc ,mac os en pc ,msgget enospc ,mmap enospc ,man enospc ,enospc no space left on device ,enospc nodejs ,enospc nodemon ,enospc on laying out file stopping ,oserr enospc (28) ,mq_open enospc ,enospc python ,enospc problem ,picamera enospc ,public enospc ,vm_paused_enospc ,postgresql enospc ,qnx enospc ,enospc react ,enospc react error ,enospc raspistill ,rabbitmq enospc ,rpi enospc error ,error watch enospc react ,raspberry enospc ,npm test enospc ,unix enospc ,error watch enospc ubuntu ,enospc value ,enospc vue ,vscode enospc ,enospc windows ,enospc watch error ,enospc watch ,enospc watchers ,write enospc ,warning watch enospc ,linux write enospc ,yarn enospc ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached chokidar ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached docker ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached cypress ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vue ,enospc system limit for number of file watcher ,error enospc system limit for number angular ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached reactjs ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ubuntu ,chokidar enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,cypress enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,error from chokidar enospc system limit for number of file watchers ,docker enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,debian enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached angular ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vscode ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vuejs ,error enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached docker ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached react native ,internal watch failed enospc system limit for number ,jest enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached react ,linux enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch angular ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached vscode ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached nodemon ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached linux ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached watch vue ,ubuntu enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vue enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vscode enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,vuejs enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached npm ,yarn enospc system limit for number of file watchers reached ,react native error enospc ,

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ENOSPC — я так полагаю это недостаток свободного пространства на диске.

Места свободного достаточно, но приложение прекратило запускаться (раньше работало). Помогает перезагрузка компьютера, но я не могу его перезапускать каждые полчаса!

Как это исправить?

  • Вопрос задан

    более трёх лет назад

  • 1594 просмотра

Пригласить эксперта

На случай, если кто-то будет искать решение по аналогичной проблеме.

npm отказывался запускаться (после установки create-react-app), выдавая ошибку:

Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached, watch ‘/home/user/reai-comp/public’

Чистка кэша не помогала. У некоторых помогает перезагрузка, но не в моём случае.
Решила проблему единственная команда:

echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p

  • Показать ещё

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09 февр. 2023, в 15:55

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Минуточку внимания

Describe the bug

npm start ends with a cryptic error due to exceeding the amount of files the system can watch:

Starting the development server...

      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached, watch '/home/u/work/some-repo/public'
    at FSWatcher.start (internal/fs/watchers.js:165:26)
    at (fs.js:1274:11)
    at createFsWatchInstance (/home/u/work/some-repo/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js:37:15)
    at setFsWatchListener (/home/u/work/some-repo/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js:80:15)
    at FSWatcher.NodeFsHandler._watchWithNodeFs (/home/u/work/some-repo/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js:232:14)
    at FSWatcher.NodeFsHandler._handleDir (/home/u/work/some-repo/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js:422:19)
    at FSWatcher.<anonymous> (/home/u/work/some-repo/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js:470:19)
    at FSWatcher.<anonymous> (/home/u/work/some-repo/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js:475:16)
    at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (fs.js:159:5)
Emitted 'error' event at:
    at FSWatcher._handleError (/home/u/work/some-repo/node_modules/chokidar/index.js:260:10)
    at createFsWatchInstance (/home/u/work/some-repo/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js:39:5)
    at setFsWatchListener (/home/u/work/some-repo/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js:80:15)
    [... lines matching original stack trace ...]
    at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (fs.js:159:5)
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! some-repo@0.1.0 start: `react-scripts start`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the some-repo@0.1.0 start script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/u/.npm/_logs/2019-08-30T09_50_59_595Z-debug.log

Did you try recovering your dependencies?


Which terms did you search for in User Guide?

exclude blacklist folders directories watch watched


    OS: Linux 5.1 Manjaro Linux undefined
    CPU: (16) x64 AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor
    Node: 11.15.0 - /usr/bin/node
    Yarn: Not Found
    npm: 6.10.3 - /usr/bin/npm
    Chrome: Not Found
    Firefox: 68.0.1
    react: ^16.8.1 => 16.8.1 
    react-dom: ^16.8.1 => 16.8.1 
    react-scripts: 2.1.3 => 2.1.3 
    create-react-app: Not Found

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a new app with create-react-app
  2. Add dependencies so that the total amount of files in the project (including node_modules) is larger than the file watch limit (cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches)

My project doesn’t even have many dependencies. Mostly added with npm i apollo-boost graphql react-apollo -S. And it already created three times as many files as the maximum currently allowed by the system to watch. I would expect this problem to be quite common on some systems.

Expected behavior

I am aware of the solutions provided in #2549 and #6068.

Asking users to increase the limit only pushes the problem further without resolving it. And in my opinion is a workaround for a bad design. It also provides a less than ideal user experience and unnecessarily raises the bar for newbie developers.

The npm start script should either:

  1. Not watch all files in the project by default, only project files.

The script can then ask the user to restart the app after updating dependencies and show info to how to enable watching node_modules if they want to recompile automatically after updating dependencies. From my experience it’s better to restart the application after dependencies have been updated rather than rely on watch due to problems with watching and compiling source files in linked npm modules (if used of course).

  1. Watch all files but detect when the amount is beyond system limits.

The script can show a warning to the user telling them there is a problem and how to resolve it, then fall back to not watching node_modules until it’s resolved. Detecting how many files is in the project is quite quick:

# time find . | wc -l

real    0m0.082s
user    0m0.021s
sys     0m0.064s
  1. Watch all files but there should be another script similar to start that skips watching node_modules.

Providing such a script, say quick-start, could also serve as a quick example how to exclude certain folders from the watcher should the user opt to do that.

In any case the scripts documentation and/or troubleshooting and/or Advanced Configuration guide should mention that the start script will attempt to automatically watch all files in the project, including node_modules. Then it should be documented how to enable or disable (depending on what’s the default behaviour) watching specific folders, including how to enable or disable watching node_modules.

Actual behavior

Application doesn’t start. Only a cryptic error is shown to the user. For less advanced users it’s not possible to figure out what the problem might be without searching the internet and learning all the theory about inotify, kqueue (FreeBSD or Mac) and system limits. They may try various snippets of code available on Stack Overflow or other resources to increase the system limit, which may or may not work due to differences between systems.

Cover image for Resolved !  Error- ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached.

Manvendra Rajpoot


Well well this took me considerable time to resolve this error.

Some Errors are like that you got to dig in for much longer than you would like to. This was one of these for me. I’m sharing my solution here to make it a bit easier for other developers.

When I was trying to run npm/yarn commands which are supposed to watch file changes (e.g. CSS/SCSS or JavaScript files) then it shows Unhandled error problem affects Library React. The related dev- and prod-commands work fine. It’s only affecting watch-command and appears to be linked to a file-system incompatibility when watching file changes.

This problem seems to affect especially Linux users like myself. I can’t confirm this for sure as I run only Linux- distribution.

      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached, watch '/home/user_name/chat-app/public'
    at FSWatcher.<computed> (internal/fs/watchers.js:218:26)
    at (fs.js:1525:34)

Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode

The one of following methods may help you to get out of this error :

Method $1:

This happens when you have multiple react projects open. Try to close other projects and test again. This happens because your changes on the project are watched on the fly.

Method $2:

Sometimes when this error occurs I used to do npm/yarn install to update the dependencies and start working. But this may not be handy everytime. Better go with other options.

Method $3:

Visual Studio Code is unable to watch for file changes in this large workspace (error ENOSPC)

Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode

This this shows on notification bar of VS Code then refer the beautiful explanation and solution of this issue through VS Code Docs i.e. Solution to issue

Method $4:

Watch a video by Gaurav if you prefer watching video a lot.

Have a good day 😊 !!!

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In this post i want to share one issue that i fetch. When i started working on my react js project on my ubuntu, then get a error like system limit for number of file watchers reached thenafter i run bellow command:I run npm start command then get a error system limit for number of file watchers reached.

Is anyone learning ReactJS experiencing an error: “ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached“? I just experienced it. But don’t worry because there is a solution.

This error occurs when running the “npm start” command. Causes of ENOSPC errors: System limit for number of file watchers reached because the number of files monitored by the system has reached its limit.

Solution 1

If you want to get error once you are trying to execute npm start, it’s because of your `max_user_watches` was reached the maximum number. Simply you can increase the `max_user_watches` by running this command :

echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf

sudo sysctl -p

Now you can run npm start again.

npm start

Solution 2

The way is to modify the amount in the monitoring system file. Here’s how to modify max_user_watches on Ubuntu. (Ubuntu I use is Ubuntu version 18.04)

In this step you can open /etc/sysctl.conf file and make change max_use_watches value.

you can open /etc/sysctl.conf file through command then run bellow command:

nano /etc/sysctl.conf

open file thenafter add a line at the bottom:


Now Save file and Restart your PC.

Restart PC thenafter Check again whether it has been updated with the following command

sudo sysctl -p

Now you can run npm start again.

npm start

It will help you…


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  1. User limit of inotify watches reached on Ubuntu 16.04
  2. 3 Answers 3
  3. Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached angular
  4. 5 Answers 5
  5. Linked
  6. Related
  7. Hot Network Questions
  8. Subscribe to RSS
  9. How To Fix – Error “ENOSPC: System Limit for Number of File Watchers Reached” ?
  10. How To Fix – Error “ENOSPC: System Limit for Number of File Watchers Reached” ?
  11. Primitive Checks :
  12. Solution :
  13. Additional 1 :
  14. Node.js: what is ENOSPC error and how to solve?
  15. 17 Answers 17
  16. Nodemon Error: «System limit for number of file watchers reached»
  17. 11 Answers 11
  18. File webpack.config.js

User limit of inotify watches reached on Ubuntu 16.04

I just installed Ubuntu 16.04 and I get this warning when I start SmartGit:

Moreover I get this warning launching tail -f :

I never get this error with Ubuntu 14.04 and applications and files I’m using on the new Ubuntu are quite the same I was using in the previous version.

The only relevant differences are that I added an additional Hard Disk on the PC and I configured the Ubuntu’s backup tool. Can this problem be related with a second disk or with the backup tool?

3 Answers 3

The current default on Xenial is 8192 (see fs/notify/inotify/inotify_user.c in the kernel source), you can verify this by printing the file to stdout:

You can bump the number up, for example, doubling this to 16384, using:

bear in mind that inotify watches do consume memory, I think it’s around 160 bytes per watch on 64 bit systems.

To set this permanently, add an entry to /etc/sysctl.conf, for example:

..or manually edit /etc/sysctl.conf (you need root privileges to update it) and then run sudo sysctl -p

Above answers work great but it does not explain why which I was looking around to here my attempt for a complete answer —


Programs that sync files such as dropbox, git etc use inotify to notice changes to the file system. The limit can be see by —

For me, it shows 100000. When this limit is not enough to monitor all files inside a directory it throws this error.

Increasing the amount of inotify watchers(Short version):

If you are running Debian, RedHat, or another similar Linux distribution, run the following in a terminal:

If you are running ArchLinux, run the following command instead (see here for why):

Then paste it in your terminal and press on enter to run it.

Technical details:

Listen uses inotify by default on Linux to monitor directories for changes. It’s not uncommon to encounter a system limit on the number of files you can monitor. For example, Ubuntu Lucid’s (64bit) inotify limit is set to 8192.

You can get your current inotify file watch limit by executing:

When this limit is not enough to monitor all files inside a directory, the limit must be increased for Listen to work properly.

You can set a new limit temporary with:

If you like to make your limit permanent, use:

You may also need to pay attention to the values of max_queued_events and max_user_instances if Listen keeps on complaining.


Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached angular

I am getting this error while doing my Angular 10 project.

Error from chokidar (/myProject): Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached, watch ‘/myProject/tsconfig.spec.json’

Is there a method to resolve this error?

5 Answers 5

You’re running into a kernel limit with your inotify watchers. You can run this to fix it for the current boot,

You can run this to fix it for future boots,

I found this post and helped me to solve that problem. All you have to do is change the max_user_watches

I got this in vs code when doing ssh. I think the problem was that vs code was watching all the files in my node_modules folder. To solve this in vs code I went to:

File > Preferences > Settings, and then to the little paper icon at the top of the settings page. This takes you to the settings.json file vs code uses. Then I added this to the settings file and it solved the problem:

To increase the number of watches by your system

# insert the new value into the system config

# check new value was applied


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How To Fix – Error “ENOSPC: System Limit for Number of File Watchers Reached” ?

How To Fix – Error “ENOSPC: System Limit for Number of File Watchers Reached” ?

In this post, we will see – How To Fix – “ENOSPC: System Limit for Number of File Watchers Reached”. This error can occur while developing applications in React Native, Node.js, AngularJS etc.

First thing first – ENOSPC -> Denotes that means that there is not sufficient space on the drive (or Temp folder also) to save files or for watchman to watch for all file changes that are happening. This error mostly happens in the Developer Workspaces when watching files (through grunt / gulp).

Try the below fixes and see how it goes.

Do the Primitive checks first.

Primitive Checks :

  • Check what is the max no of user_watches being set currently
  • Check what is the max no. of inotify instances which correspond to the no. of allowed Watch Services instances.
  • If you want to be more exclusive and check who is using up the inotify watches, use below. The first column will show the no. of inotify fds (NOT the number of watches) and the second no. shows the PID of that process.
  • Try the npm cache clearance

Once the above checks are completed , you can use the below fixes to apply.

Solution :

One option is to change or increase the existing Native Watch Limit i.e. how many files a process can watch. Note that npm or a process controlled by npm keeps watching so many files.

We can take help of the Linux inotify package which is used to monitor directories, individual files or filesystem events.

We can update the max_user_watches to fix it.

The max value is 524288 and if used max, that means you will be using approx 256MB/512MB of 32-bit/64-bit kernel memory.

Each inotify watch uses 540 bytes of kernel memory on 32-bit architectures, and 1080 bytes on 64-bit architectures and Kernel memory is unswappable. Hence there is obviously a memory cost.

  • Put the new max_user_watches value in the config . The “sysctl -w” will write this kernel parameter values to the corresponding keys under /proc/sys. This option will retain this value till next Reboot. Hence after making the changes, Test if the error is gone or not.
  • If error is gone, then you can make this value permanent by adding to /etc/sysctl.conf (or a file under /etc/sysctl.d usually /etc/sysctl.d/local.conf). This means add “fs.inotify.max_user_watches= ”.
    • Debian/RedHat system – Add to /etc/sysctl.conf file.
    • Arch Linux – Add a new file into /etc/sysctl.d/ e.g. /etc/sysctl.d/40-max-user-watches.conf
  • Reload systemd settings to activate the new settings. To reload systemd settings, either reboot the machine or run the following command:

You can also try the additional things if the issue is not resolved till this point.

Additional 1 :

Additionally, you can also modify the below settings –


Node.js: what is ENOSPC error and how to solve?

I have a problem with Node.js and uploading files to server. For uploading files to server I use this plugin. When starting file upload to the server, Node.js process crashed and show error:

The server code doesn’t run.

17 Answers 17

Run the below command to avoid ENOSPC:

For Arch Linux add this line to /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf :

This will also persist across reboots. Technical Details Source

ENOSPC means that there is no space on the drive.

Perhaps /tmp is full? You can configure npm to use a different temp folder by setting npm config set tmp /path/to/some/other/dir , or maybe delete everything out of the /tmp folder.

Note I solved my problem in the way that described in above source. However, see Murali Krishna’s answer, which is more comprehensive.

A simple way that solve my problem was:

npm or a process controlled by it is watching too many files. Updating max_user_watches on the build node can fix it forever. For debian put the following on terminal:

If you want know how Increase the amount of inotify watchers only click on link.

Can’t take credit for this, but @grenade pointed out that npm dedupe will fix the cause (too many files) and not the symptom.

Rebooting the machine solved the problem for me. I first tried wiping /tmp/ but node was still complaining.

On Ubuntu 18.04 , I tried a trick that I used to reactivate the file watching by ionic/node, and it works also here. This could be useful for those who don’t have access to system conf files.

On Linux, this is likely to be a limit on the number of file watches.

The development server uses inotify to implement hot-reloading. The inotify API allows the development server to watch files and be notified when they change.

The default inotify file watch limit varies from distribution to distribution (8192 on Fedora). The needs of the development server often exceeds this limit.

The best approach is to try increasing the file watch limit temporarily, then making that a permanent configuration change if you’re happy with it. Note, though, that this changes your entire system’s configuration, not just node.


Nodemon Error: «System limit for number of file watchers reached»

I’m learning GraphQL and am using prisma-binding for GraphQL operations. I’m facing this nodemon error while I’m starting my Node.js server and its giving me the path of schema file which is auto generated by a graphql-cli . What is this error all about?

Internal watch failed: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached, watch ‘/media/rehan-sattar/Development/All projects/GrpahQl/graph-ql-course/graphql-prisma/src/generated

11 Answers 11

If you are using Linux, your project is hitting your system’s file watchers limit

To fix this, on your terminal, try:

You need to increase the inotify watchers limit for users of your system. You can do this from the command line with:

That will persist only until you reboot, though. To make this permanent, add a file named /etc/sysctl.d/10-user-watches.conf with the following contents:

After making the above (or any other) change, you can reload the settings from all sysctl configuration files in /etc with sudo sysctl —system . (On older systems you may need to use sudo sysctl -p instead.)

I sometimes get this issue when working with Visual Studio Code on my Ubuntu machine.

In my case the following workaround helps:

Stop the watcher, close Visual Studio Code, start the watcher, and open Visual Studio Code again.

In order to test the changes, I temporary set the parameter with the value 524288.

Then I proceed to validate:

And the problem was solved. In order to make it permanent, you should try to add a line in the file «/etc/sysctl.conf» and then restart the sysctl service:

I had the same problem. However, mine was coming from Webpack. Thankfully, they had a great solution on their site:

For some systems, watching many files can result in a lot of CPU or memory usage. It is possible to exclude a huge folder like node_modules using a regular expression:

File webpack.config.js

This is a problem of inotify (inode notify) in the Linux kernel, so you can resolve it by using this command:

For a temporary solution until rebooting the pc, use the following command

A permanent solution: To make this permanent, add a file named /etc/sysctl.d/10-user-watches.conf with the following contents:

After making the change, reload the settings from all sysctl configuration files in /etc with sudo sysctl -p .

It can be hard to know how much to increase the number of watchers by. So, here’s a utility to double the number of watchers:

In my case, while I’m doing the nodemon command on the Linux server, I have my Visual Studio Code open (SSH to the server). So based on Juri Sinitson’s answer, I just close Visual Studio Code and run the nodemon command again. And it works.

My nodemon command:

nodemon server.js via npm start

I think most answers given here are correct, but using the systemctl command to restart my service solved the problem for me. Check the command below:

You should follow answers such as this one:

And for latest Ubuntu versions, run sudo sysctl —system to read these settings anew.

However, in my case, my changes to these configuration files were not picked up, because I had already tweaked these settings a while ago. and forgot about it. And I had placed the conflicting configuration file in the wrong place.

According to man sysctl.d , these settings can be placed in /etc/sysctl.d/*.conf , /run/sysctl.d/*.conf and /usr/lib/sysctl.d/*.conf .

In my case I had two files:

Due to the naming convention, my older file was read last, and took precedence.


#angular #linux #inotify

#angular #linux #inotify


Я получаю эту ошибку при выполнении своего проекта Angular 10.

Error from chokidar (/myProject): Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached, watch '/myProject/tsconfig.spec.json'

Есть ли способ устранить эту ошибку?


1. Похоже, у вас запущено слишком много наблюдателей за файлами?

2. Могу ли я что-то сделать, чтобы отключить их?

Ответ №1:

Вы сталкиваетесь с ограничением ядра с вашими наблюдателями inotify. Вы можете запустить это, чтобы исправить это для текущей загрузки,

 sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288

Вы можете запустить это, чтобы исправить это для будущих загрузок,

 echo "fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288"  
  | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf


1. Да, и не забудьте перезагрузить рабочий стол Linux.

2. Я увеличил свой до 600000, но новые файлы при сохранении не запускают перезапуск сервера. Любое предложение

3. Для тех, кто скопировал второй фрагмент кода и получил ошибку, просто удалите и сделайте его однострочным.

Ответ №2:

Ответ №3:

Я получил это в vs code при выполнении ssh. Я думаю, проблема заключалась в том, что vs code просматривал все файлы в моей папке node_modules. Чтобы решить эту проблему в vs code, я перешел к:

Файл> Настройки> Настройки, а затем к маленькому значку бумаги в верхней части страницы настроек. Это приведет вас к файлу settings.json, который использует код. Затем я добавил это в файл настроек, и это решило проблему:

 "files.watcherExclude": {
    "**/.git/objects/**": true,
    "**/.git/subtree-cache/**": true,
    "**/node_modules/**": true,
    "**/samples": true


1. Это решение, которое нужно принять.

2. «files.exclude»: { » /build»: true, » */node_modules»: true, » */.git/objects/ «: true, }

Ответ №4:

Используйте ниже

 echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf

Чтобы увеличить количество просмотров вашей системой

Ответ №5:

# вставьте новое значение в конфигурацию системы

 echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf amp;amp; sudo sysctl -p

# проверить, было ли применено новое значение

 cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches

Ответ №6:

Я получил эту ошибку в VS Code и проверил, что у нее уже есть files.watcherExclude перечисленные здесь параметры. Я нашел несколько альтернатив, чтобы избежать этой ошибки, они могут быть полезны, если вы предпочитаете не увеличивать max-user-watches значение.

  • Воздержитесь от одновременного запуска многих серверов. Запускайте одновременно только один сервер Angular.
  • Воздержитесь от одновременного открытия многих папок в VSCode. Если существует только один проект, попробуйте открыть подпапку, чтобы уменьшить количество наблюдателей. (Я запустил один сервер и открыл два проекта, и ошибка появилась через несколько минут).
  • Избегайте использования терминала VSCode для запуска сервера Angular, поскольку он может работать медленнее, чем терминал Linux.
  • Если ошибка все еще появляется, и перезапуск VSCode с приведенными выше предложениями не работает, попробуйте перезагрузить компьютер, чтобы уничтожить возможные бесполезные процессы.

Надеюсь, это поможет.

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