Error fzero not a valid initial bracketing

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bug #31070: fzero cannot compute initial bracketing

Submitter:  Carlo de Falco <cdf>
Submitted:  Sun 19 Sep 2010 12:24:28 PM UTC
Category:  Libraries Severity:  1 — Wish
Priority:  3 — Low Item Group:  Feature Request
Status:  Postponed Assigned to:  highegg
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  * Closed
Release:  * dev Operating System:  * Mac OS
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None

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Mon 20 Sep 2010 03:28:02 PM UTC, comment #3: 

I agree that this is not a bug,

so I moved the discussion to the developers’ mailng list.

Please close this tracker item.

Carlo de Falco <cdf>
Project Member

Mon 20 Sep 2010 06:07:01 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Jaroslav Hajek <highegg>

Sun 19 Sep 2010 11:23:12 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Carlo de Falco <cdf>
Project Member

Sun 19 Sep 2010 12:24:28 PM UTC, original submission:

Carlo de Falco <cdf>
Project Member

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    7.2 Решение трансцендентных уравнений

    Уравнение, в котором неизвестное входит в аргумент трансцендентных функций, называется трансцендентным уравнением. К трансцендентным уравнениям принадлежат показательные, логарифмические, тригонометрические.

    Для решения трансцендентных уравнений вида f (x) = 0 в Octave существует функция fzero(name, x0) или fzero(name, [a, b]), где nameимя функции, вычисляющей левую часть уравнения, x0 — начальное приближение к корню, [a, b]интервал изоляции корня.

    Если функция вызывается в формате: [x, y] = fzero(name, x0), то здесь x — корень уравнения, yзначение функции в точке x.

    Пример 7.14. Найти решение уравнения:

    sqrt[3]{(2x-3)^2}- sqrt[3]{(x-1)^2}=0.

    Начнём решение данного трансцендентного уравнения с определения интервала изоляции корня. Воспользуемся для этого графическим методом. Построим график функции, указанной в левой части уравнения (листинг 7.15), создав предварительно функцию для её определения.

    % Функция для вычисления левой части уравнения f(x)=0
    function y=f1(x)
    % Построение графика функции f(x)
    cla; okno1=figure();
    x = -1:0.1:3;
    pol=plot(x, y);
    set(pol, ’LineWidth’, 3, ’Color’, ’k’)
    set(gca, ’xlim’, [-1, 3]); set(gca, ’ylim’, [-1,1.5]);
    set(gca, ’xtick’, [-1:0.5:3]); set(gca, ’ytick’,[-1:0.5:1.5]);
    grid on; xlabel(’x’); ylabel(’y’);
    title(’Plot y=(2x-3)^{2/3}-(x-1)^{2/3}’);

    Графическое отделение корней (пример 7.14).

    На графике (рис. 7.3) видно, что функция f (x) дважды пересекает ось Ox. Первый раз на интервале [1, 1.5], второй — [1.5, 2.5].

    Уточним корни, полученные графическим методом. Воспользуемся функцией, вычисляющей левую часть заданного уравнения из листинга 7.15 и обратимся к функции fzero, указав в качестве параметров имя созданной функции и число (1.5) близкое к первому корню:

    >>> x1=fzero(’f1’, 1.5)
    x1 = 1.3333

    Теперь применим функцию fzero, указав в качестве параметров имя функции, и интервал изоляции второго корня:

    >>> x2=fzero(’f1’, [1.52.5])
    x1= 2

    Не трудно заметить, что и в первом и во втором случае функция fzero правильно нашла корни заданного уравнения.

    Графическое решение примера 7.14

    Графическое решение примера 7.14

    Ниже приведён пример некорректного обращения к функции fzero, здесь интервал изоляции корня задан неверно. На графике видно, что на концах этого интервала функция знак не меняет, или, другими словами, выбранный интервал содержит сразу два корня.

    >>>fzero(’f1’, [1 3])
    error: fzero: not a valid initial bracketing
    error: called from:
    error: /usr/share/octave/3.4.0/m/optimization/fzero.m at line 170, column 5

    В следующем листинге приведён пример обращения к функции fzero в полном формате:

    >>> [X(1),Y(1)]= fzero(’f1’, [1 1.5]);
    >>> [X(2),Y(2) ]= fzero(’f1’, [1.5 2.5]);
    >>> X % Решение уравнения
    X = 1.3333 2.0000
    >>> Y % Значения функции в точке Х
    Y = -2.3870e-15  0.0000e+00

    Пример 7.15. Найти решение уравнения x^4+4x^3+4x^2-9=0.

    Как видим, левая часть уравнения представляет собой полином. В примере 7.13 было показано, что данное уравнение имеет четыре корня: два действительных и два мнимых (листинг 7.14).

    Листинг 7.16 демонстрирует решение алгебраического уравнения при помощи функции fzero. Не трудно заметить, что результатом работы функции являются только действительные корни. Графическое решение (рис. 7.2) подтверждает это: функция дважды пересекает ось абсцисс.

    function y=f2(x)
    >>> [X(1),Y(1)]= fzero(’f2’, [-4 -2]);
    >>> [X(2),Y(2)]= fzero(’f2’, [0 2]);
    >>> X
    >>> Y
    X = -3 1
    Y = 0 0

    Решение уравнения с помощью fzero (пример 7.15).

    ######################################################################## ## ## Copyright (C) 20082020 The Octave Project Developers ## ## See the file in the toplevel directory of this ## distribution or <>. ## ## This file is part of Octave. ## ## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see ## <>. ## ######################################################################## ## -*- texinfo -*- ## @deftypefn {} {} fzero (@var{fun}, @var{x0}) ## @deftypefnx {} {} fzero (@var{fun}, @var{x0}, @var{options}) ## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{x}, @var{fval}, @var{info}, @var{output}] =} fzero (@dots{}) ## Find a zero of a univariate function. ## ## @var{fun} is a function handle, inline function, or string containing the ## name of the function to evaluate. ## ## @var{x0} should be a twoelement vector specifying two points which ## bracket a zero. In other words, there must be a change in sign of the ## function between @var{x0}(1) and @var{x0}(2). More mathematically, the ## following must hold ## ## @example ## sign (@var{fun}(@var{x0}(1))) * sign (@var{fun}(@var{x0}(2))) <= 0 ## @end example ## ## If @var{x0} is a single scalar then several nearby and distant values are ## probed in an attempt to obtain a valid bracketing. If this is not ## successful, the function fails. ## ## @var{options} is a structure specifying additional options. Currently, ## @code{fzero} recognizes these options: ## @qcode{«Display«}, @qcode{«FunValCheck«}, @qcode{«MaxFunEvals«}, ## @qcode{«MaxIter«}, @qcode{«OutputFcn«}, and @qcode{«TolX»}. ## ## @qcode{«MaxFunEvals«} proscribes the maximum number of function evaluations ## before the search is halted. The default value is @code{Inf}. ## The value must be a positive integer. ## ## @qcode{«MaxIter«} proscribes the maximum number of algorithm iterations ## before the search is halted. The default value is @code{Inf}. ## The value must be a positive integer. ## ## @qcode{«TolX«} specifies the termination tolerance for the solution @var{x}. ## The default value is @code{eps}. ## ## For a description of the other options, see @ref{XREFoptimset,,optimset}. ## To initialize an options structure with default values for @code{fzero} use ## @code{options = optimset («fzero«)}. ## ## On exit, the function returns @var{x}, the approximate zero point, and ## @var{fval}, the function evaluated at @var{x}. ## ## The third output @var{info} reports whether the algorithm succeeded and ## may take one of the following values: ## ## @itemize ## @item 1 ## The algorithm converged to a solution. ## ## @item 0 ## Maximum number of iterations or function evaluations has been reached. ## ## @item 1 ## The algorithm has been terminated by a user @code{OutputFcn}. ## ## @item 5 ## The algorithm may have converged to a singular point. ## @end itemize ## ## @var{output} is a structure containing runtime information about the ## @code{fzero} algorithm. Fields in the structure are: ## ## @itemize ## @item iterations ## Number of iterations through loop. ## ## @item @nospell{funcCount} ## Number of function evaluations. ## ## @item algorithm ## The string @qcode{«bisection, interpolation«}. ## ## @item bracketx ## A twoelement vector with the final bracketing of the zero along the ## xaxis. ## ## @item brackety ## A twoelement vector with the final bracketing of the zero along the ## yaxis. ## @end itemize ## @seealso{optimset, fsolve} ## @end deftypefn ## This is essentially the @nospell{ACM} algorithm 748: Enclosing Zeros of ## Continuous Functions due to Alefeld, Potra and Shi, @nospell{ACM} ## Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 21, No. 3, September 1995. ## Although the workflow should be the same, the structure of the algorithm has ## been transformed nontrivially; instead of the authors’ approach of ## sequentially calling building blocks subprograms we implement here a ## FSM version using one interior point determination and one bracketing ## per iteration, thus reducing the number of temporary variables and ## simplifying the algorithm structure. Further, this approach reduces ## the need for external functions and error handling. The algorithm has ## also been slightly modified. ## PKG_ADD: ## Discard result to avoid polluting workspace with ans at startup. ## PKG_ADD: [~] = __all_opts__ («fzero«); function [x, fval, info, output] = fzero (fun, x0, options = struct ()) ## Get default options if requested. if (nargin == 1 && ischar (fun) && strcmp (fun, «defaults«)) x = struct («Display«, «notify«, «FunValCheck«, «off«, «MaxFunEvals«, Inf, «MaxIter«, Inf, «OutputFcn«, [], «TolX«, eps); return; endif if (nargin < 2 || nargin > 3) print_usage (); endif if (ischar (fun)) fun = str2func (fun); endif displev = optimget (options, «Display«, «notify«); switch (displev) case «iter» displev = 1; case «final» displev = 2; case «notify» displev = 3; otherwise # «none» displev = 0; endswitch funvalchk = strcmpi (optimget (options, «FunValCheck«, «off«), «on«); maxfev = optimget (options, «MaxFunEvals«, Inf); maxiter = optimget (options, «MaxIter«, Inf); outfcn = optimget (options, «OutputFcn«); tolx = optimget (options, «TolX«, eps); mu = 0.5; if (funvalchk) ## Replace fun with a guarded version. fun = @(x) guarded_eval (fun, x); endif info = 0; # The default exit flag if number of iterations exceeded. niter = 0; nfev = 0; x = fval = a = fa = b = fb = NaN; ## Prepare… a = x0(1); fa = fun (a); nfev = 1; if (length (x0) > 1) b = x0(2); fb = fun (b); nfev += 1; else ## Try to find a value for b which brackets a zerocrossing if (displev == 1) printf ( … «nSearch for an interval around %g containing a sign change:n«, a); printf (« Func-count a f(a) b «); printf («f(b) Proceduren«); fmt_str = « %4d %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %sn«; endif ## For very small values, switch to absolute rather than relative search if (abs (a) < .001) aa = ifelse (a == 0, 0.1, sign (a) * 0.1); else aa = a; endif if (displev == 1) printf (fmt_str, nfev, a, fa, a, fa, «initial interval«); endif ## Search in an everwidening range around the initial point. for srch = [-.01 +.025.05 +.10.25 +.50 1 +2.5 5 +10 50 +100 500 +1000] b = aa + aa*srch; fb = fun (b); nfev += 1; if (displev == 1) printf (fmt_str, nfev, a, fa, b, fb, «search«); endif if (sign (fa) * sign (fb) <= 0) break; endif endfor endif if (b < a) u = a; a = b; b = u; fu = fa; fa = fb; fb = fu; endif if (! (sign (fa) * sign (fb) <= 0)) error («Octave:fzero:bracket«, «fzero: not a valid initial bracketing«); endif if (displev == 1) printf («nSearch for a zero in the interval [%g, %g]:n«, a, b); disp (« Func-count x f(x) Procedure«); fmt_str = « %4d %13.6g %13.6g %sn«; endif slope0 = (fb fa) / (b a); if (fa == 0) b = a; fb = fa; elseif (fb == 0) a = b; fa = fb; endif itype = 1; if (abs (fa) < abs (fb)) u = a; fu = fa; else u = b; fu = fb; endif if (displev == 1) printf (fmt_str, nfev, u, fu, «initial«); endif if (isa (x0, «single«) || isa (fa, «single«)) macheps = eps («single«); else macheps = eps («double«); endif d = e = u; fd = fe = fu; mba = mu*(b a); while (niter < maxiter && nfev < maxfev) switch (itype) case 1 ## The initial test. if (b a <= 2*(2 * abs (u) * macheps + tolx)) x = u; fval = fu; info = 1; break; endif if (abs (fa) <= 1e3*abs (fb) && abs (fb) <= 1e3*abs (fa)) ## Secant step. c = u (a b) / (fa fb) * fu; else ## Bisection step. c = 0.5*(a + b); endif d = u; fd = fu; itype = 5; case {2, 3} l = length (unique ([fa, fb, fd, fe])); if (l == 4) ## Inverse cubic interpolation. q11 = (d e) * fd / (fe fd); q21 = (b d) * fb / (fd fb); q31 = (a b) * fa / (fb fa); d21 = (b d) * fd / (fd fb); d31 = (a b) * fb / (fb fa); q22 = (d21 q11) * fb / (fe fb); q32 = (d31 q21) * fa / (fd fa); d32 = (d31 q21) * fd / (fd fa); q33 = (d32 q22) * fa / (fe fa); c = a + q31 + q32 + q33; endif if (l < 4 || sign (c a) * sign (c b) > 0) ## Quadratic interpolation + Newton. a0 = fa; a1 = (fb fa)/(b a); a2 = ((fd fb)/(d b) a1) / (d a); ## Modification 1: this is simpler and does not seem to be worse. c = a a0/a1; if (a2 != 0) c = a a0/a1; for i = 1:itype pc = a0 + (a1 + a2*(c b))*(c a); pdc = a1 + a2*(2*c a b); if (pdc == 0) c = a a0/a1; break; endif c -= pc/pdc; endfor endif endif itype += 1; case 4 ## Double secant step. c = u 2*(b a)/(fb fa)*fu; ## Bisect if too far. if (abs (c u) > 0.5*(b a)) c = 0.5 * (b + a); endif itype = 5; case 5 ## Bisection step. c = 0.5 * (b + a); itype = 2; endswitch ## Dont let c come too close to a or b. delta = 2*0.7*(2 * abs (u) * macheps + tolx); if ((b a) <= 2*delta) c = (a + b)/2; else c = max (a + delta, min (b delta, c)); endif ## Calculate new point. x = c; fval = fc = fun (c); niter += 1; nfev += 1; if (displev == 1) printf (fmt_str, nfev, x, fc, «interpolation«); endif ## Modification 2: skip inverse cubic interpolation if ## nonmonotonicity is detected. if (sign (fc fa) * sign (fc fb) >= 0) ## The new point broke monotonicity. ## Disable inverse cubic. fe = fc; else e = d; fe = fd; endif ## Bracketing. if (sign (fa) * sign (fc) < 0) d = b; fd = fb; b = c; fb = fc; elseif (sign (fb) * sign (fc) < 0) d = a; fd = fa; a = c; fa = fc; elseif (fc == 0) a = b = c; fa = fb = fc; info = 1; break; else ## This should never happen. error («Octave:fzero:bracket«, «fzero: zero point is not bracketed«); endif ## If theres an output function, use it now. if (! isempty (outfcn)) optv.funccount = nfev; optv.fval = fval; optv.iteration = niter; if (outfcn (x, optv, «iter«)) info = 1; break; endif endif if (abs (fa) < abs (fb)) u = a; fu = fa; else u = b; fu = fb; endif if (b a <= 2*(2 * abs (u) * macheps + tolx)) info = 1; break; endif ## Skip bisection step if successful reduction. if (itype == 5 && (b a) <= mba) itype = 2; endif if (itype == 2) mba = mu * (b a); endif endwhile ## Check solution for a singularity by examining slope if (info == 1) if ((b a) != 0 && abs ((fb fa)/(b a) / slope0) > max (1e6, 0.5/(macheps+tolx))) info = 5; endif endif if (displev != 0) switch (info) case 1 if (displev != 3) disp («nAlgorithm converged.n«); endif case -1 disp («nAlgorithm has been terminated by user.n«); case -5 disp («nAlgorithm seemingly converged to a singular point.n«); otherwise disp ( … «nMaximum number of iterations or function evaluations reached.n«); endswitch endif output.iterations = niter; output.funcCount = nfev; output.algorithm = «bisection, interpolation«; output.bracketx = [a, b]; output.brackety = [fa, fb]; endfunction ## A helper function that evaluates a function and checks for bad results. function fx = guarded_eval (fun, x) fx = fun (x); fx = fx(1); if (! isreal (fx)) error («Octave:fzero:notreal«, «fzero: non-real value encountered«); elseif (isnan (fx)) error («Octave:fzero:isnan«, «fzero: NaN value encountered«); endif endfunction %!shared opt0 %! opt0 = optimset («tolx», 0); %!assert (fzero (@cos, [0, 3], opt0), pi/2, 10*eps) %!assert (fzero (@(x) x^(1/3) — 1e-8, [0,1], opt0), 1e-24, 1e-22*eps) %!assert <*54445> (fzero (@ (x) x, 0), 0) %!assert <*54445> (fzero (@ (x) x + 1, 0), -1)

    Andreea Oana

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    Hi. So this is what I wrote so far in octave:


    f = 

    x=fzero(@(x) f, -5)

    Error using fzero (line 308)
    Initial function value must be finite and real.

    but I keep getting the error in the title. What is wrong with what I wrote? Thanks in advance!

    Answers (1)

    Star Strider

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    Use fzero for numeric functions and solve for symbollic functions —


    f = 


    x = 

    xd = double(x)

    xd = 2×1


    whos x xd

    Name Size Bytes Class Attributes

    x 2×1 8 sym
    xd 2×1 16 double



    Andreea Oana

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    How do I declare a numerical function?

    Walter Roberson

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    f = 

    F = matlabFunction(f)

    F = function_handle with value:



    f = @(x) 4*x.^2 + 20*x + 4

    f = function_handle with value:


    Star Strider

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    One approach —


    f = 

    f_fcn = matlabFunction(f)

    f_fcn = function_handle with value:


    To get the other root, use a different initial parameter estimate —


    Sign in to comment.

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    MathWorks - Domain Selector

    With Matlab, I obtained the plot below with the following simplified loop.

    for i = 1:size(a0,2)
      fun3 = @(y) sind(90-y) - n*(sind(90-asind(sind(a0(i))/n)-y));
      y(i) = fzero(fun3, [0,90]);

    The difference is in the form of equation: I replaced 90-y = asind(something) with sin(90-y) = something. When «something» is greater than 1 in absolute value, the former version throws an error due to complex value of asind. The latter proceeds normally, recognizing that this is not a solution (sin(90-y) can’t be equal to something that is greater than 1).

    No precomputing of the bracket was necessary, [0,90] simply worked. Another change I made was in the plot: plot(a0,y) instead of plot(y), to get the correct horizontal axis.

    And you can’t avoid for loop here, nor should you worry about it. Vectorization means eliminating loops where the content is a low-level operation that can be done en masse by operating on some C array. But fzero is totally not that. If the code takes long to run, it’s because solving a bunch of equations takes long, not because there’s a for loop.


    The fzero command in MATLAB can be used to find the value of a single parameter of a multivariable function that will set the function equal to zero (if such a value exists). The command can only find one root at a time, and can only find roots in one variable at a time. There are several different ways to present fzero with the specific function and variable. In addition to the examples below, there is another page with more examples at MATLAB:Fzero/Examples.


    • 1 Examples
      • 1.1 Different Function Calls
        • 1.1.1 Most General Case
          • Function on the Fly
          • Pre-Defined Functions
        • 1.1.2 Single-Variable Anonymous Functions
        • 1.1.3 Single-Variable Built-in Functions and .m Functions
      • 1.2 Changing «Constant» Parameters
        • 1.2.1 One Parameter
        • 1.2.2 Two Parameters
    • 2 Questions
    • 3 External Links
    • 4 References


    Different Function Calls

    Most General Case

    The following examples show a method that will work regardless of how many input variables your function has or how you define your function — whether it is built-in, a variable containing an anonymous function, an anonymous function generated on the fly, or a .m file function. The paradigm is:



    • ROOT is the calculated value of the requested variable when the function is 0
    • VAL_AT_ROOT is the value of the function when substituting ROOT for the requested variable — nominally this is 0 but there may be roundoff issues to deal with
    • DUMMY_VAR is the variable you want to use in this FUNCTION_THING to indicate which of the various inputs fzero is allowed to alter
    • INIT_STUFF is either an initial guess or a valid initial bracket — note that fzero can only find one root at a time, so you cannot load this with several values and try to have fzero find multiple results (for that, you need loops)
    • FUNCTION_THING can be a built-in function, the name of an anonymous function, the name of a .m file function, or a calculation — whatever it is that you are trying to set equal to zero; note that DUMMY_VAR must appear somewhere in this expression for fzero to be able to do anything
    • OPTIONS are…optional — the most common is the command
      optimset('Display', 'iter')

      if you want to see the magic happen

    The example is based on wanting to determine roots of:

    (f(x, y, z)=cos(x)+sin(y)+z=0,!)

    We will assume that two of the three variables ((x) and (y)) are known and that we want to find (z) given those values. We will further assume that (x=1) and (y=pi). Finally, we will make an initial guess that (z=12).

    Function on the Fly

    If you only want to solve this problem once, and the calculation only requires one line of code, the process with the least «overhead» involves creating the function on the fly inside the fzero command. All you have to do is put your expression in for the FUNCTION_THING, making sure the DUMMY_VAR is appropriately used. The line:

    [zValue, fValue] = fzero(@(zDummy) cos(1) + sin(pi) + zDummy, 12)

    will produce

    zValue =
    fValue =

    A slightly «longer» version of this would have you pre-define the (x) and (y) variables first, then use the variables in the function definition:
    expression in for the FUNCTION_THING, making sure the DUMMY_VAR is appropriately used. The line:

    x = 1;
    y = pi;
    [zValue, fValue] = fzero(@(zDummy) cos(x) + sin(y) + zDummy, 12)

    This works the same as the previous example — recall that when anonymous functions are created, they can take «snapshots» of the workspace. In the case above, the FUNCTION_THING is able to «see» what the variables x and y contain.

    Pre-Defined Functions

    If you want to solve the same problem multiple times, perhaps by altering initial guesses or altering one or more of the constant parameters in the function, you should first define the function. If the expression can be calculated all on one line, you may choose to use a variable with an anonymous function — for example:

    MyFun = @(xa, ya, za) cos(xa) + sin(ya) + za

    On the other hand, if the expression is more complicated or if you just want to put it in a .m file, you can certainly do that as well. or example, instead of the MyFun variable above, you could write a MyFun.m file containing:

    function out = MyFun(xb, yb, zb)
    out = cos(xb) + sin(yb) + zb;

    In either case, you would use fzero by properly building the FUNCTION_THING using the name of the function. As in the previous example, you can hard-code the values for the (x) and (y) values:

    [zValue, fValue] = fzero(@(zDummy) MyFun(1, pi, zDummy), 12)

    or you can use variables to transmit the information:

    x = 1;
    y = pi;
    [zValue, fValue] = fzero(@(zDummy) MyFun(x, y, zDummy), 12)

    In any event, note again that the FUNCTION_THING only has one unknown, and that unknown is named as the DUMMY_VAR.

    Single-Variable Anonymous Functions

    For single-variable anonymous functions, there is a slightly simpler way to run fzero — all you need to do is give the name of the variable to FUNCTION_THING rather than setting up the DUMMY_VAR. For example, to find the solution to (x^2-cos(x)=0) with an initial guess of (x=1), you can set up an anonymous function for it as:

    MyAnonCalc = @(x) x.^2-cos(x)

    and then solve with:

    [xValue, fValue] = fzero(MyAnonCalc, 1)

    to get

    xValue =
    fValue =

    Single-Variable Built-in Functions and .m Functions

    The following method works for both built-in single-input functions and .m file single-input functions (i.e. not variables containing anonymous functions). The first argument is the name of the function in single quotes and the second argument is the initial guess or initial bracket for the one variable of the function. For example, to find the solution to (cos(x)=0) with an initial guess of (x=1), you can type

    [xValue, fValue] = fzero('cos', 1)

    and get

    xValue =
    fValue =

    To find the solution for (x) values between 2 and 5 radians, you could type:

    [xValue, fValue] = fzero('cos', [2 5])

    and get

    xValue =
    fValue =

    If you have a .m file function of one variable, the process is the same. For example, to find a root of (y=x^2-cos(x)) with an initial guess of 1, you could first create a .m file called MyCalc.m with:

    function out = MyCalc(in)
    out = in.^2 - cos(in);

    then use fzero:

    [xValue, fValue] = fzero('MyCalc', 1)

    and get

    xValue =
    fValue =

    Changing «Constant» Parameters

    In each of the examples above, there was only one variable that MATLAB had control over; everything else remained constant. Sometimes, there may be a function of multiple variables where you want to find the value of the root as a function of one or more parameters of the function. We will again use the example:

    (f(x, y, z)=cos(x)+sin(y)+z=0,!)

    One Parameter

    Now assume that we still set (y=pi) but we want to calculate (z) values that make (f(x,y,z)=0) for a variety of (x) values. The fzero command can still only solve for a single set of parameters at a time, so you need to construct a loop that will substitute the appropriate (x) values into the function and then store the resulting (z) value. The following example code will do this for 200 values of (x) between (-pi) and (2pi). It is based on a variable called MyFun that stores the anonymous function, but it could just as well work with a .m file containing the same calculation. The example also assumes an initial guess of 12 for the (z) value.

    MyFun = @(xa, ya, za) cos(xa) + sin(ya) + za
    xVals = linspace(-pi, 2*pi, 200);
    yVal  = pi;
    for k=1:length(xVals)
         [zVals(k), fVals(k)] = fzero(@(zDummy) MyFun(xVals(k), yVal, zDummy), 12);

    Now, zVals contains the values of (z) that will make the function equal to zero for the corresponding values of (x) in the xVals matrix. The plot is shown at right. You can prove to yourself that this is correct by re-arranging the equation (f=0) to note that (z=-cos(x)-sin(y)) and, if (y=pi), (z=-cos(x)).

    Two Parameters

    The next logical expansion is to allow both (x) and (y) to change. There are two fundamentally different ways to approach this problem — either (x) and (y) can be represented by one-dimensional vectors and accessed as such or they can be created using a meshgrid structure. The latter will take up more memory, but at least all the matrices will be the same size and all entries can be accessed using the same row and column notation. As help for how you might set up such a problem, imagine that you want to find the roots of some function (f(alpha, beta, gamma)) — and you know (alpha) goes from 1 to 11 by 2 and (beta) goes from 10 to 100 by 10. Assuming you call the first variable Alpha and the second variable Beta, you can create a matrix Gamma with the code as follows:

    [Alpha, Beta] = meshgrid(1:2:11, 10:10:100);
    [Rows, Cols] = size(Alpha)
    Gamma = zeros(Rows, Cols);
    for R = 1:Rows
        for C = 1:Cols
            Gamma(R, C) = fzero(@(GammaDummy} f(Alpha(R, C), Beta(R, C), GammaDummy), <initial guess or bracket>)

    You could then visualize it with a mesh with contours using:

    meshc(Alpha, Beta, Gamma)

    Since fzero can only solve one value at a time, the double for loop is a useful way of sweeping through each possible set of parameters and storing the results in an organization structure that will lend itself to surface plotting later. The above is a demonstration of how a double loop might work. Note also that beta and gamma are built-in MATLAB functions — thus the use of capitals to avoid redefining built-in functions!


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