Error getting status no server lines in license file

Attempst to import temporary floating license results in the IBM Rational License Server failing to restart and displaying errors.


Attempst to import temporary floating license results in the IBM Rational License Server failing to restart and displaying errors.


When you import temporary license for Rational tools, you need to restart the Rational License Server; however, the license server fails to restart and displays the following errors in LMTOOLS:

[Detecting lmgrd processes…]
Error getting status: No SERVER lines in license file.
License path: C:Program FilesIBMRationalSDLCcommonrational_server_perm.dat;C:Program FilesIBMRationalSDLCcommonrational_server_temp.dat;
FLEXnet Licensing error:-13,66


You see the error because there are no SERVER and DAEMON lines written into the temporary floating license file.

Resolving The Problem

Add SERVER and DAEMON lines into the temporary floating license file by following below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Rational License Server installation directory, by default it is C:Program FilesIBMRationalSDLCcommon.
  2. Use a text editor to open the rational_server_temp.dat file.
  3. You will see many lines starting with PACKAGE. Leave those PACKAGE lines untouched. You may see some contents starting with INCREMENT as well. These INCREMENT lines are the licenses for your Rational tools.
  4. Add the following lines between the last PACKAGE line and the first INCREMENT line, then restart the license server.
    SERVER your_server_name ANY

    DAEMON rational «C:Program FilesIBMRationalSDLCcommonrational.exe»

    DAEMON ibmratl «C:Program FilesIBMRationalSDLCcommonibmratl.exe»

    Note: replace the your_server_name with your license server host name.

[{«Product»:{«code»:»SSTMW6″,»label»:»Rational License Key Server»},»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU053″,»label»:»Cloud & Data Platform»},»Component»:»FLEXlm»,»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF033″,»label»:»Windows»}],»Version»:»8.1.1″,»Edition»:»»,»Line of Business»:{«code»:»LOB45″,»label»:»Automation»}}]

Error Message

The following error message is displayed in the License Manager Tools status enquiry:

«[Detecting lmgrd processes…]
Error getting status: No SERVER lines in license file
License path: C:PROGRA~1ESRILicensearcgis9xARCINFO9.lic
FLEXlm error: -13,66″

The license manager debug log file is mostly likely empty.


The license files are corrupted.

Solution or Workaround

  1. Request a new license file from
  2. Start Windows Explorer and navigate to C:Program FilesESRILicensearcgis9x.
  3. Select and delete all *9.lic files.
  4. Navigate to Start > Programs > ArcGIS > License Manager 9.x > Update License and follow the wizard, using the new license once it is received.

Last Published: 5/5/2016

Article ID: 000009070



After installing the permanent or activated license information via the license wizard, a form of the following error message appears when starting ENVI or IDL:

    % License Manager: Can’t initialize: No SERVER lines in license file.
    License path: /usr/local/exelis/license/license.dat:
    FLEXnet Licensing error:-13,66
  • This can be caused by a corruption of the license format. If you open the license file and see a SERVER line present, then try regenerating the license and sending a new copy.
  • If this occurs on a Unix based operating system it could be that the license was built for a Windows node-locked license which does not have SERVER lines. If that is the case the license just needs to be rebuilt in the correct format.

    Note: ‘Laptop style’ licenses do not have server lines and do not need a license manager.

  • Check the ‘license.dat’ file to see if the USE_SERVER line is empty. There may also be a missing ‘hostname’ in the license file.
  • Another possible reason is that the license manager may be running. This is unnecessary if the license isn’t server based (such as a node-locked license).

«License Manager Error -13» indicates that the SERVER and/or DAEMON lines are missing from the license file. 

The SERVER and DAEMON lines are added to the «license.dat» file when the network license manager is installed.

These lines should appear just before the INCREMENT lines in your license.dat file.

NOTE: If you are installing the network license manager for PolySpace products, you will have to manually encode these lines.

To add these lines manually, see the following example SERVER and DAEMON lines.

Linux & Mac OS X:

SERVER {hostname} {HostID} 27000

DAEMON MLM {$MATLAB}/etc/glnxa64/MLM


SERVER $Hostname $HostID 27000

DAEMON MLM «{$MATLAB}etcwin64mlm.exe»

$HOSTNAME is the hostname of the license server

{HostID} is the HostID of the license server {$MATLAB} is the root MATLAB directory on your license server

The license file on the client machine varies depending upon operating system and version. The license file is generally called network.lic and is located in $MATLABlicenses (where $MATLAB is the MATLAB installation directory).

NOTE: Once you have made changes to your license file, be sure to restart the license manager for these changes to take effect. For more information on how to restart the license manager, see the following Related Articles:

How do I start or stop the Network License Manager? 

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  4. Проблема с Ansys Student 18.2

26 сентября, 2018 — 01:53



Аватар пользователя warwara

При октрытии Ansys Workbench 18.2 студенческой версии отсутствуют основные компоненты системы. При нажатии Tools-License Preference появляется данное сообщение. Раньше программа запускалась без проблем. Можете ли, пожалуйста, посоветовать, как решить данную проблему? Искренне признательна за помощь.

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26 сентября, 2018 — 10:08



Аватар пользователя dvolkind

Здравствуйте! Может, ключ истек? Вроде они на год даются.

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Аватар пользователя warwara

Добрый день. К сожалению, ключ действующий. При проверке лицензии компонентов Ansys появляется данная ошибка: Error getting status: No SERVER lines in license file. При окрытии USER  License Preferences появляется предыдущее сообщение. Можете ещё посоветовать?

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26 сентября, 2018 — 17:30



Аватар пользователя dvolkind

А куда у вас указывает переменная ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE? Есть ли там файл лицензии? Можно ли его увидеть?

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26 сентября, 2018 — 20:26



Аватар пользователя warwara

Может ли быть проблема в ANSYS FLEXlm License Manage? Так как лицензия в нужном файле есть. Нет полной программы Anslic_Admin Utility на компьютере. Нужно ли скачивать  ANSYS FLEXlm License Manager? Искренне признательна за помощь


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26 сентября, 2018 — 22:47



Аватар пользователя dvolkind

Нет, менеджер лицензий скачивать не нужно. Переменная-то есть такая или нет?

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  1. 2010-08-06, 09:18 AM


    nemeth.zoli is offline


    Default FLEXnet Licensing error:-13,66

    Hi there,

    I tried to install and start my Revit MEP 2011 network license, and for that I installed the Network Licence Manager, but in the end of the process I got an error message in the LMTools when I clicked Perform Status Enquiry. It writes that: No SERVER lines in license file.

    I’ve checked the Autodesk video in this topic:
    Setting up the Network License Manager for Autodesk Products
    From this I managed to find out that the Ethernet address what is visible in the LMTOOLS System Settings is joining the to addresses which comes from my two addresses. One from the LAN and one from the wifi connection.

    So my consideration is that error appears, because I’ve asked the license file to the wrong address. Am I right? If so to which address should I ask the license file, to the Ethernet address or to the wifi address or to unified one?

  2. 2010-08-06, 05:30 PM


    Default Re: FLEXnet Licensing error:-13,66

    Where is the License Manager installed?

    Where is Revit installed?

    R. Robert Bell
    Design Technology Manager
    Opinions expressed are mine alone and do not reflect the views of Stantec.

Server not availble in license file HELP!!

Discussion in ‘AutoCAD’ started by a.van.rijn, Dec 6, 2004.

  1. When i try to activate my license true the lm tool i get the following two messages. I can’t use autocad at the moment! Who can help me!? The license desk sent me the license again with no result.

    In the server status tab:
    Flexible License Manager status on Mon 12/6/2004 13:24

    [Detecting lmgrd processes…]
    Error getting status: No SERVER lines in license file
    License path: C:Program FilesAutodesk Network License ManagerLicense —
    FLEXlm error: -13,66
    For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual,
    available at «».

    In the Diagnostics tab:

    Flexible License Manager status on Mon 12/6/2004 13:24

    [Detecting lmgrd processes…]
    Error getting status: No SERVER lines in license file
    License path: C:Program FilesAutodesk Network License ManagerLicense —
    FLEXlm error: -13,66
    For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual,
    available at «».

    Many thanks.

    1. Advertisements

  2. It would appear that you are missing the very first line that is needed in your license file. That is the line like this:
    SERVER servername xxxxxxxxxxxx
    where servername is ther server
    and xxxxxxxxxxxx is the MAC address of your server which you had to send in to get your license file back.


    1. Advertisements

  3. Information from Ipconfig.

    Ethernet adapter VLAN EDU:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
    Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Compaq NC7781 Gigabit Server Adapter

    Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-0B-CD-9E-66-87
    DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
    IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
    DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :

    License file:

    SERVER edu01 000bcd9e6687
    VENDOR adskflex port=2080
    INCREMENT 46300ACD_2005_0F adskflex 1.000 permanent 20
    VENDOR_STRING=educational:permanent BORROW=720 SUPERSEDE
    DUP_GROUP=UH ISSUED=01-Dec-2004 SN=342-12084103 SIGN=»13F2
    9848 05BA E77B B96F D343 18A8 25B8 7D23 E2E1 E009 7CE1 8538
    427F 96DB 0556 CA37 923C 3996 6A94 3770 4847 DCCF 387F 388F
    E06A 6648 7E4B 87F2 E030″ SIGN2=»072B 92F0 BD0D 5D93 3F1D 4F38
    223D E3A6 24A0 7433 CDA6 5FF3 39AE DD24 662E 10E5 C619 18C2
    38A3 6A9B FCD9 FBBD D15D B478 58D8 9151 4B58 644A C7FC A7A1″

    Servername is specified, MAC adress is correct. Does some-one have any suggestion?

    On Januari the 10th Autocad MUST run!

  4. Is there a helpdesk number i can call?!?!?

    With this newsgroup i can better take a plane to the US that;s even faster

    Message was edited by: a.van.rijn

  5. Check with your reseller.
    This is just users helping each other.

    Best Regards, Jimmy Bergmark
    CAD and Database Developer Manager at
    JTB FlexReport (FLEXlm report tool) —
    SmartPurger (Purges automatically) —
    or download some freeware at
    More on AutoCAD 2005;

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