Error http management port configuration not found

I'm trying to run my application on Jboss App Server by Intellij Idea12. I've done configuration: but As you can see in the picture I got the error Management Port Configuration not found.

I’m trying to run my application on Jboss App Server by Intellij Idea12. I’ve done configuration:
enter image description here

but As you can see in the picture I got the error Management Port Configuration not found.

Cœur's user avatar


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asked Mar 29, 2014 at 10:21

Super Hornet's user avatar

Super HornetSuper Hornet

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Possible cause maybe an invalid configuration file «standalone.xml» or any other config file that you are using.
I’ve put a tag at the wrong place and got the same error.

answered Aug 19, 2014 at 9:34

Alexander's user avatar


It seems that IntelliJ IDEA was not able to read offset value from «standalone.xml».
to solve it, just set Port offset to 0 in Configuration window, it will manually add additional VM option: -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=0

enter image description here

answered Feb 27, 2019 at 7:54

JiboOne's user avatar


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Your standalone xml may be malformed in some way. Check to see if you have special characters that you will have to escape or extra closing or opening tags etc.

answered Feb 9, 2015 at 1:18

Jaizen's user avatar


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My case was that there was no config.

Folder c:jboss-eap-6.4.6standaloneconfiguration was without configuration files. There was only one folder org.6.4.0, where was the configuration.

The solution was to copy configuration files from c:jboss-eap-6.4.6standaloneconfigurationorg.6.4.0 to c:jboss-eap-6.4.6standaloneconfiguration

answered May 20, 2016 at 17:14

MMM's user avatar

In my case, standalone.xml was corrupted (probably cause Idea froze and had to do hard shutdown). So I went to standalone_xml_history and copied standalone.xml from the day before. And it started to work normally again.

Andrew Regan's user avatar

Andrew Regan

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answered Sep 13, 2019 at 4:44

Matija's user avatar

I had the same problem, but have no idea what your setup looks like so the solution might not be the same. Also since your question is quite old you’ve probably figured out the answer by now.

Anyways.. In case anyone else happens to stumble upon this issue, I solved it this way:
We use Puppet in our project and I had changed a couple of .yaml files where I added some URLs. The URLs contained & which had to be & and IntelliJ didn’t notify me that this was the issue. It broke JBoss and everything.

Try running JBoss in the terminal and see if you get a Stacktrace.

answered Sep 2, 2014 at 7:54

Watercolours's user avatar


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In my case was added in standalone.xml in <deployments> section the following:

<deployment name="xxx-ear-1.0.ear" runtime-name="xxx-ear-1.0.ear">
 <fs-archive path="pathxxx-ear-1.0.ear"/>

I’ve removed this and worked.

answered Jun 9, 2017 at 11:11

Radu Linu's user avatar

Radu LinuRadu Linu

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This is likely to be happening due to a parsing error in your configuration files.

Start your JBoss/WildFly in the command line, so that you would see more details if this is happening because of a configuration (or parsing) error.

  • On Windows run {JBOSS_HOME}/bin/standalone.bat file so that it would open up a console window and try to start up your application server.
  • Look for any ERROR in the log and see if it is related to configuration.
  • For example:

    ERROR [] WFLYSRV0055: Caught exception during boot: WFLYCTL0085: Failed to parse configuration

If this doesn’t help, have a look at open the ports — maybe the port JBoss/WildFly is configured to is already used by some other application.

answered Jan 23, 2018 at 15:37

martoncsukas's user avatar


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Please make sute you had provided valid configuration file, may be your configuration file contains misplaced tag/element entries.

answered Jan 9, 2019 at 10:18

Irfan Bhindawala's user avatar

In my case:
I typed 9990 in port offset of Run/Debug Configurations and it solved. :)

answered Oct 5, 2019 at 14:47

Ali Tofigh's user avatar

I had the same problem and when I went to the standalone directory, I saw that the standalone.xml file was renamed as standalone.xml.tmp.

So I just renamed it as standalone.xml and when I started my Intellij again, everything was ok. If it’s already not after that, you can delete and build a new running configuration after starting Intellij

answered Nov 3, 2019 at 11:49

Volkan HEIG's user avatar

As shown below, adding the VM options to point to standalone config files fixed my issue


answered Nov 26, 2019 at 16:55

Amarjit Dhillon's user avatar

Amarjit DhillonAmarjit Dhillon

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I had the same error «Management Port Configuration not found» when i was trying to boot up my jboss.

In my case i had accidentally deleted my standalone.xml. When i put it back all went fine. Another person had same issue turned out was some malformed tag in the standalone.xml.

answered Mar 6, 2020 at 16:13

user7023213's user avatar


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My standalone.xml file has been renamed to standalone.xml.tmp automatically. Rename it back to standalone.xml and it will fix the issue.

answered Feb 20, 2022 at 10:25

anjanagnet's user avatar

Я пытаюсь запустить приложение на сервере приложений JBoss с помощью Intellij Idea12. Я сделал конфигурацию:
enter image description here

но как вы можете видеть на картинке, я получил ошибку Management Port Configuration not found.

7 ответов

возможная причина, возможно, недопустимый файл конфигурации » автономный.xml » или любой другой файл конфигурации, который вы используете.
Я поставил тег в неположенном месте и получил ту же ошибку.

ваш автономный xml может быть каким-то образом искажен. Проверьте, есть ли у вас специальные символы, которые вам придется бежать или дополнительные закрывающие или открывающие теги и т. д.

мой случай был в том, что не было конфигурации.

папка c:jboss-eap-6.4.6standaloneconfiguration не было файлов конфигурации. Была только одна папка org.6.4.0, где была конфигурация.

решением было скопировать файлы конфигурации из c:jboss-eap-6.4.6standaloneconfigurationorg — … 6.4.0 to c:jboss-eap-6.4.6standaloneconfiguration

у меня была та же проблема, но я понятия не имею, как выглядит ваша настройка, поэтому решение может быть не таким же. Кроме того, поскольку ваш вопрос довольно старый, вы, вероятно, уже поняли ответ.

в любом случае.. Если кто-то еще наткнется на эту проблему, я решил ее таким образом:
Мы используем Puppet в нашем проекте, и я изменил пару .yaml файлы, где я добавил Некоторые URL-адреса. URL-адреса содержали & который должен быть &amp; и IntelliJ не уведомил меня об этом вот в чем проблема. Он сломал JBoss и все.

попробуйте запустить JBoss в терминале и посмотреть, если вы получите Stacktrace.

в моем случае был добавлен в standalone.xml в следующее:

<deployment name="xxx-ear-1.0.ear" runtime-name="xxx-ear-1.0.ear">
 <fs-archive path="pathxxx-ear-1.0.ear"/>

Я удалил это и работал.

Это, вероятно, произойдет из-за ошибки синтаксического анализа в ваших файлах конфигурации.

запустите JBoss / WildFly в командной строке, чтобы увидеть больше деталей, если это происходит из-за ошибки конфигурации (или синтаксического анализа).

  • на Windows run {JBOSS_HOME}/bin/standalone.bat файл, чтобы открыть окно консоли и попытаться запустить сервер приложений.
  • найдите любую ошибку в журнале и посмотрите, связана ли она с конфигурацией.
  • например:

    ошибка [org.джбосс.как.server] WFLYSRV0055: пойманное исключение во время загрузки:
    орг.с JBoss.как.контроллер.настойчивость.ConfigurationPersistenceException: WFLYCTL0085: не удалось проанализировать конфигурации

Если это не поможет, посмотрите на открытые порты — возможно, порт JBoss / WildFly настроен на уже используется каким-либо другим приложением.


    Although I can connect remotely to jboss from «ide» and can debug the server code at the beta version (Jboss 7.1), I cannot connect at CR1 (Jboss 7.1).

    When I try to debug remotely, I got «Unable to open debugger port » error.

    When I try to define the jboss application server as local app. sever in «intellij IDEA», I got «Management port configuration not found» error.

    Do you have any idea for it?

    Best Regards,


      • 3.

        Re: JBoss 7.1 CR1 — Remote debugging



        Dec 28, 2011 1:26 PM

        (in response to ayagmur)

        I am having the same problem, I tried using the same management port settings for CR1 that I have in an older release but i’m still getting the «Management port configuration not found» problem. I don’t see a place to set that directly in IntelliJ? What exactly was it that you changed Ali?

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        05.03.2019, 18:19. Показов 1479. Ответов 3

        Добрый вечер!
        Такая проблема — когда настраиваю конфигурацию запуска приложения, то выходит снизу ошибка:»Admin port configuration not found». Гуглил, но что-то особо не помогло. Думаю ну ладно, через силу запущу и получаю следующую ошибку:»port out of range»


        Admin port configuration not found

        Admin port configuration not found

        Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ, диссертаций здесь


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        05.03.2019, 18:30


        Сообщение от damirqa
        Посмотреть сообщение

        Admin port configuration not found

        ну так настрой, по-человечески же написано



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        05.03.2019, 19:43



        xoraxax, мне надо это вставить?

        <network-listener protocol="admin-listener" port="4848" name="admin-listener" thread-pool="admin-thread-pool" transport="tcp"></network-listener>


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        05.03.2019, 22:51



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