Error in auto iris

Проектор Epson PowerLite Home cinema 720 Сегодня выдал ошибку "Error in Auto Iris. Power off and contact your nearest Epson service center." ...
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Отправлено 24 Январь 2013 — 21:49

Проектор Epson PowerLite Home cinema 720
Сегодня выдал ошибку «Error in Auto Iris. Power off and contact your nearest Epson service center.»

Вычитал, что проблема в штуке, которая регулирует световой поток в зависимости от происходящего на экране. Нашел это устройство, работает оно явно не так, как должно бы: сначала оно открывает заслонки, поворачивая их градусов на 45, затем останавливается. Так происходит четыре раза (в одну и ту же сторону), но повернув их до упора(раскрыв затворки полностью), пытается повернуть их дальше, но прокручивается. Дальше все остальное включается и выдается ошибка.

Не понятно — то ли сам моторчик глючит, то ли с основной платы идет такая команда. Если запускать проектор без него, то все равно выдается та же ошибка.

Вот как это выглядит вне проектора:

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Отправлено 24 Январь 2013 — 21:50

А вот внутри:


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Отправлено 25 Январь 2013 — 09:52

Судя по видео (могу ошибаться)- заслонки не отюстированы — одна идет впереди другой . Попробуй сектора совместить — типа начало к началу. Возможно нижняя опережает верхнюю и дотчик положения заслонки(думаю таковой имеется) не срабатывает или просит докрутить — а некуда — упор нижней.по крайней мере попробуй,но запомни теперешне положение секторов .Если не это — искать сигналы датчика ,смотреть чем он видит положение шторок .


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Отправлено 25 Январь 2013 — 12:51

Пробовал сектора ставить в разных положениях, ничего не меняется.
Поискал датчик. На плате моторчика есть нечто, похожее на датчик. Представляет собой П-образную пластмасску в виде желобка. Вверху в нее утоплены кружочки металла друг напротив друга. А на секторе снизу есть выступающая полоска из пластика, которая встает между этими металлическими кружочками. И правда похоже на то, что датчик не срабатывает и пытается повернуть эти сектора, чтоб попасть в «П». Как бы теперь понять, как работает этот датчик и что сделать, чтобы он работаел правильно? И датчик ли это вообще?

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Отправлено 26 Январь 2013 — 00:14

Возможно что то типа датчика Холла.(…channel=suggest) Поробуй магнитится ли «П»образная пластмасовая с мет.кружочками . Принцип работы в ссылке .


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Отправлено 26 Январь 2013 — 10:55

Действительно похож.
Посмотрел внимательно — металлический кружок только с одной стороны. Но он не магнитится. Попробовал во время работы держать там магнитную отвертку, но ничего не изменилось, правда в нужное место все равно не пролез, так что эксперимент не показательный.
Я так понимаю, что единственная возможная причина его неисправности (если вообще он неисправен) — размагничивание магнитной метки. Отсюда вопрос — как бы ее намагнитить обратно? Погуглил — есть вариант нагреть, поместить в магнитное поле другого, сильного магнита и подождать, пока остынет.
Но не испорчу ли я так чего-нибудь еще? Например, не намагничу ли я все вокруг?


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Отправлено 26 Январь 2013 — 15:20

Для верности найти бы сервис мануал и посмотреть что это за хрень,её название.А потом уже что то предпринимать . возможно оно рабочее,а причина в питании,контактах ,да мало ли в чем еще . Торопиться лучше не спеша .К стати : а вращение у него действительно легкое,иногда смазка-протирка помогали (WD40).


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Отправлено 03 Март 2015 — 16:40

Извените если пишу поздно,время поста и мой ответ,проблема Error in Auto lirs кроется в в п-образном датчике,похоже он фоторезестивный,вместо него поставил обычный концевик,шторка доходя до крайнего положения на него нажимает имитируя датчик,у меня со строя вышел только половина датчика,а так бы пришлось ставить 2 концевика


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  • Откуда: Ульяновск

Отправлено 02 Март 2017 — 15:54

 lehaSh (03 Март 2015 — 16:40) писал:

Извените если пишу поздно,время поста и мой ответ,проблема Error in Auto lirs кроется в в п-образном датчике,похоже он фоторезестивный,вместо него поставил обычный концевик,шторка доходя до крайнего положения на него нажимает имитируя датчик,у меня со строя вышел только половина датчика,а так бы пришлось ставить 2 концевика

Такая же проблема….что значит вышла из строя одна половина датчика? оптопара либо живая либо нет…на какие контакты концевик ставили? все работает?


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Отправлено 02 Март 2017 — 17:24

Очень просто оптодатчик состоит из светодиода и фото транзистора или фото диода вот и думай что может помереть либо светодиод либо фотодиод.


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Projectors are pretty much neck and neck with televisions when it comes to audio and video performance. It’s, however, safe to conclude that TVs have an edge since their displays are built-in, and the audio is also relatively more robust and feature-packed.  

The display or presentation size has always been the forte of projectors and would remain so for the foreseeable future. But projector makers are not simply content with being able to cast massive visuals. They are keen to match or even supersede the TV in the picture quality department.

Auto iris is one such step in that direction. The feature has been there in Epson projectors for quite some time — along with it, some nagging concerns about their functionality.

So, what is “auto iris”? How does that lend to your projector viewing experience? And what are the concerns with it? Get the answers to all those questions and more in this article.

Quick Navigation

  • What Does “Auto Iris” Mean on a Projector?
    • Auto Iris Apparatus
    • Auto Iris Modes
  • What Causes Errors in Auto Iris in an Epson Projector?
    • How Quickly or Often Does the Auto Iris Issue Arise?
    • Turning Off Auto Iris Doesn’t Help
  • How to Fix Auto Iris Errors?
    • Unplug and Reboot
    • Disassemble and Clean
    • Get the Projector Replaced
  • Conclusion

What Does “Auto Iris” Mean on a Projector?

Auto Iris on a Projector lens

“Auto iris” is a piece of hardware instituted between your Epson projector’s lens and bulb. It opens and shuts itself up based on the projected image’s overall luminance. The mechanism helps modify the amount of light that eventually gets projected. The task is done automatically or without any manual intervention.

For bright visuals, the iris opens larger to let in more light. It closes in or narrows down when working with dark images. In certain color modes, you may turn the auto iris setting on to optimize the image automatically depending on the projected image’s brightness.

Essentially, the auto iris feature helps your Epson projector boost its contrast levels or achieve the right kind according to a scene. This means dark visuals are fittingly dark, and bright scenes are well-lit, irrespective of the ambient light.

When the auto iris element in your projector is not working, the images will look desaturated or washed out, or the contrast ratio goes for a toss. For instance, if your projector has a 1000:1 ratio with auto iris enabled, it will likely decrease to around 700:1 when the auto iris is turned off.

If that drop in contrast ratio reads significant, you bet it is.

Auto Iris Apparatus

Epson Home Cinema 4010 4K PRO-UHD (1) 3-Chip Projector with HDR

Click image for more info

Based on the Epson projector model you have, the actual hardware that provides the auto-iris functionality would vary.

Generally, the component looks like a leaf shutter covering a camera. Based on the image’s requirements, the blades move in proper synchronization to decrease or increase the iris’ size.

Some other projectors (Epson or another brand) could use a wheel-like tool instead, with an aperture that shrinks gradually. It rotates to alter the opening’s size, thereby achieving the right contrast-enhancing effect.

Irrespective of the design, the primary working mechanism of the module (as explained above) is the same.

Auto Iris Modes

The auto iris feature in most Epson projectors, particularly in the affordable range, can either be turned on or off. However, in some projectors, the auto iris could come with different modes: High Speed, Normal, and Off.

As the name suggests, the Off mode turns off the feature. “Normal” is the standard iris setting and perhaps ideal for all ambient lighting scenarios. “High Speed”, on the other hand, is a bit aggressive and would shine through in the outdoors.

What Causes Errors in Auto Iris in an Epson Projector?

dirt accumulated on projector lens

Your Epson projector could encounter auto-iris errors for a few different reasons. The following are some of the most common causes:

  • Improper connection or the device may not have been plugged in correctly. The link could have come loose.
  • Accumulation of dust and dirt could have caused the optical block or iris motor to get stuck.
  • The auto-iris motor may have worn out, requiring repair or a replacement.
  • The module could be defective to begin with — a rare manufacturing oversight.

Though not an error per se, the auto iris component could make some noise while in motion, which could be distracting or annoying and may force users to turn it off.

The iris shifting its position to accommodate the luminance of a given scene could also be a bit obvious at times. Therefore, some people may choose to turn off the feature and resort to manual iris adjustments instead or have the iris setting fixed.

How Quickly or Often Does the Auto Iris Issue Arise?

Though the auto iris issue is often a result of wear, at times, it could be a direct outcome of a defective motor. Therefore, the problem could arise a week or two after initial use or may take months or years to surface.

Anecdotal reports suggest some users encountered the issue for the first time after clocking 15,000 hours.

As far as specific models or series of projectors afflicted with the auto iris failure problem go, it’s across the board and quite random. In other words, a premium Epson projector is as likely to develop an auto iris problem or could be immune to the issue as much as a lower-end model would be.

Turning Off Auto Iris Doesn’t Help

resetting epson projector using remote control

By turning off the auto iris function and rebooting, your Epson projector will usually start in the normal iris mode or auto iris enabled since the system needs to do a proper check-up each time a boot up is done.

And if an auto iris failure is detected during the system-wide scan, your projector won’t turn on.

Suppose you have an Epson projector that hasn’t encountered an auto iris error (yet). If you’ve permanently turned off the feature to avert the issue or not deal with an impaired projector in the first place, the strategy won’t work, unfortunately.

Your Epson projector would either never have the issue or eventually be inflicted with it any time. It’s just a waiting game.  

Disabling the auto iris feature during usage would put a slight strain on the hardware. The motor would wear considerably less as it would not constantly switch between dark and bright scenes during projector usage.

That could mean a lower likelihood of the auto-iris failing or the error message not popping up on the screen during bootup.

Since there could be different causes for an auto iris error, there’s no single solution to the problem. Here are a few remedial measures you shall employ:

Unplug and Reboot

Unplugging projector

Unplugging and rebooting your Epson projector often solves the issue (albeit temporarily) — like how the action revives every other electronic item, such as smartphones and laptops. You might, however, have to do this multiple times over a period.

For instance, users have reported to unplug and reboot their Epson projectors once a month or two every time the auto iris error surfaces. And they don’t mind that provided it helps set the projector back in order or a trip to the service center is negated.

Kindly note, unplugging and rebooting must be employed only as a stopgap solution. With every instance of disconnecting and restarting the projector, the issue would only worsen ever so slightly, until the restarting action helps no more and the projector pretty much dies.

Not to mention, the frequency of the error message displaying would increase too.

Disassemble and Clean

Disassembling the projector

If that doesn’t work, you may have to dismantle the device and clean up its innards. Take off the projector’s cover and look for dust particles or other impediments blocking physical movement of the motor.

If you live in a busy neighborhood and you use your projector outdoors from time to time, dust buildup is quite likely. Even indoor usage with the windows open (for ventilation) could result in minute particles settling and accumulating inside the device and around the auto iris motor.

Inspect the different gears constituting the motor and ensure none of them has cracks. If there are signs of fissures, no amount of cleaning would resuscitate the auto iris. A replacement would, therefore, be inevitable.  

Suppose the cleaning doesn’t help or the projector is brand-new to accumulate any severe amount of dust already and there are no visible signs of damage. In that case, the issue could lie in something more technical that you may not be aware of.

If you are not handy with projectors, it’s advised you get a professional on board. Even if you are good with electronics, it’s still recommended you talk to Epson for expert assistance.

Get the Projector Replaced

packing for return

The methods mentioned above usually help rectify the auto iris error. But if the issue has been persistent and the projector is under warranty, consider getting the projector replaced. A replacement would arguably be the ideal solution to the problem.

Luckily, Epson has a good return/replacement policy for defective products. So, make use of it while you can. The replacement projector may not be new but would most likely not be plagued with the auto iris issue.

And if the replacement unit has the same problem, get it replaced with a fresh unit (hopefully). There’s no cap on the number of times you could put in a replacement request for a piece of faulty hardware.

Kindly note, Epson also has a 30-day money-back or return policy with no questions asked if you are not happy with the device.


replacing projector lens

The auto-iris instrument in your Epson projector is a moving component, and like every mechanical part that moves, the auto iris motor is bound to encounter issues. 

The good news is that the problem could be fixed, at home or through Epson’s direct intervention.

The goal of this article was to provide you a 360-degree understanding of the component, so you know how it works, what it achieves, and measures to resort to when things break down. Hopefully, the message has been effectively sent across. 

Catherine Tramell

Catherine Tramell has been covering technology as a freelance writer for over a decade. She has been writing for Pointer Clicker for over a year, further expanding her expertise as a tech columnist. Catherine likes spending time with her family and friends and her pastimes are reading books and news articles.


  1. Форумы на Epson Auto Iris — Форумы на
  2. Epson Auto Iris Неадекватное поведение заслонки
  3. #1 vasyakk
  4. Прикрепленные изображения
  5. #2 vasyakk
  6. #3 Gorn
  7. #4 vasyakk
  8. Прикрепленные изображения
  9. #5 Gorn
  10. #6 vasyakk
  11. #7 Gorn
  12. #8 lehaSh
  13. #9 Дмитрий_К
  14. How to Fix Epson Projector Auto Iris Errors?
  15. What Does “Auto Iris” Mean on a Projector?
  16. Auto Iris Apparatus
  17. Auto Iris Modes
  18. What Causes Errors in Auto Iris in an Epson Projector?
  19. How Quickly or Often Does the Auto Iris Issue Arise?
  20. Turning Off Auto Iris Doesn’t Help
  21. How to Fix Auto Iris Errors?
  22. Unplug and Reboot
  23. Disassemble and Clean
  24. Get the Projector Replaced
  25. Conclusion

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Epson Auto Iris Неадекватное поведение заслонки

#1 vasyakk

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  • Сообщений: 13
  • Регистрация: 15 Январь 13
  • Откуда: Саратов

Проектор Epson PowerLite Home cinema 720
Сегодня выдал ошибку «Error in Auto Iris. Power off and contact your nearest Epson service center.»

Вычитал, что проблема в штуке, которая регулирует световой поток в зависимости от происходящего на экране. Нашел это устройство, работает оно явно не так, как должно бы: сначала оно открывает заслонки, поворачивая их градусов на 45, затем останавливается. Так происходит четыре раза (в одну и ту же сторону), но повернув их до упора(раскрыв затворки полностью), пытается повернуть их дальше, но прокручивается. Дальше все остальное включается и выдается ошибка.

Не понятно — то ли сам моторчик глючит, то ли с основной платы идет такая команда. Если запускать проектор без него, то все равно выдается та же ошибка.

Вот как это выглядит вне проектора:

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#2 vasyakk

  • Группа: Постояные пользователи —>
  • Сообщений: 13
  • Регистрация: 15 Январь 13
  • Откуда: Саратов

#3 Gorn

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  • Регистрация: 10 Декабрь 10
  • Откуда: Светловодск

#4 vasyakk

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  • Сообщений: 13
  • Регистрация: 15 Январь 13
  • Откуда: Саратов

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#5 Gorn

  • Группа: Постояные пользователи —>
  • Сообщений: 591
  • Регистрация: 10 Декабрь 10
  • Откуда: Светловодск

#6 vasyakk

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  • Сообщений: 13
  • Регистрация: 15 Январь 13
  • Откуда: Саратов

#7 Gorn

  • Группа: Постояные пользователи —>
  • Сообщений: 591
  • Регистрация: 10 Декабрь 10
  • Откуда: Светловодск

#8 lehaSh

  • Группа: Просто интересующиеся —>
  • Сообщений: 1
  • Регистрация: 03 Март 15
  • Откуда: Волгоград

#9 Дмитрий_К

  • Группа: Постояные пользователи —>
  • Сообщений: 17
  • Регистрация: 28 Февраль 17
  • Откуда: Ульяновск

lehaSh (03 Март 2015 — 16:40) писал:

Такая же проблема. что значит вышла из строя одна половина датчика? оптопара либо живая либо нет. на какие контакты концевик ставили? все работает?


How to Fix Epson Projector Auto Iris Errors?

Posted on Published: October 28, 2021 — Last updated: September 28, 2022

Projectors are pretty much neck and neck with televisions when it comes to audio and video performance. It’s, however, safe to conclude that TVs have an edge since their displays are built-in, and the audio is also relatively more robust and feature-packed.

The display or presentation size has always been the forte of projectors and would remain so for the foreseeable future. But projector makers are not simply content with being able to cast massive visuals. They are keen to match or even supersede the TV in the picture quality department.

Auto iris is one such step in that direction. The feature has been there in Epson projectors for quite some time — along with it, some nagging concerns about their functionality.

So, what is “auto iris”? How does that lend to your projector viewing experience? And what are the concerns with it? Get the answers to all those questions and more in this article.

What Does “Auto Iris” Mean on a Projector?

“Auto iris” is a piece of hardware instituted between your Epson projector’s lens and bulb. It opens and shuts itself up based on the projected image’s overall luminance. The mechanism helps modify the amount of light that eventually gets projected. The task is done automatically or without any manual intervention.

For bright visuals, the iris opens larger to let in more light. It closes in or narrows down when working with dark images. In certain color modes, you may turn the auto iris setting on to optimize the image automatically depending on the projected image’s brightness.

Essentially, the auto iris feature helps your Epson projector boost its contrast levels or achieve the right kind according to a scene. This means dark visuals are fittingly dark, and bright scenes are well-lit, irrespective of the ambient light.

When the auto iris element in your projector is not working, the images will look desaturated or washed out, or the contrast ratio goes for a toss. For instance, if your projector has a 1000:1 ratio with auto iris enabled, it will likely decrease to around 700:1 when the auto iris is turned off.

If that drop in contrast ratio reads significant, you bet it is.

Auto Iris Apparatus

Click image for more info

Based on the Epson projector model you have, the actual hardware that provides the auto-iris functionality would vary.

Generally, the component looks like a leaf shutter covering a camera. Based on the image’s requirements, the blades move in proper synchronization to decrease or increase the iris’ size.

Some other projectors (Epson or another brand) could use a wheel-like tool instead, with an aperture that shrinks gradually. It rotates to alter the opening’s size, thereby achieving the right contrast-enhancing effect.

Irrespective of the design, the primary working mechanism of the module (as explained above) is the same.

Auto Iris Modes

The auto iris feature in most Epson projectors, particularly in the affordable range, can either be turned on or off. However, in some projectors, the auto iris could come with different modes: High Speed, Normal, and Off.

As the name suggests, the Off mode turns off the feature. “Normal” is the standard iris setting and perhaps ideal for all ambient lighting scenarios. “High Speed”, on the other hand, is a bit aggressive and would shine through in the outdoors.

What Causes Errors in Auto Iris in an Epson Projector?

Your Epson projector could encounter auto-iris errors for a few different reasons. The following are some of the most common causes:

  • Improper connection or the device may not have been plugged in correctly. The link could have come loose.
  • Accumulation of dust and dirt could have caused the optical block or iris motor to get stuck.
  • The auto-iris motor may have worn out, requiring repair or a replacement.
  • The module could be defective to begin with — a rare manufacturing oversight.

Though not an error per se, the auto iris component could make some noise while in motion, which could be distracting or annoying and may force users to turn it off.

The iris shifting its position to accommodate the luminance of a given scene could also be a bit obvious at times. Therefore, some people may choose to turn off the feature and resort to manual iris adjustments instead or have the iris setting fixed.

How Quickly or Often Does the Auto Iris Issue Arise?

Though the auto iris issue is often a result of wear, at times, it could be a direct outcome of a defective motor. Therefore, the problem could arise a week or two after initial use or may take months or years to surface.

Anecdotal reports suggest some users encountered the issue for the first time after clocking 15,000 hours.

As far as specific models or series of projectors afflicted with the auto iris failure problem go, it’s across the board and quite random. In other words, a premium Epson projector is as likely to develop an auto iris problem or could be immune to the issue as much as a lower-end model would be.

Turning Off Auto Iris Doesn’t Help

By turning off the auto iris function and rebooting, your Epson projector will usually start in the normal iris mode or auto iris enabled since the system needs to do a proper check-up each time a boot up is done.

And if an auto iris failure is detected during the system-wide scan, your projector won’t turn on.

Suppose you have an Epson projector that hasn’t encountered an auto iris error (yet). If you’ve permanently turned off the feature to avert the issue or not deal with an impaired projector in the first place, the strategy won’t work, unfortunately.

Your Epson projector would either never have the issue or eventually be inflicted with it any time. It’s just a waiting game.

Disabling the auto iris feature during usage would put a slight strain on the hardware. The motor would wear considerably less as it would not constantly switch between dark and bright scenes during projector usage.

That could mean a lower likelihood of the auto-iris failing or the error message not popping up on the screen during bootup.

How to Fix Auto Iris Errors?

Since there could be different causes for an auto iris error, there’s no single solution to the problem. Here are a few remedial measures you shall employ:

Unplug and Reboot

Unplugging and rebooting your Epson projector often solves the issue (albeit temporarily) — like how the action revives every other electronic item, such as smartphones and laptops. You might, however, have to do this multiple times over a period.

For instance, users have reported to unplug and reboot their Epson projectors once a month or two every time the auto iris error surfaces. And they don’t mind that provided it helps set the projector back in order or a trip to the service center is negated.

Kindly note, unplugging and rebooting must be employed only as a stopgap solution. With every instance of disconnecting and restarting the projector, the issue would only worsen ever so slightly, until the restarting action helps no more and the projector pretty much dies.

Not to mention, the frequency of the error message displaying would increase too.

Disassemble and Clean

If that doesn’t work, you may have to dismantle the device and clean up its innards. Take off the projector’s cover and look for dust particles or other impediments blocking physical movement of the motor.

If you live in a busy neighborhood and you use your projector outdoors from time to time, dust buildup is quite likely. Even indoor usage with the windows open (for ventilation) could result in minute particles settling and accumulating inside the device and around the auto iris motor.

Inspect the different gears constituting the motor and ensure none of them has cracks. If there are signs of fissures, no amount of cleaning would resuscitate the auto iris. A replacement would, therefore, be inevitable.

Suppose the cleaning doesn’t help or the projector is brand-new to accumulate any severe amount of dust already and there are no visible signs of damage. In that case, the issue could lie in something more technical that you may not be aware of.

If you are not handy with projectors, it’s advised you get a professional on board. Even if you are good with electronics, it’s still recommended you talk to Epson for expert assistance.

Get the Projector Replaced

The methods mentioned above usually help rectify the auto iris error. But if the issue has been persistent and the projector is under warranty, consider getting the projector replaced. A replacement would arguably be the ideal solution to the problem.

Luckily, Epson has a good return/replacement policy for defective products. So, make use of it while you can. The replacement projector may not be new but would most likely not be plagued with the auto iris issue.

And if the replacement unit has the same problem, get it replaced with a fresh unit (hopefully). There’s no cap on the number of times you could put in a replacement request for a piece of faulty hardware.

Kindly note, Epson also has a 30-day money-back or return policy with no questions asked if you are not happy with the device.


The auto-iris instrument in your Epson projector is a moving component, and like every mechanical part that moves, the auto iris motor is bound to encounter issues.

The good news is that the problem could be fixed, at home or through Epson’s direct intervention.

The goal of this article was to provide you a 360-degree understanding of the component, so you know how it works, what it achieves, and measures to resort to when things break down. Hopefully, the message has been effectively sent across.

Catherine Tramell has been covering technology as a freelance writer for over a decade. She has been writing for Pointer Clicker for over a year, further expanding her expertise as a tech columnist. Catherine likes spending time with her family and friends and her pastimes are reading books and news articles.


Undoubtedly, Epson is one of the best company for projectors. The 4k projectors are mainly famous for its high-quality display. But, the truth is that the best doesn’t always mean perfect. If you are using the projector, then you may find an error in Auto Iris Epson projector. The problem may occur due to a wrong entry in the registry edit. At the same time, the misconfiguration of system settings can be the reason of this issue.

error in Auto Iris Epson projector

However, to find the solution, you can stay connected with the article. With the help of these solutions, you can troubleshoot the error faster. Besides that, if you find the error difficult to solve, then you can ask us for help. We will guide you further.

The name Epson Auto Iris Error is a notorious error of but the information which pertains to the error is really less. Basically, it means that the auto iris is facing problem at the time of turning on. There can be various reasons for which the issue occurs. Let’s find the reasons behind it.

The Reasons Behind The Error In Auto Iris Epson Projector

Knowing the reasons will help you to find the perfect solution. If the error message arrives at your screen, then it may contain corrupted system files. Again, incomplete installation of software may create the problem. At the same time, due to a virus attack, you may find the same error. Apart from these, the power failure can be another reason for Auto Iris error.

How To Fix The Epson Auto Iris Error?

To fix the error on your own, you can go through these solutions. You may find the correct answer.

Solution 1: Restart The Computer And The Projector

First of all, you can perform restarting of the 4k projector as well as the computer. If any of them stops responding, then restarting can solve the error. To perform this step, at first, disconnect the projector from the computer and turn it off. Now, power off the computer and wait for a while. After that, restart the computer and connect the projector back. Now, check if the error exists or not. If it exists, then try the next solution.

Solution 2: Perform Antivirus Scan

Secondly, you can scan your system to check if there is any virus or not. You can use a third-party antivirus to scan the system. Otherwise, you can turn on the Windows Firewall to protect your PC. Microsoft provides the firewall as an inbuilt software to protect the system from virus. You can scan your system with the help of it. If you find any virus affected files, delete that immediately to fix the error.

Solution 3: Repair The Corrupted System Files

If you find corrupt system files, then you need to repair it. To correct the system files, go to the Start and open the Command prompt as an administrator. Now, enter the code sfc/scannow and scan the system. After completing the scanning process, restart the computer and find out whether the error exists or not.

Solution 4: Update The Drivers

Again, if you forget to update the drivers for a long time, then it may create the error in Auto Iris Epson projector. To update the driver, you can visit the official website of the manufacturer. Now, download the latest update and install it. When the installation is completed, try to access the projector. You may find the error disappears.

Contact Us For Further Guidance

Are you still struggling with the error? Don’t worry. If you find it difficult to solve, then you can connect with our Epson 4k projector support help desk for help. Our technicians can quickly solve the error in Auto Iris Epson projector. Apart from these, if you are unable to understand at any point in the solution set even then you can ask us. We will clear out all your doubts. To contact us, you can give us a call on the toll-free number  +1-844-828-5593 whenever you need the help. We are available for 24×7. At the same time, you can send us a mail. You will receive the reply fast. For instant discussion, contact us through live chatting.

Topic: Epson EH-TW6700 auto iris error  (Read 1101 times)

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I bought a broken Epson EH-TW6700 projector with mainboard failure. After booting up it showed the auto iris error. So I took it apart and had a go at it. Its not really an iris, more like an eyelid :)
After cleaning the mechanical parts, as suggesgted by the internets, nothing happened. So I probed around, no signal on the motor whatever. After probing the driver IC, a TI DRV8846, I wasn’t seeing any voltage.
The dead DC-DC converter responsible is a TI TPS54335A. Currently waiting for the part, but i hope that settles that.


Hi ApertureScience  :),
I also have this error, but I am not so experienced in measuring.
Is the DC-DC converter on the mainboard or directly on the iris panel? Does the part have to be disassembled and measured or in the installed state? How to measure is of course also interesting to me.
 I would be very happy if you can help me.

best regards


I have an Epson EH-TW5000 that went back under warranty for an auto iris issue (many years ago).

If it happens again I’ll have to see if I can fix it in a similar way.



Mine too!!!!! Thanks very much! Basically if your Auto Iris looks just fine, it’s the Dc-DC converter that needs replacement!

It’s not an easy task, but if you have done some micro soldering you should be fine!


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