Error in fun left invalid argument to unary operator

I want to add a new column like how these tables change below. Where I keep the values 'member' and 'casual' but change 'Subscriber' to 'member' and 'Customer' to 'casual' in a new column. I tried ...

I want to add a new column like how these tables change below. Where I keep the values ‘member’ and ‘casual’ but change ‘Subscriber’ to ‘member’ and ‘Customer’ to ‘casual’ in a new column. I tried using a conditional mutate but it gives me the error «Error in FUN(left) : invalid argument to unary operator».

If anyone has any ideas on how to get this working, I’d greatly appreciate your input!


Changes to:

member_casual membership_type
member member
casual casual
Subscriber member
Customer casual
Subscriber member
Customer casual
df < - df %>% 
  mutate(membership_type = case_when(member_casual == "member" ~ "member",
                                     member_casual == "casual" ~ "casual",
                                     member_casual == "Subscriber" ~ "member",
                                     member_casual ==  "Customer" ~ "casual"))

>>Error in FUN(left) : invalid argument to unary operator

asked Mar 24, 2022 at 1:20

Pip's user avatar

One possible solution: since you only have two desired categories in your transformation, you could use ifelse().

df <- df %>% 
  mutate(membership_type = ifelse(member_casual %in% c("member", "Subscriber"), "member", "casual"))

The ifelse() function will check the Boolean condition in the first argument. If the first argument is TRUE, ifelse() will return the second argument; otherwise, it will return the third argument.

answered Mar 24, 2022 at 1:51

Aaron Montgomery's user avatar


  1. Your last argument needs a default which you set with TRUE ~ default value

so as it applies to your example, the below should work.

df < - df %>% 
  mutate(membership_type = case_when(member_casual == "casual" ~ "casual",
                                     member_casual == "Subscriber" ~ "member",
                                     member_casual == "Customer" ~ "casual",
                                     TRUE ~ "member"))

answered Mar 24, 2022 at 2:03

alejandro_hagan's user avatar


This error commonly occurs when the is an unexpected use of a unary operator (+, -, !)

This error can occur if you provide an extra + when inputting a multiline ggplot2 command, for example,

ggplot(, aes(x = region, y = expression, fill = species)) +
   geom_boxplot() + 
   + ggtitle("Title")

You can solve this error by removing the extra + symbols.

The error can also occur if you try to order string columns using the minus sign – with order(). You can solve the error by using the decreasing argument in the order() function call.

This tutorial will go through the error in detail and how to solve it with code examples.

Table of contents

  • Example #1: Multiline ggplot2 command
    • Solution
  • Example #2: Sorting Data Frame String Column Descending Order
    • Solution
  • Summary

Example #1: Multiline ggplot2 command

Consider the following example, we want to use the gapminder dataset to plot life expectancy across all continents. First, we will install and load gapminder

# A tibble: 6 × 6
  country     continent  year lifeExp      pop gdpPercap
  <fct>       <fct>     <int>   <dbl>    <int>     <dbl>
1 Afghanistan Asia       1952    28.8  8425333      779.
2 Afghanistan Asia       1957    30.3  9240934      821.
3 Afghanistan Asia       1962    32.0 10267083      853.
4 Afghanistan Asia       1967    34.0 11537966      836.
5 Afghanistan Asia       1972    36.1 13079460      740.
6 Afghanistan Asia       1977    38.4 14880372      786.

Now that we have the dataset, we will attempt to create the life expectancy boxplots.

ggplot(gapminder, aes(x=continent, y=lifeExp, fill=continent)) + 
 geom_boxplot() + 
 + ggtitle("Life Expectancy Across Continents")

Let’s run the code to see what happens:

Error in +ggtitle("Life Expectancy Across Continents") : 
  invalid argument to unary operator

The error occurs because we have an extra plus-sign + symbol between geom_boxplot() and ggtitle. This typically happens when we copy and paste multiline code. The + sign indicates a new line.


We can solve this error by removing the extra + symbol. Let’s look at the revised code:

ggplot(gapminder, aes(x=continent, y=lifeExp, fill=continent)) + 
   geom_boxplot() +
   ggtitle("Life Expectancy Across Continents")

Let’s run the code to see the result:

Box Plots of Life Expectancy Across Continents gapminder

Box Plots of Life Expectancy Across Continents

We successfully plotted the box plots for life expectancy across the five continents.

Example #2: Sorting Data Frame String Column Descending Order

Let’s look at an example of a data frame with three variables, gender, age, and degree. The data frame describes a sample of degree holders.

population = 10
age = sample(25:75, population, replace=TRUE)
degree = sample(c("MA","MSci","BA","PhD"), population, replace=TRUE)
( = data.frame(gender=gender, age=age, degree=degree))
gender age degree
1  female  59   MSci
2  female  41     MA
3  female  72     MA
4  female  32    PhD
5  female  43     BA
6    male  55   MSci
7    male  43     BA
8  female  43     BA
9  female  49    PhD
10   male  31     BA

If we want to sort by decreasing age, we can use the minus sign inside the order() function call as follows:[order($age),]
 gender age degree
3  female  72     MA
1  female  59   MSci
6    male  55   MSci
9  female  49    PhD
5  female  43     BA
7    male  43     BA
8  female  43     BA
2  female  41     MA
4  female  32    PhD
10   male  31     BA

However, we cannot do this with the degree column because it is type character.[order($degree),]
Error in$degree : invalid argument to unary operator

In R, we cannot provide a character type object as an argument to the unary operator -.


We can solve this error by using the decreasing argument in the order function call. Let’s look at the revised code:[order($degree, decreasing=TRUE),]

Let’s run the code to see the result:

gender age degree
4  female  32    PhD
9  female  49    PhD
1  female  59   MSci
6    male  55   MSci
2  female  41     MA
3  female  72     MA
5  female  43     BA
7    male  43     BA
8  female  43     BA
10   male  31     BA

We successfully sorted the data frame in descending order of the degree column.


Congratulations on reading to the end of this tutorial!

For further reading on R related errors, go to the articles: 

  • How to Solve R Error: mapping should be created with aes() or aes_()
  • How to Solve R Error: Could not find function “%”
  • How to Solve R Error: Incorrect number of subscripts on matrix

Go to the online courses page on R to learn more about coding in R for data science and machine learning.

Have fun and happy researching!

Lineup optimization for daily fantasy sports

GNU General Public License v3.0





Error in FUN(left) : invalid argument to unary operator

Created at 2 years ago


hi @bluh32, were you able to fix this?

Created at 2 years ago


Yeah, I forget exactly but I needed to shift my dataframe index column one over or something to get it working (or add an index column). This is a really cool app, appreciate you putting it together. Love how you can make a custom contest type.

Created at 2 years ago


Ok awesome. Glad you enjoy it. Feel free to let me know of any other issues you have!

Created at 2 years ago

Я хочу добавить новый столбец, например, как эти таблицы меняются ниже. Где я сохраняю значения «член» и «случайный», но меняю «Подписчик» на «член» и «Клиент» на «случайный» в новом столбце. Я попытался использовать условную мутацию, но это дает мне ошибку «Ошибка в FUN (слева): недопустимый аргумент для унарного оператора».

Если у кого-то есть какие-либо идеи о том, как заставить это работать, я был бы очень признателен за ваш вклад!


Изменения к:

member_casual членство_тип
член член
повседневная повседневная
Подписчик член
Клиент повседневная
Подписчик член
Клиент повседневная
df < - df %>% 
  mutate(membership_type = case_when(member_casual == "member" ~ "member",
                                     member_casual == "casual" ~ "casual",
                                     member_casual == "Subscriber" ~ "member",
                                     member_casual ==  "Customer" ~ "casual"))

>>Error in FUN(left) : invalid argument to unary operator

Я чувствую, что у этого должно быть действительно простое / элегантное решение, но я просто не могу его найти. (Я относительно новичок в r, поэтому неудивительно.)

У меня есть (большой) вложенный список, содержащий data.frames, которые я пытаюсь объединить. Вот код для создания некоторых образцов данных:

#Create data frames nested in a list
for (i in 1:6) {
  for (j in 1:4) {
    assign(paste0("v", j),,4))
  assign(paste0("df", i), list(cbind(v1, v2, v3, v4)))

inner1 <- list(data1 = df1, data2 = df2)
inner2 <- list(data1 = df3, data2 = df4)
inner3 <- list(data1 = df5, data2 = df6)

outer <- list(group1 = inner1, group2 = inner2, group3 = inner3)

Мне нужно сложить все фреймы данных с пометкой data1 вместе и все data2 вместе. Если бы они не были в этом формате вложенного списка, я бы сделал следующее:

data1.tot <- df1 + df3 + df5
data2.tot <- df2 + df4 + df6

Поскольку они есть в списке, я подумал, что может быть решение lapply, и попробовал:

grp <- c("group1", "group2", "group3") #vector of groups to sum across
datas <- lapply(outer, "[[", "data1") #select "data1" from all groups
tot.datas <- lapply(datas[grp], "+") #to sum across selected data
#I know these last two steps can be combined into one but it helps me keep everything straight to separate them

Но он возвращает Error in FUN(left): invalid argument to unary operator, потому что я передаю список данных как x.

Я также рассмотрел другие решения, подобные этому: Объединение выбранных фреймов данных из списка фреймов данных

Но вложенная структура моих данных заставляет меня не знать, как применить это решение к моей проблеме.

Следует отметить, что данные, с которыми я работаю, являются данными GCHN Daily, поэтому структура не является моей разработкой. Любая помощь будет принята с благодарностью.

ОБНОВИТЬ: Я частично нашел исправление, используя предложение Reduce от @Parfait, но теперь мне нужно автоматизировать его. Я работаю над решением с использованием цикла for, потому что это дает мне больше контроля над элементами, к которым я обращаюсь, но я открыт для других идей. Вот работающее вручную решение:

get.df <- function(x, y, z) {
# function to pull out the desired data.frame from the list
# x included as argument to make function applicable to my real data
  output <- x[[y]][[z]]

output1 <- get.df(x = outer, y = "group1", z = "data1")
output2 <- get.df(x = outer, y = "group2", z = "data1")
data1 <- list(output1, output2)
data1.tot <- Reduce(`+`, data1)

Используя мои образцы данных, я хотел бы перебрать это по 2 типам данных («data1» и «data2») и 3 группам («group1», «group2», «group3»). Я работаю над решением цикла for, но пытаюсь сохранить output1 и output2 в списке. Мой цикл сейчас выглядит так:

dat <- c("data1", "data2")
grp <- c("group1", "group2", "group3")

for(i in 1:length(dat)) {
  for(j in 1:length(grp)) {
    assign(paste0("out", j), get.df(x = outer, y = grp[j], z = dat[i]))
list(??? #clearly this is where I'm stuck!

Есть ли предложения по проблеме цикла for или по лучшему методу?

3 ответа

Вот решение, которое отлично работает, если каждый внутренний список содержит только несколько фреймов данных:

sum_df1 <- sum(unlist(lapply(outer, "[[", 1)))
sum_df2 <- sum(unlist(lapply(outer, "[[", 2)))

Если каждый внутренний список содержит e. грамм. 1000 фреймов данных, используйте:

dfs <- seq(1 : 1000)
lapply(dfs, function(x) sum(unlist(lapply(outer, "[[", x))))

Это даст вам список, в котором каждый элемент представляет собой сумму внутренних фреймов данных.


26 Сен 2018 в 03:25

Это то, что вы хотите?

  X = names(outer[[1]]),
  FUN = function(d) {
    Reduce(x = unlist(lapply(outer, "[[", d), recursive = F), f = "+")
  simplify = F,


26 Сен 2018 в 08:08

Рассмотрим Reduce, которые работают вне списков. Эта функция высшего порядка представляет собой компактный способ выполнения вложенных вызовов: ((df1 + df2) + df3) + ....

data1.tot <- Reduce(`+`, lapply(outer, "[[", "data1"))

data2.tot <- Reduce(`+`, lapply(outer, "[[", "data2"))

Чтобы продемонстрировать со случайными данными



dfList <- setNames(replicate(6, data.frame(NUM1=runif(50),
                                           NUM3=runif(50)), simplify = FALSE),
                   paste0("df", 1:6))

list2env(dfList, .GlobalEnv)

inner1 <- list(data1 = df1, data2 = df2)
inner2 <- list(data1 = df3, data2 = df4)
inner3 <- list(data1 = df5, data2 = df6)

outer <- list(group1 = inner1, group2 = inner2, group3 = inner3)


data1.tot <- Reduce(`+`, lapply(outer, "[[", "data1"))
head(data1.tot, 10)
#         NUM1      NUM2      NUM3
# 1  2.0533870 1.3821609 1.0702992
# 2  2.6046584 1.7260646 1.9699774
# 3  2.2510810 1.6690353 1.4495476
# 4  1.7636879 1.2357098 1.9483906
# 5  1.0189969 2.1191041 1.7466040
# 6  1.3933982 0.7541027 1.0971724
# 7  1.8058803 2.4608417 0.7291335
# 8  1.0763517 1.2494739 1.0480818
# 9  0.7069873 1.5496575 1.2264486
# 10 0.9522526 2.1407523 1.2597422

data2.tot <- Reduce(`+`, lapply(outer, "[[", "data2"))
head(data2.tot, 10)    
#         NUM1      NUM2      NUM3
# 1  1.7568578 0.9322930 1.5579897
# 2  0.9455063 0.9211592 1.7067779
# 3  1.2698614 0.4623059 0.9426310
# 4  1.6791964 1.4304953 1.2435480
# 5  0.8088625 2.6107952 1.2308862
# 6  1.8202400 2.3511104 1.5676112
# 7  0.9765578 0.8870206 0.6725699
# 8  2.6448770 1.8931751 1.8188512
# 9  1.6114870 1.8632245 0.7452924
# 10 0.9710550 1.8367305 2.0994788

Тест на равенство

all.equal(data1.tot, df1 + df3 + df5)
# [1] TRUE
all.equal(data2.tot, df2 + df4 + df6)
# [1] TRUE

identical(data1.tot, df1 + df3 + df5)
# [1] TRUE
identical(data2.tot, df2 + df4 + df6)
# [1] TRUE


26 Сен 2018 в 19:00

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I’m resorting to R to handling averageif() and maxif() like functions because my data set is too large and Excel keeps crashing.

I’m looking for a way to find the average wind based on status, and between columns Start Date and End Date from df. I’d imagine this would involve the between function in R.

status<-c("tropical depression", "tropical depression", "tropical storm")
Begin_Date <- as.Date(c("1974/06/01","1980/06/05","1990/06/07"))
End_Date <- as.Date(c("1975/06/01","1981/07/05","1991/08/07"))
storms$date <- as.Date(with(storms, paste(year, month, day,sep="-")), "%Y-%m-%d")

(Note: my actual problem is billing data, so I would need a solution to gather an average based on IDs, between a start billing date and end billing date).

Take the storms dataset from dplyr as an example.

starting with my df below:

               status Begin_Date   End_Date
tropical depression  1974-06-01 1975-06-01
 tropical depression 1980-06-05 1981-07-05
      tropical storm 1990-06-07 1991-08-07 

What I’d like:

               status Begin_Date   End_Date   Avg Wind
tropical depression  1974-06-01 1975-06-01    44.3
 tropical depression 1980-06-05 1981-07-05    66.7
      tropical storm 1990-06-07 1991-08-07    56

I’m trying to get this to be dplyr compliant as well.

My attempt is erroring out:

df$Average_wind < - storms %>% filter (status = df$status, date >= df$Begin_Date,date<df$End_Date) %>% summarise(avg = mean(wind))

Error in FUN(left) : invalid argument to unary operator

The average wind and max wind values in the «I’d like» example are not accurate, simply for formatting purposes.

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