Error in imap command fetch invalid messageset

I'm hosting my webserver using postfix and dovecot. it works fine when i try to connect using my iphone and my macbook. I need to connect an external WebbApplication to get all E-Mails over IMAP

I’m hosting my webserver using postfix and dovecot. it works fine when i try to connect using my iphone and my macbook.
I need to connect an external WebbApplication to get all E-Mails over IMAP Connection. The connection can be authenticated. I just can’t get all mails. I get the following response:

The IMAP server replied to the 'FETCH' command with a 'BAD' response: Error in IMAP command FETCH: Invalid messageset (0.001 + 0.000 secs).

The WebApplication is working with other webservers like google and gmx.
So it should be a problem with my webserver.
I’m really lost and i can’t know where to look in.

The Version of dovecot is: (d6601f4ec)

Thanks for any help in advanced!

############## Edit ##############

following is the syslog file at the moment when i request the fetch:

    Nov 10 21:10:06 mail postfix/local[8772]: 5D71E24369A: to=<>, orig_to=<opendkim>, relay=local, delay=0.02, delays=0.01/0/0/0, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to mailbox)
Nov 10 21:10:06 mail postfix/qmgr[23043]: 5D71E24369A: removed
Nov 10 21:10:06 mail xrdp[1122]: (1122)(140578514478912)[INFO ] Socket 12: AF_INET6 connection received from ::ffff: port 53740
Nov 10 21:10:06 mail xrdp[1122]: (1122)(140578514478912)[DEBUG] Closed socket 12 (AF_INET6 ::ffff: port 3389)
Nov 10 21:10:06 mail xrdp[19460]: (19460)(140578514478912)[DEBUG] Closed socket 11 (AF_INET6 :: port 3389)
Nov 10 21:10:06 mail xrdp[19460]: (19460)(140578514478912)[INFO ] Using default X.509 certificate: /etc/xrdp/cert.pem
Nov 10 21:10:06 mail xrdp[19460]: (19460)(140578514478912)[INFO ] Using default X.509 key file: /etc/xrdp/key.pem
Nov 10 21:10:06 mail xrdp[19460]: (19460)(140578514478912)[DEBUG] TLSv1.2 enabled
Nov 10 21:10:06 mail xrdp[19460]: (19460)(140578514478912)[DEBUG] TLSv1.1 enabled
Nov 10 21:10:06 mail xrdp[19460]: (19460)(140578514478912)[DEBUG] TLSv1 enabled
Nov 10 21:10:06 mail xrdp[19460]: (19460)(140578514478912)[DEBUG] Security layer: requested 3, selected 1
Nov 10 21:10:07 mail xrdp[19460]: (19460)(140578514478912)[DEBUG] Closed socket 12 (AF_INET6 ::ffff: 3389)
Nov 10 21:10:13 mail dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=19483, TLS, session=<VSxhXCPtgMJQkAkM>
Nov 10 21:10:15 mail dovecot: imap( Connection closed (FETCH finished 0.217 secs ago) in=195 out=942

I’m using imap with php and I found this error:

Unknown: IMAP protocol error: Error in IMAP command STORE: Invalid messageset (0.001 + 0.000 secs). (errflg=2)

This happens only with some mailboxes (ex. one hosted on

The error occurs at the end of the script, after imap_close().

This is the simple code. If you have any suggest (far to my first problem), is really accepted.

$inbox = imap_open($hostname,$username,$password) or die('Cannot connect: ' . imap_last_error());
$emails = imap_search($inbox,'SINCE "'.date("d-M-y",strtotime("-3 days")).'"',SE_UID);

if($emails) {
    foreach($emails as $email_number) {

        echo "<h1>".$email_number."</h1>";
        $overview = imap_fetch_overview($inbox,$email_number, FT_UID);


        $structure = imap_fetchstructure($inbox,$email_number, FT_UID);

            $flattenedParts = flattenParts($structure->parts);
            echo "<pre>";
            echo "</pre>";
            echo "</br>";           
            getmsg($inbox, $email_number);

            echo "<p>".htmlspecialchars_decode(utf8_decode($plainmsg))."</p>";
            $string_email = utf8_decode(imap_body($inbox, $email_number, FT_UID));
            $string_email= strip_tags($string_email);
            $string_email = html_entity_decode($string_email,ENT_QUOTES);
            echo "<p>".$string_email."</p>";


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ID Project Category View Status Date Submitted Last Update
0019624 Plugin — EmailReporting General public 2015-04-15 17:48 2016-07-22 20:04
Reporter Mophilly  Assigned To SL-Gundam   
Priority normal Severity block Reproducibility always
Status closed Resolution fixed  
OS Centos 5  
Summary 0019624: pear error; BAD, Error in IMAP commenct FETCH

MantisBT 1.2.15
Plugin EmailReporting-0.9.0-DEV

Set up the plugin yesterday with one mailbox. Several tests that worked fine.

Set up a second mailbox and the «complete test» failed. Test of first mailbox also fails.

Delete second mailbox; first mailbox still fails.

Additional Information

Description: test mantis email reporting
Mailbox type: IMAP
Hostname: localhost
TCP port (optional): 993
Connection encryption: SSL
Username: test_mantis_email_reporting
Password: **
Authentication method: LOGIN
Basefolder (optional): INBOX

[pear_error: message=»BAD, Error in IMAP command FETCH: Invalid messageset» code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix=»» info=»»]

Tags No tags attached.

We have now ensured that no .Purge() method is called or any manipulation of messages takes place before the two .MoveMessages() Methods is called.

On the first run with the 755 messages we got a time-out Exception from the IMAPClient. Is there a way of setting up the time-out value in the Client? (when we go live, we need to process thousands of messages in one run).

On the second run, we got the «The specified message set is invalid (NO)» Exception again. But I am not sure, if it is caused by some kind of folder synchronization issue on the server-side? I Have copied the trace log below

Hope you can help us once again.

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:16.29] Information — Response: * 755 EXISTS

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:16.29] Information — Response: * 0 RECENT

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:16.29] Information — Response: * FLAGS (Seen Answered Flagged Deleted Draft $MDNSent)

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:16.29] Information — Response: * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (Seen Answered Flagged Deleted Draft $MDNSent)] Permanent flags

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:16.29] Information — Response: * OK [UIDVALIDITY 4778] UIDVALIDITY value

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:16.29] Information — Response: * OK [UIDNEXT 2036] The next unique identifier value

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:16.29] Information — Response: R002FA OK [READ-WRITE] SELECT completed.

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:19.44] Information — Command: R002FB EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Verbose — Info: Data received from the server:

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30 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 35 30 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 35 30 33 20 45 58 50

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2A 20 35 30 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 39 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 39 38 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 39 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 39 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 39 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 39 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34

39 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 39 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 39 31 20 45 58 50

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2A 20 34 38 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 38 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 38 36 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 38 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 38 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 38 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 38 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34

38 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 38 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 37 39 20 45 58 50

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2A 20 34 37 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 37 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 37 34 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 37 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 37 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 37 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 37 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34

36 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 36 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 36 37 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 36 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 36 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 34 36 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 36 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 36 32 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 36 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 36 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 35 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 35 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34

35 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 35 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 35 35 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 35 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 35 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 34 35 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 35 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 35 30 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 34 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 34 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 34 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 34 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34

34 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 34 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 34 33 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 34 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 34 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 34 34 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 33 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 33 38 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 33 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 33 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 33 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 33 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34

33 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 33 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 33 31 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 33 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 32 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 34 32 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 32 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 32 36 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 32 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 32 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 32 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 32 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34

32 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 32 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 31 39 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 31 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 31 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 34 31 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 31 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 31 34 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 31 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 31 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 31 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 31 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34

30 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 30 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 30 37 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 30 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 30 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 34 30 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 30 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 30 32 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 30 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 30 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 39 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 39 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33

39 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 39 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 39 35 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 39 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 39 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 33 39 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 39 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 39 30 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 38 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 38 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 38 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 38 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33

38 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 38 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 38 33 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 38 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 38 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 33 38 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 37 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 37 38 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 37 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 37 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 37 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 37 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33

37 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 37 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 37 31 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 37 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 36 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 33 36 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 36 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 36 36 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 36 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 36 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 36 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 36 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33

36 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 36 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 35 39 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 35 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 35 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 33 35 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 35 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 35 34 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 35 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 35 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 35 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 35 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33

34 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 34 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 34 37 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 34 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 34 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 33 34 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 34 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 34 32 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 34 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 34 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 33 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 33 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33

33 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 33 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 33 35 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 33 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 33 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 33 33 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 33 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 33 30 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 32 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 32 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 32 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 32 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33

32 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 32 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 32 33 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 32 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 32 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 33 32 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 31 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 31 38 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 31 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 31 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 31 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 31 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33

31 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 31 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 31 31 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 31 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 30 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 33 30 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 30 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 30 36 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 30 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 30 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 30 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 30 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33

30 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 30 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 39 39 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 39 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 39 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 32 39 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 39 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 39 34 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 39 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 39 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 39 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 39 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32

38 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 38 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 38 37 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 38 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 38 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 32 38 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 38 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 38 32 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 38 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 38 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 37 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 37 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32

37 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 37 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 37 35 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 37 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 37 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 32 37 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 37 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 37 30 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 36 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 36 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 36 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 36 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32

36 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 36 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 36 33 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 36 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 36 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 32 36 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 35 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 35 38 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 35 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 35 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 35 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 35 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32

35 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 35 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 35 31 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 35 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 34 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 32 34 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 34 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 34 36 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 34 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 34 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 34 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 34 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32

34 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 34 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 33 39 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 33 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 33 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 32 33 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 33 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 33 34 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 33 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 33 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 33 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 33 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32

32 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 32 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 32 37 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 32 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 32 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 32 32 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 32 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 32 32 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 32 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 32 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 31 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 31 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32

31 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 31 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 31 35 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 31 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 31 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 32 31 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 31 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 31 30 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 30 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 30 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 30 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 30 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32

30 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 30 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 30 33 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 30 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 30 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 32 30 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 39 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 39 38 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 39 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 39 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 39 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 39 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31

39 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 39 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 39 31 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 39 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 38 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 31 38 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 38 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 38 36 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 38 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 38 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 38 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 38 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31

38 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 38 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 37 39 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 37 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 37 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 31 37 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 37 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 37 34 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 37 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 37 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 37 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 37 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31

36 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 36 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 36 37 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 36 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 36 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 31 36 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 36 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 36 32 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 36 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 36 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 35 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 35 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31

35 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 35 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 35 34 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 35 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 35 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 31 35 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 35 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 34 39 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 34 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 34 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 34 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 34 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31

34 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 34 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 34 32 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 34 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 34 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 31 33 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 33 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 33 37 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 33 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 33 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 33 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 33 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31

33 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 33 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 33 30 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 32 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 32 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 31 32 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 32 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 32 35 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 32 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 32 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 32 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 32 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31

31 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 31 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 31 37 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 31 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 31 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 31 31 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 31 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 31 32 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 31 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 31 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 30 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 30 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31

30 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 30 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 30 35 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 30 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 30 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A

2A 20 31 30 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 30 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 30 30 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 39 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 39 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D

0A 2A 20 39 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 39 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 39 35 20 45 58

50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 39 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 39 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A

20 39 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 39 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 38 39 20 45 58 50 55

4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 38 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 38 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 38

36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 38 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 38 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 38 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 38 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 38 31 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 38 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 37 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D

0A 2A 20 37 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 37 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 37 36 20 45 58

50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 37 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 37 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A

20 37 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 37 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 37 31 20 45 58 50 55

4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 37 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 36 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 36

38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 36 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 36 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 36 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 36 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 36 33 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 36 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 36 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D

0A 2A 20 36 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 35 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 35 38 20 45 58

50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 35 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 35 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A

20 35 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 35 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 35 33 20 45 58 50 55

4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 35 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 35 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 35

30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 35 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D

0A 2A 20 34 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 38 20 45 58

50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A

20 33 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 33 20 45 58 50 55

4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33

30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 35 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D

0A 2A 20 32 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 30 20 45 58

50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 39 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A

20 31 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 36 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 35 20 45 58 50 55

4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 33 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31

32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 30 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47

45 0D 0A 2A 20 38 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 37 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 36 20 45 58 50

55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 35 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 34 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 33 20

45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 32 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A 20 31 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 0D 0A 2A

20 39 20 45 58 49 53 54 53 0D 0A 52 30 30 32 46 42 20 4F 4B 20 45 58 50 55 4E 47 45 20 63 6F 6D 70 6C 65 74

65 64 2E 0D 0A

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 755 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 754 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 753 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 752 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 751 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 750 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 749 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 747 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 746 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 744 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 743 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 742 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 741 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 740 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 739 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 738 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 737 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 736 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 735 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 734 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 733 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 732 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 731 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 730 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 729 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 728 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 727 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 726 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 725 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 724 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 723 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 722 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 721 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 720 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 719 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 718 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 717 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 716 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 715 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 714 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 713 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 712 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 711 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 710 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 709 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 708 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 707 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 706 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 705 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 704 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 703 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 702 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 701 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 700 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 699 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 698 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 697 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 696 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 695 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 694 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 693 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 692 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 691 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 690 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 689 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 688 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 687 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 686 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 685 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 684 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 683 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 682 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 681 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 680 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 679 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 678 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 677 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 676 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 675 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 674 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 673 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 672 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 671 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 670 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 669 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 668 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 667 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 666 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 665 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 664 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 663 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 662 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 661 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 660 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 659 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 658 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 657 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 656 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 655 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 654 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 653 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 652 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 651 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 650 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 649 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 648 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 647 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 646 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 645 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 644 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 643 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 642 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 641 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 640 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 639 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 638 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 637 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 636 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 635 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 634 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 633 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 632 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 631 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 630 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.65] Information — Response: * 629 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 628 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 627 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 626 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 625 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 624 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 623 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 622 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 621 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 620 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 619 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 618 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 617 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 616 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 615 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 614 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 613 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 612 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 611 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 610 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 609 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 608 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 607 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 606 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 605 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 604 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 603 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 602 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 601 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 600 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 599 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 598 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 597 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 596 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 595 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 594 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 593 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 592 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 591 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 590 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 589 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 588 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 587 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 586 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 585 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 584 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 583 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 582 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 581 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 580 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 579 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 578 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 577 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 576 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 575 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 574 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 573 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 572 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 571 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 570 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 569 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 568 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 567 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 566 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 565 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 564 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 563 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 562 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 561 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 560 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 559 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 558 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 557 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 556 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 555 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 554 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 553 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 552 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 551 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 550 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 549 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 548 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 547 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 546 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 545 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 544 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 543 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 542 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 541 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 540 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 539 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 538 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 537 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 536 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 535 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 534 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 533 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 532 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 531 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 530 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 529 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 528 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 527 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 526 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 525 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 524 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 523 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 522 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 520 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 519 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 518 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 517 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 516 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 515 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 514 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 513 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 512 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 511 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 510 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 509 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 508 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 507 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 506 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 505 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 504 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 503 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 502 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 501 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 500 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 499 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 498 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 497 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 496 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 495 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 494 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 493 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 492 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 491 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 490 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 489 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 488 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 487 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 486 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 485 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 484 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 483 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 482 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 481 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 480 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 479 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 478 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 477 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 476 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 475 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 474 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 473 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 472 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 471 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 470 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 469 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 468 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 467 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 466 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 465 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 464 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 463 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 462 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 461 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 460 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 459 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 458 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 457 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 456 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 455 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 454 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 453 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 452 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 451 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 450 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 449 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 448 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 447 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 446 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 445 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 444 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 443 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 442 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 441 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 440 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 439 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 438 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 437 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 436 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 435 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 434 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 433 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 432 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 431 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 430 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 429 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 428 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 427 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 426 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 425 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 424 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 423 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 422 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 421 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 420 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 419 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 418 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 417 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 416 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 415 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 414 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 413 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 412 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 411 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 410 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 409 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 408 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 407 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 406 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 405 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 404 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 403 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 402 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 401 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 400 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 399 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 398 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 397 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 396 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 395 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 394 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 393 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 392 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 391 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 390 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 389 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 388 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 387 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 386 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 385 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 384 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 383 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 382 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 381 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 380 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 379 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 378 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.67] Information — Response: * 377 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 376 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 375 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 374 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 373 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 372 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 371 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 370 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 369 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 368 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 367 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 366 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 365 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 364 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 363 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 362 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 361 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 360 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 359 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 358 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 357 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 356 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 355 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 354 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 353 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 352 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 351 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 350 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 349 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 348 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 347 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 346 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 345 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 344 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 343 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 342 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 341 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 340 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 339 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 338 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 337 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 336 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 335 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 334 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 333 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 332 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 331 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 330 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 329 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 328 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 327 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 326 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 325 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 324 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 323 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 322 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 321 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 320 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 319 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 318 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 317 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 316 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 315 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 314 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 313 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 312 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 311 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 310 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 309 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 308 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 307 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 306 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 305 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 304 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 303 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 302 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 301 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 300 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 299 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 298 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 297 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 296 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 295 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 294 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 293 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 292 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 291 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 290 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 289 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 288 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 287 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 286 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 285 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 284 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 283 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 282 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 281 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 280 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 279 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 278 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 277 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 276 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 275 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 274 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 273 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 272 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 271 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 270 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 269 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 268 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 267 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 266 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 265 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 264 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 263 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 262 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 261 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 260 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 259 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 258 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 257 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 256 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 255 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 254 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 253 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 252 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 251 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 250 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 249 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 248 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 247 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 246 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 245 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 244 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 243 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 242 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 241 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 240 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 239 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 238 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 237 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 236 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 235 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 234 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 233 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 232 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 231 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 230 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 229 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 228 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 227 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 226 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 225 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 224 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 223 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 222 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 221 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 220 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 219 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 218 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 217 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 216 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 215 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 214 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 213 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 212 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 211 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 210 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 209 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 208 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 207 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 206 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 205 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 204 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 203 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 202 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 201 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 200 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 199 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 198 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 197 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 196 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 195 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 194 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 193 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 192 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 191 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 190 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 189 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 188 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 187 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 186 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 185 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 184 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 183 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 182 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 181 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 180 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 179 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 178 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 177 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 176 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 175 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 174 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 173 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 172 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 171 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 170 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 169 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 168 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 167 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 166 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 165 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 164 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 163 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 162 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 161 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 160 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 159 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 158 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 157 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 155 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 154 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 153 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 152 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 151 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 150 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 149 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 148 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 147 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 146 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 145 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 144 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 143 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 142 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 141 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 140 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 139 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 138 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 137 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 136 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 135 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 134 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 133 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 132 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 131 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 130 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 129 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 128 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 127 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 126 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 125 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 124 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.68] Information — Response: * 123 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 122 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 120 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 119 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 118 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 117 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 116 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 115 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 114 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 113 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 112 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 111 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 110 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 109 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 108 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 107 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 106 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 105 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 104 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 103 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 102 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 101 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 100 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 99 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 98 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 97 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 96 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 95 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 94 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 93 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 91 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 90 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 89 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 88 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 87 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 86 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 85 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 84 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 83 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 82 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 81 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 80 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 79 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 78 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 77 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 76 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 75 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 74 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 73 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 72 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 71 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 70 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 69 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 68 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 67 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 66 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 65 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 64 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 63 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 62 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 61 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 60 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 59 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 58 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 57 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 56 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 55 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 54 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 53 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 52 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 51 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 50 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 49 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 48 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 47 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 46 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 45 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 42 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 41 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 40 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 39 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 38 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 37 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 36 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 35 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 34 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 33 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 32 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 31 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 30 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 29 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 28 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 27 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 26 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 25 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 24 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 23 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 22 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 21 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 20 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 19 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 18 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 17 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 16 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 15 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 14 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 13 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 12 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 11 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 10 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 8 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 7 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 6 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 5 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 4 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 3 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 2 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 1 EXPUNGE

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: * 9 EXISTS

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:25.70] Information — Response: R002FB OK EXPUNGE completed.

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:31.94] Information — Command: R002FC COPY 1:8,10:42,45:91,93:120,122:155,157:520,522:744,746,747,749:755 Bounces-Identified

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:31.94] Verbose — Info: Data received from the server:

52 30 30 32 46 43 20 4E 4F 20 54 68 65 20 73 70 65 63 69 66 69 65 64 20 6D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 73 65 74 20

69 73 20 69 6E 76 61 6C 69 64 2E 0D 0A

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:31.94] Information — Response: R002FC NO The specified message set is invalid.

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:31.94] Error — Info: ComponentPro.Net.Mail.ImapException: The specified message set is invalid (NO).

at ComponentPro.Net.Mail.ImapClient.(String , ImapResponse , Boolean )

at ComponentPro.Net.Mail.ImapClient.(String , ImapResponse )

at ComponentPro.Net.Mail.ImapClient.(String , MailMessage , Object[] )

at ComponentPro.Net.Mail.ImapClient.CopyMessage(ImapMessageIdSet messageSet, String destinationFolder)

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:55.36] Information — Command: R002FD COPY 1:8,10:42,45:91,93:120,122:155,157:520,522:744,746,747,749:755 Bounces-Identified

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:55.36] Verbose — Info: Data received from the server:

52 30 30 32 46 44 20 4E 4F 20 54 68 65 20 73 70 65 63 69 66 69 65 64 20 6D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 73 65 74 20

69 73 20 69 6E 76 61 6C 69 64 2E 0D 0A

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:55.36] Information — Response: R002FD NO The specified message set is invalid.

ImapClient [11-15-2011 13:19:55.36] Error — Info: ComponentPro.Net.Mail.ImapException: The specified message set is invalid (NO).

at ComponentPro.Net.Mail.ImapClient.(String , ImapResponse , Boolean )

at ComponentPro.Net.Mail.ImapClient.(String , ImapResponse )

at ComponentPro.Net.Mail.ImapClient.(String , MailMessage , Object[] )

at ComponentPro.Net.Mail.ImapClient.CopyMessage(ImapMessageIdSet messageSet, String destinationFolder)

  • Question

  • Hello,

    I’m migrating a bunch of mailboxes from Exchange 2010 on-prem to Office 365 based on IMAP.
    The most are going fine, but approximately 10 mailboxes have a status “Synced with errors”.
    The error is:
    Error: ImapBadResponseException: Error: Imap server sent BAD response to FetchCommand. Response code: ‎’‎’, message: ‎’The specified message set is invalid.‎’
    When I download the report for that user I see 
    Fatal error ImapBadResponseException has occurred.

    Can someone point me in the right direction?

    Below is the output of some PS commands to gather some info. 

    Get-SyncRequest -Mailbox

    RunspaceId                     : 363eb865-eed6-495a-8632-b9157e5709f8
    Mailbox                        : EURPR06A005.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM/Microsoft Exchange Hosted Organizations/[User]
    EmailAddress                   :
    SyncProtocol                   : Imap
    WorkloadType                   : Onboarding_IMAP
    RemoteServerName               : [servername]
    RemoteServerPort               : 993
    SmtpServerName                 :
    SmtpServerPort                 : 0
    AuthenticationMethod           : Basic
    SecurityMechanism              : Ssl
    AcceptUntrustedCertificates    : True
    DisplayName                    :
    OAuthProvider                  : None
    LastSuccessfulSyncTimestamp    :
    LastUpdateTimestamp            : 10/20/2020 4:27:39 AM
    LastFailureTimestamp           : 10/15/2020 2:07:17 PM
    InitialSyncCompletionTimestamp :
    FailureType                    : ImapBadResponseException
    TargetRootFolder               :
    InternalFlags                  : UseDataConsistencyScore
    DoNotLeaveOnServer             : False
    RemoteSendEnabled              : False
    IsQuarantined                  : False
    IsOauthSync                    : False
    UserName                       :
    SmtpUserName                   :
    Name                           :
    RequestGuid                    : c9c2527a-8b34-4021-94d5-45cf169741b3
    RequestQueue                   : EURPR06DG116-db005
    ExchangeGuid                   : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Flags                          : CrossOrg, Pull, Suspend
    BatchName                      : MigrationService:Migration_batch11
    Status                         : Failed
    Protect                        : False
    Suspend                        : True
    Direction                      : Pull
    RequestStyle                   : CrossOrg
    OrganizationId                 : EURPR06A005.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM/Microsoft Exchange Hosted Organizations/ — EURPR06A005.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM/ConfigurationUnits/
    SourceMailboxSize              : 778956800
    MailboxRopCount                :
    WhenChanged                    : 10/20/2020 6:27:39 AM
    WhenCreated                    : 10/15/2020 3:35:51 PM
    WhenChangedUTC                 : 10/20/2020 4:27:39 AM
    WhenCreatedUTC                 : 10/15/2020 1:35:51 PM
    Identity                       : EURPR06A005.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM/Microsoft Exchange Hosted Organizations/
    IsValid                        : True
    ObjectState                    : New

    $syncstats = Get-SyncRequestStatistics -IncludeReport -DiagnosticInfo «showtimeslots, showtimeline, verbose»
    $syncstats.Report.Failures | select -Last 2

    Timestamp         : 10/15/2020 2:07:17 PM
    FailureType       : ImapBadResponseException
    FailureHash       : 7475
    FailureCode       : -2146233088
    MapiLowLevelError : 0
    FailureSide       : Source
    FailureSideInt    : 1
    ExceptionTypes    : {Exchange}
    ExceptionTypesInt : {1}
    WorkItem          : CrawlAndCopyFolder
    Message           : Imap server sent BAD response to FetchCommand. Response code: », message: ‘The specified message set is invalid.’.
    MessageData       :
    DataContext       : ———
                        Operation: ImapSourceMailbox.CopyBatchOfMessages
                        EntryIDs: [count:1, [len=67, data=563D313B503D494D41503B553D303B55563D35373539313B4C463D31424532393232353639324641393030334232393135433741303737434630383532393138354143]]
                        Operation: IMailbox.ExportMessages
                        OperationSide: Source
                        Flags: ReportBadItems
                        PropTags: (null)
                        MessageCount: 1
                        EntryIDs: [count:1, [len=67, data=563D313B503D494D41503B553D303B55563D35373539313B4C463D31424532393232353639324641393030334232393135433741303737434630383532393138354143]]
                        Folder: type Generic, wkf None, entryId [len=54, data=563D313B503D494D41503B46503D42323145394330424532454631454241384533463738433237453734354443393031373531393942], parentId [len=10, data=49706D53756274726565]
                        Folder: type Generic, wkf None, entryId [len=54, data=563D313B503D494D41503B46503D42323145394330424532454631454241384533463738433237453734354443393031373531393942], parentId [len=10, data=49706D53756274726565]
                        >>>> Current WorkItem: CrawlAndCopyFolder, Scheduled WorkItems: CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367617133,S:63738367617133,C:317); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:446,R:0,S:0,C:1570); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:0,S:0,C:61);
                        CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367619532,S:63738367619532,C:10554); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:0,S:0,C:398); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367630488,S:63738367630488,C:197); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367630685,S:63738367630685,C:26);
                        CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367630712,S:63738367630712,C:472); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:0,S:0,C:122); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367631309,S:63738367631310,C:766)
                        Operation: ImapSourceMailbox.CopyBatchOfMessages
                        EntryIDs: [count:1, [len=67, data=563D313B503D494D41503B553D303B55563D35373539313B4C463D31424532393232353639324641393030334232393135433741303737434630383532393138354143]]
                        Operation: IMailbox.ExportMessages
                        OperationSide: Source
                        Flags: ReportBadItems
                        PropTags: (null)
                        MessageCount: 1
                        EntryIDs: [count:1, [len=67, data=563D313B503D494D41503B553D303B55563D35373539313B4C463D31424532393232353639324641393030334232393135433741303737434630383532393138354143]]
                        Folder: type Generic, wkf None, entryId [len=54, data=563D313B503D494D41503B46503D42323145394330424532454631454241384533463738433237453734354443393031373531393942], parentId [len=10, data=49706D53756274726565]
                        Folder: type Generic, wkf None, entryId [len=54, data=563D313B503D494D41503B46503D42323145394330424532454631454241384533463738433237453734354443393031373531393942], parentId [len=10, data=49706D53756274726565]
                        >>>> Current WorkItem: CrawlAndCopyFolder, Scheduled WorkItems: CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367617133,S:63738367617133,C:317); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:446,R:0,S:0,C:1570); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:0,S:0,C:61);
                        CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367619532,S:63738367619532,C:10554); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:0,S:0,C:398); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367630488,S:63738367630488,C:197); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367630685,S:63738367630685,C:26);
                        CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367630712,S:63738367630712,C:472); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:0,S:0,C:122); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367631309,S:63738367631310,C:766)
                        Folder: type Generic, wkf None, entryId [len=54, data=563D313B503D494D41503B46503D42323145394330424532454631454241384533463738433237453734354443393031373531393942], parentId [len=10, data=49706D53756274726565]
                        Folder: type Generic, wkf None, entryId [len=54, data=563D313B503D494D41503B46503D42323145394330424532454631454241384533463738433237453734354443393031373531393942], parentId [len=10, data=49706D53756274726565]
                        >>>> Current WorkItem: CrawlAndCopyFolder, Scheduled WorkItems: CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367617133,S:63738367617133,C:317); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:446,R:0,S:0,C:1570); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:0,S:0,C:61);
                        CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367619532,S:63738367619532,C:10554); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:0,S:0,C:398); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367630488,S:63738367630488,C:197); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367630685,S:63738367630685,C:26);
                        CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367630712,S:63738367630712,C:472); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:0,S:0,C:122); CrawlAndCopyFolder(P:0,R:-63738367631309,S:63738367631310,C:766)
    DataContextData   :
    StackTrace        :    at Microsoft.Exchange.Connections.Imap.ImapConnection.ProcessResponsesInternal(String commandType, IEnumerable`1 responses, String tag, Boolean isLogin, Boolean isAuth, IImapBulkItemProcessor itemProcessor,
    Int32 estimatedMessageCount, Int32
                        estimatedFolderCount, FolderStatistics& folder, IList`1& messages, IList`1& folders, SearchData& searchResults, ExtendedSearchData& esearchResults, ItemCopyResult&
    copyResult, ItemCreateResult& createResult, Boolean& receivedUpdate)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.Connections.Imap.ImapConnection.ProcessMessagesResponses(String commandType, IEnumerable`1 responses, String tag, IImapBulkItemProcessor itemProcessor,
    Int32 estimatedMessageCount, IList`1& messages)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.Connections.Imap.ImapConnection.GetItems(MessageSet messages, FetchAttFlags attributes, Boolean useUid, IEnumerable`1 sectionIds, Nullable`1 changedSince,
    Boolean vanished, IImapBulkItemProcessor itemProcessor)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.ImapSourceMailbox.<>c__DisplayClass71_0.<ProcessMimeStreams>b__0()
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.ImapSourceMailbox.AcquireThrottlingDuration(IThrottleable throttleable, Action action, Boolean trackImplicitlyThrottlingDuration)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.ImapSourceMailbox.ProcessMimeStreams(List`1 messages, IFolderProxy folderProxy, BodySectionId bodySection, List`1 badItems, Boolean
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.ImapSourceMailbox.CopyBatchOfMessages(List`1 messages, IFxProxyPool proxyPool, List`1 badItems, Boolean reportBadItems)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MailboxWrapper.Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.IMailbox.ExportMessages(List`1 messages, IFxProxyPool destProxies,
    ExportMessagesFlags flags, PropTag[] propsToCopyExplicitly, PropTag[]
                        excludeProps, List`1 badItems)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MessageExporter.<>c__DisplayClass13_1.<ExportMessageBatch>b__0()
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.TransmitterWithHistory.TrackAction(Object pipelineStart, Action action)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MessageExporter.ExportMessageBatch(IMailbox mailbox, List`1 messages, Func`2 getProxyPool, ExportMessagesFlags flags, PropTag[]
    propsToCopyExplicitly, PotentialBadItemTracker
                        potentialBadItemTracker, ItemPropertiesBase perBatchSettings, FailureRec& failure, EntryIdMap`1& badItemMap)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MessageExporter.InternalExportMessagesWithBadItemDetection(IMailbox mailbox, List`1 messages, Func`2 getProxyPool, ExportMessagesFlags
    flags, PropTag[] propsToCopyExplicitly, List`1 badItems,
                        PotentialBadItemTracker potentialBadItemTracker, OperationFlags operation, Boolean preemptivelyRetrieveBadItemData)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MessageExporter.ExportMessagesWithBadItemDetection(IMailbox mailbox, List`1 messages, Func`2 getProxyPool, ExportMessagesFlags
    flags, PropTag[] propsToCopyExplicitly, List`1 badItems,
                        PotentialBadItemTracker potentialBadItemTracker, OperationFlags operation)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MailboxMerger.CopySingleMessageBatch(FolderCopyContext copyContext)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MailboxMerger.CopyMessageBatch(FolderContentsMapper mapper, List`1 itemsToCopy, FolderMapping fm, Boolean skipRequestRefresh)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MailboxMerger.MergeFolderContentsPaged(FolderMapping folder, ISourceFolder srcFolder, FolderContentsCrawler sourceFolderCrawler,
    IDestinationFolder destFolder, TimeSpan maxOperationDuration,
                        CopyDataFlags copyFlags)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MailboxMerger.CopyFolderPropertiesAndContents(FolderMapping folder, ISourceFolder srcFolder, FolderContentsCrawler sourceFolderCrawler,
    IDestinationFolder destFolder, Boolean copyProperties,
                        TimeSpan maxOperationDuration, CopyDataFlags copyFlags)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.SyncBaseJob.CopyFolderPropertiesAndContents(FolderMapping folder, ISourceFolder srcFolder, FolderContentsCrawler sourceFolderCrawler,
    Boolean shouldCopyProperties, TimeSpan maxOperationDuration,
                        CopyDataFlags copyFlags)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.SyncBaseJob.CrawlAndCopyFolder(FolderCrawlingInfo folderCrawlInfo)
                           at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.Job.ExecuteWorkItemCallback(WorkItem workItem)
    InnerException    :
    UnknownElements   :
    UnknownAttributes :
    XmlSchemaType     :

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