Error in the chroot download

    Если проблемы с приложение терминал, попробуй это , или с официального гитхаба разработчиков, вот это .     Внешний wifi адаптер ...


    Если проблемы с приложение терминал, попробуй это, или с официального гитхаба разработчиков, вот это.

    Внешний wifi адаптер начинает работать только при включении monitor mode, а не тогда когда вы подключили его к смартфону. А так же если вы прошили «правильное» ядро. А также возможно понадобиться y-otg кабель и powerbank, для питания адаптера, так как не у всех смартфонов хватает мощности.

Если возникли проблемы и адаптер не определяется:

       Для пользователей внешнего wifi адаптер на базе чипа Atheros, у которых wlan1 не определяется, следовать этим инструкциям:

     1. Перейти в терминал и нажать «Kali»;
     2. Ввести команду «apt-get update»;
     3. Ввести команду «apt-get install firmware-atheros»;
     4. Проверить wlan1 в airmon-ng или wifite после повторного подключения адаптера.

    Для пользователей внешнего wifi адаптер на базе чипа Realtek, у которых wlan1 не определяется, следовать этим инструкциям:

     1. Перейти в терминал и нажать «Kali»;
     2. Ввести команду «apt-get update»;
     3. Ввести команду «apt-get install firmware-realtek»;
     4. Проверить wlan1 в airmon-ng или wifite после повторного подключения адаптера.

    Для пользователей внешнего wifi адаптер на базе другого чипа, у которых wlan1 не определяется, следовать этим инструкциям:

     1. Перейти в терминал и нажать «Kali»;
     2. Ввести команду «apt-get update»;
     3. Ввести команду «apt-get install firmware-misk-nonfree»;
     4. Проверить wlan1 в airmon-ng или wifite после повторного подключения адаптера.

Проблемы с обновлением и репозиториями:

Официальный сайт с репозиториями 

Если при вводе команды apt-get update && dist-upgrade возникают какие-либо ошибки или ни чего не происходит, пробуйте менять зеркала.
Также стоит проверить все зеркала, когда в нетхантере включен
openvpn или выключен, так как некоторые зеркала доступны только через
Но с официальными должно работать без vpn, так как ссылка не репозитории открывается без проблем в любом браузере.

Зеркала официальные:
You can find a list of official Kali Linux mirrors —

Зеркала неофициальные:
deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free

Так же решение некоторых ошибок можно посмотреть тут

Если ошибка “the repository is not signed”:

apt install ./kali-archive-keyring_2018.1_all.deb

Если ошибка “dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run ‘sudo dpkg —configure -a’ to correct the problem” вводим:

sudo dpkg —configure -aи она должна быть в состоянии исправить себя.
он не запускается sudo apt-get install -f(для исправления сломанных
пакетов), а затем sudo dpkg —configure -aповторите попытку .

Решение проблемы «error 404 при apt-get update»:

системные файлы лежат /data/local/nhsystem/kali-armhf
найти файл /etc/apt/sources.list
и заменить все что там есть на это:

deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free
# For source package access, uncomment the following line
# deb-src kali-rolling main contrib non-free

«решение проблемы error key при apt-get update»

sudo apt install dirmngr

gpg —keyserver —recv-key ED444FF07D8D0BF6
gpg —keyserver hkp:// —recv-key 7D8D0BF6
у всех по разному !!!
если и это не помогло тот попробуйте

sudo apt update

sudo apt-key adv —keyserver hkp:// —recv-key ED444FF07D8D0BF6
sudo apt-key adv —keyserver hkp:// —recv-key 7D8D0BF6
должно выдать информацию так :
обязательно что бы
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: new signatures: 135
а не new signatures: 1

Ошибка «Error in the Chroot download»

Есть такая ошибка


Заходите на качаете kalifs-armhf-full.tar.xz или kalifs-armhf-minimal.tar.xz

Далее переименоваете скачанный файл из kalifs-armhf-full(minimal).tar.xz
в kali-full(minimal).tar.xz и кидаете его в /storage/emulated/0/ потом нажимаете кнопку «INSTALL KALI CHROOT» и далее кнопку «USE SDCARD»

Looking at

Seems like kernel for your OS version is not built yet (or not shared). However, you can port Nethunter to your device.

Download kernel source:
git clone -b oneplus/QC8998_O_8.1

Using the toolchain from the kernels.txt above, you should build the proper kernel using these instructions

I also recommed enabling rfcomm & rfcomm tty in the bluetooth menu which is not mentioned.

The kind of very important is not mentioned here. To export modules, you have to

mkdir ~/modules
make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=~/modules/ 

then copy the ~/modules/lib/modules folder into the nethunter installer devices/oneplus5t folder next to the Image/zImage.dtb to get it included automatically. If there is a newly created folder for a device, make sure to add the new enty in devices.cfg. You can delete build and sources symlink from that folder.
There might be a better way to achieve this though but at least works

The compiled zImage.dtb/Image from arch/arm/boot, and the modules from the folder where you have installed them, goes into the nethunter installer devices/nougat/oneplus5t folder. Then you can simply build a kernel installer with
./ -k -o -d oneplus5t
which is the zip you can install with TWRP

By the way for installing chroot, kernel is not needed yet.
My latest kalifs is for armhf, but I will link arm64 later, you can install that.
Then you should start nethunter app and initialize chroot then update

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  • » Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

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#1 2020-07-07 21:26:10

Registered: 2008-12-30
Posts: 35

Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

I followed this wiki to create chroot enviroment … ean_chroot , this process went fine, but I am unable to build any packages, I am always getting the following error messages:

==> ERROR: Cannot find the strip binary required for object file stripping.
==> ERROR: Could not download sources.

I even tried the Convenience_way … nience_way

~/vdr/vdr4arch/vdr-git $ ls
PKGBUILD  vdr.install
~/vdr/vdr4arch/vdr-git $ extra-x86_64-build
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
==> Building in chroot for [extra] (x86_64)...
==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/var/lib/archbuild/extra-x86_64/root] -> [crow]...done
==> ERROR: Cannot find the strip binary required for object file stripping.
==> ERROR: Could not download sources.
~/vdr/vdr4arch/vdr-git $

I tried also other packages, but without luck. Seems I cannot compile any packages.

On IRC I was asked if the /opt/ or /var separate filesystem are, and they are indeed:

$ mount | grep vg00
/dev/mapper/vg00-lv_root on / type ext4 (rw,relatime)
/dev/mapper/vg00-lv_home on /home type ext4 (rw,relatime)
/dev/mapper/vg00-lv_opt on /opt type ext4 (rw,relatime)
/dev/mapper/vg00-lv_var on /var type ext4 (rw,relatime)
/dev/mapper/vg00-lv_var_log on /var/log type ext4 (rw,relatime)

#2 2020-07-07 23:25:00

Registered: 2012-09-01
Posts: 10,046

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

Delete the chroot (/var/lib/archbuild/*) and try again. You should see it installing all of base-devel, including binutils which has the strip binary.

#3 2020-07-08 01:06:24

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

Source downloading happens outside the chroot, not inside it. You must be able to run makepg —verifysource -f *before* running makechrootpkg. If you cannot, then makechrootpkg will fail too, as one of the first things it does is drop permissions back to your user in order to run makepg —verifysource -f.

Last edited by eschwartz (2020-07-08 01:21:11)

Managing AUR repos The Right Way — aurpublish (now a standalone tool)

#4 2020-07-08 04:16:31

Registered: 2008-12-30
Posts: 35

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

@Scimmia this with «extra-x86_64-build» after the Classic way of chroot did not work. First time the script was installing base-devel to /var/lib/archbuild/* second time it just checks for updates. But I did that again, saw message about installing base-devel but still end error is like that in first post.

In that same directory (where PKGBUILD file is) the makepkg —verifysource -f pass the check and finish successfully:

 makepkg --verifysource -f
==> Making package: vdr-git 2.4.1.r6.g930c2cd-1 (2020-07-08T06:14:42 CEST)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Updating vdr-git git repo...
Fetching origin
Auto packing the repository in background for optimum performance.
See "git help gc" for manual housekeeping.
  -> Found vdr-MainMenuHooks.patch
  -> Found 00-vdr.conf
  -> Found 50-hello.conf
  -> Found 50-pictures.conf
  -> Found 60-create-dvb-device-units.rules
  -> Found gen-sddropin
  -> Found
  -> Found shutdown-wrapper.c
  -> Found vdr.service
  -> Found vdr.sysuser
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
    vdr-git ... Skipped
    vdr-MainMenuHooks.patch ... Passed
    00-vdr.conf ... Passed
    50-hello.conf ... Passed
    50-pictures.conf ... Passed
    60-create-dvb-device-units.rules ... Passed
    gen-sddropin ... Passed ... Passed
    shutdown-wrapper.c ... Passed
    vdr.service ... Passed
    vdr.sysuser ... Passed
~/vdr/vdr4arch/vdr-git $

also creating that same package outside the chroot env works fine

makepkg -sC
==> Finished making: vdr-git 2.4.3.r0.ga526eee1-1 (2020-07-08T06:19:21 CEST)

Last edited by vr4b4c (2020-07-08 04:21:25)

#5 2020-07-08 04:31:25

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

Well, it is failing to run:

sudo -u "$makepkg_user" --preserve-env=GNUPGHOME 
	makepkg --config="$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf" --verifysource -o "${verifysource_args[@]}" ||
	die "Could not download sources."

Did you disable stripping in /etc/makepkg.conf and uninstall the «binutils» package? The temporary makepkg.conf from the chroot will re-enable stripping…

Managing AUR repos The Right Way — aurpublish (now a standalone tool)

#6 2020-07-08 06:18:27

Registered: 2008-12-30
Posts: 35

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

I think that I did not changed the /etc/makepkg.conf

$ grep "OPTIONS=" /etc/makepkg.conf
# Default: OPTIONS=(!strip docs libtool staticlibs emptydirs !zipman !purge !debug)
OPTIONS=(strip docs !libtool !staticlibs emptydirs zipman purge !debug)

binutils package is installed local and also inside chroot.

#7 2020-07-08 08:03:35

Registered: 2012-10-31
Posts: 359

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

vr4b4c wrote:

@Scimmia this with «extra-x86_64-build» after the Classic way of chroot did not work. First time the script was installing base-devel to /var/lib/archbuild/* second time it just checks for updates. But I did that again, saw message about installing base-devel but still end error is like that in first post.

Post the full output. Also post `/etc/makepkg.conf`

#8 2020-07-08 09:44:44

Registered: 2008-12-30
Posts: 35

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

here the whole file

Last edited by vr4b4c (2020-07-08 09:48:32)

#9 2020-07-08 10:54:32

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 10,652

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

That pastebin service truncates longer lines, see if you can configure it to not do that (or use another service).

==> ERROR: Cannot find the git package needed to handle git sources.

Add git to makedepends array.

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
        LANGUAGE = (unset),
        LC_ALL = (unset),
        LC_TIME = "en_DK.utf8",
        LC_COLLATE = "C",
        LC_NUMERIC = "en_DK.utf8",
        LANG = "C"
    are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
(2/3) Updating the info directory file...
(3/3) Rebuilding certificate stores...
Initializing machine ID from random generator.
Generating locales...
  en_US.UTF-8... done
  de_DE.UTF-8... done
Generation complete.

Check the locale settings on your system, … the_locale

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

(A works at time B)  && (time C > time B ) ≠  (A works at time C)

#10 2020-07-08 17:39:58

Registered: 2008-12-30
Posts: 35

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

@Lone_Wolf thanks about git hint for makedependens array, but that one was just an random packages, also other without git would fail.

Regarding locale settings, here i have three locales enabled and configured, not sure why the «en_DK.utf8» is not in chroot env and where from the «de_DE.utf8» is comming from.

$ cat /etc/locale.conf
$ locale
$ localedef --list-archive

#11 2020-07-08 17:56:14

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

Your new error successfully downloaded sources and only failed inside the chroot. It’s a completely separate problem unrelated to this thread.

Managing AUR repos The Right Way — aurpublish (now a standalone tool)

#12 2020-07-08 18:33:41

Registered: 2008-12-30
Posts: 35

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

I found out that if I don’t have «base-devel» installed outside the chroot the download will not work:

$ extra-x86_64-build
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community                                                       5.0 MiB  14.9 MiB/s 00:00 [####################################################] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
==> Building in chroot for [extra] (x86_64)...
==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/var/lib/archbuild/extra-x86_64/root] -> [crow]...done
==> ERROR: Cannot find the strip binary required for object file stripping.
==> ERROR: Could not download sources.
$ makepkg --verifysource -f
==> ERROR: Cannot find the strip binary required for object file stripping.

If I install base-devel or just binutils (which installs elfutils and  libmicrohttpd) I am able to download and compile inside chroot:

#13 2020-07-08 19:01:27

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

vr4b4c wrote:

binutils package is installed local and also inside chroot.

Now you say it wasn’t installed after all?

vr4b4c wrote:

If I install base-devel or just binutils (which installs elfutils and  libmicrohttpd)

Is this a problem? Had you previously decided to uninstall it because you did not want these installed?

Managing AUR repos The Right Way — aurpublish (now a standalone tool)

#14 2020-07-08 19:20:08

Registered: 2008-12-30
Posts: 35

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

I wrote that for compiling outside chroot (to test if packages compile at all) I did installed base-devel (after I tried both way to compile package in chroot), which is not desired ( I would like to have this an clean install and only compiling in chroot), as I trough chroot does not need anything outside but the «devtools» package. Is my assumption right?
If base-devel is also needed outside chroot env then thats fine also, just devtools did not installed these by itself.

#15 2020-07-08 19:23:06

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

I don’t care what you thought.

I care what you said. You *said* that you had, in fact, installed binutils.

vr4b4c wrote:

If base-devel is also needed outside chroot env then thats fine also, just devtools did not installed these by itself.

base-devel is a group and cannot be a dependency of a package.

Managing AUR repos The Right Way — aurpublish (now a standalone tool)

#16 2020-07-08 19:37:32

Registered: 2008-12-30
Posts: 35

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

eschwartz wrote:

I don’t care what you thought.
I care what you said. You *said* that you had, in fact, installed binutils.

I was wrong, I installed base-devel outside the chroot after I tried both ways to compile inside the chroot environment. And when you asked if I did uninstalled binutils package, i verified if it is installed and it was, and that’s reason I wrote that is installed inside the chroot and also outside.

But then I removed all packages from base-devel (the ones which are installed additionally «elfutils guile libmicrohttpd libmpc autoconf automake binutils bison fakeroot flex gcc groff m4 make patch pkgconf which» ) after testing if packages compiles fine outside the chroot environment, and saw then again that chroot env gives me same error as when starting this thread.

So binutils is a must for chroot along with devtools?

Last edited by vr4b4c (2020-07-08 19:40:09)

#17 2020-07-08 20:02:16

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: Building in a clean chroot problem with strip and download

Parts of base-devel are requirements for running makepkg. The parts of base-devel which aren’t requirements for running makepkg, are implicit requirements for building packages.

e.g. makepkg checks for strip, because it internally uses strip. But makepkg doesn’t check for gcc, because it doesn’t use it internally… even though as a general rule everything needs the compiler in order to, well, compile.

tl;dr if you want to be able to run makepkg, install base-devel. If you know what you’re doing and you’ve read the makepkg source code, you might be able to remove some, but not all, of those packages… but then most PKGBUILDs will fail in prepare() or build() due to missing programs.

Managing AUR repos The Right Way — aurpublish (now a standalone tool)

Hey everyone,

So I picked up a brand new Nexus 6 yesterday to give nethunter a try. I ended up spending about 4 hours trying to get Chroot install and working but it kept crashing. I dont know if I missed a step somewhere or what but here is what I have so far.

Nexus 6 came brand new with an unlocked bootloader.

-I opened it up and updated to Android 7.1.1

-Rooted with CF-Root

-Installed BusyBox (Does anything need to be set up or configured with this?)

-I DLed NH for the Nexus /w 7.1.1 and extracted it all onto a flash drive.

-I moved the 5 APKs in /data/app into the Downloads folder of the Nexus 6. (I didnt think it mattered the APKs went so I figured the DL folder would do.)

-I installed the 5 APKs on the Nexus 6

-Opened Nethunter then closed it.

-I copied all files from /data/data/com.offsec.nethunter/files/scripts and paste into /system/bin

-Opened Nethunter > Kali Chroot Manager and installed «Minimal Chroot».

NH ultimately Downloads Kalifs/arm64-minimal.tar.xz, installs everything to /data/local/nhsystem/kali-arm64 and says «chroot has been installed» «end script»

then instantly goes to:

[!] verifying chroot environment…

[-] seems there is no Kali chroot installed yet, please click the button «EDIT» to configure the proper Kali chroot path or install the chroot.

Then when you click EDIT Kali crashes and closes.

I have confirmed that everything was installed to /data/local/nhsystems/kali-arm64 but whenever you open kali it says Chroot is not installed. If you try to reinstall it, you get the error:

[-]/data/local/nhsystems/kali-arm64 is not an empty directory, please either delete the whole folder or all the files in it first.

Obviously it gives this error because it was successfully installed the first time.

I have tried deleting this folder as it says but it puts me right back to where I was the first time. It tells me it was successful with the install, I can verify the folder/path is there but instantly tells me:

then instantly goes to:

[!] verifying chroot environment…

[-] seems there is no Kali chroot installed yet, please click the button «EDIT» to configure the proper Kali chroot path or install the chroot.

Any Idea on what is getting hosed up?

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  • #1

Всём привет!
У меня с недавнего времени появилась проблема, решил поставить новую сборку nethunter 2020.4 на девайс nexus 6, всё без проблем установилась но при запуске chroot
вылезет вот такая ошибка


Андроид 7.1.1


  • #3

Судя потому что там написало «[+] sdcard was mounted already» она должна быть в телефоне.

Автор, проверьте, есть ли файл и директории на sd карте.

  • #4

Судя потому что там написало «[+] sdcard was mounted already» она должна быть в телефоне.

Автор, проверьте, есть ли файл и директории на sd карте.

У меня нет слота под sdcard


Последнее редактирование модератором: 15.02.2021

Похожие темы





Участник с: 07 ноября 2018

Добрый день.
Решил установить себе второй осью арч на xiaomi air.
Столкнулся со следующей проблемой (пункт #9)

1. Проверил режим EFI.
2. Подключился к интернету
3. Провел синхронизацию системных часов
4. Разметил диск с помощью cfdisk.
5. Произвел форматирование и подключение:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda5 -L «ARCH»
mount /dev/sda5 /mnt

mkdir -p /mnt/boot
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot

mkswap /dev/sda6
swapon /dev/sda6

6.Обновил пакеты
pacman -Syy
7.Установил базовую систему и пакет для будущего использования AUR.
pacstrap /mnt base base-devel
8. Генерирую fstab
genfstab -L -p -P /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

(!!!)9. Пытаюсь перейти в систему
arch-chroot /mnt
и-и-и.. «chroot: failed to run command /bin/bash: No such file or directory»

Собственно, в первый раз установка завершилась некорректно (умерла батарея).
Возможно, проблема в этом.

Читал подобные темы — в них люди пропускали те или иные пункты установки, что решалось банальным следованием инструкции.
Аналогично пробовал листать маны по расформатированию (особых успехов не принесло).

Собственно, прошу помощи в решении проблемы или указании на возможные причины моих ошибок.

pacstrap /mnt/ base base-devel скачивает все пакеты, проверяет, после чего выдает ошибку.
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
amd-ucode: /mnt/boot/amd-ucode.img exists in filesystem.
linux: /mnt/boot/vmlinuz-linux exists in filesystem

P.S. Ставлю Арч вместе с виндой (диск разбивал), в качестве boot — sda2 указывал раздел системный, общий с виндой.
Так понимаю, где-то там остались не удаленные файлы.
Есть ли рекомендации, как попасть в EFI System винды, под который отдельно выделено 100 мб и вычистить файлы с первой неудачной установки?
P.P.S. Устанавливал бут менеджер в первый «неудачный» раз:
pacman -S efibootmgr iw wpa_supplicant dialog
bootctl install
pacman -S intel-ucode
nano /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf
и в нем отредкатировал на
«title Arch Linux
linux /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /intel-ucode.img
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options root=/dev/sda5 rw»

После неудачной установки и попыток новой первым делом в последовательности запуска системы efibootmgr удалил арч.
Неужели проблема в файлах на системном разделе винды? Если да, то как же их убрать?

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