Error initializing communications with lms

I'm trying to take an online course but when I launch the content I get the following error: Error initializing communications with LMS. If I click ok I get the information I attach to this ...

Mar 01, 2011

Alfonso Leon

I’m trying to take an online course but when I launch the content I get the following error: Error initializing communications with LMS.

If I click ok I get the information I attach to this post as a file.

Could this be due to my system (windows or browser) configuration?

14 Replies

Brian Batt

  • Brian Batt
  • Staff

Hi Alfonso & welcome to Heroes,

If your LMS is configured to launch course content in a new browser window and if you also set the player template for your Presenter ‘09 presentation to launch in a new browser window, you may encounter an LMS communication error. 

You can correct this. Here’s how:

Louise H

  • Louise H

I’ve also been having this problem with some students receiving this error message when trying to launch courses on our LMS (example below — I removed the URL, it doesn’t say that!).

Player Template already has the ‘Launch presentation in new window (creates launch page)’ box unchecked. Presentation is published to SCORM 1.2.

As a standard we ask students to ensure they have the latest Flash/Java versions installed, and clearing their cache tends to work for minor launch problems, but this message seems to keep making an appearance. Our LMS administrators suggested resetting their score and asking them to try again, but still doesn’t seem to clear the problem.

What does this message mean?!



0:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMT DaylightTime) — AICCComm — Trying to create XMLHttpRequest in JavaScript1.5
1:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — AICCComm — Entered browser conditional
2:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMT DaylightTime) — AICCComm — Creating object
3:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — AICCComm — intReCheckLoadedInterval=250
4:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — AICCComm — intReCheckAttemptsBeforeTimeout=240
5:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — AICCComm — IFrameLoaded
6:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — AICCComm — In GetAICCURL
7:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — GetQueryStringValue Element ‘AICC_URL’ Not Found, Returning:empty string
8:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — AICCComm — Querystring value =
9:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — AICCComm — GetAICCURL returning:
10:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — AICCComm — In DetectPreferredCommMethod, checking XMLHTTP
11:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — AICCComm — Checking IFrame
12:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — AICCComm — blnCanUseXMLHTTP=true
13:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — AICCComm — blnCanUseIFrame=true
14:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — —————————————-
15:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — —————————————-
16:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — In Start — Version: 3.3 Last Modified=04/18/2011 14:06:22
17:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — Browser Info (Netscape 5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/534.24(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/11.0.696.71 Safari/534.24)
18:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — URL: {URL REMOVED}
19:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — —————————————-
20:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — —————————————-
21:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — In ClearErrorInfo
22:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — GetQueryStringValue Element ‘StandAlone’ Not Found, Returning:empty string
23:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — GetQueryStringValue Element ‘ShowDebug’ Not Found, Returning:empty string
24:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — strStandAlone= strShowInteractiveDebug=
25:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — Standard From Configuration File — SCORM
26:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — Using Standard From Configuration File — SCORM
27:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — In LMSStandardAPI strStandard=SCORM
28:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — Calling Standard Initialize
29:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — In SCORM_Initialize
30:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — In SCORM_ClearErrorInfo
31:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — Grabbing API
32:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — In SCORM_GrabAPI
33:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — Searching with improved ADL algorithm
34:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — In SCORM_GetAPI
35:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — SCORM_GetAPI, searching opener
36:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — In SCORM_ScanParentsForApi, win={URL REMOVED}
37:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — SCORM_GrabAPI, returning
38:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — Calling LMSInit
39:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — In SCORM_CallLMSInitialize
40:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — In SCORM_GrabAPI
41:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — SCORM_GrabAPI, returning
42:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — Calling LMSInitialize
43:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — strResult=false
44:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — Detected failed call to initialize
45:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:32 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — In SCORM_SetErrorInfo
46:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:33 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — intSCORMError=101
47:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:33 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — strSCORMErrorString=General Exception
48:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:33 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — strSCORMErrorDiagnostic=
49:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:33 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — Error calling LMSInitialize:
50:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:33 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — intSCORMError=101
51:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:33 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — SCORMErrorString=General Exception
52:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:33 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — Diagnostic=
53:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:33 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — ERROR Initializing LMS
54:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:33 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — In InitializeExecuted, blnSuccess=false, strErrorMessage=Errorinitializing communications with LMS
55:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:33 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — ERROR — LMS Initialize Failed
56:Tue May 31 2011 12:19:33 GMT+0100 (GMTDaylight Time) — In DisplayError, strMessage=Error initializing communicationswith LMS

Justin Wilcox

  • Justin Wilcox

The message you are seeing is basically saying that the content can’t communicate with the LMS. You can duplicate this error simply by double clicking the index_lms.html file in the published output outside of your LMS. I would ask your LMS what their system requirements and make sure the end-user’s computers meet those. For example, if your LMS requires Java Runtime Environment make sure that they are using a compatible version.

Michelle  Kay

  • Michelle Kay

I’m having the same problem as Alfonso.  My settings are correct.  Anyone using Saba that can help me figure this out?  I contacted Articulate Support, but because it is an LMS issue (the course plays fine in a test bed) they cannot help me. 

0:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — AICCComm — Trying to create MSXML2.XMLHTTP in VBScript
1:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — AICCComm — intReCheckLoadedInterval=250
2:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — AICCComm — intReCheckAttemptsBeforeTimeout=240
3:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — AICCComm — IFrameLoaded
4:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — AICCComm — In GetAICCURL
5:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — GetQueryStringValue Element ‘AICC_URL’ Not Found, Returning: empty string
6:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — AICCComm — Querystring value =
7:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — AICCComm — GetAICCURL returning:
8:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — AICCComm — In DetectPreferredCommMethod, checking XMLHTTP
9:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — AICCComm — Checking IFrame
10:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — AICCComm — blnCanUseXMLHTTP=true
11:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — AICCComm — blnCanUseIFrame=true
12:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — —————————————-
13:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — —————————————-
14:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — In Start — Version: 3.8.2 Last Modified=12/04/2012 00:08:59
15:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — Browser Info (Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; InfoPath.2; MS-RTC LM 8))
16:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — URL:
17:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — —————————————-
18:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — —————————————-
19:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — In ClearErrorInfo
20:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — GetQueryStringValue Element ‘StandAlone’ Not Found, Returning: empty string
21:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — GetQueryStringValue Element ‘ShowDebug’ Not Found, Returning: empty string
22:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — strStandAlone= strShowInteractiveDebug=
23:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — Standard From Configuration File — SCORM
24:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — Using Standard From Configuration File — SCORM
25:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — In LMSStandardAPI strStandard=SCORM
26:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — Calling Standard Initialize
27:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — In SCORM_Initialize
28:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — In SCORM_ClearErrorInfo
29:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — Grabbing API
30:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — In SCORM_GrabAPI
31:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — Searching with improved ADL algorithm
32:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — In SCORM_GetAPI
33:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — SCORM_GetAPI, searching parent
34:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — In SCORM_ScanParentsForApi, win=
35:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — SCORM_GrabAPI, returning
36:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — Calling LMSInit
37:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — In SCORM_CallLMSInitialize
38:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — In SCORM_GrabAPI
39:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — SCORM_GrabAPI, returning
40:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — Calling LMSInitialize
41:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — strResult=false
42:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — Detected failed call to initialize
43:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — In SCORM_SetErrorInfo
44:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — intSCORMError=101
45:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — strSCORMErrorString=General Exception
46:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — strSCORMErrorDiagnostic=
47:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — Error calling LMSInitialize:
48:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — intSCORMError=101
49:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — SCORMErrorString=General Exception
50:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — Diagnostic=
51:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — ERROR Initializing LMS
52:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — In InitializeExecuted, blnSuccess=false, strErrorMessage=Error initializing communications with LMS
53:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — ERROR — LMS Initialize Failed
54:Mon Dec 17 12:01:04 PST 2012 — In DisplayError, strMessage=Error initializing communications with LMS


Christine Hendrickson

  • Christine Hendrickson
  • Staff

Hi Michelle,

Since the file has been tested and it’s been confirmed that the issue is with the LMS (Saba), have you had a chance to contact their support for troubleshooting? If you haven’t already, you should be able to contact them here.


Manoj Shekar

  • Manoj Shekar

Hello Everyone,

                           Got a same problem with my PRINCETON REVIEW PORTAL which prompted  «Error Initializing communication with LMS» and here is the reason why it should’ve caused

1. There might have been a registry error in your pc (in case of mine) while loading content which would’ve been crashed by some unknown mean.

2. Maybe you might ‘ve downloaded Java (64-bit) for a 32-bit browser or vice-versa.

Solution :

                In order to get rid of this problem please perform a PC Tune Up with software such as 1. AVG TuneUP ( in my case ),

2. Re-image etc.,

                 These software would clear the break-downs in your system registry etc., would be repaired. And then you would not find any error initializing communication with LMS etc.,.If you need a link to download those software for free please contact me through my mail «».

Leslie McKerchie

Javier Reyes

  • Javier Reyes


I’ve a similar problem, i need to connect to a pag and it show me:  Error initializing communications with LMS

0:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — AICCComm — intReCheckLoadedInterval=250
1:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — AICCComm — intReCheckAttemptsBeforeTimeout=240
2:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — AICCComm — IFrameLoaded
3:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — AICCComm — In GetAICCURL
4:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — GetQueryStringValue Element ‘AICC_URL’ Not Found, Returning: empty string
5:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — AICCComm — Querystring value =
6:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — AICCComm — GetAICCURL returning:
7:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — AICCComm — In DetectPreferredCommMethod, checking XMLHTTP
8:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — AICCComm — Checking IFrame
9:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — AICCComm — blnCanUseXMLHTTP=true
10:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — AICCComm — blnCanUseIFrame=true
11:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — —————————————-
12:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — —————————————-
13:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — In Start — Version: 3.8.2 Last Modified=04/25/2016 05:03:39
14:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — Browser Info (Netscape 5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.94 Safari/537.36)
15:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — URL:
16:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — —————————————-
17:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — —————————————-
18:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — In ClearErrorInfo
19:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — GetQueryStringValue Element ‘StandAlone’ Not Found, Returning: empty string
20:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — GetQueryStringValue Element ‘ShowDebug’ Not Found, Returning: empty string
21:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — strStandAlone= strShowInteractiveDebug=
22:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — Standard From Configuration File — SCORM
23:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — Using Standard From Configuration File — SCORM
24:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — In LMSStandardAPI strStandard=SCORM
25:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — Calling Standard Initialize
26:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — In SCORM_Initialize
27:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — In SCORM_ClearErrorInfo
28:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — Grabbing API
29:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — In SCORM_GrabAPI
30:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — Searching with improved ADL algorithm
31:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — In SCORM_GetAPI
32:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — SCORM_GetAPI, searching parent
33:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — In SCORM_ScanParentsForApi, win=,width=788,resizable=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no&COURSEINFO=skins/sp_pt1pc1ssl1db0&DYNAMIC_SKIN_URL=
34:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — SCORM_GrabAPI, returning
35:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — Calling LMSInit
36:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — In SCORM_CallLMSInitialize
37:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — In SCORM_GrabAPI
38:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — SCORM_GrabAPI, returning
39:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:05 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — Calling LMSInitialize
40:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:06 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — strResult=false
41:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:06 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — Detected failed call to initialize
42:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:06 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — In SCORM_SetErrorInfo
43:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:06 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — intSCORMError=101
44:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:06 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — strSCORMErrorString=General exception
45:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:06 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — strSCORMErrorDiagnostic=LMSInitialize: cannot communicate with the LMS, Error: LMS returned empty or badly formatted reply LMSComm.start: failed to communicate properly with the LMS, ErrorType: INTERNAL
46:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:06 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — Error calling LMSInitialize:
47:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:06 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — intSCORMError=101
48:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:06 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — SCORMErrorString=General exception
49:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:06 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — Diagnostic=LMSInitialize: cannot communicate with the LMS, Error: LMS returned empty or badly formatted reply LMSComm.start: failed to communicate properly with the LMS, ErrorType: INTERNAL
50:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:06 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — ERROR Initializing LMS
51:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:06 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — In InitializeExecuted, blnSuccess=false, strErrorMessage=Error initializing communications with LMS
52:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:06 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — ERROR — LMS Initialize Failed
53:Tue May 10 2016 14:23:06 GMT-0500 (SA Pacific Standard Time) — In DisplayError, strMessage=Error initializing communications with LMS

Please if you can help me.

Thank you very much.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

  • Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
  • Staff

Hi Javier,

This thread is a bit older, so I’m not certain that other folks who ran into similar issues are still subscribed. I’m not sure of the steps Manoj mentioned going through, but perhaps you’ll also want to lok at the information here in terms of how to troubleshoot LMS issues.  If you continue to have difficulty with the set up at SCORM Cloud which is an industry standard for LMS content, can you reach out to our Support team here to share your file so that we could test further?

Robert Knight

  • Robert Knight
  • Christine Hendrickson

You know we have been using Saba for several years now and I find their support to be very hands off. I entered some of the error message key words in to their support search and got nothing.

Leslie McKerchie

  • Leslie McKerchie
  • Staff

Sorry to hear that Robert.

This thread is a bit dated and I’m not sure if the users here are still subscribed.

If you are experiencing an issue as well, feel free to start a new discussion with details and perhaps someone in the community will be able to chime in and assist.

Yuming Chang

  • Yuming Chang


I am still encounter this issue: Error Initializing communication with LMS. And would like to know if anyone have answer?


Manoj Shekar

  • Manoj Shekar
  • Yuming Chang
jugal joshi

  • jugal joshi

We started seeing this earlier. From what I can tell its currently seen on courses built on Rise and its x-browser (chrome, safari) and x-platform (windows, mac).. our courses are exported in 1.2 and they are pretty linear and straight forward. Can anybody suggest some solution please?

This discussion is closed. You can
start a new discussion
or contact
Articulate Support.

Hi there!

As a consultant, like any of you, encountered a lot of known and unknown issues while implementing SuccessFactors LMS. Few are very common, for which, we start googling for an existing KBA or post it in PDC, wait for the subject matter experts respond. These are unavoidable for any type of consultant. This blog is all about those common issues which we face while implementing or using SAP SuccessFactors LMS and will also see how to resolve them.

Also, these days, most of you might have experienced the situation, where the clients, during implementation or post-implementation, ask for a document that lists all the commonly faced issues. Have seen people discussing these kinds of requests coming from every corner. This led me to think of writing this article, where I tried to bring the most common issues together, like one-stop-shop. I hope, this blog will help in real-time for those who are busy implementing SuccessFactors LMS and the same can be used as a quick guide after the system is live.

I am listing the top 10, which we often face. I also shared a few SAP KBA’s under the issues which might have multiple scenarios for the cause. Some of you while reading, might think of any other errors/issues which are frequent and is missed out, please post them as a comment.

  1. Item showing ‘Enrolled/Not Available’ on the User Learning plan along with Enrolled status

Issue: A user enrolled into an online course by an admin shows ‘Enrolled/Not Available’ on the User Learning plan

Resolution: The cause for this issue is that the Item being referred would be a Blended type of item that has the online content associated with it, but the online content has not been made available for launch. This is the most common mistake we do and realize later.

As you all know, we need to change the settings at an item -> online content -> settings (online content settings) -> switch on “Content is available for launch” to make it available for launch.

Once the setup is done, the status would show Enrolled in the user learning plan.

  1. HTTP error while importing the content through Import content tool


When attempting to importing content using the import content tool, an HTTP Error is thrown.


If this error occurs, there might be multiple causes, let us see the most and frequent cause of this error:

This issue has been seen mostly using the Firefox browser. The same file will get imported successfully using chrome browser or Internet Explorer

Also, as per the system requirements, SuccessFactors recommend using Internet Explorer 11. Also, try to avoid special characters in the title of the content.

Finally, check with your IT team whether the traffic for below sites is allowed:




You can also find a few more scenarios which might cause this error in the below KBA

  1. “Item does not exist “- Error when uploading the learning history

Issue: When uploading the learning history through import tool, file fails with message “, item doesn’t exist “

Resolution: Check for the Item ID in the file and correct it. The data provided on the feed file should match LMS’ data.

  • Lookup with the existing data file to get the correct id with exact item type
  • Avoid any extra spaces in the id
  • Always remember, the item id is case sensitive
  1. Error initializing communications with LMS – frequently faced while user launching a course

Issue: an error has occurred: Error initializing communication with LMS


Error: “Please report the following error to your system administrator:
java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method of a null object loaded from local variable ‘vox’

Resolution:  Remove the course from users’ learning plan and assign it back. The main cause for this issue is after the user is assigned with the course, an admin performs changes in the Content Object within the item level but does not reassign the course to the user.

  1. Failed to authenticate SAML Response- Validation Error When accessing Learning


When a user tries to access Learning, the below error is received.


Enable third party cookies in the browser used to access LMS. Settings vary from browser to browser, as you can see the below screenshots taken from various browsers. Hence, check your browsers help files for instructions on how to enable third party cookies

  1. Item not appearing in User catalog search

Issue: Sometimes some courses are not visible for all the users even if able to see other items in the same catalog (library)

Resolution: This issue happens mostly with revised items. Removing the item from the catalog and adding it back refreshes the database and populates the item SKU ID in the catalog to fix the issue.

Note: in the latest LMS Admin UI, you cannot edit the Library SKU, this was an editable field in the old interface.

  1. “Browse all courses” not showing the items even though user is part of catalog

Issue: User is unable to search for the items that are part of a catalog to which he/she is having access

Resolution: User needs to correct the language used when searching, User can manually change the primary language. This can also be defaulted via “Options & Settings” in the links tab – Home page.

  1. External Submission Default Process ID is not defined. Please contact your Administrator – Validation Error

Issue: A Learning user is unable to successfully make an External Request.

Resolution: The error is due to the Approval Process settings, External Submission Default Process ID and External Verification Default Process ID are not configured with any value. Go to System Administration -> Configuration -> Global Application Settings -> Approval Process Settings – Select the desired approval processes and apply changes.

  1. Please report the following error to your system administrator

Issue: Few times a user receives an error message while attempting to take a course, similar to the screenshot below:

Resolution: Clearing the affected user’s browser cache resolves the issue. Additionally, using a browser with private or mode where cache is not stored may also need to be performed after clearing the cache.

Or to identify the exact cause, the admin can user reportStackTrace to troubleshoot the issue. An administrator can set reportStackTraceToUser to “True” under System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > LMS_ADMIN. The process of attempting the course can be replicated once again, to see full message of the error.

  1. “404 File or Directory not found” error when launching content

Issue:  Error 404- File or Directory not found encountered when trying to launch the course with the successfully imported content

Resolution: Again, these kinds of issues have multiple reasons. Here I will talk about frequently found issue while troubleshooting. One of the main reasons for this error is “directory” missing from the URL prefix under deployment location. Go to System Administrator > Configuration > Content Deployment Locations. Add the directory name in at the end of the URL prefix.

Also check the content objects under content, ensure there are no spaces in the content URL under the launch method.

Few more possibilities are listed in the below KBA:

I hope, like other blogs of mine, this too will add some value while implementing or working on SuccessFactors LMS.

Please stay safe and stay healthy. See you soon with a new blog ?

Useful links: Important links:


When I launch my courses on LMS (Skillport), an error pops up saying Error Initializing Communication with LMS . Course is working fine but LMS fails to capture completion status. My courses are SCORM 2004. Please advice any solution to fix this issue


2019-07-22 08:16:48

I know that 2004, has more features, but it is known to be less stable. Do you also have inconsistent results in SCORM Cloud?

2019-07-21 10:37:14

Cnn you test first of all in SCORM Cloud, to detect if the problem has to be searhed for in Captivate or in the LMS?

2019-07-22 08:15:16


Lieve Weymeis

‘s comment

Its working on Scorm cloud, and in LMS also it is not a consistent error. It occurs 4-5 times out of 10. I am assuming its issue with scorm 2004.

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Does anyone know how to solve this problem when accessing e-learning?

E-learning error here

I’m not sure if this is a Java related error. I’ve followed whatever the e-learning’s instruction about this and I have searched for it on google but I only found nothing (still unsolved according to my search). I’ve tried in Windows 10 but no luck and tried in a virtual machine still no luck. Adding exceptions to Java security is also useless. Upgrading JRE is also useless. The instruction should be done in Internet Explorer. For full details:

  • Operating system: Windows 7 Professional 32-bit
  • Browser: Internet Explorer 8
  • Java version: Java Runtime Environment 8

I’ve tried everything I can do so if anyone knows how to fix it I would highly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

Here’s the debug information after pressing OK:

0:Tue Jun 14 02:16:26 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - Trying to create MSXML2.XMLHTTP in VBScript
1:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - intReCheckLoadedInterval=250
2:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - intReCheckAttemptsBeforeTimeout=240
3:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - IFrameLoaded 
4:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - In GetAICCURL
5:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - GetQueryStringValue Element 'AICC_URL' Not Found, Returning: empty string
6:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - Querystring value = 
7:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - GetAICCURL returning: 
8:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - In DetectPreferredCommMethod, checking XMLHTTP
9:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - Checking IFrame
10:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - blnCanUseXMLHTTP=true
11:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - blnCanUseIFrame=true
12:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - ----------------------------------------
13:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - ----------------------------------------
14:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In Start - Version: 3.8.2 Last Modified=04/10/2014 16:29:51
15:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Browser Info (Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; GTB7.5; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E))
16:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - URL:
17:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - ----------------------------------------
18:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - ----------------------------------------
19:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In ClearErrorInfo
20:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - GetQueryStringValue Element 'StandAlone' Not Found, Returning: empty string
21:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - GetQueryStringValue Element 'ShowDebug' Not Found, Returning: empty string
22:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - strStandAlone= strShowInteractiveDebug=
23:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Standard From Configuration File - SCORM
24:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Using Standard From Configuration File - SCORM
25:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In LMSStandardAPI strStandard=SCORM
26:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Calling Standard Initialize
27:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_Initialize
28:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_ClearErrorInfo
29:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Grabbing API
30:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_GrabAPI
31:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Searching with improved ADL algorithm
32:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_GetAPI
33:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - SCORM_GetAPI, searching parent
34:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_ScanParentsForApi, win=
35:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - SCORM_GrabAPI, returning
36:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Calling LMSInit
37:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_CallLMSInitialize
38:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_GrabAPI
39:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - SCORM_GrabAPI, returning
40:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Calling LMSInitialize
41:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - strResult=false
42:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Detected failed call to initialize
43:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_SetErrorInfo
44:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - intSCORMError=101
45:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - strSCORMErrorString=General exception
46:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - strSCORMErrorDiagnostic=java.lang.ClassFormatError: oracle/apps/ota/lms/LMSJava2Helper$1 at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSJava2Helper.getResponse( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSHelper.sendRequest( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.sendRequest( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.getAttemptState( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.checkNotFinished( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.LMSInitialize( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin.javascript.Trampoline.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin.javascript.JSClassLoader.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass$MethodInfo.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass$MemberBundle.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass.invoke0(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo$DefaultInvocationDelegate.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo$ Source) at Method) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo.doObjectOp(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo$ Source) at Source) 
47:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Error calling LMSInitialize:
48:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - intSCORMError=101
49:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - SCORMErrorString=General exception
50:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Diagnostic=java.lang.ClassFormatError: oracle/apps/ota/lms/LMSJava2Helper$1 at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSJava2Helper.getResponse( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSHelper.sendRequest( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.sendRequest( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.getAttemptState( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.checkNotFinished( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.LMSInitialize( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin.javascript.Trampoline.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin.javascript.JSClassLoader.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass$MethodInfo.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass$MemberBundle.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass.invoke0(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo$DefaultInvocationDelegate.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo$ Source) at Method) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo.doObjectOp(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo$ Source) at Source) 
51:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - ERROR Initializing LMS
52:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In InitializeExecuted, blnSuccess=false, strErrorMessage=Error initializing communications with LMS
53:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - ERROR - LMS Initialize Failed
54:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In DisplayError, strMessage=Error initializing communications with LMS

Кто-нибудь знает, как решить эту проблему при доступе к электронному обучению?

Ошибка электронного обучения здесь

Я не уверен, что это ошибка, связанная с Java. Я следовал всем инструкциям электронного обучения об этом, и я искал его в Google, но я ничего не нашел (все еще не решен в соответствии с моим поиском). Я пробовал в Windows 10, но не повезло, и попробовал в виртуальной машине все еще не повезло. Добавление исключений к безопасности Java также бесполезно. Обновление JRE также бесполезно. Инструкция должна быть сделана в Internet Explorer. Для полной информации:

  • Операционная система: Windows 7 Professional 32-разрядная
  • Браузер: Internet Explorer 8
  • Версия Java: среда выполнения Java 8

Я перепробовал все, что мог, если кто-нибудь знает, как это исправить, я буду очень признателен. Заранее спасибо.

Вот отладочная информация после нажатия ОК:

0:Tue Jun 14 02:16:26 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - Trying to create MSXML2.XMLHTTP in VBScript
1:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - intReCheckLoadedInterval=250
2:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - intReCheckAttemptsBeforeTimeout=240
3:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - IFrameLoaded 
4:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - In GetAICCURL
5:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - GetQueryStringValue Element 'AICC_URL' Not Found, Returning: empty string
6:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - Querystring value = 
7:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - GetAICCURL returning: 
8:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - In DetectPreferredCommMethod, checking XMLHTTP
9:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - Checking IFrame
10:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - blnCanUseXMLHTTP=true
11:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - AICCComm - blnCanUseIFrame=true
12:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - ----------------------------------------
13:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - ----------------------------------------
14:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In Start - Version: 3.8.2 Last Modified=04/10/2014 16:29:51
15:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Browser Info (Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; GTB7.5; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E))
16:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - URL:
17:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - ----------------------------------------
18:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - ----------------------------------------
19:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In ClearErrorInfo
20:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - GetQueryStringValue Element 'StandAlone' Not Found, Returning: empty string
21:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - GetQueryStringValue Element 'ShowDebug' Not Found, Returning: empty string
22:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - strStandAlone= strShowInteractiveDebug=
23:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Standard From Configuration File - SCORM
24:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Using Standard From Configuration File - SCORM
25:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In LMSStandardAPI strStandard=SCORM
26:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Calling Standard Initialize
27:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_Initialize
28:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_ClearErrorInfo
29:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Grabbing API
30:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_GrabAPI
31:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Searching with improved ADL algorithm
32:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_GetAPI
33:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - SCORM_GetAPI, searching parent
34:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_ScanParentsForApi, win=
35:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - SCORM_GrabAPI, returning
36:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Calling LMSInit
37:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_CallLMSInitialize
38:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_GrabAPI
39:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - SCORM_GrabAPI, returning
40:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Calling LMSInitialize
41:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - strResult=false
42:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Detected failed call to initialize
43:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In SCORM_SetErrorInfo
44:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - intSCORMError=101
45:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - strSCORMErrorString=General exception
46:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - strSCORMErrorDiagnostic=java.lang.ClassFormatError: oracle/apps/ota/lms/LMSJava2Helper$1 at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSJava2Helper.getResponse( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSHelper.sendRequest( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.sendRequest( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.getAttemptState( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.checkNotFinished( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.LMSInitialize( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin.javascript.Trampoline.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin.javascript.JSClassLoader.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass$MethodInfo.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass$MemberBundle.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass.invoke0(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo$DefaultInvocationDelegate.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo$ Source) at Method) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo.doObjectOp(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo$ Source) at Source) 
47:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Error calling LMSInitialize:
48:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - intSCORMError=101
49:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - SCORMErrorString=General exception
50:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - Diagnostic=java.lang.ClassFormatError: oracle/apps/ota/lms/LMSJava2Helper$1 at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSJava2Helper.getResponse( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSHelper.sendRequest( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.sendRequest( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.getAttemptState( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.checkNotFinished( at oracle.apps.ota.lms.LMSApplet.LMSInitialize( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin.javascript.Trampoline.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin.javascript.JSClassLoader.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass$MethodInfo.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass$MemberBundle.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass.invoke0(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.liveconnect.JavaClass.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo$DefaultInvocationDelegate.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo$ Source) at Method) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo.doObjectOp(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.main.client.LiveConnectSupport$PerAppletInfo$ Source) at Source) 
51:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - ERROR Initializing LMS
52:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In InitializeExecuted, blnSuccess=false, strErrorMessage=Error initializing communications with LMS
53:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - ERROR - LMS Initialize Failed
54:Tue Jun 14 02:16:28 UTC+0100 2016 - In DisplayError, strMessage=Error initializing communications with LMS

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По материалам дискуссии в проф.сообществе e-learning специалистов

Иногда случается так, что во время изучения электронного курса или сдачи теста разрывается соединение с LMS. В результате у учащегося не сохраняется прогресс курса, не засчитывается результат тестирования, и обучение приходится повторять. Например, человек открывает курс, а его отвлекают минут на 30. В итоге сессия обрывается, но учащийся об этом не знает, завершает курс, а ничего не сохраняется. Это, конечно же, влияет и на мотивацию к обучению, и на отношение сотрудников к корпоративной LMS.

Особенно критична такая ситуация для длительных курсов, не разбитых на микромодули. Причины разрывов могут быть как на стороне LMS, так и на стороне пользователя. Как решить эту проблему?

Алексей Корольков, отвечая на этот вопрос в проф.сообществе e-learning специалистов, пояснил:

“Если проблема на стороне LMS, то система не может никаким образом узнать, отвалилось соединение у клиента или нет. Если про WebTutor, то обмен данными по Aicc/Scorm опирается на объект connection, который хранится в базе, «живет» не менее суток и не пропадает, если 30 минут нет связи с сервером.

Если проблема на стороне пользователя, то тут все зависит от авторского средства, в котором разработан электронный курс. Если курс посылает данные на сервер при каждом переходе с экрана на экран (Courselab, iSpring, Storyline, …), то при отсутствии соединения курс получает сообщение об ошибке. Может его выдавать пользователю, например, Courselab точно выдаёт.

Может ли курса сам проверять доступность обмена данными с LMS?

Может. Например, периодически сохраняя и/или извлекая данные.

Можно ли таким образом сделать в курсе зеленую/красную лампочку, сигнализирующую о разрыве соединения?

Да? можно. Способ зависит от авторского средства.

Единственным универсальным решением, не зависящим от конкретного курса может быть вариант, когда курс запускается в плеере курсов, а не в отдельном окне. И тогда в том кусочке интерфейса LMS, который видит пользователь, можно сделать зеленую/красную лампочку. Ее будет зажигать не конкретный курс, а сама реализация Scorm API Lms. Мы подумаем над таким решением в будущих версиях WebTutor.”

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Error initializing communication with LMS

by Shyam S — Monday, 28 June 2010, 3:46 PM

Number of replies: 0

I have a published scorm file and I have put that in my LMS (moodle). But when I tried accessing the courses, it gives me an initializing error.
Can someone help me out with this?

Attachment LMS.jpg

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