So I learned on another forum that the problem is caused by a hard coded timeout in Logic Pro X for initializing CoreMidi, and that with the most recent versions of OS X, CoreMidi takes significantly longer to load than with prior versions of the OS. Considering how many professional musicians use Macs and Logic Pro to get stuff done, it is absolutely appalling and unforgivable that Apple hasn’t fixed this problem yet. It’s a totally known issue. I suspect it’s a politics issue of the Logic Pro team pointing to the OS X team and saying it’s their problem to fix, and the OS X team pointing to the Logic Pro team and saying they should just remove the hard coded timeout limit, and neither team is budging.
So for now, those of us experiencing this problem must always remember to first open Audio Midi Setup, then go to Window / Show Midi Studio and let it fully initialize and display all the midi drivers, and then—and only then—load Logic Pro X. And when that doesn’t work, reboot and retry that sequence.
The product teams at Apple should really be embarrassed.
I recently upgraded my 2018 MacBook Pro to MacOS Mojave and I started getting an error every time I launch Logic Pro X:
Error Initializing CoreMIDI
It’s not just a spurious message, because MIDI I/O doesn’t work. I can use internal software instruments and sequenced or already recorded MIDI events, but I can’t record new MIDI or play any virtual instruments.
Possibly related: Logic also takes about 30 seconds to launch, which is unusually long considering the specs of the computer.
asked Jan 30, 2019 at 19:18
Todd WilcoxTodd Wilcox
53.5k6 gold badges108 silver badges184 bronze badges
This is a known issue in Mojave. There’s something wrong with CoreMIDI that causes it to take much longer to initialize than it used to. Logic Pro X has a hard-coded CoreMIDI initialization timeout that expires before CoreMIDI finishes starting, so Logic on High Sierra takes a long time to launch (waiting for CoreMIDI), and then can’t use MIDI because the timeout expires.
A good workaround is to initialize CoreMIDI before launching Logic. An easy way to do this is to launch the Audio MIDI Setup utility and open the MIDI Studio window. It will take an unusually long time to load the MIDI studio, but after it has loaded, CoreMIDI will be initialized. Leave that open and launch Logic and it will open up much faster and MIDI will work.
Any other app that initializes CoreMIDI will work also. Advantages of using the Audio MIDI Setup utility is that every Mac has it and it is fairly lightweight, so you leave maximum processing power available for Logic.
Edit: Updating to Catalina also fixes the problem.
answered Jan 30, 2019 at 19:22
Todd WilcoxTodd Wilcox
53.5k6 gold badges108 silver badges184 bronze badges
This issue just popped up for me as well- same symptoms (CoreMIDI error when launching Logic Pro X). I had recently updated to Logic 10.4.4, but the big difference is this- I’m still on High Sierra. I’m using an iMac Pro 2017, and Logic had been opening slower than it does on my 2012 Mac Mini. That issue was annoying, but the error was a showstopper.
Keeping the MIDI Setup running in the background did the trick, «fixing» the slow app launch and error messages.
answered Feb 1, 2019 at 16:57
Here’s what works for me:
- Set the default startup action in Logic to ‘Do nothing’.
- Start Logic.
- If the Coremidi error message occurs, quit and restart Logic instantly.
- Voilá, no error this time.
my setup is: Mac Mini 2018, osx 10.14.5 (Mojave)
Intrestingly, this error never came up for a month since i started using Logic. At one point, my 2 year old daughter turned the power off. After this (maybe just coincidence) i started receiving this error, but not always… Maybe I should try resetting some VRAM or PRAM.
answered Jun 14, 2019 at 8:46
Open Logic Pro X
- Preferences
- Midi
- Reset All Midi Drivers
Close and Reopen Logic Pro X to Check
answered May 14, 2020 at 22:42
I found that the error went away after by starting Logic without any midi controllers connected. Connecting them after start up also had no issues. Very weird.
answered Aug 5, 2019 at 23:15
After tried everything, I downloaded «KORG USB-MIDI Driver Uninstaller» from the KORG website and uninstalled the driver: that fixed the issue for me.
3,6125 gold badges21 silver badges36 bronze badges
answered May 10, 2020 at 17:45
I had this problem until, I re read some replies elsewhere on Logic Help etc and I rechecked for KORG stuff on the HD. I moved what I found to a folder on my Desktop. Trying to dump to the trash I got a message saying a file was running although I had disconnected the hardware. Loaded up Clean My Mac and uninstalled the lot. Lo and behold core midi back and no problems thus far.
*****iMac 2.9Ghz, 16GB RAM LOGIC PRO 10.4.6 running Mojave*****
answered Aug 4, 2019 at 17:55
Gracias Javi, probaré como dices, yo he utilizado la salida «guitar in».
Acústicas D’Angelico en oferta
Harley Benton TUBE15 Celestion
PRS SE P20 Parlour Pink ¡stock limitado!
Yo lo usaba y me funcionaba perfecto, tal como dicen, prueba el Guitar In
#5050 Buenos días, Me podrías indicar donde conseguir la ultima versión del ilok/pace. Gracias de antemano.
#5056 Muchas gracias.
Hola a todos. Tras actualizar a windows 10 y despues a windows 11 y no poder instalar el editor del 11r, al final, parece que he conseguido instalar el editor y el ilok además de los drivers sin que aparezca el pantallazo azul; pero ahora aparece el siguiente mensaje al intentar iniciar el editor: «Error initializing eleven rack midi engine». ¿Alquien tiene alguna idea?. Gracias.
#5058 Prueba con otro cable, el que trae el 11r es malo, el de la impresora te debería servir…a veces en los puertos 3.0 no funciona bien y solo te va a funcionar en 64bits, pero si has instalado w11 es lo que tienes.
#5059 Muchas gracias, lo probaré. Aunque ya cambié en su dia el cable que tenia el 11r que, efectivamente estaba defectuoso. Un saludo. Muy agradecido por tu ayuda.
#5058 Hasta el momento los drivers del 11r son para W10. No hay drivers para W11, por eso te sale ese mensaje. No obstante, si alguien ha podido hacerlo funcionar en W11, que avise
#5061 Hola a todos. A mi me paso igual #5058 y lo comente en el chat #5032 . No es un problema de cable. tampoco se decir el por qué pero estimo que debe ser un tema del sistema operativo W11. de hecho SIN HACER NADA volvi a probar ayer y !milagro! funcionaba!. Creo que el W11 va corrigiendo errores e incompatibilidades puesto que desde que lo instalé se ha actualizado en varias ocasiones. Os remito pantallazo con el Editor del 11R funcionando y la version del W11 por si os sirve de ayuda…….. son cosas de la informatica pero que nos despistan con los mensajes de error que nos hacen ir por caminos incomprensibles……
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#5062 Parece una buena noticia. Yo tengo el mismo sistema operativo y no funciona por ahora. Si no da problemas la instalación del editor en w10 entonces mejor no actualizar.
yo, por si acaso, me quedo en W10
Hello, Windows 10 / 11, Intel I5-12600K, Gigabyte Z690 GAMING DDR4, 32 GB RAM, Presonus R65, ESP 400Series Telecaster, Ibanez LR 750, Fender Precision Bass, Avid Eleven Rack, Faderport 16, Studio One 5 Pro, Jamstix 4, Melodyne, SSD5, EZ Drummer 3, SSL Plugins |
by Trucky on
Tue Aug 09, 2022 3:36 pm
Avid currently only lists Windows 10 20H2 compatibility with the latest driver. Have you contacted Avid support to see if the driver and ASIO is supported in Windows 11? Please add your specs to your SIGNATURE. Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (22H2), Studio One 6.0.2 Pro | Notion 6.8.2 | Universal Control v4.0.0.90879 |
No, I haven’t contacted Avid support yet. At least the driver works with Windows 11 system (hardware connected) and with media player as described (mp3, wav). So I assumed that Studio One should also run with it. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. Windows 10 / 11, Intel I5-12600K, Gigabyte Z690 GAMING DDR4, 32 GB RAM, Presonus R65, ESP 400Series Telecaster, Ibanez LR 750, Fender Precision Bass, Avid Eleven Rack, Faderport 16, Studio One 5 Pro, Jamstix 4, Melodyne, SSD5, EZ Drummer 3, SSL Plugins |
by PreAl on
Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:05 am
DAWs use ASIO drivers (ideally). Further info: … e-drivers/ The issue could be that your ASIO driver simply doesn’t work (Windows audio does not use ASIO). You could use windows audio drivers but it’s not optimal, however check the video: Sometimes fully removing the drivers and installing them is a good idea. Make sure you are on the latest drivers and firmware for your audio interface. Do not be tempted to install ASIO4ALL. If you have, do a full uninstall. Studio One Pro 5, Faderport Classic (1.45), Atom Pad, Atom SQ, Presonus Studio 26c, Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, Maschine Studio, Octapad SPD-30, Roland A300, Windows 11 Pro 64 bit, also running it on Mac OS Catalina via dual boot (experimental). Intel i9 9900K, 32GB RAM, |
Thank you for your answers. I contacted Avid support. Hope I get a solution. Windows 10 / 11, Intel I5-12600K, Gigabyte Z690 GAMING DDR4, 32 GB RAM, Presonus R65, ESP 400Series Telecaster, Ibanez LR 750, Fender Precision Bass, Avid Eleven Rack, Faderport 16, Studio One 5 Pro, Jamstix 4, Melodyne, SSD5, EZ Drummer 3, SSL Plugins |
The true (real) solution is to stay on Windows 10. It is mature, stable and universally supported by everyone to 2025 (and probably longer). There is still little to no reason to be on Win 11 — it is still not ready for primetime even after almost a year. If getting stuff done is your goal — best to leave the OS alone and focus on what matters. Especially when Avid is involved. Cheers VP DAW: Studio One Pro | Host OS: Windows 10 Pro 22H2 | Motherboard: ASUS ProArt z490-Creator | CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10600K | RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 32GB | Graphics: Intel UHD 630 (HDMI) | Audio Interface: RME UCX II (v1.221) | OS Drive : Samsung 970 EVO+ (500GB) | Media Drive: Samsung 860 EVO (500GB) | Storage 1 : Samsung 970 EVO+ (2TB) | Storage 2 : Seagate FireCuda (2TB) | Monitoring: Presonus Monitor Station v2 + Presonus Eris 5 | MIDI Control: Native Instruments Komplete S61 & Presonus ATOM |
by werner on
Thu Aug 11, 2022 10:08 am
Use only an original USB 2.0 port Ryzen 7 5700G, Fireface 800, Windows 11 Pro 22H2 |
Ok, after getting this answer from Avid: I apologize to inform you that we don’t have any troubleshooting or workaround using Eleven Rack on Studio One as it is a third party company. Please contact Studio One regarding your issue. and since user Werner managed to get Studio One to work with the Eleven Rack on Windows 11, it must be my system. I disabled all other sound devices and am now using a USB 2.0 port. But that didn’t help either. Windows 10 / 11, Intel I5-12600K, Gigabyte Z690 GAMING DDR4, 32 GB RAM, Presonus R65, ESP 400Series Telecaster, Ibanez LR 750, Fender Precision Bass, Avid Eleven Rack, Faderport 16, Studio One 5 Pro, Jamstix 4, Melodyne, SSD5, EZ Drummer 3, SSL Plugins |
Werner, you already use the new Win 11 build 22H2. I will give it a try. Windows 10 / 11, Intel I5-12600K, Gigabyte Z690 GAMING DDR4, 32 GB RAM, Presonus R65, ESP 400Series Telecaster, Ibanez LR 750, Fender Precision Bass, Avid Eleven Rack, Faderport 16, Studio One 5 Pro, Jamstix 4, Melodyne, SSD5, EZ Drummer 3, SSL Plugins |
by werner on
Sat Aug 13, 2022 5:37 am
It may be that the functionality depends on the specific PC system. Here it works in any case. However, I usually don’t use the Eleven Rack as a sound card, but only for the guitar. The signal goes via S/PDIF then to the Fireface. The Eleven Rack becomes master clock. In this case I don’t need to deactivate anything in the device manager. Good luck! Ryzen 7 5700G, Fireface 800, Windows 11 Pro 22H2 |
unfortunately that didn’t help Windows 10 / 11, Intel I5-12600K, Gigabyte Z690 GAMING DDR4, 32 GB RAM, Presonus R65, ESP 400Series Telecaster, Ibanez LR 750, Fender Precision Bass, Avid Eleven Rack, Faderport 16, Studio One 5 Pro, Jamstix 4, Melodyne, SSD5, EZ Drummer 3, SSL Plugins |
by PreAl on
Sat Aug 13, 2022 3:18 pm
Confirm your firmware is on 1.0.3, otherwise update … d/en371135 If no joy try a full uninstall of.the drivers, reboot and install them again (latest). You may consider a dual boot and run Windows 10 if you have enough hard drive space, that’s gonna be a lot of work. Studio One Pro 5, Faderport Classic (1.45), Atom Pad, Atom SQ, Presonus Studio 26c, Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, Maschine Studio, Octapad SPD-30, Roland A300, Windows 11 Pro 64 bit, also running it on Mac OS Catalina via dual boot (experimental). Intel i9 9900K, 32GB RAM, |
@PreAl: I already have a dual boot system. Everything works fine on Windows 10. My Eleven Rack has firmware 2.0.1. I don’t want to go back. I would lose my expansion pack. Windows 10 / 11, Intel I5-12600K, Gigabyte Z690 GAMING DDR4, 32 GB RAM, Presonus R65, ESP 400Series Telecaster, Ibanez LR 750, Fender Precision Bass, Avid Eleven Rack, Faderport 16, Studio One 5 Pro, Jamstix 4, Melodyne, SSD5, EZ Drummer 3, SSL Plugins |
by PreAl on
Sun Aug 14, 2022 9:49 am
Ah ha! — assume that’s the latest. Well regardless please check my suggestions anyway about full uninstall/reboot/install, worth a go… Studio One Pro 5, Faderport Classic (1.45), Atom Pad, Atom SQ, Presonus Studio 26c, Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, Maschine Studio, Octapad SPD-30, Roland A300, Windows 11 Pro 64 bit, also running it on Mac OS Catalina via dual boot (experimental). Intel i9 9900K, 32GB RAM, |
I made it as described — no success Windows 10 / 11, Intel I5-12600K, Gigabyte Z690 GAMING DDR4, 32 GB RAM, Presonus R65, ESP 400Series Telecaster, Ibanez LR 750, Fender Precision Bass, Avid Eleven Rack, Faderport 16, Studio One 5 Pro, Jamstix 4, Melodyne, SSD5, EZ Drummer 3, SSL Plugins |