Error installation failed cannot re use a name that is still in use

Hi, I try to idempotently deploy a package with: helm install --replace --tiller-namespace=system --namespace=system -n somepackage (I use the system namespace, and tiller is deployed into it, so n...




added a commit
to splisson-altair/helm
that referenced
this issue

Nov 15, 2017


To use the same command when installing and upgrading a release, using helm upgrade with --install works.


added a commit
to splisson-altair/helm
that referenced
this issue

Nov 15, 2017


To use the same command when installing and upgrading a release, using helm upgrade with --install works.


added a commit
to splisson/helm
that referenced
this issue

Nov 15, 2017


To use the same command when installing and upgrading a release, using helm upgrade with '--install' works.

Closes helm#3134

This was referenced

Nov 15, 2017


pushed a commit
that referenced
this issue

Nov 21, 2017



* docs(helm): Document how to update a release idempotently

To use the same command when installing and upgrading a release, using helm upgrade with '--install' works.

Closes #3134

* Upgrade instead of update

This was referenced

Aug 20, 2018

Cannot install the helm chart but when I use raw file generated by helm, I am able to install via kubectl apply.

Following error is displayed when i use helm install myChart . --debug

Error: cannot re-use a name that is still in use
helm.go:88: [debug] cannot re-use a name that is still in use*Install).availableName*Install).Run

Installing raw file generated by helm with the following command works great but when I run helm install myChart . it gives the above error

helm install myChart . --dry-run > myChart.yaml
kubectl apply -f myChart.yaml

asked Dec 23, 2021 at 16:23

Encycode's user avatar

Use upgrade instead install:

helm upgrade -i myChart .

The -i flag install the release if it doesn’t exist.

answered Dec 23, 2021 at 16:57

Marco Caberletti's user avatar


Another option could be:

  1. List the available helm charts: helm list. E.g.:
    enter image description here
  2. Delete the required helm chart helm delete phoenix-chart. E.g.:
    enter image description here

answered Sep 17, 2022 at 11:32

sfl0r3nz05's user avatar


3875 silver badges12 bronze badges

works for me — helm uninstall /<chart_name>

answered Dec 3, 2022 at 18:42

Shubham Kumar's user avatar

You can upgrade your release to a new version in Helm with the helm upgrade [release-name] [chart] command. But occasionally, trying to update your release can result in the “Error – Cannot Re-Use a Name That is Still in Use”.

We will discuss the root reasons for the “helm has no deployed releases” error in this tutorial, as well as a number of potential fixes.

What Causes the “helm has no deployed releases” Error?

Using the helm upgrade [release-name] [chart] command on a prior unsuccessful release now results in the following error as of Helm 2.7.1:

  • Error: [release-name] has no deployed releases. Upgrade Failed

Upgrade Failed

To apply the required patches, Helm 2 compares the old and new deployment manifests. However, it does not contrast the resource conditions between the manifestations.

It is conceivable that the cluster lacks some resources if a prior deployment failed. Helm will attempt to upgrade the deployment without installing the missing resources prior to Helm 2.7.1. As of version 2.7.1, Helm uses the most recent successful deployment as the baseline for the upgrade in order to avoid issues.

The system displays the message “Error – Cannot Re-Use a Name That is Still in Use” if there are no successful deployments to be discovered.

Getting rid of the error – Cannot Re-Use a Name That is Still in Use

The “helm has no deployed releases” Error – Cannot Re-Use a Name That is Still in Use, can be resolved in a number of ways, most of which concentrate on updating the status of the unsuccessful deployment that gave rise to the problem:

1: Altering the deployment status

You can get around the problem with Helm 2 by changing the release status to deploy:

  • configmap [release name]. [release version] kubectl -n Kube-system ' —type=merge {"metadata”: {"labels”: {"STATUS":"DEPLOYED"}}}'


  1. The name of the release you want to upgrade is [release name].
  2. The most recent version of your release is [release version].

Since Kubernetes secrets are how Helm 3 records the deployment history. Verify the deployment tactics:

  • get secrets with kubectl

To alter the deployment status, locate the secret pertaining to the failed deployment, then execute the command:

  • Secret kubectl patch [name-of-secret-pertaining-to-deployment] ' —type=merge {"metadata”: {"labels”: {"status":"deployed"}}}'

2: Removing Failed Deployments

The problem can be fixed by scrapping the current release and beginning a new one from scratch. Using Helm 2, perform the following:

  • [Release name] Helm remove —purge


  • The name of the release you want to remove it [release name].

Removing Failed Deployments

Since Helm 3, the uninstall command is necessary to remove a release:

  • Helm uninstall [name of the release]

Failed Deployments

1: Before removing a failed release, make sure your deployment is in good shape.

  • list helm -a

2: Verify the deployment secrets if your release’s status is not deployed:

  • get secrets with kubectl

3: Describe the final item on the list of secrets to determine its status.

  • the command kubectl describe secret


  • The name of the secret you seek is [secret name].

4: Delete the secret if its status matches that of the failed deployment by using:

  • delete secret "[private name]" with kubectl

5: Improve your release by adding:

  • Helm upgrade [name of release]

3:  Requiring an Upgrade

The issue can also be fixed by forcing an upgrade using:

  • Helm upgrade [name of release] —force


  • The name of the release you want to upgrade is [release name].

This works similarly to helm delete —purge in the background, removing the previous release before installing the new one. This could result in service interruptions, making it inappropriate for some releases.


You ought to be able to update your release to a new version after finishing this instruction without getting the ” Error – Cannot Re-Use a Name That is Still in Use” message.

Below is the code which i am using.
Since i am using the same gin context to install and uninstall, so i don’t this its possible that install is happening on one cluster and uninstall on other.

func returnActionConfig(ctx *gin.Context) (*SaveFilePath, *action.Configuration) {

	response := SaveFilePath{}
	InfoLogger.Println("Inside returnActionConfig")

	kubeConfigFile, err := ctx.FormFile("kubeconfig")
	if err != nil {
		ErrorLogger.Println("get form err for kubeconfig file: ", err.Error())
		response.Detail = "get form err for kubeconfig file: " + err.Error()
		response.Status = http.StatusBadRequest
		return &response, nil

	kubeConfigPath := filepath.Base(kubeConfigFile.Filename)
	if err := ctx.SaveUploadedFile(kubeConfigFile, kubeConfigPath); err != nil {
		ErrorLogger.Println("upload file err for kubeconfig file: ", err.Error())
		response.Detail = "upload file err for kubeconfig file: " + err.Error()
		response.Status = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return &response, nil

	releaseNamespace := ctx.Request.FormValue("releasenamespace")

	actionConfig := new(action.Configuration)
	if err := actionConfig.Init(kube.GetConfig(kubeConfigPath, "", releaseNamespace), releaseNamespace, os.Getenv("HELM_DRIVER"), func(format string, v ...interface{}) {
		str := fmt.Sprintf(format, v)
	}); err != nil {
		ErrorLogger.Println("Initialization of action configuration failed: ", err.Error())
		response.Detail = "Initialization of action configuration failed: " + err.Error()
		response.Status = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return &response, nil

	response.Status = http.StatusOK
	response.KubeConfigPath = kubeConfigPath
	return &response, actionConfig

//ChartInstallFromRepo ...
func (services helmInstallService) ChartInstallFromRepo(ctx *gin.Context) {

	repoUpdateErr := repoUpdate()
	if repoUpdateErr != nil {
		ErrorLogger.Println("Repo Update Error: ", repoUpdateErr)
	response := InstallOrUpgradeResponse{}

	var err error
	var release *release.Release
	var valueExtPath string

	saveFileResp, actionConfig := returnActionConfig(ctx)
	if saveFileResp.Status != http.StatusOK {
		ErrorLogger.Println("ChartInstallFromRepo: ", saveFileResp.Detail)
		response.Status = saveFileResp.Status
		response.Detail = saveFileResp.Detail
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, response)

	valueExtFile, valueExtErr := ctx.FormFile("valueExt")
	if valueExtErr != nil {
		ErrorLogger.Println("get form err for valuesExt file: ", valueExtErr.Error())
	} else {
		valueExtPath = filepath.Base(valueExtFile.Filename)
		if err := ctx.SaveUploadedFile(valueExtFile, valueExtPath); err != nil {
			ErrorLogger.Println("upload file err for valueExt file:", err.Error())
			response.Detail = "upload file err for valueExt file:" + err.Error()
			response.Status = http.StatusInternalServerError
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, response)
	InfoLogger.Println("Values Ext File: ", valueExtFile)
	client := action.NewInstall(actionConfig)

	if client.Version == "" && client.Devel {
		client.Version = ">0.0.0-0"
	client.ReleaseName = ctx.Request.FormValue("releasename")
	client.ChartPathOptions.Version = ctx.Request.FormValue("chartversion")
	repo := ctx.Request.FormValue("reponame")
	chart := ctx.Request.FormValue("chartname")
	cp, err := client.ChartPathOptions.LocateChart(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", repo, chart), setting)
	if err != nil {
		ErrorLogger.Println("Locating chart failed: ", err.Error())
		response.Detail = "Locating chart failed: " + err.Error()
		response.Status = http.StatusBadRequest
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, response)

	p := getter.All(setting)
	// valueOpts := &values.Options{}
	// vals, err := valueOpts.MergeValues(p)
	// if err != nil {
	// 	log.Fatal(err)
	// }

	// Check chart dependencies to make sure all are present in /charts
	chartRequested, err := loader.Load(cp)
	if err != nil {
		ErrorLogger.Println("Loading chart failed: ", err.Error())
		response.Detail = "Loading chart failed: " + err.Error()
		response.Status = http.StatusInternalServerError
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, response)

	// validInstallableChart, err := isChartInstallable(chartRequested)
	// if !validInstallableChart {
	// 	log.Fatal(err)
	// }

	if req := chartRequested.Metadata.Dependencies; req != nil {
		// If CheckDependencies returns an error, we have unfulfilled dependencies.
		// As of Helm 2.4.0, this is treated as a stopping condition:
		if err := action.CheckDependencies(chartRequested, req); err != nil {
			if client.DependencyUpdate {
				man := &downloader.Manager{
					Out:              os.Stdout,
					ChartPath:        cp,
					Keyring:          client.ChartPathOptions.Keyring,
					SkipUpdate:       false,
					Getters:          p,
					RepositoryConfig: setting.RepositoryConfig,
					RepositoryCache:  setting.RepositoryCache,
				if err := man.Update(); err != nil {
					ErrorLogger.Println("updating local chart dir failed: ", err.Error())
					response.Detail = "updating local chart dir failed: " + err.Error()
					response.Status = http.StatusInternalServerError
					ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, response)
			} else {
				InfoLogger.Println("Dependency Update failed: ", err.Error())
				response.Detail = "Dependency Update failed: " + err.Error()
				response.Status = http.StatusInternalServerError
				ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, response)

	client.Namespace = ctx.Request.FormValue("releasenamespace")

	if valueExtErr == nil {
		var vals map[string]interface{}
		vals, err = chartutil.ReadValuesFile(valueExtPath)
		release, err = client.Run(chartRequested, vals)
	} else {
		release, err = client.Run(chartRequested, nil)
	if err != nil {
		ErrorLogger.Println("Helm installtion failed: ", err.Error())
		response.Detail = "Helm installtion failed: " + err.Error()
		response.Status = http.StatusInternalServerError
		//uninstall chart to free release name
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, response)
	InfoLogger.Println("Helm installation successful")
	response.Detail = "Helm installation successful"
	response.Status = http.StatusOK
	response.RevisionNumber = release.Version
	response.AppVersion = release.Chart.AppVersion()
	response.ChartName = release.Chart.Name() + "-" + release.Chart.Metadata.Version
	response.Description = release.Info.Description
	response.RevisionNumber = release.Version
	response.UpdatedTime = release.Info.LastDeployed.String()
	response.DeployStatus = release.Info.Status.String()
	ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, response)

func ChartUninstallSvc(ctx *gin.Context) *Response {
	response := Response{}
	saveFileResp, actionConfig := returnActionConfig(ctx)
	if saveFileResp.Status != http.StatusOK {
		ErrorLogger.Println("ChartUnInstall : ", saveFileResp.Detail)
		response.Status = saveFileResp.Status
		response.Detail = saveFileResp.Detail
		return &response

	releaseName := ctx.Request.FormValue("releasename")

	chartUninstall := action.NewUninstall(actionConfig)
	releaseresp, err := chartUninstall.Run(releaseName)

	if err != nil {
		ErrorLogger.Println("ChartUninstall Error: ", err.Error())
		response.Status = http.StatusInternalServerError
		response.Detail = err.Error()
		return &response

	InfoLogger.Println("ChartUninstall successful for release Name: ", releaseName)

	InfoLogger.Println("ChartUninstall Info: ", releaseresp.Release.Info)
	response.Status = http.StatusOK
	response.Detail = "Chart Uninstall successful for release Name: " + releaseName
	return &response

@snarkipus First of all, please use this (it will be released soon, but is compatible with the current release).

This problem showed up to me too in the past. Just make sure to use a proper real domain rancher hostname, not a dummy one, ideally you must own the domain, also point it to the lb.

Also, make sure to choose the rancher install channel of latest.

Hopefully, it works, but if not, please do include your without the token and sensitive values (ideally with all comments meaning unused values removed).

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10 replies


But before, destroy, terraform upgrade -init, and apply again with control plane node of at least cx21!

Just FYI, about the upcoming PR #404, it won’t affect your use case, so you are all good. But anyways, it will probably be merged very soon (like in the next 24h).


Thanks @mysticaltech ! That sorted it … now I just need to figure out how to get to the Rancher desktop!

Thank you so much for your help!

For anyone else that stumbles across this:

  • kubectl get pods -A -o wide to get the rancher pod install name
  • kubectl logs -n kube-system helm-install-rancher-nhkxd to pull the logs from the successfully completed install

I had to do the next step in 2 parts:

  1. kubectl get secret --namespace cattle-system bootstrap-secret -o go-template='{{.data.bootstrapPassword|base64decode}}' to get the bootstrap password
  2. enter to get to the dashboard


If your DNS is on Cloudflare, just activate orange proxy button in your zone editor for that A record, that you point to the LB IP (you can see it with kubectl get svc -A).

And go to SSL, choose «strict», to allow the custom rancher certificate on origin! And then just visit the link on https://….

Enjoy! :)


Hmmm … interesting, proxying through Cloudflare and setting strict gets me an invalid SSL certificate. I’ll keep poking at it.

Update: @mysticaltech I ended up just settling on Full since (as far as I can tell) using the Rancher generated CA would require using ‘Advanced Certificates’ from Cloudflare ($10/mon). I’m not entirely sure if that’s expected/known. I suppose the other option would be to use Cloudflare’s certs, but this should work for a non-production environment (I’m guessing).


My bad, it’s the «full» that probably allows the custom certificate on origin. Apologies!

Output of helm version:3.0.3

Output of kubectl version:Client Version: version.Info{Major:»1″, Minor:»17″, GitVersion:»v1.17.2″, GitCommit:»59603c6e503c87169aea6106f57b9f242f64df89″, GitTreeState:»clean», BuildDate:»2020-01-18T23:30:10Z», GoVersion:»go1.13.5″, Compiler:»gc», Platform:»linux/amd64″}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:»1″, Minor:»17″, GitVersion:»v1.17.2″, GitCommit:»59603c6e503c87169aea6106f57b9f242f64df89″, GitTreeState:»clean», BuildDate:»2020-01-18T23:22:30Z», GoVersion:»go1.13.5″, Compiler:»gc», Platform:»linux/amd64″}

platform rke

helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher —namespace cattle-system —set hostname=rancher.comune.intranet

error cannot re-use a name that is still in use

All 5 comments

In the namespace cattle-system there is an existing application named rancher. Helm is protecting you from installing two applications with the same name in the same namespace. If you fun helm ls --namespace cattle-system you should see an existing application with the name rancher already there.

You can use a different name, different namespace, or if the application named rancher should not longer be there you can delete it. Unless you meant to upgrade the application rather than install a new one.

helm ls --namespace cattle-system
NAME    NAMESPACE       REVISION    UPDATED                                STATUS   CHART           APP VERSION
rancher cattle-system   1           2020-02-05 10:10:23.144025441 +0100 CETfailed   rancher-2.3.5   v2.3.5     

it seems be ok now. I reinstalled the package

Just wanted to comment on what I did. I just ended up deleting the namespace and trying again

  1. helm ls —all-namespaces
  2. kubectl delete namespace cattle-system
  3. kubectl create namespace cattle-system
  4. helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher —namespace cattle-system —set hostname=rancher.DOMAIN —set ingress.tls.source=letsEncrypt —set

for Helm 3 we need to add the namespace for deletion:

helm delete -n my-namespace my-release

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Cannot install the helm chart but when I use raw file generated by helm, I am able to install via kubectl apply.

Following error is displayed when i use helm install myChart . --debug

Error: cannot re-use a name that is still in use
helm.go:88: [debug] cannot re-use a name that is still in use*Install).availableName*Install).Run
main.newInstallCmd.func2*Command).execute[email protected]/command.go:852*Command).ExecuteC[email protected]/command.go:960*Command).Execute[email protected]/command.go:897

Installing raw file generated by helm with the following command works great but when I run helm install myChart . it gives the above error

helm install myChart . --dry-run > myChart.yaml
kubectl apply -f myChart.yaml

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