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I’ve a problem to install hmailserver and smtp server with iis to work with websitepanel.
I can’t user smtp to send mail with hmailserver, but it was recognize by websitepanel because when I create a new mail, i can show to hmailserver.
Can you help me and explain how hmailserver works? Can I use smtp server with hmailserver?
Help me!
Thanks by advance.
— Eric
Please take a look here: http://www.hmailserver.com/documentation/latest/?page=basic_configuration
Giuseppe Pitzus
Open Software S.r.l. — Italy
Proposed as answer by
Saturday, April 16, 2011 9:15 AM
Marked as answer by
Pavel ТsurbeleuMicrosoft employee
Monday, April 18, 2011 7:28 PM
Proposed as answer by
Добрый день, дорогие форумчане!
Прошу вашей помощи! В настройках Микротика я новичек, если не сказать нуб) но что-то настроить удалось.
Вопрос следующий: Настройка почтового сервера HmailServer+ почтовый клиент Roundcube+ роутер Mikrotik. Настроил фаервол и Нат,
так что почта приходит и уходит только для «жителей» офиса, а вот удаленной машине подключиться к почтовому серверу не удается,
мне кажется по той причине что не телнетися 25 порт для внешнего ip. Помогите пожалуйста пробросить пробросить порт так, чтобы
можно было к нему подключиться извне, например тем самым Outlook`ом из дома.
логи hmailserver:
Test: Test local connect
Connecting to TCP/IP address in MX records for local domain domain microtronic.com.ua…
Trying to connect to host mail.microtronic.com.ua…
Trying to connect to TCP/IP address on port 25.
ERROR: It was not possible to connect.
Trying to connect to host mx.microtronic.com.ua…
Trying to connect to TCP/IP address on port 25.
ERROR: It was not possible to connect.
ERROR: Was not able to open connection.
firewall nat
[admin@admin] > ip firewall nat print Flags: X — disabled, I — invalid, D — dynamic
0 chain=dstnat action=dst-nat to-addresses= to-ports=3389 protocol=tcp dst-address= dst-port=3389
1 ;;; default configuration chain=srcnat action=masquerade to-addresses= out-interface=FarLine
2 chain=dstnat action=dst-nat to-addresses= to-ports=25 protocol=tcp dst-address= in-interface=FarLine dst-port=25
3 chain=srcnat action=src-nat to-addresses= to-ports=25 protocol=tcp src-address= out-interface=FarLine src-port=25 dst-port=25 port=25
4 chain=dstnat action=dst-nat to-addresses= to-ports=143 protocol=tcp dst-address= in-interface=FarLine dst-port=143
5 chain=srcnat action=src-nat to-addresses= to-ports=143 protocol=tcp src-address= out-interface=FarLine src-port=143 port=143
6 chain=dstnat action=dst-nat to-addresses= to-ports=110 protocol=tcp dst-address= in-interface=FarLine dst-port=110
firewall filter
[admin@admin] > ip firewall filter print Flags: X — disabled, I — invalid, D — dynamic
0 ;;;
default configuration chain=input action=drop src-address=
1 ;;;
default configuration chain=input action=accept protocol=icmp
2 ;;;
default configuration chain=input action=accept connection-state=established
3 ;;;
default configuration chain=input action=accept connection-state=related
4 chain=forward action=accept protocol=tcp dst-address= src-port=25
5 chain=forward action=accept protocol=tcp src-address= dst-port=25
6 chain=forward action=accept protocol=tcp dst-address= src-port=110
7 chain=forward action=accept protocol=tcp src-address= dst-port=110
Joined Jun 8, 2006
856 Posts
Discussion Starter
Jan 27, 2012
Ok so within hmail if i do a test my mx records will not resolve……granted i just did this change a few hours ago and they say it can take up to 72 hours…..
But based on the picture does it look like i did it right?
Also based on an mx lookup I got this result
Perhaps someone could help….?
I can post my squirrel mail config file if need be.
I am running wamp, hmail, and squirrel mail and using dyndns to resolve my ip address
I removed the mail.my-pinup.com from my dns record because that is wrong.
now i get this when i test inside of hmail
Test: Collect server details
hMailServer version: hMailServer 5.3.3-B1879
Database type: MSSQL Compact
Test: Test IPv6
IPv6 support is available in operating system.
Test: Test outbound port
SMTP relayer not in use. Attempting mail.hmailserver.com:25
Trying to connect to host mail.hmailserver.com...
Trying to connect to TCP/IP address on port 25.
Connected successfully.
Test: Test MX records
Trying to resolve MX records for my-pinup.com...
Host name found: my-pinup.com
Test: Test local connect
Connecting to TCP/IP address in MX records for local domain domain my-pinup.com...
Trying to connect to host my-pinup.com...
Trying to connect to TCP/IP address on port 25.
ERROR: It was not possible to connect.
ERROR: Was not able to open connection.
Joined Jan 13, 2012
47 Posts
Joined Jun 8, 2006
856 Posts
Joined Jun 8, 2006
856 Posts
Joined Jun 8, 2006
856 Posts
Discussion Starter
Jan 27, 2012
Here is what you have to do
Test: Collect server details
hMailServer version: hMailServer 5.3.3-B1879
Database type: MSSQL Compact
Test: Test IPv6
IPv6 support is available in operating system.
Test: Test outbound port
SMTP relayer not in use. Attempting mail.hmailserver.com:25
Trying to connect to host mail.hmailserver.com...
Trying to connect to TCP/IP address on port 25.
Connected successfully.
Test: Test MX records
Trying to resolve MX records for jlcustompc.com...
Host name found: jlcustompc.com
Test: Test local connect
Connecting to TCP/IP address in MX records for local domain domain jlcustompc.com...
Trying to connect to host jlcustompc.com...
Trying to connect to TCP/IP address on port 25.
Connected successfully.
MAKE SURE PORT 25 is forwarded in the router and open in the server firewall
ALSO port 110 and 143 and 80
IF you are using DYNDNS your MX record should be your domain you want to send and receive email from/to
Your dyndns should look like this
your hmail server
should look like this
Even if you have multiple domains it does not matter just pick one to be your local name
hope this helps someone.
Joined Jul 16, 2011
4,746 Posts
Wow, you answered your own question
That’s a first in my books.
Joined Jun 8, 2006
856 Posts
Discussion Starter
Jan 28, 2012
Originally Posted by joshd
Wow, you answered your own question
That’s a first in my books.
It’s called messing with it until it works lol
Joined Jul 16, 2011
4,746 Posts
Originally Posted by iamme
It’s called messing with it until it works lol
I actually did that tonight, lol. Glad it worked though
Dear Sir i try to make webmail server in my home pc.
so i download and install the hmailserver.
but when i try to connect it .
it has eror that «the connection to the database is not available»
and when i see the log file it has below error.
plz help me
"ERROR" 2920 "2013-10-02 01:00:58.431" "Severity: 1 (Critical), Code: HM5094, Source: MySQLInterface::Load, Description: Error:[nl]The MySQL client (libmysql.dll, 32 bit) could not be loaded.[nl]hMailServer needs this file to be able to connect to MySQL.[nl]The MySQL client needs to be manually copied to the hMailServer Bin directory. The file is not included in the hMailServer installation.[nl]Path: C:Program Files (x86)hMailServerBinlibmysql.dll"
"ERROR" 2920 "2013-10-02 01:00:59.675" "Severity: 1 (Critical), Code: HM5094, Source: MySQLInterface::Load, Description: Error:[nl]The MySQL client (libmysql.dll, 32 bit) could not be loaded.[nl]hMailServer needs this file to be able to connect to MySQL.[nl]The MySQL client needs to be manually copied to the hMailServer Bin directory. The file is not included in the hMailServer installation.[nl]Path: C:Program Files (x86)hMailServerBinlibmysql.dll"
"ERROR" 2920 "2013-10-02 01:01:00.185" "Severity: 1 (Critical), Code: HM5094, Source: MySQLInterface::Load, Description: Error:[nl]The MySQL client (libmysql.dll, 32 bit) could not be loaded.[nl]hMailServer needs this file to be able to connect to MySQL.[nl]The MySQL client needs to be manually copied to the hMailServer Bin directory. The file is not included in the hMailServer installation.[nl]Path: C:Program Files (x86)hMailServerBinlibmysql.dll"
"ERROR" 2920 "2013-10-02 01:01:00.712" "Severity: 1 (Critical), Code: HM5094, Source: MySQLInterface::Load, Description: Error:[nl]The MySQL client (libmysql.dll, 32 bit) could not be loaded.[nl]hMailServer needs this file to be able to connect to MySQL.[nl]The MySQL client needs to be manually copied to the hMailServer Bin directory. The file is not included in the hMailServer installation.[nl]Path: C:Program Files (x86)hMailServerBinlibmysql.dll"
"ERROR" 2920 "2013-10-02 01:01:01.228" "Severity: 1 (Critical), Code: HM5094, Source: MySQLInterface::Load, Description: Error:[nl]The MySQL client (libmysql.dll, 32 bit) could not be loaded.[nl]hMailServer needs this file to be able to connect to MySQL.[nl]The MySQL client needs to be manually copied to the hMailServer Bin directory. The file is not included in the hMailServer installation.[nl]Path: C:Program Files (x86)hMailServerBinlibmysql.dll"
"ERROR" 2920 "2013-10-02 01:01:01.611" "Severity: 1 (Critical), Code: HM5094, Source: MySQLInterface::Load, Description: Error:[nl]The MySQL client (libmysql.dll, 32 bit) could not be loaded.[nl]hMailServer needs this file to be able to connect to MySQL.[nl]The MySQL client needs to be manually copied to the hMailServer Bin directory. The file is not included in the hMailServer installation.[nl]Path: C:Program Files (x86)hMailServerBinlibmysql.dll"
"ERROR" 2920 "2013-10-02 01:01:01.786" "Severity: 1 (Critical), Code: HM5094, Source: MySQLInterface::Load, Description: Error:[nl]The MySQL client (libmysql.dll, 32 bit) could not be loaded.[nl]hMailServer needs this file to be able to connect to MySQL.[nl]The MySQL client needs to be manually copied to the hMailServer Bin directory. The file is not included in the hMailServer installation.[nl]Path: C:Program Files (x86)hMailServerBinlibmysql.dll"
"ERROR" 2920 "2013-10-02 01:01:01.929" "Severity: 1 (Critical), Code: HM5094, Source: MySQLInterface::Load, Description: Error:[nl]The MySQL client (libmysql.dll, 32 bit) could not be loaded.[nl]hMailServer needs this file to be able to connect to MySQL.[nl]The MySQL client needs to be manually copied to the hMailServer Bin directory. The file is not included in the hMailServer installation.[nl]Path: C:Program Files (x86)hMailServerBinlibmysql.dll"
"ERROR" 2920 "2013-10-02 01:01:02.230" "Severity: 1 (Critical), Code: HM5094, Source: MySQLInterface::Load, Description: Error:[nl]The MySQL client (libmysql.dll, 32 bit) could not be loaded.[nl]hMailServer needs this file to be able to connect to MySQL.[nl]The MySQL client needs to be manually copied to the hMailServer Bin directory. The file is not included in the hMailServer installation.[nl]Path: C:Program Files (x86)hMailServerBinlibmysql.dll"
"ERROR" 2920 "2013-10-02 01:01:02.387" "Severity: 1 (Critical), Code: HM5094, Source: MySQLInterface::Load, Description: Error:[nl]The MySQL client (libmysql.dll, 32 bit) could not be loaded.[nl]hMailServer needs this file to be able to connect to MySQL.[nl]The MySQL client needs to be manually copied to the hMailServer Bin directory. The file is not included in the hMailServer installation.[nl]Path: C:Program Files (x86)hMailServerBinlibmysql.dll"
"ERROR" 2920 "2013-10-02 01:01:03.422" "Severity: 1 (Critical), Code: HM5094, Source: MySQLInterface::Load, Description: Error:[nl]The MySQL client (libmysql.dll, 32 bit) could not be loaded.[nl]hMailServer needs this file to be able to connect to MySQL.[nl]The MySQL client needs to be manually copied to the hMailServer Bin directory. The file is not included in the hMailServer installation.[nl]Path: C:Program Files (x86)hMailServerBinlibmysql.dll"