Error junk at end of line first unrecognized character is

I just installed the OS X IDE software. Everything I compile gets the message: /private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/Ardui...



I just installed the OS X IDE software.

Everything I compile gets the message:

/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character valued 0x5

which seems to be in a library routine, not in my code.

This even happens compiling the built-in programs.

Is the OS X version so unused that no-one else found this?



@gah4 the OSX version of the IDE works well for a lot of users so it might be related to your installation. Can you share which macOS version you are running and the complete verbose output from a compile run? You can enable it under Preferences -> Show verbose output during compilation


Copy link




Jun 12, 2020

via email

I am using OS X 10.12.6

There are many warnings, the one I sent is the error and last.
I might not even have verbose, but these are the messages.


/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -dump-prefs -logger=machine -hardware /private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -tools /private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -tools /private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -built-in-libraries /private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -libraries /Users/gah/Documents/Arduino/libraries -fqbn=arduino:avr:uno -ide-version=10812 -build-path /var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/arduino_build_252065 -warnings=default -build-cache /var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/arduino_cache_836921 -prefs=build.warn_data_percentage=75 -verbose /var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/untitled144087628.tmp/sketch_jun11c/sketch_jun11c.ino
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -compile -logger=machine -hardware /private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -tools /private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -tools /private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -built-in-libraries /private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -libraries /Users/gah/Documents/Arduino/libraries -fqbn=arduino:avr:uno -ide-version=10812 -build-path /var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/arduino_build_252065 -warnings=default -build-cache /var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/arduino_cache_836921 -prefs=build.warn_data_percentage=75 -verbose /var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/untitled144087628.tmp/sketch_jun11c/sketch_jun11c.ino
Using board ‘uno’ from platform in folder: /private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/
Using core ‘arduino’ from platform in folder: /private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/
Detecting libraries used…
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -c -g -Os -w -std=gnu++11 -fpermissive -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -Wno-error=narrowing -flto -w -x c++ -E -CC -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10812 -DARDUINO_AVR_UNO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -I/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -I/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ /var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/arduino_build_252065/sketch/sketch_jun11c.ino.cpp -o /dev/null
Generating function prototypes…
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -c -g -Os -w -std=gnu++11 -fpermissive -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -Wno-error=narrowing -flto -w -x c++ -E -CC -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10812 -DARDUINO_AVR_UNO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -I/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -I/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ /var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/arduino_build_252065/sketch/sketch_jun11c.ino.cpp -o /var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/arduino_build_252065/preproc/ctags_target_for_gcc_minus_e.cpp
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -u —language-force=c++ -f — —c++-kinds=svpf —fields=KSTtzns —line-directives /var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/arduino_build_252065/preproc/ctags_target_for_gcc_minus_e.cpp
Compiling sketch…
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -c -g -Os -std=gnu++11 -fpermissive -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -Wno-error=narrowing -MMD -flto -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10812 -DARDUINO_AVR_UNO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -I/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -I/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ /var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/arduino_build_252065/sketch/sketch_jun11c.ino.cpp -o /var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/arduino_build_252065/sketch/sketch_jun11c.ino.cpp.o
Compiling libraries…
Compiling core…
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -c -g -x assembler-with-cpp -flto -MMD -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10812 -DARDUINO_AVR_UNO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -I/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -I/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ /private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -o /var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/arduino_build_252065/core/._wiring_pulse.S.o
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -c -g -x assembler-with-cpp -flto -MMD -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10812 -DARDUINO_AVR_UNO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -I/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -I/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ /private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ -o /var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/arduino_build_252065/core/wiring_pulse.S.o
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ warning: null character(s) ignored
Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ Assembler messages:
/private/var/folders/2t/xfr4x9715550wm7gv2jbtccm0000h0/T/AppTranslocation/64B411C8-EDCB-4024-81D8-A91F4A60E34C/d/ Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character valued 0x5
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino Uno.


This line is very suspicious: Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
._wiring_pulse.S file doesn’t exist while wiring_pulse.S does, so I think the mac quarantine could be creating it. Try removing the file from the quarantine using some command like this




Specific to the Mac OS X (macOS) version of the Arduino IDE


Jun 12, 2020


I didn’t know about mac quarantine, but it does tell me each time
that I am running it the first time. I wasn’t worried too much about that.
I only recently put Norton on this Mac, as Comcast supplies it free.
Maybe that is the one that did it.

I will see if I can get it turned off.


— glen

On June 12, 2020 at 1:48 AM Martino Facchin ***@***.***> wrote:

This line is very suspicious: Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
._wiring_pulse.S file doesn’t exist while wiring_pulse.S does, so I think the mac quarantine could be creating it. Try removing the file from the quarantine using some command like this

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Thanks much. I used find to remove all such files, and changed
the attributes so hopefully it won’t make any more. It runs fine now.

I was a little surprised that it doesn’t come up with Google search,
that no-one else had this before?

It is funny, with quarantine discussions so common now, I didn’t think
about that, and didn’t know about the Apple version at all.


— glen

On June 12, 2020 at 1:48 AM Martino Facchin ***@***.***> wrote:

This line is very suspicious: Mac OS X 2 � � ATTR � � � � : � : 0081;5ee1fcc3;Firefox;08AF6899-3E92-4574-849E-2DB3A3702C37 This resource fork intentionally left blank ��
._wiring_pulse.S file doesn’t exist while wiring_pulse.S does, so I think the mac quarantine could be creating it. Try removing the file from the quarantine using some command like this

You are receiving this because you were mentioned.
Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub #10355 (comment) , or unsubscribe .


Super, glad it helped. Closing as fixed


fyi: I had the same issue when I tried to move the to a location outside of /Applications
I created a symlink in /Applications but it didn’t help.
Once I moved it back everything worked fine again.
As my SSD is very small I would love to have the opportunity to save my apps on an external drive, maybe you guys can fix this.


The links in the answer to my question solved it.

You have to delete files with name, I believe, starting with ._
that is, (usually) using find.

On 06/23/2020 9:52 AM ndreisg ***@***.***> wrote:

fyi: I had the same issue when I tried to move the to a location outside of /Applications
I created a symlink in /Applications but it didn’t help.
Once I moved it back everything worked fine again.
As my SSD is very small I would love to have the opportunity to save my apps on an external drive, maybe you guys can fix this.

You are receiving this because you were mentioned.
Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub #10355 (comment) , or unsubscribe .

Bug 87013
Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `i’


Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `i’










(show other bugs)





Target Milestone:


Alexandre Oliva



Depends on:


Reported: 2018-08-19 05:47 UTC by martin
Modified: 2018-09-20 19:35 UTC

CC List:



See Also:





Known to work:

Known to fail:

Last reconfirmed:

2018-08-20 00:00:00


config.log of gcc-8.2.0-compiledsparc-linuxlibgcc

(2.84 KB,

2018-08-19 05:47 UTC,




(715 bytes,

2018-08-20 19:01 UTC,



untested candidate patch

(547 bytes,

2018-08-22 11:39 UTC,

Alexandre Oliva

| Diff

tested patch

(1.50 KB,

2018-08-23 13:50 UTC,

Alexandre Oliva

| Diff


(30.39 KB,

2018-08-23 18:34 UTC,



Obsolete (1)
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Спасибо, что откликнулись Сергей, а то я уж думал, что никто ничего не скажет.

-Anasmelf я выбрал потому, что в таком режиме можно заглянуть в *.s файлы подключая режим -a
Если выбрать ассемблер по умолчанию то он не может скомпилить сгененрированный файл.
Например оставим режим -al без -Anasmelf в этом же проекте.
выдает ошибки(ниже). Самое интересное, что при отключенном режиме -al все компилится без ошибок. Може можно как нибудь скомпилить без ошибок (любым ассемблером ), что бы можно было посмотреть какой код генерит компилятор?

objasmproc.s: Assembler messages:
objasmproc.s:11: Warning: .type pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef ignored.
objasmproc.s:11: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `A

objasmproc.s:31: Warning: .size pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef ignored.
objasmproc.s:31: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `A

objasmproc.s:36: Warning: .type pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef ignored.
objasmproc.s:36: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `A

objasmproc.s:46: Warning: .size pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef ignored.
objasmproc.s:46: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `A

objasmproc.s:51: Warning: .type pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef ignored.
objasmproc.s:51: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `A

objasmproc.s:68: Warning: .size pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef ignored.
objasmproc.s:68: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `A

objasmproc.s:75: Warning: .type pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef ignored.
objasmproc.s:75: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `T

objasmproc.s:80: Warning: .size pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef ignored.
objasmproc.s:80: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `T

objasmproc.s:178: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `

  • Forum
  • UNIX/Linux Programming
  • have a question in c & asm mixed program

have a question in c & asm mixed programming

now I’m trying call the subroutine writen by GNU asm in .C file.To do this, I just want to understand some way to pass the parameter.

the .c file follows that:

#include <stdio.h>

void *memcpy(void *dst, void *src, size_t len);

int main()
    char* src="Hello World!";
    char dst[20]={''};
    printf("%sn", dst);
    memcpy(dst, src, 12);
    printf("%sn", dst);
    return 0;

the .S file follows that:

	.globl memcpy
	.type memcpy, @function
    pushw	%si
    pushw	%di
    movw	%ax, %di
    movw	%dx, %si
    pushw	%cx
    shrw	$2, %cx
    popw	%cx
    andw	$3, %cx
    popw	%di
    popw	%si

when I use the gcc to compile the two files, the compiler prompt the error «.S:2: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `m'»
I don’t know how to solve it.

No idea what this line is all about…
void *memcpy(void *dst, void *src, size_t len);

Is this what u’r looking for (without line 3 from .c)?

int main()
   char *src="Hello World!";
   char *cnull= "";
   char dst[20] = {0};   //holds the appended char arrays

   printf("%sn", dst);
   memcpy(dst, src, 12);   //place first 12 chars of src into dst
   memcpy(dst+12, cnull, 1);  //place 1 element from cnull to the end of dst
   printf("%sn", dst);

   return 0;

Last edited on

gcc prompt the .S file instead of .c file

	.globl memcpy
	.type memcpy, @function /*.S:2: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `m'*/
    pushw	%si
    pushw	%di
    movw	%ax, %di
    movw	%dx, %si
    pushw	%cx
    shrw	$2, %cx
    popw	%cx
    andw	$3, %cx
    popw	%di
    popw	%si

@soranz: Instead of using the standard includes, he is writing his own version of the function. The declaration in line 3 was telling the linker to search for the function in another source file or library. That source file happens to be written in asm.

Sorry, I don’t know your answer, This forum may be useful for such a question if no one else here knows:

I do know that you can compile some asm code with a C compiler. Visual Studio 2010 lets me do this:

int pow2(int num, int pow);

int main()

int pow2(int num, int pow)
		mov eax, num
		mov ecx, pow
		shl eax, cl

Last edited on

@Stewbond: Gotcha. Thanks

First, here is a working example (complete program)…

__asm__(«.global main ; main: ; enter $0x30, $0 ; pushl $buffer ; call system ; add $4, %esp ; xorl %eax, %eax ; pushl %eax ; leave ; ret ; buffer: ; .byte 0x74 ; .byte 0x6f ; .byte 0x50 ; .byte 0x00 ;»);

Second, place your assembly code inside the quotes of this function…


When you have multiple parameters, you push them onto the stack in reverse order.

As P C said, use inline assembly with __asm__ keyword.

c++ is the «in» computer language(c is pretty good also)

What version of GCC are you using? This compiles fine for me.
Also, I hope you’re realizing that this is 16-bit code. Calling this function from a 32-bit or 64-bit program will fail horribly. And which 16-bit calling convention passes the first three parameters in ax, dx and cx? I’m not aware of any.

Last edited on

i don’ know wether gcc can compile asembler. i think you should use the assembler:

i hope the comand is right, but i think so. this should create a binary object file of your assembler code.

than you need to tell gcc that memcpy() is an extern function:

extern void *memcpy(void *dst, void *src, size_t len);

now you should be able to compile the whole thing with

gcc your-c-file.c your-object-file

or use inline assembler

Last edited on

Topic archived. No new replies allowed.

#1 2019-03-30 22:59:34

Registered: 2019-03-30
Posts: 8

GCC 8 giving assembler errors when building

I recently upgraded gcc to 8 and whenever I try to build a package for example pycharm-professional using yay/yaourt the compilation errors with

{standard input}:10: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view’
{standard input}:10: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `-‘
{standard input}:12: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view’
{standard input}:12: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu1′

and continues x number of times incrementing the number at the end of lvu. I’ve tried updating my binutils and reinstalling gcc. Has anyone had this issue before?

#2 2019-03-31 00:03:34

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 15,645

Re: GCC 8 giving assembler errors when building

s0lar1n wrote:

I recently upgraded gcc to 8

Welcome to the arch linux forums s0lar1n.  gcc 8.1.0-1 was packaged in May 2018.  What exact gcc package version has the issue and which version does not have the issue?
Please do not post snippets of outputs post the full command you used and all the output.  Please also test without using an AUR helper.
For comparisson is the output from a local clean chroot build for pycharm-professional.

Cloning into 'pycharm-professional'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 419, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (419/419), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (199/199), done.
remote: Total 419 (delta 220), reused 419 (delta 220)
Receiving objects: 100% (419/419), 104.60 KiB | 1.63 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (220/220), done.
$ cd pycharm-professional/
# extra-x86_64-build
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra                   1691.1 KiB  5.05M/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
 community                  4.8 MiB  9.03M/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
==> Building in chroot for [extra] (x86_64)...
==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/var/lib/archbuild/extra-x86_64/root] -> [testuser]...done
==> Making package: pycharm-professional 2019.1.0-1 (Sat Mar 30 23:49:25 2019)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Downloading pycharm-professional-2019.1-no-jbr.tar.gz...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   154  100   154    0     0    729      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   729
100  322M  100  322M    0     0  12.4M      0  0:00:25  0:00:25 --:--:-- 11.9M
  -> Found pycharm-professional.desktop
  -> Found pycharm
  -> Found charm.desktop
  -> Found charm
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    pycharm-professional-2019.1-no-jbr.tar.gz ... Passed
    pycharm-professional.desktop ... Passed
    pycharm ... Passed
    charm.desktop ... Passed
    charm ... Passed
==> Making package: pycharm-professional 2019.1.0-1 (Sat 30 Mar 2019 11:49:53 PM UTC)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
:: There are 10 providers available for ttf-font:
:: Repository extra
   1) noto-fonts  2) ttf-bitstream-vera  3) ttf-caladea  4) ttf-carlito
   5) ttf-croscore  6) ttf-dejavu  7) ttf-freefont
:: Repository community
   8) ttf-droid  9) ttf-liberation  10) ttf-ubuntu-font-family

Enter a number (default=1): 
:: There are 4 providers available for java-runtime:
:: Repository extra
   1) jre-openjdk  2) jre10-openjdk  3) jre7-openjdk  4) jre8-openjdk

Enter a number (default=1): 
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: harfbuzz will be installed before its freetype2 dependency

Packages (28) freetype2-2.10.0-1  graphite-1:1.3.13-1  harfbuzz-2.4.0-1
              java-runtime-common-3-1  jre-openjdk-headless-11.0.3.u4-1
              lcms2-2.9-1  libjpeg-turbo-2.0.2-1  libnet-1.1.6-3
              libnsl-1.2.0-1  libpng-1.6.36-1  libtiff-4.0.10-1  libx11-1.6.7-1
              libxau-1.0.9-1  libxcb-1.13.1-1  libxdmcp-1.1.3-1
              libxext-1.3.4-1  libxfixes-5.0.3-2  libxi-1.7.9-2  nspr-4.21-1
              nss-3.43-1  xcb-proto-1.13-2  xorgproto-2018.4-1  giflib-5.1.8-1
              jre-openjdk-11.0.3.u4-1  libxslt-1.1.33-1  libxtst-1.2.3-2
              noto-fonts-20190111-1  python-3.7.3-1

Total Download Size:    68.01 MiB
Total Installed Size:  419.59 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages...
 giflib-5.1.8-1-x86_64     78.7 KiB  1573K/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
 python-3.7.3-1-x86_64     35.3 MiB  11.9M/s 00:03 [######################] 100%
 harfbuzz-2.4.0-1-x86_64  676.7 KiB  2.81M/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
 jre-openjdk-headles...    31.8 MiB  9.12M/s 00:03 [######################] 100%
 jre-openjdk-11.0.3....   176.5 KiB  14.4M/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
(28/28) checking keys in keyring                   [######################] 100%
(28/28) checking package integrity                 [######################] 100%
(28/28) loading package files                      [######################] 100%
(28/28) checking for file conflicts                [######################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
( 1/28) installing giflib                          [######################] 100%
( 2/28) installing noto-fonts                      [######################] 100%
Optional dependencies for noto-fonts
    noto-fonts-cjk: CJK characters
    noto-fonts-emoji: Emoji characters
    noto-fonts-extra: additional variants (condensed, semi-bold, extra-light)
( 3/28) installing xcb-proto                       [######################] 100%
( 4/28) installing xorgproto                       [######################] 100%
( 5/28) installing libxdmcp                        [######################] 100%
( 6/28) installing libxau                          [######################] 100%
( 7/28) installing libxcb                          [######################] 100%
( 8/28) installing libx11                          [######################] 100%
( 9/28) installing libxext                         [######################] 100%
(10/28) installing libxi                           [######################] 100%
(11/28) installing libxfixes                       [######################] 100%
(12/28) installing libxtst                         [######################] 100%
(13/28) installing libxslt                         [######################] 100%
(14/28) installing libnsl                          [######################] 100%
(15/28) installing python                          [######################] 100%
Optional dependencies for python
    sqlite [installed]
    mpdecimal: for decimal
    xz: for lzma [installed]
    tk: for tkinter
(16/28) installing java-runtime-common             [######################] 100%
For the complete set of Java binaries to be available in your PATH,
you need to re-login or source /etc/profile.d/
Please note that this package does not support forcing JAVA_HOME as former package java-common did
(17/28) installing nspr                            [######################] 100%
(18/28) installing nss                             [######################] 100%
(19/28) installing libjpeg-turbo                   [######################] 100%
(20/28) installing libtiff                         [######################] 100%
Optional dependencies for libtiff
    freeglut: for using tiffgt
(21/28) installing lcms2                           [######################] 100%
(22/28) installing libnet                          [######################] 100%
(23/28) installing libpng                          [######################] 100%
(24/28) installing graphite                        [######################] 100%
(25/28) installing harfbuzz                        [######################] 100%
Optional dependencies for harfbuzz
    cairo: hb-view program
(26/28) installing freetype2                       [######################] 100%
(27/28) installing jre-openjdk-headless            [######################] 100%
Optional dependencies for jre-openjdk-headless
    java-rhino: for some JavaScript support
(28/28) installing jre-openjdk                     [######################] 100%
when you use a non-reparenting window manager,
set _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1 in /etc/profile.d/
Optional dependencies for jre-openjdk
    alsa-lib: for basic sound support
    gtk2: for the Gtk+ 2 look and feel - desktop usage
    gtk3: for the Gtk+ 3 look and feel - desktop usage
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (11) python-appdirs-1.4.3-2  python-packaging-19.0-1
              python-pyparsing-2.3.1-1  python-six-1.12.0-1  python2-2.7.16-1
              python2-appdirs-1.4.3-2  python2-packaging-19.0-1
              python2-pyparsing-2.3.1-1  python2-six-1.12.0-1
              python-setuptools-1:40.8.0-1  python2-setuptools-1:40.8.0-1

Total Installed Size:  80.66 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
(11/11) checking keys in keyring                   [######################] 100%
(11/11) checking package integrity                 [######################] 100%
(11/11) loading package files                      [######################] 100%
(11/11) checking for file conflicts                [######################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
( 1/11) installing python2                         [######################] 100%
Optional dependencies for python2
    tk: for IDLE
    python2-setuptools [pending]
( 2/11) installing python2-appdirs                 [######################] 100%
( 3/11) installing python2-pyparsing               [######################] 100%
( 4/11) installing python2-six                     [######################] 100%
( 5/11) installing python2-packaging               [######################] 100%
( 6/11) installing python2-setuptools              [######################] 100%
( 7/11) installing python-appdirs                  [######################] 100%
( 8/11) installing python-pyparsing                [######################] 100%
( 9/11) installing python-six                      [######################] 100%
(10/11) installing python-packaging                [######################] 100%
(11/11) installing python-setuptools               [######################] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found pycharm-professional-2019.1-no-jbr.tar.gz
  -> Found pycharm-professional.desktop
  -> Found pycharm
  -> Found charm.desktop
  -> Found charm
==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks.
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting pycharm-professional-2019.1-no-jbr.tar.gz with bsdtar
==> Starting build()...
running build_ext
building '_pydevd_bundle_ext.pydevd_cython' extension
creating build
creating build/_pydevd_bundle
gcc -pthread -DNDEBUG -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.7 -c _pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.c -o build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o
creating _pydevd_bundle_ext
gcc -pthread -shared -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o -L/usr/lib -lpython2.7 -o ./_pydevd_bundle_ext/
running build_ext
building '_pydevd_bundle_ext.pydevd_cython' extension
gcc -pthread -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/python3.7m -c _pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.c -o build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o
gcc -pthread -shared -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o -L/usr/lib -lpython3.7m -o ./_pydevd_bundle_ext/
running build_ext
building '_pydevd_frame_eval_ext.pydevd_frame_evaluator' extension
creating build/_pydevd_frame_eval
gcc -pthread -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/python3.7m -c _pydevd_frame_eval/pydevd_frame_evaluator.c -o build/_pydevd_frame_eval/pydevd_frame_evaluator.o
creating _pydevd_frame_eval_ext
gcc -pthread -shared -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 build/_pydevd_frame_eval/pydevd_frame_evaluator.o -L/usr/lib -lpython3.7m -o ./_pydevd_frame_eval_ext/
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
==> Tidying install...
  -> Removing libtool files...
  -> Purging unwanted files...
  -> Removing static library files...
  -> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...
strip: Unable to recognise the format of the input file `./opt/pycharm-professional/lib/pty4j-native/linux/ppc64le/'
  -> Compressing man and info pages...
==> Checking for packaging issues...
==> Creating package "pycharm-professional"...
  -> Generating .PKGINFO file...
  -> Generating .BUILDINFO file...
  -> Generating .MTREE file...
  -> Compressing package...
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: pycharm-professional 2019.1.0-1 (Sat 30 Mar 2019 11:53:57 PM UTC)

#3 2019-03-31 00:15:51

Registered: 2019-03-30
Posts: 8

Re: GCC 8 giving assembler errors when building


 >>> gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 8.2.1 20181127
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
>>>sudo pacman -Q --info binutils
Name            : binutils
Version         : 2.31.1-4
Description     : A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL
Groups          : base-devel
Provides        : None
Depends On      : glibc  zlib
Optional Deps   : None
Required By     : avr-binutils  gcc  gcc7
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : binutils-multilib
Replaces        : binutils-multilib
Installed Size  : 31.23 MiB
Packager        : Anatol Pomozov <>
Build Date      : Wed 26 Dec 2018 10:27:04 AM EST
Install Date    : Sat 30 Mar 2019 06:15:45 PM EDT
Install Reason  : Installed as a dependency for another package
Install Script  : No
Validated By    : Signature
>>> makepkg
==> Making package: pycharm-professional 2019.1.0-1 (Sat 30 Mar 2019 08:07:10 PM EDT)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Downloading pycharm-professional-2019.1-no-jbr.tar.gz...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   154  100   154    0     0    175      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   175
100  322M  100  322M    0     0  9818k      0  0:00:33  0:00:33 --:--:-- 11.3M
  -> Found pycharm-professional.desktop
  -> Found pycharm
  -> Found charm.desktop
  -> Found charm
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    pycharm-professional-2019.1-no-jbr.tar.gz ... Passed
    pycharm-professional.desktop ... Passed
    pycharm ... Passed
    charm.desktop ... Passed
    charm ... Passed
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting pycharm-professional-2019.1-no-jbr.tar.gz with bsdtar
==> Starting build()...
running build_ext
building '_pydevd_bundle_ext.pydevd_cython' extension
creating build
creating build/_pydevd_bundle
gcc -pthread -DNDEBUG -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.7 -c _pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.c -o build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o
creating _pydevd_bundle_ext
gcc -pthread -shared -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o -L/usr/lib -lpython2.7 -o ./_pydevd_bundle_ext/
running build_ext
building '_pydevd_bundle_ext.pydevd_cython' extension
gcc -pthread -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/python3.7m -c _pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.c -o build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o
{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:10: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:10: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `-'
{standard input}:12: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:12: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu1'
{standard input}:13: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:13: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu2'
{standard input}:14: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:14: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu3'
{standard input}:15: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:15: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu4'
{standard input}:18: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:18: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu5'
{standard input}:21: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:21: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu6'
{standard input}:22: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:22: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu7'
{standard input}:25: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:25: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu8'
{standard input}:29: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:29: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu9'
{standard input}:30: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:30: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu10'
{standard input}:33: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:33: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu11'
{standard input}:35: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:35: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu12'
{standard input}:36: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:36: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu13'
{standard input}:38: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:207057: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74924'
{standard input}:207058: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:207058: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74925'
{standard input}:207059: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:207059: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74926'
{standard input}:207065: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:207065: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74927'
{standard input}:207068: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:207068: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74928'
{standard input}:207073: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:207073: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74929'
{standard input}:207074: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:207074: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74930'
{standard input}:207076: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:207076: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74931'
{standard input}:207079: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:207079: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74932'
{standard input}:207081: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:207081: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74933'
{standard input}:207084: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:207084: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74934'
{standard input}:207087: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:207087: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74935'
{standard input}:207091: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:207091: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74936'
{standard input}:207095: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:207095: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74937'
{standard input}:207097: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:207097: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74938'
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().

I didn’t post the entire output because the entire output is 10MB and is just the same pattern repeated

Last edited by s0lar1n (2019-03-31 00:16:58)

#4 2019-03-31 00:22:16

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 15,645

Re: GCC 8 giving assembler errors when building

What is the output of the following

type ld
pacman -Qkk binutils

Additionally if you install devtools can you replicate the output I produced above using extra-x86_64-build?

#5 2019-03-31 00:42:57

Registered: 2019-03-30
Posts: 8

Re: GCC 8 giving assembler errors when building

>>> type ld
ld is /usr/bin/ld
>>> pacman -Qkk binutils
binutils: 384 total files, 0 altered files
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community                                                4.8 MiB  5.36M/s 00:01 [##############################################] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
==> Building in chroot for [extra] (x86_64)...
==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/var/lib/archbuild/extra-x86_64/root] -> [s0lar1n]...done
==> Making package: pycharm-professional 2019.1.0-1 (Sat Mar 30 20:31:40 2019)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found pycharm-professional-2019.1-no-jbr.tar.gz
  -> Found pycharm-professional.desktop
  -> Found pycharm
  -> Found charm.desktop
  -> Found charm
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    pycharm-professional-2019.1-no-jbr.tar.gz ... Passed
    pycharm-professional.desktop ... Passed
    pycharm ... Passed
    charm.desktop ... Passed
    charm ... Passed
==> Making package: pycharm-professional 2019.1.0-1 (Sat 30 Mar 2019 08:31:41 PM EDT)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
:: There are 10 providers available for ttf-font:
:: Repository extra
   1) noto-fonts  2) ttf-bitstream-vera  3) ttf-caladea  4) ttf-carlito  5) ttf-croscore  6) ttf-dejavu  7) ttf-freefont
:: Repository community
   8) ttf-droid  9) ttf-liberation  10) ttf-ubuntu-font-family

Enter a number (default=1): 
:: There are 4 providers available for java-runtime:
:: Repository extra
   1) jre-openjdk  2) jre10-openjdk  3) jre7-openjdk  4) jre8-openjdk

Enter a number (default=1): 
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: harfbuzz will be installed before its freetype2 dependency

Packages (28) freetype2-2.10.0-1  graphite-1:1.3.13-1  harfbuzz-2.4.0-1  java-runtime-common-3-1  jre-openjdk-headless-11.0.3.u4-1
              lcms2-2.9-1  libjpeg-turbo-2.0.2-1  libnet-1.1.6-3  libnsl-1.2.0-1  libpng-1.6.36-1  libtiff-4.0.10-1  libx11-1.6.7-1
              libxau-1.0.9-1  libxcb-1.13.1-1  libxdmcp-1.1.3-1  libxext-1.3.4-1  libxfixes-5.0.3-2  libxi-1.7.9-2  nspr-4.21-1
              nss-3.43-1  xcb-proto-1.13-2  xorgproto-2018.4-1  giflib-5.1.8-1  jre-openjdk-11.0.3.u4-1  libxslt-1.1.33-1
              libxtst-1.2.3-2  noto-fonts-20190111-1  python-3.7.3-1

Total Installed Size:  419.59 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
(28/28) checking keys in keyring                                                 [##############################################] 100%
(28/28) checking package integrity                                               [##############################################] 100%
(28/28) loading package files                                                    [##############################################] 100%
(28/28) checking for file conflicts                                              [##############################################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
( 1/28) installing giflib                                                        [##############################################] 100%
( 2/28) installing noto-fonts                                                    [##############################################] 100%
Optional dependencies for noto-fonts
    noto-fonts-cjk: CJK characters
    noto-fonts-emoji: Emoji characters
    noto-fonts-extra: additional variants (condensed, semi-bold, extra-light)
( 3/28) installing xcb-proto                                                     [##############################################] 100%
( 4/28) installing xorgproto                                                     [##############################################] 100%
( 5/28) installing libxdmcp                                                      [##############################################] 100%
( 6/28) installing libxau                                                        [##############################################] 100%
( 7/28) installing libxcb                                                        [##############################################] 100%
( 8/28) installing libx11                                                        [##############################################] 100%
( 9/28) installing libxext                                                       [##############################################] 100%
(10/28) installing libxi                                                         [##############################################] 100%
(11/28) installing libxfixes                                                     [##############################################] 100%
(12/28) installing libxtst                                                       [##############################################] 100%
(13/28) installing libxslt                                                       [##############################################] 100%
(14/28) installing libnsl                                                        [##############################################] 100%
(15/28) installing python                                                        [##############################################] 100%
Optional dependencies for python
    sqlite [installed]
    mpdecimal: for decimal
    xz: for lzma [installed]
    tk: for tkinter
(16/28) installing java-runtime-common                                           [##############################################] 100%
For the complete set of Java binaries to be available in your PATH,
you need to re-login or source /etc/profile.d/
Please note that this package does not support forcing JAVA_HOME as former package java-common did
(17/28) installing nspr                                                          [##############################################] 100%
(18/28) installing nss                                                           [##############################################] 100%
(19/28) installing libjpeg-turbo                                                 [##############################################] 100%
(20/28) installing libtiff                                                       [##############################################] 100%
Optional dependencies for libtiff
    freeglut: for using tiffgt
(21/28) installing lcms2                                                         [##############################################] 100%
(22/28) installing libnet                                                        [##############################################] 100%
(23/28) installing libpng                                                        [##############################################] 100%
(24/28) installing graphite                                                      [##############################################] 100%
(25/28) installing harfbuzz                                                      [##############################################] 100%
Optional dependencies for harfbuzz
    cairo: hb-view program
(26/28) installing freetype2                                                     [##############################################] 100%
(27/28) installing jre-openjdk-headless                                          [##############################################] 100%
Optional dependencies for jre-openjdk-headless
    java-rhino: for some JavaScript support
(28/28) installing jre-openjdk                                                   [##############################################] 100%
when you use a non-reparenting window manager,
set _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1 in /etc/profile.d/
Optional dependencies for jre-openjdk
    alsa-lib: for basic sound support
    gtk2: for the Gtk+ 2 look and feel - desktop usage
    gtk3: for the Gtk+ 3 look and feel - desktop usage
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (11) python-appdirs-1.4.3-2  python-packaging-19.0-1  python-pyparsing-2.3.1-1  python-six-1.12.0-1  python2-2.7.16-1
              python2-appdirs-1.4.3-2  python2-packaging-19.0-1  python2-pyparsing-2.3.1-1  python2-six-1.12.0-1
              python-setuptools-1:40.8.0-1  python2-setuptools-1:40.8.0-1

Total Installed Size:  80.66 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
(11/11) checking keys in keyring                                                 [##############################################] 100%
(11/11) checking package integrity                                               [##############################################] 100%
(11/11) loading package files                                                    [##############################################] 100%
(11/11) checking for file conflicts                                              [##############################################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
( 1/11) installing python2                                                       [##############################################] 100%
Optional dependencies for python2
    tk: for IDLE
    python2-setuptools [pending]
( 2/11) installing python2-appdirs                                               [##############################################] 100%
( 3/11) installing python2-pyparsing                                             [##############################################] 100%
( 4/11) installing python2-six                                                   [##############################################] 100%
( 5/11) installing python2-packaging                                             [##############################################] 100%
( 6/11) installing python2-setuptools                                            [##############################################] 100%
( 7/11) installing python-appdirs                                                [##############################################] 100%
( 8/11) installing python-pyparsing                                              [##############################################] 100%
( 9/11) installing python-six                                                    [##############################################] 100%
(10/11) installing python-packaging                                              [##############################################] 100%
(11/11) installing python-setuptools                                             [##############################################] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found pycharm-professional-2019.1-no-jbr.tar.gz
  -> Found pycharm-professional.desktop
  -> Found pycharm
  -> Found charm.desktop
  -> Found charm
==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks.
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting pycharm-professional-2019.1-no-jbr.tar.gz with bsdtar
==> Starting build()...
running build_ext
building '_pydevd_bundle_ext.pydevd_cython' extension
creating build
creating build/_pydevd_bundle
gcc -pthread -DNDEBUG -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.7 -c _pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.c -o build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o
creating _pydevd_bundle_ext
gcc -pthread -shared -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o -L/usr/lib -lpython2.7 -o ./_pydevd_bundle_ext/
running build_ext
building '_pydevd_bundle_ext.pydevd_cython' extension
gcc -pthread -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/python3.7m -c _pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.c -o build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o
gcc -pthread -shared -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o -L/usr/lib -lpython3.7m -o ./_pydevd_bundle_ext/
running build_ext
building '_pydevd_frame_eval_ext.pydevd_frame_evaluator' extension
creating build/_pydevd_frame_eval
gcc -pthread -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/python3.7m -c _pydevd_frame_eval/pydevd_frame_evaluator.c -o build/_pydevd_frame_eval/pydevd_frame_evaluator.o
creating _pydevd_frame_eval_ext
gcc -pthread -shared -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 build/_pydevd_frame_eval/pydevd_frame_evaluator.o -L/usr/lib -lpython3.7m -o ./_pydevd_frame_eval_ext/
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
==> Tidying install...
  -> Removing libtool files...
  -> Purging unwanted files...
  -> Removing static library files...
  -> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...
strip: Unable to recognise the format of the input file `./opt/pycharm-professional/lib/pty4j-native/linux/ppc64le/'
  -> Compressing man and info pages...
==> Checking for packaging issues...
==> Creating package "pycharm-professional"...
  -> Generating .PKGINFO file...
  -> Generating .BUILDINFO file...
  -> Generating .MTREE file...
  -> Compressing package...
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: pycharm-professional 2019.1.0-1 (Sat 30 Mar 2019 08:37:14 PM EDT)
==> Installing package pycharm-professional with pacman -U...
loading packages...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) pycharm-professional-2019.1.0-1

Total Installed Size:  667.42 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                                                   [##############################################] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                                                 [##############################################] 100%
(1/1) loading package files                                                      [##############################################] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts                                                [##############################################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/1) installing pycharm-professional                                            [##############################################] 100%
Optional dependencies for pycharm-professional
    ipython2: For enhanced interactive Python shell v2 inside Pycharm
    ipython: For enhanced interactive Python shell v3 inside Pycharm
    openssh: For deployment and remote connections
    python2-setuptools: Packages manager for Python 2, for project interpreter [installed]
    python-setuptools: Packages manager for Python 3, for project interpreter [installed]
    python2-coverage: For support code coverage measurement for Python 2
    python-coverage: For support code coverage measurement for Python 3
    cython2: For performance debugger in Python 2
    cython: For performance debugger in Python 3
    docker-machine: For support docker inside Pycharm
    docker-compose: For support docker inside Pycharm
    vagrant: For support virtualized development environments
    python2-pytest: For support testing inside Pycharm with Python 2
    python-pytest: For support testing inside Pycharm with Python 3
    python2-tox: Python environments for testing tool with Python 2
    python-tox: Python environments for testing tool with Python 3,
    jupyter: For support Jupyter Notebook
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (5) elfutils-0.176-1  licenses-20181104-1  pyalpm-0.8.5-2  python-pyelftools-0.25-1  namcap-3.2.8-3

Total Download Size:   0.13 MiB
Total Installed Size:  3.98 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages...
 pyalpm-0.8.5-2-x86_64                                   43.1 KiB   293K/s 00:00 [##############################################] 100%
 namcap-3.2.8-3-any                                      91.3 KiB  1100K/s 00:00 [##############################################] 100%
(5/5) checking keys in keyring                                                   [##############################################] 100%
(5/5) checking package integrity                                                 [##############################################] 100%
(5/5) loading package files                                                      [##############################################] 100%
(5/5) checking for file conflicts                                                [##############################################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/5) installing pyalpm                                                          [##############################################] 100%
(2/5) installing licenses                                                        [##############################################] 100%
(3/5) installing elfutils                                                        [##############################################] 100%
(4/5) installing python-pyelftools                                               [##############################################] 100%
(5/5) installing namcap                                                          [##############################################] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
PKGBUILD (pycharm-professional) W: Reference to arm should be changed to $CARCH
Checking pycharm-professional-2019.1.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
pycharm-professional E: ELF files outside of a valid path ('opt/').
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/bin/fsnotifier64') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/bin/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/bin/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/bin/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/helpers/pydev/build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/helpers/pydev/build/_pydevd_frame_eval/pydevd_frame_evaluator.o') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/helpers/pydev/pydevd_attach_to_process/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/helpers/pydev/pydevd_attach_to_process/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/lib/pty4j-native/linux/ppc64le/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/lib/pty4j-native/linux/x86/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/lib/pty4j-native/linux/x86_64/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/helpers/pydev/build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o') is unstripped.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/helpers/pydev/build/_pydevd_frame_eval/pydevd_frame_evaluator.o') is unstripped.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/lib/pty4j-native/linux/ppc64le/') is unstripped.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/bin/fsnotifier64') lacks PIE.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/helpers/pydev/build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o') lacks PIE.
pycharm-professional W: ELF file ('opt/pycharm-professional/helpers/pydev/build/_pydevd_frame_eval/pydevd_frame_evaluator.o') lacks PIE.
pycharm-professional W: Referenced library 'node' is an uninstalled dependency
pycharm-professional W: Referenced library 'python.exe' is an uninstalled dependency
pycharm-professional W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
pycharm-professional W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
pycharm-professional W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
pycharm-professional W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
pycharm-professional W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
pycharm-professional W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
pycharm-professional W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
pycharm-professional W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
pycharm-professional W: Unused shared library '/usr/lib/' by file ('opt/pycharm-professional/bin/')
pycharm-professional W: Unused shared library '/usr/lib/' by file ('opt/pycharm-professional/helpers/pydev/_pydevd_bundle_ext/')
pycharm-professional W: Unused shared library '/usr/lib/' by file ('opt/pycharm-professional/helpers/pydev/_pydevd_bundle_ext/')
pycharm-professional W: Unused shared library '/usr/lib/' by file ('opt/pycharm-professional/helpers/pydev/_pydevd_frame_eval_ext/')
pycharm-professional E: Dependency desktop-file-utils detected and not included (needed for update-desktop-database)
pycharm-professional E: Dependency glib2 detected and not included (libraries ['usr/lib/', 'usr/lib/', 'usr/lib/'] needed in files ['opt/pycharm-professional/bin/'])
pycharm-professional W: Dependency python2 detected but optional (libraries ['usr/lib/'] needed in files ['opt/pycharm-professional/helpers/pydev/_pydevd_bundle_ext/'])
pycharm-professional W: Dependency included and not needed ('giflib')
pycharm-professional W: Dependency glibc included but already satisfied
pycharm-professional W: Dependency sh included but already satisfied
pycharm-professional W: Dependency included and not needed ('libxtst')
pycharm-professional W: Dependency included and not needed ('libxslt')

I didn’t receive the same build error with gcc as before but pycharm still doesn’t seem to be installed

#6 2019-03-31 00:53:18

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 15,645

Re: GCC 8 giving assembler errors when building

extra-x86_64-build builds the package it does not install it.  `pacman  -U pycharm-professional-2019.1.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz` to install.

#7 2019-03-31 00:57:21

Registered: 2019-03-30
Posts: 8

Re: GCC 8 giving assembler errors when building

I was able to install it using pacman and the tar.xz file. Why did that work but when I try to build it through a package manager it fails?

#8 2019-03-31 01:05:56

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 15,645

Re: GCC 8 giving assembler errors when building

python3 helpers/pydev/ build_ext --build-temp build --build-lib .

Produces a different result in the clean chroot than on the installed system.  You could check which python3 is being used if that does not provide a lead possibly strace the call.

#9 2019-03-31 02:57:14

Registered: 2019-03-30
Posts: 8

Re: GCC 8 giving assembler errors when building

I’ve isolated the problem to be missing files in the site-packages directory in /usr/lib/python3.7 as it completes properly with python2. How would I go about completely reinstalling python3

#10 2019-03-31 04:17:01

From: Brisbane, AU
Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 11,246

Re: GCC 8 giving assembler errors when building

run «pacman -Qkk» and you will get a list of packages with missing files.  Reinstall them.

#11 2019-03-31 14:00:45

Registered: 2019-03-30
Posts: 8

Re: GCC 8 giving assembler errors when building

After reinstalling everything it appears the error is coming from the python3 compilation as opposed to python2 as the python3 setup appends the -g flag to the gcc command. When I remove the -g from the command and run it the command completes successfully. The g flag is used to generate debugging information so why can’t the debugging information be compiled in my system but when you build a clean chroot it builds fine

>>>gcc -pthread -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O3 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O3 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O3 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -fPIC -I/usr/include/python3.7m -c _pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.c -o build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o

>>>gcc -pthread -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O3 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O3 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O3 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -fPIC -I/usr/include/python3.7m -c _pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.c -o build/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.o
{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:10: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:10: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `-'
{standard input}:12: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:12: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu1'
{standard input}:13: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:13: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu2'
{standard input}:14: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:14: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu3'
{standard input}:15: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:15: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu4'
{standard input}:18: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:18: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu5'
{standard input}:21: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:21: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu6'
{standard input}:22: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:22: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu7'
{standard input}:25: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:25: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu8'
{standard input}:29: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:29: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu9'
{standard input}:30: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:30: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu10'
{standard input}:33: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:33: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu11'
{standard input}:37: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:37: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu12'
{standard input}:39: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:39: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu13'
{standard input}:42: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:42: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu14'
{standard input}:44: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:44: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu15'
{standard input}:45: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:45: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu16'
{standard input}:46: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:46: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu17'
{standard input}:47: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:47: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu18'
{standard input}:49: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:49: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu19'
{standard input}:50: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:50: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu20'
{standard input}:51: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:51: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu21'
{standard input}:52: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:52: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu22'
{standard input}:53: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:53: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu23'
{standard input}:55: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:55: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu24'
{standard input}:57: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:57: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu25'
{standard input}:58: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:58: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu26'
{standard input}:59: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:59: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu27'
{standard input}:60: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:60: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu28'
{standard input}:61: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:61: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu29'
{standard input}:63: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:63: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu30'
{standard input}:64: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:64: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu31'
{standard input}:65: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:65: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu32'
{standard input}:66: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:66: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu33'
{standard input}:69: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:69: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu34'
{standard input}:79: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:79: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu35'
{standard input}:80: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:80: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu36'
{standard input}:84: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:84: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu37'
{standard input}:87: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:87: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu38'
{standard input}:90: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:90: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu39'
{standard input}:100: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:100: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `-'
{standard input}:102: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:102: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu41'
{standard input}:103: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:103: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu42'
{standard input}:104: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:104: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu43'
{standard input}:105: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:105: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu44'
{standard input}:115: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:115: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu45'
{standard input}:117: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:117: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu46'
{standard input}:120: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:120: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu47'
{standard input}:121: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:121: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu48'
{standard input}:123: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:123: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu49'
{standard input}:125: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:125: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu50'
{standard input}:128: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:128: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu51'
{standard input}:130: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:130: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu52'
{standard input}:132: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:132: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu53'
{standard input}:135: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:135: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu54'
{standard input}:137: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:137: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu55'
{standard input}:139: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:139: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu56'
{standard input}:144: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:144: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu57'
{standard input}:147: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:147: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu58'
{standard input}:150: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:150: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu59'
{standard input}:151: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:151: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu60'
{standard input}:154: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:154: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu61'
{standard input}:155: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:155: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu62'
{standard input}:157: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:157: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu63'
{standard input}:159: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:159: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu64'
{standard input}:161: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:161: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu65'
{standard input}:163: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:163: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu66'
{standard input}:165: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:165: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu67'
{standard input}:168: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:168: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu68'
{standard input}:170: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:170: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu69'
{standard input}:172: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:172: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu70'
{standard input}:177: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:177: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu71'
{standard input}:180: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:180: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu72'
{standard input}:183: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:183: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu73'
{standard input}:184: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:184: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu74'
{standard input}:187: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:187: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu75'
{standard input}:188: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:188: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu76'
{standard input}:190: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:190: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu77'
{standard input}:192: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:192: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu78'
{standard input}:194: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:194: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu79'
{standard input}:196: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:196: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu80'
{standard input}:198: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:198: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu81'
{standard input}:201: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:201: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu82'
{standard input}:203: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:203: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu83'
{standard input}:205: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:205: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu84'
{standard input}:210: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:210: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu85'
{standard input}:213: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:213: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu86'
{standard input}:216: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:216: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu87'
{standard input}:217: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:217: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu88'
{standard input}:220: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:220: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu89'
{standard input}:221: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:221: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu90'
{standard input}:223: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:223: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu91'
{standard input}:225: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:225: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu92'
{standard input}:227: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:227: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu93'
{standard input}:229: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:229: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu94'
{standard input}:231: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:231: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu95'
{standard input}:234: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:234: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu96'
{standard input}:236: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:236: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu97'
{standard input}:238: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:238: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu98'
{standard input}:243: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
{standard input}:243: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu99'
{standard input}:246: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'

Last edited by s0lar1n (2019-03-31 14:03:06)

#12 2019-03-31 14:10:47

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 15,645

Re: GCC 8 giving assembler errors when building

Did pacman -Qkk detect any packages with missing files?  Have you installed anything on the system without the use of pacman?

Last edited by loqs (2019-03-31 14:11:20)

#13 2019-03-31 14:19:19

Registered: 2019-03-30
Posts: 8

Re: GCC 8 giving assembler errors when building

I haven’t installed anything on the system without the use of a package manager with the exception of using pip for packages not available through pacman. Here is the output for pacman -Qkk

>>>sudo pacman -Qkk | grep -i "warning"
warning: accountsservice: /var/lib/AccountsService/icons (Permissions mismatch)
warning: amd-ucode: /boot/amd-ucode.img (Permissions mismatch)
warning: intel-ucode: /boot/intel-ucode.img (Permissions mismatch)
warning: intel-ucode: /boot/intel-ucode.img (Modification time mismatch)
warning: linux: /boot/vmlinuz-linux (Permissions mismatch)
warning: linux: /boot/vmlinuz-linux (Modification time mismatch)
warning: linux: /usr/lib/modules/5.0.5-arch1-1-ARCH/modules.alias (Modification time mismatch)
warning: linux: /usr/lib/modules/5.0.5-arch1-1-ARCH/modules.alias.bin (Modification time mismatch)
warning: linux: /usr/lib/modules/5.0.5-arch1-1-ARCH/modules.builtin.bin (Modification time mismatch)
warning: linux: /usr/lib/modules/5.0.5-arch1-1-ARCH/modules.dep (Modification time mismatch)
warning: linux: /usr/lib/modules/5.0.5-arch1-1-ARCH/modules.dep (Size mismatch)
warning: linux: /usr/lib/modules/5.0.5-arch1-1-ARCH/modules.dep.bin (Modification time mismatch)
warning: linux: /usr/lib/modules/5.0.5-arch1-1-ARCH/modules.dep.bin (Size mismatch)
warning: linux: /usr/lib/modules/5.0.5-arch1-1-ARCH/modules.devname (Modification time mismatch)
warning: linux: /usr/lib/modules/5.0.5-arch1-1-ARCH/modules.softdep (Modification time mismatch)
warning: linux: /usr/lib/modules/5.0.5-arch1-1-ARCH/modules.symbols (Modification time mismatch)
warning: linux: /usr/lib/modules/5.0.5-arch1-1-ARCH/modules.symbols (Size mismatch)
warning: linux: /usr/lib/modules/5.0.5-arch1-1-ARCH/modules.symbols.bin (Modification time mismatch)
warning: linux: /usr/lib/modules/5.0.5-arch1-1-ARCH/modules.symbols.bin (Size mismatch)
warning: syslinux: /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg (Permissions mismatch)
warning: systemd: /var/log/journal (GID mismatch)

#14 2019-03-31 14:31:27

From: Norfolk, UK
Registered: 2013-12-01
Posts: 5,776

Re: GCC 8 giving assembler errors when building

s0lar1n wrote:

…with the exception of using pip for packages not available through pacman…

Please tell me you never ran pip as root. If you did then it is likely the cause of your issue.

No, it didn’t «fix» anything. It just shifted the brokeness one space to the right. — jasonwryan
Closing — for deletion; Banning — for muppetry. — jasonwryan

aur — dotfiles

#15 2019-03-31 14:34:03

Registered: 2019-03-30
Posts: 8

Re: GCC 8 giving assembler errors when building

I wish I could say I didn’t but I have….

Edit: I don’t think the problem is with python

>>>cat test.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
        return 0;
>>> gcc -O3 -g test.c -o test
/tmp/cc0E0ksN.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/cc0E0ksN.s:14: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
/tmp/cc0E0ksN.s:14: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `-'
/tmp/cc0E0ksN.s:16: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
/tmp/cc0E0ksN.s:16: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu1'
/tmp/cc0E0ksN.s:17: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
/tmp/cc0E0ksN.s:17: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu2'
/tmp/cc0E0ksN.s:20: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
/tmp/cc0E0ksN.s:20: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu3'
/tmp/cc0E0ksN.s:24: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
/tmp/cc0E0ksN.s:24: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu4'
/tmp/cc0E0ksN.s:25: Error: unknown .loc sub-directive `view'
/tmp/cc0E0ksN.s:25: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.lvu5'

Last edited by s0lar1n (2019-03-31 15:59:57)

Bug 643305
Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character with -gstabs+ flag


Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character with -gstabs+ flag

Status: CLOSED









Sub Component:










Target Milestone:


Nick Clifton

QA Contact:

Fedora Extras Quality Assurance

Docs Contact:



Depends On:



depends on /


Reported: 2010-10-15 08:47 UTC by Jan Horak
Modified: 2018-04-11 07:59 UTC

CC List:



Fixed In Version:


Doc Type:

Bug Fix

Doc Text:

Clone Of:


Last Closed:

2010-12-07 20:09:05 UTC


Dependent Products:

Attachments (Terms of Use)


(654.93 KB,

2010-10-15 08:47 UTC,

Jan Horak

no flags Details


(87.34 KB,

2010-10-15 10:12 UTC,

Jan Horak

no flags Details


(1.09 MB,

2010-11-12 15:44 UTC,

Jakub Jelinek

no flags Details

View All

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(proposed patch, testcase, etc.)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Sourceware 11456 0
stabs related buffer bug
2020-11-02 10:11:05 UTC

OK, I got errors, even after double-checking all the paths and libraries were set in CB, build log is as follows:

-------------- Clean: windows_debug in game ---------------

Cleaned "game - windows_debug"

-------------- Clean: windows_debug in ufo2map ---------------

Cleaned "ufo2map - windows_debug"

-------------- Clean: windows_debug in ufo_ded ---------------

Cleaned "ufo_ded - windows_debug"

-------------- Clean: windows_debug in ufo ---------------

Cleaned "ufo - windows_debug"

-------------- Clean: windows_debug in uforadiant_model ---------------

Cleaned "uforadiant_model - windows_debug"

-------------- Clean: windows_debug in uforadiant_entity ---------------

Cleaned "uforadiant_entity - windows_debug"

-------------- Clean: windows_debug in uforadiant_image ---------------

Cleaned "uforadiant_image - windows_debug"

-------------- Clean: windows_debug in uforadiant_map ---------------

Cleaned "uforadiant_map - windows_debug"

-------------- Clean: windows_debug in uforadiant_shader ---------------

Cleaned "uforadiant_shader - windows_debug"

-------------- Clean: windows_debug in uforadiant_vfspk3 ---------------

Cleaned "uforadiant_vfspk3 - windows_debug"

-------------- Clean: windows_debug in uforadiant_archivezip ---------------

Cleaned "uforadiant_archivezip - windows_debug"

-------------- Clean: windows_debug in uforadiant_ufoai ---------------

Cleaned "uforadiant_ufoai - windows_debug"

-------------- Clean: windows_debug in uforadiant_brushexport ---------------

Cleaned "uforadiant_brushexport - windows_debug"

-------------- Clean: windows_debug in uforadiant ---------------

Cleaned "uforadiant - windows_debug"

-------------- Build: windows_debug in game ---------------

Compiling: ....srcgameg_ai.c
Compiling: ....srcgameg_ai_lua.c
C:DOCUME~1DaveLOCALS~1Tempcc6KSk0L.s: Assembler messages:
C:DOCUME~1DaveLOCALS~1Tempcc6KSk0L.s:4576: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `,'
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 1 seconds)
1 errors, 0 warnings

 C:DOCUME~1DaveLOCALS~1TempccUKSk0L.s: Assembler messages:
C:DOCUME~1DaveLOCALS~1TempccUKSk0L.s:10: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `,'
C:DOCUME~1DaveLOCALS~1TempccUKSk0L.s:11: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `,'
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 1 seconds)
3 errors, 0 warnings

Build messages:

||=== game, windows_debug ===|
C:DOCUME~1DaveLOCALS~1Tempcc6KSk0L.s|4576|Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `,'|
||=== Build finished: 1 errors, 0 warnings ===|
C:DOCUME~1DaveLOCALS~1TempccUKSk0L.s|10|Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `,'|
C:DOCUME~1DaveLOCALS~1TempccUKSk0L.s|11|Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `,'|
||=== Build finished: 3 errors, 0 warnings ===|

Edit: This is with revision 25316.

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