Столкнулся с сегодня(и ранее) с большой проблемой: установить «крякнутый» WinOLS является большой проблемой.
Скачать крякнутую версию можно отсюда: rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4316783
Вроде всё ставишь по инструкции, а в конце он выдаёт — «Error: winols is incomplete or not an original. please repeat the installation».
Причём переустановка больше не помогает, если раз он не встал правильно, требовалась переустановка винды, т.к. он заносит данные о том что спалил кряк, и дальнейшие телодвижения бесполезны.
В своё время когда ставил WinOLS, он у меня не пошёл ни на домашнем компе, ни на ноуте. В целях эксперимента, попробовал установить его на рабочий комп, и о чудо, там он заработал. Так я последних три года правил прошивки или на работе, или по удалёнке на рабочем компе через RDP/TeamViewer.
И вот настал тот день, когда винда сказала мне до свидания(этому помог подцепленный вирус-шифровальшик). В общем не стало у меня рабочего компа и WinOLS-а. Зная особенности установки винолса, первым делом после чистой винды попытался установить его(чтоб вдруг что, быстренько перебить винду и попробовать если что другой способ).
И тут меня ждало разочарование. Винолс не установился, и причём переустановка винды не помогала. Исходя из того, что в прошлый раз на точно таких же компьютерах он не устанавливался, пришлось искать способ, как чистить все следы, который WinOLS оставляет после себя в процессе установки. Заодно и нашёл возможно 100%-й способ его установки. В общем очень долго я провозился с этим всем и решил поделиться с вами, чтоб другие потом не мучались:
Чтоб каждый раз производить «чистую установку» надо почистить реестр, и удалить все файлы с диска C: которые так или иначе связаны с WinOLS, в которых он может хранить настройки.
Для этого используем батничек, или руками чистим по указаным путям:
Имя пользователя меняем на своё, батничек запускаем от имени администратора
rmdir /s /q «C:Program FilesEVC»
rmdir /s /q «C:ProgramDataEvc»
rmdir /s /q «C:UsersAlexanderDocumentsEvc»
rmdir /s /q «C:UsersAlexanderAppDataLocalVirtualStoreProgram FilesEvc»
rmdir /s /q «C:UsersAlexanderAppDataLocalVirtualStoreProgramDataEvc»
reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareEVC /f
reg delete «HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareLocal AppWizard-Generated ApplicationsWinOLS» /f
Возможно список не полный, но мне помогало, если вдруг что — дописывайте в комментариях.
Но каждый раз новая установка не помогала. Погуглив форумы, много кто писал, что сначала надо установить Demo версию, а поверх неё устанавливать кряк. Но вот демо версию винолса ниже 2.24 найти было трудно, а другие не работали.
В общем кое как нашёл рабочий вариант, и так:
— Создаём папку куда будем качать архив, и добавляем его в исключение антивируса
— Создаём папку C:Program FilesEVC, и добавляем её в исключения
— Создаём папку C:Program Files (x86)EVC, и добавляем её в исключения
— Качаем архив по ссылкам ниже(возможно придётся открыть во вкладке «инкогнито», или отключить AdBlock):
— Устанавливаем WinOLS_Testversion.EXE, при этом важно поменять путь на C:Program FilesEVCWinOLS. НЕ запускаем программу в конце установки.
— Дальше запускаем Setup.exe. Если винда 64-битная, оно установит крякнутый WinOLS в Program Files(x86)
— Копируем оттуда всю папку EVC, и вставляем c заменой в простую Program Files
— Далее копируем сам кряк(EVC_key.dll, EVClicenseMOD.dll, loader_ols_32bit.exe) в папку C:Program FilesEVC, именно EVC, а не в WinOLS
— запускаем всегда программу через loader_ols_32bit.exe
У кого возникнут вопросы — пишите/звоните Надеюсь этот пост кому-то будет полезен, т. к. за последние два дня, я убил часов 10 чтоб наконец-то он заработал.
Ссылки для скачивания:
— drive.google.com/file/d/1…vNUJgaBboNkxWHrHTAfWTp5gy
— yadi.sk/d/1Rg5EgtCa6fU2w
— www.sendspace.com/file/at9w4c
View Full Version : Information WinOLS 2.28
Pages :
1st November, 2012, 07:07 PM
many thanks b5cpnversion
1st November, 2012, 07:07 PM
all working… test ok
1st November, 2012, 07:11 PM
yes ..
but after you refreshed your database you won`t be able to use them projects in a earlier version than 2.28
then make a copy of database for earlier version before try on v2.2x.
1st November, 2012, 07:13 PM
I try Motocarlos version but loader does not unzip.
Tried winzip, jzip, 7zip. nothing works. How has anyone used the loader?
1st November, 2012, 07:19 PM
I can’t get it to work on windows XP.
Always incomplete or not orignal error…
1st November, 2012, 07:27 PM
Can`t even make them work on fresh windows xp 1 hr ago installed ..
same error ..
the key gets registered ..
then it asks language ..
then goes incomplete or not genuine ..
crap software .. i`ll just stick with 1.7 .. BEST so far
1st November, 2012, 07:32 PM
All downloads are not exist any more!
How many DLLs you you have?
Plese let me know!
1st November, 2012, 07:38 PM
hi for xp-
the installer copy to
copy evcwinols to
C:program files …
look C:programm filesevcwinols
copy loader to
C:program filesevc
run loader — than ols_32on32 in c:program filesevcwinols and have fun
use trail reset to clear keys — and do it again
it runs but without plugins — no idea to activate
1st November, 2012, 08:00 PM
Run ols.exe (this installs winols into c:/program files/evc)
then copy the files from winols224_loader into c:/program files/evc
run loader_ols_32bit.exe
Works flawlessly on my w7 x64
Where do you get loader_ols_32bit.exe? The loader from motocarlos doesn’t work for me. Archive is damaged.
1st November, 2012, 08:18 PM
see P17,
I have posted a working version.
1st November, 2012, 08:25 PM
see P17,
I have posted a working version.
Check the link you posted…..file is gone.
1st November, 2012, 08:26 PM
loader from motocarlos work ok, disable antivirus and extract with 7zip two time
or if you want, use this
1st November, 2012, 08:36 PM
I tryed other version of winols from member from DK,same problem.
I tryed other laptop with winols 1.7 removed it and then install 2.24.
Then everthing works,but is thit the way to do??
1st November, 2012, 08:50 PM
I have followed all the instructions, but after I have gone through the Welcome to WinOls setup screens I get this message
«For security purposes, this program will not run while system debuggers are active. Please remove or disable the system debugger before trying to run this program again.»
I’ve made sure that the windows debugger is off, and I have tried to do with both with my antivirus on, and off, clearing the registry each time. Any suggestions?
1st November, 2012, 08:53 PM
loader from motocarlos work ok, disable antivirus and extract with 7zip two time
or if you want, use this
Your file unzips fine and winols now seems to work. I will test and report later.
1st November, 2012, 09:04 PM
i have the same problem as THREE77….debugger mode….if i open a new file,there are no checksums etc……even on old projects…no checksums.
1st November, 2012, 09:07 PM
simple .. but for some reason ..
I get winols not genuine or incomplete .. I`d like to see the lines of this script to know where the problems are when it says this message
I get this with windows 8.
How can we open the loader to see what it’s doing?
1st November, 2012, 09:33 PM
guys can you upload dlls folder for me? PLease?
1st November, 2012, 09:40 PM
Ok for those who have problems.
Download testversion Winols from EVC and install.
After that install winols 2.24
Start testversion one time and delete after start 2.24 and you see works fine..
1st November, 2012, 09:48 PM
only the chcecksum list is not good…only 45 chceksums… does anybody have more? especially OLS220 etc…. in Winols 1.7…. there is 120 chceksums but they are not compatible…so people make one big list and put it together !!!
1st November, 2012, 10:00 PM
only the chcecksum list is not good…only 45 chceksums… does anybody have more? especially OLS220 etc…. in Winols 1.7…. there is 120 chceksums but they are not compatible…so people make one big list and put it together !!!
1st November, 2012, 10:07 PM
my list of dlls, does anybody have something else?
1st November, 2012, 10:12 PM
richard1073——you say install the winols 2.2x….but this is mot a install,its a copy n paste…or am i doing it wrong.
1st November, 2012, 10:15 PM
if anyone can help me install this please pm me.
1st November, 2012, 10:17 PM
Its more easy.
Download and install demoversion from EVC site.
Then you dont even start te program,then delete again.
Then you install the cracked version 2.24 from this site,make no difference wich version(56mb or 145mb)
And it works
Let me know!
1st November, 2012, 10:19 PM
pablo1971: you should have self extracting rar file there. do not exract it, le it to extract to EVC folder itself.
HOW many dlls do you have?
1st November, 2012, 10:19 PM
Ok for those who have problems.
Download testversion Winols from EVC and install.
After that install winols 2.24
Start testversion one time and delete after start 2.24 and you see works fine..
Excellent thank you. Now works a treat on windows 8.
1st November, 2012, 10:20 PM
Works!!! install demo from evc and run 1 time late close and loader works.
Tested on windows 8 pro 64Bits original, and tested in virtualbox micro xp whit the same procedure.
Thanks for all
1st November, 2012, 10:27 PM
pablo1971: you should have self extracting rar file there. do not exract it, le it to extract to EVC folder itself.
HOW many dlls do you have?
45 dll mate
1st November, 2012, 11:51 PM
Anyone tried on a VM?
2nd November, 2012, 12:13 AM
hello all,
here it is the ols 2.24 i have bought to a user from here on DK, but i share with all, i hope it work good, please give me report about is function.
regards to all.
ols loader must be on evc folder (not on evcwinols)
enjoy it .
RS link not work anymore, can anybody post a working link for 120MB version?
2nd November, 2012, 12:45 AM
u are not able to move the cursor and shift hex dumps with ctrl-arrow or use functions like «%»….
2nd November, 2012, 01:00 AM
winols is like angela merkel a piece off crap
use software made buy south countrys because they are the best
2nd November, 2012, 01:01 AM
RS link not work anymore, can anybody post a working link for 120MB version?
here it is again, but this time on rar file, try it.
2nd November, 2012, 02:15 AM
u are not able to move the cursor and shift hex dumps with ctrl-arrow or use functions like «%»….
I apologize:
works fine with fresh profile / cfgs
2nd November, 2012, 02:21 AM
here it is again, but this time on rar file, try it.
11 down loads and no one thank»s the guy ! you should be Shane
from now on every thing I put in the forum will be pass protect !
2nd November, 2012, 02:28 AM
11 down loads and no one thank»s the guy ! you should be Shane
from now on every thing I put in the forum will be pass protect !
thats ok about that, they just forget to say thanks, or click on reputation!!
2nd November, 2012, 02:28 AM
Lol , this people do everything for a thanks button !!
The Chinese still have more brains than some people, they lower the price but never offer because they know that the money needs to circulate from hand to hand to grow the economy.
2nd November, 2012, 06:08 AM
motocarlos version worked for me. installed in winxp sp3.
2nd November, 2012, 08:11 AM
this version doesn’t contain any damos files !!!
2nd November, 2012, 08:29 AM
here it is the ols 2.24 i have bought to a user from here on DK, but i share with all, i hope it work good, please give me report about is function.
regards to all.
ols loader must be on evc folder (not on evcwinols)
enjoy it .
Not working link :giveup:
2nd November, 2012, 01:15 PM
Can anyone post new link for download winols 2.24, please??? Thanks in advance
2nd November, 2012, 01:29 PM
Hi, i’m looking too for working link!
Thank you!
2nd November, 2012, 01:32 PM
Please upload egain … my version is write this error licence !! Can you help guy ???
2nd November, 2012, 01:55 PM
Please upload egain … my version is write this error licence !! Can you help guy ???
2nd November, 2012, 01:56 PM
here it is the ols 2.24 i have bought to a user from here on DK, but i share with all, i hope it work good, please give me report about is function.
regards to all.
ols loader must be on evc folder (not on evcwinols)
enjoy it .
Not working link :giveup:
the link does not work
2nd November, 2012, 01:59 PM
thank you tested now ! download..
2nd November, 2012, 03:10 PM
Guys installed and work also on windows 7 64bit I modded start.bat
ask me pass
2nd November, 2012, 03:19 PM
Guys install and work also on wondows 7 64bit I modded start.bat
ask me pass
send pass please.
2nd November, 2012, 03:25 PM
here it is again with new link.
2nd November, 2012, 04:06 PM
Work Good..
2nd November, 2012, 04:40 PM
Lol , this people do everything for a thanks button !!
The Chinese still have more brains than some people, they lower the price but never offer because they know that the money needs to circulate from hand to hand to grow the economy.
let me spawn a little bit !
about that you are right, for the economy keeps running , the money have to change hands !
2nd November, 2012, 05:32 PM
Guys install and work also on wondows 7 64bit I modded start.bat
ask me pass
Pass please..
2nd November, 2012, 06:17 PM
Its more easy.
Download and install demoversion from EVC site.
Then you dont even start te program,then delete again.
Then you install the cracked version 2.24 from this site,make no difference wich version(56mb or 145mb)
And it works
Let me know!
works this way !!
Big thanx to the one that found out the trick with the Demo Version
I made it work on win 7 64 bit
2nd November, 2012, 06:19 PM
when installing the demo version from evc.de
on the install modify the folder .. coz the demo version will install itself in program filse (x86 )evc winols_demo
i`ve just modified that wit program filesevcwinols
then deleted the folder but left everything else alone ..(configuration don`t delete)
and just copy the cracked version in program files and exe the loader WORKS ! can`t believe it
2nd November, 2012, 07:35 PM
Works on win7 x86 ok. Thx DK.
2nd November, 2012, 07:52 PM
Problem licence solved :)) instal first old version winols and demo winols… after work perfectly !! tested XP work … tested WIN 7 32 bit work… win7 64 tested tomorrow…
3rd November, 2012, 12:51 AM
Works OK on Win 8 (set Compatibility to Win 7).
Many thanks for sharing it!!!
3rd November, 2012, 12:57 AM
Have to use loader for win 7 x64?
I’ve started without loader but not working dll….
Need a virus free x64 loader
3rd November, 2012, 01:09 AM
Would anyone know why the winols_32on32.exe process would run twice? I have a solid version, and I have followed every suggestion made here, and elsewhere, to no avail. I continually receive this message «For security purposes, this program will not run while system debuggers are active. Please remove or disable the system debugger before trying to run this program again.», even though I have taken every single measure to prevent it from happening (antivirus off, debug off, debug removed from regedit, etc…)?
WinOLS Demo works fantastically, as does my copy of WinOLS 1.7, it is only 2.24 that is giving me fits.
This is on an up to date XP machine, btw.
3rd November, 2012, 01:31 AM
rsivan ~ Can you get me pass … Thank’s
3rd November, 2012, 08:57 AM
here it is again with new link.
i have install this and loader, when i open winols i cant create a new project or import maps..any solutions?
3rd November, 2012, 12:02 PM
Guys installed and work also on windows 7 64bit I modded start.bat
ask me pass
The pass pls!
3rd November, 2012, 12:14 PM
here it is again with new link.
many thanks.
seems to work great.
3rd November, 2012, 12:19 PM
But I am not able to make it work.
3rd November, 2012, 01:07 PM
Download DESCARGA (DK) WINOLS.rar from Sendspace.com — send big files the easy way (http://www.sendspace.com/file/y48xd9)
3rd November, 2012, 01:24 PM
here it is again, but this time on rar file, try it.
Thank you for rar file. I can unzip this one without problem. The zip one wouldn’t work. Very strange.
3rd November, 2012, 02:07 PM
Download DESCARGA (DK) WINOLS.rar from Sendspace.com — send big files the easy way (http://www.sendspace.com/file/y48xd9)
Is this the file that doesn’t work for you?
Have you
Run trial reset and remove any armadillo keys.
Open your file, go to ols and run .bat file this will set the registry for winols.
You should be able to install then.
3rd November, 2012, 02:12 PM
I do not understand use win xp sp3..
loader = error dll
ols = ok product demo requires registrazion
start dos = useless
3rd November, 2012, 02:18 PM
installed on my HP mini 210 dual boot win7/winxp_sp3. win7_starter works perfect but running ols install on the winxp partition e:drive is a pain and fails to complete. it seems the ols installer is always looking for c: drive which is my win7.
3rd November, 2012, 02:25 PM
what among these files. rar winols you have installed on your pc?
3rd November, 2012, 02:31 PM
what among these files. rar winols you have installed on your pc?
motocarlos version.
3rd November, 2012, 02:38 PM
I do not understand use win xp sp3..
loader = error dll
ols = ok product demo requires registrazion
start dos = useless
Which loader? The .rar file one should give you loader plus two .dll files plus a jzip junk file. Have you got those?
3rd November, 2012, 03:38 PM
if needed, the only way maybee it is by msn to send direct.
3rd November, 2012, 05:19 PM
I have made a lot of tests xp sp3 winols it opens and immediately message register now
3rd November, 2012, 05:39 PM
I see one copy of winols 2.24 has a lot of script files included. How are these used? How do you open them?
3rd November, 2012, 06:14 PM
hello to all members of Dk
But I saw that in the WinOLS 2:24 cks some ECU does not work
ECU Bosch Me7.9.10 Fiat abarth Gp
ECU siemens PPD 1.X Passat
ECU Smart 900TD
and other
To you they work?
3rd November, 2012, 06:58 PM
EDC16 checksum is strange in 2.24…
If I open or import any older files read from cars or generated by older WinOLS, the 2.24 reports that checksum si wrong…
If I check the checksum you can see that it is modified… and that is even for the files that are read from original non-modified ECU…
3rd November, 2012, 07:31 PM
I see one copy of winols 2.24 has a lot of script files included. How are these used? How do you open them?
MAP SCRIPTS — solution for all «Tuners»
how run
open map and use Hotkey F8
from help winols 1.823
To create a map script, open a map which contains differences between original and version and run the script function from the menu (or press the key F8). In the now appearing dialog use the button «Add».
To apply a map script simply open a map and run the script function. Now it won’t display the normal scripts, but only scripts made for maps of the current map’s size.
3rd November, 2012, 08:06 PM
thanks electro128—-i think i get it…lol.thanks
3rd November, 2012, 08:34 PM
Friends can i have link for download winols working!regard
4th November, 2012, 12:07 AM
Friends can i have link for download winols working!regard
working link:
4th November, 2012, 12:10 AM
Friends can i have link for download winols working!regard
working link:
4th November, 2012, 01:15 AM
I have made a lot of tests xp sp3 winols it opens and immediately message register now
I have the same problem, OLs open but because isn’t registered the pluging dll’s not work. (WINDOWS 7 32bit)
The proc:
Install Testversion (2.14 from EVC)
Run first time the testversion
Install OLS
Run .bat for copy de wdapi*.dll in system32
Now open OLS but is needed register the program and have
a problem with the windriver (in about of WinOLS windows)
Install OLS 1.7
(The installation install wdapi drivers…)
Run first time the OLS 1.7 (Windows 7 not work)
Install Testversion OLS
Runt first time the testversion
Install OLS
Run .bat for copy de wdapi*.dll in system32
Now open OLS but is needed register but now the Windriver work !!
Now, i don’t work with OLS because not open files and the program needed register.
Excuse me my english.
Thanks !!
4th November, 2012, 09:40 AM
Guys in order to be able to load it on win 7 64bit you have to go to C:Program filesEVC and not C:Program files (x86)EVC after installing the demo.
Then delete all files inside EVS/WinOLS folder and put in the files from ols you download from here.
Then put wdapi1010dll & wdapi1100.dll to WindowsSystem32 and to WindowsSysWOW64 folders.
Then go back to EVC folder (again on C:Program filesEVC) unzip the loader and start app from this loader (http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/f173/information-winols-2-28-a-297371/index20.html#post1752929).
4th November, 2012, 11:35 AM
Guys in order to be able to load it on win 7 64bit you have to go to C:Program filesEVC and not C:Program files (x86)EVC after installing the demo.
Then delete all files inside EVS/WinOLS folder and put in the files from ols you download from here.
Then put wdapi1010dll & wdapi1100.dll to WindowsSystem32 and to WindowsSysWOW64 folders.
Then go back to EVC folder (again on C:Program filesEVC) unzip the loader and start app from this loader.
All Ok but when i start the loader appear error loading dll.
The loader is in c:program filesevc with 2 .dll
What dll? The loader is different for w7 32bit? Because the namefile of my loader is loader_32_xp_free.exe
The demos is from evc? 2.14?
Enviado desde mi Galaxy Nexus usando Tapatalk 2
4th November, 2012, 11:38 AM
Download winols224.rar from Sendspace.com — send big files the easy way (http://www.sendspace.com/file/uuucef)
winols 2.24
4th November, 2012, 11:44 AM
All Ok but when i start the loader appear error loading dll.
The loader is in c:program filesevc with 2 .dll
What dll? The loader is different for w7 32bit? Because the namefile of my loader is loader_32_xp_free.exe
The demos is from evc? 2.14?
Enviado desde mi Galaxy Nexus usando Tapatalk 2
Yes for the demo.
Your loader isnt correct.
Try this one (http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/f173/information-winols-2-28-a-297371/index20.html#post1752929).
4th November, 2012, 11:58 AM
This is a 2.24 download link from another forum. It worked perfectly on xp when I tried it.
Program: EVC.rar ??????? ? ?????@Mail.Ru (http://files.mail.ru/7LRUG0)
Instl Inst: Ols2.24.txt ??????? ? ?????@Mail.Ru (http://files.mail.ru/QPSV4U)
Very simple to install and run.
4th November, 2012, 01:13 PM
Why all loader for winols are found as a virus?
4th November, 2012, 02:00 PM
WinOLS 2.24
working link:
4th November, 2012, 02:06 PM
Yes for the demo.
Your loader isnt correct.
Try this one (http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/f173/information-winols-2-28-a-297371/index20.html#post1752929).
Thanks professor.
I have the same problem with this Loader
I dont understand…..
Now i removed all WinOLS with all configuration files and all application data, then i installed the WinOLS the demo from the EVC, run first the demo and then install the OLS. I removed the WinOLS_demo and in c:program filesevc unzip the loader.
I run the loader and have the same problem…
Error loading dll :'(
If i run ols.exe, the application open but isn’t registered :'(
All in Windows 7 because for WinXP i prefer 1.7… have more checksums.
Any idea ??
Thanks !!!
4th November, 2012, 03:19 PM
Thanks professor.
I have the same problem with this Loader
I dont understand…..
Now i removed all WinOLS with all configuration files and all application data, then i installed the WinOLS the demo from the EVC, run first the demo and then install the OLS. I removed the WinOLS_demo and in c:program filesevc unzip the loader.
I run the loader and have the same problem…
Error loading dll :'(
If i run ols.exe, the application open but isn’t registered :'(
All in Windows 7 because for WinXP i prefer 1.7… have more checksums.
Any idea ??
Thanks !!!
windows 7 64 bit works this way …
delete all installed/unpacked winols ..
delete config files / reg keys as well ..
download evc demo winols
when u install demo winols that comes by default in different folder make sure u install it in
c:program filesevcwinols — u have option while installing to create this pasth
then after installation just delete the winols folder from
c:program filesevc
then just install or copy the cracked version in
c:program filesevc make sure u sellect everything as administrator execution .
of course u have to disable antivirus and create a rule not to scan c:program filesevc otherwise u won`t find the loader coz will be deleted by the antivirus
and in the end just start winols loader from c:program filesevc
simple ..
4th November, 2012, 03:25 PM
Thanks professor.
I have the same problem with this Loader
I dont understand…..
Now i removed all WinOLS with all configuration files and all application data, then i installed the WinOLS the demo from the EVC, run first the demo and then install the OLS. I removed the WinOLS_demo and in c:program filesevc unzip the loader.
I run the loader and have the same problem…
Error loading dll :'(
If i run ols.exe, the application open but isn’t registered :'(
All in Windows 7 because for WinXP i prefer 1.7… have more checksums.
Any idea ??
Thanks !!!
Try this:
Unistal WinOLS and delete folders on both program files if exists.
Download ccleaner and scan/clean your registry from WinOLS reg keys left.
Install demo. Transfer the wdapi1010.dll & wdapi1100.dll to WindowsSystem32 and to WindowsSysWOW64 folders.
Then run winols demo once.
Close it, remove from both program files the files inside each winols folders (keep the folders but not the contents) and unrar inside those winols the files of the cracked 2.24 version.
Then on EVC folder in both program files folders extract the loader.
Run first the loader on Program files and if problem occurs run loader also from Program files (x86) and then again on Program files.
If not working do a restart and try the loader again.
Hope it ll work as mine now.
4th November, 2012, 09:52 PM
anyway to load loader inside virtualbox? Now they have protection against it (why the xxxx would you limit your loader to run only on actual xp and not virtualized????)
4th November, 2012, 10:21 PM
It magically worked for me yesterday, but after a restart its stopped working. And the loader can no longer unpack the program. CCleaner shows a missing mui reference in the registry in relation to the loader.exe.
:(. Wish it would just work!
4th November, 2012, 10:47 PM
can anyone try and explain why my version seems to get slower and slower the more and more you use it…..im getting to the point wer i want to smash the screen……
4th November, 2012, 11:14 PM
Hello good evening I could make a perfect intalacion winols 2.24. can help, but in return I want you to give me some help using the puzzles, thanks
4th November, 2012, 11:16 PM
Try this:
Unistal WinOLS and delete folders on both program files if exists.
Download ccleaner and scan/clean your registry from WinOLS reg keys left.
Install demo. Transfer the wdapi1010.dll & wdapi1100.dll to WindowsSystem32 and to WindowsSysWOW64 folders.
Then run winols demo once.
Close it, remove from both program files the files inside each winols folders (keep the folders but not the contents) and unrar inside those winols the files of the cracked 2.24 version.
Then on EVC folder in both program files folders extract the loader.
Run first the loader on Program files and if problem occurs run loader also from Program files (x86) and then again on Program files.
If not working do a restart and try the loader again.
Hope it ll work as mine now.
Not Work… i will try in other PC …
I have only a programfiles because my windows is a 32 bit version and i dont have SysWOW64 directory.
The steps are easy but don’t work for me :'(
4th November, 2012, 11:31 PM
I’m going back to 1.7, just tried to export a modified file and checksumm problems all over the place despite all plugins being registered. EDC15 ecu, don’t want more problems. 1.7 is fine :).
4th November, 2012, 11:35 PM
I’m going back to 1.7, just tried to export a modified file and checksumm problems all over the place despite all plugins being registered. EDC15 ecu, don’t want more problems. 1.7 is fine :).
your 1.7 doesnt calculate cecksum on edc15
5th November, 2012, 01:42 AM
OK !
this is the best part !
I all ready install and uninstall 3 times ! now I have 3 different»s SW , from different»s sources and different»s sizes !
all them open but one say»s that «is not a ori or is not complete installation »
other do not load the file and not show anything
there is no SysWOW64 in XP pro x86 !
if some one have luck in the processes please put a tutorial !
thank»s in advance !
5th November, 2012, 11:08 AM
OK !
this is the best part !
I all ready install and uninstall 3 times ! now I have 3 different»s SW , from different»s sources and different»s sizes !
all them open but one say»s that «is not a ori or is not complete installation »
other do not load the file and not show anything
there is no SysWOW64 in XP pro x86 !
if some one have luck in the processes please put a tutorial !
thank»s in advance !
Have you tried the link #341. This one worked very easy for me when tested.
Switch off anitvirus first.
I used trial reset to clear computer of any armadillo keys.
Put EVC folder in c:/programs complete with loader etc.
Click loader once to install registry items.
Click loader again to run program.
Link loader to desk top and run from there.
Instal was very easy and program seems to work ok.
I did all this with Avast still on as I forgot to turn it off. oops! and it still worked ok.
5th November, 2012, 02:28 PM
This is a 2.24 download link from another forum. It worked perfectly on xp when I tried it.
Program: EVC.rar ??????? ? ?????@Mail.Ru (http://files.mail.ru/7LRUG0)
Instl Inst: Ols2.24.txt ??????? ? ?????@Mail.Ru (http://files.mail.ru/QPSV4U)
Very simple to install and run.
but the 1?st method have a installer and install in Cprogramas !
in the instrucions says to put the loader in Cprogram files !
but this one don»t create any folder in program files !
I think I gonna make a break !
5th November, 2012, 06:02 PM
even if you manage to install it
it just doesnt work good,
only proofes that all whant this but nobody really use it
or know how to
this is a big joke fore me and you all are the clowns
5th November, 2012, 06:15 PM
Got no problem installing it. Win7 32b.
I was running OLS 1.12 in this system.
Rename old C:Program filesEVCWinOLS to C:Program filesEVCWinOLS_112
Same with C:Documments and settingsyouruserMy DocumentsEVCWinOLS
Install the 2.24 running the ols.exe file that come with the download.
New WinOLS folder appear on c:program filesEVC
Unpack loader to C:program filesEVC
Copy WDAPI????.DLL files from C:Program FilesEVCWinOLSdriver32on32 to C:Program FilesEVCWinOLS
Run loader twice and you’re done.
I guess if you run x64 OS then need to copy DLL files from 32on64 folder.
Good luck and thanks to the uploader haris78
5th November, 2012, 06:21 PM
Don’t know why are you angry, maybe could not install it?
I did, imported all my 1.12 projects without problems and exported some bin to compare results, and seems to work ok at my side.
Anyway calling clowns to all the members is not fair. Is very unpolite from you. Take a valeriana and calm down, follow instructions in my previous post and try again.
Nice day.
5th November, 2012, 09:07 PM
for me everything is OK and works perfect in Windows 7 x64.
But this version is with a small number of checksum files.
I miss following:
Checksum for BOSH MSA15 old ECU
Checksum for PPD 1.x
and more because in dlls folder there are only 45 files with checksum.
is there anybody who have this version with more checksum files?
5th November, 2012, 09:51 PM
even if you manage to install it
it just doesnt work good,
only proofes that all whant this but nobody really use it
or know how to
this is a big joke fore me and you all are the clowns
I do not like your attitude ! it is not correct you said !
we should all respect !
10th November, 2012, 12:50 PM
for me everything is OK and works perfect in Windows 7 x64.
But this version is with a small number of checksum files.
I miss following:
Checksum for BOSH MSA15 old ECU
Checksum for PPD 1.x
and more because in dlls folder there are only 45 files with checksum.
is there anybody who have this version with more checksum files?
I would like siemens ppd as well
10th November, 2012, 05:04 PM
for me everything is OK and works perfect in Windows 7 x64.
But this version is with a small number of checksum files.
I miss following:
Checksum for BOSH MSA15 old ECU
Checksum for PPD 1.x
and more because in dlls folder there are only 45 files with checksum.
is there anybody who have this version with more checksum files?
the only way to have the dll’s is to buy them at evc for that customer number or to convert them to have 2.24 reconginise the xsums
11th November, 2012, 10:49 AM
the only way to have the dll’s is to buy them at evc for that customer number or to convert them to have 2.24 reconginise the xsums
And how exactly convert them? You know how? If yes, we’ll be appreciated to tell us…
11th November, 2012, 11:16 PM
And how exactly convert them? You know how? If yes, we’ll be appreciated to tell us…
12th November, 2012, 12:46 PM
And how exactly convert them? You know how? If yes, we’ll be appreciated to tell us…
I am also intrested
12th November, 2012, 12:51 PM
It is impossible to convert dlls to work in other version with different customer number you can try but you will only waste time
12th November, 2012, 04:12 PM
i’ve already done step by step the procedure you suggest but everytime i’m trying to open the loader, «error start process» pops up. could you please help me?
12th November, 2012, 10:10 PM
i’ve already done step by step the procedure you suggest but everytime i’m trying to open the loader, «error start process» pops up. could you please help me?
What is your OS ?
13th November, 2012, 05:18 AM
mingos is using Ming OS of course :proud:
13th November, 2012, 01:40 PM
mingos is using Ming OS of course :proud:
win vista sp3 32 bit
p.s. i’ve tried again to install winols however the «problem» i’m facing now is a flag which says «error load dll».
13th November, 2012, 06:12 PM
please…help me…i have.. ERROR START PROCESS
i installa winols 2.14 demo, after copy EVC folder 2.24, on directory….run loader….error start loader…please…help…
13th November, 2012, 06:41 PM
Check c:windowssystem32 to see if wdapi1100.dll and wdapi1010.dll are present. These are the registration .dlls I think.
13th November, 2012, 08:37 PM
i’ve already done step by step the procedure you suggest but everytime i’m trying to open the loader, «error start process» pops up. could you please help me?
Install NET Framework 3.5 and you’re done!
I received the same error message…
13th November, 2012, 10:08 PM
same error..PLEASE…HELPPPP
13th November, 2012, 10:39 PM
same error..PLEASE…HELPPPP
did you intall net framework?
13th November, 2012, 10:58 PM
Just copy the EVC folder to program data folder (programfiles).
It must be in that directory and only in that directory to be launched.
14th November, 2012, 06:42 AM
did you intall net framework?
i install fremework 3.5,copy EVC to program files….same error…..
14th November, 2012, 11:53 AM
Yesterday winols 2.24 suddenly started changing display text, 2D, 3D,text etc every time I used any short cut key.
All functions still worked ok through top menu.
Anyone had this happen?
Closing program had no effect, neither did shutting down PC. Deleting the configuration settings fixed it ok.
Hope this helps if it happens to you.
14th November, 2012, 02:03 PM
You have also 1.721 installed that’s why it happens. use different config folders
14th November, 2012, 08:55 PM
Can anyone import in 2.24 some moded in 1.500 EDC16 files and check checksumm? I notice that 2.24 calculate EDC16 and looks like checksumms calculated by 1.500 is wrong, but lots of cars running good on it :stupid:.
And most interest is EDC17 checksumms, is calculated in 2.24 good or not ?
14th November, 2012, 10:00 PM
You have also 1.721 installed that’s why it happens. use different config folders
Thanks for reply but I don’t have 1.721 installed.
15th November, 2012, 01:48 PM
Thanks for reply but I don’t have 1.721 installed.
Here is solution -> http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/f173/winols-2-24-changing-views-solution-302766/
19th November, 2012, 10:17 AM
Can anyone import in 2.24 some moded in 1.500 EDC16 files and check checksumm? I notice that 2.24 calculate EDC16 and looks like checksumms calculated by 1.500 is wrong, but lots of cars running good on it :stupid:.
And most interest is EDC17 checksumms, is calculated in 2.24 good or not ?
19th November, 2012, 05:27 PM
Calculate 2.24 also EDC17 eeprom by anyone. It should be included in OLS807
21st November, 2012, 10:47 PM
Calculate 2.24 also EDC17 eeprom by anyone. It should be included in OLS807
I have try some, not working.
22nd November, 2012, 09:19 PM
When i load the loader the winols come up and a small windows with a error: «WinOls is incomplete or not an original.please repeat the installation».
i uninstall and install again and the same error , does someone know how to solve this problem ?
daniel guerra
22nd November, 2012, 11:42 PM
When i load the loader the winols come up and a small windows with a error: «WinOls is incomplete or not an original.please repeat the installation».
i uninstall and install again and the same error , does someone know how to solve this problem ?
Install the demo version first, then uninstall it. Try to instal this version and should solve your problem
23rd November, 2012, 04:31 AM
remove old registry and try another install kit
6th December, 2012, 10:40 PM
have any sample here to how work the programme and how calculate the checksum from one file to other when i change it?someone who knows the programmed make a thread for us newbes.thanks
7th December, 2012, 06:34 PM
i test with mpps checksums for edc17 for winols 224 not work
Chip Tuner
22nd December, 2012, 09:50 PM
I can help with a working version Winols 2.24
30th December, 2012, 11:33 AM
Does anyone have ME7.8.4 checksum plugin for it?
ols245 and ols295.
1st January, 2013, 04:59 PM
I got the 2.24 working but when I open a file then the file properties window opens and I am not able to push the «OK» button. It stays inactive even if I fill in all the blanks! I can only press «Cancel» and after that winols would not find any possible maps. In the old 1.5 version I used to fill the car brand and model and after that choice I was able to press the «OK» but not here.
I wonder is this malfunction connected to the missing windows driver , which is noted in the «Info about winols» window (see picture).
Thanks for any help.
2nd January, 2013, 05:13 AM
Hi friends,
Who can share WinOLS 2.24,
I saw that many have.
Thank you all for the information you have shared.
5th January, 2013, 07:42 PM
Has anyone o problem with checksum recognition?sometimes it shows an error window which refers: «not all of of the expected checksums were found. The correction may be incomplete…», although the checksum of the imported .bin file is ok .is it a bug?
thank you in advance
6th January, 2013, 01:51 AM
Has anyone o problem with checksum recognition?sometimes it shows an error window which refers: «not all of of the expected checksums were found. The correction may be incomplete…», although the checksum of the imported .bin file is ok .is it a bug?
thank you in advance
Got the same today on some EDC15, anyway checked
the checksum with 1.5 version and everything is alright — cs OK.
17th January, 2014, 06:41 PM
how version i can use for win7 32bit?
17th January, 2014, 07:20 PM
how version i can use for win7 32bit?
Hi friend,
Look here if you can help
Best regards
17th January, 2014, 07:52 PM
the links on hotfile were blocked by united state federal, check on your pc
17th January, 2014, 08:26 PM
the links on hotfile were blocked by united state federal, check on your pc
Try this link
If my help is served you press the button Thanks
Best Regards 70max
28th January, 2014, 12:25 AM
Work correctly on windows 8 64bit. BR.
2nd March, 2015, 12:09 AM
Do you know where I can get Winols that will work with Windows 7 please? I’m new ot this and just want to have a look at my own cars map, im sure its not up to scratch, does not feel that different post mapping?
12th November, 2016, 03:42 AM
ok.. grave digger.. I have asked for help on the ECU dump I posted. I can try to do it myself if I had the CS plugins.
I need
OLS251 (http://www.evc.de/en/product/ols/plugins_detail.asp?cksName=OLS251)
Bosch BMS BMW 4-Zyl.
that works with 2.24
or i need 1.7 download as someone gave me the old 1.7 OLS251 to try.
3rd March, 2017, 11:00 AM
Hi mates.
Is there any experience with win 10 64bit? I’m unable to get it running. Always «Error start process»
4th March, 2017, 10:21 AM
Hi mates.
Is there any experience with win 10 64bit? I’m unable to get it running. Always «Error start process»
Mine works fine in Windows10 64bit, try re-installing it..
4th March, 2017, 11:30 AM
True story… I was simply to stupid to install…
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Stanislav Kasin
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- Зарегистрирован: 14 май 2016, 16:13
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Скачиваем Winols
Скачать WinOls Версия 2.24 https://yadi.sk/d/CIqyztn8t5Pij
Скачать русификатор https://yadi.sk/d/5YTcQhyUt5Ubq
Внутри архива крэк, поэтому может ругаться антивирус.
Инструкция по установке к 1 части
1) OS win x86
2) Отключить антивирус
3) Запустить с правами администратора (WinOLS 2.26.exe)
4) Скопировать в папку с установленной программой (OLS_LangE.dll)
5) Изучить уроки по работе с Winols
6) Запустить и рубить бабло
Скачать WinOls Версия 2.24 https://yadi.sk/d/shoepSlAvCGRz
Инструкция по установке к 2 части
WARNING!! ВНИМАНИЕ!! Прочитать перед установкой!!.txt
Еще одна сборка для х32 и х64 битных систем
Install instructions.txt
Скачать WinOls Версия 2.24 v3 https://yadi.sk/d/VqNRwz1he2kzSg (пароль от архива:dpfegr)
4 ВАРИАНТ. Официальный ДЕМО
Скачать Winols официальный — ДЕМО версия
Руссификатор для демо версии
У вас нет необходимых прав для просмотра вложений в этом сообщении.
Email nodpfno@gmail.com
INSTAGRAM: @academychiptuning
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- Зарегистрирован: 07 июн 2016, 20:27
- Откуда: Винница
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Re: Скачиваем Winols
gosha5 » 25 июн 2016, 11:56
Здравствуйте. Извините за может некорректный вопрос, но после установки программа сообщает о проблеме с некоторыми плагинами, а как причина этого — отсутствие регистрации. Как с этим бороться (самостоятельно???).
Stanislav Kasin
- Администратор
- Сообщения: 1639
- Зарегистрирован: 14 май 2016, 16:13
- Благодарил (а): 172 раза
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Re: Скачиваем Winols
Stanislav Kasin » 25 июн 2016, 13:33
gosha5 писал(а):Здравствуйте. Извините за может некорректный вопрос, но после установки программа сообщает о проблеме с некоторыми плагинами, а как причина этого — отсутствие регистрации. Как с этим бороться (самостоятельно???).
Да программа капризная к установке. По некоторым тонкостям запуска можете почитать на сайте http://dpfegr.ru/winols/
Email nodpfno@gmail.com
INSTAGRAM: @academychiptuning
- Читатель
- Сообщения: 7
- Зарегистрирован: 07 июн 2016, 12:49
- Откуда: Москва ЗАО
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Re: Скачиваем Winols
autohirurg » 26 июн 2016, 16:23
Запрашивает регистрацию, удалял программу и данные даже с реестра, результат тот же. антивирус отключал. система виндовс 10 *64.
тонкости установки все перепробовал.
Stanislav Kasin
- Администратор
- Сообщения: 1639
- Зарегистрирован: 14 май 2016, 16:13
- Благодарил (а): 172 раза
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Re: Скачиваем Winols
Stanislav Kasin » 26 июн 2016, 16:59
autohirurg писал(а):Запрашивает регистрацию, удалял программу и данные даже с реестра, результат тот же. антивирус отключал. система виндовс 10 *64.
тонкости установки все перепробовал.
На 10ке по моему взломанная не пойдет. Возможно только демо версия оригинала… но там много ограничений не позволяющих полноценно ею пользоваться
Email nodpfno@gmail.com
INSTAGRAM: @academychiptuning
- Читатель
- Сообщения: 7
- Зарегистрирован: 07 июн 2016, 12:49
- Откуда: Москва ЗАО
- Благодарил (а): 2 раза
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Re: Скачиваем Winols
autohirurg » 26 июн 2016, 22:54
осилил на десятке X64/
Устанавливаем как программа просит и с правилами по установке прописанными изначально, а просит она в C:Program Files (x86)/EVC/, кидаем руссификатор. Не запускаем! проходим к папке EVC, Вырезаем, вставляем папку EVC в C:Program Files, заходим в EVC и запускаем от имени администратора файл loader_ols_32_XP_free/
должно пройти регистрацию и написать перезапустите программу. Создаем ярлык на рабочий стол ( при создании ярлыка программа сама скажет что ярлык будет перенесен на раб. стол.)
правая кнопка мыши на ярлыке, свойства, галочка на запуск от имени администратора, больше никаких галочек! применить, выходим.
Запускаем программу и наслаждаемся.
Но! остался вопрос у меня — почему я не могу добавить бинарник перетаскиванием. могу только добавить папку от нее уже пляшу.
- Немного писатель
- Сообщения: 11
- Зарегистрирован: 22 июн 2016, 17:50
- Откуда: Россия, Москва
Re: Скачиваем Winols
Елена » 14 июл 2016, 21:29
Добрый вечер!Скажите пожалуйста, у меня стала постоянно появляться вот такая фраза «The configuration files could not be saved. Please restart windows», даже когда я просто открываю прошивку в ваших уроках. Это ошибка в программе или я делаю что-то не так?.Спасибо!
Stanislav Kasin
- Администратор
- Сообщения: 1639
- Зарегистрирован: 14 май 2016, 16:13
- Благодарил (а): 172 раза
- Поблагодарили: 355 раз
- Контактная информация:
Re: Скачиваем Winols
Stanislav Kasin » 17 июл 2016, 14:14
Елена писал(а):Добрый вечер!Скажите пожалуйста, у меня стала постоянно появляться вот такая фраза «The configuration files could not be saved. Please restart windows», даже когда я просто открываю прошивку в ваших уроках. Это ошибка в программе или я делаю что-то не так?.Спасибо!
Сложно сказать.
Первое что приходит в голову это проверить пути к файлам
Да и вообще программа все таки не оригинальная , а взломанная и очень часто выкидывает сюрпризы на ровном месте
У вас нет необходимых прав для просмотра вложений в этом сообщении.
Email nodpfno@gmail.com
INSTAGRAM: @academychiptuning
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- ↳ Limiter Torque (TL) / Vortrieb system
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02-08-2013, 05:55 AM
I installed winOLS (method 1) and copied the three files from «crack» to C:Program FilesEVC
and then ran C:Program FilesEVCwinols.exe and get the message
«WinOLS 2.24.00
Error: WinOLS is incomplete or nor an original. please repeat the installation.»
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02-09-2013, 04:40 AM
(02-08-2013, 05:55 AM)bmwMcrzy Wrote: I installed winOLS (method 1) and copied the three files from «crack» to C:Program FilesEVC
and then ran C:Program FilesEVCwinols.exe and get the message
«WinOLS 2.24.00
Error: WinOLS is incomplete or nor an original. please repeat the installation.»
I sucessfully installed by doing first the install of the Demo version and after install this one, works ok.
Best regards
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03-20-2013, 02:08 AM
(02-09-2013, 04:40 AM)gameiruz Wrote:
(02-08-2013, 05:55 AM)bmwMcrzy Wrote: I installed winOLS (method 1) and copied the three files from «crack» to C:Program FilesEVC
and then ran C:Program FilesEVCwinols.exe and get the message
«WinOLS 2.24.00
Error: WinOLS is incomplete or nor an original. please repeat the installation.»I sucessfully installed by doing first the install of the Demo version and after install this one, works ok.
Best regards
when i open winols.exe from program files/evc i get a error «error load Dll»
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04-12-2013, 07:06 PM
Thank You. Going to test it on my xp machine.
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04-13-2013, 01:17 PM
Does this only work on 32bit windows? I get error load dll
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04-17-2013, 01:43 AM
Hello friends,
I also installed the demo version and then installed version 2.24.
WinOLS works but it is in german version.
Can someone help me to get an English version please.
Thank you all for your help.
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05-05-2013, 11:28 PM
Hi All.
Working WinOLS 2.24 based on the latest demo version
instruction included
Attached Files
link WinOLS2.24.txt
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05-08-2013, 04:29 AM
(05-05-2013, 11:28 PM)Celjusz Wrote: Hi All.
Working WinOLS 2.24 based on the latest demo version
instruction included
winols working and easy to install take me 3 minutes Thanks
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06-05-2013, 03:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-05-2013, 03:13 PM by pr1nc3.)
I’ve installed on a clean XP OS (no previous Winols installation).
1. Downloaded trial version from EVC Website (run the sw 1 time)
2. Installed Winols 1.721 (run the sw 1 time)
3. Installed Winols 2.24 (Metod 1)
EXEшник Винолс из #143 поста является патчем? С ним не работает, пробовал.
Что именно не работает? Счётчик запусков уменьшается?
Где файл патча WINOLS fixmhh?
А где Ваше воспитание?
Где приветствие? слово пожалуйста? Как будто мы вам что то должны, еще и гадости пишите(у вас руки не оттуда растут и глаза )
Воспитание исчезло после пяти суток безуспешных скачиваний , установок программы, регистраций на куче сайтов, пойманных вирусов и переустановок системы. По поводу что не работает: доходит до загрузки системы в VM и далее висит. Устанавливаю на вин10.
64.4 KB
· Просмотры: 11
Воспитание исчезло после пяти суток безуспешных скачиваний , установок программы, регистраций на куче сайтов, пойманных вирусов и переустановок системы. По поводу что не работает: доходит до загрузки системы в VM и далее висит. Устанавливаю на вин10.
сборка рабочая, сам пользуюсь на 11 винде,(7,10 так же пробовал) могу попробовать установить удаленно на платной основе
Где приветствие? слово пожалуйста? Как будто мы вам что то должны, еще и гадости пишите(у вас руки не оттуда растут и глаза )
Готов забрать свои слова обратно в случае реальной помощи, а не указывания на руки и глаза.
Готов забрать свои слова обратно в случае реальной помощи, а не указывания на руки и глаза.
после вашей клеветы желания помогать нет, разве что на платной основе
Готов забрать свои слова обратно в случае реальной помощи, а не указывания на руки и глаза.
Обновите компьютер, у вас проблема с нехваткой ресурсов, образ этой ВМ очень требователен к железу.
сборка рабочая, сам пользуюсь на 11 винде,(7,10 так же пробовал) могу попробовать установить удаленно на платной основе
Вы мне скажите, файл с названием Winols.rar из #143 поста является тем самым патчем который отсутствует в архиве? Если это так, то буду искать другие причины.
Вы мне скажите, файл с названием Winols.rar из #143 поста является тем самым патчем который отсутствует в архиве? Если это так, то буду искать другие причины.
Это не патч, а простой «.bat», для отката даты в Виндовс)))) Чтобы его приминить надо иметь рабочую ОС и успешно запущенный Олс)))
Вы мне скажите, файл с названием Winols.rar из #143 поста является тем самым патчем который отсутствует в архиве? Если это так, то буду искать другие причины.
да, только он вам не поможет с данной проблемой
Обновите компьютер, у вас проблема с нехваткой ресурсов, образ этой ВМ очень требователен к железу.
Да хватает железа, другие образы пробовал, работают нормально
да, только он вам не поможет с данной проблемой
Разобрался, проблема была в самой виртуалке, сейчас работает, только счетчик включений уменьшается, думаю и с этим разберусь. Извиняюсь за необоснованный наезд!
Приветствую! Скиньте пожалуйста OLS_LangE.dll от четвертой версии.
ребят , наверное что то недопонял .., здесь есть архив где собрано все вместе для того чтоб 4.51 заработал ? или нужно отдельно скачивать вирт машину , отдельно кряк , и т .д..?
ребят , наверное что то недопонял .., здесь есть архив где собрано все вместе для того чтоб 4.51 заработал ? или нужно отдельно скачивать вирт машину , отдельно кряк , и т .д..?
Все в этой ветке, надо собрать просто)
пробую скачать с сайта архив после 1Г — обрыв , написал админу , говорит с сайтом все норм , предложил переустановить браузер , а смыл ? ведь я другие файлы скачиваю с большим размером и норм , пользую оперу .
А можно собрать в один архив все ? чтоб не путаться , не задавать вопрос лишних и установить все как в видео
12 страниц ! почему бы не собрать все на одной ? ну ладно … собрал по кусочкам с этой темы , хотя файл кряк на видео другой , не такой как выложен здесь , установил все как на видео с правами админа пошагово , файл заменил , счетчик уходит в минус .., переустановил vmware по новой , счетчик стал еще меньше .. вобщем как — то так …
15-10-2012, 15:04
107 773
Программы / Редакторы
- 60
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Имя: WinOLS
Версия: 2.24 — не имеет дальнейших обновлений.
Платформа: Windows XP, 7, 8.1, 10 как на x32 так и на x64 разрядной работает!
Язык интерфейса: Английский, Немецкий, Русский.
Скачать: WinOls_2.24_RUS.rar — на Русском, Английском и Немецком языке
Скачать: WinOls_2.24_ENG.rar — на Английском и Немецком языке
Дополнительная привязка еще на один компьютер за дополнительную плату.
Описание: Это профессиональная программа для чип-тюнинга автомобилей иностранного производства. WinOLS 2.24 для тех, кто хочет познать мир чип-тюнинга и самостоятельно править калибровки ЭБУ различных автомобилей. WinOLS со всеми контрольками, полностью рабочая версия!!!
Для работы вам понадобятся damos для winols — это так называемые карты. Будут полезны MapPack для WinOls естественно помогут как в работе, так и для собственного развития и не заменимые уроки по WinOls.
Демо версия:
Доступ только зарегистрированным.
Список dll контрольных сумм WinOLS 2.24:
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