Исправляем «Error loading plugin IntOperation.cleo / ASI» |
Добрый день, скачал себе читерскую сборку для разноса, при входе на сервер выдавало ошибку, я нажимал ОК и у меня всё дальше работало, но теперь вообще ни в какую не хочет запускаться крашит, бывает с 10-го раза запустится и то не факт, в инете ничего не ясно.
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Удали тот плагин из папки «Клео»
От ноунейма с 86-ти подписчиками.
клео 4.1 поставь, поставь чистый gta_sa.exe и в его свойствах поставь только для чтения
- Разбираемся с ошибкой
- Возможные причины
- Способы решения
- Не подцепите вирус!
- Заключение
В игре и всевозможном софте часто встречаются ошибки. Особенно когда мы хотим расширить функциональность, используя для этого моды, дополнения, плагины. Однако не всегда это приводит к желаемому результату.
В этой статье я собрал всю информацию, которая теоритически может решить проблему вылета GTA.
Если вы вдруг решили проблему — пожалуйста, напишите об этом в комментария. Помогите другим.
Перед всеми изменениями создавайте контрольную точку винды либо делайте бэкап всей игры (можно просто методом копирования).
При запуске GTA может выскакивать ошибка:
cleo 4.1 error loading plugin newopcodes.cleo
Вообще ошибка при запуске означает что не может загрузиться плагин newOpcodes.
Может появляться в игре GTA4, GTA SA на операционках Windows 7, Windows 10.
При этом игра может запуститься. Однако после — вылетает (крашится).
Возможные причины
- Проблемы с библиотекой CLEO (например была скачана модифицированная версия).
- Конфликт совместимости модов. Возможно был установлен битый, неработающий мод, либо не совмещенный с вашей версией игры.
- Ошибка вызвана обновлением CLEO.
Перед установкой модов неплохо всю папку игры страховать — бэкапить (создавать резервную копию). В будущем может сэкономить время, нервы. Идеально — вообще когда игра на системном диске и делать резервную копию образа диска. Да, это больше требует ресурсов, но на ПК с установленным SSD — бэкапиться будет быстро.
Некоторые способы решения
- Можно попробовать удалить файл newopcodes.cleo.
- Удалять по очереди моды, чтобы найти проблемный.
- Установить другую версию CLEO. Текущая возможно устаревшая, либо наоборот — слишком новая, содержит баги, недоработанная.
- Уже не один пользователь пишет — нужно удалить файлик newopcodes.
- Может помочь установка библиотеки MSVCR100D.dll в папку с игрой, скачайте также SAMPFUNCS. Актуально, если вы играете в GTA San Andreas.
- Как решение — можно попробовать переустановить CLEO.
Кроме ошибки loading plugin newopcodes cleo, также могут выскакивать и другие, например:
Error loading plugin normalmap_byDK.asi
Еще один человек написал на форуме — вся проблема в том, что версия CLEO — старая:
Один юзер написал что нужно проверить, закинут ли файлик MSVCR100D.dll в папку с игрой:
Нашел одно сообщение, возможно оно будет вам полезно:
Не подцепите вирус!
Внимание! Это не относится к теме. Но будьте внимательны — нехорошие люди пользуются тем, что у людей ошибка, и предлагаю якобы скачать файл Error loading plugin newopcodes, будто он поможет, также еще буду комментарии положительны. ЭТО ОБМАН — на самом деле файл является вирусом/трояном, после скачивания могут появиться новые проблемы:
К сожалению толковой информации в интернете мало.
Мы выяснили, что вероятнее всего причина ошибки loading plugin newopcodes:
- Некорректный мод, либо неправильно установлен.
- Использование неподходящей версии CLEO.
- Баги в моде, игре, CLEO (в будущем могут пофиксить).
- Не хватает библиотеки MSVCR100D.dll (или возможно даже другой).
- В крайнем случае — отключите антивирус/фаервол.
Надеюсь информация помогла. Удачи.
Обновлено: 08.02.2023
A mods (short for «modifications») is an alteration where someone, usually a player, changes some aspect of a video game. Online communities are changing video games to make them better, weirder, and much more wonderful. For example: Farming Simulator players like old tractions, but basic game do not have it, so they create it. Or maybe you want new Euro Truck Simulator trailer skin, just download mod and you can change skin. There is only few examples why mods is amazing and make games much better.
Как решить ошибку cleo 4.1 error loading plugin newopcodes.cleo
Ошибка GTA SA. Когда захожу выдаёт ошибку (cleo 4.1 error loading plugin newopcodes.cleo), но запускает игру. Когда сохранение почти прогрузилось, игра вылетает. Помогите Плиз! Спасибо.
Возможны проблемы с совместимостью модов.
Или с самой библиотекой CLEO.
После каких действий появилась ошибка? (установка мода (какого?), обновление CLEO)
Вообще, я в таких случаях просто удалял файл newopcodes.cleo
Сергей Фёдоров Профи (571) Пробуй удалять их по очереди и запускать игру
Исходник Софт MoonAdditions
Изначально был сделан DK22Pac для CLEO и опубликован под названием NewOpcodes, я переписал его целиком, переделав под MoonLoader.
MoonAdditions добавляет больше ста (195, если считать поля классов и перегруженные функции) скриптовых функций для разработчиков модов. Включает в себя такие возможности, как рисование текста, фигур, текстур, работа с векторами, матрицами и кватернионами, взаимодействие с костями персонажа, взаимодействие с компонентами транспорта, включая ретекстурирование и RGBA-перекраску каждого отдельного компонента, работа с архивами текстур (TXD), рисование света, теней, прожекторных лучей, изменение прозрачности сущностей, получение параметров солнца и тому подобное.
Проект имеет открытый исходный код и аккуратную документацию на английском, правда описания для большинства функций пока что отсутствуют. Переводить на русский скорее всего сам не буду, т.к. всё в основном понятно даже и без описаний.
Есть также и несколько примеров в виде готовых скриптов. Исходники, история изменений, примеры, документация и все версии доступны на GitHub: THE-FYP/MoonAdditions
Если есть желающие помочь проекту в развитии, не стесняйтесь дополнять вики, предлагать новые примеры и функции.
Newopcodes cleo что это самп
Denis Yurkevich ответил Дмитрию
Denis, не помогает вообще ничего. Крч завтра полностью ПК переустановлю, и заодно гта
Дмитрий, я рофлю, в Ютубе поищи , необязательно Винду переустанавливать
Denis Yurkevich ответил Дмитрию
Denis Yurkevich ответил Дмитрию
Дмитрий, её тоже, эти две версии конфликтуют с играми до 2005г
Denis Yurkevich ответил Дмитрию
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#1 14-11-2010 16:22
- LEO33
- Registered: 28-02-2010
- Posts: 6
- Website
Error loading plugin CLEO.asi CLEO 4
Hello! I have a problem described below:
I have 6 months i used CLEO 3 without problems, but i was bored of it and decided to upgrade to CLEO 4. I downloaded the latest version of it and installed it. Also i removed all old scripts from the game. But when tried to open GTA San Andreas, an error showed up: Error loading plugin CLEO.asi, and after that the crash message of gta_sa.exe showed up again.
I don’t know what caused this problem, i uninstalled and reinstalled the clean GTA San Andreas, installed again CLEO 4, but still the error persists. I use v1.0 US cracked exe (HOODLUM release) and tried the compact exe, but not fixed. What may cause this problem?
#2 14-11-2010 18:01
- Seemann
- Registered: 07-08-2006
- Posts: 2,154
Re: Error loading plugin CLEO.asi CLEO 4
Try another ASI loader.
#3 14-11-2010 18:04
- LEO33
- Registered: 28-02-2010
- Posts: 6
- Website
Re: Error loading plugin CLEO.asi CLEO 4
Where to find another ASI loader please?
#4 14-11-2010 20:39
- LEO33
- Registered: 28-02-2010
- Posts: 6
- Website
Re: Error loading plugin CLEO.asi CLEO 4
Please help me as i need CLEO 4 badly, some latest scripts i want requires CLEO 4. CLEO 3 works successfully, why CLEO 4 not? Perhaps is the fault of my computer?
EDIT: I tried CLEO 4 v4.1.1.26 and the problem solved successfully! But i am wondering what is wrong with the latest version v4.1.1.30…
Last edited by LEO33 (14-11-2010 22:14)
#5 16-11-2010 19:29
- Deji
- From: UK
- Registered: 09-11-2008
- Posts: 189
- Website
Re: Error loading plugin CLEO.asi CLEO 4
Try installing CLEO 4 without the .asi loader installed.
#6 16-11-2010 23:07
- LEO33
- Registered: 28-02-2010
- Posts: 6
- Website
Re: Error loading plugin CLEO.asi CLEO 4
Deji wrote:
Try installing CLEO 4 without the .asi loader installed.
Installed the latest CLEO 4 version, deleted it’s respective ASI loader, the game loaded successfully but no version showing in Menu and none of the scripts worked, so i reverted back again to the previous version of CLEO 4.
#7 17-11-2010 01:38
- Deji
- From: UK
- Registered: 09-11-2008
- Posts: 189
- Website
Re: Error loading plugin CLEO.asi CLEO 4
CLEO 4’s installation should include the required .asi loader…
Best bet is to try installing CLEO 4 on a clean installation of SA.
#8 17-11-2010 14:17
- LEO33
- Registered: 28-02-2010
- Posts: 6
- Website
Re: Error loading plugin CLEO.asi CLEO 4
Deji wrote:
CLEO 4’s installation should include the required .asi loader…
Best bet is to try installing CLEO 4 on a clean installation of SA.
Already did this, mentioned in my first post and didn’t worked…
is it because i dont use gta san andreas v.1?
Do you have cleo.log in gta sa directory?
where? also sorry for no responds I forgot to check I even downgraded to v.1.0 but it still crashes when it loads fully The mod, misterix is working but cleo 4.4 keeps crashing I searched the game files and didnt find cleo.log anywhere i downloaded cleo today so i have the latest version probably, and I dont think i have a file called cleo.log
also when i go to cleo_readme theres a asi loader thing but its as a txt and it says about some instalation etc but I cant find any file inside that folder is it supposed to be like that?
ASI loader is a separate tool hence it has its own README file. ASI Loader includes vorbisFile.dll and vorbisHooked.dll in the same directory where CLEO.asi is.
cleo.log is being created after game launch in one directory with gta_sa.exe and cleo.asi. Is your game working when you run CLEO 4.4 without extra scripts or plugins? If yes, can you add those scripts/plugins one by one to identify a faulty one?
Ill try to check if my cleo works with no mods But with extra scripts and plugins do you mean downloading extra things from the other places or the cleo things? If other places then I havent downloaded anything And ill check if cleo works without the misterix mod
I dont really know how to change the mod Its that cleo keeps crashing
cleo.log is being created after game launch in one directory with gta_sa.exe and cleo.asi. Is your game working when you run CLEO 4.4 without extra scripts or plugins? If yes, can you add those scripts/plugins one by one to identify a faulty one?
I dont understand this part of the comment Sorry im from poland Could you say it more simple?
But wait The vorbisfile.dll and Vorbishooked.dll I have move it to the downgraded GTA SA files, is it because of it?
I really wish to have mods for Gta san andreas And have cleo working
Also if i go to the «cleo» file theres FileSystemOperations.cleo , IniFiles.cleo , IntOperations.cleo too But i cannot find any cleo.log file
Ok. So this is how my GTA SA folder looks like
I highlighted files relevant to CLEO 4:
vorbisFile.dll and vorbisHooked.dll is ASI Loader. It’s needed to inject custom *.asi files into the game memory.
cleo.asi is the CLEO library core.
cleo.log is the text file where CLEO outputs important events.
bass.dll is an audio library needed for some new opcodes.
I run the game via gta_sa_compact.exe which is a custom exe made by listener and that is 100% compatible with CLEO. You can find it anywhere on the Internet. If you have vanilla 1.0 US version this would work too. CLEO may not work with other versions (such as 1.01 EU, 2.0, 3.0, etc) and even if it does, most of the scripts are written for version 1.0 anyway.
Make sure you have the same files and your CLEO directory is empty. Run the game and check if you can play without errors. You should see CLEO version in the main menu. If it crashes, then your game version is incompatible, sorry.
If your game works when CLEO is installed you can try to install some mods in CLEO folder. Add one script at a time, run the game and confirm it’s working. Then add another script and so on.
Let me know if you still have questions.
When i downloaded cleo I did not get some of the files you have: installscript.vdf and cleo.log I dont know why this happens Do i have to download cleo again?
I also do have these two files : cleo_readme and cleo_sdk Maybe the downgrader i used doesnt work because i downgraded steam version to v.1 and I also find file called «download» which i dont see you have in the image
Find gta_sa_compact.exe This is a single exe file. Just put it in your GTA SA folder and launch instead of gta-sa.exe
where can i find it? I am seraching the website and cant find it like can you send a link to download
gta_sa_compact.exe i launched it too it was closer to load but crashed anyway
the log finnaly appeared, there it is
07/01/2021 14:32:25.106 Log started.
07/01/2021 14:32:25.106 Unprotecting memory region ‘.text’: 0x00001000 (size: 0x00456000)
07/01/2021 14:32:25.106 Unprotecting memory region ‘.rdata’: 0x00458000 (size: 0x0004C000)
07/01/2021 14:32:25.106 Unloading plugins…
07/01/2021 14:32:25.106 Loading plugin cleo/FileSystemOperations.cleo
07/01/2021 14:32:25.133 Loading plugin cleo/IniFiles.cleo
07/01/2021 14:32:25.138 Loading plugin cleo/IntOperations.cleo
07/01/2021 14:32:25.141 Started on game of version: SA 1.0 us
07/01/2021 14:32:25.141 Injecting MenuStatusNotifier…
07/01/2021 14:32:25.142 Replacing call: 0x0057B9FD
07/01/2021 14:32:25.142 Injecting DmaFix…
07/01/2021 14:32:25.142 Replacing call: 0x0053E981
07/01/2021 14:32:25.142 Injecting TextManager…
07/01/2021 14:32:25.142 Injecting function at: 0x006A0050
07/01/2021 14:32:25.142 Injecting SoundSystem…
07/01/2021 14:32:25.142 Replacing call: 0x007487A8
07/01/2021 14:32:25.142 Injecting CustomOpcodeSystem…
07/01/2021 14:32:25.142 Injecting ScriptEngine…
07/01/2021 14:32:25.142 Replacing call: 0x0046A21B
07/01/2021 14:32:25.142 Replacing call: 0x0058D552
07/01/2021 14:32:25.142 Replacing call: 0x0058FCE4
07/01/2021 14:32:25.142 Replacing call: 0x0053BDD7
07/01/2021 14:32:25.143 Replacing call: 0x005BA340
07/01/2021 14:32:25.143 Replacing call: 0x005D4FD7
07/01/2021 14:32:25.143 Replacing call: 0x005D18F0
07/01/2021 14:32:25.143 Replacing call: 0x005D14D5
07/01/2021 14:32:25.143 Injecting function at: 0x004667DB
07/01/2021 14:32:25.263 Creating main window…
07/01/2021 14:32:25.267 Found sound device 0: No sound
07/01/2021 14:32:25.267 Found sound device 1 (default): Głośniki (2 — High Definition Audio Device)
07/01/2021 14:32:25.267 Found sound device 2: Linia (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM))
07/01/2021 14:32:25.267 On system found 3 devices, 3 enabled devices, assuming device to use: 1 (Głośniki (2 — High Definition Audio Device))
07/01/2021 14:32:25.287 SoundSystem initialized
07/01/2021 14:32:25.289 Floating-point audio supported!
07/01/2021 14:32:25.290 Audio hardware acceleration disabled (no EAX)
07/01/2021 14:38:21.414 Scripts exclusively initialized
07/01/2021 14:38:21.426 Deleting dynamic fxts…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.426 Cleaning up script data… 0 files, 0 libs, 0 file scans, 0 allocations…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.426 Searching for cleo scripts
07/01/2021 14:38:21.426 Loading custom script xMyth1.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.443 Registering custom script named xMyth1.
07/01/2021 14:38:21.443 Loading custom script xMyth10.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.452 Registering custom script named xMyth10
07/01/2021 14:38:21.452 Loading custom script xMyth11.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.460 Registering custom script named xMyth11
07/01/2021 14:38:21.460 Loading custom script xMyth12.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.467 Registering custom script named xMyth12
07/01/2021 14:38:21.467 Loading custom script xMyth13.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.475 Registering custom script named xMyth13
07/01/2021 14:38:21.475 Loading custom script xMyth14.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.481 Registering custom script named xMyth14
07/01/2021 14:38:21.482 Loading custom script xMyth15.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.487 Registering custom script named xMyth15
07/01/2021 14:38:21.487 Loading custom script xMyth16.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.494 Registering custom script named xMyth16
07/01/2021 14:38:21.494 Loading custom script xMyth17.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.501 Registering custom script named xMyth17
07/01/2021 14:38:21.501 Loading custom script xMyth18.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.508 Registering custom script named xMyth18
07/01/2021 14:38:21.508 Loading custom script xMyth19.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.514 Registering custom script named xMyth19
07/01/2021 14:38:21.514 Loading custom script xMyth2.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.521 Registering custom script named xMyth2.
07/01/2021 14:38:21.521 Loading custom script xMyth20.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.527 Registering custom script named xMyth20
07/01/2021 14:38:21.527 Loading custom script xMyth21.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.531 Registering custom script named xMyth21
07/01/2021 14:38:21.531 Loading custom script xMyth22.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.539 Registering custom script named xMyth22
07/01/2021 14:38:21.540 Loading custom script xMyth23.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.545 Registering custom script named xMyth23
07/01/2021 14:38:21.545 Loading custom script xMyth24.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.551 Registering custom script named xMyth24
07/01/2021 14:38:21.551 Loading custom script xMyth25.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.558 Registering custom script named xMyth25
07/01/2021 14:38:21.558 Loading custom script xMyth26.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.563 Registering custom script named xMyth26
07/01/2021 14:38:21.563 Loading custom script xMyth27.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.568 Registering custom script named xMyth27
07/01/2021 14:38:21.568 Loading custom script xMyth28.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.575 Registering custom script named xMyth28
07/01/2021 14:38:21.575 Loading custom script xMyth29.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.582 Registering custom script named xMyth29
07/01/2021 14:38:21.582 Loading custom script xMyth3.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.588 Registering custom script named xMyth3.
07/01/2021 14:38:21.589 Loading custom script xMyth30.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.596 Registering custom script named xMyth30
07/01/2021 14:38:21.596 Loading custom script xMyth31.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.602 Registering custom script named xMyth31
07/01/2021 14:38:21.602 Loading custom script xMyth32.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.609 Registering custom script named xMyth32
07/01/2021 14:38:21.609 Loading custom script xMyth33.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.615 Registering custom script named xMyth33
07/01/2021 14:38:21.616 Loading custom script xMyth4.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.624 Registering custom script named xMyth4.
07/01/2021 14:38:21.624 Loading custom script xMyth5.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.630 Registering custom script named xMyth5.
07/01/2021 14:38:21.631 Loading custom script xMyth6.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.637 Registering custom script named xMyth6.
07/01/2021 14:38:21.637 Loading custom script xMyth7.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.642 Registering custom script named xMyth7.
07/01/2021 14:38:21.642 Loading custom script xMyth8.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.649 Registering custom script named xMyth8.
07/01/2021 14:38:21.649 Loading custom script xMyth9.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:21.660 Registering custom script named xMyth9.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.005 Scripts initialized
07/01/2021 14:38:23.005 Unregistering custom script named xmyth1
07/01/2021 14:38:23.005 Unregistering custom script named xmyth10
07/01/2021 14:38:23.005 Unregistering custom script named xmyth11
07/01/2021 14:38:23.005 Unregistering custom script named xmyth12
07/01/2021 14:38:23.005 Unregistering custom script named xmyth13
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth14
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth15
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth16
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth17
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth18
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth19
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth2
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth20
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth21
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth22
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth23
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth24
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth25
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth26
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth27
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth28
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth29
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth3
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth30
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth31
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth32
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth33
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth4
07/01/2021 14:38:23.006 Unregistering custom script named xmyth5
07/01/2021 14:38:23.007 Unregistering custom script named xmyth6
07/01/2021 14:38:23.007 Unregistering custom script named xmyth7
07/01/2021 14:38:23.007 Unregistering custom script named xmyth8
07/01/2021 14:38:23.007 Unregistering custom script named xmyth9
07/01/2021 14:38:23.010 Deleting dynamic fxts…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.010 Cleaning up script data… 0 files, 0 libs, 0 file scans, 0 allocations…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.010 Searching for cleo scripts
07/01/2021 14:38:23.010 Loading custom script xMyth1.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.010 Registering custom script named xMyth1.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.010 Loading custom script xMyth10.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.011 Registering custom script named xMyth10
07/01/2021 14:38:23.011 Loading custom script xMyth11.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.011 Registering custom script named xMyth11
07/01/2021 14:38:23.011 Loading custom script xMyth12.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.011 Registering custom script named xMyth12
07/01/2021 14:38:23.011 Loading custom script xMyth13.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.011 Registering custom script named xMyth13
07/01/2021 14:38:23.011 Loading custom script xMyth14.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.012 Registering custom script named xMyth14
07/01/2021 14:38:23.012 Loading custom script xMyth15.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.012 Registering custom script named xMyth15
07/01/2021 14:38:23.012 Loading custom script xMyth16.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.012 Registering custom script named xMyth16
07/01/2021 14:38:23.012 Loading custom script xMyth17.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.012 Registering custom script named xMyth17
07/01/2021 14:38:23.012 Loading custom script xMyth18.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.013 Registering custom script named xMyth18
07/01/2021 14:38:23.013 Loading custom script xMyth19.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.013 Registering custom script named xMyth19
07/01/2021 14:38:23.013 Loading custom script xMyth2.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.013 Registering custom script named xMyth2.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.013 Loading custom script xMyth20.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.014 Registering custom script named xMyth20
07/01/2021 14:38:23.014 Loading custom script xMyth21.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.014 Registering custom script named xMyth21
07/01/2021 14:38:23.014 Loading custom script xMyth22.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.014 Registering custom script named xMyth22
07/01/2021 14:38:23.014 Loading custom script xMyth23.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.014 Registering custom script named xMyth23
07/01/2021 14:38:23.014 Loading custom script xMyth24.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.015 Registering custom script named xMyth24
07/01/2021 14:38:23.015 Loading custom script xMyth25.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.015 Registering custom script named xMyth25
07/01/2021 14:38:23.015 Loading custom script xMyth26.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.015 Registering custom script named xMyth26
07/01/2021 14:38:23.015 Loading custom script xMyth27.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.016 Registering custom script named xMyth27
07/01/2021 14:38:23.016 Loading custom script xMyth28.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.016 Registering custom script named xMyth28
07/01/2021 14:38:23.016 Loading custom script xMyth29.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.016 Registering custom script named xMyth29
07/01/2021 14:38:23.016 Loading custom script xMyth3.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.016 Registering custom script named xMyth3.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.016 Loading custom script xMyth30.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.017 Registering custom script named xMyth30
07/01/2021 14:38:23.017 Loading custom script xMyth31.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.017 Registering custom script named xMyth31
07/01/2021 14:38:23.017 Loading custom script xMyth32.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.017 Registering custom script named xMyth32
07/01/2021 14:38:23.017 Loading custom script xMyth33.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.017 Registering custom script named xMyth33
07/01/2021 14:38:23.017 Loading custom script xMyth4.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.018 Registering custom script named xMyth4.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.018 Loading custom script xMyth5.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.018 Registering custom script named xMyth5.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.018 Loading custom script xMyth6.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.018 Registering custom script named xMyth6.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.018 Loading custom script xMyth7.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.018 Registering custom script named xMyth7.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.018 Loading custom script xMyth8.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.019 Registering custom script named xMyth8.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.019 Loading custom script xMyth9.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.019 Registering custom script named xMyth9.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.026 void __cdecl CLEO::OnLoadScmData(void)
07/01/2021 14:38:23.026 Scripts loaded
07/01/2021 14:38:23.026 Unregistering custom script named xMyth1.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.026 Unregistering custom script named xMyth10
07/01/2021 14:38:23.026 Unregistering custom script named xMyth11
07/01/2021 14:38:23.026 Unregistering custom script named xMyth12
07/01/2021 14:38:23.026 Unregistering custom script named xMyth13
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth14
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth15
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth16
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth17
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth18
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth19
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth2.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth20
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth21
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth22
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth23
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth24
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth25
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth26
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth27
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth28
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth29
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth3.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth30
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth31
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth32
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth33
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth4.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth5.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.027 Unregistering custom script named xMyth6.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.028 Unregistering custom script named xMyth7.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.028 Unregistering custom script named xMyth8.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.028 Unregistering custom script named xMyth9.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.031 Deleting dynamic fxts…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.031 Cleaning up script data… 0 files, 0 libs, 0 file scans, 0 allocations…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.031 Loading cleo safe ./cleo/cleo_saves/cs7.sav
07/01/2021 14:38:23.031 Searching for cleo scripts
07/01/2021 14:38:23.031 Loading custom script xMyth1.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.031 Registering custom script named xMyth1.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.031 Loading custom script xMyth10.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.032 Registering custom script named xMyth10
07/01/2021 14:38:23.032 Loading custom script xMyth11.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.032 Registering custom script named xMyth11
07/01/2021 14:38:23.032 Loading custom script xMyth12.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.032 Registering custom script named xMyth12
07/01/2021 14:38:23.032 Loading custom script xMyth13.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.032 Registering custom script named xMyth13
07/01/2021 14:38:23.032 Loading custom script xMyth14.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.033 Registering custom script named xMyth14
07/01/2021 14:38:23.033 Loading custom script xMyth15.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.033 Registering custom script named xMyth15
07/01/2021 14:38:23.033 Loading custom script xMyth16.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.033 Registering custom script named xMyth16
07/01/2021 14:38:23.033 Loading custom script xMyth17.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.034 Registering custom script named xMyth17
07/01/2021 14:38:23.034 Loading custom script xMyth18.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.034 Registering custom script named xMyth18
07/01/2021 14:38:23.034 Loading custom script xMyth19.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.034 Registering custom script named xMyth19
07/01/2021 14:38:23.034 Loading custom script xMyth2.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.034 Registering custom script named xMyth2.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.034 Loading custom script xMyth20.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.034 Registering custom script named xMyth20
07/01/2021 14:38:23.035 Loading custom script xMyth21.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.035 Registering custom script named xMyth21
07/01/2021 14:38:23.035 Loading custom script xMyth22.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.035 Registering custom script named xMyth22
07/01/2021 14:38:23.035 Loading custom script xMyth23.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.035 Registering custom script named xMyth23
07/01/2021 14:38:23.035 Loading custom script xMyth24.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.036 Registering custom script named xMyth24
07/01/2021 14:38:23.036 Loading custom script xMyth25.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.036 Registering custom script named xMyth25
07/01/2021 14:38:23.036 Loading custom script xMyth26.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.036 Registering custom script named xMyth26
07/01/2021 14:38:23.036 Loading custom script xMyth27.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.036 Registering custom script named xMyth27
07/01/2021 14:38:23.036 Loading custom script xMyth28.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.037 Registering custom script named xMyth28
07/01/2021 14:38:23.037 Loading custom script xMyth29.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.037 Registering custom script named xMyth29
07/01/2021 14:38:23.037 Loading custom script xMyth3.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.037 Registering custom script named xMyth3.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.037 Loading custom script xMyth30.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.037 Registering custom script named xMyth30
07/01/2021 14:38:23.037 Loading custom script xMyth31.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.038 Registering custom script named xMyth31
07/01/2021 14:38:23.038 Loading custom script xMyth32.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.038 Registering custom script named xMyth32
07/01/2021 14:38:23.038 Loading custom script xMyth33.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.038 Registering custom script named xMyth33
07/01/2021 14:38:23.038 Loading custom script xMyth4.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.038 Registering custom script named xMyth4.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.038 Loading custom script xMyth5.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.039 Registering custom script named xMyth5.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.039 Loading custom script xMyth6.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.039 Registering custom script named xMyth6.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.039 Loading custom script xMyth7.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.039 Registering custom script named xMyth7.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.039 Loading custom script xMyth8.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.039 Registering custom script named xMyth8.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.040 Loading custom script xMyth9.cs…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.040 Registering custom script named xMyth9.
07/01/2021 14:38:23.945 Closing SoundSystem…
07/01/2021 14:38:23.945 Freeing BASS library
the other log: 07/01/2021 14:40:32.333 Log started.
07/01/2021 14:40:32.333 Unprotecting memory region ‘.text’: 0x00001000 (size: 0x00456000)
07/01/2021 14:40:32.334 Unprotecting memory region ‘.rdata’: 0x00458000 (size: 0x0004C000)
07/01/2021 14:40:32.334 Unloading plugins…
07/01/2021 14:40:32.334 Loading plugin cleo/FileSystemOperations.cleo
07/01/2021 14:40:32.334 Loading plugin cleo/IniFiles.cleo
07/01/2021 14:40:32.334 Loading plugin cleo/IntOperations.cleo
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Started on game of version: SA 1.0 us
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Injecting MenuStatusNotifier…
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Replacing call: 0x0057B9FD
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Injecting DmaFix…
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Replacing call: 0x0053E981
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Injecting TextManager…
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Injecting function at: 0x006A0050
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Injecting SoundSystem…
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Replacing call: 0x007487A8
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Injecting CustomOpcodeSystem…
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Injecting ScriptEngine…
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Replacing call: 0x0046A21B
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Replacing call: 0x0058D552
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Replacing call: 0x0058FCE4
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Replacing call: 0x0053BDD7
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Replacing call: 0x005BA340
07/01/2021 14:40:32.335 Replacing call: 0x005D4FD7
07/01/2021 14:40:32.336 Replacing call: 0x005D18F0
07/01/2021 14:40:32.336 Replacing call: 0x005D14D5
07/01/2021 14:40:32.336 Injecting function at: 0x004667DB
07/01/2021 14:40:32.442 Creating main window…
07/01/2021 14:40:32.446 Found sound device 0: No sound
07/01/2021 14:40:32.446 Found sound device 1 (default): Głośniki (2 — High Definition Audio Device)
07/01/2021 14:40:32.446 Found sound device 2: Linia (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM))
07/01/2021 14:40:32.446 On system found 3 devices, 3 enabled devices, assuming device to use: 1 (Głośniki (2 — High Definition Audio Device))
07/01/2021 14:40:32.467 SoundSystem initialized
07/01/2021 14:40:32.469 Floating-point audio supported!
07/01/2021 14:40:32.470 Audio hardware acceleration disabled (no EAX)
07/01/2021 14:40:59.493 Scripts exclusively initialized
07/01/2021 14:40:59.500 Deleting dynamic fxts…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.500 Cleaning up script data… 0 files, 0 libs, 0 file scans, 0 allocations…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.500 Searching for cleo scripts
07/01/2021 14:40:59.500 Loading custom script xMyth1.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.500 Registering custom script named xMyth1.
07/01/2021 14:40:59.500 Loading custom script xMyth10.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.501 Registering custom script named xMyth10
07/01/2021 14:40:59.501 Loading custom script xMyth11.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.501 Registering custom script named xMyth11
07/01/2021 14:40:59.501 Loading custom script xMyth12.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.501 Registering custom script named xMyth12
07/01/2021 14:40:59.501 Loading custom script xMyth13.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.501 Registering custom script named xMyth13
07/01/2021 14:40:59.501 Loading custom script xMyth14.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.502 Registering custom script named xMyth14
07/01/2021 14:40:59.502 Loading custom script xMyth15.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.502 Registering custom script named xMyth15
07/01/2021 14:40:59.502 Loading custom script xMyth16.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.502 Registering custom script named xMyth16
07/01/2021 14:40:59.502 Loading custom script xMyth17.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.502 Registering custom script named xMyth17
07/01/2021 14:40:59.502 Loading custom script xMyth18.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.502 Registering custom script named xMyth18
07/01/2021 14:40:59.502 Loading custom script xMyth19.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.503 Registering custom script named xMyth19
07/01/2021 14:40:59.503 Loading custom script xMyth2.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.503 Registering custom script named xMyth2.
07/01/2021 14:40:59.503 Loading custom script xMyth20.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.503 Registering custom script named xMyth20
07/01/2021 14:40:59.503 Loading custom script xMyth21.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.503 Registering custom script named xMyth21
07/01/2021 14:40:59.503 Loading custom script xMyth22.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.503 Registering custom script named xMyth22
07/01/2021 14:40:59.503 Loading custom script xMyth23.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.504 Registering custom script named xMyth23
07/01/2021 14:40:59.504 Loading custom script xMyth24.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.504 Registering custom script named xMyth24
07/01/2021 14:40:59.504 Loading custom script xMyth25.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.504 Registering custom script named xMyth25
07/01/2021 14:40:59.504 Loading custom script xMyth26.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.504 Registering custom script named xMyth26
07/01/2021 14:40:59.504 Loading custom script xMyth27.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.505 Registering custom script named xMyth27
07/01/2021 14:40:59.505 Loading custom script xMyth28.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.505 Registering custom script named xMyth28
07/01/2021 14:40:59.505 Loading custom script xMyth29.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.505 Registering custom script named xMyth29
07/01/2021 14:40:59.505 Loading custom script xMyth3.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.505 Registering custom script named xMyth3.
07/01/2021 14:40:59.505 Loading custom script xMyth30.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.505 Registering custom script named xMyth30
07/01/2021 14:40:59.505 Loading custom script xMyth31.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.506 Registering custom script named xMyth31
07/01/2021 14:40:59.506 Loading custom script xMyth32.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.506 Registering custom script named xMyth32
07/01/2021 14:40:59.506 Loading custom script xMyth33.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.506 Registering custom script named xMyth33
07/01/2021 14:40:59.506 Loading custom script xMyth4.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.506 Registering custom script named xMyth4.
07/01/2021 14:40:59.506 Loading custom script xMyth5.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.507 Registering custom script named xMyth5.
07/01/2021 14:40:59.507 Loading custom script xMyth6.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.507 Registering custom script named xMyth6.
07/01/2021 14:40:59.507 Loading custom script xMyth7.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.507 Registering custom script named xMyth7.
07/01/2021 14:40:59.507 Loading custom script xMyth8.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.507 Registering custom script named xMyth8.
07/01/2021 14:40:59.507 Loading custom script xMyth9.cs…
07/01/2021 14:40:59.507 Registering custom script named xMyth9.
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Scripts initialized
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth1
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth10
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth11
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth12
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth13
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth14
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth15
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth16
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth17
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth18
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth19
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth2
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth20
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth21
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth22
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth23
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth24
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth25
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth26
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth27
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth28
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth29
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth3
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth30
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth31
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth32
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth33
07/01/2021 14:41:00.897 Unregistering custom script named xmyth4
07/01/2021 14:41:00.898 Unregistering custom script named xmyth5
07/01/2021 14:41:00.898 Unregistering custom script named xmyth6
07/01/2021 14:41:00.898 Unregistering custom script named xmyth7
07/01/2021 14:41:00.898 Unregistering custom script named xmyth8
07/01/2021 14:41:00.898 Unregistering custom script named xmyth9
07/01/2021 14:41:00.901 Deleting dynamic fxts…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.901 Cleaning up script data… 0 files, 0 libs, 0 file scans, 0 allocations…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.901 Searching for cleo scripts
07/01/2021 14:41:00.901 Loading custom script xMyth1.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Registering custom script named xMyth1.
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading custom script xMyth10.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Error during loading of custom script xMyth10.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading of custom script xMyth10.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading custom script xMyth11.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Error during loading of custom script xMyth11.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading of custom script xMyth11.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading custom script xMyth12.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Error during loading of custom script xMyth12.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading of custom script xMyth12.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading custom script xMyth13.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Error during loading of custom script xMyth13.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading of custom script xMyth13.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading custom script xMyth14.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Error during loading of custom script xMyth14.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading of custom script xMyth14.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading custom script xMyth15.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Error during loading of custom script xMyth15.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading of custom script xMyth15.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading custom script xMyth16.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Error during loading of custom script xMyth16.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading of custom script xMyth16.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading custom script xMyth17.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Error during loading of custom script xMyth17.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading of custom script xMyth17.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Loading custom script xMyth18.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.902 Error during loading of custom script xMyth18.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading of custom script xMyth18.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading custom script xMyth19.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Error during loading of custom script xMyth19.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading of custom script xMyth19.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading custom script xMyth2.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Error during loading of custom script xMyth2.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading of custom script xMyth2.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading custom script xMyth20.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Error during loading of custom script xMyth20.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading of custom script xMyth20.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading custom script xMyth21.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Error during loading of custom script xMyth21.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading of custom script xMyth21.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading custom script xMyth22.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Error during loading of custom script xMyth22.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading of custom script xMyth22.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading custom script xMyth23.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Error during loading of custom script xMyth23.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading of custom script xMyth23.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading custom script xMyth24.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Error during loading of custom script xMyth24.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading of custom script xMyth24.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading custom script xMyth25.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Error during loading of custom script xMyth25.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading of custom script xMyth25.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading custom script xMyth26.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Error during loading of custom script xMyth26.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading of custom script xMyth26.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading custom script xMyth27.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Error during loading of custom script xMyth27.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.903 Loading of custom script xMyth27.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading custom script xMyth28.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Error during loading of custom script xMyth28.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading of custom script xMyth28.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading custom script xMyth29.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Error during loading of custom script xMyth29.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading of custom script xMyth29.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading custom script xMyth3.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Error during loading of custom script xMyth3.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading of custom script xMyth3.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading custom script xMyth30.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Error during loading of custom script xMyth30.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading of custom script xMyth30.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading custom script xMyth31.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Error during loading of custom script xMyth31.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading of custom script xMyth31.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading custom script xMyth32.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Error during loading of custom script xMyth32.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading of custom script xMyth32.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading custom script xMyth33.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Error during loading of custom script xMyth33.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading of custom script xMyth33.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading custom script xMyth4.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Error during loading of custom script xMyth4.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading of custom script xMyth4.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Loading custom script xMyth5.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.904 Error during loading of custom script xMyth5.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.905 Loading of custom script xMyth5.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.905 Loading custom script xMyth6.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.905 Error during loading of custom script xMyth6.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.905 Loading of custom script xMyth6.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.905 Loading custom script xMyth7.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.905 Error during loading of custom script xMyth7.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.905 Loading of custom script xMyth7.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.905 Loading custom script xMyth8.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.905 Error during loading of custom script xMyth8.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.905 Loading of custom script xMyth8.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.905 Loading custom script xMyth9.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.905 Error during loading of custom script xMyth9.cs occured.
Error message: ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error
07/01/2021 14:41:00.905 Loading of custom script xMyth9.cs failed
07/01/2021 14:41:00.912 void __cdecl CLEO::OnLoadScmData(void)
07/01/2021 14:41:00.912 Scripts loaded
07/01/2021 14:41:00.912 Unregistering custom script named xMyth1.
07/01/2021 14:41:00.915 Deleting dynamic fxts…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.915 Cleaning up script data… 0 files, 0 libs, 0 file scans, 0 allocations…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.915 Loading cleo safe ./cleo/cleo_saves/cs7.sav
07/01/2021 14:41:00.916 Searching for cleo scripts
07/01/2021 14:41:00.916 Loading custom script xMyth1.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.916 Registering custom script named xMyth1.
07/01/2021 14:41:00.916 Loading custom script xMyth10.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.916 Registering custom script named xMyth10
07/01/2021 14:41:00.916 Loading custom script xMyth11.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.916 Registering custom script named xMyth11
07/01/2021 14:41:00.916 Loading custom script xMyth12.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.916 Registering custom script named xMyth12
07/01/2021 14:41:00.916 Loading custom script xMyth13.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.917 Registering custom script named xMyth13
07/01/2021 14:41:00.917 Loading custom script xMyth14.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.917 Registering custom script named xMyth14
07/01/2021 14:41:00.917 Loading custom script xMyth15.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.917 Registering custom script named xMyth15
07/01/2021 14:41:00.917 Loading custom script xMyth16.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.917 Registering custom script named xMyth16
07/01/2021 14:41:00.917 Loading custom script xMyth17.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.918 Registering custom script named xMyth17
07/01/2021 14:41:00.918 Loading custom script xMyth18.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.918 Registering custom script named xMyth18
07/01/2021 14:41:00.918 Loading custom script xMyth19.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.918 Registering custom script named xMyth19
07/01/2021 14:41:00.918 Loading custom script xMyth2.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.918 Registering custom script named xMyth2.
07/01/2021 14:41:00.918 Loading custom script xMyth20.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.918 Registering custom script named xMyth20
07/01/2021 14:41:00.918 Loading custom script xMyth21.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.919 Registering custom script named xMyth21
07/01/2021 14:41:00.919 Loading custom script xMyth22.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.919 Registering custom script named xMyth22
07/01/2021 14:41:00.919 Loading custom script xMyth23.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.919 Registering custom script named xMyth23
07/01/2021 14:41:00.919 Loading custom script xMyth24.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.919 Registering custom script named xMyth24
07/01/2021 14:41:00.919 Loading custom script xMyth25.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.920 Registering custom script named xMyth25
07/01/2021 14:41:00.920 Loading custom script xMyth26.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.920 Registering custom script named xMyth26
07/01/2021 14:41:00.920 Loading custom script xMyth27.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.920 Registering custom script named xMyth27
07/01/2021 14:41:00.920 Loading custom script xMyth28.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.920 Registering custom script named xMyth28
07/01/2021 14:41:00.920 Loading custom script xMyth29.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.920 Registering custom script named xMyth29
07/01/2021 14:41:00.920 Loading custom script xMyth3.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.921 Registering custom script named xMyth3.
07/01/2021 14:41:00.921 Loading custom script xMyth30.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.921 Registering custom script named xMyth30
07/01/2021 14:41:00.921 Loading custom script xMyth31.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.921 Registering custom script named xMyth31
07/01/2021 14:41:00.921 Loading custom script xMyth32.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.921 Registering custom script named xMyth32
07/01/2021 14:41:00.921 Loading custom script xMyth33.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.921 Registering custom script named xMyth33
07/01/2021 14:41:00.921 Loading custom script xMyth4.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.922 Registering custom script named xMyth4.
07/01/2021 14:41:00.922 Loading custom script xMyth5.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.922 Registering custom script named xMyth5.
07/01/2021 14:41:00.922 Loading custom script xMyth6.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.922 Registering custom script named xMyth6.
07/01/2021 14:41:00.922 Loading custom script xMyth7.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.922 Registering custom script named xMyth7.
07/01/2021 14:41:00.922 Loading custom script xMyth8.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.923 Registering custom script named xMyth8.
07/01/2021 14:41:00.923 Loading custom script xMyth9.cs…
07/01/2021 14:41:00.923 Registering custom script named xMyth9.
07/01/2021 14:41:01.488 Closing SoundSystem…
07/01/2021 14:41:01.488 Freeing BASS library
07/01/2021 14:41:01.488 SoundSystem closed!
07/01/2021 14:41:01.488 Deleting fxts…
07/01/2021 14:41:01.488 Unloading scripts…
07/01/2021 14:41:01.488 Unregistering custom script named xMyth1.
07/01/2021 14:41:01.488 Unregistering custom script named xMyth10
07/01/2021 14:41:01.488 Unregistering custom script named xMyth11
07/01/2021 14:41:01.488 Unregistering custom script named xMyth12
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth13
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth14
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth15
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth16
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth17
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth18
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth19
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth2.
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth20
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth21
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth22
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth23
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth24
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth25
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth26
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth27
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth28
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth29
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth3.
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth30
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth31
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth32
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth33
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth4.
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth5.
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth6.
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth7.
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth8.
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Unregistering custom script named xMyth9.
07/01/2021 14:41:01.489 Log finished.
Please remove all scripts from CLEO folder. The log clearly shows you have 30 custom script (xMyth**.cs). I guess one of them is breaking your game.
Make sure you have the same files and your CLEO directory is empty. Run the game and check if you can play without errors. You should see CLEO version in the main menu. If it crashes, then your game version is incompatible, sorry.
If your game works when CLEO is installed you can try to install some mods in CLEO folder. Add one script at a time, run the game and confirm it’s working. Then add another script and so on.
I will try But wait that is the mod i really want to have
Doesnt work even when i removed from cleo folder But is it because i still have the parts of that mod in other folders Atleast it said to put it there
07/01/2021 14:49:08.376 Log started.
07/01/2021 14:49:08.377 Unprotecting memory region ‘.text’: 0x00001000 (size: 0x00456000)
07/01/2021 14:49:08.377 Unprotecting memory region ‘.rdata’: 0x00458000 (size: 0x0004C000)
07/01/2021 14:49:08.377 Unloading plugins…
07/01/2021 14:49:08.377 Started on game of version: SA 1.0 us
07/01/2021 14:49:08.377 Injecting MenuStatusNotifier…
07/01/2021 14:49:08.377 Replacing call: 0x0057B9FD
07/01/2021 14:49:08.377 Injecting DmaFix…
07/01/2021 14:49:08.377 Replacing call: 0x0053E981
07/01/2021 14:49:08.377 Injecting TextManager…
07/01/2021 14:49:08.377 Injecting function at: 0x006A0050
07/01/2021 14:49:08.377 Injecting SoundSystem…
07/01/2021 14:49:08.378 Replacing call: 0x007487A8
07/01/2021 14:49:08.378 Injecting CustomOpcodeSystem…
07/01/2021 14:49:08.378 Injecting ScriptEngine…
07/01/2021 14:49:08.378 Replacing call: 0x0046A21B
07/01/2021 14:49:08.378 Replacing call: 0x0058D552
07/01/2021 14:49:08.378 Replacing call: 0x0058FCE4
07/01/2021 14:49:08.378 Replacing call: 0x0053BDD7
07/01/2021 14:49:08.378 Replacing call: 0x005BA340
07/01/2021 14:49:08.378 Replacing call: 0x005D4FD7
07/01/2021 14:49:08.378 Replacing call: 0x005D18F0
07/01/2021 14:49:08.378 Replacing call: 0x005D14D5
07/01/2021 14:49:08.378 Injecting function at: 0x004667DB
07/01/2021 14:49:08.499 Creating main window…
07/01/2021 14:49:08.503 Found sound device 0: No sound
07/01/2021 14:49:08.503 Found sound device 1 (default): Głośniki (2 — High Definition Audio Device)
07/01/2021 14:49:08.503 Found sound device 2: Linia (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM))
07/01/2021 14:49:08.503 On system found 3 devices, 3 enabled devices, assuming device to use: 1 (Głośniki (2 — High Definition Audio Device))
07/01/2021 14:49:08.525 SoundSystem initialized
07/01/2021 14:49:08.527 Floating-point audio supported!
07/01/2021 14:49:08.528 Audio hardware acceleration disabled (no EAX)
07/01/2021 14:49:37.857 Scripts exclusively initialized
07/01/2021 14:49:37.865 Deleting dynamic fxts…
07/01/2021 14:49:37.866 Cleaning up script data… 0 files, 0 libs, 0 file scans, 0 allocations…
07/01/2021 14:49:37.866 Searching for cleo scripts
07/01/2021 14:49:39.258 Scripts initialized
07/01/2021 14:49:39.261 Deleting dynamic fxts…
07/01/2021 14:49:39.261 Cleaning up script data… 0 files, 0 libs, 0 file scans, 0 allocations…
07/01/2021 14:49:39.262 Searching for cleo scripts
07/01/2021 14:49:39.275 void __cdecl CLEO::OnLoadScmData(void)
07/01/2021 14:49:39.275 Scripts loaded
07/01/2021 14:49:39.278 Deleting dynamic fxts…
07/01/2021 14:49:39.278 Cleaning up script data… 0 files, 0 libs, 0 file scans, 0 allocations…
07/01/2021 14:49:39.279 Loading cleo safe ./cleo/cleo_saves/cs7.sav
07/01/2021 14:49:39.279 Searching for cleo scripts
07/01/2021 14:49:40.000 Closing SoundSystem…
07/01/2021 14:49:40.000 Freeing BASS library
delete ./cleo/cleo_saves/cs7.sav
and see if it helps.
I would recommend to have a separate clean installation of the game without any mods. Please try to install CLEO 4.4 there and report if it’s working.
Do you mean re install? And when i went to the cleo_saves folder theres no cs7.sav
I have re installed cleo its a clear version and this time it Works But i really want the misterix mod Can you send me link to a working one?
Sorry, I’m not supporting third-party scripts. Please ask the mod author to help with your issue.
Ok thanks for helping Cleo library finnaly works for me Have a good day
i have a same problem it always crash to me when i load game