Common Name Mismatch Error — достаточно популярная ошибка, возникающая в том случае, когда значение Common Name или SAN вашего SSL/TLS-сертификата не соответствует домену. Ошибка может по-разному выводиться в зависимости от используемого браузера.
К примеру, в Internet Explorer сообщение об ошибке выглядит следующим образом: «There is a problem with this website’s security certificate. The security certificate presented by this website was issues for a different website’s address».
В Chrome сообщение об ошибке имеет вид: «Your connection is not private. Attackers might be trying to steal your information from URL (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards) NET:ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID.
Если вы столкнулись с подобной ошибкой, не игнорируйте ее и не переходите на такой сайт. Возможно, что вы в конечном счете окажетесь на мошенническом сайте. Для владельцев сайтов рекомендации по устранению ошибки приведены далее.
Как решить проблему с Common Name Mismatch
Возможные причины появления ошибки:
1. Адрес сайта не был включен в common name сертификата
Эта причина является одной из самых распространенных. К примеру, вы приобрели SSL-сертификат, который распространяется на, однако URL без www не был включен как SAN.
Чаще всего при покупке SSL-сертификата для доменного имени удостоверяющие центры бесплатно включают и домен без www (после его успешной проверки). Добавить необходимый домен можно и после выпуска сертификата (для мультидоменных сертификатов). Для этого потребуется перевыпустить сертификат с новым составом SAN имен.
2. Сертификат не установлен или некорректно установлен на сервер.
Убедитесь в том, что сертификат установлен на сервер, и это было выполнено корректно. Сделать это можно с помощью нашего SSL-чекера.
3. Веб-сайт не использует SSL, но находится на том же самом IP-адресе, что и другой сайт с SSL-сертификатом.
Некоторые хостинги требуют поддержки выделенного IP-адреса для установки SSL. Если какой-либо клиент установит SSL-сертификат на общий IP-адрес, это может помешать работе других сайтов.
Также бывают случаи, когда клиентское соединение или хостинговые серверы не поддерживают SNI (Server Name Indication). Однако практически все современные хостинги поддерживают SNI.
Решить проблему в таком случае можно путем получения выделенного IP-адреса (и смены настроек DNS).
4. Вы пытаетесь получить доступ к IP-адресу.
Ошибка может произойти в том случае, если кто-либо пытается установить HTTPS-соединение для IP-адреса. HTTPS-запрос к IP-адресу не содержит имя сервера, что и выливается в подобную ошибку.
Чтобы решить проблему, просто перейдите на страницу, указав имя хоста, а не IP-адрес.
5. Параметры хостинга переопределяют настройки сертификата
Ваш хостинг-провайдер может иметь настройки, которые привязывают SSL к каждому из доменов. Если вы приобретете SSL/TLS-сертификат у стороннего провайдера и установите его, вы увидите ошибку Common Name Mismatch.
Перейдите в чекер SSL-сертификатов и посмотрите полные данные по сертификату. Если common name или SAN включают в себя имя вашего хостинг-провайдера, то в таком случае, вероятно, проблема как раз в этом.
Вам нужно будет связаться с хостинг-провайдером и попросить его удалить SSL-сертификат. Если он этого не сделает, то в таком случае вам понадобится найти другого провайдера. Вас не должны ограничивать в возможности установки SSL-сертификатов.
6. Доменное имя связано со старым IP-адресом, на котором стоит другой сертификат
Если доменное имя связано со старым IP-адресом, который еще не был изменен, и на нем стоит другой сертификат, то в таком случае можно столкнуться с ошибкой Common Name Mismatch Error. Решить эту проблему можно путем смены DNS.
7. DNS-записи были недавно изменены.
Ошибка может возникнуть, если IP-адрес, к которому привязан домен, недавно менялся. Если вы приобрели выделенный IP-адрес, и SSL-сертификат был установлен сразу после этого, домен по-прежнему может быть связан с прошлым IP-адресом.
Чтобы решить проблему, просто подождите некоторое время. Как только DNS-записи будут обновлены, ошибка исчезнет.
Резюмируя вышесказанное, можно сделать вывод, что ошибка Common Name Mismatch Error происходит в результате неверных настроек сервера и указания неверных данных при покупке сертификата. Если проблема состоит в добавлении SAN, вы можете связаться с нами, и мы поможем вам оформить все грамотно.
Если же проблема связана с конфигурацией сервера, то в таком случае вам необходимо обратиться к своему хостингу или IT-специалистам.
Common Name Mismatch Error is a widespread error that occurs when the Common Name or SAN value of your SSL / TLS certificate does not correspond to the domain name. The error message may have different content depending on the browser used.
For example, Internet Explorer will display following error message: «There is a problem with this website’s security certificate. The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website’s address.
In Chrome, the error message looks like: «Your connection is not private. Attackers might be trying to steal your information from the URL (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards) NET: ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID.
If you encounter any of the above mentioned or similar error messages, you should not disregard them and proceed further to such a web site. It is most likely that you will eventually end up on a fraudulent site. Recommendations for fixing an error for site owners are given below.
How to fix Common Name Mismatch problem
Possible causes of error:
1. The site address was not included in the common name of the certificate.
This reason is one of the most commonly occurred. For example, if you purchase an SSL certificate that extends to, however URL without www was not included as a SAN.
Most often, when an SSL certificate is purchased for a domain name such as, certifying authorities also include a domain without leading www prefix (after successfully validating it). Required domain name can be added after the issuance of the certificate (for multi-domain certificates). In order to accomplish that, you will need to reissue the certificate with the new SAN names.
2. The certificate is not installed or is incorrectly installed on the server.
Make sure that the certificate was properly installed on the server. This can be verified via our SSL-checker.
3. The website does not have SSL certificate installed, however it has the same IP address as another site with a properly installed SSL certificate.
Some hosting services may require static IP address for SSL installation. If an SSL certificate will be installed on a web site with a dynamic IP address, it may interfere with operations of other web sites.
In addition, there are certain cases when the client connection or hosting servers do not support SNI (Server Name Indication). However, almost every modern hosting provider supports SNI.
Above issue can be resolved by obtaining static IP address (and alter the DNS settings).
4. You are trying to access the IP address.
An error can occur if someone tries to establish an HTTPS connection for an IP address. The HTTPS request to the IP address does not contain the server name, which results in a similar error.
To solve the problem, simply go to the page and specify the host name, not the IP address.
5. Hosting parameters override certificate settings.
Your hosting provider may apply settings that bind SSL to each of the domains. If you purchase an SSL / TLS certificate from a third-party provider and install it, you will see a Common Name Mismatch error.
Go to the SSL certificate checker and overview an entire information about the certificate. In case if you find that a common name or SAN includes the name of your hosting provider, most likely that it is the root causing the issue.
You will need to contact the hosting provider and ask them to remove the SSL certificate. If he does not, then in this case you will need to find another provider. Your web hosting provider should not restrict your ability of installing an SSL certificate.
6. The domain name is associated with an old IP address used with another installed certificate.
If the domain name is associated with an old IP address that has not been changed and a different certificate is referring to the same IP address, then you may encounter a Common Name Mismatch Error. You can solve this problem by changing DNS record.
7. DNS records were recently changed.
An error may occur if the IP address with associated web domain has been recently changed. If you purchased a static IP address and installed an SSL certificate, the domain may still be linked to the previously used IP address.
Correct solution to the issue, would be to wait until DNS records will be updated. The error will disappear afterwards.
To summarize the above, we may conclude that the Common Name Mismatch Error occurs because of incorrect server settings or providing incorrect information when buying an SSL certificate. Should you require adding a SAN, you are welcome to contact us, and we will provide you our technical expertise on how to arrange this.
In case if problem is associated with the server configuration, you will need to seek for advice from your web hosting or IT-specialists.
My VirtualBox Ubuntu 14.04 wasn’t booting properly, and I read somewhere about updating my packages. Along the way Grub got updated and now I am stuck in rescue mode. It says «error: mismatched names».
I have no clue what to do and I can’t find anything. Any help?
asked Aug 7, 2014 at 20:51
Although I have never done this in Virtual Box, my normal solution is to use the boot-repair
tool. According to a few blog posts I found on google, other people were able to use it to repair a linux installation in Virtual Box.
First, boot Virtual Box from an Ubuntu .iso
file (you can download it from the Ubuntu website).
Then install and run boot-repair
as in this guide.
Restart Virtual Box, and hopefully this fixes your problem!
answered Aug 7, 2014 at 21:16
3,8101 gold badge24 silver badges38 bronze badges
Security Certificate Errors
The following warnings are presented when you access a website that has a security certificate installed that was issued to a domain other than the you accessed.
Internet Explorer: «The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website’s address.»
Firefox: « uses an invalid security certificate.» or «The certificate is only valid for the following names: ,»
This happens when the common name to which an SSL Certificate is issued (e.g., doesn’t exactly match the name displayed in the URL bar. Any difference will cause the web browser to halt and display a name mismatch error. This error can happen even if the correct certificate is installed properly. For example, you connect to the website via the IP address or an internal name but the certificate was issued to the fully-qualified domain name (or vice versa).
It is also possible that a self-signed certificate could be installed instead of a server-specific security certificate issued by a Certificate Authority (like DigiCert), or that the domain name was misspelled in the request.
If your website is secured by a certificate with the name you will receive this error if you connect using any of the following names:
- example.local
Even though all of the above addresses would get you to a site with a valid certificate, you could still get a name error if you are connecting to a name other than the one that the certificate was issued to.
DigiCert’s Multi-Domain (SAN) Certificates were designed to resolve this problem by allowing one certificate to be issued to multiple names (i.e., fully-qualified domain names or IP addresses).
To check your certificate for a name error, we recommend that you use our SSL Certificate Checker. Enter your domain in the server address box; if the certificate name doesn’t match, you will get an error message stating «Certificate does not match name».
Below are a few more warning messages for different browsers.
Google Chrome: «This is probably not the site you are looking for! You attempted to reach, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as This may be caused by a misconfiguration on the server or by something more serious. An attacker on your network could be trying to get you to visit a fake (and potentially harmful) version of You should not proceed.»
Internet Explorer 6: «Information you exchange with this site cannot be viewed or changed by others. However, there is a problem with the site’s security certificate. The name on the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site. Do you want to proceed?»
Internet Explorer 7: «There is a problem with this website’s security certificate. The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website’s address. Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.»
Firefox 3&4: «You have asked Firefox to connect securely to, but we can’t confirm that your connection is secure. Normally, when you try to connect securely, sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are going to the right place. However, this site’s identity can’t be verified. uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is only valid for the following names: ,»
«You have attempted to establish a connection with «». However, the security certificate presented belongs to «». It is possible, though unlikely, that someone may be trying to intercept your communication with this web site. If you suspect the certificate shown does not belong to «», please cancel the connection and notify the site administrator.»
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Editor’s Note: This blog was originally published in April of 2017 and has been recently updated.
Ever landed on a website and received an error like this?
Chrome: ‘This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from This may cause a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection’
Internet Explorer: ‘The security certificate presented by this website was issues for a different website’s address. Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.’
There are several different ways this can be presented, depending on the browser and the version of the browser you are using. Whether you are a website visitor or the website owner, though, an error like this isn’t something you want to see!
So let’s just start by explaining what this error means.
A common name mismatch error occurs when the common name or SAN of your SSL/TLS Certificate does not match the domain or address bar in the browser. This can happen simply by visiting instead of if the certificate does not have them both listed in the SAN of the certificate.
First things first, if you are not the website owner, you need to get in touch with someone who can fix the issue. DO NOT go ahead and continue anyway. It is quite possible that the error is showing because a hacker or phisher is trying to pass an impostor website off as the website you are trying to visit.
If you own the website or domain and you want to resolve this error, here are some tips to follow:
How to Solve a Common Name Mismatch Error
You could be having this issue for several reasons, so you should start with a thorough analysis. Start by entering the domain of your website into GlobalSign’s SSL checker.
Figure 1 Results of using SSL Checker on Website with Mismatch Error
The first thing to look for when doing this check is to find out what certificate is currently configured to a domain or IP address on the server. This will normally help you identify why you are getting the error, as there can be quite a few reasons.
The main thing to remember is there is nothing wrong with the SSL/TLS Certificate or with your website per se. At some point between someone visiting a domain and someone reaching your website, the wrong certificate is being presented.
You may need to contact your IT department to find out where the certificate was installed and where it is being configured.
The website address was not included in your common name by mistake
It might be as simple as the example mentioned above. You have purchased a certificate with the common name, but not added as a SAN to the certificate.
Make sure you click ‘Ignore Certificate Mismatch’ in the GlobalSign SSL Checker and it will take you to a full analysis of the SSL/TLS Certificate on that domain. You can see from the Common Name and SAN section if the correct domains and IPs are included.
Figure 2 Results when you follow ‘Ignore Certificate Mismatch’ and inspect the full certificate
When you order a certificate from GlobalSign with your common name as, we will give you for free if you validate on If you put as your common name, we have a UC SAN option so you can add for free during your ordering process. You can also add it after issuance by editing your SAN options.
The website does not use SSL but shares an IP address with a site that does
If your website is sharing an IP address with other sites, this may or may not matter and solutions may vary.
You may be on a shared host. Some hosting companies require a dedicated IP address to support SSL. If one of the customers sharing that IP address has installed an SSL/TLS Certificate on that shared IP, it could interfere with the other sites.
It could also be that the client connecting or the server hosting (or both) do not support Server Name Indication (SNI).
An example of this would be if you have (default site) and hosted on the same IP. You have certificates for both and they are both configured. If the server does not support SNI, only the default SSL Certificate will be served up. If the client does not support SNI, they will only see the default site’s certificate.
If the server and client support SNI, the correct certificate is served up each time. Pretty much all modern clients and servers support SNI but it can cause issues with legacy systems.
So as a solution, you may have to support SNI or get a dedicated IP (which involves DNS settings changes).
The website no longer exists, yet the domain name still points to the old IP address, where some other site is now hosted
DNS settings will help you here as well. Make sure the DNS is pointing to the new IP not the old one!
The hosting provider you go with has pre-configured settings which override your certificate installation
Your hosting provider may have some settings pre-configured which force SSL on each of their domains. If you purchase an SSL/TLS Certificate from another third-party Certificate Authority and install it, you will see a mismatch error.
Like above, go to ‘Ignore Certificate Mismatch’ in the GlobalSign SSL Checker to see the full certificate details. If the common name or SAN includes the name of your hosting provider, this is probably what is happening.
You need to contact your hosting provider and have them remove their certificate so you can install yours. If they say they will not do this – switch hosting providers as this is bad practice. You should be able to get an SSL/TLS Certificate from wherever you want.
Configurations of your server or firewall
You should pay attention to your firewall and load balancer settings. A firewall in particular can be set to grab a certificate from one server even though it points to multiple servers, so you need to make sure this is set-up correctly.
Sadly, in this situation, you are the only one who can fix the issue and should have some IT knowledge or at least, have someone hired who can help you with IT.
In summary, it’s important to get all the information correct during the ordering process and have your server set-up and configured properly. If you aren’t sure about how to add a SAN or include your base domain in the ordering process, give us a call today.
If you think the issue lies with your server configurations, you should talk to your IT team or hosting company.
May 24, 2022 12:13:21 PM
Laura R
The beneficiary name is mismatched
Hello there,
at my payment methods it says that the beneficiary name is mismatched, I guess because my surnames in my bank account have accent marks and in my Upwork profile I can not put them.
Any chance you could have my payment method activated already?
Thank you!
May 24, 2022 02:13:58 PM
Oct 11, 2022 06:22:52 PM
Andrea G
Hi Laura,
Our account support team actively reviews verified name mismatches. Please allow up to 48 hours for the team to review the name mismatch on your account. If our team finds an issue with your payment method, we will reach out to you directly with instructions on how to correct it. You can learn more about this here.
If it’s been more than 48 hours and you still see the name mismatch notification on your account, a quick way to contact support is by clicking the «Get Support» button that shows at the bottom right corner of this page.
This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.
Thank you!
~ Arjay
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Sep 25, 2022 07:57:45 PM
Saroj R
Sep 26, 2022 10:43:36 AM
Ana S
It says that my Upwork name and beneficiary name are mismatched, but they are absolutely the same on my Upwork account and bank account. Can someone check this?
Sep 26, 2022 12:39:25 PM
Nikola S
Hi Ana,
Thank you for reaching out to us. I checked but I don’t see a name mismatch notification on your account. Could you please share a screenshot of the message you receive on your end so that we can assist you accordingly?
~ Nikola
Sep 26, 2022 01:11:12 PM
Ana S
Hi Nikola, it seems like it went away in the meantime All good now, thanks!
Sep 26, 2022 02:11:33 AM
Sep 26, 2022 04:04:05 AM
Pradeep H
I keep getting the error «The beneficiary
name on the payment method you added doesn’t match the name on your Upwork account. This match is required. You can try adding another payment method to resolve this.»
But my PayPal and my upwork name are the same and both have been verified. Please can you help so I can get paid, I’ve been trying to do this for months.
thanks, Rachael
**Edited for Community Guidelines**
Sep 26, 2022 01:06:14 PM
Pradeep H
Hi Rachael,
Thank you for reaching out to us. I shared your report with our team and one of our agents will reach out to you on your registered email address to assist you further. You can access your support tickets here .
Thank you,
Sep 26, 2022 12:08:39 PM
Andre Augusto M
Every time I try to add a new payment method it gets blocked for days saying «The beneficiary name is mismatched», which is not true.
The name I put in the payment method is my full name, EXACTLY the same name on my profile.
Is there any way to solve this bug in your system?
See printscreen of my profile name and payment method.
Sep 26, 2022 01:11:30 PM
Arjay M
Hi Andre Augusto,
I have reached out to the team handling your case and I’m pleased to inform you that the name mismatch on your account is now cleared. Let me know if you need further assistance.
~ Arjay
Sep 26, 2022 10:39:13 PM
How can I add the payment method, it’s saying the beneficiary name doesn’t match with your account, but when I am checking I found both are same then why it’s happening? Can anybody help me with this?
Sep 27, 2022 12:18:48 AM
Annie Jane B
Thank you for reaching out to us. Generally, it may take 48 hours for the team to review the name mismatch on your account. If our team finds an issue with your payment method, we will reach out to you directly with instructions on how to correct it. You can learn more about this here.
Please also note that for security reasons, when you set up a new payment method, it will become available for use 3 calendar days after it has been added.
~ AJ
Sep 27, 2022 04:36:49 AM
Sep 27, 2022 04:37:19 AM
I had changed my profile name, and am now unable to add a new payment method, able to see an error message ‘profile name doesn’t match with the account’. and when I am getting identity verification it is showing already verified.
So now there is no way to fix on my end. could you please help me with this.?
Sep 27, 2022 08:01:11 AM
Sep 27, 2022 08:01:47 AM
Anke V
The platform has deactivated my payment method because the name doesn’t coincide with my name, but that is because it’s a shared account with my wife! Please I need this resolved as soon as possible.
I’ve even changed the name of the account to coincide with hers but it still is deactivated
Sep 27, 2022 10:37:55 AM
Nikola S
Hi Anke,
Thank you for reaching out to us. I checked and it seems that you already created a support ticket for the issue you are experiencing. Please allow more time for our team to review your case and respond accordingly to your ticket. You will be notified of their response.
~ Nikola
Sep 27, 2022 05:08:49 PM
Anke V
How long does this normally take? Because they were very fast to deactivate my payment method; almost immediate. And yet the «support ticket» has been there with no response since yesterday. Both of them.
Sep 27, 2022 06:53:04 PM
Sep 27, 2022 06:53:54 PM
Arjay M
Hi Anke,
I have reached out to the team handling your case. One of the members has responded to you via email with more information on the status of your account and instructions on how to clear the issue. Feel free to communicate with the team through that email so that they can assist you more efficiently. Thank you!
~ Arjay
Sep 28, 2022 07:17:44 PM
Sep 28, 2022 08:53:25 PM
Pradeep H
I did what was asked, submited all the relevent information (ID, bank statement, address, etc) and your team has the audacity to say that it doesn’t work and gives no explination as to why. Just said «No we don’t believe you even though it’s all correct».
The case was assinged to «**Edited for Community Guidelines**» but quite frankly, not the most helpful. The ID of the ticket is #37073699 so if someone with actual common sense can help, that would be great.
Sep 28, 2022 09:30:08 PM
Pradeep H
Hi Anke,
Thank you for your message. I am sorry to hear about your experience. I have followed up with the relevant team and one of our team members has already responded to you via the same support ticket. Please don’t hesitate to follow up with them on the same support ticket if you have additional questions regarding your concern.
Thank you,
Sep 30, 2022 08:13:07 AM
Anke V
Your agents are not helpful.
Sep 27, 2022 05:50:46 PM
Anke V
Another thing: The first request was set to «solved» when I spoke to no one and just to reiterate, no the problem isn’t «solved».
Sep 28, 2022 07:25:46 AM
Gokalp K
I cannot get my payment. I think my name is Gökalp Kılıç and it is what bank account owner name. Upwork forces me to write it as Gokalp Kilic, that probably is what makes information mismatch. I hope you can solve this problem because i have money in my account, all of my informations are true yet you didnt send it to me.
Error cod was: ref 516858784 Rejected
Sep 28, 2022 10:34:56 AM
Nikola S
Hi Gokalp,
Thank you for reaching out to us. I reached out to the team handling your case and your name mismatch is now approved. Let us know if you need further assistance.
~ Nikola
Sep 28, 2022 12:37:26 PM
Megan H
I recently got married and my last name has changed. I have updated what I can through Upwork but I am still receiving a message claiming that the name on my account doesn’t match the name on my bank account so I haven’t been able to process any of my payments? Can anyone help?
Sep 28, 2022 01:33:16 PM
Arjay M
Hi Megan,
Thank you for reaching out to us. I shared your report with our team and one of our agents will reach out to you using a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your support tickets here.
~ Arjay
Sep 28, 2022 12:49:32 PM
Shaikh Abdullah S
I have changed my name to match my bank title as well but there is still no response from upwork. There is the Get Support chat bot which seriously has done very little to help me get my problem to the support team. Pls reply to this message as soon as you see it. Thank You.
Sep 28, 2022 02:04:13 PM
Arjay M
Hi Shaikh Abdullah,
I have checked your account and it looks like you have a Bank Account or Payment Method under a Different Name. I have escalated your concern to the relevant team and one of the members will be assisting you further via a support ticket. Also, expect a notification on your email with instructions on how to clear the issue. You can access your ticket here once your account has been fully reviewed.
~ Arjay
Sep 28, 2022 01:22:49 PM
Juan Pablo O
Hey everyone!
I am adding a new bank account that belongs to my company (an LLC in the US) as a payment method, and it seems Upwork expects it to match my personal name. As per this article, it looks like that restriction can be overridden by submitting evidence in writing, but it doesn’t state where to send it and it seems the support bot has taken over the chat, so I can’t even get to talk to a human.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance!
Sep 28, 2022 02:54:49 PM
Arjay M
Hi Juan Pablo,
I have escalated your request to the appropriate team and one of the members will be assisting you further via email. You can also expect an update here with a support ticket where you can also coordinate with the team.
~ Arjay
Sep 29, 2022 08:27:01 AM
Ömer H
In order to receive payments, I need to have the same name in my Upwork account with the name in my local bank account. I have some Turkish characters in my full name. When I try to edit my name ‘Ömer Hattapoğlu’ in Upwork, it lacks a character and seem as ‘Ömer Hattapolu’. Can somebody please help me with this?
Sep 29, 2022 10:22:17 AM
Andrea G
Hi Ömer,
For the purposes of adding a payment method rest assured that, if there is a name mismatch, our team will review and approve the payment method manually or reach out to you for clarification. You can learn more about it here.
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I’m contributing an answer as I experienced this problem when putting a fitted XGBRegressor model into production. Thus, this is a solution for cases where you cannot select column names from a y training or testing DataFrame, though there may be cross-over which could be helpful.
The model had been fit on a Pandas DataFrame, and I was attempting to pass a single row of values as a np.array to the predict function. Processing the values of the array had already been performed (reverse label encoded, etc.), and the array was all numeric values.
I got the familiar error:
ValueError: feature_names mismatch
followed by a list of the features, followed by a list of the same length: ['f0', 'f1' ....]
While there are no doubt more direct solutions, I had little time and this fixed the problem:
- Make the input vector a Pandas Dataframe:
series = {'feature1': [value],
'feature2': [value],
'feature3': [value],
'feature4': [value],
'feature5': [value],
'feature6': [value],
'feature7': [value],
'feature8': [value],
'feature9': [value],
'feature10': [value]
self.vector = pd.DataFrame(series)
- Get the feature names that the trained model knows:
names = model.get_booster().feature_names
- Select those feature from the input vector DataFrame (defined above), and perform iloc indexing:
result = model.predict(vector[names].iloc[[-1]])
The iloc transformation I found here.
Selecting the feature names – as models in the Scikit Learn implementation do not have a feature_names
attribute – using get_booster( ).feature_names
I found in @Athar post above.
Check out the the documentation to learn more.
Hope this helps.