Error missing server jvm at c java bin server jvm dll

After having downloaded elasticsearch and unzipped it following the steps in this link: Install Elastic Search on Windows I am receiving the following error: Error: missing 'server' JVM at 'C:

After having downloaded elasticsearch and unzipped it following the steps in this link:

Install Elastic Search on Windows

I am receiving the following error:

Error: missing 'server' JVM at 'C:Program Files (x86)Javajre1.8.0_131binserverjvm.dll'.
Please install or use the JRE or JDK that contains these missing components.

Note: I also had to install the JDK8 as suggested in this resolution

Should I change something in the .config file? Maybe this line?

 # force the server VM (remove on 32-bit client JVMs)

asked Jun 14, 2017 at 18:19

BassMHL's user avatar


Quick (hack) alternative:

  1. Copy jdk1.8.0_131binclient to jdk1.8.0_131binserver
  2. If necessary, configure Elasticsearch JVM heap size in config/jvm.options

answered Oct 20, 2017 at 18:18

Francis Nepomuceno's user avatar

I solved this by installing Java JRE 64-bit.

And then setting the environment variable JAVA_HOME to this version. (In my case C:Program FilesJavajre1.8.0_131)

answered Jul 6, 2017 at 14:50

Heiner's user avatar


1,6991 gold badge16 silver badges32 bronze badges


Set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the path of your JDK 8 installation.

You can do this on the command line as the example below illustrates:

SET JAVA_HOME="C:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.8.0_131"

Confirm that the correct version of the JDK is in your PATH with:

javac -version

answered Jul 6, 2017 at 14:57

Saheed's user avatar


8,3121 gold badge28 silver badges28 bronze badges


I solved my issue editing that line of file jvm.options from:

# force the server VM


# force the server VM

answered Dec 28, 2017 at 12:10

PedroMVM's user avatar


3261 gold badge6 silver badges13 bronze badges

I had same issue:

Error: missing ‘server’ JVM at ‘C:Program Files (x86)Javajre1.8.0_131binserverjvm.dll’.
Please install or use the JRE or JDK that contains these missing components.

It got resolved just by setting java_home:

SET JAVA_HOME="C:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.8.0_131"

Dima Kozhevin's user avatar

answered Aug 16, 2020 at 17:22

sudhir kushwaha's user avatar

I faced this issue while running SonarQube Server on my local machine.

If none of the above solution works just check the SonarQube Version you are using and the JDK version it runs on which is mentioned on the SonarQube site.

Mine was SonarQube 7.9.3

Changing JDK 15.0.1 to 11.0.9 Fixed the issue.

answered Nov 17, 2020 at 6:08

Karthik's user avatar


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  2. Trouble Creating Personal Server
  3. Error missing server jvm at minecraft
  4. Ошибки при запуске серверов, помогите пожалуйста
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  7. Error missing server jvm at minecraft
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Minecraft Forums

Trouble Creating Personal Server

Windows 7 Ultimate 2009: Intel Core 2 Quad CP Q6600 @ 2.40ghz: 4 GB Ram: 32bit Operating System

— Installed and verified latest version of java through control panel.

— Installed minecraft_server.1.8 onto my C: drive and ran. Mincraft Server Log and Chat has no info. Read tutorial that said it’s a bug in the exe and I should download minecraft_server.1.8.jar

— Installed minecraft_server.1.8.jar and followed tutorial. Created StartServer.bat and edited it with.
@Echo off
«C:Program FilesJavajre7binjava.exe» -server -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar minecraft_server.1.8.jar
. Saved and ran. Error: missing ‘server’ JVM at ‘C:ProgramJavajre7binserverjvm.dll’. Please install or use the JRE or JDK that contains these missing components.

— Read tutorial, installed and ran jdk-8u20-windows-i586.exe

— Ran StartServer.bat and still get same error.

My goal is to create a server my brother and I can both play at anytime. Just the two of us.

Thanks for any help.

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I uninstalled all Java programs through the control panel / programs. I re-started my computer and installed the latest Java. Verified through the control panel that the Java was up to date. Re-installed jdk-8u20-windows-i586.exe. Ran StartSever.bat and again I get the same error.

Thanks for the reply but did not fix.

  • Tree Puncher
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Found something interesting within the error and Java folders.

Error: missing ‘server’ JVM at ‘C:ProgramJavajre7binserverjvm.dll’.

I downloaded jvm.dll file. Cut and pasted to the java folder but. The java folder does not have a server folder. It has a client folder with the correct jvm.dll file.

Is it possible that the minecraft jar program is looking for a folder called server and can’t find one. Is this possibly a scripting error in the jar file?

*note: I have hidden folders turned on and still no server folder.

*note: Do not rename the client folder with server. does not fix.

*note: Creating a folder named server and copying the jvm.dll to it doesn’t work.

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also. I tried to create a server back on version 1.7.9 and the Minecraft Server Log and Chat was empty. Not sure if that helps but I wanted to point out the I don’t think it’s the 1.8 update that is causing the problem.

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«C:Program FilesJavajre7binjava.exe» -server -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar minecraft_server.1.8.jar

-server this is wrong. It should be -client

  • Cobalt Miner
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«C:Program FilesJavajre7binjava.exe» -server -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar minecraft_server.1.8.jar

-server this is wrong. It should be -client

  • Tree Puncher
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Thank you poiihy,

Is that the memory allotted? Just curious. I got the game to load on localhost. I’m going to test it on my laptop to see if I can connect. I’m pretty good at all the other port forwarding and opening my firewall. I hope this is the beginning to a new life in a new world.

  • Cobalt Miner
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Thank you poiihy,

Is that the memory allotted? Just curious. I got the game to load on localhost. I’m going to test it on my laptop to see if I can connect. I’m pretty good at all the other port forwarding and opening my firewall. I hope this is the beginning to a new life in a new world.

  • Tree Puncher
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Thank you, I’m a noob but very excited about setting this up.

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  • Stone Miner
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I know but I am not talking about the -Xmx, I am talking about the -jar. his uses -client. should be -jar. Wait nvm it already has -jar in there, -client is just added.

So whatever you don’t need the -client

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I know but I am not talking about the -Xmx, I am talking about the -jar. his uses -client. should be -jar. Wait nvm it already has -jar in there, -client is just added.

So whatever you don’t need the -client

  • Out of the Water
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Hi all, i need some guidance on this matter, since anything I’ve tried (sintaxis, batch file) seems to be of use. I simply can’t allocate more RAM to my 1.8 server. I get some Java errors (got JRE 7_67 32-bit, WIN8.1 Pro, 8GB RAM on i5 laptop). I’ve tried to allocate 512M up to a max of 1024M with no results. Maybe I skipped a step or something like that.

Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred.
Program will exit.

Error: Unable to access jarfile minecraft_server.1.8.jar

Separately of the batch file sintaxis, none seems to work, I have no experience as a Java user/programmer so I plead patience from you.

Thanks in advance.

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For a small server for just 2 people you would only need 512 Mb ram and 2.3Ghz CPU isn’t much
I recommend just buying a server from a host it is only like $4-$5 a month for a server that size! but it will be worth it!
If you really want a small server that you can just run at home I would allocate 512Mb ram to it and use Hamachi (Which will save you time port-farwarding)
Here are the steps to install hamachi all you need is a pre-made vanilla server (Run once first):

1. Download the unmanaged hamachi version here(Free):
2. Run the file you have downloaded and select the options you would like
3. Open up Hamachi, type in your name and click create a new network, enter a username/pass
4. Up the top it will have 2 Ip addresses right click them and copy your Ipv4 address
5. Open your server properties file (After you have ran your minecraft server)
6. Paste the Ipv4 address where it asks for a ip address
7. Make sure the users connecting have hamachi (If not tell them to do steps 1-2), after this tell them to open up hamachi and click join network tell them your username/password of which you created in step 3 they will need to type this in and click connect
8. Give them your Ipv4 address (Of which you got in step 4,).
9. Run the server, they can now connect to your server using the IPv4 address you gave them!

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Error missing server jvm at minecraft

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Ошибки при запуске серверов, помогите пожалуйста


Ошибки при запуске серверов,
На примере (сначала с вашего сайта качал)
при запуске случается такое, что только уже не делал все тщетно, помогите пожалуйста

Detected following JVM error:
Error: missing `server’ JVM at `C:Program Files (x86)Javajre1.8.0_231binserverjvm.dll’.
Please install or use the JRE or JDK that contains these missing components.
JVM test failed. Can’t run server, Exiting.
Для продолжения нажмите любую клавишу . . .

переустанавливал виндус 3 раза, жаву перекачивал переустанавливал удалял разными способами все бесполезно, папку клиент тоже переименовывал

#1 | 11 января 2020 — 20:23

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Error missing server jvm at minecraft



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Home » Newcomers » Newcomers » Error with missing ‘server’ JVM

Re: Error with missing ‘server’ JVM [message #1826201 is a reply to message #1826187] Tue, 21 April 2020 05:09
Ed Merks
Messages: 32628
Registered: July 2009
I’m not Mac expert and I’m not sure whether anyone else will answer.

Is that file really missing, i.e., is there a /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-13.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/server folder on your machine?

I know there is this bug open that might be related:

This might be another case of there being a symbolic link needed that’s actually packaged up as a copy of the library rather than as a symbolic link to the library.



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  • #1

    Jun 28, 2015

    Hello, I just downloaded a Mod pack from Kovacic (on YouTube), and everything flew by pretty smooth until I launched the mods. It says- «Error: missing `server’ JVM at `C:Program Files (x86)Javajre1.8.0_25binserverjvm.dll’. Please install or use the JRE or JDK that contains these missing components.» Ive installed the JRE application and I dont know where to place it… :wacko:

  • #3

    Jun 30, 2015

    Search it! That’s what I do

     ^ Its a good map, go check it out ^

    My Steam

  • #4

    Aug 3, 2015

    Same thing is happening to me and crazy craft 3.0! I’ve spent 2 days trying to fix at no luck -_-

  • #5

    Aug 3, 2015

    Go to your ‘C:’ drive and find, ‘Program Files(86X).’ Then, find, ‘Java’, and click on that. You should have the JRE and such in there. If that doesn’t work, then contact Mojang support. Know what to do.

  • #7

    Aug 3, 2015

    In simplest words, get the JRE if you just want to play Minecraft.

  • #8

    Mar 10, 2016

    Default location of JRE is: C:Program Files (x86)Javajren (for 32-bit versions) or C:Program FilesJavajren. For more insight about Java related topics you can visit:

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Posted by jpluimers on 2017/02/02

Searching for the below error message didn’t reveal useful results.

Error: missing `server' JVM at `C:Program Files (x86)Javajre1.8.0_111binserverjvm.dll'.
Please install or use the JRE or JDK that contains these missing components.

First the actual solution

[WayBack] Setup Elasticsearch | Elasticsearch Reference [5.1] | Elastic provided this solution that was introduced in[WayBack] Setup Elasticsearch | Elasticsearch Reference [5.0] | Elastic:

Elasticsearch ships with default configuration for running Elasticsearch on 64-bit server JVMs. If you are using a 32-bit client JVM, you must remove -server from jvm.options and if you are using any 32-bit JVM you should reconfigure the thread stack size from -Xss1m to -Xss320k.

I had a 32-bit JRE installation as browsers usually are 32-bit and that’s what my Java need originated from.

So I edited configjvm.options with this change:

> ## see
> ## prevent errors like Error: missing `server' JVM at `C:Program Files (x86)Javajre1.8.0_111binserverjvm.dll'.
< -server
> # -server

Note I left out the -Xss1m change out as that entry wasn’t present in configjvm.options (which is odd, but hey: documentation is always behind on code).

In a server environment, I’d probably not run Elasticsearch on Windows but on Linux and there all my software is x64 so the error should not happen.

Solving the 2 gigabyte memory limit

Immediately after trying this, I got an error about memory size:

Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for 2097152KB object heap

The reason is that in the same configjvm.options file, elasticsearch reserves 2 gigabyte of heap space which on either experimental or 32-bit systems is an enormous amount of memory. So I made this change:

< -Xms2g
< -Xmx2g
> #-Xms2g
> #-Xmx2g
> -Xms1g
> -Xmx1g

Back to my search

The search for elasticsearch “Error: missing server' JVM atC:Program Files (x86)Java” only revealed one result [WayBack] Search Lucene – pointing to [ as WayBack fails to save] ES 5.0 Alpha 3 error on starting up engine – Elasticsearch – Discuss the Elastic Stack with this content:

I have installed ES 5.0.0 Alpha 3 and try to start it up. However, it gives me the following result.

Error: missing `server' JVM at `C:Program Files (x86)Javajre1.8.0_91binserverjvm.dll'.
Please install or use the JRE or JDK that contains these missing components.

It didn’t happen to my another version of ES. Is there any errors for it?


does this work now? This seems to be a problem with Oracle JRE on Windows. The respective page6says:

        On Microsoft Windows platforms, the JDK includes both
        the Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM and Java HotSpot Client VM.
        However, the Java SE Runtime Environment for Microsoft Windows
        platforms includes only the Java HotSpot Client VM. Those wishing
        to use the Java HotSpot Server VM with the Java SE Runtime
        Environment may copy the JDKs jrebinserver folder to a 
        binserver directory in the Java SE Runtime Environment. Software
        vendors may redistribute the Java HotSpot Server VM with their
        redistributions of the Java SE Runtime Environment.

I suggest you just install a JDK. Then you should be fine (or you use the workaround they suggest).


Or directly from the [WayBack] JRE 8 README:

      binserver       On Microsoft Windows platforms, the JDK includes both
                        the Java HotSpot™ Server VM and Java HotSpot 
                        Client VM. However, the Java SE Runtime Environment 
                        for Microsoft Windows platforms includes only the 
                        Java HotSpot Client VM. Those wishing to use the 
                        Java HotSpot Server VM with the Java SE Runtime
                        Environment may copy the JDK's jrebinserver folder 
                        to a binserver directory in the Java SE Runtime 
                        Environment. Software vendors may redistribute the 
                        Java HotSpot Server VM with their redistributions of 
                        the Java SE Runtime Environment.


This entry was posted on 2017/02/02 at 06:00 and is filed under Development, Java, Java Platform, Power User, Software Development.
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  • #1

I was trying to create a FTB ultimate reloaded server. So, I downloaded the server file from curseforge website. I extracted the file and ran the FTBInstall bat file. After that I ran the server start file however, ever sing time I ran the file I get this error message:

Error: missing `server’ JVM at `C:Program Files (x86)Javajre1.8.0_261binserverjvm.dll’.
Please install or use the JRE or JDK that contains these missing components.

I tried to installing jre 8, jdk-14.0.2 and I tried reinstalling java 8 but non of these thing work. My guess is some pathing issue but I’m not sure. If you have a solution please help.

By the way I also tried to download the .exe server file from the FTB website but I couldn’t make a modded server as I only was able to place vanilla blocks so if that’s the solution can you tell me how to fix that issue.


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