Error mistake definition

В чем разница между error и mistake?. Блог курсов английского Easy Speak. Курсы английского языка для взрослых в Москве. Попробуй бесплатно на открытом уроке!

В чем разница между error и mistake?

Ошибки совершают абсолютно все, и в этом нет ничего страшного. В английском языке есть два слова error и mistake, которые переводятся, как «ошибка». Но между этими словами есть разница в использовании, о которой вы сейчас узнаете. 


Произношение и перевод:
Mistake [mɪˈsteɪk] / [мистэ’ик] – ошибка

Значение слова:
То, что было сделано неправильно


Мы используем mistake, когда говорим о том, что какое-то утверждение/мнение неправильно, или что-то сделано неверно. Например, в тексте было много ошибок. 


That move was a big mistake
Тот переезд был большой ошибкой.

The football player has made a huge mistake
Футболист совершил огромную ошибку.

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Произношение и перевод:
Error [ˈerə(r)] / [э’ра(р)] – ошибка

Значение слова:
Неправильность в чем-либо

Error является официальным словом. Мы используем его, когда говорим об ошибках в официальных документах, вычислениях и расчетах. Также error используется, когда мы говорим об ошибках в работе компьютера или программы. 


There was an error in their calculations.
В их вычислениях была ошибка.

An error message appeared on the screen.
Сообщение об ошибке появилось на экране. 

В чем разница?

Слово mistake мы используем, когда говорим о том, что что-то является неправильным или сделано неверно. Например, ученик допустил ошибку в экзаменационном билете.

Слово error мы используем также, когда говорим о том, что что-то является неправильным. Однако это слово является официальным. И используется чаще всего, когда говорится об ошибке в вычислениях и документах. Также error используется, когда речь идет об ошибке в работе техники или программ. Например, при отправке сообщения произошла ошибка.

Упражнение на закрепление

Вставьте правильные слова в следующие предложения:

1. Он осознал свою ___.
2. Не бойтесь делать ___ при разговоре на английском.
3. В вашем заявлении ___, перепишите его.
4. При загрузке возникла ___.
5. В тексте было много ___.
6. Должно быть в ваших расчетах ___.
7. Она никогда не признает своих ___.
8. Их встреча была ___.

Свои ответы оставляйте в комментариях. 

Since error and mistake are two very frequently used words and people often use them interchangeably, though they have slightly different meanings, it is important to know the difference between error and mistake. Both terms refer to something done incorrectly due to personal misjudgment or inattention, but they are used in different situations, to be more fitting. The word error is only used as a noun in sentences. Mistake, on the other hand, is used as a noun and a verb. As a verb, it is an irregular verb. Error is also used in the sense of mistake. Therefore, it is interesting to find out the difference between error and mistake.

What is an Error?

Error can be defined as an act that had been performed as a result of bad judgment. It is a deviation from accuracy or correctness or can even be defined as the holding of mistaken opinions. This word is used in formal situations and is mostly used in written language. Error is a term that is often used with regard to computing and programming problems since it is more technical than casual.

Look at the following examples.

It was an error of judgment that led to his downfall.

You do not speak in this manner. However, you can find these types of sentences used in books and such pieces of writings. That is because error is a word that is used more in written language.

I don’t know what is wrong with my computer. An error message keeps on popping when I try to print.

Here, in this sentence, the word error is meant to be computer error. You never say computer mistake. It is always a computer error.

Difference Between Error and Mistake

What is a Mistake?

A mistake can be defined as a misguided or wrong judgment, opinion or act. It is a term that is used in day to day life for such acts. A common example taken from day to day life is mistaking salt for sugar. A mistake is a wrongful act that has occurred due to the ignorance of a person and is often unintentionally done so. The term mistake is a word that is used more often in spoken English as it is not seen to be often used in formal English. Following is an example for the use of mistake.

My mistake! I mistook my umbrella for yours. Sorry!

In this sentence, the speaker says my mistake which is a commonly used phrase in such situations. Also, you can see how the verb mistake is used in the past tense for this sentence.


What is the difference between Error and Mistake?

Error and mistake are two words that imply a wrongful deed often done unintentionally. Although used in different contexts, they can at times be used interchangeably as they both refer to the same concept more or less.

The word error is used in formal language. Mistake is a word that is used in everyday parlance. Error is used with regards to technical issues. Mistake is not used in reference to such matters.


Error vs Mistake

• Mistake is used in terms of an incorrect action, opinion or judgment. It is also used to express misunderstanding: for example, “I have mistaken you.”

• Error is a mistake that causes problems or affects the result of something and is used in formal contexts.

• Both these terms can be used interchangeably in certain contexts.

Further Reading:

  1. Difference Between Exception and Error
  2. Difference Between Misrepresentation and Mistake


  1. Difference Between MISTAKE and ERROR!
  2. Telling The Time Game
  4. What is Wife’s Sister called in English?
  5. How long do cats live?
  6. Is it rude to say Thanks instead of Thank you?
  7. What is the difference between ‘open’ and ‘ is opened’ ?
  8. 26 What’s Up Synonyms
  9. Difference between AT NIGHT and IN THE NIGHT
  10. Ошибка на английском: error или mistake?
  11. Mistake
  12. Mistake существительное
  13. Mistake глагол
  14. Происхождение слова mistake
  15. Error
  16. Разница между error и mistake
  17. Вывод
  18. English2017
  19. Английский для всех простым языком
  20. Error vs mistake — есть ли разница?
  21. One thought on “ Error vs mistake — есть ли разница? ”

Error vs Mistake

Synonyms are two or more different words that bear the same or similar meaning. However, there are appropriate ways to use the words, and this will often depend on the context.

‘Error’ and ‘Mistake’ are two of these words. Both of the words mean: “A wrong action attributable to bad judgment, or ignorance, or inattention”. Many use these words interchangeably, which can be right for certain situations, but some would deem a particular word as more appropriate than the other.

As what has been said earlier, the context will dictate the proper usage. ‘Error’ and ‘mistake’ fall into the same category. Many say that ‘error’ is more severe. It is due to miscalculation and wrong judgment, that ‘mistake’, on the other hand, is less in gravity, as people normally make mistakes. However, there are also many people who will argue with this dissection.

It is highly acceptable to use ‘error’ in formal or technical contexts. In scientific or highly technical terms, the word ‘error’ is more suitable. In the world of computing and programming, ‘error’ is the more fitting term to indicate a mistake, or fault, particularly in coding and processes. ‘System Error’ sounds better than ‘System Mistake’, doesn’t it?

‘Mistake’, on the other hand, is used more in casual English conversation. Though ‘error’ may still be used in exchange, it will often sound unnatural, or technicalese. It would be awkward to say something like: “It was all an error. I am sorry!”, to your girlfriend. The more natural sounding statement would be: “It was all a mistake. I am sorry!”

In terms of etymology, the words are more deeply differentiated. The word ‘error’ came from the latin word ‘errorem’ or ‘errare’, which means ‘to wander or stray’. The root of the word ‘mistake’, nails the meaning more correctly. It is from the old Norse word, ‘mistaka’, which means ‘mis’ (wrong) and ‘taka’ (take). As a whole, it means ‘wrongly taken’.

1. Some may consider ‘error’ to be much more severe than ‘mistake’.

2. The term ‘error’ is more suitable for more formal contexts, while ‘mistake’ is used more extensively in casual conversations.

3. Etymology suggests that ‘error’ was from a latin word which means ‘to wander or stray’, while ‘mistake’ is from an old Norse word, which means ‘wrongly taken’.


Difference Between MISTAKE and ERROR!

Mistake and error mean something that is done incorrectly or wrong. Thus, they are synonyms. But the difference between these two words is in the context that they are used in.

But the difference between these two words is in the context that they are used in.

Telling The Time Game

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1. Mistake is usually a choice that turns out to be wrong.

Mistakes are usually accidental. You know it’s wrong. In other words, mistakes are performance based, and can be self-corrected. Mistake is less formal than error, and is usually used in daily speech.

  • Coming to this place was a big mistake. We only wasted our time.

2. Errors are usually made due to the lack of knowledge. So, the action was wrong because it was different from the rules, model or specific code. Error is a more formal word than mistake.

In sports, the violation of rules will be called an error.

You cannot say, “I does my homework” – that’s an error! You have to say, “I do my homework”.

I hope this makes sense.

If something is unclear, please do not hesitate to ask questions 🙂

What is Wife’s Sister called in English?

How long do cats live?

Is it rude to say Thanks instead of Thank you?

What is the difference between ‘open’ and ‘ is opened’ ?

26 What’s Up Synonyms

Difference between AT NIGHT and IN THE NIGHT

Hi, nice to meet you too .. I have a question on the following .. ‘In sports, the violation of rules will be called an error’ .. When the person playing should likely be knowing the rules so if they violate a rule it is by accident or design and not ignorance. Whereas error if I understand you correctly is by ignorance and gives you a chance to learn

Error in sports

The word error, like many others, can have a different meaning in different contexts. An error is simply a mistake. We make mistakes all the time and in different ways.

When we take that into consideration we can see that there are many different ways that you can also make an error. It’s not just because of ignorance, and if you learn anything from that it’s your choice.

So, if an error is just a mistake that means there are many ways to make errors. However, sports are a very specific case.

Let’s go over that.

When a player makes a foul it’s called an error because in that case it’s connected to judgment and not knowledge. All the players know the rules by heart, and they are trained to follow them. They don’t make errors because of a lack of knowledge, but when they have an error in judgment they can make fouls.

It’s called an error in judgment because in that moment the person judges that they can do something even though they can’t. In sports, those are fouls that happen because the player thought they could avoid the error or they were caught in the moment and made a foul because they didn’t know what else to do.

Another reason why the word error is used to describe breaking the rules in sports is that the rules are technical, and error is a technical word. So instead of using mistake or any other words, it’s best to use error in sports.


Ошибка на английском: error или mistake?

От ошибок не застрахован никто. Пожалуй, их не совершает лишь тот, кто ничего не делает. Поэтому важно знать, как на английском сказать «ошибка». Это можно сделать с помощью двух разных слов: error и mistake. Правильный выбор, как всегда, зависит от контекста. Поговорим об этом подробно в статье.


Mistake существительное

Mistake [mɪˈsteɪk] имеет два основных значения. Во-первых, это действие, последствия которого нежелательны и которое было совершено в силу неправильного понимания чего-либо, заблуждения относительно чего-либо, незнания чего-либо или невнимательности:

Coming here was a mistake. – Приезд сюда был ошибкой.

Don’t worry, everyone makes mistakes. – Не волнуйтесь, все делают ошибки.

Did I make a mistake by forgiving her? – Допустил ли я ошибку, простив ее?

terrible mistake – ужасная ошибка

big mistake – большая ошибка

silly mistake – глупая ошибка

to make a mistake – совершать ошибку:

You’re making a mistake – you’ll regret this! – Вы совершаете ошибку – вы пожалеете об этом!

Mistake – это результат мыслительной деятельности человека, его свободного выбора, решения, за которое он несет ответственность.

Во втором значении mistake представляет собой заблуждение (т. е. ложное суждение или умозаключение о реальных процессах), недопонимание, недоразумение.

Cлово mistake чаще всего употребляется в разговорной речи.

Mistake глагол

Также необходимо учитывать, что mistake – это не только существительное, но и глагол (to mistake, past tense mistook, past participle mistaken). В первом значении глагол mistake может переводиться как «неправильно понять что-либо»:

Because I was inexperienced I mistook the nature of our relationship (пример из Oxford English Dictionary). – В силу своей неопытности я неправильно понимал характер наших отношений.

Во втором значении глагол mistake означает «ошибочно принять что-либо (кого-либо) за что-либо (кого-либо)»:

  • Columbus mistook America for India. – Колумб ошибочно принял Америку за Индию.

Происхождение слова mistake

Для лучшего понимания важно знать, что слово mistake состоит из двух частей: mis и take. Первая часть – префикс mis – означает в английском «неправильно» («неправильный»), «ошибочно» («ошибочный») (например, (to) misunderstand – неправильно понять что-либо).

Вторая часть – take – означает в том числе «принять, воспринять, счесть», если это глагол. Таким образом, глагол mistake дословно означает «ошибочно (неправильно) принять, воспринять».

Как существительное take может переводиться среди прочего как «мнение», «точка зрения». К примеру:

My take is that … – Мое мнение таково, что … или По моему мнению, … или Я считаю, что …

What’s your take on this matter? – Каково твое мнение по этому вопросу?

Следовательно, существительное mistake дословно звучит на русском как «неправильное (ошибочное) мнение».


Error [ˈerə(r)] имеет более общее значение. Error и mistake соотносятся между собой как родовое и видовое понятие. Примерно так же, как соотносятся понятия ошибки и заблуждения. Другими словами, всякая ошибка mistake является error. Но не каждая ошибка error является mistake.

Согласно словарю Collins English Dictionary error так же, как и mistake, может обозначать «заблуждение». Но чаще всего это слово означает какое-либо отклонение от правил, от нормы. Другими словами, это неправильность, погрешность, промах, неточность.

  • calculation error – ошибка в вычислении, погрешность расчета.

Также с существительным error сталкивался каждый, кто работал на компьютере, который выводит это слово всякий раз, когда что-то идет не так, т. е. когда фактический результат не совпадает с ожидаемым (к примеру, когда не удается сохранить файл из-за нехватки места на диске). Например: write error, read error, disk error, memory error и т. п.

Или, к примеру, переходя в Интернете по ссылке на страницу, которой уже не существует, вы сталкиваетесь с ошибкой 404 (404 error), когда вам показывается сообщение о том, что страница не найдена.

Разница между error и mistake

Разницу между mistake и error легко понять на примере компьютерных программ. Компьютеры не делают ошибок mistakes, потому что они не свободны в выборе своих действий, а лишь выполняют то, что было запрограммировано людьми. Поэтому ошибка, выведенная на экран компьютера, называется по-английски error, а не mistake. Но человек может сделать ошибку mistake в коде программы, в результате чего компьютер покажет сообщение об ошибке error.

Или, к примеру, если на уроке английского языка вы неправильно написали слово, которое должны были выучить, то это mistake. Но если вы печатаете на компьютере английские слова и в одном из них набрали не ту букву, то это уже typographical error (опечатка). Так как это не было вашим сознательным выбором нажать не ту кнопку на клавиатуре компьютера, это вышло случайно.

Слово error имеет латинское происхождение и часто употребляется в официальных документах.

Например, в юридическом контексте:

  • судебная ошибка – judicial error.

Возможно, это связано с тем, что латынь долгое время являлась в средневековой Англии официальным языком делопроизводства. В результате этого многие латинские слова и выражения вошли в состав английского языка, в том числе юридического английского (см. также по этой теме нашу статью «Как будет «иск» на английском?»).


Слова mistake и error часто являются взаимозаменяемыми в английском языке. Однако в их употреблении все же есть тонкое различие. Так, mistake обычно обозначает сознательный выбор, который впоследствии оказывается неверным или нежелательным. Под error чаще всего имеется в виду отклонение от правил, от нормы.

Кроме того, слово error в большей степени свойственно официально-деловому стилю, т. е. чаще встречается в официальных документах, а также в составе специальных терминов, например компьютерных. В разговорной речи обычно употребляется слово mistake.



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Error vs mistake — есть ли разница?

Я задала этот вопрос своему другу Дэвиду, вот что он ответил:

«Error» означает, что что-то вышло не так.
«Mistake» означает, что кто-то виноват в этом.

Есть еще такие слова как:

«Flaw» недостаток, изъян.
«Fault» вина человека.

The words error and mistake are very similar and in most case, either could be used.

There are a few differences though.

If a computer program doesn’t work, it produces an error, not a mistake.

One thought on “ Error vs mistake — есть ли разница? ”

For a more complete definition, see this web page —

Eric Hahn, studied at MBA in Marketing

I think they are fairly synonymous.
I don’t think intent has anything to do with it.
Mistake is the more common choice when dealing with decisions or in referring to humans.
Error tends to be used in referring to more inanimate events, like a math error.

Mistake используется при решении решений или при обращении к людям.
Error как правило, используется для обращения к более неживым событиям, например, к математической ошибке.

Waqas Ahmed, All that glitter is not gold.

Mistake is something if you have commit something wrong and after go through again you realise it or figure it out what you have done wrong is called mistake.
Where as in same context as above, if you don’t realise what you have done wrong that it will be called error.

Brian Dlamini, Director ICT at Swaziland Public Procurement Agency (2014-present)

I actually make a few or so but correct them when I spot them…well er this is embarrassing….I actually made one a few days ago when I meant to call

David Greenspan, Word lover

There is some overlap in these terms, which both refer to a «wrong» action — for example, a problem gotten wrong on an exam could be called an error or a mistake — but there are also significant differences in usage and connotation.

A mistake, generally speaking, is a choice that turns out to be wrong. It could be something you decide to do on your own initiative that you later regret:

— «You’re making a mistake — you’ll regret this!»
— «Coming here was a mistake — this trip has been a waste of my time.»
— «Don’t feel bad, everyone makes mistakes.»

… or a misidentification or miscalculation where a wrong answer is produced:

— «I thought it was her, but I was mistaken.»
— «That can’t be his fingerprints, the computer must have made a mistake!»
— «I made a mistake on problem 3.»

A mistake is wrong because the outcome is found to be wrong. Mistakes are made when a free choice is made, and later called «mistakes» when they score badly in the context of the goal of determining a particular answer, or else they simply turn out to be bad choices in some later assessment.

Errors, on the other hand, are made with reference to some ideal code, model, or set of rules that would have dictated a different action. The action was wrong because it was different from the «right» or normal one under the circumstances.

Error is a more formal word and has various technical meanings:

— In sports, particular rules violations are «errors.» A «mistake» would be the coach or the referee making a poor strategic decision or a wrong call.

— Computers produce «errors» when they aren’t able to perform some step as programmed, such as connecting to the Internet or saving a file. Computers make mistakes only by spitting out the wrong answer to a question. (We don’t consider computers to originate actions willfully and be held accountable for them, except in humorous personification, so we would only jokingly say, «The computer made a big mistake by not saving my file.» However, we could completely seriously say, «The airport computer made a mistake in calling me Davidmr Greenspan,» because it is stating a wrong fact.)

— In science, «experimental error» is the completely normal and expected deviation of the measurements from the theory. Measurements are never perfect; they always contain «error» due to imperfect conditions, instruments, and models, and the question is only whether the error matches expectations in its size and nature. A «mistake,» on the other hand, could be any wrong step by the experimenters, particularly a wrong choice in experimental set-up, or else a miscalculation or misidentification, especially if it leads to a wrong conclusion.

To confuse matters a little, any mistake that occurs in the context of a formal process held to a clear standard can be called an error in something: an error in judgment, a calculation error, an error in experimental set-up. We assume for the sake of the phrase that calculation and even experimental set-ups are tightly governed by known procedures.

An «error in judgment» is typically a moral or ethical lapse, precisely because it implies there is some code governing the judgment in question. Similarly, «to err» in the oldest and grandest sense is literally to stray from the righteous path.


error vs mistake in english

Mistake and error mean something that is done incorrectly or wrong. Thus, they are synonyms. But the difference between these two words is in the context that they are used in.

But the difference between these two words is in the context that they are used in.

1. Mistake is usually a choice that turns out to be wrong.

Mistakes are usually accidental. You know it’s wrong. In other words, mistakes are performance based, and can be self-corrected. Mistake is less formal than error, and is usually used in daily speech.

  • Coming to this place was a big mistake. We only wasted our time.

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Hilarious Homophones. 50 Stupid Writing Mistakes to Avoid
Best English Grammar and Spelling Checkers Online

2. Errors are usually made due to the lack of knowledge. So, the action was wrong because it was different from the rules, model or specific code. Error is a more formal word than mistake.

In sports, the violation of rules will be called an error.

You cannot say, “I does my homework” – that’s an error! You have to say, “I do my homework”.

I hope this makes sense.

If something is unclear, please do not hesitate to ask questions 🙂

Difference between error and mistake. First of all, let me remind you that we make a mistake and not do a mistake. 

You can learn other expressions with MAKE and DO in my other post here How to use make and do correctly?



Harry is a native English teacher with over 10 years of experience both online and in face-to-face lessons. With his extensive experience in business, he specialises in Business English lessons but happily teaches ESL students with any English learning needs. 

Difference between Error and Mistake

I always hate it when I make a mistake. When I type something incorrectly when I am in a rush or say the wrong thing.

The other word you probably came across is an error.

What’s the difference between ‘error’ and ‘mistake’?

Both terms overlap each other as they both refer to a wrong or incorrect action. For example, incorrect exam answer could be called both an error and a mistake.

There are, however, significant differences.

Difference between Error and Mistake

What is the difference between mistake and error? Advanced English learning. Online English lessons on Zoom. Study advanced English at

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In most cases, a mistake is a decision that later turns out to be wrong. You might feel that you made a wrong choice (mistake) if you are not satisfied with the outcome of your decision.


An error is a more formal word and is generally used when the chosen action is compared to a set of rules. The action is considered to be wrong if it is different to the rules.

Computers, of course, produce various errors when they are not working properly.

This also got me thinking about the English vocabulary words we use when we do something incorrectly.

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INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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Alternative Words for Mistake in English

1️⃣ ERROR: There is an error in this report. You have used the wrong word.

2️⃣ TYPO: Informal English language to explain a word written incorrectly in an email or letter because you were in a rush or you cannot type very well.

There is a typo in my email, sorry I meant to say God instead of Dog.

3️⃣ MISTAKE: We make mistakes all of the time. Some can be big and some small.

Sorry, I made a mistake I meant to make my appointment for 10 am not 11 am.

We can also be mistaken in what we see. 

For example, mistaken identity refers to a situation where a person is incorrectly identified as committing a crime because he looked similar to the real criminal.

Important to remember that we MAKE mistakes not DO mistakes!!

4️⃣ BLUNDER: very informal English language to describe when you make any type of mistake.

I am sorry I made a blunder. I sent the letter to the wrong person. I will have to apologise.

There are many other informal words to use such as:




Recently, when I was watching a Newcastle United football match, the referee made many mistakes. He had a howler (bad game) and made lots of bloomers (wrong decisions)!!!

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Difference between Error and Mistake — Infographic

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english wordsError vs Mistake

Synonyms are two or more different words that bear the same or similar meaning. However, there are appropriate ways to use the words, and this will often depend on the context.

‘Error’ and ‘Mistake’ are two of these words. Both of the words mean: “A wrong action attributable to bad judgment, or ignorance, or inattention”. Many use these words interchangeably, which can be right for certain situations, but some would deem a particular word as more appropriate than the other.

As what has been said earlier, the context will dictate the proper usage. ‘Error’ and ‘mistake’ fall into the same category. Many say that ‘error’ is more severe. It is due to miscalculation and wrong judgment, that ‘mistake’, on the other hand, is less in gravity, as people normally make mistakes. However, there are also many people who will argue with this dissection.

It is highly acceptable to use ‘error’ in formal or technical contexts. In scientific or highly technical terms, the word ‘error’ is more suitable. In the world of computing and programming, ‘error’ is the more fitting term to indicate a mistake, or fault, particularly in coding and processes. ‘System Error’ sounds better than ‘System Mistake’, doesn’t it?

‘Mistake’, on the other hand, is used more in casual English conversation. Though ‘error’ may still be used in exchange, it will often sound unnatural, or technicalese. It would be awkward to say something like: “It was all an error. I am sorry!”, to your girlfriend. The more natural sounding statement would be: “It was all a mistake. I am sorry!”

In terms of etymology, the words are more deeply differentiated. The word ‘error’ came from the latin word ‘errorem’ or ‘errare’, which means ‘to wander or stray’. The root of the word ‘mistake’, nails the meaning more correctly. It is from the old Norse word, ‘mistaka’, which means ‘mis’ (wrong) and ‘taka’ (take). As a whole, it means ‘wrongly taken’.


1. Some may consider ‘error’ to be much more severe than ‘mistake’.

2. The term ‘error’ is more suitable for more formal contexts, while ‘mistake’ is used more extensively in casual conversations.

3. Etymology suggests that ‘error’ was from a latin word which means ‘to wander or stray’, while ‘mistake’ is from an old Norse word, which means ‘wrongly taken’.

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, . (2016, June 8). Difference Between Error and Mistake. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects.

, . «Difference Between Error and Mistake.» Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 8 June, 2016,

Written by : Ian.
and updated on 2016, June 8

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Both error and mistake imply that something has been done wrong. Although error and mistake both refer to something wrong, inaccurate or faulty, there is a difference between them based on their usage. The main difference between error and mistake is that error is more formal and technical than mistake. Now we are going to look at these two words more closely and try to identify the other differences between them. Difference Between Error and Mistake - infographic

What is a Mistake

A mistake can refer to an act or judgment that is misguided or wrong. For example, you use the word mistake to refer to a decision which brought unsuccessful results.

Her decision to sell the house was a big mistake.

I realized that meeting him was a mistake.

Mistake can also be used to refer something (a word, figure, fact, etc.) that is not correct.  

You make too much spelling mistakes.

There is a mistake in this page.

The word mistake may sometimes also imply that the person who made the mistake have knowledge, even though did it inaccurately. It may be carelessness that resulted in a mistake. The person who made the mistake may be able to identify his own mistake.

Difference Between Error and Mistake

What is an Error

Error also has the same meaning as mistake. However, the word error is considered to be more formal than mistake. It is commonly used in technical and academic writing. Error is also used in relation to software and computer. Given below are some examples of the usage of this word:

This paper has several errors.

He made an error of judgment.

I received an error message saying that password is incorrect.

In linguistics, making errors in language indicate a person’s lack of knowledge. Therefore, the person who is making the error doesn’t know that he is doing something wrong. For example, you do not understand some concepts in math, so you make a lot of errors because you don’t have knowledge in math. Now, imagine a situation where you understand and know the concepts, but you did the calculations in a rush because you had to go out. You had knowledge, but it’s your carelessness that resulted in the mistakes.

Although error and mistake can sometimes be used interchangeably, they cannot be interchanged in some expressions such as error of judgment and human error.

Main Difference - Error vs Mistake

Difference Between Error and Mistake


Errors are made due to lack of knowledge.

Mistakes are accidental.


Error is more technical and formal than mistake.

Mistake is more informal and casual than error.

Image Courtesy:

“Windows 9X BSOD” By Akhristov at English Wikipedia – Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by TFCforever. (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia 

“The four capital mistakes of open source” by (CC BY-SA 2.0) via Flickr

About the Author: Hasa

Hasa has a BA degree in English, French and Translation studies. She is currently reading for a Masters degree in English. Her areas of interests include literature, language, linguistics and also food.

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Main Difference

The main difference between Error and Mistake is that Error is the wrong action, which is the result of the lack of knowledge or skill, whereas Mistake is a wrongly made choice that is usually accidental.

Error vs. Mistake — Is There a Difference?

Difference Between Error and Mistake

Error vs. Mistake

The word error is a noun that refers to something wrong or inaccurate; in contrast, the word mistake is a noun, as well as a verb, implying that something is done wrong.

Error vs. Mistake

The word ‘error’ originated from the Latin word ‘errorem’ or ‘errare,’ meaning ‘to wander or stray’; on the flip side, the word mistake is rooted from the old Norse word, ‘mistaka,’ that means ‘wrongly taken.’

Error vs. Mistake

The word error is associated with scientific or highly technical terms; on the contrary, the word mistake is commonly observed in casual conversations.

Error vs. Mistake

Error is the wrong action, which is the result of the lack of knowledge or skill; on the other hand, the mistake is a wrongly made a choice and is usually accidental.

Error vs. Mistake

Error is more formal and technical, whereas mistake is less formal, less technical, and is more casual.

Error vs. Mistake

Error is considered more severe; on the converse, a mistake is less severe.

Error vs. Mistake

The reason for the error can be a miscalculation and wrong judgment; on the other hand, the reason behind mistakes depends on the performance of a person, and they can be self-corrected.


(uncountable) The state, quality, or condition of being wrong.


An error; a blunder.


(countable) A mistake; an accidental wrong action or a false statement not made deliberately.


(baseball) A pitch which was intended to be pitched in a hard-to-hit location, but instead ends up in an easy-to-hit place.


Sin; transgression.


(transitive) To understand wrongly, taking one thing or person for another.

Sorry, I mistook you for my brother. You look very similar.


A failure to complete a task, usually involving a premature termination.


To misunderstand (someone).


The difference between a measured or calculated value and a true one.


To commit an unintentional error; to do or think something wrong.


A play which is scored as having been made incorrectly.


To take or choose wrongly.


One or more mistakes in a trial that could be grounds for review of the judgement.


a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention;

he made a bad mistakeshe was quick to point out my errorsI could understand his English in spite of his grammatical faults


Any alteration in the DNA chemical structure occurring during DNA replication, recombination or repairing.


an understanding of something that is not correct;

he wasn’t going to admit his mistakemake no mistake about his intentionsthere must be some misunderstanding—I don’t have a sister


(computing) To function improperly due to an error, especially accompanied by error message.

The web-page took a long time to load and errored out.Remove that line of code and the script should stop erroring there.This directory errors with a «Permission denied» message.


part of a statement that is not correct;

the book was full of errors


(telecommunications) To show or contain an error or fault.

The block transmission errored near the start and could not be received.


identify incorrectly;

Don’t mistake her for her twin sister


(nonstandard) To err.


to make a mistake or be incorrect


a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention;

he made a bad mistakeshe was quick to point out my errorsI could understand his English in spite of his grammatical faults


inadvertent incorrectness


a misconception resulting from incorrect information


(baseball) a failure of a defensive player to make an out when normal play would have sufficed


departure from what is ethically acceptable


(computer science) the occurrence of an incorrect result produced by a computer


part of a statement that is not correct;

the book was full of errors

Comparison Chart

Error Mistake
Error is the wrong action, which is the result of the lack of knowledge or skill. The mistake is a wrongly made choice that is usually accidental.
Formal Informal
Technical Casual
Lack of knowledge Accidental
Parts of Speech
Noun Noun, verb
A miscalculation, lack of knowledge, wrong judgment The performance of a person
More Less

Error vs. Mistake

The word error is a noun that refers to something wrong, inaccurate, faulty, etc. The word mistake is a noun, as well as a verb implying that something is done wrong. Error is a kind of wrongdoing that is more formal and technical. The mistake is less formal and less technical wrongdoing. The reason for the error can be a miscalculation and wrong judgment. The reason behind mistakes depends on the performance of a person, and they can be self-corrected. Error is considered more severe as compared to mistakes. The mistake is less severe, and people commonly make mistakes.

Error is the wrong action, which is the result of the lack of knowledge or skill. For example, making tense mistakes, grammatical mistakes, skipping any word from a speech, etc. are all errors. The mistake is a wrongly made a choice and is usually accidental. For example, “Coming to this place was a mistake. We only wasted our time.”

The word ‘error’ originated from the Latin word ‘errorem’ or ‘errare,’ meaning ‘to wander or stray.’ The word mistake is rooted in the old Norse word, ‘mistaka,’ which means ‘wrongly taken.’ The word error is a more formal word and is not used in daily speech. It is highly used in technical contexts, e.g., in scientific or highly technical terms. The word mistake is less formal and is used in daily speech. Its use is commonly seen in casual conversations.

What is Error?

The word error refers to something wrong, inaccurate, faulty, etc. It falls into the category of a noun. Error is such a kind of wrongdoing that is more formal and technical. It can be a miscalculation and wrong judgment. The word ‘error’ originated from the Latin word ‘errorem’ or ‘errare,’ meaning ‘to wander or stray.’ The word error is a more formal word and is not used in casual speech. Its typical use is in technical and academic writings. Error is the wrong action, which is the result of the lack of knowledge or skill.

An action is considered as an error or produces an error if it is different from the rules, specific model or codes, etc. The violation of rules in sports or other practices will also be called an error. The term error is highly used in technical contexts, e.g., in scientific or highly technical terms. Like it is a collective term associated with computing and programming. It mainly refers to a mistake or fault, in coding and different processes. The term ‘System Error’ is very familiar to the ears although the word error is not used in casual conversations as it sounds odd.


  • I do my homework. Error
  • I do my homework. Correct
  • This paper has several errors.
  • He made an error of judgment.
  • I received an error while opening the webpage.

What is a Mistake?

A mistake is a wrong action due to bad judgment, ignorance, or inattention. The word mistake is a noun, as well as a verb. The incorrect or inappropriate performance of a person can cause a mistake; however, it can be self-corrected. The word mistake is rooted in the old Norse word, ‘mistaka,’ ‘mis’ (wrong), and ‘taka’ (take) collectively meaning ‘wrongly taken.’ A mistake is a misguided or wrong judgment. A decision by someone who brought disastrous results would be considered a mistake.

Generally, it is said that humans are likely to make mistakes. A mistake is a wrongly made a choice and is usually accidental. But one must learn from one’s mistakes or try to improve or amend them if possible. The word mistake directs less formal and less technical wrongdoing. Its use is less formal and observed in casual conversations.

A mistake commonly refers to all such things or concepts that are not correct. Furthermore, someone does not commit mistakes only because of a lack of knowledge or skill, but persons with knowledge also make mistakes. It is because they unconsciously do the things in an inaccurate. In such a situation, carelessness is the most significant cause of a mistake. A person must identify his mistake.


  • Her decision to sell the house was a big mistake.
  • I realized that meeting him was a mistake.
  • You make too many spelling mistakes.
  • There is a mistake in this page.
  • One should not repeat the mistakes.


Error and mistake are the two different words that are sometimes used as synonyms for each other. But both these words are different from one another based on the context of their usage.

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