The SMS > STATUS SEND page does not display a description for messages «delivered« and those «queued.
However the error messages are displayed in the following format: Status_RoutingCode_ErrorCode
Below are the descriptions of the codes returned in case of error.
Note: For the protocol used, there is also the state DELIVRD (message delivered) but this will never be displayed, because it does not fall into the error’s examples
Depending on the route (SMSC) which is sent a SMS error the code may be different. The possible paths are identified by numbers (1, 2, 3, …)
For errors like «NACK« they depend on messages belonging to the 0x00000400-0x000004FF interval.
The first table shows errors are independent by the route, while the following tables report dependencies to the SMSC on which the message was routed.
ErrorCode |
Error Description |
0x00000000 |
No Error |
0x00000001 |
Message Length is invalid |
0x00000002 |
Command Length is invalid |
0x00000003 |
Invalid Command ID |
0x00000004 |
Incorrect BIND Status for given command |
0x00000005 |
ESME Already in Bound State |
0x00000006 |
Invalid Priority Flag |
0x00000007 |
Invalid Registered Delivery Flag |
0x00000008 |
System Error |
0x00000009 |
Reserved |
0x0000000A |
Invalid Source Address |
0x0000000B |
Invalid Dest Addr |
0x0000000C |
Message ID is invalid |
0x0000000D |
Bind Failed |
0x0000000E |
Invalid Password |
0x0000000F |
Invalid System ID |
0x00000010 |
Reserved |
0x00000011 |
Cancel SM Failed |
0x00000012 |
Reserved |
0x00000013 |
Replace SM Failed |
0x00000014 |
Message Queue Full |
0x00000015 |
Invalid Service Type |
0x00000016-0x00000032 |
Reserved |
0x00000033 |
Invalid number of destinations |
0x00000034 |
Invalid Distribution List name |
0x00000035-0x0000003F |
Reserved |
0x00000040 |
Destination flag is invalid (submit_multi) |
0x00000041 |
Reserved |
0x00000042 |
Invalid ‘submit with replace’ request (i.e. submit_sm with replace_if_present_flag set) |
0x00000043 |
Invalid esm_class field data |
0x00000044 |
Cannot Submit to Distribution List |
0x00000045 |
submit_sm or submit_multi failed |
0x00000046-0x00000047 |
Reserved |
0x00000048 |
Invalid Source address TON |
0x00000049 |
Invalid Source address NPI |
0x00000050 |
Invalid Destination address TON |
0x00000051 |
Invalid Destination address NPI |
0x00000052 |
Reserved |
0x00000053 |
Invalid system_type field |
0x00000054 |
Invalid replace_if_present flag |
0x00000055 |
Invalid number of messages |
0x00000056-0x00000057 |
Reserved |
0x00000058 |
Throttling error (ESME has exceeded allowed message limits) |
0x00000059-0x00000060 |
Reserved |
0x00000061 |
Invalid Scheduled Delivery Time |
0x00000062 |
Invalid message validity period (Expiry time) |
0x00000063 |
Predefined Message Invalid or Not Found |
0x00000064 |
ESME Receiver Temporary App |
0x00000065 |
ESME Receiver Permanent App Error |
0x00000066 |
ESME Receiver Reject Message Error |
0x00000067 |
query_sm request failed |
0x00000068-0x000000BF |
Reserved |
0x000000C0 |
Error in the optional part of the PDU |
0x000000C1 |
Optional Parameter not allowed |
0x000000C2 |
Invalid Parameter Length. |
0x000000C3 |
Expected Optional Parameter missing |
0x000000C4 |
Invalid Optional Parameter Value |
0x000000C5-0x000000FD |
Reserved |
0x000000FE |
Delivery Failure (used for data_sm_resp) |
0x000000FF |
Unknown Error |
0x00000100-0x000003FF |
Reserved for SMPP extension |
0x00000400-0x000004FF |
Reserved for SMSC vendor specific errors |
0x00000500-0xFFFFFFFF |
Reserved |
Error-Code |
Error Description |
401 |
Number blacklisted in system |
402 |
Client blacklisted in system |
403 |
Prefix blacklisted in system |
404 |
Invalid account Error |
405 |
No longer applicable |
406 |
Destination busy — The message was not sent due to the fact that the QoS was busy, please try again. |
407 |
Reply Type Error. |
408 |
MSIP Syntax Error. |
409 |
No longer applicable |
40A |
System unavailable. |
40B |
System unavailable. |
40C |
System unavailable. |
40D |
Profile Error. |
40E |
Username not set — No username was specified. |
40F |
Do not try again. Binary message not allowed on profile. — This message does not allow binary messages. |
410 |
Temporary System failure, please retry. |
411 |
Number unroutable. Do not retry. |
412 |
Number Temporarily unroutable, please try again. |
413 |
Number unroutable. Do not retry. |
414 |
Number unroutable on current settings. Do not retry. |
415 |
Number Temporarily unroutable, please try again. |
416 |
Number unroutable. Do not retry. |
417 |
Number unroutable. Do not retry. |
418 |
Number unroutable. Do not retry. |
419 |
Number unroutable. Do not retry. |
41A |
Number unroutable. Do not retry. |
41B |
Number unroutable. Do not retry. |
41C |
Number Temporarily unroutable, please try again. |
41D |
Number unroutable. Do not retry. |
41E |
Number Temporarily unroutable, please try again. |
41F |
Number Temporarily unroutable, please try again. |
420 |
Unable to send on local deliverer |
421 |
Cannot find originator for index. Do not retry. |
422 |
Destination unavailable, please try again. |
The following table shows the values of specific ErrorCode for the route. Lines highlighted in green relate to the message returned if the message is sent successfully.
There is no specific ErrorCode of this route. We only use information from the Status field.
Error-Code |
Error Description |
Permanent |
Status |
1 |
Phone related |
No |
2 |
Deliver related: message within operator |
No |
3 |
Accepted bySMSC |
No |
4 |
Delivered to mobile device |
n/a |
5 |
Message failed — detailed reason is unknown |
n/a |
6 |
Final status of message is unknown |
n/a |
8 |
Message expired within the operator and failure reason is unknown |
No |
20 |
Permanent operator error |
Yes |
21 |
Credit related: message has been retried by operator |
No |
23 |
Absent subscriber permanent |
Yes |
24 |
Absent subscriber temporary |
No |
25 |
Operator network failure |
No |
26 |
Phone related error |
No |
27 |
Permanent phone related error |
Yes |
28 |
Anti-spam |
Yes |
29 |
Content related error |
Yes |
33 |
Age verification failure — parental lock |
Yes |
73 |
Mobile number portability error |
Yes |
74 |
Roaming error |
No |
76 |
Mobile number portability and blocking error |
Yes |
202 |
Mobile number portability error |
Yes |
Error code |
Error description |
Permanent |
Status |
0000 |
Yes |
1 |
Yes |
5 |
No |
6 |
No |
9 |
Yes |
11 |
Yes |
12 |
Yes |
13 |
No |
21 |
No |
27 |
No |
31 |
No |
32 |
No |
33 |
No |
34 |
No |
35 |
Yes |
36 |
Yes |
256 |
EC_SM_DF_memoryCapacityExceeded |
No |
257 |
EC_SM_DF_equipmentProtocolError |
No |
258 |
EC_SM_DF_equipmentNotSM_Equipped |
No |
259 |
EC_SM_DF_unknownServiceCentre |
No |
260 |
EC_SM_DF_sc_Congestion |
No |
261 |
EC_SM_DF_invalidSME_Address |
No |
262 |
EC_SM_DF_subscriberNotSC_Subscriber |
No |
500 |
No |
502 |
No |
503 |
No |
504 |
No |
507 |
No |
508 |
No |
509 |
No |
511 |
No |
1024 |
EC_OR_appContextNotSupported |
No |
1025 |
EC_OR_invalidDestinationReference |
No |
1026 |
EC_OR_invalidOriginatingReference |
No |
1027 |
EC_OR_encapsulatedAC_NotSupported |
No |
1028 |
EC_OR_transportProtectionNotAdequate |
No |
1030 |
EC_OR_potentialVersionIncompatibility |
No |
1031 |
EC_OR_remoteNodeNotReachable |
No |
1152 |
EC_NNR_noTranslationForAnAddressOfSuchNatur |
No |
1153 |
EC_NNR_noTranslationForThisSpecificAddress |
No |
1154 |
EC_NNR_subsystemCongestion |
No |
1155 |
EC_NNR_subsystemFailure |
No |
1156 |
EC_NNR_unequippedUser |
No |
1157 |
EC_NNR_MTPfailure |
No |
1158 |
EC_NNR_networkCongestion |
No |
1159 |
EC_NNR_unqualified |
No |
1160 |
EC_NNR_errorInMessageTransportXUDT |
No |
1161 |
EC_NNR_errorInLocalProcessingXUDT |
No |
1162 |
EC_NNR_destinationCannotPerformReassemblyXUDT |
No |
1163 |
EC_NNR_SCCPfailure |
No |
1164 |
EC_NNR_hopCounterViolation |
No |
1165 |
EC_NNR_segmentationNotSupported |
No |
1166 |
EC_NNR_segmentationFailure |
No |
1281 |
EC_UA_userSpecificReason |
No |
1282 |
EC_UA_userResourceLimitation |
No |
1283 |
EC_UA_resourceUnavailable |
No |
1284 |
EC_UA_applicationProcedureCancellation |
No |
1536 |
EC_PA_providerMalfunction |
No |
1537 |
EC_PA_supportingDialogOrTransactionRealeased |
No |
1538 |
EC_PA_ressourceLimitation |
No |
1539 |
EC_PA_maintenanceActivity |
No |
1540 |
EC_PA_versionIncompatibility |
No |
1541 |
EC_PA_abnormalMapDialog |
No |
1793 |
EC_NC_responseRejectedByPeer |
No |
1794 |
EC_NC_abnormalEventReceivedFromPeer |
No |
1795 |
EC_NC_messageCannotBeDeliveredToPeer |
No |
1796 |
EC_NC_providerOutOfInvoke |
No |
2048 |
No |
2049 |
Yes |
2050 |
Yes |
2051 |
EC_InvalidMscAddress |
No |
4096 |
EC_InvalidPduFormat |
Yes |
4100 |
EC_Cancelled |
Yes |
4101 |
EC_ValidityExpired |
Yes |
Error-Code |
Status |
Permanent |
Descrizione |
00 |
Y |
Message is delivered to destination |
01 |
Y |
SMPP Gateway cannot accept the message for delivery ( i.e. you run out of credit if your account is a prepaid one ) |
02 |
Y |
Mobile network attemtps to deliver the message have been failed |
03 |
N |
Mobile network has accepted message for delivery |
04 |
Y |
Mobile network is unable to accept message for delivery |
05 |
Y |
Message validity period has expired |
99 |
Y |
AT cannot determine the status of your message |
Error-Code |
Descrizione |
Permanent |
Status |
000 |
Y |
001 |
EXPIRED (generic error) |
002 |
UNKNOWN (generic error) |
003 |
UNDELIV (generic error) |
004 |
UNDELIV (generic error) |
005 |
DELETED (generic error) |
006 |
FAILED (generic error) |
007 |
REJECTD (generic error) |
008 |
UNKNOWN (generic error) |
101 |
abort |
102 |
absent subscriber |
103 |
absent subscriber sm |
104 |
absent subscriber temporary |
105 |
absent subscriber. imsi detached. |
106 |
absent subscriber. no paging response via msc. |
107 |
absent subscriber. roaming restriction. |
108 |
absent subscriber: the message is undeliverable |
109 |
age verification failure failed av |
110 |
age verification failure no previous av |
111 |
age verification failure parental lock |
112 |
age verification failure temporary av error |
113 |
agent not registered |
114 |
anti spam |
115 |
ati not allowed |
116 |
bad parameter value |
117 |
badly formatted transaction portion |
118 |
badly structured component |
119 |
barring service active |
120 |
bearer service not provisioned |
121 |
blacklisted destination |
122 |
blacklisted_opc |
123 |
blacklisted_prefix |
124 |
busysubscriber |
125 |
call barred |
126 |
cancelled |
127 |
charged failed |
128 |
connection aborted before delivery |
129 |
content related error |
130 |
context could not be loaded |
131 |
controling msc system failure |
132 |
could not asn.1 encode a parameter. |
133 |
could not decode an asn.1 encoded parameter. |
134 |
could not open map dialogue |
135 |
credit related message may be being retried |
136 |
credit related: message has been retried |
137 |
cug_reject |
138 |
customer blocked |
139 |
data missing |
140 |
data not found |
141 |
dcs inconsistency |
142 |
delivery fail |
143 |
deregistered in hlr for gprs |
144 |
deregistered in hlr for non-gprs |
145 |
deregistered in the hlr for gprs |
146 |
deregistered in the hlr for non-gprs |
147 |
dest_address_blacklisted |
148 |
destination blocked |
149 |
destination blocked by customer |
150 |
destination network or country is blocked. |
151 |
device unable to receive sms |
152 |
dialogue collision |
153 |
dialogue queue size exceeded. |
154 |
dialogue timed out |
155 |
duplicate invoke id |
156 |
eir system failure |
157 |
equipment memory capacity exceeded |
158 |
equipment not sm equiped |
159 |
equipment not supported |
160 |
equipment protocol error |
161 |
error in ms |
162 |
error in smt |
163 |
esme client error |
164 |
exceeded maximum length |
165 |
expired |
166 |
facility not supported |
167 |
failed_to_req_routing_info |
168 |
flood protection in multiple identical messages |
169 |
format error |
170 |
forwardingfailed |
171 |
forwardingviolation |
172 |
gprs connection suspended |
173 |
gprs detached |
174 |
handset delivery failure |
175 |
handset error |
176 |
handset memory exceeded |
177 |
hlr error |
178 |
hlr failure |
179 |
hlr system failure |
180 |
illegal character in message body |
181 |
illegal equipment |
182 |
illegal subscriber |
183 |
illegalss-operation |
184 |
imsi detached |
185 |
imsi_blacklisted |
186 |
inappropriate transport message |
187 |
incompatibleterminal |
188 |
incorrect ie length |
189 |
incorrect message length |
190 |
incorrect transaction portion |
191 |
initiating release |
192 |
insufficient credit |
193 |
insufficient credits to send message |
194 |
internal error code |
195 |
internal recoverable system failure |
196 |
internal server error |
197 |
invalid acct — your number has expire date |
198 |
invalid delivery outcome |
199 |
invalid destination address |
200 |
invalid dialogue id |
201 |
invalid input format |
202 |
invalid msisdn/destaddr |
203 |
invalid parameter |
204 |
invalid params |
205 |
invalid payload length |
206 |
invalid pdu format |
207 |
invalid response received |
208 |
invalid service id from the request. |
209 |
invalid sme address |
210 |
invalid source address |
211 |
invalid srcaddr |
212 |
invalidmscaddress |
213 |
invalidpduformat |
214 |
invalidsme-address |
215 |
invalidtargetbasestation |
216 |
linked response unexpected |
217 |
local acl deny |
218 |
local cancel |
219 |
login incorrect |
220 |
longtermdenial |
221 |
max_attempts_reached |
222 |
mb_err_blacklisted_dpc |
223 |
mb_err_blacklisted_smsc |
224 |
mcef-set |
225 |
memory capacity exceeded |
226 |
message body error |
227 |
message expired within the operator |
228 |
message expired, reason unknown |
229 |
message too long |
230 |
message waiting list full |
231 |
missing mandatory ie |
232 |
missing parameter |
233 |
missing params |
234 |
mistyped component |
235 |
mnrf-set |
236 |
mnrg-set |
237 |
mobile number portability and blocking error |
238 |
mobile number portability error (client side) |
239 |
mobile number portability error (operator side) |
240 |
mobile subscriber not reachable |
241 |
ms not equipped |
242 |
ms protocol error |
243 |
ms purged for gprs |
244 |
ms purged for non-gprs |
245 |
national blacklist |
246 |
nc_abnormaleventreceivedfrompeer |
247 |
nc_messagecannotbedeliveredtopeer |
248 |
nc_provideroutofinvoke |
249 |
nc_responserejectedbypeer |
250 |
network specific error codes |
251 |
network timeout |
252 |
nnr_destinationcannotperformreassemblyxudt |
253 |
nnr_errorinlocalprocessingxudt |
254 |
nnr_errorinmessagetransportxudt |
255 |
nnr_hopcounterviolation |
256 |
nnr_mtpfailure |
257 |
nnr_networkcongestion |
258 |
nnr_notranslationforanaddressofsuchnatur |
259 |
nnr_notranslationforthisspecificaddress |
260 |
nnr_sccpfailure |
261 |
nnr_segmentationfailure |
262 |
nnr_segmentationnotsupported |
263 |
nnr_subsystemcongestion |
264 |
nnr_subsystemfailure |
265 |
nnr_unequippeduser |
266 |
nnr_unqualified |
267 |
no free dialogues |
268 |
no interworking module available |
269 |
no is41 server available |
270 |
no mt connection found for short number |
271 |
no network response |
272 |
no own smh |
273 |
no paging response msc |
274 |
no paging response via sgsn |
275 |
no paging response via the msc |
276 |
no paging response via the sgsn |
277 |
no response from is41 server |
278 |
no response from peer |
279 |
no retry allowed |
280 |
no route found |
281 |
no session with user |
282 |
no subscriber reply |
283 |
no_response |
284 |
no_route_to_destination |
285 |
no_route_to_destination_sip |
286 |
no_sub_reply |
287 |
node not reachable |
288 |
nogroupcallnumberavailable |
289 |
nohandovernumberavailable |
290 |
noradioresourceavailable |
291 |
noroam |
292 |
nosubscriberreply |
293 |
not supported service |
294 |
not_prov |
295 |
not_supported |
296 |
not_supported_service |
297 |
numberchanged |
298 |
numberofpw-attemptsviolation |
299 |
operator barring |
300 |
operator network failure |
301 |
or_appcontextnotsupported |
302 |
or_encapsulatedac_notsupported |
303 |
or_invaliddestinationreference |
304 |
or_invalidoriginatingreference |
305 |
or_potentialversionincompatibility |
306 |
or_remotenodenotreachable |
307 |
or_transportprotectionnotadequate |
308 |
or-notallowed |
309 |
pa_abnormalmapdialog |
310 |
pa_maintenanceactivity |
311 |
pa_providermalfunction |
312 |
pa_ressourcelimitation |
313 |
pa_supportingdialogortransactionrealeased |
314 |
pa_versionincompatibility |
315 |
permanent handset error |
316 |
permanent operator error |
317 |
permanent phone related error |
318 |
phone related error |
319 |
phone switched off |
320 |
phone switched off or phone not reachable |
321 |
plmn system failure |
322 |
portability error: the message was failed |
323 |
positionmethodfailure |
324 |
previous vlr system failure |
325 |
provider_general_error |
326 |
psa connection failed |
327 |
pvlr system failure |
328 |
radio subsystem system failure |
329 |
ref_in_use |
330 |
rejected |
331 |
rejected — smsc rejected |
332 |
relation with is41 server removed |
333 |
remote abort |
334 |
remote logic deny |
335 |
remote logic error |
336 |
removed by operator |
337 |
removed by sme |
338 |
resource limitation |
339 |
return error unexpected |
340 |
return result unexpected |
341 |
roaming error |
342 |
roaming level not supported |
343 |
roaming restriction |
344 |
route error, please contact support |
345 |
rtec error |
346 |
sc-addressnotincluded |
347 |
sc-congestion |
348 |
sccp_destination_cannot_perform_reassembly |
349 |
sccp_error_in_local_processing |
350 |
sccp_error_in_message_transport |
351 |
sccp_failure |
352 |
sccp_hop_counter_violation |
353 |
sccp_mtp_failure |
354 |
sccp_network_congestion |
355 |
sccp no translation for an address |
356 |
sccp_no_translation_for_this_specific_address |
357 |
sccp_segmentation_failure |
358 |
sccp_segmentation_not_suported |
359 |
sccp_subsystem_congestion |
360 |
sccp_subsystem_failure |
361 |
sccp_unequipped_failure |
362 |
sccp_unqualified |
363 |
screening error, terminating imsi blocked |
364 |
service center congestion |
365 |
service completion failure |
366 |
service temporary not available |
367 |
service_completion_failure |
368 |
shorttermdenial |
369 |
sm delivery failure |
370 |
sm loop prevented |
371 |
sm loop prevention |
372 |
sm_df_equipmentnotsm_equipped |
373 |
sm_df_equipmentprotocolerror |
374 |
sm_df_invalidsme_address |
375 |
sm_df_memorycapacityexceeded |
376 |
sm_df_sc_congestion |
377 |
sm_df_subscribernotsc_subscriber |
378 |
sm_df_unknownservicecentre |
379 |
sm-deliveryfailure |
380 |
sms buffered. |
381 |
sms discarded |
382 |
sms expired. |
383 |
sms lower layer capabilities not provisioned |
384 |
sms lower layer not provisioned |
385 |
sms malformed. sms is not formed correctly |
386 |
sms sent, no delivery report received. |
387 |
sms submit from smsgw to smsc failure |
388 |
sms window exceeded. |
389 |
smsc congestion |
390 |
smsc failure |
391 |
smsc roaming |
392 |
ss_err_status |
393 |
ss_incompat |
394 |
ss_notavail |
395 |
ss_subviol |
396 |
ss-errorstatus |
397 |
ss-incompatibility |
398 |
ss-notavailable |
399 |
ss-subscriptionviolation |
400 |
subscriber absent |
401 |
subscriber barred |
402 |
subscriber busy |
403 |
subscriber busy for mt short message |
404 |
subscriber not provisioned |
405 |
subscriber not sc subscriber |
406 |
subscriber spend limit exceeded |
407 |
subscriber unable to be billed |
408 |
subscriber unavailable |
409 |
subscriber_busy_for_mt_sms |
410 |
subscriberlocationreport |
411 |
subscribernotsc-subscriber |
412 |
subscription failed |
413 |
subsequenthandoverfailure |
414 |
system failure |
415 |
tc user not bound |
416 |
tcap error. |
417 |
tcap_abort1 (on hlr request) |
418 |
tcap_abort2 205 (on forwardsm) |
419 |
teleservice not provisioned |
420 |
temporary handset error — memory exceeded |
421 |
the dialogue has received a map-delimiter error |
422 |
the dialogue has received a map-service-request |
423 |
the end user belongs to a network operator |
424 |
the end user does not exist |
425 |
the end user has insufficient funds |
426 |
the end user is blocked |
427 |
the end user is not allowed to purchase premium |
428 |
the recipient has no credit |
429 |
the subscription period is expired |
430 |
throttling error |
431 |
time_out |
432 |
timeout waiting for response from peer. |
433 |
timer_exp |
434 |
tracingbufferfull |
435 |
ua_applicationprocedurecancellation |
436 |
ua_resourceunavailable |
437 |
ua_userresourcelimitation |
438 |
ua_userspecificreason |
439 |
umo (unauthorised message originator) |
440 |
umo with barring service active |
441 |
umo with operator barring |
442 |
unable to find outbound route for this sms. |
443 |
unauthorizedlcsclient |
444 |
unauthorizedrequestingnetwork |
445 |
unexp_tcap_msg |
446 |
unexpected data value |
447 |
unexpected data value (in idi message) |
448 |
unexpected data value (in internal message) |
449 |
unexpected data value |
450 |
unexpected error |
451 |
unexpected linked operation |
452 |
unexpected response from peer |
453 |
unexpected_response_from_peer |
454 |
unidentified subscriber via msc |
455 |
unidentified subscriber via sgsn |
456 |
unidentified subscriber via the msc |
457 |
unidentified subscriber via the sgsn |
458 |
unidentified subscriber |
459 |
unidentifiedsubscriber |
460 |
unknown alphabet |
461 |
unknown equipment |
462 |
unknown error |
463 |
unknown operator |
464 |
unknown service center |
465 |
unknown subscriber |
466 |
unknown subscriber (gprs subscription unknown) |
467 |
unknown subscriber (imsi unknown) |
468 |
unknown subscriber (recipient address problem) |
469 |
unknownbasestation |
470 |
unknownmsc |
471 |
unknownorunreachablelcsclient |
472 |
unrecognized component |
473 |
unrecognized error |
474 |
unrecognized invoke id |
475 |
unrecognized message type |
476 |
unrecognized operation |
477 |
unrecognized transaction id |
478 |
ussd busy |
479 |
validityexpired |
480 |
vlr system failure |
481 |
vmsc system failure |
482 |
vp exceeded |
483 |
bind failed |
484 |
cannot submit to DL (Distribution list) |
485 |
command length is invalid |
486 |
destination flag is invalid (sm_multi) |
487 |
error in address service centre |
488 |
incorrect bind status |
489 |
message queue full |
490 |
mNP other operator not allowed |
491 |
param Retrieve Failed |
492 |
predefined Message Not Found |
493 |
protocol error. Error in data communication |
494 |
query SM Failed |
495 |
replace SM failed |
496 |
retry queue. Delivery retry |
497 |
sMS blocked due to unauthorised content |
498 |
submit SM/Multi failed |
499 |
submit w/replace invalid |
500 |
subscriber temp. unreachable while roaming |
501 |
unable to convert to IA5 ALPHABET |
502 |
unable to Unpack GSM message |
Error-Code |
Description |
Permanent |
Status |
0 |
Successfully delivered. |
Y |
3 |
SMSC did not return a status for this delivery |
4 |
SMSC refused the message. |
Y |
Message delivery expired. |
Y |
SMSC was not able to deliver the message. |
Y |
<div class="form-group">
<label>Enter mobile</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="mobile" ><br>
<div *ngIf=" && ( ||">
<div *ngIf="">
Mobile number cannot be blank
<div *ngIf="">
Mobile number should be 10 digits only
ngOnInit() {
this.userGroup ={
For the blank it is working perfectly but for pattern it is not showing any error
asked Mar 12, 2020 at 6:08
Try like this:
21.4k30 gold badges95 silver badges139 bronze badges
answered Mar 12, 2020 at 6:47
//simple getter to easily access control from template
get mobile() { return this.userGroup.get('mobile'); }
ngOnInit() {
this.userGroup ={
//also validators should passed in one array as a second argument to this literal
mobile:['', [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(/^[0-9]{10}$/)]]
<div class="form-group">
<label>Enter mobile</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="mobile"><br>
<div *ngIf="mobile.invalid && (mobile.dirty || mobile.touched)">
<div *ngIf="mobile.errors.required">
Mobile number cannot be blank
<div *ngIf="mobile.errors.pattern">
Mobile number should be 10 digits only
answered Mar 12, 2020 at 6:57
5475 silver badges15 bronze badges
For more than 1 validator, you should use it inside an array as second parameter. otherwise it will return an error on console and wont work.
answered Sep 16, 2021 at 15:38
Дискорд – это относительно новый мессенджер, для работы с которым необходимо создать аккаунт, настроить личный кабинет, подключить действующий номер телефона. В некоторых случаях пользователи не могут привязать контакт. В рабочем окне приложения Discord может появиться сообщение об ошибке «Invalid phone number». В ряде случаев неисправность можно устранить самостоятельно. Важно учитывать некоторые нюансы и требования.
Причины проблемы
Верификация через получение дополнительного кода на указанный номер – стандартная процедура для многих программных продуктов.
Причины неисправностей могут быть следующими:
- пользователь использует некорректные данные (предоплаченный специальный вариант, стационарные кодировки, VOIP), к регистрации допускается только мобильный телефон;
- частая причина – неправильный ввод цифр;
- ранее данный номер уже был использован для верификации другого аккаунта.
Внимание! Процедура используется для борьбы со злоупотреблениями или недопустимыми действиями. Разработчики Дискорда поясняют, что установленные роботы-хомяки проверяют деятельность игроков и, в случае возникновения подозрений, отправляют запрос на получение кода.
Что делать при «Invalid phone number»
Если на мониторе появилось сообщение с указанной ошибкой, но причину установить не удается, необходимо попробовать следующие варианты действий:
- перезапустить персональное устройство (ПК, телефон, планшет);
- проверить подключение к сети (переподключиться, отключить и включить роутер);
- использовать другой браузер для входа (пользователи отмечают, что Гугл Хром работает удачнее остальных, ошибки возникают реже);
- попробовать запустить программу на другом устройстве (это поможет выяснить, есть ли проблема с компьютером).
Дополнительный вариант – написать в службу поддержки программы Дискорда. Сервис бесплатный, операторы работают в круглосуточном режиме. Необходимо детально описать проблему, ответить на несколько вопросов сотрудника. Среднее время ответа – примерно 24 часа. Поэтому, если ждать возможности нет, лучше попробовать завести другой номер телефона.
Пользователи часто сталкиваются с различными неисправностями при работе с программами. Частой причиной является стандартный сбой, в борьбе с которым поможет привычная перезагрузка ПК, интернет-соединения и приложения Дискорд. В некоторых случаях потребуется помощь сотрудника техподдержки.
Вам помогло? Поделитесь с друзьями — помогите и нам!
About error invalid number text Android, glitching messaging application tend to be reponsable. To eliminate the error, people only need to restart the messaging application to refresh the application’s cache and restore sending process to normal. Also, it’s wise to delete the problematic contact’s information and enter their number manually. Finally, if the issue persists, Factory Reset is the last resort.
Why is there an error?
One of the common causes is adding a contact to the Android phone without the area code. Even when you edit and add the area code into the phone number at a later stage, it might not fix the error. Besides, the bugs in the texting app are also the causes leading to this error.
How to determine that there is the error?
To break down the matter, when you are about to send the messages, the system will show up: “please re-send using a valid 10-digit mobile number or valid code.”
The point is that there is an error when you send a message to a phone with ten digits. Even if you delete them and re-type, it is no use and still, the phone says invalid number.
Before fixing, you should close the messaging app and open it again. In some cases, it might work for you and you can get rid of the message invalid recipient on Android. If you carry out this action and see no further improvements, read on to see the specific resolution to fix Android invalid recipient.
The first solution
Step 1: Delete all contact information, including name and number from your phone. Then, delete all messages, which you exchanged with this contact.
Step 2: Now, it’s time to send a new message by typing the first number of his/ her phone or the first letter of the person’s name. You will see the contact in the dropdown box.
Step 3: After the contact and the recent menu show up, tap the info icon instead of selecting the text recipient.
Step 4: Choose Remove from the top right corner. You can do the same for similar cases.
Step 5: Type a new text
The second solution
If you can’t fix the error invalid number text android with the above solution, perhaps the number is hidden in some group texts. Thus, delete a group text with this number.
The third solution
- Go to Settings
- Reset network settings
- Tap General and Reset
- Tap Reset Network Settings. This way will reset Bluetooth pairing as well as WiFi passwords.
Note: Pay attention to any contact not including 10-digit numbers. You will get this error if you send a message to a landline.
Last resort
If all solutions fail to troubleshoot your inconvenience, there is one last thing you can do before bringing the device to the local repair shop and waste a few hundred bucks on fixing factory reset.
Basically, no one wants to lose all the stuff they have saved up the phone and reinstall all the apps again, but it’s either that or your wallet has to suffer.
- Turn off your phone, and then turn it back on.
- Next, press the volume up, home button and the power button to bring the recovery menu.
- Use the volume up and down buttons to go up and down. The power button is for choosing an option in the recovery menu.
Before performing the hard reset, back up all your data. Otherwise, you will lose them all after finishing the process.
Text to your heart’s content!
As you can see, error invalid number text Android is annoying, but there are plenty of ways to fix it.
Please leave a comment below to let us know which of the above solution works for you or you can access our webpage to grasp more Android tricks and tips.
Experienced Mobile Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Skilled in Android/Kotlin, iOS/Swift, Node.js/TypeScript. Strong engineering professional strengthening my foundations at Oklahoma State University. My Linkedin: Profile
Появилась надпись Discord Invalid Phone Number? Проверьте правильность ввода данных, используйте альтернативный телефон, выждите время тайм-аута 14-30 дней или свяжитесь с поддержкой В последнем случае можно уточнить, почему ваш номер недействителен, и как исправить возникшую проблему. Ниже рассмотрим, что это за ошибка, в каких случаях она возникает, и каким образом ее правильно исправить.
Что это
Сообщение свидетельствует о том, что пользователь указал некорректные данные. Дословный перевод этой фразы звучит как «Неправильный номер телефона». В самом Дискорд отмечают, что последнее время используют подтверждение по номеру для защиты пользователей и системы от мошенничества. При желании индивидуальные серверы также вправе настроить подобную аутентификацию для обеспечения безопасности. Хотите перестать верифицироваться по номеру? Читайте, как удалить номер телефона в Дискорде, чтобы приложение его больше не запрашивало.
Получение сообщения Discord о том, что Invalid Phone Number, часто возникает на этапе завершения проверки (Verified) пользователя. Это может происходить по следующим причинам:
- Попытка использования VOIP, одноразовых, или стационарных номеров. При попытке такого обмана может появляться сообщение об ошибке, ведь должны вводиться данные только с мобильного телефона.
- Ошибки заполнения текстового поля. Нужно убедиться в правильности выбора кода страны для телефона. Чаще всего рассмотренная выше ошибка возникает из-за ошибок на этом этапе.
- Наличие альтернативной учётной записи, в которой номер телефона уже использован. Как результат, Discord выдает соответствующее сообщение об ошибке.
- Телефон ранее прошёл регистрацию, а теперь находится в тайм-ауте. К примеру, вы уже помогали другу пройти проверку. Среднее время тайм-аута составляет от двух до четырёх недель (иногда больше). Чёткого времени тайм-аута служба поддержки не озвучивает.
Выше рассмотрены основные причины, почему в Discord появляется надпись Invalid Phone Number. С учетом этого проще разобраться, что делать для ее решения. На этом вопросе остановимся ниже.
Как исправить
Главный вопрос — как действовать, когда Discord пишет Invalid Phone Number, что делать в таком случае. Существует несколько шагов, как исправить проблему:
- Убедитесь, что вводимый телефонный номер исправен и привязан к оператору мобильной сети. Он не должен иметь статус VoIP или SIP, а также быть предназначенным только для приёма SMS.
- Проверьте правильность введенных данных, а особенно в плане цифр страны (здесь чаще всего допускается неправильный ввод).
- Используйте другой телефон для подтверждения, который ранее не был нигде использован.
- Выждите до 4-х недель (иногда более), пока не пройдёт установленный системой тайм-аут.
- Напишите службе поддержку по адресу В письме объясните ситуацию и расскажите об ошибке Invalid Phone Number в Discord. Специалисты могут проверить, почему система не принимает номер, а при необходимости вручную подтверждают данные (не всегда).
Рассказали о другой ошибке номера телефона в Дискорде — номер уже используется. Читайте, как изменить привязанный номер в Дискорде и не испытывать проблем с входом.
Как видно, надпись в Discord о том, что пользователь вводит Invalid Phone Number, является распространённым явлением. Чаще всего это говорит об использовании некорректного телефона, который уже использовался вами или для помощи в подтверждении учетной записи друга. Также нельзя использовать номера, которые являются одноразовыми или VoIP.
Наиболее простое решение — проверить ввод на правильность, используйте новый телефон или выждите около месяца.
В комментариях расскажите, сталкивались ли вы с сообщением Invalid Phone Number на Discord. Чем оно было обусловлено, и какой из приведенных вариантов помог в решении вопроса? Поделитесь своим опытом устранения проблемы.
20.01.2018, 11:30
21.07.2019, 14:04
Я не могу зайти в телеграм . Напишеть номер телефона заблокировано . Что делать ??
25.12.2019, 16:11
I’m trying to use my mobile phone number: 998944361111
But Telegram says it’s banned. Please help.
App version: (16030)
OS version: SDK 28
Device Name: samsungSM-A505FN
Locale: ru
14.09.2020, 17:00
Не могу зайти в телеграмме но не знаю почему
Я не могу зайти в телеграмм как можно зайти заране#218269
12.10.2020, 14:11
I’m trying to use my mobile phone number: 998900230009
But Telegram says it’s banned. Please help.
App version: 7.1.3 (21007)
OS version: SDK 29
Device Name: XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
Locale: ru
20.01.2021, 18:49
Здравствуйте, я хотел открыть телеграмму на +99893**6261, но там написано, что она заблокирована. Пожалуйста, помогите.
08.03.2022, 09:49
Phone: 998902905621
App version: (18790)
OS version: SDK 29
Device Name: XiaomiM2003J15SC
Locale: ru
Error: немогу войти на свой аккаунт
23.03.2022, 14:06
Я не могу зайти в телеграм . Напишеть номер телефона заблокировано . Что делать ??
В ответ на сообщение от Nodirbek
15.10.2022, 18:18
Чому я не можу зайти в телеграм
15.10.2022, 18:21
Я не можу зайти в телеграм пише що номер заблоковано
20.12.2022, 14:23
I’m trying to use my mobile phone number: 998930981410
But Telegram says it’s banned. Please help.
App version: (19670)
OS version: SDK 30
Device Name: Xiaomi2201117TG
Locale: uz
I have created a custom attribute to store the users mobile number on registration. It’s visible on the registration, and admin page, but upon trying to create a customer I get the following error:
"Mobile Number" is a required value.
Here’s the class:
namespace JR2ExtraCustomerDataSetupPatchData;
use MagentoCustomerModelCustomer;
use MagentoEavModelConfig;
use MagentoEavSetupEavSetupFactory;
use MagentoCustomerApiCustomerMetadataInterface;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupModuleContextInterface;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupModuleDataSetupInterface;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupPatchDataPatchInterface;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupSchemaSetupInterface;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupUninstallInterface;
use PsrLogLoggerInterface;
class AddMobilePhoneAttribute implements DataPatchInterface, UninstallInterface
private $attributeName = 'mobile_number';
private $moduleDataSetup;
private $eavSetupFactory;
private $logger;
private $eavConfig;
private $attributeResource;
public function __construct(
EavSetupFactory $eavSetupFactory,
Config $eavConfig,
LoggerInterface $logger,
MagentoCustomerModelResourceModelAttribute $attributeResource,
MagentoFrameworkSetupModuleDataSetupInterface $moduleDataSetup
$this->eavSetupFactory = $eavSetupFactory;
$this->eavConfig = $eavConfig;
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->attributeResource = $attributeResource;
$this->moduleDataSetup = $moduleDataSetup;
public function apply()
public function addMobilePhoneAttribute()
$eavSetup = $this->eavSetupFactory->create([ 'setup' => $this->moduleDataSetup ]);
'type' => 'varchar',
'label' => 'Mobile Number',
'input' => 'text',
'required' => 1,
'visible' => 1,
'user_defined' => 1,
'sort_order' => 999,
'position' => 999,
'system' => 0
$attributeSetId = $eavSetup->getDefaultAttributeSetId(Customer::ENTITY);
$attributeGroupId = $eavSetup->getDefaultAttributeGroupId(Customer::ENTITY);
$attribute = $this->eavConfig->getAttribute(
$attribute->setData('attribute_set_id', $attributeSetId);
$attribute->setData('attribute_group_id', $attributeGroupId);
$attribute->setData('used_in_forms', [ 'adminhtml_customer', 'customer_account_create' ]);
public static function getDependencies()
return [];
public function uninstall(SchemaSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)
$eavSetup = $this->eavSetupFactory->create([ 'setup' => $this->moduleDataSetup ]);
$eavSetup->removeAttribute(MagentoCustomerModelCustomer::ENTITY, $this->attributeName);
public function getAliases()
return [];
And the following phtml template:
<div class="field mobile_number required">
<label class="label" for="mobile_number">
<span><?= $block->escapeHtml(__('Mobile Number')) ?></span>
<div class="control">
<input type="tel" name="mobile_number" id="mobile_number" value="" class="input-text" data-validate="{required:true}">
I’ve checked the POST data sent with the request and the mobile_number
field is definitely being sent. I’ve checked the docs and can’t seem to figure this one out.