Error mounting system managed device

Hello everybody. First of all let me state clearly that i am a noob in linux. I have an Acer 6930ZG laptop which originally had two patritions in its disk, one with Vista and one for storage, "DATA", both ntfs. I installed ubuntu 13.04 in the vista partition, kept using the other for storage and everything worked fine until i tried to install the latest nvidia driver from their site. Probably my bad(?) because there has been a kernel update recently. Then i installed 13.04 again on the
  1. Error mounting system-managed device

    Hello everybody.

    First of all let me state clearly that i am a noob in linux.

    I have an Acer 6930ZG laptop which originally had two patritions in its disk, one with Vista and one for storage, «DATA», both ntfs. I installed ubuntu 13.04 in the vista partition, kept using the other for storage and everything worked fine until i tried to install the latest nvidia driver from their site. Probably my bad(?) because there has been a kernel update recently. Then i installed 13.04 again on the same partition but now the second partition cant be mounted and i get this error message
    Screenshot from 2014-03-13 14:11:00.png

    I did some research and found this but i think it is way more complicated than what i want since it involves dual OS, different bootloaders etc and i didnt get what the solution was. I just want to mount the partition and use it as storage without losing my files.

    sudo blkid outputs this


    billy@billy-PC:~$ sudo blkid
    /dev/sda1: UUID="197340b2-f58d-4bb5-b1c4-26eafbe20bea" TYPE="ext4" 
    /dev/sda2: LABEL="DATA" UUID="FC54D24254D1FF78" TYPE="ntfs" 
    /dev/sda3: UUID="1c614f81-d62f-4a9a-a0f4-0fd50f29354d" TYPE="swap"

    sudo fdisk -lu outputs this


    billy@billy-PC:~$ sudo fdisk -lu
    Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders, total 488397168 sectors
    Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0x00042005
       Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/sda1   *        2048   256780287   128389120   83  Linux
    /dev/sda2       256780288   480964607   112092160    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
    /dev/sda3       480964608   488394751     3715072   82  Linux swap / Solaris

    sudo parted -l outputs this


    billy@billy-PC:~$ sudo parted -l
    Model: ATA Hitachi HTS54322 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sda: 250GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos
    Number  Start   End    Size    Type     File system     Flags
     1      1049kB  131GB  131GB   primary  ext4            boot
     2      131GB   246GB  115GB   primary  ntfs
     3      246GB   250GB  3804MB  primary  linux-swap(v1)

    fstab looks like this

    # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
    # Use ‘blkid’ to print the universally unique identifier for a
    # device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
    # that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
    # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    # / was on /dev/sda1 during installation
    UUID=197340b2-f58d-4bb5-b1c4-26eafbe20bea / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
    # /media/DATA was on /dev/sda2 during installation
    UUID=FC54D24254D1FF78 /media/DATA ntfs defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 0
    # swap was on /dev/sda3 during installation
    UUID=1c614f81-d62f-4a9a-a0f4-0fd50f29354d none swap sw 0 0

    I suppose that the answer is somethere in the above but i cant see it.

    Thank in advance

    Last edited by billy_kailas; March 13th, 2014 at 10:53 PM.

  2. Re: Error mounting system-managed device

    I ran sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda2 and this is the output


    billy@billy-PC:~$ sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda2Mounting volume... ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup_warn: magic: 0x6f2d6366  size: 4096   usa_ofs: 26740  usa_count: 29284: Invalid argument
    Actual VCN (0x322d353232303231) of index buffer is different from eaxpected VCN (0x3).
    Attempting to correct errors... 
    Processing $MFT and $MFTMirr...
    Reading $MFT... OK
    Reading $MFTMirr... OK
    Comparing $MFTMirr to $MFT... OK
    Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
    Setting required flags on partition... OK
    Going to empty the journal ($LogFile)... OK
    ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup_warn: magic: 0x6f2d6366  size: 4096   usa_ofs: 26740  usa_count: 29284: Invalid argument
    Actual VCN (0x322d353232303231) of index buffer is different from expected VCN (0x3).
    Remount failed: Input/output error


  3. Re: Error mounting system-managed device

    Hello again,

    I continued to search and found this post, created a Windows Recovery Disc from a laptop with Win 8 and UEFI (don’t have another with BIOS). Unfortunately i got a «Non System Disk» error. Maybe a conflict between UEFI and BIOS?

    After that i downloaded Minitool Partition Wizard boot CD which looks very good and powerful tool, with all the pros and cons that come with that, regarding these kind of programs . For some reason that i don’t know the Check Disks option was not available to me. So i tried the Partition Recover Wizard but it didn’t fix my problem. Nonetheless it probably changed something, for the better or for the worse, because now i get a slightly different error message when i try to mount the partition in Ubuntu.

    Screenshot from 2014-03-25 18:41:37.png

    One good thing is that my files are still on the disc. I browsed the with Minitool Partition Wizard boot CD. Now i am thinking to try the Allign Partition from Minitool Partition Wizard boot CD but i don’t understand exactly what it does and i don’t want to destroy my data.

    Please help!!!!

  4. Re: Error mounting system-managed device

    Hello again,

    I am wondering if anybody reads what i am writing, but i found a solution to my problem and i will post it, hoping to be helpful for someone else in the future.

    I used the command «dd» which performs a low level back up and more specific

    «dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdc» which backed up everything from my damaged partition to a USB external drive. WARNING «dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdb» deletes all the data, which may exist on the destination drive. Then i plugged in the USB drive to a windows pc and executed «chkdsk /f» which fixed everything. Then i formatted my damaged partition and pasted my data.

    One another solution i think would work, would be to format my damaged partition and try to recover the data with testdisk or another data recovery software.


  1. Thread: Error mounting system-managed device
  2. Error mounting system-managed device
  3. Re: Error mounting system-managed device
  4. Re: Error mounting system-managed device
  5. Re: Error mounting system-managed device
  6. Linux Mint Forums
  7. Error mounting system-managed device
  8. Error mounting system-managed device
  9. Re: Error mounting system-managed device
  10. Re: Error mounting system-managed device
  11. Re: Error mounting system-managed device
  12. Linux Mint Forums
  13. [SOLVED] Error mounting filesystem via either Disks or fstab
  14. [SOLVED] Error mounting filesystem via either Disks or fstab
  15. Re: Error mounting filesystem via either Disks or fstab
  16. Re: Error mounting filesystem via either Disks or fstab
  17. Re: Error mounting filesystem via either Disks or fstab
  18. Re: [SOLVED] Error mounting filesystem via either Disks or f
  19. Re: [SOLVED] Error mounting filesystem via either Disks or f
  20. Arch Linux
  21. #1 2014-08-09 18:18:55
  22. [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  23. #2 2014-08-09 18:21:30
  24. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  25. #3 2014-08-09 18:45:03
  26. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  27. #4 2014-08-09 18:48:23
  28. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  29. #5 2014-08-09 19:03:12
  30. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  31. #6 2014-08-09 20:57:17
  32. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  33. #7 2014-08-09 21:06:20
  34. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  35. #8 2014-08-09 21:18:37
  36. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  37. #9 2014-08-09 22:27:59
  38. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  39. #10 2014-08-09 22:29:02
  40. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  41. #11 2014-08-09 22:47:35
  42. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  43. #12 2014-08-10 01:26:46
  44. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  45. #13 2014-08-10 01:28:46
  46. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  47. #14 2014-08-10 01:47:29
  48. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  49. #15 2014-08-10 01:54:58
  50. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  51. #16 2014-08-10 01:58:31
  52. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  53. #17 2014-08-10 02:04:34
  54. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  55. #18 2014-08-10 02:08:37
  56. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  57. #19 2014-08-10 02:11:31
  58. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  59. #20 2014-08-10 02:23:28
  60. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  61. #21 2014-08-10 02:27:16
  62. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  63. #22 2014-08-10 09:57:56
  64. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB
  65. #23 2014-08-10 17:45:49
  66. Re: [Solved] Internal extra hdd’s fail to mount at boot with FSTAB

Thread: Error mounting system-managed device

Thread Tools

Error mounting system-managed device

First of all let me state clearly that i am a noob in linux.

I have an Acer 6930ZG laptop which originally had two patritions in its disk, one with Vista and one for storage, «DATA», both ntfs. I installed ubuntu 13.04 in the vista partition, kept using the other for storage and everything worked fine until i tried to install the latest nvidia driver from their site. Probably my bad(?) because there has been a kernel update recently. Then i installed 13.04 again on the same partition but now the second partition cant be mounted and i get this error message
Screenshot from 2014-03-13 14:11:00.png

I did some research and found this but i think it is way more complicated than what i want since it involves dual OS, different bootloaders etc and i didnt get what the solution was. I just want to mount the partition and use it as storage without losing my files.

sudo blkid outputs this

sudo fdisk -lu outputs this

sudo parted -l outputs this

fstab looks like this

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use ‘blkid’ to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).

# / was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=197340b2-f58d-4bb5-b1c4-26eafbe20bea / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
# /media/DATA was on /dev/sda2 during installation
UUID=FC54D24254D1FF78 /media/DATA ntfs defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 0
# swap was on /dev/sda3 during installation
UUID=1c614f81-d62f-4a9a-a0f4-0fd50f29354d none swap sw 0 0

I suppose that the answer is somethere in the above but i cant see it.

Last edited by billy_kailas; March 13th, 2014 at 10:53 PM .

Re: Error mounting system-managed device

I ran sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda2 and this is the output

Re: Error mounting system-managed device

I continued to search and found this post, created a Windows Recovery Disc from a laptop with Win 8 and UEFI (don’t have another with BIOS). Unfortunately i got a «Non System Disk» error. Maybe a conflict between UEFI and BIOS?

After that i downloaded Minitool Partition Wizard boot CD which looks very good and powerful tool, with all the pros and cons that come with that, regarding these kind of programs . For some reason that i don’t know the Check Disks option was not available to me. So i tried the Partition Recover Wizard but it didn’t fix my problem. Nonetheless it probably changed something, for the better or for the worse, because now i get a slightly different error message when i try to mount the partition in Ubuntu.

One good thing is that my files are still on the disc. I browsed the with Minitool Partition Wizard boot CD. Now i am thinking to try the Allign Partition from Minitool Partition Wizard boot CD but i don’t understand exactly what it does and i don’t want to destroy my data.

Re: Error mounting system-managed device

I am wondering if anybody reads what i am writing, but i found a solution to my problem and i will post it, hoping to be helpful for someone else in the future.

I used the command «dd» which performs a low level back up and more specific «dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdc» which backed up everything from my damaged partition to a USB external drive. WARNING «dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdb» deletes all the data, which may exist on the destination drive. Then i plugged in the USB drive to a windows pc and executed «chkdsk /f» which fixed everything. Then i formatted my damaged partition and pasted my data.

One another solution i think would work, would be to format my damaged partition and try to recover the data with testdisk or another data recovery software.


Linux Mint Forums

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Error mounting system-managed device

Error mounting system-managed device

Post by Cyan » Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:39 pm

I’m having this problem with my ext4 partition in which I put my Steam library. I do NOT have this problem at all with Ubuntu 15.04(which is on another partition on the same hard drive as my Mint 17.1 partition.)

When I click on my Linux Steam partition in the file manager, I get this text in a pop-up window:

Re: Error mounting system-managed device

Post by altair4 » Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:04 pm

Get rid of the option.

It’s only purpose is to provide an icon on the desktop and in your file manager for the partition. The same thing will happen if you were to mount it as /media/d282d014-3329-46b3-bbeb-285500b4c8f8 and it will do that naturally without x-gvfs-show.

Re: Error mounting system-managed device

Post by Cyan » Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:14 pm

Should I use a «#» on the entire line containing «gvfs-show» or do I merely delete that text from the line?

By Icon, what exactly do you mean? Will I still be able to select the partition within my file manager? My main goal is to set it to automount, so I don’t have to select it within Steam settings every time.

Re: Error mounting system-managed device

Post by altair4 » Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:08 pm

You will still be able to select it from the file manager it’s a question of how quickly you can go to it. But it’s easy to fix that.

To be honest I don’t think much of the Disks utility so I’d rewrite both lines manually but if you want to use it just unselect «show in user interface». That will remove the «x-gvfs-show» option from the line.

Then go to /mnt/d282d014-3329-46b3-bbeb-285500b4c8f8 and the other one and bookmark them. It will then show up on the left side panel in your file manager and every other application.


Linux Mint Forums

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[SOLVED] Error mounting filesystem via either Disks or fstab

[SOLVED] Error mounting filesystem via either Disks or fstab

Post by jiawen » Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:43 am

Re: Error mounting filesystem via either Disks or fstab

Post by altair4 » Fri Mar 22, 2013 6:30 am

Step 1: Don’t use the Disks utility.

Step 2: Fix your /etc/fstab

Note: You might want to run the following command to make sure it really has that UUID number and that it is in fact formatted to ext3:

** If the partition is currently mounted unmount it.

** Then run the following command to test for syntax errors and if there are none mount the partition:

Re: Error mounting filesystem via either Disks or fstab

Post by jiawen » Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:30 pm

Re: Error mounting filesystem via either Disks or fstab

Post by johnywhy » Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:15 pm

Re: [SOLVED] Error mounting filesystem via either Disks or f

Post by CinnamonRoll » Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:16 pm

Re: [SOLVED] Error mounting filesystem via either Disks or f

Post by altair4 » Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:39 pm

x-gvfs-show will do something never intended. It will create a link on the side panel of your file manager and on the desktop if you allow that sort of thing for partitions that are not mounted under /media or $HOME.

Back in the olden days you mounted something under /mnt when you didn’t want it to show up on the side panel or on the desktop. Makes no sense to put it under /mnt then add x-gvfs-show. And if you wanted to change how it displayed you changed it’s LABEL.

It’s made worse in Disks because it asks you if you want it to:

The new user will look at that and say . well of course I do. That’s why I’m mounting it. What kind of a daft question is that? Selecting that option inserts x-gvfs-show.

I’m going to be uncharacteristically generous here and suggest that «Disks» isn’t buggy it’s that Mint isn’t ready for it yet. Disks was written and designed to fit within the whole systemd / brave-new-world udev/udisks universe. When Mint goes to version 18 all the backend pieces will be in place to have this goofy option work.

BTW, This thread is 3 years old. The OP may have gone to the dark side and is a happy MacBook user today.


Arch Linux

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#1 2014-08-09 18:18:55

So I’ve been encountering this annoying issue with Arch so far that I haven’t been able to figure out. I have two extra internal hdds that do not mount at bootup. If I click on them in files, it prompts me to enter in my user password and then it will mount them in media as new volume and new volume1.

I edited my FSTAB to include the correct UUID and defaults under the options. However they do not mount at boot. I have to mount them manually which works fine, it’s just annoying as my dropbox folder is synced to my extra hdd, and it complains every time I login. Is there something I’m doing wrong? Thanks in advanced!

Last edited by 15goudreau (2014-08-10 17:46:00)

#2 2014-08-09 18:21:30

Post your /etc/fstab file contents and also the output of the «mount» command.

Edit: Also post the output of «lsblk -fs»

Last edited by headkase (2014-08-09 18:23:16)

#3 2014-08-09 18:45:03

for mounting I would use

Last edited by 15goudreau (2014-08-09 18:45:44)

#4 2014-08-09 18:48:23

You need to be using ntfs-3g as the filesystem type.

No, it didn’t «fix» anything. It just shifted the brokeness one space to the right. — jasonwryan
Closing — for deletion; Banning — for muppetry. — jasonwryan

#5 2014-08-09 19:03:12

For the mount command, just:

By itself. Post the output of that.

#6 2014-08-09 20:57:17

@slithery are you sure for I just tried removing ntfs-3g and an fstab entry with type ntfs worked on boot.
The two failing ntfs mounts are under /run/media. So do the two mount points exist at the time the mounts are attempted.
There should be two failed mount units from systemd’s attempt to mount the filesystems

Should list the units so you can get the names and then

#7 2014-08-09 21:06:20

sudo systemctl —failed

changing to ntfs-3g didn’t work.

Last edited by 15goudreau (2014-08-09 21:10:08)

#8 2014-08-09 21:18:37

If you change one of the missing ntfs mounts mountpoints to /mnt just as a test does that allow it to mount on boot?

#9 2014-08-09 22:27:59

@ loqs. That did work. So why can’t I mount it to /media like arch wants. hmmm

#10 2014-08-09 22:29:02

the other drive that I tried to mount within the fstab gives me an error when trying to access it now.

#11 2014-08-09 22:47:35

@ loqs. That did work. So why can’t I mount it to /media like arch wants. hmmm

From your mount listing

/run being tmpfs (which is normal ) means it starts as an empty directory then populated with some entries by tmpfiles.d the rest of its contents comes from programs executing later in boot
So at the point the fstab is parsed and mount attempted it seems /run/media/taylor/New Volume and /run/media/taylor/New Volume1 do not exist so the mount fails.
From udisks2 looks like udisks2 is creating the paths and doing the mounting
Hope that explains it a little better
If the new error is still occurring:
What command produced the new error?
Can you post /etc/fstab as it is now

Last edited by loqs (2014-08-09 23:16:47)

#12 2014-08-10 01:26:46

The error was occurring whenever I tried to mount it in fstab like that. I forgot to mention it in the OP. So is there nothing that can be done? It seems like a huge hassle to have to enter in a password to access my harddrives and on top of that have to relink dropbox each startup.

fstab as it is now

#13 2014-08-10 01:28:46

You do know that «ntfs» is built-into the kernel and provides read-only access. «ntfs-3g» is a separate package you install and provides both read and write access.

#14 2014-08-10 01:47:29

I understand headkase, but it didn’t work with ntfs or ntfs-3g. I can worry about read/write access after I get the drives to mount properly. Although with what loqs said above I’m not sure if I can.

#15 2014-08-10 01:54:58

You are putting the mount directly onto the /mnt folder, which is wrong.

Create a folder (before mounting) in /mnt, like say «/mnt/name» where «name» is your choice. Then in the fstab entry instead of «/mnt» replace that with «/mnt/name» so it doesn’t take the entire folder but rather mounts on the sub-folder.

#16 2014-08-10 01:58:31

You are mounting within your run/media/taylor folder. When the fstab is parsed, early in boot, this folder may not exist yet — it may only exist when you log into your user later on in the boot process. Try making a folder in /mnt, as instructed above, for this mountpoint too and changing the mountpoint to that folder. Because /mnt will always exist where the /run/media/* is not always guaranteed to exist.

#17 2014-08-10 02:04:34

right, but if I mount the drive to /mnt/folder, (I understand that it needs a folder «name») that will at least allow it to be mounted in the same place, which I guess is good for dropbox but then instead of having access through the File manager Devices I have to sift through computer>mnt>file. I know it seems like it is splitting hairs, and maybe I am just being difficult, but I feel like this isn’t the easiest most streamline way to get my drives mounted so that they can be seen under Devices, and I do not have to enter in my password each time.

#18 2014-08-10 02:08:37

Mountpoints need an empty folder to mount onto. So, /mnt/folder1 where «folder1» is empty then in your fstab you would have /mnt/folder1 as the location and when mounted the contents of folder1 would change from empty to whatever the contents of the mount had.

You can also put the mountpoints inside of your home folder if you like, just mount them onto some empty folders there. It might not matter but make sure / is first in fstab, followed by /home, and then followed by the mountpoints you could put in your home folder.

Depending on how your desktop environment mounts folders you could also edit your sudoers file so that «sudo mount» and «sudo umount» do not need a password. Again, depending on your environment, that might work.

Edit: put this in your sudoers (using visudo!):

Replace «bill» (my username) with your own.

Last edited by headkase (2014-08-10 02:11:09)

#19 2014-08-10 02:11:31

Mount them in a location that will exist during the boot process (/mnt can work, but creating a /media might be better and more flexible). Then just configure your file manager to display those folders in the side pane like it does folders under /run/username/media.

«UNIX is simple and coherent. » — Dennis Ritchie, «GNU’s Not UNIX» — Richard Stallman


#20 2014-08-10 02:23:28

That should work. It’s unfortunate that this is the workaround but it’ll will suffice for my purposes. Thanks guys for the help.

#21 2014-08-10 02:27:16

You’re welcome but you should see your thread through to fully solved. And when it is solved, not before, edit your first post and put «[Solved]» on the beginning of the title without quotes.

Last edited by headkase (2014-08-10 02:27:39)

#22 2014-08-10 09:57:56

If its enough that the filesystems are available on user login this should see the filesystems mounted where you want them under /run/media and probably show in your filemanager as expected
Create a script file or append this to one thats already executed on login

edit /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.udisks2.policy
in the block starting

change allow_active to yes (from a script it may need allow_any instead not tested this)

This will stop udisksctl from producing a popup prompting for your password but obviously relaxes security on udisksctl

Last edited by loqs (2014-08-10 10:26:28)

#23 2014-08-10 17:45:49

Alright, so what I did was I created the directories /media/volume1 and /media/volume2 I edited my fstab to mount the drives there with the ntfs-3g (thanks headkase!). The nautilis file manager found the drives after I edited its configuration file. So now I can access the drives without being prompted for a password and dropbox links up without having to relink on reboot. Thanks all for the different suggestions and helping me troubleshoot! — marked solved.


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до работало как часы. ну а после —

Error mounting system-managed device /dev/sda7: Command-line `mount «/media/backup_hdd»‘ exited with non-zero exit status 14: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.
Failed to mount ‘/dev/sda7’: Operation not permitted
The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown
Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume
read-only with the ‘ro’ mount option.

в ubuntu новичок и что он от меня хочет не пойму


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Знание — это только преддверие ума


переведите выхлоп на русский язык и поймете, что он хочет от вас и почему не монтируется  :D

Full inu

В Windows запустите командную строку от имени администратора и наберите:
powercfg -h off

Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Pro with Update 3 7 Enterprise, x64


Full inu,
Спасибо помогло.
Обычный shutdown под Виндой никак не исправил ситуацию.
А powercfg -h off всё исправило.


Здравствуйте! У меня такая же проблема, только винды то у меня больше нет…) На диске С Ubuntu 13.04, а диск D не монтируется, по всей видимости из-за того, что там осталось, что-то от винды. Помогите, пожалуйста.

Вот, что у меня пишет:

Error mounting /dev/sda1 at /media/xsmile/7C72CD2472CCE44C: Command-line `mount -t «ntfs» -o «uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177» «/dev/sda1» «/media/xsmile/7C72CD2472CCE44C»‘ exited with non-zero exit status 14: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.
Failed to mount ‘/dev/sda1’: Operation not permitted
The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown
Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume
read-only with the ‘ro’ mount option.


А зачем вам раздел ntfs, если нет винды? Смонтируйте его в режиме read only, скопируйте куда-нибудь данные, снесите раздел и создайте в нормальном для линукса формате.


Я новичек… Можно по подробней, как сделать так, чтобы можно было перенести файлы с этого жесткого, ну а отформотировать я уже знаю как)) Буду благодарен.



Смонтируйте диск в режиме read only командой

sudo mount -ro /dev/sda1 /mnt

Раздел станет доступен для чтения. После этого скопируйте оттуда нужные данные. А потом с помощью gparted удалите раздел и создайте на его месте новый.



Смонтируйте диск в режиме read only командой

sudo mount -ro /dev/sda1 /mnt

Раздел станет доступен для чтения. После этого скопируйте оттуда нужные данные. А потом с помощью gparted удалите раздел и создайте на его месте новый.

Вот что выдает терминал — mount: невозможно найти /mnt в /etc/fstab или /etc/mtab


Дайте вывод

ls /

Ну и попробуйте смонтировать в другое место.

sudo mount -ro /dev/sda1 /media/xsmile


Про ls/  я не понял, а со вторым путем монтирования тоже самое выдает. Ладно, там не сильно важные данные, но их будет жалко потерять. Просто форматну. Pilot6 спасибо :)


Я хотел посмотреть почему у вас нет /mnt.


ls     /

а не


Пользователь решил продолжить мысль 13 Октября 2013, 14:34:50:

Блин мой косяк

sudo mount -o ro /dev/sda1 /mnt


(опробовано на 15.04)

sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb1Если до этого монтировали в /mnt, то размонтируем теперь

umount /mntДиск работает на чтение/запись.


Если Wine — это костыль , то  Punto Switcher — это протез , а Daemon Tools инвалидное кресло.

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Error mounting system-managed device


I’m having this problem with my ext4 partition in which I put my Steam library. I do NOT have this problem at all with Ubuntu 15.04(which is on another partition on the same hard drive as my Mint 17.1 partition.)

When I click on my Linux Steam partition in the file manager, I get this text in a pop-up window:

Code: Select all

Error mounting system-managed device /dev/sda12: Command-line `mount "/mnt/d282d014-3329-46b3-bbeb-285500b4c8f8"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda12,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail  or so

Why might this happen in Mint but not Ubuntu? I installed Mint less than two weeks ago and this is the only major problem I’ve noticed with it. Thanks in advance! :)

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

Reason: Topic automatically closed 6 months after creation. New replies are no longer allowed.


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Re: Error mounting system-managed device


by altair4 » Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:04 pm

I’m shutting down for the day but I would suggest you post the output of the following command so the folks here can see how you are mounting this thing:

Side note
: This is a wild a$$ guess without that output but I’ll bet you the line in fstab that you have for that partition contains the following option:


Get rid of the option.

It’s only purpose is to provide an icon on the desktop and in your file manager for the partition. The same thing will happen if you were to mount it as /media/d282d014-3329-46b3-bbeb-285500b4c8f8 and it will do that naturally without x-gvfs-show.

Please add a [SOLVED] at the end of your original subject header if your question has been answered and solved.


Re: Error mounting system-managed device


by Cyan » Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:14 pm

Here’s the output from that command:

Code: Select all

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
# / was on /dev/sda7 during installation
UUID=6b7286d9-e394-46f1-bca7-8b34f8310871 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1
# swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation
UUID=11c1847b-a1c0-4d1e-8e7c-28f4be6ed40f none            swap    sw              0       0
/dev/disk/by-uuid/d282d014-3329-46b3-bbeb-285500b4c8f8 /mnt/d282d014-3329-46b3-bbeb-285500b4c8f8 auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0
/dev/disk/by-uuid/292857170E52D2F5 /mnt/292857170E52D2F5 auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0

Should I use a «#» on the entire line containing «gvfs-show» or do I merely delete that text from the line?

By Icon, what exactly do you mean? Will I still be able to select the partition within my file manager? My main goal is to set it to automount, so I don’t have to select it within Steam settings every time.



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Re: Error mounting system-managed device


by altair4 » Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:08 pm

Only the Disks utility would have written something as convoluted as this:

/dev/disk/by-uuid/d282d014-3329-46b3-bbeb-285500b4c8f8 /mnt/d282d014-3329-46b3-bbeb-285500b4c8f8 auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0
/dev/disk/by-uuid/292857170E52D2F5 /mnt/292857170E52D2F5 auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0

By Icon, what exactly do you mean? Will I still be able to select the partition within my file manager?

You will still be able to select it from the file manager it’s a question of how quickly you can go to it. But it’s easy to fix that.

To be honest I don’t think much of the Disks utility so I’d rewrite both lines manually but if you want to use it just unselect «show in user interface». That will remove the «x-gvfs-show» option from the line.

Then go to /mnt/d282d014-3329-46b3-bbeb-285500b4c8f8 and the other one and bookmark them. It will then show up on the left side panel in your file manager and every other application.

Please add a [SOLVED] at the end of your original subject header if your question has been answered and solved.


Re: Error mounting system-managed device


by Cyan » Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:58 am

OK, did that in Disks.

Sorry—where do I bookmark these two folders? I’m guessing you mean the file manager but I don’t see any such option there or within Disks.

Is the convolutedness Disks created a potential hurdle in making this whole thing functional again with that code you mentioned, or do you just prefer not using it for other reasons?


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Re: Error mounting system-managed device


by altair4 » Sat Jun 20, 2015 6:58 am

Sorry—where do I bookmark these two folders?

On the top of nemo — your file manager — is a button labelled Bookmarks. You are in the Main edition of the forum so I assumed you are using Mint Cinnamon. If you can’t find it or you are using a different desktop environment this is what I would do:

[1] I would create coherent mount points since something like d282d014-3329-46b3-bbeb-285500b4c8f8 means jack to me:

I don’t know if that’s any more coherent but it’s a hell of a lot shorter and it’s in the right place ( /media not /mnt ) for what you want to accomplish.
[2] Replace this:

/dev/disk/by-uuid/d282d014-3329-46b3-bbeb-285500b4c8f8 /mnt/d282d014-3329-46b3-bbeb-285500b4c8f8 auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0
/dev/disk/by-uuid/292857170E52D2F5 /mnt/292857170E52D2F5 auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0

With this:

Code: Select all

UUID=d282d014-3329-46b3-bbeb-285500b4c8f8 /media/DataEXT4 ext4 defaults,noatime 0 2
UUID=292857170E52D2F5 /media/DataNTFS ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=000,uid=1000,windows_names 0 0

[3] Unmount the partitions if they are currently mounted.

[4] Then remount them using the new fstab instructions with this command:

If it just comes back to the prompt it mounted successfully.

Note: The only thing I don’t know is if d282d014-3329-46b3-bbeb-285500b4c8f8 is in fact an ext4 partition. It’s definitely a Linux filesystem but it may be ext3 or something else for all I know. Run this command to find out:

Please add a [SOLVED] at the end of your original subject header if your question has been answered and solved.

I am not able to mount the disk. It is showing error.

Error mounting system-managed device /dev/sda3: Command-line `mount "/media/tusharmakkar08/Local"' exited with non-zero exit status 1: [mntent]: line 1 in /etc/fstab is bad
mount: can't find /media/tusharmakkar08/Local in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

Output of

 sudo blkid 


/dev/sda2: UUID="FA38015738011473" TYPE="ntfs" 
/dev/sda3: LABEL="Local Disk" UUID="01CD72098BB21B70" TYPE="ntfs" 
/dev/sda4: UUID="2ca94bc3-eb3e-41cf-ad06-293cf89791f2" TYPE="ext4" 
/dev/sda5: UUID="CFB1-5DDA" TYPE="vfat" 

Output of

cat /etc/fstab

is :

UUID=01CD72098BB21B70 /media/tusharmakkar08/Local Disk1 ntfs-3g nosuid,nodev 0 0
UUID=FA38015738011473 /media/sda2 ntfs-3g defaults 0 0
UUID=2ca94bc3-eb3e-41cf-ad06-293cf89791f2 / ext4 defaults 0 1
UUID=CFB1-5DDA /media/tusharmakkar08/CFB1-5DDA vfat defaults 0 0

asked Apr 17, 2013 at 9:12

tusharmakkar08's user avatar


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You can use x20 for space.

That is hex value for ASCII (and utf-8 encoded) space.

Or you can use the octal variant 40.

So that would be (in fstab):

UUID=01CD72098BB21B70 /media/tusharmakkar08/Localx20Disk1
# or
UUID=01CD72098BB21B70 /media/tusharmakkar08/Local40Disk1

If you are not to familiar with ASCII fun install ascii and:

ascii     # decimal and hex view
ascii -o  # octal view

Non the less I’d also recommend, like @TNW, changing the mount point to one without space. Generally makes things easier. You can also change the label
though that might affect other things if you have something configured to recognize it as it is.

Community's user avatar

answered Apr 17, 2013 at 9:57

Runium's user avatar


You have a whitespace in your first mount point name. Best thing you can do is to rename it so it doesn’t have whitespaces and change your /etc/fstab accordingly.

answered Apr 17, 2013 at 9:18

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Error mounting system-managed device, mountpoint is not empty

:? Novice pi player here.

I have a HDD (WD passport) that mounts to a folder on boot. I use this HDD to play movies via Plex on my network. Something has happened recently and the drive has stopped mounting. It shows in the eject tray but is disabled. I get the following errors:

Error mounting system-managed device /dev/sda2: Command-line `mount «/home/pi/USBMOUNT»‘ exited with non-zero exit status 1:
stdout: `FUSE exfat 1.2.5

stderr: `fuse: mountpoint is not empty
fuse: if you are sure this is safe, use the ‘nonempty’ mount option


Error mounting system-managed device /dev/sda2: Command-line `mount «/home/pi/USBMOUNT»‘ exited with non-zero exit status 1:
stdout: `FUSE exfat 1.2.5

stderr: `ERROR: failed to read upper case table (5836 bytes starting at cluster 0x11).

I’ve no idea what to do, any help would be much appreciated!

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Re: Error mounting system-managed device, mountpoint is not empty

Sun Nov 22, 2020 12:35 pm

hootboot89 wrote: ↑

Sun Nov 22, 2020 5:17 am

:? Novice pi player here.

I have a HDD (WD passport) that mounts to a folder on boot. I use this HDD to play movies via Plex on my network. Something has happened recently and the drive has stopped mounting. It shows in the eject tray but is disabled. I get the following errors:

Error mounting system-managed device /dev/sda2: Command-line `mount «/home/pi/USBMOUNT»‘ exited with non-zero exit status 1:
stdout: `FUSE exfat 1.2.5

stderr: `fuse: mountpoint is not empty
fuse: if you are sure this is safe, use the ‘nonempty’ mount option

With the drive unmounted have a look in /home/pi/USBMOUNT. Odds are there are files and directories present, likely written there accidentaly when the drive was not mounted. Move them somewhere esle (or delete them if you’re sure you won’t need them) then remove write permission from /home/pi/USBMOUNT so it doesn’t happen again.


Error mounting system-managed device /dev/sda2: Command-line `mount «/home/pi/USBMOUNT»‘ exited with non-zero exit status 1:
stdout: `FUSE exfat 1.2.5

stderr: `ERROR: failed to read upper case table (5836 bytes starting at cluster 0x11).

No idea on that one. Sorry.

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All advice given is based on my experience. it worked for me, it may not work for you.
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cd-dvd-drive-logo.jpg Проблемы при монтировании привода с различными типами CD-DVD дисков. Error mounting system-managed device /dev/sr0: Command-line `mount «/media/cdrom0″‘ exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. In some cases useful info is found in syslog — try dmesg | tail or so.

В /etc/fstab имеем строку:

/dev/sr0        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0

При попытке монтирования из консоли:

# mount /dev/sr0
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail or so.

При попытке открыть в файловом менеджере «Thunar 1.6.11» кликнув по серому/блеклому значку привода на рабочем столе:

Не удалось подключить «MyDVD»
Error mounting system-managed device /dev/sr0: Command-line `mount "/media/cdrom0"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail or so.

Список доступных «fs type» мы можем глянуть выполнив ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/fs

 Успешно сработало ручное монтирование с явным указанием файловой системы:

Только после полного отключения блокировщика скриптов и рекламы на этом месте появится полезная подсказка/ссылка/код/пример конфигурации/etc!

Поменяв в /etc/fstab местами перечень файловых систем с «udf,iso9660» на «iso9660,udf» проблемный DVD-диск стал успешно монтироваться как из консоли так и при открытии его в файловом менеджере, — однако перестали монтироваться обычные CD-диски в формате «iso9660» :)

Сейчас я процитирую юзера Daniel, как позже выяснится, рапортовавшего про сей баг ещё в далёком 2006-м году: «Складывается такое впечатление, что только последняя запись из списка fstype разделённых запятыми работает«

Bug #44233 “mount udf dvd fails, possible wrong fstab entry” : Bugs : util-linux package : Ubuntu

After mounting it shows a perfectly mounted udf file system.
   /dev/hdc on /media/cdrom0 type udf (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,user=daniel)

By the way: Changing fstype in /etc/fstab to «iso9660,udf» (turning it around) makes udf dvd work and iso9660 file systems like normal CDs don’t work anymore.

So it seems that only the last entry of the comma-separated fstype list works.

Решением проблемы является замена в /etc/fstab fstype с «iso9660,udf» на «auto» и да прибудет нам счастье. Возможности своего CD-DVD можно посмотреть коммандой wodim -prcap

$ wodim -prcap
wodim: Operation not permitted. Warning: Cannot raise RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits.
Device was not specified. Trying to find an appropriate drive...
Detected CD-R drive: /dev/cdrw
Using /dev/cdrom of unknown capabilities
Device type    : Removable CD-ROM
Version        : 5
Response Format: 2
Capabilities   :
Vendor_info    : 'Optiarc '
Identification : 'DVD RW AD-7280S '
Revision       : '1.01'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW.
Drive capabilities, per MMC-3 page 2A:
  Does read CD-R media
  Does write CD-R media
  Does read CD-RW media
  Does write CD-RW media
  Does read DVD-ROM media
  Does read DVD-R media
  Does write DVD-R media
  Does read DVD-RAM media
  Does write DVD-RAM media
  Does support test writing
  Does read Mode 2 Form 1 blocks
  Does read Mode 2 Form 2 blocks
  Does read digital audio blocks
  Does restart non-streamed digital audio reads accurately
  Does support Buffer-Underrun-Free recording
  Does read multi-session CDs
  Does read fixed-packet CD media using Method 2
  Does not read CD bar code
  Does read R-W subcode information
  Does not return R-W subcode de-interleaved and error-corrected
  Does read raw P-W subcode data from lead in
  Does return CD media catalog number
  Does return CD ISRC information
  Does support C2 error pointers
  Does not deliver composite A/V data
  Does play audio CDs
  Number of volume control levels: 0
  Does not support individual volume control setting for each channel
  Does not support independent mute setting for each channel
  Does not support digital output on port 1
  Does not support digital output on port 2
  Loading mechanism type: tray
  Does support ejection of CD via START/STOP command
  Does not lock media on power up via prevent jumper
  Does allow media to be locked in the drive via PREVENT/ALLOW command
  Is currently in a media-locked state
  Does not support changing side of disk
  Does not have load-empty-slot-in-changer feature
  Does not support Individual Disk Present feature
  Maximum read  speed:  7056 kB/s (CD  40x, DVD  5x)
  Current read  speed:  7056 kB/s (CD  40x, DVD  5x)
  Maximum write speed:  1764 kB/s (CD  10x, DVD  1x)
  Current write speed:  1764 kB/s (CD  10x, DVD  1x)
  Rotational control selected: CLV/PCAV
  Buffer size in KB: 1024
  Copy management revision supported: 1
  Number of supported write speeds: 1
  Write speed # 0:  1764 kB/s CLV/PCAV (CD  10x, DVD  1x)
Supported CD-RW media types according to MMC-4 feature 0x37:
  Does write multi speed       CD-RW media
  Does write high  speed       CD-RW media
  Does write ultra high speed  CD-RW media
  Does write ultra high speed+ CD-RW media

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