Error msb3073 the command setlocal

everyone. I am compiling DCMTK 3.6.1 in Visual Studio 2013. My OS is Windows 8. I also used CMake 3.2.3. I have already successfully compiled both x64 versions of debug and release for the ALL_BUILD

everyone. I am compiling DCMTK 3.6.1 in Visual Studio 2013. My OS is Windows 8. I also used CMake 3.2.3. I have already successfully compiled both x64 versions of debug and release for the ALL_BUILD project. However, for the INSTALL project, I can’t compile it because the following error occurs:

Error   1   error MSB3073: The command "setlocal
"C:Program Files (x86)CMakebincmake.exe" -DBUILD_TYPE=Release -P cmake_install.cmake
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :cmEnd
endlocal & call :cmErrorLevel %errorlevel% & goto :cmDone
exit /b %1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :VCEnd
:VCEnd" exited with code 1. C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0V120Microsoft.CppCommon.targets  132

According to this link, I need admin rights. But I am already running Visual Studio in Admin mode. Can someone please enlighten me on what I might be doing wrong? Thank you very much!

asked Jul 16, 2015 at 14:37

noobalert's user avatar


What about specifying another value for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX in the CMake GUI? That means, a directory where you definitely have write access.

answered Jul 23, 2015 at 12:57

J. Riesmeier's user avatar

J. RiesmeierJ. Riesmeier

1,5849 silver badges14 bronze badges


This is an old post, but I encountered the same problem when I attempted to install OpenCV for Windows 10 using VS 16 2019 in a folder close to the root of C:.

Solution: Open cmd as administrator, open the SLN-project (In my case <OpenCV.sln>), and run Build on INSTALL. That worked like a charm.

answered Jan 7, 2021 at 15:10

Bent Oddvar Haugaløkken's user avatar


This is a simple 2 step fix.

First step is to remove the Read Only folder property. To do this, just go wherever you cloned the software you want to build, right click on the containing folder and uncheck the Read Only checkmark.

Second step is to exit visual studio and start terminal as administrator/with sudo privileges if on linux/mac. Navigate to the build folder and type the solution name. This will open up VC with admin privileges.

This fixed the problem for me.

answered May 19, 2020 at 8:41

Dimitar's user avatar


8876 silver badges24 bronze badges


Just open a prompt and run «C:Program Files (x86)CMakebincmake.exe» -DBUILD_TYPE=Release -P cmake_install.cmake (or similar showed in VS error list) and see where is the problem
in my case the problem was samples were not compiled, so i entered in modules directory and compile manually each module necessary.
After compile the module i run the command again and see what happen, repeat until solve the problem

answered Aug 16, 2021 at 20:14

Anderson Souza's user avatar

the best solution;
if you choose realease/debug then after CMake configure by CMake on the same mood.
just try

answered Apr 13, 2022 at 3:33

Bangash Owais's user avatar

I had a similar error, if you can check that there are no spaces or character symbols in your path. FOr example I had a directory with the file name ‘ABC&D’ and by removing & the error was fixed.
This coupled with allowing admin rights should be an attempt to fix the problem.

answered Jun 28, 2022 at 15:46

FretBuzz's user avatar

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  • The command «setlocal»C:Program Files (x86)CMake 2.8bincmake.exe» -DBUILD_TYPE=Debug –P cmake_install.cmake if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :cmEnd :cmEnd endlocal
    & call :cmErrorLevel %errorlevel% & goto :cmDone :cmErrorLevel exit /b %1 :cmDone if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :VCEnd
    :VCEnd» exited with code 1.

    This is the text from my build output. I am trying to build a project called INSTALL. A more detailed error report is below. Any help is appreciated. As stated above, my build is getting code MSB3073 and
    exiting with code 1.

    1>—— Build started: Project: INSTALL, Configuration: Debug x64 ——

    1>  — Install configuration: «Debug»

    1>  CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:31 (FILE):

    1> file cannot create directory: C:/Program Files/Arcemu/.. Maybe need

    1>    administrative privileges.



    1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: The command «setlocal

    1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: «C:Program Files (x86)CMake 2.8bincmake.exe» -DBUILD_TYPE=Debug -P cmake_install.cmake

    1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :cmEnd

    1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: :cmEnd

    1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: endlocal & call :cmErrorLevel %errorlevel% & goto :cmDone

    1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: :cmErrorLevel

    1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: exit /b %1

    1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: :cmDone

    1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :VCEnd

    1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: :VCEnd» exited with code 1.

    ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========


  • Seems pretty self explanatory to me. 

    1>  CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:31 (FILE):

    1> file cannot create directory: C:/Program Files/Arcemu/.. Maybe need

    1>    administrative privileges.


    Line 31 of cmake_install.cmake tries to create a file in «c:program files».  It fails (probably because it doesn’t have admin rights, and you need to be elevated to write to c:program files. 

    Either modify the make file so that it doesn’t try to write to which it does not have write access, or modify the way you are launching the program so that it does have write access to that folder.

    • Marked as answer by

      Tuesday, November 20, 2012 1:04 PM

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I am trying to recompile a project (libLAS to be exact) and after to generate the prject with CMake (version 3.7.0) with the generator visual studio 14 2015 Win64, I used Visual Studio 2015 to building the project. But each time, I have the following error :

Error   MSB3073 The command "setlocal
"C:Program FilesCMakebincmake.exe" -DBUILD_TYPE=Debug -P cmake_install.cmake
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :cmEnd
endlocal & call :cmErrorLevel %errorlevel% & goto :cmDone
exit /b %1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :VCEnd
:VCEnd" exited with code 1. 
INSTALL C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0V140Microsoft.CppCommon.targets  133 

So, I found several topic with the same issue (as Visual Studio: MSB3073 error exited with code 1), but try to run Visual Studio with admin privilege or change the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX for a directory where I have write access (without admin privilege).
Can someone please help me ?



Have you tried to launch the «VS2015 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt» via Run As Administrator? Does it help?


I just tried, and after run the command ‘msbuild liblas.sln’, I do not the error MSB3073 but a new warning and a new error :

LINK : warning LNK4098: conflit entre la bibliothÞque par dÚfaut 'MSVCRT' et les autres bibliothÞquesá; utilisez /NODEFAULTLIB:library [C:DevsLibrarieslibLASbuild_msvc2015_64bitssrcliblas.vcxproj]
geotiff.lib(geo_print.obj) : warning LNK4217: symbole dÚfini localement fprintf importÚ dans la fonction DefaultPrint [C:DevsLibrarieslibLASbuild_msvc2015_64bitssrcliblas.vcxproj]
geotiff.lib(geo_normalize.obj) : warning LNK4217: symbole dÚfini localement fprintf importÚ dans la fonction GTIFGetPMInfo [C:DevsLibrarieslibLASbuild_msvc2015_64bitssrcliblas.vcxproj]
geotiff.lib(cpl_serv.obj) : warning LNK4049: symbole dÚfini localement fprintf importÚ [C:DevsLibrarieslibLASbuild_msvc2015_64bitssrcliblas.vcxproj]
reader.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: symbole externe non rÚsolu "class boost::system::error_category const & __cdecl boost::system::system_category(void)" (?system_category@system@boost@@YAAEBVerror_category@12@XZ) [C:DevsLibrarieslibLAS

For the error LNK2001, it’s not just for the file reader.cpp but a lot of file


I guess, there is something wrong with your build environment, dependencies (Boost, GDAL) missing or built for different architectures perhaps. It is difficult to say.

AFAICT, there are no issues with building libLAS using VS2015.

We build libLAS 64-bit on AppVeyor with the same CMake generator as you are using: Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64 and the build links fine and the tests run fine. See one of the latest AppVeyor build log.


I afreshed since CMake by changing a little the configuration. So I removed the OSGeo4W directory, and I outgrade the version of boost to 1.60. But I had this error when I configure the project with CMake :

CMake Error at cmake/modules/FindLASzip.cmake:66 (FILE):
  file failed to open for reading (No such file or directory):

Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:212 (find_package)

CMake Error at cmake/modules/FindLASzip.cmake:94 (MESSAGE):
  Failed to open
  C:/Devs/Libraries/LASzip/bin_msvc2015_64bits/include/laszip/laszip.hpp file
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:212 (find_package)

So I saw in other post I maybe had a confusion with the FindLASzip.cmake file, but I don’t know how resolve this.





I had the same MSB3073 error, and I found the solution in this page, which is as follows:
«In cmake, the src path and build path should be the same, otherwise an error «error MSB3073: command «setlocal» will be reported when compiling later; use cmake to generate the liblas vs project, and then open the project as an administrator»

I’ve been working on the slightly older RackAFX, ASPiK and VST SDK 3.7.1 for a couple of weeks now. I built the volume plugin, as outlined in the ASPiK SDK, and that built fine and I could load the VST3 in Reaper. I then created the same plugin using RackAFX, exported that to ASPiK and could equally well build this and load the VST3 into Reaper.

(On a side note, I did have to copy the «inner» VST3 into my Reaper VST directory — VST_SDKVST3_SDKmyprojectsVolumewin_buildVST3DebugVolume.vst3Contentsx86_64-winVolume.vst3 to get Reaper to see it. If I copied the «outer» VST3 — VST_SDKVST3_SDKmyprojectsVolumewin_buildVST3DebugVolume.vst3, Reaper never loaded it. I don’t quite understand why that is, as the SDK examples were copied as an «outer» VST3 and Reaper coould see those fine)

I’ve now completed the IIRFilters Plugin, in RackAFX, which is performing perfectly well. After having exported to an ASPiK project, I ran the cmake command, then msbuild IIRFilters.sln. This resulted in the dreaded page of error MSB3073: The command «setlocal errors being spat out, much to my dismay. I decided at this point, probably unwisely, to update ASPiK, RackAFX and VST3)SDK to the latest versions, RackAFX, ASPiK 1.6.8 and VST3_SDK 3.7.2

I upgraded the RackAFX project, VSTGUI 4.10 as per the instructions, and even cleared out my ASPiK project and regenerated the ASPiK IIRFilters project. (Question: Can I actually regenerate an ASPiK project over an exisiting one? Will it update the ASPiK project accordingly?).

Of course this made no difference to my errors. I did a bit of digging and found the command line of the Post-Build Event for IIRFilters.sln (the ASPiK project) was invoking the validator, which is failing.

So I ran the validator on its own, to see if I could understand more about what’s going wrong. It simply seems to stop at the phase TestSuite: Single Precision (32 bit) Tests, without saying much more:

D:DocumentsSourceReposVST_SDKVST3_SDKmyprojectsIIRFilterswin_build>D:DocumentsSourceReposVST_SDKVST3_SDKmyprojectsIIRFilterswin_buildbinDebugvalidator.exe D:/Documents/Source/Repos/VST_SDK/VST3_SDK/myprojects/IIRFilters/win_build/VST3/Debug/IIRFilters.vst3/Contents/x86_64-win/IIRFilters.vst3
* Loading module…


* Scanning classes…

Factory Info:
vendor = Doomsville Soundscapes
url =
email =

Class Info 0:
name = IIRFilters
category = Audio Module Class
subCategories = Fx
version =
sdkVersion = VST 3.7.2
cid = 7B9972424B753C05883B723C128ECC18

* Checking snapshots…

Info: No snapshots in Bundle.

* Creating tests…

* Running tests…

TestSuite : IIRFilters

TestSuite : General Tests

[Scan Editor Classes]
Info: ===Scan Editor Classes ====================================
Info: Processor and edit controller united.

[Scan Buses]
Info: ===Scan Buses ====================================
Info: => Audio Buses: [2 In(s) => 1 Out(s)]
Info: In [0]: «Stereo Input» (Main-Default Active)
Info: In [1]: «AuxInput» (Aux-Default Active)
Info: Out[0]: «Stereo Output» (Main-Default Active)
Info: => Event Buses: [1 In(s) => 0 Out(s)]
Info: In [0]: «Event Input» (Main-Default Active)

[Scan Parameters]
Info: ===Scan Parameters ====================================
Info: This component exports 137 parameter(s)
Info: Parameter 000 (id=0): [title=»fc»] [unit=»Hz»] [type = F, default = 0.564386, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 001 (id=1): [title=»Q»] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 002 (id=2): [title=»Boost/Cut»] [unit=»dB»] [type = F, default = 0.500000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 003 (id=3): [title=»Filter Type»] [unit=»»] [type = D, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 004 (id=131077): [title=»Scale GUI»] [unit=»»] [type = D, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 005 (id=1000): [title=»midiCC_0″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 006 (id=1001): [title=»midiCC_1″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 007 (id=1002): [title=»midiCC_2″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 008 (id=1003): [title=»midiCC_3″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 009 (id=1004): [title=»midiCC_4″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 010 (id=1005): [title=»midiCC_5″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 011 (id=1006): [title=»midiCC_6″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 012 (id=1007): [title=»midiCC_7″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 1.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 013 (id=1008): [title=»midiCC_8″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 014 (id=1009): [title=»midiCC_9″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 015 (id=1010): [title=»midiCC_10″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 016 (id=1011): [title=»midiCC_11″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 017 (id=1012): [title=»midiCC_12″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 018 (id=1013): [title=»midiCC_13″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 019 (id=1014): [title=»midiCC_14″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 020 (id=1015): [title=»midiCC_15″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 021 (id=1016): [title=»midiCC_16″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 022 (id=1017): [title=»midiCC_17″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 023 (id=1018): [title=»midiCC_18″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 024 (id=1019): [title=»midiCC_19″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 025 (id=1020): [title=»midiCC_20″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 026 (id=1021): [title=»midiCC_21″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 027 (id=1022): [title=»midiCC_22″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 028 (id=1023): [title=»midiCC_23″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 029 (id=1024): [title=»midiCC_24″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 030 (id=1025): [title=»midiCC_25″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 031 (id=1026): [title=»midiCC_26″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 032 (id=1027): [title=»midiCC_27″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 033 (id=1028): [title=»midiCC_28″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 034 (id=1029): [title=»midiCC_29″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 035 (id=1030): [title=»midiCC_30″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 036 (id=1031): [title=»midiCC_31″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 037 (id=1032): [title=»midiCC_32″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 038 (id=1033): [title=»midiCC_33″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 039 (id=1034): [title=»midiCC_34″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 040 (id=1035): [title=»midiCC_35″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 041 (id=1036): [title=»midiCC_36″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 042 (id=1037): [title=»midiCC_37″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 043 (id=1038): [title=»midiCC_38″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 044 (id=1039): [title=»midiCC_39″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 045 (id=1040): [title=»midiCC_40″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 046 (id=1041): [title=»midiCC_41″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 047 (id=1042): [title=»midiCC_42″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 048 (id=1043): [title=»midiCC_43″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 049 (id=1044): [title=»midiCC_44″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 050 (id=1045): [title=»midiCC_45″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 051 (id=1046): [title=»midiCC_46″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 052 (id=1047): [title=»midiCC_47″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 053 (id=1048): [title=»midiCC_48″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 054 (id=1049): [title=»midiCC_49″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 055 (id=1050): [title=»midiCC_50″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 056 (id=1051): [title=»midiCC_51″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 057 (id=1052): [title=»midiCC_52″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 058 (id=1053): [title=»midiCC_53″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 059 (id=1054): [title=»midiCC_54″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 060 (id=1055): [title=»midiCC_55″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 061 (id=1056): [title=»midiCC_56″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 062 (id=1057): [title=»midiCC_57″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 063 (id=1058): [title=»midiCC_58″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 064 (id=1059): [title=»midiCC_59″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 065 (id=1060): [title=»midiCC_60″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 066 (id=1061): [title=»midiCC_61″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 067 (id=1062): [title=»midiCC_62″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 068 (id=1063): [title=»midiCC_63″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 069 (id=1064): [title=»midiCC_64″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 070 (id=1065): [title=»midiCC_65″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 071 (id=1066): [title=»midiCC_66″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 072 (id=1067): [title=»midiCC_67″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 073 (id=1068): [title=»midiCC_68″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 074 (id=1069): [title=»midiCC_69″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 075 (id=1070): [title=»midiCC_70″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 076 (id=1071): [title=»midiCC_71″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 077 (id=1072): [title=»midiCC_72″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 078 (id=1073): [title=»midiCC_73″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 079 (id=1074): [title=»midiCC_74″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 080 (id=1075): [title=»midiCC_75″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 081 (id=1076): [title=»midiCC_76″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 082 (id=1077): [title=»midiCC_77″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 083 (id=1078): [title=»midiCC_78″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 084 (id=1079): [title=»midiCC_79″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 085 (id=1080): [title=»midiCC_80″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 086 (id=1081): [title=»midiCC_81″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 087 (id=1082): [title=»midiCC_82″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 088 (id=1083): [title=»midiCC_83″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 089 (id=1084): [title=»midiCC_84″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 090 (id=1085): [title=»midiCC_85″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 091 (id=1086): [title=»midiCC_86″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 092 (id=1087): [title=»midiCC_87″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 093 (id=1088): [title=»midiCC_88″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 094 (id=1089): [title=»midiCC_89″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 095 (id=1090): [title=»midiCC_90″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 096 (id=1091): [title=»midiCC_91″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 097 (id=1092): [title=»midiCC_92″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 098 (id=1093): [title=»midiCC_93″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 099 (id=1094): [title=»midiCC_94″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 100 (id=1095): [title=»midiCC_95″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 101 (id=1096): [title=»midiCC_96″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 102 (id=1097): [title=»midiCC_97″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 103 (id=1098): [title=»midiCC_98″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 104 (id=1099): [title=»midiCC_99″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 105 (id=1100): [title=»midiCC_100″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 106 (id=1101): [title=»midiCC_101″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 107 (id=1102): [title=»midiCC_102″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 108 (id=1103): [title=»midiCC_103″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 109 (id=1104): [title=»midiCC_104″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 110 (id=1105): [title=»midiCC_105″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 111 (id=1106): [title=»midiCC_106″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 112 (id=1107): [title=»midiCC_107″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 113 (id=1108): [title=»midiCC_108″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 114 (id=1109): [title=»midiCC_109″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 115 (id=1110): [title=»midiCC_110″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 116 (id=1111): [title=»midiCC_111″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 117 (id=1112): [title=»midiCC_112″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 118 (id=1113): [title=»midiCC_113″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 119 (id=1114): [title=»midiCC_114″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 120 (id=1115): [title=»midiCC_115″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 121 (id=1116): [title=»midiCC_116″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 122 (id=1117): [title=»midiCC_117″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 123 (id=1118): [title=»midiCC_118″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 124 (id=1119): [title=»midiCC_119″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 125 (id=1120): [title=»midiCC_120″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 126 (id=1121): [title=»midiCC_121″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 127 (id=1122): [title=»midiCC_122″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 128 (id=1123): [title=»midiCC_123″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 129 (id=1124): [title=»midiCC_124″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 130 (id=1125): [title=»midiCC_125″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 131 (id=1126): [title=»midiCC_126″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 132 (id=1127): [title=»midiCC_127″] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 133 (id=1128): [title=»midiAT»] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 134 (id=1129): [title=»midiPB»] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 135 (id=131072): [title=»Bypass»] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 136 (id=1886548852): [title=»MyPresets»] [unit=»»] [type = F, default = 0.000000, unit = 0]
Info: Parameter 136 (id=1886548852) is kIsProgramChange, but not a kIsList!

[MIDI Mapping]
Info: ===MIDI Mapping ====================================

[MIDI Learn]
Info: ===MIDI Learn ====================================
Info: No MIDI Learn interface supplied!

[Scan Units]
Info: ===Scan Units ====================================
Info: This component has 1 unit(s).
Info: Unit000 (ID = 0): «Root» (parent ID = -1, programlist ID = 1886548852)

[Scan Programs]
Info: ===Scan Programs ====================================
Info: Programlist 000 (id=131075): «Factory Presets» (1 programs).
Info: Programlist 000->Program 000: «Factory Preset»

Info: ===Terminate/Initialize ====================================

[Check Unit Structure]
Info: ===Check Unit Structure ====================================
Info: All units have valid parent IDs.

[Valid State Transition 32bits]
Info: ===Valid State Transition 32bits ====================================

[Valid State Transition 64bits]
Info: ===Valid State Transition 64bits ====================================
Info: 64bit Audio Processing not supported.

[Bus Consistency]
Info: ===Bus Consistency ====================================

[Bus Activation]
Info: ===Bus Activation ====================================
Info: Bus Activation: Input Audio Bus (0) (kMain)
Info: Bus Activation: Input Audio Bus (1) (kAux)
Info: Bus Activation: Output Audio Bus (0) (kMain)
Info: Bus Activation: Input Event Bus (0) (kMain)

[Check Audio Bus Arrangement]
Info: ===Check Audio Bus Arrangement ====================================
Info: Check Input Audio Bus Arrangement (0)
Info: Check Input Audio Bus Arrangement (1)
Info: Check Output Audio Bus Arrangement (0)

[SideChain Arrangement]
Info: ===SideChain Arrangement ====================================

Info: ===Suspend/Resume ====================================

[Note Expression]
Info: ===Note Expression ====================================
Info: No Note Expression interface supplied!

Info: ===Keyswitch ====================================
Info: No Keyswitch interface supplied!

[ProcessContext Requirements]
Info: ===ProcessContext Requirements ====================================
Info: ProcessContextRequirements:
Info: — Tempo

TestSuite : Single Precision (32 bit) Tests

[Process Test]



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  5. Visual studio error msb3073 the command
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  12. Visual studio error msb3073 the command
  13. Visual studio error msb3073 the command

Visual studio error msb3073 the command

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Asked by:


I´m getting this error after build my solution

as part of output log :

Error MSB3073 The command «»C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsService Fabric\ToolsAppManifestCleanupUtilAppManifestCleanupUtil.exe» /amp:»C:TFSmyFolderServicesmyApplicationApplicationPackageRootApplicationManifest.xml»

projects of my solution

/appparamfiles:»C:TFSmyFolderServicesmyApplicationApplicationParametersCloud.xml;C:TFSmyFolderServicesmyApplicationApplicationParametersLocal.1Node.xml;C:TFSmyFolderServicesmyApplicationApplicationParametersLocal.5Node.xml»» exited with code -1073741819.

C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2017ProfessionalMSBuildMicrosoftVisualStudiov15.0Service Fabric ToolsMicrosoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Fabric.ApplicationProject.targets 155

Hi cabrera valdovinos,

Thanks for posting here.

Generally speaking, the Error MSB3073 is generally caused by an incorrect path in the command line. So, first, you should check the path in the command line, make sure all the paths are correct. And as test, you can execute this command line separately in the command line window.


Visual studio error msb3073 the command

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Asked by:


Please help , This project build successfully in Win7 with VS 2017. But it build fail in Win10 with VS2017.

1>—— Build started: Project: CLI, Configuration: Debug x64 ——
1>Create version header from git —version dirty
1>File C:UsersPaulTsaiDesktopsedutil-masterwindowsGitVersion.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is
1>disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at
1> + CategoryInfo : SecurityError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
1> + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess
1>C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2017CommunityCommon7IDEVCVCTargetsMicrosoft.CppCommon.targets(123,5): error MSB3073: The command «powershell -NonInteractive -NoProfile -File ..GitVersion.ps1 ..Version.h
1>C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2017CommunityCommon7IDEVCVCTargetsMicrosoft.CppCommon.targets(123,5): error MSB3073: :VCEnd» exited with code 1.
1>Done building project «CLI.vcxproj» — FAILED.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Thanks for posting here.

>>> MSB3073 VCEnd exited with code 1

When you get the MSB3073 error, it means your custom command line or build event could not be executed correct.

According to the error info, it seems there is something wrong in your command «powershell -NonInteractive -NoProfile -File ..GitVersion.ps1 ..Version.h«.

Since you build this command on the Windows 10, you should check your .ps1 file, make sure it can be executed successfully on the windows 10, for example, some environment variable/ path is different from Windows 7.

If you can executed this ps.1 successfully directly, then you should check if the command is correct on Windows 10, to check this, you can create a test .ps1 file, then executed the command «powershell -NonInteractive -NoProfile -File ..Test.ps1»

If possible, please check following document for some details:

If you still not resolve this error, you can share the result what you have try and the command line here. Hope this helps.


Visual studio error msb3073 the command

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Answered by:


The command «setlocal»C:Program Files (x86)CMake 2.8bincmake.exe» -DBUILD_TYPE=Debug –P cmake_install.cmake if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :cmEnd :cmEnd endlocal & call :cmErrorLevel %errorlevel% & goto :cmDone :cmErrorLevel exit /b %1 :cmDone if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :VCEnd :VCEnd» exited with code 1.

This is the text from my build output. I am trying to build a project called INSTALL. A more detailed error report is below. Any help is appreciated. As stated above, my build is getting code MSB3073 and exiting with code 1.

1>—— Build started: Project: INSTALL, Configuration: Debug x64 ——

1> — Install configuration: «Debug»

1> CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:31 (FILE):

1> file cannot create directory: C:/Program Files/Arcemu/.. Maybe need

1> administrative privileges.

1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: The command «setlocal

1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: «C:Program Files (x86)CMake 2.8bincmake.exe» -DBUILD_TYPE=Debug -P cmake_install.cmake

1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :cmEnd

1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: :cmEnd

1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: endlocal & call :cmErrorLevel %errorlevel% & goto :cmDone

1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: :cmErrorLevel

1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: exit /b %1

1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: :cmDone

1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :VCEnd

1>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): error MSB3073: :VCEnd» exited with code 1.

========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========


Visual studio error msb3073 the command

Thank you Swaha,

Yes, I post the new error, but it is the same error MSB3073

Build started 17-11-2006 10:46:52.

Project «D:buildsTP ConsoleApplicationTP ConsoleApplicationBuildTypeTFSBuild.proj» (EndToEndIteration target(s)):

UpdateBuildNumberDropLocation BuildNumber=’TP ConsoleApplication_20061117.3′ DropLocation=’\tfsbuilddropTP ConsoleApplication_20061117.3′

Removing directory «D:buildsTP ConsoleApplicationTP ConsoleApplicationBuildType..Sources».

Creating directory «D:buildsTP ConsoleApplicationTP ConsoleApplicationBuildType..Sources».

DeleteWorkspaceTask Name=»TFS_TP ConsoleApplication_TP ConsoleApplication» TeamFoundationServerUrl=»http://tfs:8080/»

Workspace TFS_TP ConsoleApplication_TP ConsoleApplication does not exist.

«C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio» workspace /new TFS_TP ConsoleApplication_TP ConsoleApplication /server:http://tfs:8080/

Too many items specified.

D:buildsTP ConsoleApplicationTP ConsoleApplicationBuildTypeTFSBuild.proj(186,5): error MSB3073: The command «»C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio» workspace /new TFS_TP ConsoleApplication_TP ConsoleApplication /server:http://tfs:8080/» exited with code 100.

Done building target «BeforeGet» in project «TFSBuild.proj» — FAILED.

Done building project «TFSBuild.proj» — FAILED.

D:buildsTP ConsoleApplicationTP ConsoleApplicationBuildTypeTFSBuild.proj(186,5): error MSB3073: The command «»C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio» workspace /new TFS_TP ConsoleApplication_TP ConsoleApplication /server:http://tfs:8080/» exited with code 100.

Time Elapsed 00:00:02.81

Please, will anyone help me please.

Thank you very much

The problem is that the arguments for the tf workspace command are not correct. The command says that you have specified to many things for the name of the workspace. It’s expecting only one name. See for the details on using this command.

«C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio» workspace /new TFS_TP ConsoleApplication_TP ConsoleApplication /server:http://tfs:8080/

Too many items specified.

I have made new team project for team build. It didn’t give me same error as before. but instead give me 3 errors as follows

Build started 24-11-2006 13:03:26.
Project «D:buildsTP1TP1BuildTypeTFSBuild.proj» (EndToEndIteration target(s)):

Target InitializeEndToEndIteration:
UpdateBuildNumberDropLocation BuildNumber=’TP1_20061124.2′ DropLocation=’\tfsbuilddropTP1_20061124.2′


Visual studio error msb3073 the command

OK Loser Dd, You asked for it.

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: The command «echo Build

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: if «%VS71COMNTOOLS%»==»» goto NotInstalled

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: echo VCINSTALLDIR=%VCINSTALLDIR%

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: if «%VCINSTALLDIR%»==»» call «%VS71COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat»

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073:

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: call .make.bat «DEBUG_OPTS=/Zi /Od»

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: if errorlevel 1 goto Simt4Failed

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073:

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: echo Copy to TCF agent

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: set AgentSimt4ApiDir=C:Projectstoolssynaptics-tool-chainSourceorg.eclipse.tcf.agentSimt4Api

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: set AgentToolbox=C:Projectstoolssynaptics-tool-chainToolbox

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: if exist %AgentSimt4ApiDir% (

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: copy buildwindowssimt4.dll %AgentSimt4ApiDir%

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: copy buildwindowssimt4.lib %AgentSimt4ApiDir%

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: copy buildwindowssimt4.dll %AgentToolbox%windowslib

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: copy buildwindowssimt4.lib %AgentToolbox%windowslib

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: copy ISimt4Api.h %AgentSimt4ApiDir%

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: copy Simt4ApiLoader.h %AgentSimt4ApiDir%

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: copy Simt4ApiLoader.cpp %AgentSimt4ApiDir%

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: rem want to fully linked version

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: copy

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: copy

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: )

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073:

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: goto end

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073:

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: :Simt4Failed

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: echo Simt4 Build Failed

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: goto end

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073:

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: :NotInstalled

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: echo Visual Studio .NET 2003 not installed

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: goto end

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073:

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: :end

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073:

1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: exit 0″ exited with code -1.

1>Time Elapsed 00:00:10.00

========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

I bet that was not helpful.

Hmm . you may have something there on the Toolset version.

You may have noticed that the Build Command script specifically references the VS .NET 2003 version of vcvars32.bat. Perhaps that old choice of compiler is not playing nice with the version of MSBuild in VS 2010. I’ll read up on the article you cited Barry.

I tried manually editing the project files from

Unfortunately that resulted in a completely different error which I could not resolve despite trying solutions I found in other threads.

Specifically the error

1>C:Projectstoolssimt4simt4simt4.2010.vcxproj(31,3): error MSB4019: The imported project «c:Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props» was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.

I am stuck again.

You might note that I have an explicit

at the end of my command script and MSBuild still reports return code -1.

How is this even possible?

Based on the error message the problem is the whole command exit with error code -1. And that exit 0 seem located in your file, please check whether the whole command is like the following

I’ve grouped your error message together:

So I think the problem is more related to how you run this batch in msbuild. The common step to work on this is like:

What about let’s check the following:

1. What if you manually run your batch file within cmd?(Here I’m not so sure, I still haven’t build a concept about your steps. I think msbuild is different from makefile project,see here and also here They seems to be different tool with different process.)

2. What about check whether msbuild has executed your batch file in the right way? We need to make sure msbuild recognize this file.

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1) You can see in what I have already provide I use the call command to run my make.bat file.

2) Let me clarify the situation and my intent.

2a) the make.bat is years old and was originally created to run using cmd.exe by someone else.

2b) I use Visual Studio as my editor and debugger. Due to some legacy dependencies I cannot (yet) use a native .vcxproj to build this project. I am stuck with using my make.bat for now.

2c) For convenience I have been using a ‘Make file’ project type to launch the make.bat. This has the advantage of parsing the errors messages from cl and being able to start the debugger after the build succeeds. This has been successful with Visual Studio 2008.

I have a related project which I am building with Visual Studio 2010. I thought it would be more convenient to use Visual Studio 2010 for both. So it is Visual Studio 2010 specifically which outputs the MSB3073 error message. The error repeats many lines which results in the output from my make.bat inconveniently scrolling out of view.

So it seems that MSBuild is processing the .vcproj file in Visual Studio 2010.

2d) Why I posted this message is due to Visual Studio 2010 reporting the MSB3073 error when my make.bat is successful.

3) As the first article that you referenced suggests, I tried the /B switch of the exit command. It made NO difference in the resulting output.

4) My make.bat file via Visual Studio 2010 is properly being executed because I can see the successful results of the compiles and link.

Thanks for your detailed description and I want to share something in my mind:
First, all the things we have:
Now I can unstand that you want to use MSBuild to build your project which is written as make.bat file. And as we can see from your previous message that the whole bat file is translated to MSBuild command. But the result is that MSBuild does not know that complex command and at last it reports -1 to you.
You mentioned «This has been successful with Visual Studio 2008.» and I agree it will work because make can recognize many «built-in» DOS commands, it can also use bat file in it.
VS2010 is different, it switch to use MSBuild instead of previous things.
As a result, when we use MSBuild it is already a different experience:
Here we start
And here is the common command:
MSBuild.exe MyProj.proj /property:Configuration=Debug
The problem is how MSBuild can run a bat file? I know you have called «make.bat» in your batch. However it is not MSBuild way. MSBuild need at least a project file, like the way mentioned here:

When I asked you to use «call» before, actually I mean I want you to add your bat file in your project file, I don’t know you do not have any vcxproj file.

I hope I’ve already clarified our case without error, please correct me if I’m wrong any where.

Furthermore, I think it is better for you to consider use MSBuild to create a new MSBuild script. They are different ways when building the application in my mind.

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Я пытаюсь построить проект с открытым исходным кодом на моем компьютере с использованием Visual Studio 2015 и CMake. Я выполнил все шаги, и проверки перед сборкой работали правильно. Но когда я собираю INSTALL для установки программного обеспечения в папку, указанную в графическом интерфейсе CMAKE, я получаю ошибку MSB3073. Полное описание ошибки приведено ниже.

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error
MSB3073 The command "setlocal
"C:Program Files (x86)CMakebincmake.exe" -DBUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -P    cmake_install.cmake
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :cmEnd
endlocal & call :cmErrorLevel %errorlevel% & goto :cmDone
exit /b %1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :VCEnd
:VCEnd" exited with code 1.
INSTALL C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0V140Microsoft.CppCommon.targets  133

Я искал ту же ошибку и обнаружил, что некоторые люди, которые пытались установить сборку в каталог без прав записи, сталкивались с этим, но я удостоверился, что у меня есть доступ для записи. Я даже пытался сделать это с правами администратора и до сих пор не смог решить эту проблему.

Любая помощь в этом будет принята с благодарностью.



Произошла ошибка в одном из файлов cmake_install.cmake, и это вызывало проблему. Как только я исправил проблему, все заработало.


Другие решения

Других решений пока нет …

OK, after looking all day for an answer for this question, I decided to post it and see if the GURUs can help out any.

A project of smallish size (only about 30 files), but it does call on 4 relatively large libraries.

I get the self same error on two different machines:  1) my relatively new laptop — Lenovo idea pad — i7 (3rd gen), 16G Ram, and 2 GPUs (NVIDIA GeForce GT 750Ms), running Win8 pro, compiling with MSVS 2010 w/ SP1.  2) my desktop at work —
ASUS USI — i7 (3rd Gen), 32G Ram, Intel HD graphics 4000, running Win 7 pro, compiling with MSVS 2010 Express.

of 6 projects 5 build and one keeps getting the following error(s):


/* for brevity, I’ve extracted the following line from those showing the …: error MSB3073… below */

«2>C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(113,5): «

error MSB3073: The command «setlocal
error MSB3073: mt.exe -manifest res/tsiAdmin.exe.manifest -updateresource:C:/CVUS_Proj/WS-Bin/C:CVUS_ProjWS-BinDebug/tsiAdmin.exe;#1
error MSB3073: if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :cmEnd
error MSB3073: :cmEnd
error MSB3073: endlocal & call :cmErrorLevel %errorlevel% & goto :cmDone
error MSB3073: :cmErrorLevel
error MSB3073: exit /b %1
error MSB3073: :cmDone
error MSB3073: if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :VCEnd
error MSB3073: :VCEnd» exited with code 31.
2>Done executing task «Exec» — FAILED. (TaskId:66)
2>Done building target «PostBuildEvent» in project «tsiAdmin.vcxproj» — FAILED.: (TargetId:148)


Having searched ‘cyberspace’ for thoughts, here is a list of things that does NOT resolve the issue.

1) turn off the ‘Real Time Protection’ on your Virus protection…

2) run in Administrative mode

3) do NOT run in Administrative mode

4) remove trailing ‘s from the Manifest tool Output directories

5) Tell linker to NOT generate embedded manifest

So, I’m turning to the GURUs online to see if I can eek out some information to allow me to proceed with my debugging (which means that I’ll need to make a new ‘tsiAdmin.exe’ — both in Release mode (after I’m done) and in Debug mode so that I can troubleshoot
the issues that I’m finding in the code.

Why does mt.exe return a 31?  What does it actually mean?  What could be causing it?

  • Перемещено

    4 октября 2013 г. 5:52
    Not the VS General issue.

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