I am attempting to optimise a bulk UPDATE statement in Postgres using the UPDATE..FROM syntax to update from a list of values. It works except when the same row might be updated more than once in the same query.
For example say I have a table «test» with columns «key» and «value».
update test as t set value = v.value from (values
('key1', 'update1'),
('key1', 'update2') )
as v (key, value)
where t.key = v.key;
My desired behavior is for the row with key ‘key1’ to be updated twice, finishing with value set to ‘update2’. In practice sometimes the value is updated to update1 and sometimes to update2. Also an update trigger function on the table is only invoked once.
The documentation (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/sql-update.html) explains why:
When a FROM clause is present, what essentially happens is that the target table is joined to the tables mentioned in the from_list, and each output row of the join represents an update operation for the target table. When using FROM you should ensure that the join produces at most one output row for each row to be modified. In other words, a target row shouldn’t join to more than one row from the other table(s). If it does, then only one of the join rows will be used to update the target row, but which one will be used is not readily predictable.
Because of this indeterminacy, referencing other tables only within sub-selects is safer, though often harder to read and slower than using a join.
Is there any way to reformulate this query to achieve the behavior I’m looking for? Does the reference to sub-selects in the documentation give a hint?
Я ищу, чтобы обновить несколько строк в PostgreSQL в одном выражении. Есть ли способ сделать что-то вроде следующего?
UPDATE table
column_a = 1 where column_b = '123',
column_a = 2 where column_b = '345'
Вы также можете использовать update ... from
синтаксис и таблицу сопоставления. Если вы хотите обновить более одного столбца, это гораздо более обобщенно:
update test as t set
column_a = c.column_a
from (values
('123', 1),
('345', 2)
) as c(column_b, column_a)
where c.column_b = t.column_b;
Вы можете добавить столько столбцов, сколько захотите:
update test as t set
column_a = c.column_a,
column_c = c.column_c
from (values
('123', 1, '---'),
('345', 2, '+++')
) as c(column_b, column_a, column_c)
where c.column_b = t.column_b;
sql fiddle demo
Основываясь на решении @Roman, вы можете установить несколько значений:
update users as u set -- postgres FTW
email = u2.email,
first_name = u2.first_name,
last_name = u2.last_name
from (values
(1, 'hollis@weimann.biz', 'Hollis', 'O'Connell'),
(2, 'robert@duncan.info', 'Robert', 'Duncan')
) as u2(id, email, first_name, last_name)
where u2.id = u.id;
Да, ты можешь:
UPDATE foobar SET column_a = CASE
WHEN column_b = '123' THEN 1
WHEN column_b = '345' THEN 2
WHERE column_b IN ('123','345')
И рабочее доказательство: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/97c7ea/1
Наткнулся на похожий сценарий и выражение CASE было мне полезно.
UPDATE reports SET is_default =
when report_id = 123 then true
when report_id != 123 then false
WHERE account_id = 321;
Отчеты — это таблица здесь, account_id такой же, как для report_ids, упомянутых выше. Приведенный выше запрос установит для 1 записи (той, которая соответствует условию) значение true, а для всех несоответствующих — значение false.
Для обновления нескольких строк в одном запросе, вы можете попробовать это
UPDATE table_name
column_1 = CASE WHEN any_column = value and any_column = value THEN column_1_value end,
column_2 = CASE WHEN any_column = value and any_column = value THEN column_2_value end,
column_3 = CASE WHEN any_column = value and any_column = value THEN column_3_value end,
column_n = CASE WHEN any_column = value and any_column = value THEN column_n_value end
если вам не нужны дополнительные условия, удалите and
часть этого запроса
Допустим, у вас есть массив идентификаторов и эквивалентный массив статусов — вот пример, как это сделать со статическим SQL (SQL-запрос, который не изменяется из-за разных значений) массивов:
drop table if exists results_dummy;
create table results_dummy (id int, status text, created_at timestamp default now(), updated_at timestamp default now());
-- populate table with dummy rows
insert into results_dummy
(id, status)
select unnest(array[1,2,3,4,5]::int[]) as id, unnest(array['a','b','c','d','e']::text[]) as status;
select * from results_dummy;
-- THE update of multiple rows with/by different values
update results_dummy as rd
set status=new.status, updated_at=now()
from (select unnest(array[1,2,5]::int[]) as id,unnest(array['a`','b`','e`']::text[]) as status) as new
where rd.id=new.id;
select * from results_dummy;
-- in code using **IDs** as first bind variable and **statuses** as the second bind variable:
update results_dummy as rd
set status=new.status, updated_at=now()
from (select unnest(:1::int[]) as id,unnest(:2::text[]) as status) as new
where rd.id=new.id;
It seems there is a UNIQUE INDEX on table A(user_id) and you’re trying to assign an existing value to more than one row.
Have a look at the next example:
create table a (id int, user_id int, f_id int);
create table b (id int, f_id int);
create unique index A_user_id_key on a(user_id);
insert into a
values (1, 1, 11),
(2, 3, 22),
(3, 2, 33),
(4, 5, 44 );
insert into b
values (1, 11),
(3, 22),
(3, 33), --<<<< there is another row with user_id = 3
(4, 44);
When I try to update using your current query:
update a
set user_id = b.id
from b
where a.f_id = b.f_id;
It returns same error message:
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint «a_user_id_key»
DETAIL: Key (user_id)=(3) already exists.
You could solve by avoiding existing values:
update a
set user_id = b.id
from b
where a.f_id = b.f_id
and not exists(select 1 from a where a.user_id = b.id);
This is the result:
select * from a;
id | user_id | f_id -: | ------: | ---: 1 | 1 | 11 2 | 3 | 22 3 | 2 | 33 4 | 4 | 44
db<>fiddle here
But I’ll suggest to check wich are the duplicate rows using next query:
select a.* from a join b on a.f_id = b.f_id and exists(select 1 from a where user_id = b.id and f_id <> b.f_id);
id | user_id | f_id -: | ------: | ---: 3 | 2 | 33
db<>fiddle here
Я использую PostgreSQL 9.5, Ubuntu 16.04
У меня есть пустая таблица:
open REAL,
close REAL,
high REAL,
low REAL,
volume REAL
Затем я пытаюсь выполнить несколько upsert (без дубликатов временной метки — первичного ключа):
INSERT INTO candles_1m (
timestamp, open, close, high, low, volume
(1507804800, 5160, 5158.7, 5160, 5158.7, 5.40608574),
(1507804740, 5157.5, 5160, 5160, 5156.1, 39.03357813),
(1507804680, 5156.5, 5157.4, 5157.4, 5156, 33.54458319),
(1507804620, 5151.3, 5156.5, 5157.5, 5151.2, 19.75590599)
ON CONFLICT (timestamp)
open = EXCLUDED.open,
close = EXCLUDED.close,
high = EXCLUDED.high,
low = EXCLUDED.low,
volume = EXCLUDED.volume;
И я получил и ошибку:
ERROR: ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command cannot affect row a second time
HINT: Ensure that no rows proposed for insertion within the same command have duplicate constrained values.
Я не понимаю, почему? У меня там дубликатов нет! Но моим следующим шагом будет создание запроса, который будет добавлять (или обновлять) каждую из строк шаг за шагом (независимо от наличия дубликатов).
2 ответа
Лучший ответ
Из документации:
вещественные 4 байта переменной точности, неточные 6 десятичных знаков точности
У вас есть две пары равных реальных значений:
1507804800::real = 1507804740::real as r1r2,
1507804680::real = 1507804620::real as r3r4
r1r2 | r3r4
t | t
(1 row)
Используйте тип с большей точностью.
12 Окт 2017 в 11:40
Как указывали другие, это связано с тем, что два введенных вами значения усекаются до одного и того же значения при преобразовании в REAL
Поскольку числа с плавающей запятой не имеют равномерной точности во всем диапазоне — близкие к нулю, они могут более точно представлять очень маленькие дроби, а вдали от нуля они могут представлять очень большие значения неточно. Ваши значения превышают диапазон, в котором каждое целое число представлено точно, поэтому ваши значения эффективно округляются до ближайшего представимого значения всякий раз, когда вы их вставляете.
Обратите внимание, что это не просто проблема дубликатов, вы фактически теряете данные каждый раз, когда вставляете в эту таблицу.
Как это исправить?
Выбрав более подходящий тип данных для вашего столбца. Если ваши временные метки никогда не имеют десятичных компонентов, может оказаться подходящим BigInt
; в противном случае ознакомьтесь с ограничениями точности разной ширины чисел с плавающей запятой. Или, возможно, вам следует преобразовать их в соответствующий тип даты / времени, возможно, используя to_timestamp
12 Окт 2017 в 11:53
SQL UPDATE Statement
The SQL UPDATE statement is used to update or modify the existing records in a specific table.
The SQL UPDATE statement is also used to update all records (without SQL WHERE clause) or specific records that match a specified criteria using SQL WHERE clause.
This is accomplished by carefully constructing a where clause.
Sql update statement using update query in sql, mysql update where, syntax, update multiple, update from table, update table set column,
update record in sql, update set multiple column values, update where in, Duplicate Key, Aggregate Function, Batch, Bulk Data, Calculate Values.
The basic syntax of SQL UPDATE statement with SQL WHERE clause is as follows:
UPDATE table_name1
SET column_name1 = value_1, column_name2 = value_2,...column_nameN = value_N
WHERE some_column_name_1 = some_value_1;
You can combine N number of conditions using AND or OR operators.
Note: The SQL WHERE clause in the SQL UPDATE statement!
The SQL WHERE clause specifies criteria to update, which row or rows that should be updated.
If you omit the SQL WHERE clause, all rows will be updated!
Sample Database Table — Books
BookId | BookName | BookPrice | RelYear | DomainName | AuthorName |
1 | Head First SQL | 123.45 | 2012 | Performance | Geetha |
2 | From Access To SQL Server | 178.69 | 2009 | Optimization | Vinoth Kumar |
3 | Oracle PL/sql By Example | 150 | 2009 | Performance | Devi Mai |
4 | Postgre Sql Server Programming | 60 | 2008 | Performance | Devi Mai |
Sample Database Table Structure — Books
Column Name | Data Type |
BookID | Number |
BookName | Text |
BookPrice | Number |
RelYear | Number |
DomainName | Text |
AuthorName | Text |
Text Column Vs Numeric Column
SQL requires single or double (most database support) quotes around text or string values.
However, we write numeric fields without quotes:
Example 1
The following SQL statement will update a existing row, but only update data in the «AuthorName» and
«BookPrice» column
for BookID = 2, in the «Books» table:
SET AuthorName = 'Devi Mai', BookPrice = 260
WHERE BookID = 2;
The result of above query is:
BookId | BookName | BookPrice | RelYear | DomainName | AuthorName |
1 | Head First SQL | 123.45 | 2012 | Performance | Geetha |
2 | From Access To SQL Server | 260 | 2009 | Optimization | Devi Mai |
3 | Oracle PL/sql By Example | 150 | 2009 | Performance | Devi Mai |
4 | Postgre Sql Server Programming | 60 | 2008 | Performance | Devi Mai |
Example 2
The following SQL statement will update two existing rows, but only update data in the «BookPrice», «RelYear» and «DomainName»
columns for AuthorName = «Devi Mai» and BookID greater than «2», in the «Books» table:
SET BookPrice = 180, RelYear = 2010, DomainName = 'Programming'
WHERE AuthorName = 'Devi Mai' AND BookID > 2;
The result of above query is:
BookId | BookName | BookPrice | RelYear | DomainName | AuthorName |
1 | Head First SQL | 123.45 | 2012 | Performance | Geetha |
2 | From Access To SQL Server | 260 | 2009 | Optimization | Devi Mai |
3 | Oracle PL/sql By Example | 180 | 2010 | Programming | Devi Mai |
4 | Postgre Sql Server Programming | 180 | 2010 | Programming | Devi Mai |
Example 3
The following SQL statement will update all existing rows, but only update data in the «BookPrice», «RelYear» and «DomainName»
column, in the «Books» table:
BookPrice = 50, RelYear = 2016, DomainName = 'Sql Programming';
The result of above query is:
BookId | BookName | BookPrice | RelYear | DomainName | AuthorName |
1 | Head First SQL | 50 | 2016 | Sql Programming | Geetha |
2 | From Access To SQL Server | 50 | 2016 | Sql Programming | Devi Mai |
3 | Oracle PL/sql By Example | 50 | 2016 | Sql Programming | Devi Mai |
4 | Postgre Sql Server Programming | 50 | 2016 | Sql Programming | Devi Mai |
Sql server update command using sql update multiple set, update table from table, update set where in, update multiple rows, update query with select,
multiple updates in one query, postgres update statement, update from mssql, update multiple fields, update all columns, multiple updates in one query, change value in table,
Update Column to Null, Update Increase Salary by 10 Percent, Update Only if Value Changed, Update Top n Rows.
SQL Update Duplicate Key
If an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause is included and a row to be inserted would result in a duplicate value in a UNIQUE index or PRIMARY KEY, the old row is updated.
The system always detects for duplicate rows throughout the update process unless a table is established as MULTISET (without UNIQUE constraints) to allow duplicate entries. The sequence in which updates are applied can have an impact on the final outcome of a transaction.
Example 1: For example, if column a is declared as UNIQUE and contains the value 1, the following two statements have similar effect:
INSERT INTO t1 (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3)
UPDATE t1 SET c=c+1 WHERE a=1;
The results aren’t quite the same: The INSERT statement increases the auto-increment value of an auto-increment column in an InnoDB table, but the UPDATE statement does not.
If column b is also unique, the INSERT command is replaced by this UPDATE statement:
UPDATE t1 SET c=c+1 WHERE a=1 OR b=2 LIMIT 1;
If a=1 OR b=2 matches several rows, only one row is updated. In general, you should try to avoid using an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause on tables with multiple unique indexes.
With ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, the affected-rows value per row is 1 if the row is inserted as a new row, 2 if an existing row is updated, and 0 if an existing row is set to its current values. If you specify the CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS flag to the mysql_real_connect() C API function when connecting to mysqld, the affected-rows value is 1 (not 0) if an existing row is set to its current values.
If a table contains an AUTO_INCREMENT column and INSERT … ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE inserts or updates a row, the LAST_INSERT_ID() function returns the AUTO_INCREMENT value.
The ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause can contain multiple column assignments, separated by commas.
You can use the VALUES(col name) function to refer to column values from the INSERT section of the INSERT… ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement in assignment value expressions in the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause. In other words, in the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause, VALUES(col_name) refers to the value of col_name that would be entered if there were no duplicate-key conflict. This function comes in handy when inserting several rows. The VALUES() function is only useful in the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause or the INSERT statements; otherwise, it returns NULL. Example:
INSERT INTO t1 (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6)
That statement is identical to the following two statements:
INSERT INTO t1 (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3)
INSERT INTO t1 (a,b,c) VALUES (4,5,6)
Note: Beginning with MySQL 8.0.20, using VALUES() to refer to the new row and columns is deprecated, and it may be removed in a future version of MySQL. Alternatively, as detailed in the next few paragraphs of this section, utilise row and column aliases.
Starting with MySQL 8.0.19, you can use an alias for the row, with one or more of its columns optionally appended, after the VALUES or SET clause and before the AS keyword. The statement shown previously using VALUES() to retrieve the new column values can be written in the form shown here using the row alias new:
INSERT INTO t1 (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6) AS new
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c = new.a+new.b;
If, in addition, you use the column aliases m, n, and p, you can omit the row alias in the assignment clause and write the same statement like this:
INSERT INTO t1 (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6) AS new(m,n,p)
When utilising column aliases in this way, even if you don’t use it directly in the assignment clause, you must still use a row alias after the VALUES clause.
An INSERT… SELECT… ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement that uses VALUES() in the UPDATE clause, such as this one, produces a warning starting with MySQL 8.0.20:
SELECT c, c+d FROM t2
You can eliminate such warnings by using a subquery instead, like this:
SELECT * FROM (SELECT c, c+d AS e FROM t2) AS dt
You can also use row and column aliases with a SET clause, as mentioned previously. Employing SET instead of VALUES in the two INSERT … ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements just shown can be done as shown here:
INSERT INTO t1 SET a=1,b=2,c=3 AS new
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c = new.a+new.b;
INSERT INTO t1 SET a=1,b=2,c=3 AS new(m,n,p)
The table name and the row alias must not be the same. If column aliases aren’t used, or if they’re the same as the column names, the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause must use the row alias to separate them. Column aliases must be distinct from the row aliases they apply to (that is, no column aliases referring to columns of the same row may be the same).
These criteria apply to valid types of SELECT query expressions that you can refer to in an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause for INSERT… SELECT statements:
Column references from queries on a single table, which may or may not be a derived table.
Column references from queries that join multiple tables and DISTINCT queries.
As long as the SELECT doesn’t employ GROUP BY, references to columns in other tables are allowed. One unintended consequence is that nonunique column names must be qualified.
It is not possible to make references to columns from a UNION. To get around this limitation, recast the UNION as a derived table and consider the rows as a single-table result set.
For example, this statement produces an error:
INSERT INTO t1 (a, b)
Instead, use an equivalent statement that rewrites the UNION as a derived table:
INSERT INTO t1 (a, b)
(SELECT c, d FROM t2
SELECT e, f FROM t3) AS dt
References to columns from GROUP BY queries can also be made using the technique of rewriting a query as a derived table.
Because the outcomes of INSERT… SELECT statements are dependent on the ordering of rows from the SELECT, which cannot always be guaranteed, it is possible for the source and replica to diverge when recording INSERT… SELECT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements. As a result, statements like INSERT… SELECT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE are marked as hazardous for statement-based replication. When using statement-based mode, such statements generate a warning in the error log, and when using MIXED mode, they are recorded to the binary log using the row-based format. An INSERT… ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement can also be used to update a table with multiple unique or main keys.
Example 2:
Consider the following example:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
SET b = b + 1
WHERE a = 1; /* fails */
SET b = b - 1
WHERE a = 1; /* succeeds */
Because it creates a duplicate entry, the initial UPDATE request fails.
Both UPDATE requests succeed if the order of the UPDATE requests is reversed, as the UPDATE does not result in duplicate rows.
SET b = b - 1
WHERE a = 1; /* succeeds */
SET b = b + 1
WHERE a = 1; /* succeeds */
This is a common method for both simple and join updates. Updates that affect the values of the primary or secondary indexes, on the other hand, are done as separate delete and insert operations.
SQL Update Having
Only a Select statement can be used with the Having clause. It will not function if you use the Having clause in SQL with an update or delete query.
When you want to create a condition that involves a grouping (aggregating) function, use Having instead of Where. Because aggregate functions (such as sum, count, and so on) are not supported by the Where clause, the Having clause is utilized.
In a GROUP BY clause, the Having clause is utilized. When GROUP BY isn’t used, the Where or Having clause will usually produce the same result.
Example 1: So let’s have a look at a real-world example of how to use SQL Server’s Having Clause. The SQL Server Management Studio was used to create the example on SQL Server 2012.
Creating a table in SQL Server
Now we create a table named employee using:
Create table Employee
EmpID int,
EmpName varchar(30),
EmpSalary int
The following is the sample data for the employee Table:
The Having clause is used only with the Select statement.
The following example defines the Having clause with an update statement.
Update Statement with Having clause:
Update Employee set [EmpSalary] ='16000' having EmpID=1
Example 2:
UPDATE contacts_domains cd,
(SELECT id FROM contacts_domains GROUP BY domain_id
HAVING COUNT(contact_id) = 1) AS cdtmp
SET cd.dominant = 1
WHERE cd.id = cdtmp.id
SQL Update Aggregate Function
Using the aggregate function SUM() and the GROUP BY clause, update the data in the columns with the SQL UPDATE statement.
Example 1:
Sample table: customer1
To change the value of ‘outstanding_amt’ of ‘customer1’ table with following conditions:
modified value for ‘outstanding_amt’ is 0, sum of ‘ord_amount’ from ‘orders’ table must be greater than 5000 which satisfies the condition bellow:
unique ‘cust_code’ of ‘customer1’ makes a group, and ‘cust_code’ of ‘customer1’ and ‘orders’ must be same, the following SQL statement can be used:
UPDATE customer1
SET outstanding_amt=0
WHERE (SELECT SUM(ord_amount) FROM orders
WHERE customer1.cust_code=orders.cust_code
GROUP BY cust_code )>5000;
Example 2: SQL update columns with NULL:
In the following we are going to discuss, how the NULL works with the UPDATE statement.
Sample table: agent1
To update the ‘agent1’ table with following conditions:
Modified value for ‘phone_no’ is NULL, ‘commission’ must be more than .15, the following SQL statement can be used :
SQL Code:
UPDATE agent1
SET phone_no=NULL
WHERE commission>=.15;
Here is a new document which is a collection of questions with short and simple answers, useful for learning SQL as well as for interviews.
Example 3:
itemid availableqty
100 0
101 80
102 220
103 190
104 0
105 0
update tblitemmaster set availableqty=(select sum(availableqty) from stockdetails where itemid =110)
where ItemID =102
but this is updating at time only one record.
SQL Update Append
Append string
Using MySQL’s concat method, we can append a string of data to an existing field’s data. We’re not altering or updating existing data here; instead, we’re simply adding the string to the end(or beginning) of the field data.
Example: For example, we’d like to put a site signature to the end of user comments. We can’t use any update command because each user’s post is different, thus we’ll use concat to add the site signature to each post stored within a record field in our update command.
concat(field_name,"string to add")
SELECT CONCAT('string1' , '-','string2')
Now let us see how it is used in a MySQL table query.
UPDATE photo_img SET dtl=CONCAT(dtl,'site_data to add')
WHERE gal_id='22'
GROUP_CONCAT: The command above will append the string site_data at the end of each record dtl field with a gal_id of 22.
If we don’t use the Where clause in SQL, the concat query will modify all of the records.
SQL Update Batch
What’s the best technique to update one or more columns in a table with millions of entries with data from another table with minimal risk and maximum efficiency? Process inserts, deletes, and updates in batches is one of my favourite ways to deal with tables with millions of records.
Example 1: Using a transaction to update data in batches of 10,000 records at a time is a simple and efficient approach to update millions of records. The goal is to batch out your data so that you can process fewer records at a time.
use DatabaseName
DECLARE @batchSize INT
DECLARE @results INT
SET @results = 1
SET @batchSize = 10000
SET @batchId = 0
-- when 0 rows returned, exit the loop
WHILE (@results > 0)
UPDATE Table1 SET columnA = Table2.columnA
FROM Table2
INNER JOIN Table1 ON Table2.Id = Table1.Id
WHERE Table1.columnA is null
AND (Table2.Id > @batchId
AND Table2.Id <= @batchId + @batchSize)
SET @results = @@ROWCOUNT
-- next batch
SET @batchId = @batchId + @batchSize
The sql below is just to measure the performance of this update, it is not needed to update your data.
SELECT @startTime = GETDATE()
SELECT 'It took ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), DATEDIFF(ms, @startTime, GETDATE())) + ' ms'
In the query above we declare the following variables to do the batching:
- @results – this variable will hold the number of records updated; when zero, the query will stop. This is to avoid an infinite loop.
- @batchId – this is set to zero initially, and it is used to compare the table id against it, and after each update, it is set to the id plus the batch size. This allows splitting the millions of records into batches.
- @batchSize – the number of records to update at a time.
It is important to know that the above algorithm will only work when your table’s primary keys are of type int. If your table’s primary keys are guids, the above will not work.
The portion at the conclusion of the query is solely for reviewing the performance of your updates; updating the data is not required, but it is a handy way to observe how the query performs overall.
I hope you find the material in this post useful, and that it teaches you how to update millions of data in batches, which is easier and safer than doing it all at once.
Example 2: You shouldn’t update 10,000 rows in a set unless you’re sure the operation isn’t causing Page Locks (due to multiple rows per page being part of the UPDATE operation). The problem is that at 5000 locks, Lock Escalation (from Row or Page to Table locks) occurs. So, just in case the procedure uses Row Locks, it’s best to keep it below 5000.
To limit the amount of rows that will be updated, you should not use SET ROWCOUNT. There are two issues to consider:
It has that been deprecated since SQL Server 2005 was released (11 years ago):
In a future release of SQL Server, using SET ROWCOUNT will have no effect on DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statements. In new development work, avoid using SET ROWCOUNT with DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE statements, and prepare to alter existing applications that utilise it. Use the TOP syntax to achieve a similar result.
It can affect more than just the statement you are dealing with:
When the SET ROWCOUNT option is used, most Transact-SQL queries will stop executing once the specified number of rows have been impacted. This contains the use of triggers. The ROWCOUNT option has no effect on dynamic cursors, but it does limit the number of rows in which keyset and insensitive cursors can be used. With this option, proceed with caution.
Instead, use the TOP () clause.
Having an explicit transaction here serves no purpose. It makes the code more complicated, because there’s no way to handle a ROLLBACK, which isn’t even necessary because each statement is its own transaction (i.e. auto-commit).
You don’t have a TRY / CATCH structure if you find a reason to keep the explicit transaction. Please see my DBA response. StackExchange for a transaction-handling TRY/CATCH template:
Are we required to handle Transaction in C# Code as well as in Store procedure
I believe the real WHERE clause is not being presented in the example code in the Question, so depending solely on what has been shown, a better model (please see remark below regarding performance) would be a better model:
@BatchSize INT; -- keep below 5000 to be safe
SET @BatchSize = 2000;
SET @Rows = @BatchSize; -- initialize just to enter the loop
WHILE (@Rows = @BatchSize)
UPDATE TOP (@BatchSize) tab
SET tab.Value = 'abc1'
FROM TableName tab
WHERE tab.Parameter1 = 'abc'
AND tab.Parameter2 = 123
AND tab.Value <> 'abc1' COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN2;
-- Use a binary Collation (ending in _BIN2, not _BIN) to make sure
-- that you don't skip differences that compare the same due to
-- insensitivity of case, accent, etc, or linguistic equivalence.
By testing @Rows against @BatchSize, you can avoid that final UPDATE query (in most cases) because the final set is typically some number of rows less than @BatchSize, in which case we know that there are no more to process (which is what you see in the output shown in your answer). Only in those cases where the final set of rows is equal to @BatchSize will this code run a final UPDATE affecting 0 rows.
I also added a condition to the WHERE clause to prevent rows that have already been updated from being updated again.
I emphasized «better» above (as in, «this is a better model») because this has several improvements over the O.P.’s original code, and works fine in many cases, but is not perfect for all cases. For tables of at least a certain size (which varies due to several factors so I can’t be more specific), performance will degrade as there are fewer rows to fix if either:
- There is no index to support the query, or there is an index but at least one column in the WHERE clause is a string data type that does not employ a binary collation, in which case a COLLATE clause is added to the query to force the binary collation, invalidating the index in the process (for this particular query).
- This is the predicament @mikesigs found himself in, necessitating a different strategy. The updated method INNER JOINS the table being updated on the clustered index key column to a temporary table that contains the IDs for all rows to be updated (s). (Whether or not the clustered index columns are the main key, it’s critical to capture and join on them.)
Please see @mikesigs answer below for details. The approach shown in that answer is a very effective pattern that I have used myself on many occasions. The only changes I would make are:
- Explicitly create the #targetIds table rather than using SELECT INTO…
- For the #targetIds table, declare a clustered primary key on the column(s).
- For the #batchIds table, declare a clustered primary key on the column(s).
- For inserting into #targetIds, use INSERT INTO #targetIds (column_name(s)) SELECT and remove the ORDER BY as it’s unnecessary.
SQL Update Bulk Data
Today we’ll look at how to use a single stored procedure and a user-defined table type to insert and update numerous records. If the Id column value, i.e. the primary key, does not exist, we will insert the records, and if the Id column value is duplicated, we will update the records. To implement this capability, we’ll develop a stored procedure and a User defined table type. I’ll also show you how to test our solution by calling the stored procedure with SQL.
Using the CASE command, you can bulk update MySQL data with just one query.
update yourTableName
set yourUpdateColumnName = ( Case yourConditionColumnName WHEN Value1 THEN ‘’UpdatedValue’
WHEN Value2 THEN ‘UpdatedValue’
where yourConditionColumnName IN(Value1,Value2,.....N);
Example 1:
Step 1: First of all we will create a Database named `BulkImportDemo`. Later on we will use the same database to create the tables and procedures.
Step 2: Following the creation of the database, we’ll construct a table in the same database to show bulk insert and update features.
USE BulkImportDemo
EmpName VARCHAR(35),
Position VARCHAR(50),
[Location] VARCHAR(50),
Age INT,
Here we have created table named Employee , this table has Id column as primary key which is auto increment column.
Step 3: Our employee table is ready to insert and update the data. Now we will create User defined table datatype.
What is User Defined table type ?
The user specifies table type is a custom datatype that stores data in a tabular style. These datatypes can be passed as a parameter in a stored procedure, which is referred to as a Table Valued Parameter.
We will create user defined table type for Employee as below.
EmpName VARCHAR(35),
Position VARCHAR(50),
[Location] VARCHAR(50),
Age INT,
Here we created User defined table type. After executing above command you can see this type in Object Explorer of BulkImportDemo database.
Programmability ==> Types ==> User-Defnied Table Types.
Step 4: Now we will create the stored procedure to perform the insert and update operation.
CREATE PROCEDURE spBulkImportEmployee
@tblEmployeeTableType [dbo].tblTypeEmployee REadonly
MERGE Employee AS dbEmployee
USING @tblEmployeeTableType AS tblTypeEmp
ON (dbEmployee.Id = tblTypeEmp.Id)
UPDATE SET EmpName = tblTypeEmp.EmpName,
Position = tblTypeEmp.Position,
[Location]= tblTypeEmp.[Location],
Age= tblTypeEmp.Age,
Salary= tblTypeEmp.Salary
INSERT ([EmpName],[Position],[Location],Age,Salary)
VALUES (tblTypeEmp.EmpName,
Here we have created the procedure named `spBulkImportEmployee` which is accepting the table type created in an earlier step as a parameter, also known as table valued parameter.
We used SQL server’s ‘Merge’ functionality to update and insert data in the same query. If the value of the Id column already exists in the table, the remainder of the fields will be updated; otherwise, a new record will be inserted.
Step 5: Now we will see how to test the stored procedure (spBulkImportEmployee) created in an earlier step.
We have to create a variable of User defined table type to pass it as parameter of procedure.
-- Declaring the variable of user defined table type
DECLARE @tblTypeEmployee tblTypeEmployee
--Inserting some records
INSERT INTO @tblTypeEmployee ([ID],[EmpName],[Position],[Location],Age,Salary)
VALUES (0,'Cedric Kelly','Senior Javascript Developer','Edinburgh',22,43360)
,(0,'Dai Riosy','Personnel Lead','London',22,43360)
,(3,'Cara Stevens','Sales Assistant','Edinburgh',22,43360)
,(0,'Thor Walton','Senior Developer','Sydney',27,217500)
,(10,'Paul Byrd','Team Leader','Sydney',42,92575)
,(6,'Finn Camacho','Software Engineer','California',34,372000)
,(0,'Rhona Davidson','Integration Specialist','Newyork',37,725000)
,(12,'Michelle House','Support Engineer','California',28,98540)
-- Executing procedure
EXEC spBulkImportEmployee @tblTypeEmployee
The first line declares the table type variable, the second line inserts some dummy records in the table type variable, and finally the procedure is executed by calling the ‘EXEC’ command.
Example 2:
To understand the above concept, let us create a table.
Step 1: The query to create a table is as follows:
create table UpdateAllDemo BookId int,BookName varchar(200);
Step 2: Insert some records in the table using insert command. The query to insert record is as follows:
insert into UpdateAllDemo values(1000,'Introduction to C');
insert into UpdateAllDemo values(1001,'Introduction to Java');
Step 3: Display all records from the table using select statement. The query is as follows:
select *from UpdateAllDemo;
BookId BookName
1000 Introduction to C
1001 Introduction to Java
Step 4: Now, we will do bulk update i.e. update the Value ‘Introduction to C’ with the value ‘C in Depth’, and Value ‘Introduction to Java’ with the value ‘Java in Depth’.
You can use CASE command for this as shown above. The query is as follows:
update UpdateAllDemo
set BookName = (CASE BookId WHEN 1000 THEN 'C in Depth'
when 1001 THEN 'Java in Depth'END)
Where BookId IN(1000,1001);
Now you can check the values are updated in the table or not using select statement.
The query to check updated value in the table is as follows:
select *from UpdateAllDemo;
The following is the output displaying the bulk update is successful:
BookId BookName
1000 C in Depth
1001 Java in Depth
SQL Update Calculate Values
Using an arithmetical expression, modify the data of the columns with the SQL UPDATE command.
Sample table: neworder
To change the value of ‘advance_amount’ column with a new value as specified ‘ord_amount’*10, the following SQL statement can be used:
UPDATE neworder
SET advance_amount=ord_amount*.10;
Example 2: Sql select re-ordering columns:
Update columns in SQL using arithmetical expressions and where clauses.
We’ll go through how to use an arithmetical expression and the SQL WHERE clause to update the data of columns with the SQL UPDATE command.
Sample table: neworder
To update the value of ‘advance_amount’ with following conditions:
New value for ‘advance_amount is ‘ord_amount’*10, ‘ord_date’ must be greater than ’01-Aug-08′, the following SQL statement can be used:
SQL Code:
UPDATE neworder
SET advance_amount=ord_amount*.10
WHERE ord_date>'01-Aug-08';
Example 3: SQL update columns with arithmetical expression and boolean ‘AND’:
We’ll go over how to utilise the SQL UPDATE statement with arithmetical expressions, SQL WHERE clauses, and the boolean operator AND to update the values of columns.
Sample table: customer1
To change the value of ‘outstanding_amt’ of ‘customer1’ table with following conditions :
Modified value for ‘outstanding_amt’ is ‘outstanding_amt’-(‘outstanding_amt’*.10), ‘cust_country’ must be ‘India’, and ‘grade’ must be 1, the following SQL statement can be used :
SQL Code:
UPDATE customer1
SET outstanding_amt=outstanding_amt-(outstanding_amt*.10)
WHERE cust_country='India' AND grade=1;
Example 4: SQL update columns with arithmetical expression and comparison operator:
We’ll go over how to use the SQL UPDATE statement with an arithmetical expression and the COMPARISON operator to update information of columns.
Sample table: neworder
To change the value of ‘advance_amount’ of ‘neworder’ table with the following condition:
Modified value for ‘advance_amount’ is ‘ord_amount’*.10, ‘ord_date’ must be greater than ’01-Aug-08′, and ‘ord_date’ must be less than ’01-Dec-08′, the following SQL statement can be used:
SQL Code:
UPDATE neworder
SET advance_amount=ord_amount*.10
WHERE ord_date>'01-Aug-08' AND ord_date<'01-Dec-08';
Example 5: The calculated numbers can be updated in columns. Using a single UPDATE line, the following will increase the salaries of all employees in the Employee table by 10%.
Update Calculated Data
UPDATE Employee
SET Salary = Salary + (Salary * 10/100);
Now, the Select * from Employee query will display the following result.
The subquery can be used to update data in one table from another table. By selecting Salary from the Employee table for the matching EmployeeID values, the following Change statement will update the Salary in the Consultant table.
UPDATE Consultant
SET salary = (SELECT salary
FROM Employee
WHERE Employee.EmployeeID = Consultant.ConsultantID);
- A sign column value must be returned by the subquery; otherwise, an error will be raised.
- If the subquery fails to discover any rows that match, the value is set to NULL.
SQL Update Case When
If you want to choose and alter a record depending on certain conditions. We can use case CASE expression instead of cursor or looping. The CASE statement is similar to the IF-THEN-ELSE statement.
I have a SQL server table with a column that I want to update based on the value of an existing column in the current row. In this case, the CASE expression can be used to choose or set a new value from the input data.
The CASE expression has two formats,
- To decide the result, the simple CASE expression compares an expression to a set of simple expressions.
- To decide the outcome, the searched CASE expression analyses a set of Boolean expressions.
- The ELSE argument is available in both versions.
The syntax for mass update with CASE WHEN/ THEN/ ELSE is as follows:
UPDATE yourTableName set yourColumnName=case when yourColumnName=Value1 then anyUpdatedValue1
when yourColumnName=Value2 then anyUpdatedValue2
when yourColumnName=Value3 then anyUpdatedValue3
when yourColumnName=Value4 then anyUpdatedValue4
else yourColumnName
Example 1: Create SQL table that contains the below columns. We will use State code column for CASE expression Insert Values in to table.
INSERT INTO dbo.Customer (FirstName, LastName, StateCode, PayRate,Gender)
VALUES('Sagar', 'Shinde', 'MH', 15.00,'M')
INSERT INTO dbo.Customer (FirstName, LastName, StateCode, PayRate,Gender)
VALUES('Swapnil', 'Shinde', 'MP', 5.00 ,'M')
INSERT INTO dbo.Customer (FirstName, LastName, StateCode, PayRate,Gender)
VALUES('Pankaj', 'Shinde', 'MP', 20.00 ,'M')
Let’s use CASE expression to update state c9de column value. In above table, I want to change state value i.e. MH to ‘Maharastra’ and ‘MP’ to ‘Madhya Pradesh.
UPDATE Customer
SET StateCode = CASE StateCode
WHEN 'MH' THEN 'Maharastra'
WHEN 'MP' THEN 'Madhya Pradesh'
We used a CASE expression to update the state code column. It is first verified for existing columns before being modified.
Example 2:
Step 1: let us first create a table. The query to create a table is as follows :
create table CaseUpdateDemo
Id int,Name varchar(100);
Step 2: Insert some records in the table using insert command. The query is as follows:
insert into CaseUpdateDemo values(1,'John');
insert into CaseUpdateDemo values(2,'Carol');
insert into CaseUpdateDemo values(3,'Mike');
insert into CaseUpdateDemo values(4,'Bob');
Step 3: Display all records from the table using select statement. The query is as follows:
select *from CaseUpdateDemo;
Id Name
1 John
2 Carol
3 Mike
4 Bob
Step 4: Now you can write the query we discussed above to update column id with Case WHEN THEN ELSE. The query is as follows:
update CaseUpdateDemo set Id=case when Id=1 then 1001
when Id=2 then 1002
when Id=3 then 1003
when Id=4 then 1004
else Id
Now you can check whether the table is updated for ID column using select statement. The query is as follows:
select *from CaseUpdateDemo;
Id Name
1001 John
1002 Carol
1003 Mike
1004 Bob
SQL Update Column to Null
In contrast to DDL (Data Definition Language), DCL (Data Control Language), and TCL (Transaction Control Language), the UPDATE command is a DML command. This means it’s used to change data that already exists. SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and other DML commands are examples.
When using the UPDATE statement, utilise the NULL keyword to change the value of a column.
UPDATE takes a table and controls which row to alter and what value to set it to using the SET keyword. The WHERE keyword evaluates a condition and, if true, executes the SET section, which updates the value of that row. It is not set to the new value if false.
UPDATE [table]
SET [column]=0
WHERE [column] IS NULL;
Null values can be replaced in SQL by searching a column in a table for nulls and replacing them with UPDATE, SET, and WHERE. It substitutes them with 0 in the case above.
Because unclean data can lead to inaccurate analysis, cleaning data is critical for analytics. Null values are a typical type of erroneous data. Because they are ignored in aggregation functions, you must ensure that this is the behaviour you expect; otherwise, you must replace null values with relevant data.
Example 1: Firstly, let’s create a table using CREATE TABLE command:
Step 1: — create a table
CREATE TABLE students (Sr_No integer,Name varchar(20), Gender varchar(2));
Step 2: — insert some values
INSERT INTO students VALUES (1, 'Nikita', 'F');
INSERT INTO students VALUES (2, 'Akshit', 'M');
INSERT INTO students VALUES (3, 'Ritesh', 'F');
INSERT INTO students VALUES (4, 'Himani', 'F');
Step 3: — fetch some values
SELECT * FROM students ;
Step 4: To UPDATE Column value, use the below command:
To set column value to NULL use syntax:
Example: For the above table
update students set Gender = NULL where Gender='F';
SELECT * FROM students ;
Column value can also be set to NULL without specifying the ‘where’ condition.
update students set Gender = NULL;
SELECT * FROM students ;
If you have set a constraint that a particular column value can not be NULL, and later try to set it as NULL, then it will generate an error.
-- create a table
CREATE TABLE students (Sr_No integer,Name varchar(20), Gender varchar(2) NOT NULL);
-- insert some values
INSERT INTO students VALUES (1, 'Nikita', 'F');
INSERT INTO students VALUES (2, 'Akshit', 'M');
INSERT INTO students VALUES (3, 'Ritesh', 'F');
INSERT INTO students VALUES (4, 'Himani', 'F');
-- fetch some values
SELECT * FROM students ;
ERROR: Gender may not be NULL.
Example 2:
- To replace Nulls with 0s use the UPDATE command.
- Can use filters to only edit certain rows within a column.
Update can be used for a lot of different problems. For example:
To add 1 to every value in a column you can run:
UPDATE [table]
SET [column]=[column]+1;
Takes the values in a column and adds 1 to them.
To set every value to a random integer on the interval [1,10]:
UPDATE [table]
SET [column]=1+random()*9::int;
Generates a random double precision (float8) type number from [0,1), multiplies it by 9, and adds 1 to that value and casts it to an integer type for each row.
To set values to 0 for even 1 for odd:
UPDATE [table]
SET [column]=MOD([column],2);
Uses MOD to set the column values to the remainder of the column values divided by 2.
Note: Update can also be used for other problems like:
Generating random data
- Adding one to every row in a column (or where a condition is true)
- Setting Values based on if a column is even or odd
Example 3: For example, for a customer whose previous address required two address lines but now requires only one, you would use the following entry:
UPDATE customer
SET address1 = '123 New Street',
SET address2 = null,
city = 'Palo Alto',
zipcode = '94303'
WHERE customer_num = 134;
SQL Update Increase Salary by 10 Percent
If you want to add Percentage to the current column value. Salary in a corporation is a great example. Each employee’s compensation must be updated based on the Hike Percentage.
Example 1: Increasing Salary By Percentage:
lets assume the Hike percentage is equal for all employees, and I am counting 15 Percentage as Hike.
Step 1: Lets create the table and insert some records.
CREATE TABLE [Details].Employees
FullName VARCHAR(50),
Salary FLOAT
Step 2: Inserting records into the Employees Table,
INSERT INTO [Details].Employees VALUES
'Saravana Kumar',
'Karthik K',
Step 3: Lets select all the records from the table Employee.
SELECT * FROM [Details].Employees
Step 4: Now lets update the salary column by 15 percentage for all records.
UPDATE Details.Employees
SET Salary = salary * 1.15
Select all the record from the table,
SELECT * FROM [Details].Employees
Note: increase the value by applying some percentage.
Example 2: When the corporation has agreed to increase staff compensation by 15%. That’s incredible in this market to receive 15%!!!!! I need to apply this incremental for the employee table as a database developer. We have a standard emp table in my company, from which I have selected only three columns for the sake of simplicity. The code for the table’s structure is as follows:
Step 1: Create table:
(id INT IDENTITY(1,1), name VARCHAR(32), salary float)
Step 2: Insert table:
Our company is very small, hence I have populated the data of all five employees below.
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('Tom', 1000.00)
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('Dick', 2000.00)
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('Harry', 3000.00)
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('Mery', 4000.00)
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('Zen', 5000.00)
Step 3: Now its the time to update the salaries. but we cant apply code directly.
SET salary = (salary * 115)/100
NOTE: Use salary * 115 / 100 instead. The operator precedence rule is broken, thus the result is incorrect.
The pay fields of all employees have been updated by 15%. This is the most efficient and straightforward method of bringing about the change. Isn’t that why SQL is known as «SO EASY»?
Consider a circumstance in which we can’t use the UPDATE command directly. Perhaps we should go over the steps one by one for this specific case and make the necessary alterations. Perhaps we’ll need to use a stored procedure to update each entry. Obviously, that situation is not straightforward, but I’ll use this simple example to demonstrate various approaches for accessing a table’s data.
The most basic approach is to use a cursor. SQL Server comes with built-in cursor support. It sets aside some memory in the database, loads all of the data into it, and then processes the data row by row. Here is an example..
OPEN myCursor
INTO @id
SET salary = (salary * 115)/100
WHERE emp.id = @id
CLOSE myCursor
Here, I’ve allocate memory for myCursor and used the SELECT command to populate the cursor with all data. Then, using a WHILE loop, I opened the cursor, fetched all the rows one by one, and conducted the UPDATE action using the @id variable, which contains the employee ids. Finally, I’ve closed and dealtlocated the cursor to free up memory (optional, but a good practice).
To obtain all rows, the next way is to use a temporary table using the TOP keyword.
SELECT id, name, salary INTO #temp FROM emp
DECLARE @i INT, @count INT
SET @i = 1
SELECT @count = COUNT(id) FROM #temp
WHILE (@i <= @count)
SET salary = (salary * 115)/100
WHERE emp.id = (SELECT TOP 1 id from #temp)
DELETE #temp
WHERE #temp.id = (SELECT TOP 1 id from #temp)
SET @i = @i + 1
All of the data from the emp table has been moved to the temporary table (#temp). Then I used the TOP keyword to go to the first row. I erased the first row after doing a UPDATE on the emp table. As a result, the second row will be the top row next time. In order to iterate in this manner, I used a WHILE loop.
This approach is fairly effective; nevertheless, excessive use of DELETE may harm efficiency (I hope all tables may not have only 5 rows.). Additionally, the usage of subqueries may reduce performance.
The final method is as follows. I’ve used a temporary table and a WHILE loop here as well. The IDENTITY column in the temp table is the only change. I’ve mapped this identity column (id) and the looping variable (@i) to each and every row. Once they’ve been mapped, I’ll be able to quickly identify each row and do a UPDATE operation on it. (We must make sure that both the identity column and the looping variable increament in the same way, such as 1 and 1, 2 and 2, and so on.)
(id INT IDENTITY(1,1), name VARCHAR(32), salary float)
SELECT name, salary FROM emp
SET @i = 1
WHILE (@i <= (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM #temp))
SET salary = (salary * 115)/100
WHERE emp.id = @i
SET @i = @i + 1
Now we come to the point of performance. Here I have depicted the SQL Server profiler data in tabular format.
Direct SQL 15 5 0 15
Cursor 15 93 2 35
Temp table with TOP 0 236 0 61
Temp table with IDENTITY column 0 142 0 18
As a result, we may conclude that straight SQL always provides the best results. This is due to the fact that it is a set-based technique, and the data is modified in pieces rather than individually. Both the READ and DURATION numbers are reduced when using direct SQL. In terms of performance, I believe the cursor is not a good decision, even though it outperforms the temp table with TOP technique. For any non-set based solution, I concur and recommend using a temp table with an IDENTITY column. It also performs better in real time than the cursor or the «temp table with TOP» method.
SQL Update Multiple Set
You define a column and its new value, then another set of columns and values, just as you did with single columns. Use the SET clause to specify extra columns if you want to update several columns. The SET command, which defines the column where the update is necessary, is always followed by the UPDATE statement.
Syntax for UPDATE for multiple columns:
UPDATE table_name
SET column_name1= value1, column_name2= value2
WHERE condition;
TIP: When updating several columns in a UPDATE statement, the column/value pairs in the SET clause must be separated by a comma.
Example 1: Now, for the demonstration follow the below steps:
Step 1: Create a database
we can use the following command to create a database called Multiple.
Step 2: Use database
Use the below SQL statement to switch the database context to geeks:
USE Mutliple;
Step 3: Table definition
We have the following demo_table in our Mutliple’s database.
CREATE TABLE demo_table(
Step 4: Insert data into a table
('RAM KAPOOR', 34,'PUNE'),
Step 5: View data of the table
SELECT * FROM demo_table;
Step 6: Update multiple columns
For the purpose of demonstration let’s update AGE value to be 30 and CITY value to be PUNJAB where CITY value is ‘NEW DELHI’.
UPDATE demo_table
view content of table demo_table:
SELECT * FROM demo_table;
We can see that the table is updated now with the desired value.
Example 2: Here we’ll update both the First and Last Names:
UPDATE Person.Person
Set FirstName = 'Kenneth'
,LastName = 'Smith'
WHERE BusinessEntityID = 1
You can add as many columns as you wish, just be sure to separate them with a comma.
Be careful! You can not easily “undo” your mistakes. One trick I do, to make it easier to test and learn is to “wrap” my update statements in a transaction, that way I can try them out without permanently changing my database.
So here is the same example to update multiple columns, but protected with the transaction.
-- Try an update…
UPDATE Person.Person
Set FirstName = 'Kenneth'
,LastName = 'Smith'
WHERE BusinessEntityID = 1
-- Let's look at what we updated
WHERE BusinessEntityID = 1
-- Undo changes…
SQL Update Multiple
In PostgreSQL, you can update the values of many columns at once. A single UPDATE statement can change the values of many columns.
In PostgreSQL, updating many columns is a breeze.
Here is the syntax to update multiple columns in PostgreSQL.
UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
[WHERE condition];
You must supply the table name, column names and new values as a comma-separated list, and optionally a WHERE condition to update only particular rows in your table in the above SQL query.
It returns the number of rows that have been updated, as seen in the example below, where count is the number of rows that have been changed.
Example 1: Let’s look at an UPDATE example that shows how to update more than one column in a table.
In this UPDATE example, we have a table called suppliers with the following data:
supplier_id supplier_name city state
100 Microsoft Redmond Washington
200 Google Mountain View California
300 Oracle Redwood City California
400 Kimberly-Clark Irving Texas
500 Tyson Foods Springdale Arkansas
600 SC Johnson Racine Wisconsin
700 Dole Food Company Westlake Village California
800 Flowers Foods Thomasville Georgia
900 Electronic Arts Redwood City California
Now let’s demonstrate how to use the UPDATE statement to update more than one column value at once. Enter the following UPDATE statement:
UPDATE suppliers
SET supplier_id = 150,
supplier_name = 'Apple',
city = 'Cupertino'
WHERE supplier_name = 'Google';
There will be 1 record updated. Select the data from the suppliers table again:
SELECT * FROM suppliers;
supplier_id supplier_name city state
100 Microsoft Redmond Washington
150 Apple Cupertino California
300 Oracle Redwood City California
400 Kimberly-Clark Irving Texas
500 Tyson Foods Springdale Arkansas
600 SC Johnson Racine Wisconsin
700 Dole Food Company Westlake Village California
800 Flowers Foods Thomasville Georgia
900 Electronic Arts Redwood City California
This UPDATE example would update the supplier_id to 150, the supplier_name to ‘Apple’ and city to ‘Cupertino’ where the supplier_name is ‘Google’.
The SQL UPDATE command is used for After data has been inserted into rows in the database, one or more of those rows’ column values can be changed. Constants, identifiers to other data sets, and expressions can all be used to update column values. They can be applied to a full column or a portion of its values based on conditions.
The UPDATE command uses the following syntax:
column = expression [, ...]
[ FROM source ]
[ WHERE condition ]
UPDATE [ ONLY ] table
The ONLY keyword can be used to specify that only the table table and none of its sub-tables should be modified. If the table is inherited by any other tables, this is only significant.
SET column = expression [, ...]
The needed SET clause is followed by an update expression, separated by commas, for each column name whose values need to be changed. This expression is always of the form column = expression, where column is the name of the updated column (which may or may not be aliased or dot-notated), and expression is the new value to be put into the column.
FROM source
The FROM clause is a PostgreSQL addition that enables table columns from different data sources to change the value of a column.
WHERE condition
The WHERE clause specifies the condition that will cause a table row to be updated. If no value is supplied, all values in the column will be changed. As with a SELECT statement, this can be used to qualify sources in the FROM clause.
Example 1:
Maybe you’re building an ETL process, like loading a file, or need to compare two tables? How would you write that update?
One of the most difficult aspects of making updates, especially when there are many columns, is determining which records have changed and just updating those entries.
One technique is to compare each column in the WHERE clause, using an OR to separate each comparison.
SET c.FirstName = u.FirstName,
c.LastName = u.LastName,
c.MiddleName = u.MiddleName,
c.DateOfBirth = u.DateOfBirth
FROM #Customer c
JOIN #Updates u ON u.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
WHERE c.FirstName <> u.FirstName
OR c.LastName <> u.LastName
OR c.MiddleName <> u.MiddleName
OR c.DateOfBirth <> u.DateOfBirth;
This works fine, as long as every column isn’t nullable. But what if MiddleName and DateOfBirth allows NULLs?
You could do something like this…
SET c.FirstName = u.FirstName,
c.LastName = u.LastName,
c.MiddleName = u.MiddleName,
c.DateOfBirth = u.DateOfBirth
FROM #Customer c
JOIN #Updates u ON u.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
WHERE c.FirstName <> u.FirstName
OR c.LastName <> u.LastName
OR CASE WHEN c.MiddleName = u.MiddleName THEN 0
WHEN c.MiddleName IS NULL AND u.MiddleName IS NULL THEN 0
ELSE 1 END = 1
OR CASE WHEN c.DateOfBirth = u.DateOfBirth THEN 0
WHEN c.DateOfBirth IS NULL AND u.DateOfBirth IS NULL THEN 0
ELSE 1 END = 1;
This is effective… However, it is difficult to read, and you must now keep track of which columns are nullable and which are not. What occurs if you update LastName to permit NULL? The update is incorrect and needs to be rectified.
This is where my favourite hack comes in: identifying modified rows using the EXISTS and EXCEPT set operators.
The Basics — How EXCEPT works
The EXCEPT set operator examines two sets of records and returns all records from the first set that do not match a record in the second set.
-- Returns nothing
-- Returns NULL
-- Returns 1
Because the two sets are identical, the first example returns nothing, but the following two instances yield records from the first set because no matching records could be found in the second set.
It’s also worth nothing that the EXCEPT operator accepts NULL value comparisons as equal. In contrast to traditional comparison operators. It is because of this difference that we are able to use it to locate modified rows.
Let’s set up some sample data:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Customer','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Customer;
--SELECT * FROM #Customer
CREATE TABLE #Customer (
FirstName varchar(50) NOT NULL,
MiddleName varchar(50) NULL,
LastName varchar(50) NOT NULL,
DateOfBirth date NULL,
INSERT INTO #Customer (CustomerID, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, DateOfBirth)
VALUES ( 1, 'Sheldon' , 'Dennis' ,'Saunders' , '2019-12-10')
, ( 2, 'Barry' , NULL ,'Richardson' , '1990-09-29')
, ( 3, 'Rosa' , 'Evelyn' ,'Rodriquez' , '1974-09-11')
, ( 4, 'Dwayne' , NULL ,'Neal' , '1997-01-26')
, ( 5, 'Jane' , NULL ,'Green' , '1977-01-13')
, ( 6, 'Margaret' , NULL ,'Rodriguez' , '1991-06-08')
, ( 7, 'Chris' , 'Stephen' ,'King' , '1982-11-15')
, ( 8, 'Joe' , NULL ,'Smith' , '1972-09-18')
, ( 9, 'Paul' , NULL ,'Ramirez' , '1971-02-20')
, (10, 'Amanda' , 'Beverly' ,'White' , '2013-04-28');
Here we’ve got some sample data…We have a customer table, where we store the customers first, middle and last name, and their birth date. Note that MiddleName and DateOfBirth allow NULL.
Now lets create a new table where we can make modifications to the data for us to sync back to the original #Customer table:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Updates','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Updates; --SELECT * FROM #Updates
SELECT c.CustomerID, c.FirstName, c.MiddleName, c.LastName, c.DateOfBirth
INTO #Updates
FROM #Customer c;
UPDATE #Updates SET LastName = 'Brown' WHERE CustomerID = 5; -- Change Last Name
UPDATE #Updates SET MiddleName = 'John' WHERE CustomerID = 9; -- Add Middle Name
UPDATE #Updates SET MiddleName = NULL WHERE CustomerID = 3; -- Remove Middle Name
UPDATE #Updates SET DateOfBirth = '1990-09-22' WHERE CustomerID = 2; -- Change DateOfBirth
-- Add new Customer
INSERT INTO #Updates (CustomerID, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, DateOfBirth)
VALUES (11, 'Chad', NULL, 'Baldwin', '1990-01-12');
Now we have a copy of the #Customer table named #Updates, and we’ve made a few changes to the data.
Let’s use EXISTS and EXCEPT to find all records which changed…
FROM #Customer c
JOIN #Updates u ON u.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
SELECT c.FirstName, c.MiddleName, c.LastName, c.DateOfBirth
SELECT u.FirstName, u.MiddleName, u.LastName, u.DateOfBirth
Cool right? This is giving you all records in #Customer which do not have a matching record in #Updates.
To go from that to an update or a merge statement, is fairly simple:
SET c.FirstName = u.FirstName,
c.MiddleName = u.MiddleName,
c.LastName = u.LastName,
c.DateOfBirth = u.DateOfBirth
FROM #Customer c
JOIN #Updates u ON u.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
SELECT c.FirstName, c.MiddleName, c.LastName, c.DateOfBirth
SELECT u.FirstName, u.MiddleName, u.LastName, u.DateOfBirth
MERGE INTO #Customer c
USING #Updates u ON u.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
SELECT c.FirstName, c.MiddleName, c.LastName, c.DateOfBirth
SELECT u.FirstName, u.MiddleName, u.LastName, u.DateOfBirth
UPDATE SET c.FirstName = u.FirstName,
c.MiddleName = u.MiddleName,
c.LastName = u.LastName,
c.DateOfBirth = u.DateOfBirth
INSERT (CustomerID, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, DateOfBirth)
VALUES (u.CustomerID, u.FirstName, u.MiddleName, u.LastName, u.DateOfBirth);
What about performance?
When comparing query plans generated by the first approach and the EXISTS/EXCEPT method, the latter appears to produce a little more difficult execution plan.
Considering this, I’ve found that the EXISTS/EXCEPT approach almost always outperforms the EXISTS/EXCEPT method, even with very huge workloads. Not only does it always move quicker, but it also requires many fewer reads from the dependent tables.
Example 2: A simple UPDATE:
It shows how to use the UPDATE statement. It tells PostgreSQL to change the value of the retail column in the stock table to the floating-point constant value of 29.95. The WHERE clause limits any changes to rows that meet the criteria it specifies.
booktown=# SELECT retail FROM stock
booktown-# WHERE isbn = '0590445065';
(1 row)
booktown=# UPDATE stock
booktown-# SET retail = 25.95
booktown-# WHERE isbn = '0590445065';
booktown=# SELECT retail FROM stock
booktown-# WHERE isbn = '0590445065';
(1 row)
Example 4-53’s UPDATE 1 notification indicates that one record has been properly updated. Even if the amended value is identical to the previously stored record, the statement is still considered an update, and the database files on disc are changed as a result of the statement.
Example 3: Updating Entire Columns:
If the WHERE clause is not given, the UPDATE statement will change all of the values in the specified column. When updating columns with an expression rather than a constant value, this is most useful. When a SET clause expression is used, it is re-evaluated just before each row is updated. As a result, the value of each row is dynamically updated to a value determined by the interpreted expression’s value.
The following example shows how to use a UPDATE statement on the retail column of the stock table. It raises the selling price of each stocked book using a mathematical equation. The expression itself has several components, separated by parentheses to enforce order of execution.
The current profit margin of the book is determined by the (retail / cost) sub-expression, which is then increased by one tenth using the + operator and a floatingpoint constant of 0.1. The 0.1::numeric syntax casts the floating point constant to a numeric value explicitly. This is required since the division sub-expression returns a numeric value as a result. Finally, the new profit margin is multiplied by the base cost from the cost column, yielding the new price that should be updated in the retail column.
booktown=# SELECT isbn, retail, cost
booktown-# FROM stock
booktown-# ORDER BY isbn ASC
booktown-# LIMIT 3;
isbn | retail | cost
0385121679 | 36.95 | 29.00
039480001X | 32.95 | 30.00
0394800753 | 16.95 | 16.00
(3 rows)
booktown=# UPDATE stock
booktown-# SET retail =
booktown-# (cost * ((retail / cost) + 0.1::numeric));
booktown=# SELECT isbn, retail, cost
booktown-# FROM stock
booktown-# ORDER BY isbn ASC
booktown-# LIMIT 3;
isbn | retail | cost
0385121679 | 39.85 | 29.00
039480001X | 35.95 | 30.00
0394800753 | 18.55 | 16.00
(3 rows)
Because there is no WHERE clause in Example 4-54’s UPDATE statement, it affects all entries in the stock table.
Example 4: Updating Several Columns:
You can change many columns of a table in a single statement by separating assignment expressions in the SET clause with commas. For the Publisher with the id of 113, this example updates both the name and address columns of the publishers database.
booktown=# UPDATE publishers
booktown-# SET name = 'O'Reilly & Associates',
booktown-# address = 'O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. '
booktown-# || '101 Morris St, Sebastopol, CA 95472'
booktown-# WHERE id = 113;
booktown=# SELECT name, substr(address, 1, 40) || '...' AS short_address
booktown-# FROM publishers
booktown-# WHERE id = 113;
name | short_address
O'Reilly & Associates | O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 101 Morris S...
(1 row)
Both the name and address columns are assigned by string constants in Example UPDATE statement. The input apostrophes are escaped by many backslashes within the string constants. Following the change, the SELECT query checks that the desired information was updated.
This also demonstrates the use of the || text concatenation operator, and the substr() function, in practical usage. The address column is set with two string constants that are attached through the || operator in order to prevent the query from wrapping past the edge of the terminal. The substr() function is then used in the SELECT verification to prevent the output from wrapping. Each of these are used here to maintain readability of the output (of course, you would not want to display only a substring of the address field if you were interested in verifying its complete contents).
Example 5: Updating from Several Sources:
PostgreSQL supports a powerful non-standard enhancement to the SQL UPDATE statement in the form of the FROM clause. By using the FROM clause, you can apply your knowledge of the SELECT statement to draw input data from other existing data sets, such as tables, or sub-selects.
This example uses an UPDATE statement in conjunction with a FROM clause to modify the row data within the stock table via the stock_backup table. The WHERE clause describes the relationship between the table to be updated and its source. Wherever the isbn column is found to match, the value in the stock table is modified to the value from the previously populated stock_backup table.
booktown=# UPDATE stock
booktown-# SET retail = stock_backup.retail
booktown-# FROM stock_backup
booktown-# WHERE stock.isbn = stock_backup.isbn;
The FROM clause supports each of the JOIN syntax options described in the section titled Retrieving Rows with SELECT, enabling a wide variety of update methods from existing data sets. Further, as stated previously, sub-selects may be used as a data source to the FROM clause, just as is possible with the SELECT command.
SQL Update Top n Rows
APPROACH 1: Update wiht TOP 1:
Update consist in updating a set of data filtered by the where clause but sometimes we only need to update the top N records without affecting the others.
Syntax :
UPDATE TOP (N) table_name
SET column_name = value;
Example 1:
- We are going to use ‘Sales.Customers’ table from WideWorldImporters database.
- Next, we are going to update CreditLimit column and set it to NULL1. Updating Top N Records Using Top (N)
- The update statement of Sql Server supports the use of TOP clause to specify the number of records to update.
1. We are going to proceed to update the top 10 CreditLimit records.
UPDATE TOP (10) Sales.Customers
SET CreditLimit = '100';
As you can see CustomerIDs where updated on a random order.
The order of records that are going to be updated is not certain when using TOP N as rows as order can change each time you execute this query.
2. Updating Top N Records Using A CTE
By using a common table expression CTE we can select which top 10 values we would like to be updated.
This is possible by selecting the top 10 values in the inner CTE part.
Unlike using TOP (N), by using Order by in the inner CTE, we can select the order on which rows are going to be updated.
SELECT TOP (10) CustomerID
FROM Sales.Customers
SET CreditLimit = 100;
Updated values are ordered by CustomerID, this order is not random.
3. Updating Top N Records Using Subqueries
This option is pretty similar than using a CTE, but the difference here is that we need a column on which we are going to filter the updated values.
UPDATE Sales.Customers
SET CreditLimit = 100
WHERE CustomerID IN(
SELECT TOP (10) CustomerID
FROM Sales.Customers
ORDER BY CustomerID)
Results are similar than using a CTE as the order on which columns are going to be updated is established by using Order by in the INNER query.
4. Updating Top N Records Using ROWCOUNT
This option is available since Sql Server 2005 and available on Sql Server 2019:
I do not recommend using it because ROWCOUNT use is confusing and this should not be a reliable option as columns can’t be ordered before updating them.
UPDATE Sales.Customers
SET CreditLimit = 100
The update statement in MySQL supports the use of LIMIT clause to specify the number of rows that can be updated. In this tutorial, we use two examples to show how to use them effectively.
Practice #1: Update top 2 rows.
The following update query increases the UnitPrice by 10% for the first two products in the Condiments category (ordered by ProductID).
To instruct MySQL how to pick the products for update, we use ORDER BY clause. To update only 2 rows, we use LIMIT clause. In this query, the data is sorted by ProductID in ascending order and the first 2 products are chosen by the LIMIT 2 clause.
Most of the queries in the tutorials need Northwind MySQL database, you can download the database script on this page.
UPDATE products
SET UnitPrice = UnitPrice * 1.1
WHERE CategoryID = 2
Before update — the screenshot below shows that the UnitPrice for the two products are $10 and $22 (for CategoryID 2 only — Condiments).
After update — 2 rows updated. Now the UnitPrice for the two products are increased by 10% to $11 and $24.2
MySQL update query for 2 rows only.
Update UnitPrice for the top 5 most expensive products.
The following update query reduces the UnitPrice by 10% for the top 5 most expensive products.
UPDATE products
SET UnitPrice = UnitPrice * 0.9
Before update — It will shows the UnitPrice for the top 5 most expensive products.
After update — 5 rows updated. UnitPrice is reduced by 10% for the top 5 most expensive products.
SQL Update Window Function
Window functions should not be used to delete or update many statements in a row, according to MySQL standards.
This is due to the DELETE and UPDATE clauses’ incompatibility with the SELECT and ORDER clauses. SELECT cannot be at the same query level as the UPDATE statement since it uses SET.
I attempted to update the column using the ROW NUMBER() window ranking function, but received the following error: ‘Windowed function can only exist in SELECT or ORDER BY clause’:
Example 1:
Then I did some workaround and used the Windows function indirectly using a CTE (Common Table Expression) for this. I will show you step by step how I accomplished this using CTE.
Step 1: Let’s first create a table with some test data,
Step 2: Insert data
INSERT INTO Test (Value) VALUES('Sunday'),('Monday'),
As we can see that in column ID NULL values get inserted as we didn’t specify any values for this column during INSERT statement.
Step 3: So, when I tried this UPDATE statement using ROW_NUMBER() with SET I got the following error,
Step 4: Then I used CTE to update the ID values in table test in this manner,
FROM CTE C JOIN Test T ON T.value = C.Value
When I ran this SQL code I didn’t get any error and ID column values to get updated with unique values.
Example 2: Using the DELETE() and UPDATE() as sub-queries of the main query as shown below:
WITH student_marks AS
SELECT [ marks], LAG( [ marks]) OVER (ORDER BY [student_id]) AS marks_lag
FROM student
UPDATE student_marks
SET [marks] = marks_lag
With this, the UPDATE function used in the sub-query is made possible; same applies to the DELETE function.
In this article, we would like to show you how to update multiple rows at once in PostgreSQL.
Quick solution:
UPDATE "table_name"
SET "column1" = value1, "column2" = value2, "columnN" = valueN
WHERE condition;
Practical example
To show you how to update multiple rows at once, we will use the following users
At the end of this article you can find database preparation SQL queries.
In this example, we will update department_id
and salary
value of the first three users from the users
UPDATE "users"
SET "department_id" = 5, "salary" = 6000
WHERE "id" <= 3;
UPDATE "users"SET "department_id" = 5, "salary" = 6000 WHERE "id" = 1;
UPDATE "users"SET "department_id" = 5, "salary" = 6000 WHERE "id" = 2;
UPDATE "users"SET "department_id" = 5, "salary" = 6000 WHERE "id" = 3;
Database preparation
CREATE TABLE "users" (
"id" SERIAL,
"name" VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
"surname" VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
"department_id" INTEGER,
"salary" DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL,
( "name", "surname", "department_id", "salary")
('John', 'Stewart', 1, '6000'),
('Chris', 'Brown', 2, '6000'),
('Kate', 'Lewis', 3, '4000'),
('Ailisa', 'Gomez', NULL, '4000'),
('Gwendolyn', 'James', NULL, '4000'),
('Simon', 'Collins', 4, '4000'),
('Taylor', 'Martin', 2, '2000'),
('Andrew', 'Thompson', NULL, '2000');
У меня есть две отдельные базы данных. Я пытаюсь обновить столбец в одной базе данных до значений столбца из другой базы данных:
UPDATE customer
SET customer_id=
(SELECT t1 FROM dblink('port=5432, dbname=SERVER1 user=postgres password=309245',
'SELECT store_key FROM store') AS (t1 integer));
Это ошибка, которую я получаю:
ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
Есть идеи?
Ответ 1
Технически, чтобы восстановить ваше утверждение, вы можете добавить LIMIT 1
в подзапрос, чтобы гарантировать, что возвращается не более 1 строки. Это устранит ошибку, ваш код по-прежнему будет бессмыслицей.
... 'SELECT store_key FROM store LIMIT 1' ...
Практически вы хотите как-то сопоставить строки, а не выбирать произвольную строку из store
удаленных таблиц, чтобы обновлять каждую строку вашего локального customer
В вашем рудиментарном вопросе не содержится достаточно подробностей, поэтому я предполагаю, что для этого примера текстовый столбец match_name
в обеих таблицах (и UNIQUE
в store
... 'SELECT store_key FROM store
WHERE match_name = ' || quote_literal(customer.match_name) ...
Но это чрезвычайно дорогой способ делать вещи.
В идеале вы должны полностью переписать выражение.
UPDATE customer c
SET customer_id = s.store_key
FROM dblink('port=5432, dbname=SERVER1 user=postgres password=309245'
,'SELECT match_name, store_key FROM store')
AS s(match_name text, store_key integer)
WHERE c.match_name = s.match_name
AND c.customer_id IS DISTINCT FROM s.store_key;
Это устраняет ряд проблем в вашем первоначальном заявлении.
Очевидно, что основная проблема, связанная с вашей ошибкой, исправлена.
Почти всегда лучше присоединяться к дополнительным отношениям в предложении
чем для запуска коррелированных подзапросов для каждой отдельной строки. -
При использовании dblink вышеупомянутое становится в тысячу раз более важным. Вы не хотите вызывать
для каждой отдельной строки, что очень дорого. Позвоните один раз, чтобы получить все нужные строки. -
При коррелированных подзапросах, если ни одна строка не найдена в подзапросе, столбец обновляется до NULL, что почти всегда не то, что вы хотите.
В моей обновленной форме строка обновляется только в том случае, если найдена соответствующая строка. Else, строка не трогается. -
Обычно вы не хотите обновлять строки, когда ничего не меняется. Это дорого ничего не делает (но все же создает мертвые строки). Последнее выражение в
предотвращает такие пустые обновления:AND c.customer_id IS DISTINCT FROM sub.store_key
Ответ 2
Это означает, что ваш вложенный SELECT возвращает более одной строки.
Вам нужно добавить к нему правильное предложение WHERE.
Ответ 3
Эта ошибка означает, что запрос SELECT store_key FROM store
возвратил две или более строк в SERVER1
данных SERVER1
. Если вы хотите обновить всех клиентов, используйте соединение вместо оператора scalar =
. Для этого вам необходимо условие «подключить» клиентов для хранения товаров.
Если вы хотите, чтобы обновить все customer_id
к тому же store_key
, вам нужно поставить WHERE
условие для удаленного исполняемого SELECT
, так что запрос возвращает одну строку.
Ответ 4
Результат, созданный Query, не содержит строк, требующих правильной обработки этой проблемы, может быть разрешен, если вы предоставите действительный обработчик в запросе, например: 1. ограничение запроса на возврат одной строки 2. это также можно сделать, выберите max (column) «, который вернет одну строку
Ответ 5
Фундаментальная проблема часто может быть просто решена путем изменения an =
to IN
, в случаях, когда у вас есть отношения «один ко многим». Например, если вы хотите обновить или удалить кучу учетных записей для данного клиента:
WITH accounts_to_delete AS
SELECT account_id
FROM accounts a
INNER JOIN customers c
ON a.customer_id = c.id
WHERE c.customer_name='Some Customer'
-- this fails if "Some Customer" has multiple accounts, but works if there 1:
DELETE FROM accounts
WHERE accounts.guid =
SELECT account_id
FROM accounts_to_delete
-- this succeeds with any number of accounts:
DELETE FROM accounts
WHERE accounts.guid IN
SELECT account_id
FROM accounts_to_delete
As you might know it’s quite easy to make multiple INSERTs in a single query, like this:
(id, title)
('1', 'Lord of the Rings'),
('2', 'Harry Potter');
However, for some strange reason you can’t do multiple changes to a table in a single UPDATE query like this:
UPDATE mytable
SET (title='Great Expectations' WHERE id='1'),
(title='War and Peace' WHERE id='2');
However, you can do a very interesting trick. You can combine an UPDATE with a CASE like this:
UPDATE mytable SET title = CASE
WHEN id = 1 THEN 'Great Expectations';
WHEN id = 2 THEN 'War and Peace';
ELSE title
The ELSE title is very important, otherwise you will overwrite the rest of the table with NULL.
You might wonder why on earth you’d want to make multiple updates in a single query. Here’s an example that might not be so obvious:
Let’s say you want to make a page view counter for your shop, but you want to implement caching for your pages and running an SQL UPDATE query for each page is out of the question. An efficient solution would be to make a logfile with each view as a new line appended in a file.
Here’s an example of logfile, with each view logged on a single line using this format: IP | PRODUCT_ID|3|2|4
The append part is most important, since it’s the only file writing mode that can be used with multiple processes (remember that you have MANY viewers at the same time, and if only 2 of them try to write a file at the same time your file will be pretty much screwed – no, you don’t lose the file itself, you just lose the content, which is even more important).
An alternative would be to use file locking, but it’s really really inefficient when you have lots of visitors (digg effect anyone?). However, the append mode is optimized by the operating system and stores the content in a buffer, making sure the content is write properly.
So, the best solution would be to make a logfile and then process this file with a cron job. It’s very easy to do that, but the challenge lies in updating the database. Here’s where the multiple updates in a single query trick comes into play.
You can just create a long query to update the database and run it only once instead of hundreds of small queries (which in case you didn’t figure it out, would bring your database to its knees in many cases).
So we can make a script to parse our logfile like this:
$logfile = 'logfile.txt'; $views = array(); $ip_db = array(); $lines = file($logfile); $cnt = count($lines); for ($i=0; $i<$cnt; $i++) { if (preg_match('/([0-9.]+)|([0-9]+)/', $lines[$i], $regs)) { $ip = $regs[1]; $id = $regs[2]; if (!isset($ip_db[$ip])) { $ip_db[$ip] = 1; $views[$id]++; } } } if (empty($views)) { exit; } $query = "UPDATE products SET views = CASE "; $idlist = ''; reset($views); while (list($id, $val) = each($views)) { $query .= " WHEN id = ".$id." THEN views + ".$val." "; $idlist .= $id.','; } $idlist = substr($idlist, 0, -1); $query .= " END WHERE id IN (".$idlist.")"; // run $query
Simple and efficient. And did I mention it’s also free?
Download link: parse_logfile.php
Important update:
Just as Jesper pointed out using transactions instead of CASE can make a huge difference.
Here are the results of some tests made on a 316,878 records database using both MyISAM and InnoDB storage engine.
Rows updated | Transactions time (in seconds) |
CASE time (in seconds) |
400 | 6s | 11s |
1000 | 20s | 17s |
30000 | (too long) | (too long) |
Rows updated | Consequent queries time (in seconds) |
CASE time (in seconds) |
400 | 0s | 6s |
1000 | 0s | 13s |
30000 | 10 | (too long) |
As you can see the results are very interesting. You can clearly see the difference of both storage engine and transactions (at least for MyISAM). In other words, if you use MyISAM (and many people do), use transactions for multiple updates. If you use InnoDB switch to MyISAM and them use transactions.
The CASE method seems to be efficient only for few updates (so you can make a cron job to run updates more frequently), but overall you can see clearly that you can still use transactions and get better results.
I hope the method described in this post helped you or at least gave you more ideas on how to use it for any of your projects, and if you didn’t know about transactions, maybe you should give it more attention (I sure will from now on).
Second (and hopefully final) update:
After a bit of research I figured out MyISAM doesn’t support transactions (yes, silly me), so the tests above were done using simple consequent queries (modified up there as well). However, it seems MySQL does some internal optimizations and runs them very efficiently. If you have a busy database it’s a good idea to do a LOCK TABLE query before the batch update though (and of course don’t forget to UNLOCK the table when done).
Also after a few suggestions I got to a much faster version (read the comments below – Thanks, guys).
So here’s the final CASE version:
UPDATE mytable SET title = CASE
WHEN id = 1 THEN ‘Great Expectations’
WHEN id = 2 THEN ‘War and Peace’
WHERE id IN (1,2,...)
Although it doesn’t beat the speed of normal queries run in a row, it can still get close enough.
Also, since many people asked why bother that much when you can just run the normal queries, you can consider this an experiment to find alternatives. Also, keep in mind that in order to gain advantage of MySQL optimizations all those UPDATE queries need to be run in a batch. Running each UPDATE query when the page is viewed for example is not the same thing (and that’s pretty much the problem I wanted to solve as efficiently as possible).
Also, as a final note, you should always run an OPTIMIZE TABLE query after all these updates.