Error no matching function for call to stoi int

The no matching function for call to C++ bug appears when the id of the called process does not match the argument. Click here to access the best solutions.

The no matching function for call to C++ constructor error appears when the identification of the called process does not match the argument. For instance, whenever the compiler specifies no matching functions or methods exist, it indicates the compiler identified a function by an exact name in the command’s parameter.

Henceforth, we wrote this detailed no matching function for call to C++ array debugging guide to help you remove this annoying code exception without affecting other processes. In addition, we will help you recreate the no matching function for call to ‘getline C++ exception using standard elements and procedures that will help you pinpoint the bug.


  • Why Is the No Matching Function for Call to C++ Bug Happening?
    • – Creating Public Classes in the Main Function
    • – Calling Commands With Invalid Parameters
    • – Failing To Read the Standard Halts All Procedures
  • How To Resolve the No Matching Function for Call to C++ Mistake?
    • – Repair the Compiler Defaults
  • Conclusion

Why Is the No Matching Function for Call to C++ Bug Happening?

The C++ no matching function for call to default constructor error happens and affects your programming experience when the identification of the called process does not match the argument. As a result, this error indicates the system cannot recognize the data type in your document due to identical names.

So, the no matching function for call to Arduino mistake can obliterate your program if you introduce many properties with identical ids. Consequently, the system will fail to read the adequate role, confusing developers about why and where the script launches exceptions, although all elements appear functional.

In addition, unfortunately, this creates unexpected obstacles because sometimes scanning the complete code will be essential to remove the no matching function for call to printf bug. However, we are far from discussing the possible debugging methods because you must learn how to recreate the full invalid exception and output.

So, the message is almost inevitable when we continue to pass the specific incorrect method or wrong parameter set to the function. The program will launch the no matching function for call to max C++ error because the function’s definition specifies the method’s name to the compiler.

In addition, your script explicitly declares the entire broken function or command content. As a result, having identical ids for several properties confuses your application and blocks further procedures launched by the incorrect command.

– Creating Public Classes in the Main Function

You will likely experience the no matching function for call to ‘stoi mistake when creating public classes in the primary function using typical elements. Unfortunately, as explained before, the syntax includes a few ids that provoke the system to launch the error.

You can learn more about the primary function and properties in the following example:

class Employee



string empId;

string empName;

int joiningYear;

int joiningMonth;

int joiningDate;




empId = “<<EMPTY>>”;

empName = “<<EMPTY>>”;

joiningYear = 0;

joiningMonth = 0;

joiningDate = 0;


Epmloyee(string id, string name, int year, int month, int date)








string getId()

void display(Employee emp)


cout<<“ID: “<<emp.getId()<<endl;

cout<<“Name: “<<emp.getName()<<endl;

cout<<“Joining Year: “<<emp.getYear()<<endl;

cout<<“Joining Month: “<<emp.getMonth()<<endl;

cout<<“Joining Date: “<<emp.getDate()<<endl;



int main()


Ply e1;

Ply e2(“BC210207935”, “Mehboob Shaukat”, 2021, 04, 01);

cout<<“Ply 1 Using default Constructor:”<<endl;


cout<<“Ply 1 having Ply 2 copied data member values”<<endl;



return 0;


Although the tags and values appear correct, your system displays an exception indicating the broken functions. The following example provides the absolute error:

main.cpp: In member function ‘int Employee::Epmloyee(std::string, std::string, int, int, int)’:

main.cpp:28:3: warning: no return statements in the function returning non-void [-Wreturn-type]

28 | }

| ^

main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:

main.cpp:69:60: error: no matching functions for calls to ‘Employee::Employee(const char [12], const char [16], int, int, int)’

main.cpp:13:3: note: candidate expects 0 arguments, 5 provided

main.cpp:3:7: note: candidate: ‘Employee::Employee(const Employee&)’

Unfortunately, the error can happen if your code calls specific commands with invalid parameters.

– Calling Commands With Invalid Parameters

Your system can sometimes prevent you from completing the code when your script calls several commands with invalid parameters.

Although this happens rarely, it can produce unexpected mistakes, especially with complex applications with many procedures. Therefore, we will show you a syntax that blocks the main function and halts further processes.

The following example provides the broken code:

#include <iostream> // cout

#include <algorithm> // random_shuffle

#include <vector> // vector

class deckOfCards



vector<Card> deck;



void shuffle(vector<Card>& deck);

Card dealCard();

bool moreCards();


int deckOfCards::count = 0;

int deckOfCards::next = 0;



const int FACES = 12;

const int SUITS = 4;

int currentCard = 0;

for (int face = 0; face < FACES; face++)


for (int suit = 0; suit < SUITS; suit++)


Card card = Card(face,suit);

deck.push_back (card);





void deckOfCards::shuffle(vector<Card>& deck)


random_shuffle(deck.begin(), deck.end());

for (iterr = deck.begin(); iter!=deck.end(); iter++)


Card currentCard = *iterr;

random_shuffle(deck.begin(), deck.end());

Card randomCard = deck[num];



Card deckOfCards::dealCard()


#include <iostream>

#include “deckOfCards.h”

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv)


deckOfCards cardDeck;


while (cardDeck.moreCards() == true)


cout << dealCard(cardDeck);


return 0;


After running the command and launching the properties, your system will display the following error:

[Error] no matching functions for calls to ‘deckOfCards::shuffle(deckOfCards&)’

[Note] candidate is:

In file included from main.cpp

[Note] void deckOfCards::shuffle(std::vector<Card>&)

[Note] no recognized conversion for argument 1 from the ‘deckOfCards’ to ‘std::vector<Card>&’

[Error] ‘dealCard’ was not declared in this procedure

This script calls the shuffle command with a failed parameter, which blocks further operations.

– Failing To Read the Standard Halts All Procedures

This article’s last invalid chapter recreates the matching function error in C++ and fails to read the standard, which halts all processes. Unfortunately, predicting when and where this happens is almost impossible, especially if you have a script with many operations and elements.

As a result, we will show you a short code snippet that launches the bug in the editing window, which affects the child tags, although the standard is not related. In addition, the template includes a few voids and targets that compile the application.

The following example provides the script that fails to read the standard:

#include <string>

#include <iostream>

template <typename T, template <typename> class data_t = std:: vector>

void push_back_all (std:: vector <T> & target, data_t <T> const & data) {

std:: size_t previous_length = target.size();

target.resize (previous_length + data.size());

std:: copy (data.begin(), data.end(), target.begin() + previous_length);


int main(){

std:: vector <char> result;

std:: string a = “hello there”;

push_back_all (result, a); // “No matching function for call to ‘push_back_all’”

for (auto ch: result)

std:: cout << ch << std:: endl;

return 0;


Although appearing insignificant, the incorrect message indicates inconsistencies. Learn more about the message below:

Compilation failed due to following error(s).

main.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:

main.cpp:19:21: error: no matching functions for calls to ‘A::setValue(A&)’


main.cpp:11:6: note: candidate: void A::setValue(int)

void A::setValue(int value)

main.cpp:11:6: note: no recognized conversion for argument 1 from ‘A’ to ‘int’

This example completes our guide on recreating the mistake, so it is time to apply the most sophisticated debugging approaches.

How To Resolve the No Matching Function for Call to C++ Mistake?

You can resolve the no matching function for call to C++ error by providing corresponding and functional parameters to the broken function. In addition, you can quickly obliterate the bugged message by introducing different parameters for the various overloaded functions. Luckily, both approaches will not affect secondary processes and elements.

In addition, you can remove this error by changing the code to meet the command’s expectations. This procedure ensures your template has fair inputs the system can render effortlessly.

But first, let us simplify the script, as shown below:

template <typename A, typename B = int>

struct MyType {};

template <template <typename> class data_t>

void push_back_all (data_t <char> const & data) {


int main(){

MyType <char, int> Var;

push_back_all (Var); //

return 0;


Furthermore, as explained before, you can modify the properties to meet the function’s needs. The following example provides the best approach:

#include <vector>

#include <string>

#include <iostream>

template <typename T, template <typename, typename, typename > class data_t = std:: vector, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>

void push_back_all (std:: vector <T> & target, data_t <T, _Traits, _Alloc> const & data) {

std:: size_t previous_length = target.size();

target.resize (previous_length + data.size());

std::copy (data.begin(), data.end(), target.begin() + previous_length);


int main(){

std:: vector <char> result;

std:: string a = “hello there”;

push_back_all (result, a);

for (auto ch: result)

std:: cout << ch << std:: endl;

return 0;


As you can tell, this method repairs this article’s last chapter that recreates the bug. Luckily, you can apply it to all documents and applications.

– Repair the Compiler Defaults

The second debugging approach fixes the compiler defaults that confuse your system. Follow the steps in this bullet list to delete the code exception:

  • Choose Compiler Options in the tool menu.
  • Select the Settings tab that appears in the pop-up windows.
  • Locate and choose Code Generation in the next tab.
  • Click on the arrow on the right on the Language Standard line.
  • Choose ISO C++ 11 from the list box and press OK.

The mistake should disappear, and you can complete the project without further complications or errors.


The no-matching function for the call in C++ error appears when the identification of the called process does not match the argument. As a result, we explained the following critical points to help you debug the code:

  • Checking the parameters of the required methods and their data type is critical
  • We usually make mistakes when writing the arguments in the functions
  • You can allow the process by providing the matched parameter
  • Adding a new role in the exact data type set should remove the mistake

We are confident that you will no longer experience this annoying exception after applying these debugging principles. Luckily, the methods apply to similar matching function errors.

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The code you wrote has some problems. But on Windows 10 machine I’m using worked on gcc and MSVC despite the uninitiated variable warnings of the Microsoft compiler.In RemoveFim() there is delete to the knot.If you have void inserirInicio() and void inserirInicio() then instead of bool inserir_posicao() I should have bool inserirPosicao(). And if the three return bool the code gets simpler.incredibly long names, as in bool RemovePosicao(noLista *&ApontadorInicioLista, int Posicao)
int Tamanho = tamanho(ApontadorInicioLista);
if (Posicao > Tamanho) { return false; }
else if (Posicao <= 0)
return false;
if (Posicao == 1) { RemoveInicio(ApontadorInicioLista); }
int Contador = 1;
noLista *PonteiroPegaPosicaoAnterior;
noLista *PonteiroPegaPosicaoDelete = ApontadorInicioLista;
noLista *PonteiroPegaPosicaoPosteriro;
while (Contador != Posicao)
PonteiroPegaPosicaoAnterior = PonteiroPegaPosicaoDelete;
PonteiroPegaPosicaoDelete =
PonteiroPegaPosicaoPosteriro =
PonteiroPegaPosicaoAnterior->prox =
// delete PonteiroPegaPosicaoDelete;
return true;
do not help at all to read the code.See this option, which also works:bool noLista::RemovePosicao(int Posicao)
if (Posicao > tamanho) return false;
if (Posicao < 1) return false;
if (Posicao == 1) return RemoveInicio();
int Contador = 1;
Node* ant = nullptr;
Node* p = inicio;
Node* prox = nullptr;
while (Contador != Posicao)
ant = p;
p = p->prox;
prox = p->prox;
}; // while()
ant->prox = prox;
delete p;
tamanho -= 1;
return true;
There is no reason to use such functions in C++ and pass all a reference to the pointer to the beginning of the list. The functions are part of the class (struct in your case). Just declare there and everything gets simpler.understand that a list is not a node and a node is not a list. Don’t program like that. A list is a set, possibly empty, of us. And each node has or indicates a given, the element of the list. In your case is only one int. And in general within the element has a field which is called Key key, because in the list is generally implicit a question of order, a notion of comparison. In simple terms the operator must be defined < to the class of things you have inside the list.main() should be the first function of your program if possible in a separate file.a cout of 7 lines is better than 7 cout of a lineYou wrote:void ExibirMenu()
cout << «n[1] — Inserir no inicio da listan»;
cout << «[2] — Inserir no fim da listan»;
cout << «[3] — Inserir por posicaon»;
cout << «[4] — Imprimir listan»;
cout << «[5] — Remover no inicio da listan»;
cout << «[6] — Remover no fim da listan»;
cout << «[7] — Remover por posicaon»;
Mas void ExibirMenu() podia ser simplesmente int menu() e retornar a opção.
Compare with:
char menu()
char opcao[30]{0};
do {
cout << »
[0] — Sairn
[1] — Inserir no inicio da listan
[2] — Inserir no fim da listan
[3] — Inserir por posicaon
[4] — Imprimir listan
[5] — Remover no inicio da listan
[6] — Remover no fim da listan
[7] — Remover por posicaon
Digite uma opcao (0 para sair): «;
cin.getline(opcao, 30);
} while ((opcao[0] &lt; ‘0’) || (opcao[0] &gt; ‘7’));

return (opcao[0] — ‘0’);

Who has the advantage of reading the whole line. And it is possibly easier to read and change. And in main() can already use the value directly as in while(true)
switch (menu())
And in a single call cout.Consider these settings:// noLista.h
struct Node
int dado;
Node* prox;
struct noLista
Node* Inicio();
void Imprimir();
bool InserirFim(int info);
bool InserirInicio(int info);
bool InserirPosicao(int info, int pos);
bool RemoveFim();
bool RemoveInicio();
bool RemovePosicao(int Posicao);
int Tamanho();
noLista(); // inicializar
~noLista(); // apaga tudo

Node* inicio;
int tamanho;
// fim de noLista.h
That would be a simpler way to write what you did in C++. Thus the list functions are associated with a list. In general it is written that the methods of noLista are associated with instances class.And tamanho is part of the list, within struct, so you don’t have to go through the list every time you need its size. And you can use this value to control other functions.Example: noLista l1; // l1 e uma lista
l1.imprimir(); // se refere a lista l1.
noLista minhalista[10]; // 10 listas ligadas
minha_lista[4],imprimir(); // imprime o conteudo da 5a lista

An example in C++ from a simple chained listI will leave an example (with your code) below.Understand that unless required by a statement or a project or machine without resources, you should not use pointers for one side only: it is more complicated and not simpler. No pointers to both sides every time you need to navigate the list you may need to reposition at the beginning (or at the end) and start over. Or save the missing pointer in function again and again and again… See in the example below the functions that remove or insert in the end.avoid mixing input and output with list functions. Use generic structures and will always be able to use the same functionsC++ has lists in <list>. It’s always to see ,In general functions that insert or remove by position are not so useful in lists and batteries, and a function that lists all only exists for testing. list is a container focused on simple navigation and quick insertion. And in general it is inserted and removed by an order determined by the operator < that must exist for the contéudo class of the list.See in the example how to encode the functions that manipulate the list: they become DENTRO of the structure and therefore you do not need to pass a pointer to the list. This is encapsulation and is generally much more convenient.The example codeThere are many reasons to write like this, but C++ programs often have a code file and a header file for each class.In that case here has the class Node, which here is a struct, and class noLista that is also a struct.Thus in this example the normal is to have 3 files: noLista.h with the statements, noLista. cpp with the implementation of the functions, and the .cpp file that calls the functions.So you can write multiple programs that use noLista.cpp. Or you can write multiple test implementations for the struct defined noLista.hNo. H// noLista.h
struct Node
int dado;
Node* prox;
struct noLista
Node* Inicio();
void Imprimir();
bool InserirFim(int info);
bool InserirInicio(int info);
bool InserirPosicao(int info, int pos);
bool RemoveFim();
bool RemoveInicio();
bool RemovePosicao(int Posicao);
int Tamanho();
noLista(); // inicializar
~noLista(); // apaga tudo

Node* inicio;
int tamanho;
// fim de noLista.h
an implementation NoLista.h#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include «noLista.h»
using namespace std;
// constroi uma lista vazia
inicio = nullptr;
tamanho = 0;
}; // inicializar
// apaga a lista
for (int i = 0; i < tamanho; i += 1) RemoveInicio();
// os metodos
Node* noLista::Inicio() { return inicio; }
void noLista::Imprimir()
int nc = 0;
cout << «Total de » << tamanho << » elementos:nn»;
Node* p = inicio;
for ( int i = 0; i<tamanho; i+=1, p=p->prox)
cout << setw(4) << p->dado << » «;
if (++nc % 10 == 0) cout << «n»; // 10 por linha
cout << «n»;
bool noLista::InserirInicio(int info)
Node* novo = new Node;
novo->dado = info;
novo->prox = inicio;
inicio = novo;
tamanho += 1;
return true;
bool noLista::InserirFim(int info)
Node* novo = new Node;
novo->dado = info;
novo->prox = NULL;
if (tamanho == 0) return InserirInicio(info);
Node* p = inicio;
while (p->prox != NULL) { p = p->prox; }
p->prox = novo;
tamanho += 1;
return true;
bool noLista::InserirPosicao(int info, int pos)
if (pos > tamanho + 1) return false;
if (pos <= 0) return false;
if (pos == 1) return InserirInicio(info);
if (pos == tamanho) return InserirFim(info);
Node* novo = new Node;
novo->dado = info;
Node* p = inicio;
// avanca pos — 1 nodes
for (int cont = 1; cont &lt; pos; cont += 1) p = p-&gt;prox;
novo-&gt;prox = p-&gt;prox;
p-&gt;prox = novo;
tamanho += 1;
return true;

bool noLista::RemoveFim()
if (tamanho == 0) return false;
if (tamanho == 1) { return RemoveInicio(); }
Node* ant = nullptr;
Node* p = inicio;
while (p->prox != NULL)
ant = p;
p = p->prox;
if (ant != nullptr)
ant->prox = NULL;
inicio = nullptr;
delete p;
tamanho -= 1;
return true;
bool noLista::RemoveInicio()
if (tamanho == 0) return true; // vazia
Node* novo_inicio = inicio->prox;
delete inicio;
inicio = novo_inicio;
tamanho -= 1;
return true;
bool noLista::RemovePosicao(int Posicao)
if (Posicao > tamanho) return false;
if (Posicao < 1) return false;
if (Posicao == 1) return RemoveInicio();
int Contador = 1;
Node* ant = nullptr;
Node* p = inicio;
Node* prox = nullptr;
while (Contador != Posicao)
ant = p;
p = p->prox;
prox = p->prox;
}; // while()
ant->prox = prox;
delete p;
tamanho -= 1;
return true;
int noLista::Tamanho() { return tamanho; }
The functions generally have 10 lines of code and there is not much to comment on. It is practicemene your code after all.main() with my original#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include «noLista.h»
char menu();
int main(void)
noLista l1;
int posicao = 0;
int valor = 0;
switch (menu())
case 0:
return 0; // fim

case 1:
cout &lt;&lt; «nQual valor a ser inserido ? «;
cin &gt;&gt; valor;
cout &lt;&lt; «nOperacao realizada com sucesso ! n»;

case 2:
cout &lt;&lt; «nQual valor a ser inserido ? «;
cin &gt;&gt; valor;
cout &lt;&lt; «nOperacao realizada com sucesso ! n»;

case 3:
cout &lt;&lt; «nQual valor a ser inserido ? «;
cin &gt;&gt; valor;
cout &lt;&lt; «nEm qual posicao ? «;
cin &gt;&gt; posicao;
if ( l1.InserirPosicao(valor, posicao))
cout &lt;&lt; «nOperacao realizada com sucesso ! n»;
cout &lt;&lt; «nPosicao invalida ! n»;

case 4:
cout &lt;&lt; «nAbaixo estao os elementos da lista nn»;

case 5:
if (l1.RemoveInicio())
cout &lt;&lt; «nOperacao realizada com sucesso ! n»;
cout &lt;&lt; «nLista vazia, impossivel realizar »
«operacao ! n»;

case 6:
if (l1.RemoveFim())
cout &lt;&lt; «nOperacao realizada com sucesso ! n»;
cout &lt;&lt; «nLista vazia, impossivel realizar »
«operacao ! n»;

case 7:
cout &lt;&lt; «nQual a posicao que voce deseja excluir ? «;
cin &gt;&gt; posicao;
if (l1.RemovePosicao(posicao))
cout &lt;&lt; «nOperacao realizada com sucesso ! n»;
cout &lt;&lt; «nPosicao invalida ! n»;
}; // while()
return 0; // para contentar o compilador

char menu()
char opcao[30]{0};
cout << »
[0] — Sairn
[1] — Inserir no inicio da listan
[2] — Inserir no fim da listan
[3] — Inserir por posicaon
[4] — Imprimir listan
[5] — Remover no inicio da listan
[6] — Remover no fim da listan
[7] — Remover por posicaon
Digite uma opcao (0 para sair): «;
cin.getline(opcao, 30);
} while ((opcao[0] &lt; ‘0’) || (opcao[0] &gt; ‘7’));

return (opcao[0] — ‘0’);

And you can see how simple it looks.On the other hand, as the files are separated, you can reuse other test programs without messing with the nonoList. cpp…a test program for the functions#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include «noLista.h»
int main(void)
noLista l1;
int posicao = 0;
int valor = 0;
for ( int valor = 20; valor>=1; valor-=1 )
cout << «Tamanho agora: » << l1.Tamanho() << endl;
while (1)
if (l1.RemovePosicao(1))
cout << «RemoveFim() ok, restam » << l1.Tamanho() << «n»;
cout << «RemoveFim() Erro restam » << l1.Tamanho() << «n»;
return 0; // para contentar o compilador
This test only inserts 20 paras in the first position, shows and then removes the first until it makes a mistake, so that the list at the end will be empty…Thus you can write small programs and test functions without messing with the list code. .Output of this testTotal de 20 elementos:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Tamanho agora: 20
RemoveFim() ok, restam 19
RemoveFim() ok, restam 18
RemoveFim() ok, restam 17
RemoveFim() ok, restam 16
RemoveFim() ok, restam 15
RemoveFim() ok, restam 14
RemoveFim() ok, restam 13
RemoveFim() ok, restam 12
RemoveFim() ok, restam 11
RemoveFim() ok, restam 10
RemoveFim() ok, restam 9
RemoveFim() ok, restam 8
RemoveFim() ok, restam 7
RemoveFim() ok, restam 6
RemoveFim() ok, restam 5
RemoveFim() ok, restam 4
RemoveFim() ok, restam 3
RemoveFim() ok, restam 2
RemoveFim() ok, restam 1
RemoveFim() ok, restam 0
RemoveFim() Erro restam 0
Total de 0 elementos:

When we are calling some function but there is not matching function definition argument, then we get compilation error as No matching function for call to c++. To resolve this error, We need to pass appropriate matching argument during function call. Or need to create different overloaded function with different arguments.

error: no matching function for call to
error: no matching function for call to

Check function calling and function definition argument data types. It must be same.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class A
        void setValue(int value);
        int value;

void A::setValue(int value)

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
    A obj; 
    obj.setValue(obj);  // ERROR: No matching function for call to
    return 0;

Output | error: no matching function for call to

no matching function for call to
no matching function for call to

Here if you see we are passing Class object inside setValue() function calling argument. But if we check in setValue() function definition that we expect passing argument value as integer. So here function calling argument and expected arguments are not matching so we are getting error of no matching function for call to c++.

no matching function for call
no matching function for call

[SOLUTION] How to resolve “No matching function for call to” c++ error ?

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
    A obj; 
    int value=0;
    return 0;

Here we just modified setValue() function argument as integer. So it will be match with function definition arguments. So no matching function for call to c++ error will be resolve.

Frequently asked queries for No Matching function for call:

1. no matching function for call to / no matching function for call

If function call and function definition arguments are not matching then you might get this error. Depend on compiler to compiler you might get different errors. Sometimes it also give that type mismatch or can not convert from one data type to another.

No matching function for call

2. error: no matching function for call to

You will get error for no matching function call when generally you are passing object / pointer / reference in function call and function definition is not able to match and accept that argument.


Whenever you are getting no matching function for call to c++ error then check function arguments and their data types. You must be making mistake during function calling and passing mismatch argument or you might be require to add new function with similar matching data type. After checking and adding suitable function argument change your error will be resolve. I hope this article will solve your problem, in case of any further issue or doubt you can write us in comment. Keep coding and check Mr.CodeHunter website for more c++ and programming related articles.

Reader Interactions

Доброго времени суток.

В качестве некоторой предыстории скажу, что начать изучать С++ довелось совсем недавно, и в процессе возникла некоторая неопределенность

При попытке реализовать наследование классов(в простейшем виде, но с header’ом) выдаёт ошибку:
«error: no matching function for call to ‘myclass::myclass()'»(ругается на файл myclass.cpp)

код «программы»


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "myclass.h"
int main()
    string str;
    cout <<"Insert The String..."<<endl;
    getline(cin, str);
    int a;
    cout <<"Insert The Number..."<<endl;
    cin >>a;
    myclassDerived theOne(str, a);
    return 0;


#include <string>
using namespace std;
class myclass
    myclass(string s);
    void set_b(string s);
    string get_b();
    void show_b();
    string b;
class myclassDerived: public myclass
    myclassDerived(string strng, int i);
    void set_d(int i);
    int get_d();
    void show_d();
    void show_all();
    int d;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "myclass.h"
myclass::myclass(string s)
void myclass::set_b(string s)
    b = s;
string myclass::get_b()
    return b;
void myclass::show_b()
    cout <<"The String is: "<< get_b()<<endl;
myclassDerived::myclassDerived(string strng, int i)
void myclassDerived::set_d(int i)
    d = i;
int myclassDerived::get_d()
    return d;
void myclassDerived::show_d()
    cout << "The Number is" << get_d()<<endl;
void myclassDerived::show_all()
    cout <<"The String is "<< get_b()<<"The Number is" << get_d()<<endl;

возможно, я допускаю какую-то очень нубскую ошибку, но не вижу её?

Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ, диссертаций здесь

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