Error no such command db flask

From yesterday I read a lot of topics about the famous error: "No such command init-db" So, I followed the tutorial here: (...

From yesterday I read a lot of topics about the famous error:

«No such command init-db»

So, I followed the tutorial here:

(I’m under Debian 9.6)

I do the following :

export FLASK_APP=webApp
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask init-db

I then tried:

python3 -m flask init-db

I also tried:


But I still have the same error message.

Here is the tree of my project :

├── babel.cfg
├── __pycache__
│   ├── auth.cpython-35.pyc
│   ├── db.cpython-35.pyc
│   ├── __init__.cpython-35.pyc
│   ├── pdf.cpython-35.pyc
│   └── ws.cpython-35.pyc
├── schema.sql
├── static

I didn’t see what I’ve missed.

SherylHohman's user avatar


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asked Oct 15, 2019 at 7:43

Nathan Cheval's user avatar


I found the problem.
When I launched flask --help, I saw there was an import error of a module. I just installed that module via pip, and it was okay.

SherylHohman's user avatar


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answered Oct 15, 2019 at 8:05

Nathan Cheval's user avatar

Nathan ChevalNathan Cheval

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First, be sure to activate your virtual environment.
If you are using a new terminal then run the command below:

export FLASK_APP="flaskr"
export FLASK_ENV=development

Run the flask app

flask run

After that run the DB command

flask init_db

You should see the Database Initialized message.

answered Dec 24, 2020 at 4:44

Nurujjaman Nur's user avatar

In order to run init-db command, you first need to make sure you are outside the flaskr package (use pwd command if not sure) and at the same level as venv folder, then set the two below on the terminal:

$env:FLASK_APP = "flaskr"
$env:FLASK_ENV = "development"

Then run:

flask init-db

Output: Initialized the database.

You don’t need to install any extra packages if you follow the tutorial and execute the commands as they say.

Dharman's user avatar


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answered Jul 26, 2020 at 13:02

Felipe Alarcon's user avatar


in my case the command I had to use was different, as seen from the flask —help output:

  routes   Show the routes for the app.
  run      Run a development server.
  shell    Run a shell in the app context.

So I had to use flask init.db for some reason.

answered Feb 16, 2022 at 8:44

Heivers's user avatar

I just had the same problem even though it worked the last time.
I just ran the flask, then stopped it and tried to initialize the database and it worked.

answered Mar 19, 2020 at 12:12

Katarina Prskalo's user avatar

You must set FLASK_APP correctly. It must match the directory name where the app factory lives. In flaskr, this is in flaskr/ The factory is named create_app().

So if you rename flaskr/, you must set FLASK_APP to match.


answered Aug 20, 2020 at 15:22

sqqqrly's user avatar


8471 gold badge7 silver badges10 bronze badges

This worked for me:

flask init-db

I got this idea from the docs generated by the commands:

flask --help

screenshot of  output of above command

SherylHohman's user avatar


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answered Feb 7, 2021 at 14:37

user15163490's user avatar


Make sure you create and activate the virtual environment using the venv command from the command prompt.
Those are the windows cmd commands:

cd pathpyproject
pathmyproject> py -3 -m venv venv
pathmyproject> venvScriptsactivate

answered Jun 6, 2022 at 8:24

Yoni Kremer's user avatar

I had this issue, and the problem was I had not imported migrate in my app. I solved the issue by adding these two statements to my file:
from flask_migrate import Migrate and migrate = Migrate(app, db) .
I saved the file, then ran the flask db init command again, and it worked!

answered Jul 29, 2022 at 8:42

Alvin's user avatar


5711 silver badge8 bronze badges

be careful that install flask_migrate in your env.
so in cmd:

  1. create your env :

cd myproject
py -3 -m venv venv

  1. activate your env:


  1. install flask_migrate:

pip install flask_migrate

answered Jan 21 at 12:00

zhaleh's user avatar

Maybe you could simply try using
flask init_db

Note :- USE Underscore _ instead of hyphen -

Cross verify it by checking if a sqlite file is created in instance folder

It works like in the image

answered Mar 16, 2020 at 8:36

Neha Kulkarni's user avatar

I got the same problem. After executing flask --help or just flask, I realised the problem was caused by an import error and there was a typo in my FLASK_APP.

Correcting it made everything work again.

answered Oct 31, 2020 at 21:29

astrowq's user avatar


  1. Problem with flask db init #69
  3. Footer
  4. The Flask Mega-Tutorial Part IV: Database
  5. Databases in Flask
  6. Database Migrations
  7. Flask-SQLAlchemy Configuration
  8. Database Models
  9. Creating The Migration Repository
  10. The First Database Migration
  11. Database Upgrade and Downgrade Workflow
  12. Database Relationships
  13. Playing with the Database
  14. Shell Context

Problem with flask db init #69

When i run flask db init, i get:

wengkiat$ flask db init
Usage: flask [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS].

Error: No such command «db».

However, I am able to run flask run as i exported the path.

I am able to reach this part:

->>> from app.models import User
->>> u = User(username=’susan’, email=’’)
->>> u
User susan

I have checked your files and my and there seems to be no difference, am i missing something?

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Did you install Flask-Migrate?

wengkiat$ pip install flask-migrate
Requirement already satisfied: flask-migrate in ./venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: Flask>=0.9 in ./venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from flask-migrate)
Requirement already satisfied: Flask-SQLAlchemy>=1.0 in ./venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from flask-migrate)
Requirement already satisfied: alembic>=0.6 in ./venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from flask-migrate)
Requirement already satisfied: Flask-Script>=0.6 in ./venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from flask-migrate)
Requirement already satisfied: itsdangerous>=0.21 in ./venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from Flask>=0.9->flask-migrate)
Requirement already satisfied: Werkzeug>=0.7 in ./venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from Flask>=0.9->flask-migrate)
Requirement already satisfied: Jinja2>=2.4 in ./venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from Flask>=0.9->flask-migrate)
Requirement already satisfied: click>=2.0 in ./venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from Flask>=0.9->flask-migrate)
Requirement already satisfied: SQLAlchemy>=0.7 in ./venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from Flask-SQLAlchemy>=1.0->flask-migrate)
Requirement already satisfied: Mako in ./venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from alembic>=0.6->flask-migrate)
Requirement already satisfied: python-editor>=0.3 in ./venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from alembic>=0.6->flask-migrate)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil in ./venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from alembic>=0.6->flask-migrate)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=0.23 in ./venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from Jinja2>=2.4->Flask>=0.9->flask-migrate)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in ./venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from python-dateutil->alembic>=0.6->flask-migrate)

Flask-Migrate should register the db command with flask . Maybe trash the virtualenv and make a new one, not quite sure what’s wrong, but maybe if you start fresh you’ll get past the problem.

I got this problem as well. I am using anaconda virtual environment. Flask-Migrate is installed.

I had this problem too — it seems to have been caused by an outdated version of something (I didn’t investigate which). The solution (for me) was to upgrade flask-migrate, which in turn also updated flask and flask-sqlalchemy among other things

pip install flask-migrate —upgrade

Hopefully this helps someone else 🙂

Yes upgrade your flask migrate under virtualenv you are using that will not throw any errors,
use the below command to update your flask migrate
pip install flask-migrate —upgrade

If someone else is still having this problem, I think you might have installed flask globally and that global instance does not have the required libraries from your virtual environment. This is what I did to make it work:

  • deactivate
  • pip uninstall flask
  • source venv/bin/activate
  • and now flask db init worked no problem

If someone else is still having this problem, I think you might have installed flask globally and that global instance does not have the required libraries from your virtual environment. This is what I did to make it work:

This worked for me as well. It seems that Anaconda changed the .bash_profile to point python3 to its version. I would have thought that virtualenv would avoid these conflicts more elegantly than having to uninstall. I had a similar issue with flask-wtf. I was able to resolve that issue by inserting this into
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ‘venv/Lib/python3.6/site-packages’))
However, this did not help for the flask db init command.

Accidentally, I found a ‘sort of’ solution which fixes this problem, just install flask-migrate in the global environment and it works. Perhaps it’s not the best solution, but at least it is a solution.

what a fuck problem!
if there are several flask virtualenv and someone has been used the command like flask db init
at the same time if you installed Flask-Migrate, you can try to closed the terminal and open a new one.

This problem happened to me but was solved by deleting my old env folder make the new one and install all module fresh. What he said is totally correct.

Flask-Migrate should register the db command with flask . Maybe trash the virtualenv and make a new one, not quite sure what’s wrong, but maybe if you start fresh you’ll get past the problem.

If you have tried the solutions above and it didn’t work, try killing the terminal and opening a new one. Solved my issue!

Flask-Migrate should register the db command with flask . Maybe trash the virtualenv and make a new one, not quite sure what’s wrong, but maybe if you start fresh you’ll get past the problem.

Tried every solution here except the first one suggested as it was the most cumbersome. Unfortunately, that was what did it for me. Oh well, got there in the end.

For me deactivate and source bin/activate worked

For me rename to

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The Flask Mega-Tutorial Part IV: Database

This is the fourth installment of the Flask Mega-Tutorial series, in which I’m going to tell you how to work with databases.

For your reference, below is a list of the articles in this series.

The topic of this chapter is extremely important. For most applications, there is going to be a need to maintain persistent data that can be retrieved efficiently, and this is exactly what databases are made for.

The GitHub links for this chapter are: Browse, Zip, Diff.

Databases in Flask

As I’m sure you have heard already, Flask does not support databases natively. This is one of the many areas in which Flask is intentionally not opinionated, which is great, because you have the freedom to choose the database that best fits your application instead of being forced to adapt to one.

There are great choices for databases in Python, many of them with Flask extensions that make a better integration with the application. The databases can be separated into two big groups, those that follow the relational model, and those that do not. The latter group is often called NoSQL, indicating that they do not implement the popular relational query language SQL. While there are great database products in both groups, my opinion is that relational databases are a better match for applications that have structured data such as lists of users, blog posts, etc., while NoSQL databases tend to be better for data that has a less defined structure. This application, like most others, can be implemented using either type of database, but for the reasons stated above, I’m going to go with a relational database.

In Chapter 3 I showed you a first Flask extension. In this chapter I’m going to use two more. The first is Flask-SQLAlchemy, an extension that provides a Flask-friendly wrapper to the popular SQLAlchemy package, which is an Object Relational Mapper or ORM. ORMs allow applications to manage a database using high-level entities such as classes, objects and methods instead of tables and SQL. The job of the ORM is to translate the high-level operations into database commands.

The nice thing about SQLAlchemy is that it is an ORM not for one, but for many relational databases. SQLAlchemy supports a long list of database engines, including the popular MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. This is extremely powerful, because you can do your development using a simple SQLite database that does not require a server, and then when the time comes to deploy the application on a production server you can choose a more robust MySQL or PostgreSQL server, without having to change your application.

To install Flask-SQLAlchemy in your virtual environment, make sure you have activated it first, and then run:

Database Migrations

Most database tutorials I’ve seen cover creation and use of a database, but do not adequately address the problem of making updates to an existing database as the application needs change or grow. This is hard because relational databases are centered around structured data, so when the structure changes the data that is already in the database needs to be migrated to the modified structure.

The second extension that I’m going to present in this chapter is Flask-Migrate, which is actually one created by yours truly. This extension is a Flask wrapper for Alembic, a database migration framework for SQLAlchemy. Working with database migrations adds a bit of work to get a database started, but that is a small price to pay for a robust way to make changes to your database in the future.

The installation process for Flask-Migrate is similar to other extensions you have seen:

Flask-SQLAlchemy Configuration

During development, I’m going to use a SQLite database. SQLite databases are the most convenient choice for developing small applications, sometimes even not so small ones, as each database is stored in a single file on disk and there is no need to run a database server like MySQL and PostgreSQL.

We have two new configuration items to add to the config file: Flask-SQLAlchemy configuration

The Flask-SQLAlchemy extension takes the location of the application’s database from the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI configuration variable. As you recall from Chapter 3, it is in general a good practice to set configuration from environment variables, and provide a fallback value when the environment does not define the variable. In this case I’m taking the database URL from the DATABASE_URL environment variable, and if that isn’t defined, I’m configuring a database named app.db located in the main directory of the application, which is stored in the basedir variable.

The SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS configuration option is set to False to disable a feature of Flask-SQLAlchemy that I do not need, which is to send a signal to the application every time a change is about to be made in the database.

The database is going to be represented in the application by the database instance. The database migration engine will also have an instance. These are objects that need to be created after the application, in the app/ file:

app/ Flask-SQLAlchemy and Flask-Migrate initialization

I have made three changes to the init script. First, I have added a db object that represents the database. Then I have added another object that represents the migration engine. Hopefully you see a pattern in how to work with Flask extensions. Most extensions are initialized as these two. Finally, I’m importing a new module called models at the bottom. This module will define the structure of the database.

Database Models

The data that will be stored in the database will be represented by a collection of classes, usually called database models. The ORM layer within SQLAlchemy will do the translations required to map objects created from these classes into rows in the proper database tables.

Let’s start by creating a model that represents users. Using the WWW SQL Designer tool, I have made the following diagram to represent the data that we want to use in the users table:

The id field is usually in all models, and is used as the primary key. Each user in the database will be assigned a unique id value, stored in this field. Primary keys are, in most cases, automatically assigned by the database, so I just need to provide the id field marked as a primary key.

The username , email and password_hash fields are defined as strings (or VARCHAR in database jargon), and their maximum lengths are specified so that the database can optimize space usage. While the username and email fields are self-explanatory, the password_hash fields deserves some attention. I want to make sure the application that I’m building adopts security best practices, and for that reason I will not be storing user passwords in the database. The problem with storing passwords is that if the database ever becomes compromised, the attackers will have access to the passwords, and that could be devastating for users. Instead of writing the passwords directly, I’m going to write password hashes, which greatly improve security. This is going to be the topic of another chapter, so don’t worry about it too much for now.

So now that I know what I want for my users table, I can translate that into code in the new app/ module:

app/ User database model

The User class created above inherits from db.Model , a base class for all models from Flask-SQLAlchemy. This class defines several fields as class variables. Fields are created as instances of the db.Column class, which takes the field type as an argument, plus other optional arguments that, for example, allow me to indicate which fields are unique and indexed, which is important so that database searches are efficient.

The __repr__ method tells Python how to print objects of this class, which is going to be useful for debugging. You can see the __repr__() method in action in the Python interpreter session below:

Creating The Migration Repository

The model class created in the previous section defines the initial database structure (or schema) for this application. But as the application continues to grow, it is likely that I will need to make changes to that structure such as adding new things, and sometimes to modify or remove items. Alembic (the migration framework used by Flask-Migrate) will make these schema changes in a way that does not require the database to be recreated from scratch every time a change needs to be made.

To accomplish this seemingly difficult task, Alembic maintains a migration repository, which is a directory in which it stores its migration scripts. Each time a change is made to the database schema, a migration script is added to the repository with the details of the change. To apply the migrations to a database, these migration scripts are executed in the sequence they were created.

Flask-Migrate exposes its commands through the flask command. You have already seen flask run , which is a sub-command that is native to Flask. The flask db sub-command is added by Flask-Migrate to manage everything related to database migrations. So let’s create the migration repository for microblog by running flask db init :

Remember that the flask command relies on the FLASK_APP environment variable to know where the Flask application lives. For this application, you want to set FLASK_APP to the value , as discussed in Chapter 1.

After you run this command, you will find a new migrations directory, with a few files and a versions sub-directory inside. All these files should be treated as part of your project from now on, and in particular, should be added to source control along with your application code.

The First Database Migration

With the migration repository in place, it is time to create the first database migration, which will include the users table that maps to the User database model. There are two ways to create a database migration: manually or automatically. To generate a migration automatically, Alembic compares the database schema as defined by the database models, against the actual database schema currently used in the database. It then populates the migration script with the changes necessary to make the database schema match the application models. In this case, since there is no previous database, the automatic migration will add the entire User model to the migration script. The flask db migrate sub-command generates these automatic migrations:

The output of the command gives you an idea of what Alembic included in the migration. The first two lines are informational and can usually be ignored. It then says that it found a user table and two indexes. Then it tells you where it wrote the migration script. The e517276bb1c2 code is an automatically generated unique code for the migration (it will be different for you). The comment given with the -m option is optional, it adds a short descriptive text to the migration.

The generated migration script is now part of your project, and needs to be incorporated to source control. You are welcome to inspect the script if you are curious to see how it looks. You will find that it has two functions called upgrade() and downgrade() . The upgrade() function applies the migration, and the downgrade() function removes it. This allows Alembic to migrate the database to any point in the history, even to older versions, by using the downgrade path.

The flask db migrate command does not make any changes to the database, it just generates the migration script. To apply the changes to the database, the flask db upgrade command must be used.

Because this application uses SQLite, the upgrade command will detect that a database does not exist and will create it (you will notice a file named app.db is added after this command finishes, that is the SQLite database). When working with database servers such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, you have to create the database in the database server before running upgrade .

Note that Flask-SQLAlchemy uses a «snake case» naming convention for database tables by default. For the User model above, the corresponding table in the database will be named user . For a AddressAndPhone model class, the table would be named address_and_phone . If you prefer to choose your own table names, you can add an attribute named __tablename__ to the model class, set to the desired name as a string.

Database Upgrade and Downgrade Workflow

The application is in its infancy at this point, but it does not hurt to discuss what is going to be the database migration strategy going forward. Imagine that you have your application on your development machine, and also have a copy deployed to a production server that is online and in use.

Let’s say that for the next release of your app you have to introduce a change to your models, for example a new table needs to be added. Without migrations you would need to figure out how to change the schema of your database, both in your development machine and then again in your server, and this could be a lot of work.

But with database migration support, after you modify the models in your application you generate a new migration script ( flask db migrate ), you probably review it to make sure the automatic generation did the right thing, and then apply the changes to your development database ( flask db upgrade ). You will add the migration script to source control and commit it.

When you are ready to release the new version of the application to your production server, all you need to do is grab the updated version of your application, which will include the new migration script, and run flask db upgrade . Alembic will detect that the production database is not updated to the latest revision of the schema, and run all the new migration scripts that were created after the previous release.

As I mentioned earlier, you also have a flask db downgrade command, which undoes the last migration. While you will be unlikely to need this option on a production system, you may find it very useful during development. You may have generated a migration script and applied it, only to find that the changes that you made are not exactly what you need. In this case, you can downgrade the database, delete the migration script, and then generate a new one to replace it.

Database Relationships

Relational databases are good at storing relations between data items. Consider the case of a user writing a blog post. The user will have a record in the users table, and the post will have a record in the posts table. The most efficient way to record who wrote a given post is to link the two related records.

Once a link between a user and a post is established, the database can answer queries about this link. The most trivial one is when you have a blog post and need to know what user wrote it. A more complex query is the reverse of this one. If you have a user, you may want to know all the posts that this user wrote. Flask-SQLAlchemy will help with both types of queries.

Let’s expand the database to store blog posts to see relationships in action. Here is the schema for a new posts table:

The posts table will have the required id , the body of the post and a timestamp . But in addition to these expected fields, I’m adding a user_id field, which links the post to its author. You’ve seen that all users have a id primary key, which is unique. The way to link a blog post to the user that authored it is to add a reference to the user’s id , and that is exactly what the user_id field is. This user_id field is called a foreign key. The database diagram above shows foreign keys as a link between the field and the id field of the table it refers to. This kind of relationship is called a one-to-many, because «one» user writes «many» posts.

The modified app/ is shown below:

app/ Posts database table and relationship

The new Post class will represent blog posts written by users. The timestamp field is going to be indexed, which is useful if you want to retrieve posts in chronological order. I have also added a default argument, and passed the datetime.utcnow function. When you pass a function as a default, SQLAlchemy will set the field to the value of calling that function (note that I did not include the () after utcnow , so I’m passing the function itself, and not the result of calling it). In general, you will want to work with UTC dates and times in a server application. This ensures that you are using uniform timestamps regardless of where the users are located. These timestamps will be converted to the user’s local time when they are displayed.

The user_id field was initialized as a foreign key to , which means that it references an id value from the users table. In this reference the user part is the name of the database table for the model. It is an unfortunate inconsistency that in some instances such as in a db.relationship() call, the model is referenced by the model class, which typically starts with an uppercase character, while in other cases such as this db.ForeignKey() declaration, a model is given by its database table name, for which SQLAlchemy automatically uses lowercase characters and, for multi-word model names, snake case.

The User class has a new posts field, that is initialized with db.relationship . This is not an actual database field, but a high-level view of the relationship between users and posts, and for that reason it isn’t in the database diagram. For a one-to-many relationship, a db.relationship field is normally defined on the «one» side, and is used as a convenient way to get access to the «many». So for example, if I have a user stored in u , the expression u.posts will run a database query that returns all the posts written by that user. The first argument to db.relationship is the model class that represents the «many» side of the relationship. This argument can be provided as a string with the class name if the model is defined later in the module. The backref argument defines the name of a field that will be added to the objects of the «many» class that points back at the «one» object. This will add a expression that will return the user given a post. The lazy argument defines how the database query for the relationship will be issued, which is something that I will discuss later. Don’t worry if these details don’t make much sense just yet, I’ll show you examples of this at the end of this article.

Since I have updates to the application models, a new database migration needs to be generated:

And the migration needs to be applied to the database:

If you are storing your project in source control, also remember to add the new migration script to it.

Playing with the Database

I have made you suffer through a long process to define the database, but I haven’t shown you how everything works yet. Since the application does not have any database logic yet, let’s play with the database in the Python interpreter to familiarize with it. Fire up Python by running python on your terminal. Make sure your virtual environment is activated before you start the interpreter.

Once in the Python prompt, let’s import the application, database instance and the models:

The next step is a bit strange. For Flask and its extensions to have access to the the Flask application without having to pass app as an argument into every function, an application context must be created and pushed. Application contexts are going to be covered in more detail later in the tutorial, so for now, type the following code in your Python shell session:

Next, create a new user:

Changes to a database are done in the context of a database session, which can be accessed as db.session . Multiple changes can be accumulated in a session and once all the changes have been registered you can issue a single db.session.commit() , which writes all the changes atomically. If at any time while working on a session there is an error, a call to db.session.rollback() will abort the session and remove any changes stored in it. The important thing to remember is that changes are only written to the database when a commit is issued with db.session.commit() . Sessions guarantee that the database will never be left in an inconsistent state.

Are you wonder how do all these database operations know what database to use? The application context that was pushed above allows Flask-SQLAlchemy to access the Flask application instance app without having to receive it as an argument. The extension looks in the app.config dictionary for the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI entry, which contains the database URL.

Let’s add another user:

The database can answer a query that returns all the users:

All models have a query attribute that is the entry point to run database queries. The most basic query is that one that returns all elements of that class, which is appropriately named all() . Note that the id fields were automatically set to 1 and 2 when those users were added.

Here is another way to do queries. If you know the id of a user, you can retrieve that user as follows:

Now let’s add a blog post:

I did not need to set a value for the timestamp field because that field has a default, which you can see in the model definition. And what about the user_id field? Recall that the db.relationship that I created in the User class adds a posts attribute to users, and also a author attribute to posts. I assign an author to a post using the author virtual field instead of having to deal with user IDs. SQLAlchemy is great in that respect, as it provides a high-level abstraction over relationships and foreign keys.

To complete this session, let’s look at a few more database queries:

The Flask-SQLAlchemy documentation is the best place to learn about the many options that are available to query the database.

To complete this section, let’s erase the test users and posts created above, so that the database is clean and ready for the next chapter:

Shell Context

Remember what you did at the start of the previous section, right after starting a Python interpreter? The first thing you did was to run some imports:

While you work on your application, you will need to test things out in a Python shell very often, so having to repeat the above statements every time is going to get tedious, so this is a good time to address this problem.

The flask shell command is another very useful tool in the flask umbrella of commands. The shell command is the second «core» command implemented by Flask, after run . The purpose of this command is to start a Python interpreter in the context of the application. What does that mean? See the following example:

With a regular interpreter session, the app symbol is not known unless it is explicitly imported, but when using flask shell , the command pre-imports the application instance. The nice thing about flask shell is not only that it pre-imports app , but that you can also configure a «shell context», which is a list of other symbols to pre-import.

The following function in creates a shell context that adds the database instance and models to the shell session:

The app.shell_context_processor decorator registers the function as a shell context function. When the flask shell command runs, it will invoke this function and register the items returned by it in the shell session. The reason the function returns a dictionary and not a list is that for each item you have to also provide a name under which it will be referenced in the shell, which is given by the dictionary keys.

After you add the shell context processor function you can work with database entities without having to import them:

If you try the above and get NameError exceptions when you try to access db , User and Post , then the make_shell_context() function is not being registered with Flask. The most likely cause of this is that you have not set in the environment. In that case, go back to Chapter 1 and review how to set the FLASK_APP environment variable. If you often forget to set this variable when you open new terminal windows, you may consider adding a .flaskenv file to your project, as described at the end of that chapter.

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Solution 1

I found the problem.
When I launched flask --help, I saw there was an import error of a module. I just installed that module via pip, and it was okay.

Solution 2

First, be sure to activate your virtual environment.
If you are using a new terminal then run the command below:

export FLASK_APP="flaskr"
export FLASK_ENV=development

Run the flask app

flask run

After that run the DB command

flask init_db

You should see the Database Initialized message.

Solution 3

in my case the command I had to use was different, as seen from the flask —help output:

  routes   Show the routes for the app.
  run      Run a development server.
  shell    Run a shell in the app context.

So I had to use flask init.db for some reason.

Solution 4

In order to run init-db command, you first need to make sure you are outside the flaskr package (use pwd command if not sure) and at the same level as venv folder, then set the two below on the terminal:

$env:FLASK_APP = "flaskr"
$env:FLASK_ENV = "development"

Then run:

flask init-db

Output: Initialized the database.

You don’t need to install any extra packages if you follow the tutorial and execute the commands as they say.


  • From yesterday I read a lot of topics about the famous error:

    «No such command init-db»

    So, I followed the tutorial here:

    (I’m under Debian 9.6)

    I do the following :

    export FLASK_APP=webApp
    export FLASK_ENV=development
    flask init-db

    I then tried:

    python3 -m flask init-db

    I also tried:


    But I still have the same error message.

    Here is the tree of my project :

    ├── babel.cfg
    ├── __pycache__
    │   ├── auth.cpython-35.pyc
    │   ├── db.cpython-35.pyc
    │   ├── __init__.cpython-35.pyc
    │   ├── pdf.cpython-35.pyc
    │   └── ws.cpython-35.pyc
    ├── schema.sql
    ├── static

    I didn’t see what I’ve missed.

  • what to install?

  • to me it was that I forgot to activate the virtualenv before running the command

  • Maybe you have to install Flask Migrate using pip first. Using pip command : «pip install flask-migrate»

  • How is this different from existing answers? SO platform’s strength relies on voting on existing answers, rather submitting duplicates. Please edit if you have some unique, insightful, new content to add to your post. Duplicate «answers» run the risk of down votes, or even removal.


Flask-migrate not working

Hello Pythonanywhere team,

I don’t get flask-migrate to work and I suspect there is something odd about the flask command. It work locally and I have installed the flask-migrate in the virtualenv. This is what happens.
Please also feel free to look into my files.

20:17 /var/www/sites/polaris-apollo-production $ source venv-arm/bin/activate

(venv-arm) 20:17 /var/www/sites/polaris-apollo-production $ export

(venv-arm) 20:18 /var/www/sites/polaris-apollo-production $ flask db init

Usage: flask [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]…

Try «flask —help» for help.

Error: No such command «db».


Feb. 14, 2021, 8:24 p.m.


Looks like Flask is not recognizing the db command. How did you configure that in your code?



PythonAnywhere staff

Feb. 15, 2021, 11:11 a.m.


Configured it using flask-migrate. Flask does not seem to recognise anything from my virtualenv. It tries to load packages from python2.7….


Feb. 15, 2021, 7:35 p.m.


Never mind, I doing the migrations directly in code now…


Feb. 15, 2021, 9:19 p.m.


run which flask to see what flask are you getting



PythonAnywhere staff

Feb. 16, 2021, 9:08 a.m.


09:34 /var/www/sites/polaris-apollo-production $ source venv-arm/bin/activate

(venv-arm) 09:34 /var/www/sites/polaris-apollo-production $ which flask

(venv-arm) 09:35 /var/www/sites/polaris-apollo-production $ which python


Feb. 18, 2021, 9:36 a.m.


how was your venv created?



PythonAnywhere staff

Feb. 18, 2021, 11:25 a.m.


On my development machine using python -m venv venv-arm


Feb. 18, 2021, 12:01 p.m.


You cannot generally copy virtualenvs between machines. If you want to use a virtualenv on PythonAnywhere, then create it on PythonAnywhere.



PythonAnywhere staff

Feb. 18, 2021, 12:34 p.m.


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