Error occurred while saving the configuration make sure osu

Allowlisting IPs: Error “An error occurred while saving the configuration” Hi there, hope all is good. I’m getting an error when trying to add Serpstat

Allowlisting IPs: Error “An error occurred while saving the configuration”

Hi there, hope all is good.

I’m getting an error when trying to add Serpstat IPs to the Allowlist…

“An error occurred while saving the configuration: Please make sure you separate your IP addresses with commas. The following allowlisted IP addresses are invalid:…”

I’ve tried the IPs on separate lines and comma-separated. Same error each time. I’ve confirmed with Serpstat the IPs are valid.

Please can you help?

Hi @8persap, thanks for getting in touch.

Could you possibly add the IP addresses here in a code block so I can try them myself on my configuration? What you have provided in the screenshot seems valid but the contents of the textbox might hold a clue as to why this error message appears, so it’d be good to try replicating myself.

Thanks for the quick reply,Peter 👍

Hi @8persap, sorry for the delay.

There seem to have been hidden characters in the list of IPs provided that may be whitespaces, tabs or new line characters. Every time I copied the provided list in, I was also receiving the same error even after copying to Notepad and editing it manually.

To solve, I added commas and pasted the list into and was then able to save. I will provide this list again below, but if the forum adds any formatting characters you may have to run it through the link again as I did.


I was able to paste the contents of the above quote directly from the forum into Wordfence and it saved successfully.

  • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by wfpeter .


«An error occurred while saving the configuration prope

I have installed the latest Jazz server but it apparently is having problems saving config info.When performing setup, I get this error message when, for example, when enabling email notifications:

«An error occurred while saving the configuration properties. Please check your server log for more details.»

Neither the WebSphere nor the jazz logs, which are working fine, indicate an error. Thus I do not know further details.

I am using WebSphere 6.1 with the fix pack described in the FAQ :

I have also specified file URLs as specified in the aforementioned FAQ.

Also, I have checked the file permissions on Java 2 security is turned off.

Any ideas where the problem could be?

3 answers

We are investigating another report of a very similar issue. I will
update this thread with more information soon.

Meanwhile, can you add more details about your server configuration:
1. What user registry method are you using for WAS
2. What is the server version shown on the default . /jazz/admin page,
such as «Server Version 2.0 M1 (I20081219-1513)»
3. If you leave the email notification «disabled» in the wizard, and
complete the wizard, are you able to make changes on this page:
. /jazz/admin/

Kristen Balhoff
Jazz Server Team

I have installed the latest Jazz server but it apparently is having
problems saving config info.When performing setup, I get this error
message when, for example, when enabling email notifications:

«An error occurred while saving the configuration properties.
Please check your server log for more details.»

Neither the WebSphere nor the jazz logs, which are working fine,
indicate an error. Thus I do not know further details.

I am using WebSphere 6.1 with the fix pack described in the FAQ :

I have also specified file URLs as specified in the aforementioned

Also, I have checked the file permissions on
Java 2 security is turned off.

Any ideas where the problem could be?

Hi Kristen,
Problem solved — I did not set up WebSphere security and configure a
registry before installing the Jazz war. FYI, my server version is
«1.0.1 (I20081024-1335)».

I deinstalled everything and set up WebSphere as described in technical
note, «TN0033: Installing Jazz Team Server with WAS»
( Then I installed Jazz afresh and
things worked.

If I may make suggestions:
— Documentation is spread around somewhat. Ideally, the online
InfoCenter topic, «Setting up a WebSphere Application Server» would link
to the aforementioned technote or even integrate its info so that all
WAS stuff is in one place.I just happened across the tech note somehow.

— Would be helpful if the initial error message would reflect the actual
source of problem, ie, that I had not configured a user registry.

Definitely thanks for your fast response and asking the key question on
user rep!

Kristen Balhoff wrote:

We are investigating another report of a very similar issue. I will
update this thread with more information soon.

Meanwhile, can you add more details about your server configuration:
1. What user registry method are you using for WAS
2. What is the server version shown on the default . /jazz/admin page,
such as «Server Version 2.0 M1 (I20081219-1513)»
3. If you leave the email notification «disabled» in the wizard, and
complete the wizard, are you able to make changes on this page:
. /jazz/admin/

Kristen Balhoff
Jazz Server Team

cgiblin wrote:
I have installed the latest Jazz server but it apparently is having
problems saving config info.When performing setup, I get this error
message when, for example, when enabling email notifications:

«An error occurred while saving the configuration properties.
Please check your server log for more details.»

Neither the WebSphere nor the jazz logs, which are working fine,
indicate an error. Thus I do not know further details.

I am using WebSphere 6.1 with the fix pack described in the FAQ :

I have also specified file URLs as specified in the aforementioned

Also, I have checked the file permissions on
Java 2 security is turned off.

Any ideas where the problem could be?

I’m glad you’re configuration is working, and I appreciate your
suggestions. I opened the following work items to follow-up on them:

66948: Detect webserver running without security, warn user in Admin &
Setup Wizard

66944: Integrate or cross-reference installation info/technotes/FAQ for
Jazz Server on WebSphere

Kristen Balhoff
Jazz Server Team

Chris Giblin wrote:

Hi Kristen,
Problem solved — I did not set up WebSphere security and configure a
registry before installing the Jazz war. FYI, my server version is
«1.0.1 (I20081024-1335)».

I deinstalled everything and set up WebSphere as described in technical
note, «TN0033: Installing Jazz Team Server with WAS»
( Then I installed Jazz afresh and
things worked.

If I may make suggestions:
— Documentation is spread around somewhat. Ideally, the online
InfoCenter topic, «Setting up a WebSphere Application Server» would link
to the aforementioned technote or even integrate its info so that all
WAS stuff is in one place.I just happened across the tech note somehow.

— Would be helpful if the initial error message would reflect the actual
source of problem, ie, that I had not configured a user registry.

Definitely thanks for your fast response and asking the key question on
user rep!

Kristen Balhoff wrote:
Hi Chris,

We are investigating another report of a very similar issue. I will
update this thread with more information soon.

Meanwhile, can you add more details about your server configuration:
1. What user registry method are you using for WAS
2. What is the server version shown on the default . /jazz/admin
page, such as «Server Version 2.0 M1 (I20081219-1513)»
3. If you leave the email notification «disabled» in the wizard, and
complete the wizard, are you able to make changes on this page:
. /jazz/admin/

Kristen Balhoff
Jazz Server Team

cgiblin wrote:
I have installed the latest Jazz server but it apparently is having
problems saving config info.When performing setup, I get this error
message when, for example, when enabling email notifications:

«An error occurred while saving the configuration properties.
Please check your server log for more details.»

Neither the WebSphere nor the jazz logs, which are working fine,
indicate an error. Thus I do not know further details.

I am using WebSphere 6.1 with the fix pack described in the FAQ :

I have also specified file URLs as specified in the aforementioned



Ваш IT помощник

Ошибка An error occurred while updating — что делать

Ошибка загрузки обновлений «An error occurred while updating» в Steam (для Dota 2, Counter Strike и других игр) встречается не так уж редко. Ее появление напрямую связывают с официальными обновлениями в Стим. Сами апдейты призваны не только вносить изменения в интерфейс, но и оптимизировать большое количество внутренних процессов. Игрокам данные нововведения должны помогать в игровом процессе, но не всегда все проходит гладко.

Произошла ошибка при загрузке обновлений

Причины ошибки при загрузке обновлений

Сам конфликт, как правило, возникает из-за самого клиента на компьютере пользователя. Его установка может выполняться не совсем корректно, что впоследствии мешает обновлениям интегрироваться правильно. К несчастью если файлы прервались на половине распаковки обновлений, то легко исправить ситуацию уже не получится.

Dota 2 и Counter Strike наиболее часто обновляются в приложении Steam. Именно с ними наиболее часто связана ошибка «An error occurred while updating». Проблема появляется при глобально вносимых изменениях, где обновлению подлежат сотни метров архивов. Поэтому мелкие обновления могут устанавливаться вполне себе нормально, не выявляя долгое время конфликтных ситуаций.

Что делать при этой ошибке?

Для начала рекомендуется попробовать несколько действенных советов от пользователей, которые ранее сталкивались с проблемой, и впоследствии им удалось ее решить. Проведите следующие манипуляции:

    Перейдите в корневую папку Стима и найдите там «steamapps», в ней удалите папку «downloading». После перезагрузки пробуйте пройти в папку Steam и оттуда запустить его ярлык от имени администратора;

Удалите папку «downloading» в корне Steam

  • Отключите роутер из розетки и выключите на время ПК — далее пробуйте запустить апдейт;
  • Возможны конфликтные ситуации с вашим антивирусом, добавьте Steam в исключение;
  • Может быть ситуация блокировки антивирусом непосредственно интернет-соединения, поэтому отключите его на время. Перезапустите DNS-клиент в Службах Windows.
  • Причиной оказывается отсутствие свободного места на вашем жестком диске, освободите немного пространства;
  • Откидывать перегрузки серверов тоже не стоит, попробуйте подключиться немного позже;
  • Последним вариантом среди советов остается полная деинсталляция игр Dota 2 (Counter Strike).
  • Этими решениями следует воспользоваться в первую очередь. Если все испробовали, и ничего не помогло, тогда переходите к официальным рекомендациям разработчиков.

    Возобновляем Steam из сохранений

    Стим наиболее подвержен разным родам ошибок. Поэтому компания Valve всегда предлагает своим пользователям совершать резервные копирования всех файлов утилиты. Если вы один из таких счастливчиков, которые имеют запасную копию, тогда смело пробуйте следующий вариант.

    • Выполните полное удаление всех файлов «Стима». Воспользуйтесь сторонними деинсталляторами (CCleaner, например).
    • Найдите копию «Стима» и установите на место прежней.
    • Зайдя в него в верхнем меню «Steam» вы найдете «Резервное копирование и восстановление игр». Выполните все предложенные действия и укажите путь к сохраненным играм, если их также требуется восстановить.

    Восстановление игр из созданных резервных копий

    Если на вашем ПК произошла ошибка при обновлении игр (An error occurred while updating), то стоит поочередно применить все вышеописанные методы. Также есть просьба отписаться в комментариях о результатах.


    How to fix the Runtime Code 7892 An error occurred while saving module options

    This article features error number Code 7892, commonly known as An error occurred while saving module options described as An error occurred while saving module [email protected] may be running Visual Basic in break [email protected] the running code before changing the module [email protected]@@@1.

    Error Information

    Error name: An error occurred while saving module options
    Error number: Code 7892
    Description: An error occurred while saving module [email protected] may be running Visual Basic in break [email protected] the running code before changing the module [email protected]@@@1.
    Software: Microsoft Access
    Developer: Microsoft

    This repair tool can fix common computer errors like BSODs, system freezes and crashes. It can replace missing operating system files and DLLs, remove malware and fix the damage caused by it, as well as optimize your PC for maximum performance.

    About Runtime Code 7892

    Runtime Code 7892 happens when Microsoft Access fails or crashes whilst it’s running, hence its name. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the code was corrupt in some way, but just that it did not work during its run-time. This kind of error will appear as an annoying notification on your screen unless handled and corrected. Here are symptoms, causes and ways to troubleshoot the problem.

    Definitions (Beta)

    Here we list some definitions for the words contained in your error, in an attempt to help you understand your problem. This is a work in progress, so sometimes we might define the word incorrectly, so feel free to skip this section!

    • Basic — BASIC Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code is a family of high-level programming languages designed to be easy to use.
    • Break — A break statement is a flow-control feature provided by most programming languages that allows for an early exit from a loop; once a break statement is reached, its enclosing loop is immediately exited.
    • Mode — Mode is a state in which a program exposes a particular subset of its functionality.
    • Module — A logical subdivision of a larger, more complex system.
    • Options — Options are various choices or courses of action available to someone in a particular situation.
    • Reset — Resetting something restores it to a default position or value, or to a previous position or value
    • Saving — To store data in a computer or on a storage device.
    Symptoms of Code 7892 — An error occurred while saving module options

    Runtime errors happen without warning. The error message can come up the screen anytime Microsoft Access is run. In fact, the error message or some other dialogue box can come up again and again if not addressed early on.

    There may be instances of files deletion or new files appearing. Though this symptom is largely due to virus infection, it can be attributed as a symptom for runtime error, as virus infection is one of the causes for runtime error. User may also experience a sudden drop in internet connection speed, yet again, this is not always the case.

    (An error occurred while saving module options) Repair Tool»/>
    (For illustrative purposes only)

    Causes of An error occurred while saving module options — Code 7892

    During software design, programmers code anticipating the occurrence of errors. However, there are no perfect designs, as errors can be expected even with the best program design. Glitches can happen during runtime if a certain error is not experienced and addressed during design and testing.

    Runtime errors are generally caused by incompatible programs running at the same time. It may also occur because of memory problem, a bad graphics driver or virus infection. Whatever the case may be, the problem must be resolved immediately to avoid further problems. Here are ways to remedy the error.

    Repair Methods

    Runtime errors may be annoying and persistent, but it is not totally hopeless, repairs are available. Here are ways to do it.

    If a repair method works for you, please click the upvote button to the left of the answer, this will let other users know which repair method is currently working the best.



    1. Arch Linux
    2. #1 2010-02-09 19:12:41
    3. [SOLVED] error occured while loading or saving config information
    4. #2 2010-02-09 19:37:59
    5. Re: [SOLVED] error occured while loading or saving config information
    6. #3 2010-02-09 19:43:27
    7. Re: [SOLVED] error occured while loading or saving config information
    8. #4 2010-02-09 19:58:42
    9. Re: [SOLVED] error occured while loading or saving config information
    10. #5 2010-02-09 20:06:26
    11. Re: [SOLVED] error occured while loading or saving config information
    12. #6 2010-02-09 20:12:58
    13. Re: [SOLVED] error occured while loading or saving config information
    14. Magento Config Theme Error: an error occurred while saving this configuration: package with this name does not exist and cannot be set
    15. Allowlisting IPs: Error “An error occurred while saving the configuration”
    16. «An error occurred while saving the configuration prope
    17. 3 answers

    Arch Linux

    You are not logged in.

    #1 2010-02-09 19:12:41

    [SOLVED] error occured while loading or saving config information

    When I try to launch applications from my menu it takes ages to appear and I get the error:

    ‘an error occured while loading or saving configuration information for ‘application name’. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly’
    in the details section I get:

    ‘Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or that you have NFS locks due to a system crash. See (a website for gnome’s gconf) for details.’

    I don’t understand this as I don’t use gnome, I have openbox.
    any help appreciated.

    List of affected apps:

    Apps that load unusually slow:

    Apps that do nothing:

    EDIT: If I cannot get this fixed by the end of the week I will have to go back to ubuntu as I need this machine working.

    Last edited by llawwehttam (2010-02-09 20:30:52)

    #2 2010-02-09 19:37:59

    Re: [SOLVED] error occured while loading or saving config information

    Does this error occur with ALL software launched from the menu?
    and if not, what applications are resulting in an error?
    and do you still get the error when launching apps from the command line?

    this should narrow down whether or not it’s the application or the menu that’s causing the problem.

    also, just because you are using openbox does not mean you aren’t still using software that has gnome
    dependencies, it’s quite common.

    Last edited by Cyrusm (2010-02-09 19:39:29)

    Hofstadter’s Law:
    It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.

    #3 2010-02-09 19:43:27

    Re: [SOLVED] error occured while loading or saving config information

    I just edited my first post to detail software that causes this problem, you are right it is not all but all those which have gnome dependencies.
    Not sure why firefox and thunderbird are playing up as well though,

    I tried launching from the command line but I get the same errors.
    any ideas?

    Last edited by llawwehttam (2010-02-09 19:44:24)

    #4 2010-02-09 19:58:42

    Re: [SOLVED] error occured while loading or saving config information

    one common thread behind all of these softwares is that they all seem to use the gtk2 toolkit for the gui,
    so that might be the best place to start looking.

    If you need a quick fix, i’d say take a look at some alternative software until you can get the problem sorted out
    such as chromium, use the CLI for file management , anything that doesn’t rely on gtk2.

    Last edited by Cyrusm (2010-02-09 19:59:45)

    Hofstadter’s Law:
    It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.

    #5 2010-02-09 20:06:26

    Re: [SOLVED] error occured while loading or saving config information

    The strange thing is its a clean install. I could understand if it was an older install and I had fidled a lot with it but I installed it only a few hours ado and didn’t deviate from the install guide.

    #6 2010-02-09 20:12:58

    Re: [SOLVED] error occured while loading or saving config information

    do you have gconf installed?

    and hopefully that should fix the problem

    Last edited by Cyrusm (2010-02-09 20:13:29)

    Hofstadter’s Law:
    It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.


    Magento Config Theme Error: an error occurred while saving this configuration: package with this name does not exist and cannot be set

    I have recently installed a clean installation of Magento on my server. It worked fine with no issues. I then purchased a theme and tried to install it by following the manual, and specifically doing the following:

    Disabled Cache — copied file (contained 4 folders: apps, js, media, skin with the theme files) to Magento’s root folder. Next, I have unzipped the file and merged the folders with the ones installed. I specifically checked that skin and apps folder contain «base», «default» and my theme name (ultimo).

    I went to Magento control panel and from there I went to System > Configuration > Design

    I filled «ultimo» in Current Package Name and I filled «default» in Themes > Default

    I keep on getting the following error: «an error occurred while saving this configuration: package with this name does not exist and cannot be set.»

    I have asked the author of the theme for help, yet it yielded nothing so far. I have chmoded the permissions of the Magento folder including all the folders therein to 775 and then to 777 — nothing worked and I keep on getting the same message. I tried changing other config settings through Magento’s control panel and everything else works fine. My server is fully compatible with Magento and I am run down by trying to install this theme.

    I would appreciate anyone’s help . really don’t know what to do to solve this issue.


    Allowlisting IPs: Error “An error occurred while saving the configuration”

    Hi there, hope all is good.

    I’m getting an error when trying to add Serpstat IPs to the Allowlist…

    “An error occurred while saving the configuration: Please make sure you separate your IP addresses with commas. The following allowlisted IP addresses are invalid:…”

    I’ve tried the IPs on separate lines and comma-separated. Same error each time. I’ve confirmed with Serpstat the IPs are valid.

    Please can you help?

    Hi @8persap, thanks for getting in touch.

    Could you possibly add the IP addresses here in a code block so I can try them myself on my configuration? What you have provided in the screenshot seems valid but the contents of the textbox might hold a clue as to why this error message appears, so it’d be good to try replicating myself.

    Thanks for the quick reply,Peter 👍

    Hi @8persap, sorry for the delay.

    There seem to have been hidden characters in the list of IPs provided that may be whitespaces, tabs or new line characters. Every time I copied the provided list in, I was also receiving the same error even after copying to Notepad and editing it manually.

    To solve, I added commas and pasted the list into and was then able to save. I will provide this list again below, but if the forum adds any formatting characters you may have to run it through the link again as I did.


    I was able to paste the contents of the above quote directly from the forum into Wordfence and it saved successfully.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by wfpeter .


    «An error occurred while saving the configuration prope

    I have installed the latest Jazz server but it apparently is having problems saving config info.When performing setup, I get this error message when, for example, when enabling email notifications:

    «An error occurred while saving the configuration properties. Please check your server log for more details.»

    Neither the WebSphere nor the jazz logs, which are working fine, indicate an error. Thus I do not know further details.

    I am using WebSphere 6.1 with the fix pack described in the FAQ :

    I have also specified file URLs as specified in the aforementioned FAQ.

    Also, I have checked the file permissions on Java 2 security is turned off.

    Any ideas where the problem could be?

    3 answers

    We are investigating another report of a very similar issue. I will
    update this thread with more information soon.

    Meanwhile, can you add more details about your server configuration:
    1. What user registry method are you using for WAS
    2. What is the server version shown on the default . /jazz/admin page,
    such as «Server Version 2.0 M1 (I20081219-1513)»
    3. If you leave the email notification «disabled» in the wizard, and
    complete the wizard, are you able to make changes on this page:
    . /jazz/admin/

    Kristen Balhoff
    Jazz Server Team

    I have installed the latest Jazz server but it apparently is having
    problems saving config info.When performing setup, I get this error
    message when, for example, when enabling email notifications:

    «An error occurred while saving the configuration properties.
    Please check your server log for more details.»

    Neither the WebSphere nor the jazz logs, which are working fine,
    indicate an error. Thus I do not know further details.

    I am using WebSphere 6.1 with the fix pack described in the FAQ :

    I have also specified file URLs as specified in the aforementioned

    Also, I have checked the file permissions on
    Java 2 security is turned off.

    Any ideas where the problem could be?

    Hi Kristen,
    Problem solved — I did not set up WebSphere security and configure a
    registry before installing the Jazz war. FYI, my server version is
    «1.0.1 (I20081024-1335)».

    I deinstalled everything and set up WebSphere as described in technical
    note, «TN0033: Installing Jazz Team Server with WAS»
    ( Then I installed Jazz afresh and
    things worked.

    If I may make suggestions:
    — Documentation is spread around somewhat. Ideally, the online
    InfoCenter topic, «Setting up a WebSphere Application Server» would link
    to the aforementioned technote or even integrate its info so that all
    WAS stuff is in one place.I just happened across the tech note somehow.

    — Would be helpful if the initial error message would reflect the actual
    source of problem, ie, that I had not configured a user registry.

    Definitely thanks for your fast response and asking the key question on
    user rep!

    Kristen Balhoff wrote:

    We are investigating another report of a very similar issue. I will
    update this thread with more information soon.

    Meanwhile, can you add more details about your server configuration:
    1. What user registry method are you using for WAS
    2. What is the server version shown on the default . /jazz/admin page,
    such as «Server Version 2.0 M1 (I20081219-1513)»
    3. If you leave the email notification «disabled» in the wizard, and
    complete the wizard, are you able to make changes on this page:
    . /jazz/admin/

    Kristen Balhoff
    Jazz Server Team

    cgiblin wrote:
    I have installed the latest Jazz server but it apparently is having
    problems saving config info.When performing setup, I get this error
    message when, for example, when enabling email notifications:

    «An error occurred while saving the configuration properties.
    Please check your server log for more details.»

    Neither the WebSphere nor the jazz logs, which are working fine,
    indicate an error. Thus I do not know further details.

    I am using WebSphere 6.1 with the fix pack described in the FAQ :

    I have also specified file URLs as specified in the aforementioned

    Also, I have checked the file permissions on
    Java 2 security is turned off.

    Any ideas where the problem could be?

    I’m glad you’re configuration is working, and I appreciate your
    suggestions. I opened the following work items to follow-up on them:

    66948: Detect webserver running without security, warn user in Admin &
    Setup Wizard

    66944: Integrate or cross-reference installation info/technotes/FAQ for
    Jazz Server on WebSphere

    Kristen Balhoff
    Jazz Server Team

    Chris Giblin wrote:

    Hi Kristen,
    Problem solved — I did not set up WebSphere security and configure a
    registry before installing the Jazz war. FYI, my server version is
    «1.0.1 (I20081024-1335)».

    I deinstalled everything and set up WebSphere as described in technical
    note, «TN0033: Installing Jazz Team Server with WAS»
    ( Then I installed Jazz afresh and
    things worked.

    If I may make suggestions:
    — Documentation is spread around somewhat. Ideally, the online
    InfoCenter topic, «Setting up a WebSphere Application Server» would link
    to the aforementioned technote or even integrate its info so that all
    WAS stuff is in one place.I just happened across the tech note somehow.

    — Would be helpful if the initial error message would reflect the actual
    source of problem, ie, that I had not configured a user registry.

    Definitely thanks for your fast response and asking the key question on
    user rep!

    Kristen Balhoff wrote:
    Hi Chris,

    We are investigating another report of a very similar issue. I will
    update this thread with more information soon.

    Meanwhile, can you add more details about your server configuration:
    1. What user registry method are you using for WAS
    2. What is the server version shown on the default . /jazz/admin
    page, such as «Server Version 2.0 M1 (I20081219-1513)»
    3. If you leave the email notification «disabled» in the wizard, and
    complete the wizard, are you able to make changes on this page:
    . /jazz/admin/

    Kristen Balhoff
    Jazz Server Team

    cgiblin wrote:
    I have installed the latest Jazz server but it apparently is having
    problems saving config info.When performing setup, I get this error
    message when, for example, when enabling email notifications:

    «An error occurred while saving the configuration properties.
    Please check your server log for more details.»

    Neither the WebSphere nor the jazz logs, which are working fine,
    indicate an error. Thus I do not know further details.

    I am using WebSphere 6.1 with the fix pack described in the FAQ :

    I have also specified file URLs as specified in the aforementioned





    Сообщения: 168

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    Сообщения: 168

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    Как лечить?




    Сообщения: 2319

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    Сообщения: 2319

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    написано же проверьте подключение к сети




    Сообщения: 1108

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    Сообщения: 1108

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    Фаервол блочит?

    И еще OSU помогает чем то? Однажды попробовал чет не смог =(




    Сообщения: 8534

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    Сообщения: 8534

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    NonPensavo сказал(а):↑

    И еще OSU помогает чем то? Однажды попробовал чет не смог =(

    Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

    Ни чем не помогает)

    Разве что если чувствительность установлена такая же, что и в доте, то будешь лучше чувствовать где твоя мышь находится в данный момент. Но это такое




    Сообщения: 168

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    Сообщения: 168

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    Essavian сказал(а):↑

    Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

    впн попробовать значит?




    Сообщения: 8534

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    Сообщения: 8534

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    NameZor сказал(а):↑

    Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

    Да, попробуй через него




    Сообщения: 168

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    Сообщения: 168

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    Essavian сказал(а):↑

    Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

    какой заюзать? Загуглил, они мне платные суют либо веб версии




    Сообщения: 8534

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    Сообщения: 8534

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    NameZor сказал(а):↑

    какой заюзать? Загуглил, они мне платные суют либо веб версии

    Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

    Я не знаю

    Когда я обнаружил, что у меня не обновляется dota2mods, я забил просто)

    Сейчас кстати тоже попробую OSU запустить, вдруг у меня тоже не работает. Если так, то будем вместе думать над проблемой

    UPD: у меня работает, к счастью. 

    У тебя работает сайт osu? Если да, то попробуй просто перекачать клиент. 




    Сообщения: 168

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    Сообщения: 168

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    Essavian сказал(а):↑

    Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…




    Сообщения: 8534

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    Сообщения: 8534

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    NameZor сказал(а):↑

    пробовал перекачать. Ладно запускаться, это установка.

    Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

    Ну а пробовал банально перезапустить компьютер?




    Сообщения: 168

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    Сообщения: 168

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    Essavian сказал(а):↑

    Ну а пробовал банально перезапустить компьютер?

    Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…





    Сообщения: 9950

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    Сообщения: 9950

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    NameZor сказал(а):↑

    Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

    Я юзаю Browsec, не знаю как с осу, но смотреть стримы в бесплатной версии проблематично, мне он для рутрекера нужен в основном, попробуй вдруг норм с ним будет.




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    Попробуй старый установщик




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    Сообщения: 2319

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    попробуй скачать впн монстер, там 14 дней бесплатно, может скачаешь осу


    Заместитель администратора


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    Сообщения: 4951

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